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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37028230 No.37028230 [Reply] [Original]

She's getting too popular

>> No.37028280

She will either abandon her Kiwifarms fanbase or get cancelled soon.

>> No.37028381
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I want Pippa to look at me like this while she makes me cum with her feet. Imagine the pure look of utter disdain, while she is secretly very much into it, giving into her sexual desire and furiously moving her slender, porcelain legs. You would be able to see a puddle of her lovely juices form beneath her all the while. I bet that her slippers hide two very beautiful, womanly feet and 10 little precious painted girly toes, ripe for a suckling. I want Pippa to lick her soles clean of my seed after the act is done. I want Pippa to make me cum with her feet...
Maybe Pippa has enough experience with grooming that she wants to drive you insane by never completely satiating your desires. Maybe she gets off to the idea of your prostate burning hot while the only thing of sexual interest to you that swirls around in your head all day now is her cute feet. Maybe she wants you in this perpetual state of agony, an-non. Maybe, just maybe.
Also, Pippa now has a fast enough chat that members streams are more than warranted.
I think she should start off with streams where she talks about her feet in detail, going over her size, her arch depth, and scent along with putting her new ASMR mic down by her feet and using it as a footrest. Nothing overly sexual, light teasing at most in the style of say "uh oh an-non I've got your ears between my toes what are you gonna do~", keep it fairly casual, the "why would you get off to this?" vibe makes it all the better.
More of an extreme but a wholly welcomed one would be a footcam at times, as much as it would be appreciated I understand if there's no bare skin, so thin stockings would suffice provided everything is well lit. Spreading your toes in the light there should be a clear distinction between what's stocking and what are your adorable toes. Another suggestion would be painting your toes themed for special occasions, subscriber milestones, anniversaries, etc. and posting pictures, but making sure to provide a proper download link as YouTube's embedding can be annoying to extract from.
Thanks for reading, here's to an exciting future of you making me cum with your feet, Pips!

>> No.37028412

Will /vt/ immediately flip and hate her when she disavows /here/fags in favour of numbers?

>> No.37028462

>1600 on some bullshit stream

damn shes inclined since I last checked

>> No.37028552

/vt/ should breed more rrat for her

>> No.37028589

Don't care, never watching Pickme Pippa

>> No.37028808

She has been too popular for like 10 months if by "too popular" you mean how many unfunny tryhard losers she has in her chat these days. Maybe I just grew out of her whole shtick bit it's obnoxious to watch.

>> No.37029588

>tfw subbed to her the other day after seeing the operation popeye short
she's too fucking based

>> No.37033196

too bad, you wasted your rrats too early, now she is unstoppable

>> No.37033292

Well-deserved. She's intaking a lot of the disenfranchised ex-Hololive fans and has nowhere to go but up for being consistent to the dual threat of GFE/creativity brand.

>> No.37033340

Quit spamming shill threads about this useless whore

>> No.37034815 [DELETED] 
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but thats literally a good 90% of her entire content archive.
Should move on Twitch, would probably get bigger as this kind of garbage the zoomers loves is more meta over there.
The moment they get bored of her however she will drop hard if she doesn't unironically improve herself

>> No.37035044 [DELETED] 

Very organic post

>> No.37035127

You may think it's a shill post but this is what the average /vt/ chud believes.

>> No.37035128
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She's getting so popular, discord servers have started to ban her from being talked about.


But you totally won't see that happen for actual garbage tubers like those in vshojo (cough, veibae).

>> No.37035621

I don't understand. Looks like good streams.
Touring mansions with her chat? Geography quiz with her chat? Complaining about videogame players getting scammed by overwatch? This is classic Pippa content.

I think you're used to vtubers spamming the same gameplay streams over and over. Rust, Valorant, Minecraft.....etc. and you get irrationally angry when you see a vtuber who isn't doing that.

>> No.37035749 [DELETED] 

>Ame Discord fanservice
Are you seriously asking why you obnoxious fuckers gets banned?

>> No.37035838

t. Pippa

>> No.37035895

I already hate her since she made a video saying that she's trying to filter me.

>> No.37036593 [DELETED] 

>But you totally won't see that happen for actual garbage tubers like those in vshojo (cough, veibae).
VShojo don't get spammed in these servers, you literally got banned because you were doing discord raids

>> No.37036622

I don't watch vtubers but if I did I'd watch Pippa.

>> No.37038028

Good for her?

