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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37174589 No.37174589 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: chuubas whose voices are unlistenable

>> No.37174626

I've got something in my hand that will fix her, five even.

>> No.37174634

(You)r oshi

>> No.37174665
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>> No.37174697
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>> No.37174718

her voice sounds very normal to me. what do people dislike about it?

>> No.37174795

Mori. The actual tone of her voice isn't offensive but the /way/ she speaks and structures sentences is fucking obnoxious

>> No.37174811

Mori whenever she speaks to another holomember

>> No.37174960

Only if they have a vagina

>> No.37176751
File: 860 KB, 2150x3035, 1654048419144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37176792

I eventually got used to Kiara's voice.

>> No.37176832
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>> No.37176891


>> No.37176896

uuuuuuu sigwiiiiid

>> No.37176948

Maybe it just was a wrong time, but I tried watching Mio's Goose Game archive and her voice gave me an actual headache

>> No.37177103

>Preemptive post
know you haven't watched her past debut which is why you're still spouting threadreader's opinions.

>> No.37178116
File: 346 KB, 540x540, 1663584612506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't explain why

>> No.37178609

It’s raspy + German accents don’t sound very cute in English.

>> No.37178633

I'd post a pic of Mori, but
ITT: chuubas whose faces are unbearable

>> No.37178649

Suisei before the voice change

>> No.37178674

Cute aggression.

>> No.37178838


How does it feel to have shit taste and worse ears.

>> No.37179065

Fauna’s debut voice where it sounded like she was permanently whispering filtered me, but I now I think she sounds fine.

>> No.37179078
File: 48 KB, 465x659, images (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko voice is anoying

>> No.37179084 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 224x256, roru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>File: F1B98873-A0AF-4CA6-82FD-1(...).jpg (36 KB, 500x500)
>36 KB
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:38:17 No.37174589▶>>37174626 >>37174811 >>37176891 >>37176948 >>37178116 >>37178633 >>37178649
>ITT: chuubas whose voices are unlistenable
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:39:25 No.37174626▶
>>>37174589 (OP)
>I've got something in my hand that will fix her, five even.
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:39:37 No.37174634▶
>(You)r oshi
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:40:27 No.37174665▶>>37176896
>File: yMUOI56lz_dukW4e.jpg (70 KB, 576x519)
>70 KB
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:41:16 No.37174697▶>>37174718
>File: Amiya.png (1.66 MB, 982x1102)
>1.66 MB
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:42:16 No.37174718▶>>37178609
>her voice sounds very normal to me. what do people dislike about it?
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:44:52 No.37174795▶
>Mori. The actual tone of her voice isn't offensive but the /way/ she speaks and structures sentences is fucking obnoxious
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:45:24 No.37174811▶>>37174960
>>>37174589 (OP)
>Mori whenever she speaks to another holomember
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)18:50:45 No.37174960▶
>Only if they have a vagina
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)19:38:21 No.37176751▶
>File: 1654048419144.jpg (860 KB, 2150x3035)
>860 KB
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)19:39:21 No.37176792▶
>I eventually got used to Kiara's voice.
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)19:40:28 No.37176832▶
>File: 1666616946510.jpg (170 KB, 1200x1628)
>170 KB
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)19:41:43 No.37176891▶
>>>37174589 (OP)
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)19:41:52 No.37176896▶
>uuuuuuu sigwiiiiid
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)19:43:09 No.37176948▶
>>>37174589 (OP)
>Maybe it just was a wrong time, but I tried watching Mio's Goose Game archive and her voice gave me an actual headache
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)19:47:27 No.37177103▶
>>Preemptive post
>know you haven't watched her past debut which is why you're still spouting threadreader's opinions.
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)20:12:39 No.37178116▶>>37178674
>File: 1663584612506.png (346 KB, 540x540)
>346 KB
>>>37174589 (OP)
>I can't explain why
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)20:23:21 No.37178609▶
>It’s raspy + German accents don’t sound very cute in English.
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)20:23:50 No.37178633▶
>>>37174589 (OP)
>I'd post a pic of Mori, but
>ITT: chuubas whose faces are unbearable
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)20:24:10 No.37178649▶
>>>37174589 (OP)
>Suisei before the voice change
> Anonymous 11/15/22(Tue)20:24:32 No.37178674▶
>Cute aggression.

>> No.37179177

Kiara, Mori, Lia from PC. Pandora, Shondo, Peony from kawaii. Any Vtuber with a heavy SEA accent.

>> No.37179267

Kiara's normal voice is nice to listen to, really wish she would stop with the fake voice she uses.
I also can't stand Veibae's voice or anyone who has a similar type of voice.

