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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37186101 No.37186101 [Reply] [Original]

Every other board is contrarian as fuck and loves to hate on popular things, yet this board is nothing but holodrones and other assorted bandwagoners. Why?

>> No.37186175

at least you recognize you only hate hololive because it's popular

>> No.37186207

People who actually follow vtubers just keep to themselves, most holodrones are just band wagoning redditors. HoloEN is literal trash, might as well watch SNL or stephen colbert. It even has the laugh track (chat) to trick you into thinking its entertaining.

>> No.37186229
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>> No.37186246

You have plenty of people here who hate Gura because her 4 gorillion subs takes a godzilla shit on numberfags fagging out on sub counts and they want to have stupid games to play over that (hence literally everything is about CCV because the subs contest was lost hard long ago).

>> No.37186417

Fuck off, commie. Work in and of itself has no inherent value. The only objective measurement of quality is numbers. Anyone who disagrees is an economically illiterate communist faggot that needs to be put up against the wall with the other comradefags.

>> No.37186550

There was a period when Nijisanji was the Great Satan of vchuubing hogging all the popularity before Hololive began to take over

>> No.37186767

This board is full of chinese people. Or it might as well be. That's how they measure quality.

>> No.37187076

/vt/ is a misnomer. It was not made for people who like virtual youtubers.
If you want to change how things are, stop complaining about muh evil Holofags and start making positive threads about vtubers you like. Or you can try and beg for Hiroshimoot to make a proper /vt/.

>> No.37187159

because that is the contrarian thing to do

>> No.37187318

There is a proper /vt/, it's a general thread in /jp/.
>but that's only JP vtubers...
I know, anon. I know.

>> No.37187390

for some reason numberfags exist

>> No.37187433

Fuck you, your garbage opinions and your favorite VTuber, you piece of shit
I have loved my cute fox wife for almost 3 years now and that will never change

>> No.37187443

because it's a measurable metric

>> No.37187630
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Because while /vt/ started as a board for vtuber discussion, it quickly became a den of lunatics more interested in drama and endless number faggotry, it was pretty when it was just EN, then nijiEN showed up and Luxiem was basically a nuke this board never recovered from. I assume most sensible people just left and the lunatics took over the asylum.

>> No.37187714

There isn't one simple answer, but it has to do with idol culture and mindless fans.
Because Holo is such a massive company, they will always have die hard fans that will shill holo v-tubers, no matter how bland they are, as long as they don't break the idol experience.
Just like how people in japan will buy endless ballots to submit so their idol wins the popularity polls one day, and then dox and harass them the next day because she didn't throw out the heart sign at the end of her concert.
Normal people will just quietly enjoy what they enjoy, while idol fags have to make sure everyone and their dogs also enjoy their idol or they themselves can't.

>> No.37187774

Two things:
A.) Language barrier. It’s much easier to watch streams in your own language. Inertia is a powerful force. Individuals can overcome the path of least resistance, but in a large group, most people will take the easy path. People only watched JP because it was the only thing around. Now that there’s EN tubers, most will stick to that, even if anyone can switch to JP anytime they want.
B.) Brand loyalty. This is partially because every corpo is going for a different audience, and most of the people who watch HoloEN definitely don’t like NijiEN because NijiEN is targeting a very different kind of demographic. The walled garden doesn’t help, either. They only got rid of that policy when they realized nine girls who barely stream isn’t enough to make that strategy viable.
Also, this board was only created after HoloEN was created. It was meant first as a containment zone so anons would stop shitting up the /jp/ board. That means it has a natural bias towards EN vtubers, especially HoloEN, and it’s remained that way because of the reasons I just stated.

>> No.37187816

I agree so we shouldn't support Selen. She's painfully unfunny even given how much she laughs.

>> No.37187860
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>> No.37188013
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>> No.37188068

>>37187774 (me)
Addendum in order to address why more people don’t just switch to smaller corpos or indies:
See point A.) about inertia. People will only try out other corpos if they’re dissatisfied enough with their current one to consider doing it. Except this is vtubing, the meta is streaming. If you try out someone else and click on a boring part of a stream, you’re more likely to decide that vtuber sucks. Also, there’s literally thousands of vtubers streaming just in English, and nobody wants to just pick random vtubers from that list.
I only got lucky and made the jump because the first stream I clicked on was amazing, I asked this board for more recommendations, and got good answers from there. The only indie I watch I got sent there in a raid, and she was hilarious.

>> No.37188315

Baffling isn't it?
This stupid board doesn't even feel like 4chan.
/vt/ is like the bastard son of Reddit and Kiwifarms.