>> No.37038087

she'll eventually dump the whole pandering to /vt eventually, shell still be edgy but a sanitized edgy bc the reality is catering to the faggots here absolutely has a ceiling that she can break though if she modifies her business model

>> No.37038177

she screams way too fuckin loud. had to click off the stream last time I tried to watch her

>> No.37038454

the only thing i hate that she does is the retarded repeating of shit..."DID YOU SEE THAT CHAT?!? DID YOU SEE THAT CHAT" she does it so fucking much on longer streams where she fills dead air.

>> No.37038528

All I see is trannies jealous at her success

>> No.37038633

/vt/ has been doomposting her since practically her debut.

>> No.37038717

By who? You and your imaginary friends? Chubba no longer the hot shit in the west, everyone is reclining

>> No.37038935

So many assravaged 2views angry at Pippa. You should be using her as inspiration and climbing out of 2view purgatory.

>> No.37039145

She literally hates her numbers. The only way she is keeping it together is by pretending she only has to endure this boost for a while longer and go back to being at around 200 views.

>> No.37039348

no one hates money anon

>> No.37039374

You expect another Nyanner, but the yabbit is redpilled. She could've abandon everything when fishman turn his back on her fan, but she stayed with them

>> No.37039419

nobody hates money, but people have come to resent popularity before.

>> No.37039429

Fuck you. She's going all the way up to be the next Alex Jones tier schizo. There is NO limit.

>> No.37039438

Now you're wishing you're in her shoes

>> No.37039458

It's not about money, it's about comfort. She's been a 3view all this time and now has to entertain loads of new people.

>> No.37041603

I'm happy for her. I just wish popularity wasn't the kiss of death.

>> No.37042101

I already hate her because of her annoying faggot fanbase

>> No.37043260

She isnt popular enough

>> No.37043580

She's what Senzawa could've been

>> No.37043664

I hate her faggot fans and it bleeds over a bit into hating her even though I have watched maybe half of one stream of hers

>> No.37045216

>She will either abandon her Kiwifarms fanbase
This hinges on the presumption that she was pandering to them all along.
IIRC all she did to earn this "fanbase" was not disavow them as terrible people, like everyone else does. The fruitfarmers took this as her accepting them and a bunch of them took her as their oshi...but of course, fruitfarmers are a special breed of retarded and tried to dox her.

>> No.37045420
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when she sees the cash flowing, she will forget about you anon

>> No.37045819
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>> No.37046357
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Her chat is poverty though.
You niggers are really just too poor.

>> No.37046415

Like oshi, like viewer.

>> No.37046479

half of the entertainment comes from her being a broke trailer queen that thinks waffle house is a 5 star restaurant, it's all over when she can afford rent in a neighborhood that doesn't come with gunshot BGM

>> No.37046509

Lol this is too retarded.

>> No.37046542

Idol corp should sponsor her, she deserve it.

>> No.37046564

She panders to here far too much and eventually it will backfire on her

>> No.37047068
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That's what happens when you pander to the latinx.

>> No.37048421

Fortunately a poor anon obsessed with money like you never have a chance to sway her

>> No.37048447

Pippa made this thread.

>> No.37048476

she's called them family before

>> No.37048500

Same vibe as "You post in here far too much and eventually it will backfire on you"

>> No.37048508

Her chat is arguably worse than Gura's with how unfunny they are. And she reads it all. How do you guys even watch her?

>> No.37048537

Can't wait to find out she's a grifter whore with a boyfriend

>> No.37048711

Pippa thinks that people that don't think pornographic novels are appropriate for schoolchildren are "Karens"
Fuck this pedo pickme whore

>> No.37048786

Today is the day, because she's had a long-term boyfriend since she was like 13. Generally I don't think Pippa is a grifter, but she did lie about being a virgin, which was totally unnecessary to even bring up but she did anyway. A better decision would have been to just say nothing at all and never bring it up.

>> No.37049066

>Pippa moves to her dream house in Texas
>Pippa ranting for 2 hours about how bullshit upper class neighborhood HOA's are

>> No.37049307 [DELETED] 

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.37049359
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>> No.37049361
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Didn't read.

>> No.37049605

lmao seethe

>> No.37049766

>hurr durr she's totally redpilled bro
>cusses and says vulgar whore stuff non-stop
Grifter whore

>> No.37049954

But that's what /#/ and /pcg/ believe.

