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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37155498 No.37155498 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.37155857

What haters? Nobody dislikes Mumei.

>> No.37155909

Where is the haters?

>> No.37155977

I miss the yodie gang peoples, where are they

>> No.37156011

Noone hates her anon.

>> No.37156028
File: 605 KB, 677x920, 1663843229455775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whaaat that's crazy!

>> No.37156054 [DELETED] 

It's cuckbeat deflection. They're actually trying to push that more people hate collabs with niji girls than they hate collabs with males. Ignoring the fact that it didn't take off when they tried it with Pomu/Kiara.

>> No.37156966 [DELETED] 

nice try cuckbeat

>> No.37156993
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>> No.37157201

Mumei unironically can do no wrong. Yabs, drama, etc just slides off her like water

>> No.37157230

she literally zero dirt on her, everything anyone says on here is 100% fabricated

>> No.37157663 [DELETED] 

Chumcucks are turning on mumei because goombus is seething about mumei taking part on that niji collab.

>> No.37157688

Hasn't Mori done a niji collab yet?

>> No.37157709
File: 472 KB, 512x768, 1666247262183795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people say that civilisation gave rise to itself, but I don't think they meant it like this.

>> No.37157835

I hate cute girls like Mumei.

>> No.37159742

Tempiss and Mori retards

>> No.37160742

>"Sh- She's collabing with a Non-HoloLive!"
>It's just stinky old Selen, a girl

I go back to sleep now okay?

>> No.37161155 [DELETED] 

I have always liked Mumei but if she ever turns on us i have a whole lot of bullets to use against her since she is Orcschizo and the best part is i don't have to feel bad about it
t. Chumbat

>> No.37162639

release proof

>> No.37162670

are you feeling okay anon?

>> No.37162697


>> No.37162711

I consider TT to be Niji tier so yes.

>> No.37162856

mumers is life all you nijicucks dont understand how moom is so perfect

>> No.37162930

It's a big deal for those nijisisters who wouldn't shut up about how superior Selen is who spam holobronies at everything. For them it's a huge betrayal for Selen to collab with them so I can easily imagine they'd falseflag outrage on the other side to try to pose some fake image of an all-out war and/or shift the blame away from Selen.

Nijifags also might have two layers of being mad because a lot of them thought Mumei was gonna join them instead.

Personally, I don't give a single rrat's ass, Selen is almost the safest-possible NijiEN to hang with actually, there's really nothing that off about this at all besides triggering nijifags. If HoloEN fans consider this worse than a male collab then their priorities are extremely fucked up. We already saw it was now possible because Kiara/Pomu collabed not long ago, so this is really not that crazy an event.

>> No.37162983

Qrd on orcaschizo? Sounds familiar

>> No.37163039

Why do you hate cute girls?

>> No.37164484

They are snakes. Every single one of them.
I don't trust not even an iota coming from them.

>> No.37164551

never trust cute girls

>> No.37167676


>> No.37167720 [DELETED] 

look into her roommate and learn why everyone laughs at you cucks when you post baby pictures kek.

>> No.37167801


>> No.37173400


>> No.37174055

Didn't she unironically want to collab with Vox

>> No.37174649


>> No.37174982

>AI generated garbage
fuck right off

>> No.37175012

you sound retarded

>> No.37175369

Selen said they’ve been friends since before vtubing, which was probably a contributor to the whole Petra nonsense, while also making people who bought into it seethe even more now.

>> No.37180671

Love the moom
Simple as

>> No.37180978


>> No.37181000


>> No.37181076

I dislike mumei. Generic ass white whore

>> No.37181620

she's too weird to be generic

>> No.37182136

No, she really isn't. I've been around tons of girls like her.

>> No.37182201

She’s a two faced bitch.

>> No.37182245

>t. delusional Niji tribalist

>> No.37182307


>> No.37182327

No I don’t watch niji.
But I guess I don’t like her for being a two faced whore since they all are.

>> No.37182410

Source: your ass

>> No.37182567

Name five.

>> No.37182628

His silence is deafening

>> No.37182672

Bait for doxx isn't it?

>> No.37183198

Ruby, Jessica, Jolene, Sarah, Rachel

>> No.37183614

why would us tempiss fans dislike mumei? she's a nice chuuba

>> No.37183922

Because she pulled a Miko.