>> No.37179279

What is this mental illness called?

>> No.37179363
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Too nasally.

>> No.37179679

I don’t especially care for Kiara’s voice in character or naturally but I never understood the disdain for it compared to extremely fake unnatural ones like Risu or Ame.
It might be due to me not watching Kiara’s streams on account to not liking her for other reasons and so I haven’t been exposed to it for extended periods of time.

>> No.37179748


>> No.37179863

"Seethe and dilate"

>> No.37180719


>> No.37181544

oh. I msut be retarded i never even noticed that she has an accent

>> No.37181877
File: 234 KB, 368x355, 1643393824961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I dislike about Kiara's voice is that annoying marge simpson laugh she always does. Reine actually does something similar (but for some reason it doesn't grate me as much)

>> No.37184157
File: 127 KB, 360x360, Tokoyami_Towa_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This grasshopper.

>> No.37184252

Mori and Selens, they both sound like hambeasts

>> No.37184484

The chicken voice is only really a problem for me when she sings. Like goddamn, girls like Chloe know to drop the act by that point.

>> No.37184553

You get used to it, took me a bit tho

>> No.37184567

I hate when Mori tries to sound black

>> No.37185211

What are you talking about? Lia is pure sex.
When she's in a difficult part of a game she pants just like she's coming.
I would sex her in missionary position just so that her shrieks would reverberate deep inside my skull.

>> No.37186743

Seriously? He has the best voice in all of JP. May not have the best speaking voice, but god damn can he sing.

>> No.37187185

Wildly depends on the song. I still prefer the likes of Moona, Gura, Mumei, IRyS, AZKi.... but but stumbling upon her speaking voice is a mad turnoff.

>> No.37189574

Fauna voice is cringe. Her singing sounds like a dead cat

>> No.37192546


>> No.37192608

I don’t really get the Kiara hate.
She sounds like a high-pitched German chick, we got what we expected.

I can’t stand the generic Vshoujo Veibai copy voices, if I hear that shit I’m closing stream.

>> No.37192657

I just realized. Why do so many members of holoEN sound like they're just a little retarded? Is that Japanese talent managements' idealized view of the west?

>> No.37195112
File: 67 KB, 350x669, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw she was streaming Hades one night
>I enjoy watching Hades runs, let's see how she's doing
>Met with her yelling in the most shrill voice she can muster
>Always sounds slightly retarded

I just fucking can't

>> No.37195692
File: 192 KB, 503x503, 1660743414220086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like a retarded baby
>Actual voice is almost pure sex but rarely used
>Actually has a good personality and is funny in collabs
I wish I could appreciate her more.

>> No.37195756


>> No.37196059

Man I hate that shit, it's a disease

>> No.37196981

It's like a redditor's idea of how a cool person speaks.

>> No.37197118


>> No.37197186


>> No.37197204

Could we do a thread on chuubas whose voices are listenable?

>> No.37197262

i am happy to shit on holo 7 days a week, but are you familiar with any /lig/ girls? Holos sound like rhetoric professors by comparison

>> No.37199681

Kiara and Pekora are the only two that come to mind.

>> No.37200070

If it's any consolation, the people who aren't filtered by that voice are pretty much rendered helpless by it.

>> No.37200527
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>> No.37200983

This + Kiara

>> No.37201152
File: 757 KB, 541x1440, 8F205BE2-7411-4532-9AE0-F38DB8C7BDAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not like I hate him, but I can’t watch his streams unless it’s a collab with people I care about.

>> No.37201198

Risu. She has good vocals, but when she speaks normally, her voice quickly irritates me.
Kronii. She has a disgusting laugh.

>> No.37201238

I admire her for her dedication.

>> No.37201294
File: 405 KB, 600x1000, ollie_pr-img-210831-600x1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When ever she is yelling, which is all the time.

>> No.37201369

Miko. People shit on me when i say this but its the most abrasive voice in all of Hololive, for me.

>> No.37201535

My problem is his voice sounds sooo put on. Like a lot of them have fake voices, but his sounds fake in a somehow insincere way. Like the inflection makes every conversation sound like he hates the other person and is lying about everything. It also ruins the delivery of any joke he tries to make. I'm hoping he slowly shifts away with it so it makes him more bearable in collabs. He's like the Mori of Tempus.

>> No.37201720
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She just sounds like every liberal white bitch I've ever met

>> No.37202458

Nononono, her roommate use to speak like a high-pitched German chick. She talks like she's in trying to do a permanent falsetto.

