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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37224641 No.37224641 [Reply] [Original]

Would we have EN3 by now if they didn't have the brilliant idea to push out Tempus first?

>> No.37224687

yes, but then EN3 would be full of trannies and monkeys

>> No.37224837

Yes, dont know why they waned to put out an all male group during a recession. Did they really think they were going to end up with 5 Vox's?

>> No.37225202

Hate to break it to you, but Tempus is Gen 3.

>> No.37225453


Considering they only put out 4 members, no.

Hololive and Holostars have very little impact on each other. They literally have a company of near 400 employees, they can handle more than one group coming out at a time.

As for EN Gen 3, I think they're being a lot more cautious this time around in their selection process because, let's be honest here, Irys and Gen 2 were kind of mid level flops, and Gen 1 all have big chips on their shoulders.

Gen 2, there is absolutely nothing stand out about any of them, period. They're just your generic streamers that got the company name boost.
Gen 1, they were diverse in their hiring process, bringing in an artist, a "musician", a wannabe RL idol, and streamer, and a person who actually created content before. That said, it's clear they've all essentially checked out and are on their way out the door / in "as little effort as possible" mode.

I think Gen 3, they're going to actually pick the cream of the crop people who are dedicated to making the best for themselves AND the company. They're going to make people completely abandon their alt personas and pick people who aren't generic talents. They're going to pick people who specialize in something and make them have that as their focus for entertainment value. In other words, if they pick and artist, expect art out of them a lot more often.

>> No.37225555

We need actual fucking gamers for the 3rd gen, people that actually likes games and anime culture in general. I dont mind of they take more time on this gen if it guarantees really good picks.

>> No.37225686

You're getting 2 Moris, 2 Pippas and a Kronii and you will consoome even if you hate it.

>> No.37225735

they can just give IRyS all 5 models then, you only get an all star like that once per branch

>> No.37225830

Joking aside, they're more careful in their selection after Sana graduated.

>> No.37225831

>I think Gen 3, they're going to actually pick the cream of the crop people who are dedicated to making the best for themselves AND the company
>We need actual fucking gamers for the 3rd gen, people that actually likes games and anime culture in general
i, too, like to dream

>> No.37225913

Tempus is your EN3. Sooner or later you'll have to accept that fact.

>> No.37226094

Why would you want EN3? because new blood will change everything? EN3 will see that their seniors slack and still make rack to pay their mansion. They won't put in blood and sweat and become koyori. heck if they tried they will get ostracized.

>> No.37226233

ostracized from what? from the close-knit group dynamics of EN?

>> No.37226240

You are not going to find that from USA, Canada and Australia

>> No.37226260

I hope we get some where I can suspend my disbelief easier

>> No.37226259
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>because new blood will change everything
>put in blood and sweat and become koyori
let me fucking dream

>> No.37226519

Exactly, which is why we need Eurohags.

>> No.37226555

No, we know for sure they have different people

>> No.37226556

You don't see the cliques in EN?

>> No.37226691

yes, obviously
Tempus has done more damage to HoloEN than i ever thought possible
and it's not even their fault (for the most part), management is just fucking retarded

>> No.37226804

Koyori exists in a post ayame world. anon. Not all hope is lost.
There's also Iluna and Sana as a cautionary tales for everyone trying to get into the industry right now.

>> No.37226915

>Tempus has done more damage to HoloEN than i ever thought possible
what have they done exept making this board seethe?

>> No.37226992

As someone who got into Vtubers only this year, there's nothing particularly special about gen 1, and I think anyone who thinks otherwise has rose colored glasses. Half of gen 2 can draw and do idolshit too. The only real miss is a dedicated musician who makes their own music, but that's incredibly rare even in JP. Just look at the later gens there.
Getting 5 streamers for gen 3 is perfectly fine if they're talented streamers. You don't need to be a standout in a niche, that just gives you Sana's who have talents but don't stream and ditch streaming to focus on their talents.

>> No.37227419

NTA, but I think second part is important.
> it's not even their fault
They themselves did almost nothing (aside from Magni introducing twitch faggots). But tons of damage to HoloEN was created because their existence. Girls turning against their fans. EN management pushing them havely on every occasion, despite no one being interested. Still no EN3 in sight likely is also because of them.
HoloEN lost identity because Tempus exist.