>> No.37051692

>she's had a long-term boyfriend since she was like 13.
Pippa is the tradwife savior of the western civilization. I'll steal her boyfriend with my massive cock.

>> No.37051982

You should be happy for her. We did our job we helped her in the beginning now it's time to let our yabbit grow as the superstar she deserves to be.

>> No.37052123

Great for them! They got a better job, they moved to their dream state, they found their soulmate, they found another friend who they connected with more. Awesome for them, moving up in life! Feels like losing a friend. It just makes me want to never have friends again just to avoid the feeling of losing them. I got enough of that IRL. Guess I'll just sit here in the corner and play with dead leaves in the dirt then.

>> No.37052187

wow, she's still a relatively new vtuber and we're already revisioning history? that's awesome. what's next, pretending that she didn't get a farms regular as her mod?

>> No.37052236

Nyanners was redpilled too, once upon a time. It never lasts.

>> No.37052279

oh no, i won't get my redneck hoarder furry wife who showers once a month and has teeth rotting out of her mouth because she doesn't brush them. whatever will i do. pippa is cool, but there's literally not a single less attractive female on the planet and the fact that you're swooning over her says a lot about your level of incel-fueled desperation.

>> No.37052370

This is what happens when they take the bible out of schools. Moses never got to enter the Chosen Land either. And he didn't even have leaves to play with because it's all fucking sand and shit over there. Either stick with it or find another 2view to groom. Thus is the saviour process continued.

>> No.37053000
File: 208 KB, 912x886, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You anons speak like if Kiwifarms was different from 4chan. Kiwifarms is literally just the tripfag version of this place.

>> No.37053030

>an entire forum of just tripfags
What a fucking shithole. Nobody here likes tripfags.

>> No.37053138

fatigue of antis

>> No.37053207

>abandon her Kiwifarms fanbase
She and we have shat on KWF multiple times. Shut your gay ass up.

>> No.37053350


>> No.37053448


>> No.37053532

goons are gays and /i/ was never, ever good

>> No.37053543

She sounds like she does crack.
I don't want to donate to her or member her if that money is being used for crack.

>> No.37053563

>teeth falling out
Anon it's clearly meth.

>> No.37054064

>A chat worse than Gura’s
That’s a statement. It’s that bad?

>> No.37057379

I blame Fauna

>> No.37057998

>and she reads it all
Only if you're not a grey.
The amount of times I've commented in small-time Vtubers' chats, only to get ignored as if they're big-time...

>> No.37058064

Unironically, I see too many normalniggers and redditors in chat lately.
No hate for Hololive's fanbase on this board though, any fanbase that get large enough gets filled with this kind of cancer.

>> No.37058172

She's the first authentic, original face of Western vtubing. And she's damn good. It's to be expected that people will flock to her.

>> No.37058324

Pippacuck status?

>> No.37058381
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this is a prime example of woman talk.
no person would want their oshi to become less popular or less successful. w*men, however, would write something like this to make you say something like
>wew she's really popular and doing great
rember your in a bait thread

>> No.37058957

Yes, bitch I saw it. Stop doing that to stall and think. Overcome the autism and learn to speak while thinking of what you want to say.

>> No.37059912

Already abandoning her kiwi fans by calling out racist memes in chat that she always used to be ok with and pandering to lgbt topics.

>> No.37060244

By who? Vtweeters will jump on any 2view who likes loli or something but they're terrified of picking fights with anyone who has a large audience. They're not gonna try to fuck with Pippa.

>> No.37064135

She ALREADY abandoned her Kiwifarms fanbase after they betrayed her.

>> No.37065753

Sad reality of popularity
Especially when you're owned

>> No.37065965

Thanks for the info Pippa

>> No.37066088


>> No.37066317

What a degenerate, time to jump into another 2 view

>> No.37066681

Abandons kwf because they doxxed her, jumps onto depressed nousagi who is also a notorious doxfag
>everyone but me is the problem

>> No.37066873

She was never a true /here/ tuber. She pandered to /vt/ to get her start. Then she slowly started revealing that she posted on Reddit and tumblr, and itncame out she was a furry. I bet she was also a Gaiafag. She is the antithesis of 4chan. The screeching was the biggest indication.

>> No.37067101

>itncame out she was a furry
EVERYONE on 4chan is a closet furry

>> No.37067183

kill yourself

>> No.37067208
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Yiff in hell, furfag.