>> No.37202637


>> No.37202735

sounds like a fuckin 4 year old and not in a cute way like luna

>> No.37202804

Her normal voice isn't bad but she has too much crazy in a bad way going on. Annoying fans and antis too.

>> No.37203324

Kiara's normal voice its ok, I don't like the chicken voice, but all that would be forgiven if she wasn't constantly being passive agressive

>> No.37203688

Especially if it's JP. She goes into Baby talk mode to slowly articulate every word.

>> No.37203818
File: 534 KB, 1300x1390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's talking voice. Why does she talk like this?

>> No.37203949

It's an acquired taste for sure. Her Cebo voice is a taste of what lies beyond

>> No.37203990

I love Fauna's uwu voice. I can't help but to chuckle along.

>> No.37204563

It's way too squeaky.

>> No.37205415

Because JP antis bullied her into talking with a different inflection, it should be noted that they haven't even watched her since she did change her inflection of speaking

>> No.37205895
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I can listen to all them, they don't bug me.

>> No.37208053
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This dog

>> No.37209041
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also any troon that isn't bungo

>> No.37209045
File: 123 KB, 900x900, FC7BF69A-46F1-43F5-BD88-FE45F1C77030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she speaks like a GTA prostitute trying to pick you up on the street. I‘d rather listen to the chimkin than have Zeta‘s fake „seductive“ voice all up my ear

>> No.37209091
File: 173 KB, 451x395, 1624388518527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an insane post

>> No.37209117

More Ami for me then.

>> No.37209162

genuinely bugs the shit out of me that through Sana we got a glimpse of Ina's real voice and now we'll never get it again. Not that she's going to be around for much longer.

>> No.37209202
File: 698 KB, 751x710, 1659392607782790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amiya doesn't have a German accent, what are you talking about?

>> No.37209248

i might be mis-remembering but i'm pretty sure he's addressed that by saying that he used to have a speech impediment that he basically brute-forced his way into fixing which is why he sounds 'fake'

>> No.37209301

I think that anon was having a stroke and mixing Kiara with the queen Spider.

>> No.37209474
File: 28 KB, 360x360, Kyo_Kaneko__E3_80_90NIJISANJI_EN_E3_80_91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I constantly hear about orange woman's voice but I hear nothing about this faggot's voice. His voice makes me want to stab my eardrums out.

>> No.37209551
File: 1.40 MB, 829x920, loud streamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried watching her streams a couple of times but I could not stand that fucking yelling voice for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.37210521


>> No.37210563
File: 2.54 MB, 640x610, tenor-2781368522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop pretending to be a baby, you're a grown woman!! it's fucking weird!

>> No.37210581

what heresy is this.

>> No.37210588


>> No.37210606
File: 85 KB, 344x390, 1630719321737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't put my finger on it but I find her voice to be somewhat irritating

>> No.37210612

yes,,,, she sounds good

>> No.37210663

thank you for seeing light.

>> No.37210705
File: 2.07 MB, 390x498, dance-pikamee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New voice doesn't bug me that bad but god I miss how she use to sound.

>> No.37211356
File: 471 KB, 1098x623, holoenid_voices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the objective truth

>> No.37211448

anyone doing like a
fake whisper-y voice

>> No.37211501

Agreed. (except for the tempus ones. I can't even remember what they sound like)

>> No.37211540

How do Pika fans not feel betrayed? Her voice has changed and so has her model. It's basically a different girl from the one most started watching.

>> No.37211566
File: 3.91 MB, 640x570, fubuki confused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'almost OK' and 'Pure sex'

>> No.37211597

Almost OK: Regular voice
Pure SEX: Ayunda voice

>> No.37211625

She played cute generic anime girl shit.....it fucking sucks.

>> No.37211658

I'm not a deadbeat but Mori voice isn't the problem, she sounds fine but it's how she speaks.

>> No.37211716


>> No.37212232

nah i like her voice

>> No.37212237

NTA, but shouldn't Bae's normal voice also go in Pure Sex tier too?

>> No.37212458

Yes, but she rarely uses it

>> No.37212880

I only occasionally pop in to a Kiara stream and watch a few minutes because her voice bothers me and recently, I am not sure if she has tuned it down a bit or i am getting used to it, but it does sound a bit les harsh lately. Am i just imagining it or has she tuned it down?

>> No.37212958

Fauna then.

>> No.37213811

Pipkin Pippa

>> No.37214161

Anyone with a high pitched voice, really
Give me deep voices

>> No.37215083

Go back to pol you fucking retard

>> No.37215125

Just fuck already

>> No.37215145

>this faggot's voice
You mean this NIGGAS voice.