>> No.37227595

EN3 was Tempus

>> No.37227722

I understand that and i even share your view on this. It seem subjective tho. Have they really done damage to the company in terms of numbers?

>> No.37228011

not really, the decline started as early as IRyS' debut and numberfags love to cherry pick shit, the end of covid and cover openly deprioritizing EN to focus on holoX were way bigger impacts than a few hundred spergs that still hatewatch and keep paying for membership to leak most of the time anyway

>> No.37228054
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Today I had a dream they announced a new male gen and one of the new boys was named Karl Phygmer or Kris Phygmer, and I went to the mans thread and asked them if they want to be called phyggers

>> No.37230128

I think they unironically looked at NijiEN effectively becoming a single mixed gender branch after Luxiem as well as the constant virtue signaling on Twitter and Reddit and wherever else about how Holostars would be better received in the west and thought that Tempus would be a huge success and get Hololive tier numbers and satisfy everyone waiting for a new HoloEN gen. Huge miss from the EN management there. Now Tempus came and went with a whimper and they don't have a proper EN3 lined up, and whenever there's an announcement or like two EN talents on a break at the same time they see 80% of the fanbase going crazy over EN3 and they have to think to themselves that they really fucked this up.

>> No.37230208


>> No.37230439

They know that Tempus will no longer be the newest thing once a new female EN gen comes out (meaning their already slow growth will completely die at that point) so they're stalling it as long as possible.

>> No.37230579
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the decline of Hololive EN (and just EN, JP is doing just fine) concides exactly with Tempus debut, unlike what >>37228011 said
HoloEN had been going strong well past IRyS' debut and even HoloX getting priority didn't change that
Tempus did, and further proof is that the decline is hitting the girls that collabed with them harder

>> No.37230660

You think those Tempus models would be anywhere close to what Cover needs for a proper EN3?

They might never come out with EN3, either due to the remaining applicants being poor or the market being too over saturated. Go EU or ES.

>> No.37230672
File: 1.10 MB, 2400x1440, EN decline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic, i'm dumb

>> No.37230735

Let's say EN3 was Tempus, when do you think we're getting EN4? Next summer? Next fall?

>> No.37230801

>let’s say

>> No.37230889

>We need actual fucking gamers for the 3rd gen,
This is a good wish. I have been saying this for ID3 and it turned out great

>> No.37230914

>actual fucking gamers
>it's just a list of obscure shit ps1 games because /vt/ faggots are all jaded millenials

>> No.37231074

Modern shit is all graphical fidelity over gameplay. Give me Borderlands 1 with 3’s shooting/handling and I’m sitting pretty for at least a decade. If any of these girls would be able to play a randomizer totally blind, I’d kneel forever.

>> No.37231092

That shows Myth declining about a month before Tempus and Council about a month after, Luxiem's decline looks like it closer to Tempus' debut than either, although I assume that's some unrelated cause.

>> No.37231241

read your own graph, it shows a pretty steady decline of consistent viewership outside of random spikes, and looks like it's heading into a similar dip to march 2021 for the entire EN market collectively, even niji is getting hit by it

>> No.37231302

this is why no vtuber should ever listen to anons on /vt/. there's a huge difference between streaming games as content and playing them yourself. neck yourself faggot.

>> No.37231340

Tempus was the big en reveal this year see you in 2023

>> No.37231372

Okay, fag. Have fun watching more apex and some shitty walking left “scary” game.

>> No.37231443

Maybe you should graduate from the hobby, grandpa.
The game is secondary, the talent should be able to make anything entertaining.

>> No.37231479

any game that doesn't rely too much on dialogue can be a good streaming game if the streamer is enthusiastic enough and can express that feeling to the audience.
yes, 4xgames. yes, nostalgic PS1 crap. yes, yank 2d simulation kusoge

>> No.37231721
File: 32 KB, 633x791, 1641454182664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blaming Tempus is too obvious. The real reason why we don't have EN3 is because of the MASSIVE backlog Cover needs to catch up with IRyS and Council.
Blame IRyS for being a whiny cunt and wanting a new model because YOU bullied her for looking like a goblin
YOU are to blame anon.
YOU are the reason EN3 is delayed.

>> No.37231810

Wanting more dead space non-streamers.
They should stop wasting resources on that branch.

>> No.37231847

There's good modern games aside of your FOTM game, you retarded zoomer. Also if they do retro, so what? Korone does that and she is one of the most beloved and sucessful streamers on the industry. GTFO and come back after you grow a pube or two, kid.

