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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37309961 No.37309961 [Reply] [Original]

You guys know you can just ignore threads you don't like right?

>> No.37309991

Shut up nigger

>> No.37310091

No, I have to delete all of the fetish threads. I spend every night f5ing the catalog just to spot them and delete them.
Except for /uoh/ as I am a pedophile.

>> No.37310095

No I HAVE to make sure I argue with strangers online

>> No.37310097 [DELETED] 

This place has mentally handicapped niggers like >>37309991 so please bear with it. They don't have the motor skills to click "Hide Thread/Post"

>> No.37310122

not as fun

>> No.37310244
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*cums on your face*

>> No.37310799

You know you can just ignore posts you don't like right?

>> No.37310886

I like to drop a bait/shitpost in a thread and come back a few hours later to see how much destruction it cause.

>> No.37310939

You know your oshi is shit right?

>> No.37310964

im just sitting on main page and talk in active ones.
Guess which ones is the most active.

>> No.37311018

I make one shitpost in every thread (exclusing the generals and actual discussion threads) and then hide them to ensure that I don't accidentally forget and make a second shitpost.

>> No.37311041

ironic post

>> No.37311103

But then they win!

>> No.37311194

I know doesn't mean i will

>> No.37311251

hiding doesn't stop them from speeding up the board, if it wasn't being done intentionally a PTDDTOT sticky would be a godsend

>> No.37311387
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>> No.37312740

Punished /ringo/ OP has reincarnated as brapjanny. My sides are in peril.

>> No.37312813

no I love making faggots seethe

>> No.37312865

Yes, and I do just that.
Most of this board hates Tempus while I'm out here enjoying chuubas that stream.

>> No.37314548


>> No.37315197

No because if you ignore the threads, they get worse and infiltrate other threads for attention.

>> No.37315470

if i ignore them how are they suppossed to know their threads are bads?
you retarded

>> No.37315571

You say that like it doesn't happen when you give bait threads 200 replies

>> No.37316743

But i loved shitting on people who make retarded thread and incorrect retarded opinion.

>> No.37316776

I know, I ignore all the generals.

>> No.37316805

It'd be nice if that actually fucking worked and there weren't dedicated shit stirring schizos who shit up threads and catalog both

>> No.37318845


>> No.37321839

cringe threads must be killed

>> No.37321976

This. The fuck you think the point of 4chan is OP?

>> No.37322356


>> No.37322550

My fist wants to ignore your face anon but it seems intrinsically drawn to it by an unknown force, gomen.

>> No.37325588

yeah because making 200 replies to those threads prevents that

>> No.37325724

I ve lost control of my life.

>> No.37325765

is it possible to learn this power ?

>> No.37325825

No! I am almost enjoying my anger!

>> No.37325935

>I am a pedophile
>I like to drop a bait/shitpost
>I make one shitpost in every thread
>I've lost control of my life.

Who cares about the last guy, but everyone else needs to be locked up in a maximum security prison with with an exclusive psych ward for each inmate and only 1 meal per day.

>> No.37325978

posts that don't deserve their own thread, same as the "stupid questions" threads on some other boards

>> No.37326139

Why would they do that when they can shit up other threads with people just trying to chill because they're miserable sacks of shit?

>> No.37326915
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>> No.37327108

Wow, look at this loser.

>> No.37329452

I cant. I have poster's disease.

>> No.37329637
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>> No.37330293


>> No.37330381
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>> No.37330435

gay public ban, that poster was right and you know it

>> No.37330491
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>> No.37330601 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1280x884, 745d1765d3025522cdce8ac03ee3c016e6dac002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies on this board are the biggest snowflake pussies in this entire website.

>> No.37330668 [DELETED] 

The mods on this board are the worst in 4chans entire history.

>> No.37330684 [DELETED] 

No kidding, can’t even say n*ggers without getting a warning nowadays and making jokes about a male and female chuubas fucking each other can get you banned.

>> No.37330801

Cry me a river

>> No.37330883

Someone hit too close to the truth and was silenced?

>> No.37330888 [DELETED] 
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I was once banned for making a comment on gypsies
It wasn't even that harsh, they deserved far worse

>> No.37330961

Is almost like is against the rules to impersonate a mod.

>> No.37330971 [DELETED] 

Did you really get a warning for saying nigger? The only thing I've seen was people getting banned for saying seanigger when the seanigger janny was around. Like, "Hey that seanigger janny sure is a huge faggot but I guess that's to be expected since he's a seanigger and they are all mentally ill."


>> No.37331028

Yeah, I did. Like you said, it depends which janny is on. I guess I must have pissed off a hooman janny when I said Mumei was fucking Ren Zotto months ago,

>> No.37331060


>> No.37331079 [SPOILER] 
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Don't listen to >>37325935 I care.

>> No.37331528

Is somehow amusing when tourists and newfags realize that 4chan is not the epic lawless troll site they thought it was. The funniest part is that this shithole barely gets any moderation. For example a retard tryng to talk about an e-celeb on /a/ would get publicly executed while anons laugh at him. But in here they allow threads about screenshots of any random faggot that mentions a vtuber.

>> No.37332102

it's not the moderation that gets most anons here upset, it's that they don't go full /a/ and actually do their jobs. In fact, users have been banned for reporting twitter screencap posts and clip channel shilling threads which shows where the jannies are being recruited from

>> No.37332201 [DELETED] 

>they banned him for telling the truth
You will always be a SEAnigger, janny.

>> No.37332257 [DELETED] 

Imagine thinking a ban for this is based
this is what happens when someone hits a snowflake faggot janitor right on the mark

>> No.37332325 [DELETED] 

Yeah, because "brap janny" is definitely a real mod, you fucking retard

>> No.37332402

Correct. Guro, doxx, literal copy-pasted catalog bait? Those stay up. Hell the Pomu doxx was literal CP (legally speaking) and that stayed up for hours, to say nothing of actual CP raids on generals. But the janny sure has time to CTRL+F 'SEAnigger' and ban everybody who insults his chosen people, and do shit like >>37310091 where he specifically prunes fetish threads he doesn't like and keeps the one he does. Then we he does do his job it's always and only for vtubers he likes. So Mori's blob-like, monstruous roommate gets deleted in seconds, but HoloJP doxx will hit bump limit.

>> No.37333029
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Hololive containment board when?

>> No.37333144

you have to put "parody" or else people won't get it

t.Elon "Based" Musk

>> No.37333197

/vt/ was the hololive containment board because /jp/ hated us for flooding their board with hololive crap.

>> No.37333301

This is a Holo board. All other literal whotubers should to relegated to a single general.

>> No.37333454 [DELETED] 

He doesn't have to ctrl-f for anything when people can just use https://boards.4channel.org/search#/seani%2A/vt and report posts that break the rules.

>> No.37333908 [DELETED] 
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>there are literal packs of SEAniggers combing posts to see what they can report to the SEAnigger janny
oh nonononononononon

>> No.37334062 [DELETED] 

Well /vt/ is a terrible board, so looking for things to report is fun because it makes /vt/ posters angry.

>> No.37335178
File: 263 KB, 716x544, 1663272190703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Impersonate mod
>Break rule 12 (something that has existed since the creation of this website)
>Get banned
>Get mad

>> No.37335386

nigga it's obvious satire, nobody's going to actually believe that's a mod

>> No.37335517

i propose we split this board into three 3 different boards