>> No.37188370

ok but test

>> No.37188414

I didn't even know nijisanji was a thing until i saw a clip from selen and pomu. I watched both holo and niji for a while but eventually i could only make time for so many streams, and i started prioritizing niji more until i realized i didn't even know the 2nd holo en wave came out.

>> No.37188597

this board is one person with one point of view

>> No.37188625

Yeah, that’s at least in part because the only two EN corpos people knew of at the time were HoloEN and vshojo. The only people who watched NijiEN at first were the ones who already knew about NijiJP.
It’s different now because people are aware of smaller corpos, and there’s enough people who switch between them for the algorithm to notice. It’s also why the walled garden strategy by HoloEN couldn’t last forever.

>> No.37188745

You know what anon meant. Every board has different povs from different anons, but there tends to be a perspective that’s more common. Other boards are usually made of people who don’t like the popular shit normalfags always talk about, this board was for people who couldn’t act normal around normalfags who liked the same shit they did.

>> No.37188795

then you are completely ignoring the sheer level of console war level garbage on this board

>> No.37188935

Idk man, I'm just here for the porn

>> No.37189129

Most of the good porn is what’s posted in /#/, and I realized I was becoming far too cultured when I started recognizing more and more of the images that get posted there.
Well, I mean, OP keeps using Casino, so of course that’s to be expected

>> No.37189594
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While 4chan is a mostly contraian site where despots gather to feels unity among fellow despots the truth is no many boards are not contrarian in fact it's the oppostie with only a vocal minority being contraians, go to /a/ and only the latest fotm is shilled and gets 100+ post threads go to /mu/ and only the most popular artist are shilled /g/ only the lastest tech etc. etc.

If you don't like Hololive you can leave go back to /jp/ and discuss Nijisanji or /trash/ for western and alternative vtubers.

>> No.37189882

I'm glad /warkop/ exists. It's a surprisingly sane thread for a general based around Indonesian chuubas. Although, the general is currently on life support.

>> No.37190228

Really? Figured kobo fags would have taken over that.

>> No.37190401

Gura is legit quality, Mori is a trash heap

>> No.37190471

Fuck are you talking about, shit was full of drama before /vt/ even existed. The old thread is still the #1 source of dox

>> No.37190473

Because niggers get all pissy about numbers.
It's not a real opinion, it's just a premiere shit talking method.

>> No.37190547

Don't we all?

>> No.37190597

No, it started as an annoying orange refuge

>> No.37190800

Popular doesnt mean good
unpopular doesnt mean good
good doesnt mean you'll personally like it

P R E F E R E N C E is a thing anons in this board tend to forget and act like their tastes are doctrines everyone else must adhere to

>> No.37190931

Nah. The OP is an indiefag (his oshi is Mythia Batford, the largest ID indie chuuba) and most posters are unityfags. Occasionally Niji-exID got shilled there. What's interesting is that some ID VTubers admits to lurking /warkop/. One of them posted on how a huge ID corpo is groomed by another VTuber in the same agency. It's a wild place unnoticed by the rest of /vt/.

>> No.37190981

Don't know. I only watch Idol Corp.

>> No.37191010

Other boards also like popular things though

>> No.37191029
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Hey, stop being reasonable! We don't do that here

>> No.37191032

I eat Brand Cereal before doing Job in City, Country.

>> No.37191080

Why is it ALWAYS a thread about hololive? Its as if they're making it a mission to prove this image right as much as possible

>> No.37191215

The language barrier probably helps keep that place apart and safe from the rest of /vt/

>> No.37191975

you're delusional
I guess you can only see this because it's easy for your brain to hear criticism, but there are tons of antis on this board, every day I see 10+ anti hololive threads, of course, hololive is the most popular corpo and every chuuba has a legion so you're going to find people defending their chuuba, but you're a fucking newfag if you think there aren't anti-hololive trannies on this board, in fact lately I think /vt/ is the home of twitter trannies and discord nigger shittalking hololvie 24/7

>> No.37192094

Popularity IS a good indicator of quality up until it reaches normalfags. Vtubers are still niche in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.37192312

what are you even on about? this board was literally made because of hololive you absolute mongoloid. Go back newnegger

>> No.37192345


>> No.37192415

Damn this is the realest shit I've read on /vt/.

>> No.37192516

so true nijisis

>> No.37192605

It's just a joke about how Idol Corp is a really generic sounding name. I dont have a problem with the company, just riffing

>> No.37192625

funko pops and marvel movies are the only reason life is worth living

>> No.37192711
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I'm a Nijisanji fan but I'm ok with Holo girls, I like some of them including the EN ones, it's just vt niggers who suck.

>> No.37192788

Another odd thing: Indonesian shitposters ignores /warkop/. No one really tries to post bait posts there. Perhaps this is due to the ritual.