>> No.37231852

>blame IRyS
I’d sooner forcibly graduate every male in the industry.

>> No.37231981

Keep in mind western vtubing viewership at large has been declining for a bit now but my take is that it didn't do anything to EN numbers, which is bad. If you have a new gen the hope is to bring in fresh faces with it, but it looks like all it did was cannibalize and stretch existing viewers, mainly from the pro homo collab talents, to the homos. The few new people it brought in were probably mitigated by the few who stopped watching because of homo collabs to give you close to a net zero change. If you look at talents individually the ones who collabed with males have continued to stagnate or slip a bit while the ones who didn't have inclined some, though it's not new viewers it's just viewers shifting around.
I'd say if you spend a bunch of money and time on a new gen just to smear your viewers around without bringing in new people, then yeah not much good in that.

>> No.37232032

Honestly i dont blame Irys, it reminds me of how Pekora delayed her casual outfit for the longest of times because she wanted it to be perfect. Thankfully the wait was worth it and its very cute.

>> No.37232084

I felt like her outfit was very mediocre and the build-up toward it was met with unwarranted expectations compounding the mediocrity of it all.

>> No.37232172

Yeah, blame IRyS. Cover ain't going to work overtime to pump out a new gen AND give CouncilRyS their shit. Tempus was a side project that clearly had no budget on how horrid they looked.

>> No.37232193

Really? I think it suits her very well. Of course its not gonna win over her classic clothes because of how emblematic they are but Pekora's casual outfit looks really cute to me, simple yet different enough to be distinctive.

>> No.37232423

Yeah. It was just an outfit. It was delayed for fucking YEARS. I was expecting dazzling gleaming majesty for the biggest vtuber in the world. But on the other hand I'm sure her next outfit she'll relax on being so picky.

>> No.37232525

well, when you are the number one vtuber in the world, you get those privileges.

>> No.37232531

>>it’s IRyS’s fault!
>Council and JP6 all getting new year’s outfits without issue
>JP6 getting 3D at warpspeed
>Uproar getting 3D far sooner despite debuting this year
>Redjizz drawing a single picture a year, then finishing it the next year
I’m sure it’s just her, though, definitely not Cover.

>> No.37232736

all we need is 5 more Kiaras.
a streamer needs to stream. talents are just a bonus. you can have the best artist, but if they refuse to stream, they flop like Sana did.

>> No.37233865

>Hololive and Holostars have very little impact on each other.
Tell that to the girls who collabed with Tempus and lost half their viewerbase to them.
There's a reason why the girls who haven't collabed with Tempus have more viewers than those who have, and I think it's a lot simpler than unicorns.

>> No.37234144

IRyS being a mid-level flop was entirely Cover's fault

>> No.37234468

I think they saw they were stagnating and that NijiEN was doing well (remember this was before Iluna) and thought not including males was making them look bad to the western audience and putting a ceiling on their growth. From the perspective of the nips, all they know is, “Westerners don’t hate males as much and their schizos aren’t as crazy as ours. Maybe we should have males.”
They didn’t realize that people who like watching male collabs already all watch Iluna or indies that collab with males. Trying to capture those viewers basically pisses off the people who do watch HoloEN.
So yes, I do think Tempus delayed EN3. They probably panicked and went, “Wait, shit, shit, why are we reclining?!” and also realized if they take back everything they said and did, there’d be a backlash while they’re already reclining. Getting back an audience you’ve already lost is way harder than getting a new audience, so they probably don’t want to risk it.
If nothing else, Kronii’s collab with Polka was a step in the right direction. But that has to be a sustained, long-term strategy, and it’s not going to result in many gains for the EN members individually (because whether they’ve done reps or not is the single critical factor in determining whether a viewer will follow a vtuber who streams in another language).
Ironically, I think they need to clamp down on group collabs. If you want to collab with males, it has to be one on one with one other male, so the fallout affects only you. And do the JP corpo thing and give special treatment to girls who collab with JP and delay projects, neglect, and pressure the ones who don’t comply.

