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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37296846 No.37296846 [Reply] [Original]

there is no more effective way to kill your audience, than collabs with males.
whit so many white knights and yesmen, Towa mistakenly thought she was special, but she was not.

>> No.37296927

Oh look! The whores of holoJP! Also if you add laplus this would make your argument even more clear.

>> No.37297404

not surprised her numbers are like that

>> No.37297799
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Ooh cherry picking. My favourite. Better pick out the ripe ones, kay?

>> No.37299372

Fubuki has the shiny buff though.

>> No.37299528

Fubuki cornered the cuck market like Vshojo did for EN. The market is too small to support other vtubers. See how Mori now struggles to get 3K and how Fauna is mogging her music views.

>> No.37299555
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I find it funny how tempiss fags and unicorn haters always try and put fubuki with their whores. Fubuki has ALWAYS pandered to her Unicorns and Idol fans. She literally becomes your wife when she does asmr and she always drops CUTE AS FUCK Songs like


>> No.37299612

fuck off faggot, Fubuki doesnt treat her fans like shit like Ame and Mori.

>> No.37299699

towa is 7th biggest holo jp

>> No.37300238
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Still collab with males. >>37296846
Op, doesn't say anything about pandering. Just collabing with males

>> No.37300301

Its not nice to talk about a womans weight Anon

>> No.37300329

I can say the same with Iofi & she even has a marriage rp stream. But her numbers are still low in hololive.
As if males collabs have nothing to do with numbers, at all.

>> No.37300362

Nah, there are way more effective ways.
Guns, explosives, sarin gas.

>> No.37300572

She was pulling numbers like that 2 years ago and hasn't grown her core viewerbase. Or did and killed it by becoming slut

>> No.37300608

lol no
Towa is about 20th.

>> No.37300713
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>I'm not having sex so some woman in another country can't speak to men without my permission!
I wonder why you're not having sex anon.

>> No.37301034

She would be 1st if she hadn't collabed with males

>> No.37301198

I love Fubuki but saying she's any different from Matsuri and Towa makes no sense. Her wife day ASMR is always played as a joke and is definitely not supposed to be taken as actual GFE.

>> No.37301486

it probably has very little to do with their opinions and quite a lot with the way they look

>> No.37301849
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Hey now, unless they're a genetic abomination, they've got a great chance. If they picked themselves up, groomed themselves a little, and did a little exercise than they would definitely-
Nah, who am I kidding? Those guys are FUCKED!

>> No.37301970

I use Fubuki as an example of how to collab with males responsibly and not be a male-spamming fucktard. The only one in EN I compare her to is Bae. How’s that?

>> No.37302017

LMAO is this the thread for the supreme gentlemen?

>> No.37302019

Rodger could have slayed so much puss if he had taken lessons in how to be charismatic.

>> No.37302074

>thinks women judge men mostly based on looks, not whether he might be a schizo or not
Do anons really?

>> No.37302082

cuckbeat stop deflecting. we do not care that your pink whore is slowly bleeding from a thousand cuts

>> No.37302147

yeah nah, have you seen his videos? that guy exuded insecurity from every pore, the human equivalent of a small dog barking loudly

no woman is gonna find that sexy, sorry

>> No.37302149

They can speak to whoever they want, there will just be consequences for their careers. If they're fine with that, cheers.

>> No.37302277

This is like a Twitter tranny saying "they can make fun of trans people, but we'll ruin their careers". The gas chambers were actually needed after all...shoehorn of degenerates theory.

>> No.37302311

but towa is a man

>> No.37302335

foid hands wrote this

>> No.37302515

I am convinced that if it had just been one Holo spamming male collabs and three girls doing, like, a collab once a month where they just treated the male like a fellow vtuber and didn’t do a bunch of shit making chat feel like a third wheel, that this would barely be an issue and Mori would be the only one getting baitposts (because of course in this situation it would be Mori).
Of course, I can’t imagine this scenario being possible without so much else about HoloEN also being different, like more girls who like the same games Ame does so she doesn’t plan all these collabs in the first place, Kronii being self-aware enough to realize that it was not streaming enough that probably made it worse and not (just) the male collabs, and Mori…well, not being Mori.
Also, maybe realizing that the most important part of keeping an audience is thinking about what they want first and doing what you like second, and that the best option is to do content that matches both. With that, I’d bet that even with male collabs the debuff effect would have been milder.

>> No.37302558

I unironically think she would one of the top JP if she hadn't spammed apex collabs with males, she inclined a fuckton after everything she did like her various tournaments and appearances in official cover stuff and Gen 6 in general, she's doing considerably well now and would probably be doing even better

>> No.37302590

No, I just have friends of the opposite gender. As someone for whom that wasn’t true until recently, Kronii unironically had a point that that makes all the difference.