>> No.37215204

Veibae and anyone that sounds like her, which seems to be pretty common

>> No.37215274
File: 231 KB, 400x400, 1641354421037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between Ame and Kiara, both voice's are incredibly uncomfortable to listen to.

>> No.37215535

Ame voice always makes my dick hard.

>> No.37215910

Are you on the older side or have mild hearing damage? Mumei's voice is up there at the mosquito frequency and can cause issues.

>> No.37215960

I really liked her debut microphone. I think shes got a more professional setup now but it was jarring when it changed her voice sometime in November.

>> No.37217015
File: 2.99 MB, 842x1080, 1668435513427586.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to make her moan instead

>> No.37217237

This. And her lisp is fucking annoying.

>> No.37217762

literal fucking 9 year old

>> No.37217966

She sounds like one of those teacup dogs that are inbred to the point where all of their bones break if they get hit by a light breeze.

>> No.37218537
File: 107 KB, 351x352, Peony Aeria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also thought it was impossible for a German accents to sound cute, but Peony manages somehow...

>> No.37221869

No I mean this Vox cock guzzling faggot's voice.

>> No.37222197

How dare you

>> No.37222240
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>> No.37222469

yeah he has a stutter so he speaks in a very deliberate way which sounds fake
when he gets excited the stutter sometimes slips through

>> No.37222520

dude have you even watched recent streams

>> No.37222621

They are literal children afraid of high pitched noises.

>> No.37222633

I can't either, but I know what you mean and I can try to explain it.
It's the forced inflection and the way she pauses while speaking.
Ending every sentence on a rising inflection is distressing because rising inflection in english signify a question being asked. Being asked questions for 2+ hours is grating.
A shame, because her personality seems rock solid

>> No.37222651

This. She sounds so forced and fake. Like she's always trying to be someone she isn't.

>> No.37222701

She ruined the Kinou Ochame song.

>> No.37222709

Also sounds like a fucking chain smoker.

>> No.37223955
File: 306 KB, 492x557, 1641646760085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not in pure sex tier

>> No.37224695

>Anya needs to be in Nice Voice
>Kaela needs to be in Nice Voice
>Kobo needs to be in Unbearably annoying
>Zeta is the definition of Pure sex
>Ina and Reine need to be in Sounds good.
Fixed your list.

>> No.37224907

It pisses me off. Also her sound settings were total shit at debut and the whistling s sounds she made hurt my head.

>> No.37224989

>sexualizing pekora
Youre going to hell

>> No.37224995
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>> No.37225779
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>> No.37226054
File: 132 KB, 875x942, FCCb6WZVgAUweRu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate her voice when shes doing asmr i like her but i hate his fuckig asmr voice i cant understand what is she saying

>> No.37226069

Altare Regis

>> No.37226140
File: 44 KB, 370x490, 1668557013607480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one too
but like, honestly most of them

>> No.37226395

Veibae just gives the impression that's she goes above and beyond trying to sound sensual but not quite getting there.

>> No.37226424


>> No.37226605

No, it's a fine break from the rest. The EN one however had Ame absolutely butcher it and not even the extreme auto tuning could save it. Ame should never be allowed to sing unless they want to kill someone.

>> No.37226665
File: 2.37 MB, 960x540, PochiNya[sound=files.catbox.moe_2F3hmdtj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based hagfag

>> No.37226739

You don't have to sexualize her, she's already made of sex.

>> No.37227573

Towa's fake voice turns me on for some reason

>> No.37227924

Fair enough

>> No.37231606

>I can't explain why
It's too fake.

>> No.37231648

She’s like a female Regis.
It’s so uncanny it feels artificial.

>> No.37231880

Initially I couldn't stand Pekora, Miko and Luna's voices. That changed over time, at least for the latter two, still can't listen to Pekora.

>> No.37237076


>> No.37237270

All of them except my oshi.

>> No.37240404

She changed some settings after noticing there was a very faint beep on the background of her streams so it may be that, I also think she sounds more normal now

>> No.37240575


>> No.37246589
File: 57 KB, 736x736, 916BCA16-4DE7-4CB6-BBB7-DFDD5712BD79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37250956


It feels like she is patronising all the time, even though she isn't.


Don't mind her voice, except when it get raspy

>>37174795 >>37211658

You know what? I agree with you, Calli's voice is fine, I don't like HOW she say the stuff she says. I remember a collab she did with Kobo when she was still in a chill mood and it was alright until she started with that fake persona she puts up sometimes.

>> No.37251331

I can tolerate Kiara just fine, but I can't stand Ame's voice at all.

>> No.37252047

trying to hide that asian heritage
shes just afraid to be herself

>> No.37256921