>> No.37234850

>focus on their talents
One of Sana’s biggest issues (other than the obvious “never streamed”) was that she really didn’t do art streams. She isn’t cut out for the usual streaming meta (notice how her rm hasn’t picked up streaming as a regular pursuit since graduation), and she doesn’t really do the one thing she is good at (behind the scenes shit doesn’t count).
If anything, building group cohesion and making sure they actually like each other would help. Tempus has its problems, but the fact that they like each other enough for Axel to try to overcome the difficulties with his timezone has been beneficial for them.
Definitely don’t hire two Australians in one gen, that shit is clearly a terrible idea. If anything, if I were them, I’d make sure to only hire people from the east coast and EU, which is diverse enough to not turn people off, but close enough in time zone to not be too unworkable. And make sure it’s not just one person in EU like Kiara who gets hung out to dry.

>> No.37235037

Stalling EN3 won’t save Tempus. It’ll only delay the inevitable. The only thing that’ll save Tempus is them collabing with StarsJP and also outside the corpo.
I wouldn’t be surprised if NijiEN starts an informal collab ban on collabing with Tempus but not on collabing with HoloEN. It would be the sort of devious, underhanded move that would absolutely benefit them. If I were Paul Li, that is absolutely what I would do.

>> No.37235188

Ironically, I’m not a unicorn, so I don’t mind males. Therefore, the collabs made me so annoyed that I actually started watching them more while going outside the corpo to watch girls.
Except since I stopped watching HoloEN, Tempus appeared less and less. I haven’t actively stopped watching Tempus, it’s just that I’m not motivated enough to actually look for their streams. Collabing with HoloEN was a bad idea in so many different ways.

>> No.37235793

>get into vtubers the year gen 1 flounders
>"yeah gen 1 is nothing special"
Excellent opinion you have there.

>> No.37236005

Wow Tempus and Iluna were really the death knell for HoloEN and NijiEN.

>> No.37236075

The whole forced meme that releasing starsEN was chasing niji or "nijification" deliberately ignores that starsJP exists and has been fine for years. It's not any different from a content standpoint either, JP regularly collabs outside the company with 774 and other small-mid tier vtubers, the same niche that twitch indies/nijiEN fill in the western market. They're also completely separate management and production wise so it's more likely the main branch is cutting back on holoEN given the lack of new outfits and support in general for council

>> No.37236464

I don’t mean they were trying at the start to be like Niji-lite, just that seeing Niji have success with males made them feel like they were missing out, and that releasing a StarsEN gen was a better idea than releasing a HoloEN3.
I have no idea what their intentions were beyond that. For all I know, their thinking might have been, “We don’t know, we’ll let the girls figure it out.” Which…feels really stupid to me, but not so stupid I’d put it past cover to actually do.

>> No.37236581

EN1 was mostly special for being the first EN vtubers people actually took seriously and for taking things reasonably seriously. That’s about it. In that context, yes, they were special. But it’s not as if they were somehow outstanding in a way independent of the circumstances in which they debuted.

>> No.37236788

looking from a pure business standpoint the western market falloff combined with susan's bullshit might mean no more female gens, an entire gen plus vsinger getting blown out by kobo with a 7-8 month headstart is pretty damning

>> No.37236829

Statistically no, unless Tempus also made Nijiniggers decline too somehow

>> No.37236870

The talent just sucks, bunch of generic streamers that still can’t get 1M.
Kobo proved its a skill issue.

>> No.37237116

Yes, they burned their resources on the boys and had to scrap EN3 after they underperformed and caused fans of the girls to leave.

>> No.37237186

>streamers that like to stream
>streamers that love the company
These are literally the only two things needed for success. Why is this so hard to find in the EN space?

>> No.37237576

>Why is this so hard to find in the EN space?
western women dont want to work and are generally unhappy with everything but causing drama

>> No.37237595

>I think Gen 3, they're going to actually pick the cream of the crop people who are dedicated to making the best for themselves AND the company
Thats some high quality hopium you huffed there, its going to be worse than council 100% because the new girls looks at their shitty en senpais and they know they can get 400k subs easy with little effort. See iluna? Thats the average people who applied to 2 big corpos enjoy your worst gen hololive will ever get assuming no holoen 4

>> No.37238027

Blame HoloEN management and recruitment, NijiEN managed to find full-time streamers.

>> No.37238191

More like full-time failures

>> No.37238255

Proofs? The only one who's seemingly declined recently is mori and probably has more to do with things like the lean episode than MALES which anyone who watches her should have seen coming a mile away. Bea, kronii, and ame seem to be exactly at the same level. People shout and scream about record low levels for them but they were getting the same numbers before tempus from what I've seen. I will say GFE obviously brings in more money but Vtubing seems to be a decline as a whole in the west and the decline already happened months before tempus debuted.