>> No.37067352

She's getting ready to advertise herself on Bea's last stream, this vulture never misses a chance

>> No.37067474
File: 78 KB, 671x548, smugcunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow this manages to be the most deranged and schizo post of the week

>> No.37067578 [DELETED] 

>pickme pippa
It's hilarious because it's obvious she's just hard pandering to whatever her furry faggot-lisp boyfriend tells her to pander to.
Guess big forehead doesn't always mean big brain.

>> No.37067614

Gotta vent the menhera goslings into space once in a while else they can reach catastrophic pressure and blow the whole thing up.

>> No.37067749

>W-W-what if she had a boyfriend bros
Nobody would care. She's one of the most sexless, GFEless vtubers. If you have watched more than 2 Pippa streams and somehow still became romantically interested in her you should be institutionalized. The major 'leak' didn't do anything to her growth.

>> No.37067942

Pippa is a lowkey brotuber.
I watched this deranged animal stream a few days ago, just spent 4 hours listening to this crazy rabbit show us black market reptile sites.

It just pulls you in, I understand why she’s climbing.

>> No.37067965

She's still a pretty good streamer though. She's one of the very few I can actually watch for longer than 10 minutes. You niggers shill HoloEn 24/7 but outside of maybe Gura none are as entertaining as Pippa. ID is utter trash too.

>> No.37067978

>cries how she loves chat
whom the fuck are you trying to fool here faggot?

>> No.37068578

reminder that she hates these threads because they draw negative attention. Do not whiteknight here.

>> No.37069830

Why if anything it should drive traffic to her throne.

>> No.37070481

She was a big fan of the original brotuber (female), Artia.
"Girl who's from the internet but isn't an e-thot" is a great streamer archetype. All of them are pretty successful.

>> No.37073569

I hope she keeps growing

>> No.37074845

If you dont like popular just watch Kiki

>> No.37074891

Didn't ask.
Pippa sniffa

>> No.37075090

You’ve never felt platonic love for your bros? If you can’t feel the same kind of connection to a vtuber that you have for your bros just because she has a vagina, then you’re not supposed to watch Pippa.
They all know we fap to them and make jokes about wanting to fuck them because they have anime girl avatars. Did we all forget that that’s not the same as wanting to marry the rm?

>> No.37075236
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YouTube has been recommending me pippa lately. The fake vtuber corpo skit was hilarious how coom brain easy making an appealing roster would be.

What the hell is her accent?

>> No.37075322

She leeched off of Metokur.

>> No.37075464

Horse girl=\= furry

Horse girl is it’s own weird energy.

>> No.37075621

She's hiding her accent. Her toothless stream shows off her actual accent.

>> No.37078088

>Pippa is a lowkey brotuber.
This. She's like the girlfriend of your best friend that hangs out with your group regularly. It helps that she doesn't coomer bait.

>> No.37078894

Wake me up when she does an interesting stream .

>> No.37079378

>she did lie about being a virgin
Where? Proof? As far as I know there's no proof they had sex and so even though I don't think she ever claimed she was a virgin it's probably true. It's not like they live with eachother in real life. Retard.

>> No.37082196
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>> No.37082783

She has said on numerous occasions that she doesn't want to have more numbers specifically because she doesn't want to have to deal with management bitching about about vtweeters complaining about her

>> No.37083275

>Kiwifarms is literally just the tripfag version of this place.
Always thought that was plebbit

>> No.37083368

no shit

>> No.37083855
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>She's getting too popular
relax, she will fall very soon

>> No.37085451

Absolut kino

>> No.37085539

Don't compare tryhard to true talent

>> No.37085556

Leddit is tripfag blue boards, Kiwi is tripfag red boards.

>> No.37085573 [DELETED] 

This is what pink rabbit fans watch?

>> No.37085634

Her accent is "I am missing one of my front teeth and trying really hard to not let you hear how much of a deep south redneck I am"

>> No.37085667

Decent singer with an alcohol addiction and depression?

>> No.37085698

Pippa streams regularly, tho.

>> No.37085754

Oh nyo
Le based Alt-right"schizo" /our/girl

>> No.37085821

Yes, and it’s so cute. I can always watch Shiina if I want to hear a standard accent, Lumi and Lia if I want to hear a valley girl accent, and Hime if I want to hear an Australian trying to hide her accent.

>> No.37085827

>implying she's a drunk
>implying she can sing

>> No.37086062

She gets drunk of maraschino cherries, which is adorable, and after a year of practice she's almost good enough that you can say she can sing.