>> No.37184134
File: 443 KB, 512x768, 00041-1485408749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not AI's fault, just skill issues.

>> No.37184331
File: 2.41 MB, 680x1080, mumeiBratty[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Fzriexr.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you talking about OP? I LOVE this fucking owl.

>> No.37185161

rent free

>> No.37186695

Yeah, apparently Mumei does live in homobeggars’ heads rent free.

>> No.37188273
File: 1.61 MB, 996x1080, That Sucks[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9x79td.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people hate my moomer

>> No.37188399
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>> No.37188476

Yeah, me!

>> No.37188647

I dislike her for being utterly basic.
Someone better could've taken the spot.
Same goes for Sana.

>> No.37191736

i like her but she too much like the popular girl in school for my liking

>> No.37191738

If i could not shower for a week and scrape my unwashed nutsack across the face of any vtuber, it would probably be moom

>> No.37192017

kill yourself, you nigger-speaking faggot

>> No.37192237

Nah, I'm good. You go ahead though shitskin.

>> No.37192479

Bro she's like pumpkin spice latte levels of weird.

>> No.37192541

but she has no college friends and is a big dork! just like me

>> No.37192634

I still love Mumei just not as much as before.

>> No.37192651
File: 942 KB, 400x600, mumeiHATE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fy9u7uv.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mumei loves streaming and feels fond feelings towards her chat so she is a joy to watch. I like it when she calls chat silly.

>> No.37192813
File: 2.85 MB, 480x720, mumei-gosh-so-edgy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fazj77v.ogg][sound=https%3A%2F%2Fz.zz.fo%2FsASDb.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37192858

What happened now ?

>> No.37192885

t. Indog

>> No.37192941

What’s there to hate? She’s doing the best she can while juggling studies.

>> No.37193026

I don't hate her. I just think she's the most boring girl in EN now that Ina soft-graduated. Simple as.

>> No.37193088

t. never watch stream

>> No.37193234
File: 2.46 MB, 960x1080, mumeiTearsLifeForce[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Fcortru.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37193381
File: 1.18 MB, 300x400, mumeiSoundsLikeYouProblem[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F22wb4r.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is that?

>> No.37196469

She's so boring I can't sit though a full stream.

>> No.37198724

No cure for shit taste, then.

>> No.37198832
File: 116 KB, 458x354, selen eating mail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No isn't, you fucking retard. No one is mad at Mumei and no one was ever mad at Mumei for not being Petra, and /haha/ (where Selen's actual fans who watch her streams are) are looking forward to the collab. You just pulled a narrative out of your ass and people here are going to believe it because it's negative and it's about Nijisanji.

>> No.37200109

The Petra thing is why Mumei has such fanatical antis in the first place. I can’t speak for that anon, but I wouldn’t tar all Nijifags with the same brush, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Selenfags are looking forward to the stream. They just have the same problem that Watamates had where shitposters using their oshi’s images define the board’s perception of the fanbase.

>> No.37204564

Mumei has haters?

>> No.37204759

Actual unicorns don't like her

>> No.37204815

>22 hours thread
>less than 100 replies
cmon bros, we’re almost there!

>> No.37205142

So what happened this time? Are people really so desperate to shitpost that they consider collabing with males and collabing with female Nijis the same thing?

>> No.37205280

Nope, just pissbeggars trying to conflate the two so that they can beg their way into a leeching.

>> No.37208228

Niji tribalists and homobeggars.

>> No.37208629

Ok, not all tempiss fans. Only the ones that are angry at her for dodging the males.

>> No.37209846 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 247x329, 1629125714575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whocuck bringing up the Petra thing to try and explain away her antis
She has antis cause shes cucking her entire fanbase you retarded faggot. Do you have any shame?

>> No.37209863

Shes a confirmed whore anon

>> No.37209922

Don't worry. I won't hate her until she collabs with a single male.

>> No.37211534

She did though, with multiple males.

>> No.37211819

yeah, for me.

>> No.37212097
File: 2.95 MB, 2520x1413, hndrrthesrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoomans really be pretending this didn't happen.
look at how happy she is to be hanging out with 4 men

>> No.37212142

Fuck off OP. Literally everybody love Mumei. You have to be some really spiteful incellord to actually hate her.

>> No.37212320

it's ok when JP did it

>> No.37213289

it's fine because they are on opposite sides of the screen.