>> No.37238270

>See iluna? Thats the average people who applied to 2 big corpos
Surely at this point anyone who's worth anything has realized that signing with NijiEN is a terrible idea and that holding out for the Holo contract is 100% worth it.

>> No.37240562

>I think Gen 3, they're going to actually pick the cream of the crop people
Anon, the rise of indie vtubers killed the "cream of the crop"'s interest in joining big corpos like Niji and Hololive. Face it, Hololive and Niji are trying to get the scraps of whats left over for EN.

>> No.37247090

they will never be women

>> No.37247948

Yes, They put out uproar and tempus this year is why we still don't have a new gen on jp and en.

>> No.37248179

We gotta define what “cream of the crop” even means here.
Because as far as numbers/Sc are concerned, “cream of the crop” would be a Vshoujo-esque React Andy Twitch succubus.

Obviously we don’t want that.
A true based female Gamer EN3 wave would be getting 5-10k in this market, and this board needs to be ok with that.

>> No.37253823

do you holoEN sisters really believe let's players and more game perms is the ideal solution and not getting better people with better conversational skills? I'm not even talking about extroverts but just people who are able to talk to a chat and entertain them instead of focusing on whatever niche talent they might have

the top 3 JP are chatterboxes, they can be entertaining doing whatever because they're able to steer conversations in ways that make people want to listen more

>> No.37254018

Yagoo is punishing you all for attacking Tempus and Kronii. Until you apologize there will be no more EN gens. And every 3 months he will graduate another one of your oshiis.

>> No.37254475

Tempus is collabing with HoloID more than HoloEN nowadays. It should have been StarsID instead. It's weird that they skip the experimental branch. They're just that desperate, short-sighted and greedy to have their own Luxiem.

>> No.37255789

I miss having an oshi and I'm excited at maybe finding a new one so if they could just hurry the fuck up already that'd be great.

>> No.37257072

What's taking so long?

>> No.37258721

It wasn't just that they collabed with males. It was their response to the fans showing concern. They were automatically canceled like it was on Twitter. Called gross parasocials to not being true fans. The hate was loud and clear. Obviously they left. Ignoring that they didn't mind when it was their other personalities.

I feel the same when watching my favorite RL male streamers. When they invite their girlfriends on stream, it often turns awkward, the girl is obnoxious and the guy becomes meek and shown in an unfavorable light. Realized later it was no longer about entertaining the viewers, but about each other.

Watching your favorite oshi's being dominated by sausage fests, while squealing loudly is not entertaining. Unless you are into NTR.

>> No.37258885

Scarle has as much SC numbers as Gura

>> No.37259161

And that’s the problem, if they are anything above a mid level 3 view, they may want to stay where they are at since they would be sacrificing a lot just for a chance for a bump in views and pay. And sometimes the money isn’t worth what comes with it.

>> No.37259555

"Don't feel the need to donate. Your company is more than enough." - Gura

She never was a top SC earner. She hardly reads SCs. Though Gura can easily increase her superchats; just look what's posted on her board. But choosing not to sell her soul. Leaving that behind by joining Hololive.

Anyways, I'm sure she more than makes up for it through memberships and views.

>> No.37260898

>thought that Tempus would be a huge success
But it was, as far as cover is concerned. As revealed by Vesper the Squealer they expected their numbers to be an order of magnitude lower than they are. They blew way past the internal expectations for StarsEN's performance.

>> No.37261327


what did we learn?

Holostars and MixGen are useless

>> No.37261974

No, EN3's delay has mostly to do with the cooling of EN Vtubing after COVID restrictions lifted. Tempus was actually quite the successful venture as they're basically pulling 4x CCV than internally predicted and as much in SC and Memberships. The current goal is to launch StarsEN2 about a month or two before EN3 as Stars has a better ROI, at least comparing Tempus to Council. There was internal debate as to if we should launch them at the same time, but it was decided to let EN3 feel out StarsEN and see if they want to do those collabs. But if you're wondering everything is almost done, expect a launch around late Q1 2023 or early Q2.

>> No.37262030

And? I don't see trannies lusting over dick.

