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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37173590 No.37173590 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder for people who think he's just a good boi who dindu nuffin

>> No.37173691

>Actually wrong, he did exactly what you said he did but he didn't make the video himself so he did nothing wrong
Jesus how the fuck does this guy have such a cult of personality? Like his fans are so fervently devoted to him its creepy.

ALSO he uploaded videos of 13 year old Gura playing with MLP toys.

>> No.37173752

Ngl, before I saw this I thought he was just a cunt and I wanted him to disappear forever. Now I would like to see him get shot in the head.

>> No.37173804
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I don't even like Kiara but that's a line you shouldn't cross

>> No.37173811

Noooo he dindu nuffin just like my good girl Pippa!

>> No.37173850 [DELETED] 
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>> No.37173859

and yet /meat/ threads get banned faster than this shit somehow

>> No.37173862

His fanbase is made up of people that get made fun of on *here* of all places until they get pissy and leave. And yeah I'm glad it's getting exposed that he did this in particular, because this is probably the thing that will force Cover's hand. Hope this Seamonkey gets fucking hanged.

>> No.37173865

with some luck Pippa gets hit in the crossfire too since this nigger is one of the biggest pippaniggers on a direct line with her too

>> No.37173882

Ok but Kiara is also at fault for uploading that. :^)

>> No.37173891

why does he have a video of an underage?

>> No.37173899

I'm sure the pippafags will act surprised when they find out yet another one of her buddies gets exposed for doxing vtubers

>> No.37173902

Any chances the corps will take legal action against him? Defamation seems to be an option.

>> No.37173909

these retarded niggers misspelled Ollie

>> No.37173939

not underage in the phillipines apparently. Isnt their AOC like 12 or something?

>> No.37173942

I'm losing my shit how he releases one extremely manipulative video then suddenly everyone on twitter is going "yeah but he did nothing wrong cancel culture is so evil poor baby" when the evidence is right fucking there and still up on kemono

>> No.37173951

Its a good thing he monetized it because that gives them a direct lawsuit case

>> No.37173961

proof that doxxbeats are subhumans

>> No.37173971

Is he an actual nousagi or is he just using nousagi as a way of getting people to notice him? Just curious because I've seen plenty of people say he's doing the latter

>> No.37173985
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Post on twitter about it and let people know that the faggot just straight up lied and manipulated people in his video. Don't let his fans control the narrative.

>> No.37173996

>nousagi caring about EN
no chance in hell

>> No.37173999

Yeah idk for sure obviously but this seems like a pretty cut and dry thing for them. This isn't just uploading the standard pics of them irl, this is one of those things where they make a public post on twitter announcing that they've taken legal action.

>> No.37174009

Apparently to these subhumans, "i watched a clip of pekora once" makes them a nousagi.

>> No.37174014

He streamed over Pekora.

>> No.37174019 [DELETED] 

>uploaded videos of 13 year old Gura playing with MLP toys

>> No.37174031

I still can't believe people paid money to watch videos by an ugly sounding SEAnerd with terrible english pronunciation.

>> No.37174046

he literally said risu is his wife multiple videos. So hes most likely a risuner. Wouldnt be surprised if he was the fucking sapling rapist all along.

>> No.37174054

Defamation law doesn't work like that, you have to prove intent and if he simply re-uploaded the video of someone else AND provided context then you can't do anything to him

>> No.37174056

Nothing will actually happen unless someone notify Cover and Anycolor. You'd be surprised how blind the corpo folks are.