>> No.37086535

She's suppressing how much of a redneck she is

>> No.37086648

I'd say she's a tad past that level now, it's a coinflip over whether she is technically singing competently or actually singing well, her starting peak is her new baseline IMO.

>> No.37086652
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I know nothing about her but I'd accept a footjob from her in a heartbeat

>> No.37086891

its totally cute to be a disgusting fuck that doesnt take care of yourself in your late 20s, imagine needing to get a tooth bridge in your 20s bc you are a lazy southern retard that doesn't brush your teeth, pippa is entertaining but dont for a second call her cute shes fucking vile.

>> No.37088081

yea now teamates hate her because she gets more views than Ame

>> No.37088993

she's going to get roped into the faggot drama tuber dox drama because she's friends with him

>> No.37089331

I just said the accent was cute. If you’re this triggered then don’t visit /pcg/ and see what actual capippalists have to say.

>> No.37089491

Not a fan of her content. Kinda lame she panders to kf and does ads for a notorious doxxfag who uses kw for his pay walled content.

>> No.37090031

i have ptsd from having actual disgusting female roommates in my 20s some girlfriends some platonic friends, honestly alot of the naïve fucks on this board who've never held hands with a girl in their life would be shocked how fucking disgusting women can be. pippa checks all those boxes, being from the south and relatively poor growing up is just the cherry on top.

>> No.37092443

She needs to become even more powerful

>> No.37092885

But they're all interesting streams

>> No.37094804

I think she's cute despite her toof pwoblems. Maybe even cuter because of them.

>> No.37094943

yea bro ppl with rotting teeth in their 20s are so hot i cant wait to make out with her and taste dead tooth

>> No.37094967

According to sovial blade stats shes getting momentum again

>> No.37094983

you don't know 4chan very well.
It's degenerates shitting on other degenerates.
Pippa is more 4chan than you ever will be.
Back to crystalcafe or femaledatingstrategy, newfag.

>> No.37095061

I dont think thats a girl
Only Vtuber girls hate the most is Shylily but thats because shes the most successful Vtuber this year

>> No.37095156

might be a guy, but he sure sounds like a catty bitch making up shit as he goes idc. All in all it's fragile "fans" who are afraid of kiwifarms. Trannies afraid of more people looking into their disgusting groomer communities.
Pippa is smart and a good egg. And I hope she flees to another platform ASAP, because I can already see the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023 won't be pretty, as more and more self-mutilators and their allies find out about her.

>> No.37095347 [DELETED] 

left is Pippa with 85k subs
right is niji fish with 470k subs

>> No.37095370
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>left is Pippa with 85k subs
>right is niji fish with 470k subs

>> No.37095519

Honestly just glad Pippa isnt a Vtweeter in my eyes anymore
Her follower count on Twitter isn't so close to her Youtube Subs anymore

>> No.37098335

She might as well take the crown since no one wants it

>> No.37098467

Like mold, she is spreading.

>> No.37098490

She's a vtuber, I don't give a fuck how many teeth she has irl as long as I don't have to look at it.

>> No.37098580

Can someone give me a quick rundown of this rabbit?

>> No.37098681

Only with more popularity she will get enough power to end The Year of The Chud with a Jim collab.
Stop being a faggot fishman and let rabbit talk to her oshi before he dies.

>> No.37099022

So what's gonna happen first? She gets large enough to get in actual trouble over her /here/ and kiwi baiting and she gets hard shackled by Phase if not outright chased out, or she gets large enough that she finally decides she doesn't need to pander to you losers anymore and pulls a Nyanners so she can stream with Asmongold?

You know one or the other is going to happen, Pippafags. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.37101074

Screechy redneck that likes V tubers

>> No.37101406

I bet Pippas futacock is getting hard reading this thread right now

>> No.37101517

What will you guys do if Pippa hits 1mil subs?

>> No.37101600

Is her popularity inclining the rest of Phase Connect as well, or are they being left in the dust?

>> No.37101686

It's not a matter of will, it's a matter of when.

>> No.37102104

celebrate New years eve 2030

>> No.37102301

where's the lewds

>> No.37102448

Surprised that fish's average hasnt dipped below 1k yet

>> No.37102993

She already mogged iluna, she coming for nijien next.

>> No.37103426

For every shitty gacha stream she has a collab and a buffed game