>> No.37262425

What if Tempus does a group collab and announces live, on stream, that all four of them are transitioning to become women

>> No.37262769

Cover would graduate them for getting political.

>> No.37262809

the only reason EN3 isn't out is because during the audition process, every five-woman team doesn't mesh well with the preceding two groups. While the Holostars project already found 4 guys that mesh well together and are great friends with ID and StarsJP.

>> No.37262878

I don't even care if this is a larp or not. If any Cover employee is reading this, please fast track EN3 and some stuff for Council already, the branch is dying.

>> No.37262935

>successful venture
keep telling yourself that

>> No.37263800

>please fast track EN3 and some stuff for Council already, the branch is dying.
Not happening champ, the goal is to cool spending as EN vtubing continues it's decline. The interest and retention simply isn't there outside of the hardcore dedicated fanbase. You don't want to pull a Iluna and throw a ton of money at a wave and expect big numbers. Tempus was successful simply because they put so little money into the wave that the ROI has influenced how the EN branch wants to deal with their current and future talents. The money isn't there like it use to be in the west and there's a massive need for everyone to adapt to that change.

>> No.37264534

And it's a good thing

>> No.37264772

>Everyone declined at the same time
>Even nijiniggersEN
Looks more like a Susan thing that Tempus

>> No.37264842

>5 more Kiaras
She's a runt even Magni and Vesper moggin her

>> No.37264964

>talents are just a bonus
Demonstrably false. It's extremely important that they're talented at streaming and naturally charismatic. Why do you think Kiara gets her current numbers? Because she lacks these talents.

>> No.37264973

If they could have achieved that without managements dumb efforts to break the barriers between the branches down so much that nobody really knows what direction holoEN is going to end up going in that would have maybe been worth it. As it is they are more successful than JP stars but their existence alongside the "holopro" initiative has already filtered many, and rather than expanding the viewer base they appear to have carved off a very small subset of the girls viewers who they pass around between each other with raids to keep the others heads above water.
If you are not one of the very small group of fans watching for them specifically, even if you are not a unicorn or gachi they have been a net negative to hololive, even moreso if they are the reason we are not getting EN3

>> No.37265809
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Anon, if by the end of the year there's still no EN3, we'll have to accept already that Tempiss it's actually EN3. It's for the best, so we can finally get out of this shithole and watch other chuubas that deserves us more than them.

>> No.37265993
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It's on their fucking name, anon

>> No.37265998


>> No.37266025
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x1280, 1652411111445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 Pippas
That would be an improvement.

>> No.37266064

>and watch other chuubas that deserves us more than them
Like pippa, watch pippa instead holobros

>> No.37266080


>> No.37266120

I'd take HoloEU over Tempus anyday

>> No.37266549

I don't know what the fuck they were thinking, even if you are a fan of them surely you would prefer them to be a modest success as holostars than this. If they are actually meant to be EN3 then they are by every metric a colossal failure, it is no surprise anons would rather bury their head in the sand or pretend this graphic doesn't mean anything than accept management is this out of touch.

>> No.37266926

The only good thing of them being EN3 is that there won't be any more homofaggots for 2 years, next year is for the girls.

>> No.37267379

Claiming Tempus has a better "ROI" than Council is actually fucking hilarious, pretty good insider larp

>> No.37267486

They are being super cautious so they can release a "magical gen" like JP3 and ID3
..though if they really released Tempus as EN3, well they already failed I guess

>> No.37267747

HoloEN needed new blood this year badly: a graduation, hiatus, more than one burnt out myth member and homo drama to cause more stress and erode more goodwill, numbers are down across the board and despite how you interpret this graph >>37230672 if tempus is EN3 at the very least we can agree they did not stem the bleeding like a new gen of girls might have (and imo actively did damage to some of the girls from a purely numbers perspective)

A new gen would have lifted everyone up and even if it didn't lead to a fraction of the kind of success myth had we would have more collabs, more streams and the competition would presumably motivate the rest of holoEN to step it up and hold onto their fanbases.
I can't even spin it as a positive in the way you are trying to, damage has already been done having to wait until next year.

>> No.37268653

>Pippa selfcest
Yes, please.