>> No.37302719

She would be doing better if she would do the thing everyone knows her for. Music. Male collabs are more important for her though and why wouldn't it be. Get money for no effort and drown in dicks.

>> No.37302769

>collab with males
Yeah, i'm sure it's not because the japs heard a male voice on her stream once

>> No.37302777

>Or did and killed it
i remember she become the face of gen 4 with collabs and promotional stuff. well, not exactly the "face" but she was the most popular of gen 4.

>> No.37302863

At one point it felt like she was becoming the face of the company when she was everywhere but all of that has fizzled out

>> No.37302980

Like 90% of the current holo fans weren't there anon. And she started doing very, very well after her 2nd year, even after her apex male collabs, so it's clear nips started liking her a lot more, english is the minority in her chat now

>> No.37303002

Unicorns are the incel version of sjws

>> No.37303156 [DELETED] 
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>> No.37303234

Numbers outside of /#/ did you get shit on trying to push your narrative again unikek?

>> No.37305678

nice bait

>> No.37305780


>> No.37305783

Fubuki talked shit to her unicorns about male collabs.

>> No.37306087

Yeah, he had no charisma like anon said.

>> No.37306093

>the most popular of gen 4
lol when was that, anon even Luna mogs Towa in everything except subs

>> No.37306768

same as Laplus, Iroha and HoloEN

>> No.37308215

she literally loses to fucking luna on a regular basis, hello clipfaggot way to expose yourself

>> No.37308262

iroha just doesnt stream enough, shes actually not too bad, just way to inconsistent especially for JP

>> No.37308291

Numberfag really think it affect their bots somehow.
Go check Twitch or something.

>> No.37309012

Towa was always on borrowed time. The kaigainikis that "saved" her has an attention span of a goldfish and once holoen rolled out, it's predictable that this would happen.

>> No.37309060

fubuki didn't collab to force a woke movement

>> No.37309196

>one example
Post the other successful ones, anon. Bet you can't post 3

>> No.37310314

she literally did weekly collabs with oga as a middle finger to the retards that complained

>> No.37310644

I think a large part of the bitterness came from the impression management gave that somehow these holostars were different, the EN branch of hololive was changing, it's "holopro" now, we have shared discords, the collab ban is lifting early because you all want it so much ect. ect.

If they had just had their debut and stayed in their own corner for a while longer, growing their own audience like both they are funnily enough mori said was so important at first I don't think anyone but the most ardent no-males ever unicorns would have had a problem with them doing the odd collab with girls who were open to it from the start. Of course the girls who changed their mind one or two years in were always going to have a bit of drama but nothing unmanageable depending on how they dealt with it.

Instead it feels like we got a suck it up the whole branch is changing with like 5 group collabs in the first few weeks post collab ban if you count ames tourney, the aforementioned shared discord leak, management statements wading into the Kronii drama. It was enough to make regular fans and gachis alike sour on them.

It seems something has changed behind the scenes though as the collabs have slowed down significantly from the tempo of those first few weeks, maybe management learned their lesson, they cannot force the issue, most hololive fans are going to tolerate male collabs at best but get filtered by them being regular and that finally tempus will NEVER be accepted as EN3 and if that was their bright idea for the EN branch they are very out of touch.

>> No.37311058

these threads are funny to see especially since towa can sit at 10k apex with males but once she does something less popular everyone comes out and says "omg males kill numbers" even when the girl continuously never plays flavor of the month and plays some random indie game instead when not doing fps

>> No.37311679
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>> No.37312073
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My boys look good.

>> No.37312214

>towa can sit at 10k apex with males
Gee, it's as if like she leeches off the numbers from the males.

>> No.37312252
File: 3.67 MB, 2048x1913, Funky Monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing that nice suit, responding to my shitpost whilst ignoring the plight of your kin, disgraceful display.

>> No.37315301

Well, where's your comeback unicornbros?

>> No.37315414

You're talking to a wall the retards on the thread prefer to believe the rrats on their heads than the actual facts.

>> No.37315478

Neither did Towa or Matsuri. Or Bae, or any other Holo that isn't Mori and Kronii.

>> No.37316982

You retarded? Read again.

>> No.37318370

Meanwhile Luna is inclining. Her knights snowballing bigger and bigger

>> No.37318548

>only 18k for the shiny buff
Absolutely fucking pathetic

>> No.37319704

stay in your containment thread you fucking subhuman trash

>> No.37320359

How is having vibrator punishment games collabing responsibly?