>> No.37268764

> because new blood will change everything?
Yeah, imagine if Hololive had stuck for 2 years with their 1st generation

>> No.37269863

>is that there won't be any more homofaggots for 2 years
I wish

>> No.37269919

Could be, but it's also a matter of just both companies just making colossal fuckups for decisions.
No one asked for males in Hololive but the vocal retards at Reddit and Twitter who wouldn't even watch anyway. When they were announced, there was a time they were hyped as brotubers with the decency to maintain their distance from the girls (and also for a time, that was true), and that hype even contributed to hurting Iluna (see below). Time passed however and they failed to get any audience because the majority of male vtuber watchers that are female already prefer Niji anyway and the male audiences either were protesting their addition in the first place, or dropped them when they lost some or all of their brotuber charm somewhere along the way and became Nijilites.
The males in the wave were massively kneecapped by Tempus being shilled as brotubers as a breath of fresh air, while they themselves displayed themselves as yet another round of fujo-feeding faggots. Aster in particular was the worst offender because his brand is actually centered around being a faggot (PL was a babiniku, uwuspeaks on stream). Kyo was a severe case of model-voice mismatch and people hyped for a shota were severely let down. Ren is a bland nu-male who only further hurt his rep attentionwhoring with random @s on Twitter.
On the female side, Scarle ad Aia were priming themselves as yuribait too hard. Scarle deceived a potential latinx audience by revealing herself as actually flip (who already turn to Millie anyway). Aia stained herself with SJW rhetoric at debut. Only Maria managed to hold out well (she manages to stick in 4view territory most of the time even in the middle of weird hours while her wavemates have been languishing for a while as lower-range 3views), but even then she's considered inoffensively boring and not a top-tier talent on the likes of Enna, Selen or Pomu. All 3 females are pretty low on entertainment value, but only Maria didn't nosedive herself with predebut idiocy.

>> No.37271702


>> No.37274216

it's over

>> No.37274962

I doubt a new Gen will really do anything. I suspect EN management being a bunch of lazy faggots is more responsible for the state of EN than the girls themselves. No amount of new blood is gonna fix that.

>> No.37276148

It's not over

>> No.37276463

Then I'd assume Cover has gone mad with power and illegally told them to get a sex change or get the fuck out.

>> No.37276743

Muslimcuck thread

>> No.37280106


>> No.37284549

I love how this thread is so assured that Tempus and Iluna were failures, and yet both gens' revenue are absolutely ridiculous for their relative size.
/#/ convincing this entire board that CCV is the end all be all of vtuber metrics was a massive mistake.

>> No.37286754

Nigga you for real? They took the world by storm and not because of the novelty but because they fucking delivered and made others pick up the pace.

>> No.37286787

I don't pay any attention to nijisanji so I won't comment on Iluna but if you view tempus in a vacuum that may be the case, if you consider the manner they have been forcibly integrated into the hololive bubble and the effect that has had on talents like Kronii and Ame who have been noticeably reclining since they made their stances on stars collabs clear their net value is more in question.

That is not to say that it is wrong for some of the girls to go against what the majority of hololive viewers actually want to watch. Ame for one has never shown a real concern for numbers and despises being told what she can do by her fans so it is not surprising at all that she is as usual, doing it her way.
I just don't think despite her best efforts she will ever get the wider viewer base to accept males as a regular part of hololive content, the same goes for management if that was their intention, even reddit is clamouring for EN3, implicitly not accepting that tempus could not possibly be what we ended up with.

>> No.37291601

>'s also a matter of just both companies just making colossal fuckups for decisions
This is just like the fallen BIG TWO of the western comic industry

>> No.37292050

Nobody will accept it

>> No.37292249

>they were hyped as brotubers
>Time passed however and they failed to get any audience
even /vt/ was begging for brotubers. brotubers was the worst decision for tempus to go in. there is no money in brotubers.

>> No.37292315

>There is obvious demand for X even in the place where people usually shit over everything they can
>X is the worst decision

>> No.37292386

there is obvious demand from sjws to shoehorn lgbt into games but those shouting about it loudest don't buy the games. vt shouted about brotubers and don't even watch tempus now that they're out.

>> No.37292451

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.37292601

Wouldn't even need EN3 if they just didn't collab with them, and streamed more. Doesn't help that their only other off-time streamer basically graduated, leaving it entirely up to Kiara.

>> No.37292658

I say this knowing full well how it makes me sound, but nevertheless I will say it anyway.
They weren't real brotubers.

>> No.37292710

Please link this hype for brotubers in /hlg/. Was it in MANS?

>> No.37296067

do your archive reps faggot