>> No.37320569

The point was he was making fun of the entire argument by basing it entirely on clips and streams which play on the wife part as a joke.

>> No.37321418

>It seems something has changed behind the scenes though as the collabs have slowed down
numbers, its always the allmighty numbers, or lack of them

>> No.37321498

this is disgusting
like a reverse harem, Towa is used goods

>> No.37321600

>Gee, it's as if like she leeches off the numbers from the males.
>males are korean literal whos

>> No.37322146

I don't know anon you sound like a cuck since she definitely collabs with males

>> No.37322952


>> No.37324544

i like matsuri, lol. i dont care. she introduced me to hololive

>> No.37324587

fubuki is wholesome af

>> No.37325317

Well said, anon. I'm one of those fans who probably wouldn't have minded a once-in-a-blue-moon collab with Tempiss. I actually enjoyed Bae's collab with Roberu because I never thought of it as being a regular thing. But when Tempiss launched and they broke their usual collab ban length to immediately spam collabs despite Mori and the other Tempiss members saying otherwise was what made me fully cross over into being against anything and everything Tempiss related. Management tried to push such heavy changes too fast and too soon, and for that, I despise them for it.

And yeah, I also noticed that Tempiss collabs have lessened the past couple of weeks. Especially with Kronii. I really do hope that it's due to either management or the girls themselves realizing they were making a mistake. If so, I might actually reconsider watching them again.

>> No.37327091

LMAO there really are no kenzokus left

>> No.37327188

All I can see is that management don´t understand how to generate build up for anything.
You guys wanna collab with someone? Well, then find(Create,fabricate) Some common ground between each other. Coordinate with who you want to collab and build it up little by little until the boiling point arrives, and then collab.

Build up- - - ->Climax- - - ->outcome.

Fuck´s sake, all of this is just entertaiment.

>> No.37327235

hello newnegger who just tuned into hololive. feel free to kill yourself whenever!

>> No.37327457

Bad businesses will fail, nothing else to say about it.

>> No.37328698

I was there when Towa was stonneetting cancelled, when she was crying because of her low numbers, she improved and inclined for a while, but she became too prideful, i prefer humble holos

>> No.37331221

Her wife ASMR is a comedy, not GFE content.

>> No.37333483

Well said. I wasn't interested at first but wasn't hostile either. But the whole shorter collab ban, the execive spoonfeed all over make me go from suscriber to noir to have all of them blocked everywhere i can and openly hostile to tempiss.

>> No.37333977

OW2 sucks dick and YT was killing itself

>> No.37334136

Collabing with males is bad, but apex is worse, which is something both of them have in common. I'm glad my oshi's chat actively discourages her from playing apex.

>> No.37334527
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she do fine most of the time, her numbers are shit when she plays OW, even chatting streams do better

>> No.37334727

>her worst numbers nowdays are equal to her best numbers 2 years ago
thats sounds like she had a incline

>> No.37341603

this smells like cope

>> No.37346218

More views than Nazuna

>> No.37347759
File: 101 KB, 1381x394, JP Twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring the fact that Twitch is a debuff in JP
There are 9 JP Twitch streamers who average over 10k CCV and none of them are vtubers
That should give you an idea of how tiny that scene is

>> No.37350821

Bragging about the trans operation again, tranny?

>> No.37350926

Funny because other Japanese streamers were playing OW2 too and some reached over 30k viewers.

>> No.37350952

Too bad the damage was done and EN is dying as a result. Not to mention tempiss also opened the gate to Niji, turning EN into Niji 2.0

>> No.37357102

i hate this new version of towa

>> No.37357704

You and kenzokus both

>> No.37362019

Towa will recover

>> No.37365481
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>> No.37365793

>You cute and japanese wife cuck you with a nigger
Well this is a real wife experience!

>> No.37367233
File: 2.16 MB, 2048x1913, 3F897850-1A9B-47AD-99A7-FAF81E06A52F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend all day tormented by a smelly jap NEET
>spend all night being hunted by two cats
truely a cursed existence

>> No.37369190

It will get ignored

>> No.37369752

The absolute balls on that little nigga for lasting this long.

>> No.37370125

There was that one anon who was going around trying to garner sympathy for unicorn. And then bait threads like this pop up, get those same unicorns baby-mad and raging at other peoples' oshis, thus proving that they are truly scum and deserve no sympathy whatsoever.

>> No.37372130

>From Arupapa to Arunii
I really hate this shit timeline.

>> No.37373877

What if JP7 were to get a goth monkey?

>> No.37373884

Kek, it is ignored.
