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37010059 No.37010059 [Reply] [Original]

>TTRPG Killer

>> No.37010145

good, that shit was trash

>> No.37010197


>> No.37010217

Been awhile since I watched Hololive. What ever happened to the TTRPG?

>> No.37010368

I needed to be killed so that Fauna can become the GM one day.

>> No.37010390

Nobody cared and fans were pissed that they wasted full collabs on that shit so Mori dropped it.
Thank fucking god

>> No.37010441

>Mori has a bad idea
Who could have seen this coming?

>> No.37010445

Tempus appeared and friendship disappeared.

>> No.37010466

You are both genuinely retarded. It was funny, specifically Ame was hilarious. Kiara rule-lawyering constantly was also kino. Gura was Gura so that's just like a buff to an entire party in a collab. Ina was entertaining despite herself, which was on-brand I suppose.

>> No.37010489

You do know Fauna has no interest being a GM?

>> No.37010520

Literally just Myth being pieces of shit who can't organize a collab to save their lives unless it's corpo-mandated merch-shilling shit.

Supposedly "people" (almost certainly just Gura the sociopath) also kept ghosting Mori so she decided to drop it since clearly nobody gives a shit anymore

>> No.37010672
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uhh based?

>> No.37010739

>dont have to listen to mori again
Holy Based!

>> No.37010817

Ah yes she ghosts myth but not council
Face it the rest of myth are just shitty friends

>> No.37010837

Unironically? Timezones and schedules. Saying Gura was guilty is fucking retarded, because she enjoyed it the most of all the girls.
If anyone is guilty, you should look in the direction of the girls who recently admitted all holomyth girls keep ghosting her.

>> No.37010867


>> No.37010986

this has to be bait

>> No.37011148

>If anyone is guilty, you should look in the direction of the girls who recently admitted all holomyth girls keep ghosting her
Well Mori did say it was her fault and not to go attack other holos for it.

>> No.37011215

if you're trying to sow drama, don't use Gura. She's unblameable

>> No.37011254

whoa whoa calm down with your narrative there cuckbeat/teanigger

btw this right here (making shit up against other EN members) is the closest you can get white knighting your lying whores. you will never succeed in this because it's a desperate, pathetic attempt to begin with.

hope your whores rot in the deepest circle of hell, i really wish.

>> No.37011268

She had the TTRPG finale date reserved, but chose to cancel it last minute and have a TTRPG session with trash taste in that time.
So, yeah.

>> No.37011538

>The one who enjoyed roleplaying the most is the killer.
Nah, Mori is the biggest killer of Mythbreakers. She showed up half asleep to two sessions. She inserted a filler arc into it because of the whim of enjoying Squid Games at that time. She overpromised more sessions but kept cutting them down as time went along. She could have easily done one finale session but cancelled that to do another session with another group. She's had plenty of times to be done with it but kept putting it off. The thing hinges on a GM who is willing to tell the story and Mori is the one that is holding it up the most.

I think a perfect example of Mori being a terrible organizer is looking back at the ones she's done so far: the pokemon tournament and Jump King "tournament". I think you can find some enjoyable if you look at certain sections of it but I don't think you can say they were organized well.

>> No.37011924

There is only one girl who is infamous for ghosting her co-workers and that's gura the sociopath.

>> No.37012005

TTRPG was gonna die anyways and there was 3 people that supported the dead of it

Ame: since a long time ago there was a "member" that Mori mention that lost interest on it and wasn't gonna be at a possible (now impossible) 2nd season. Last episode totally pointed to the death of Watoto and Ame called her participation at TTRP cringe herself. It was completly clear that the first member that was gonna leave was Ame, but, despite that, she wanted to complete the campaign at least.

Gura: in her path of becoming a JP member and being "busy" she has isolated herself, showing 0 interest on doing things with Myth and HoloEN in general (outside of SNOT), she herself told her members that she hasn't talked with Ina in months and Kiara hasn't talked to her in a long time either. Even if she loved being Scout, if there's someone that has lost the interest on TTRPG and is not gonna participate to make it end is her.

Mori: The creator and the main one destroying her own campaign, not my words, she faulted herself for making the other girls lost interest. You can't have a fucking episode every 3 months and think that the viewers and the other girls will remember the story, how things worked or wanting to continue your story. Mori spent her time to do RM shit that made her dissapear for months, months were the campaign didn't have any advance. And when they got the fucking day to end the campaign SHE HAS TO GO TO DO RM SHIT AGAIN, and the irony, ttrpg with other people, fucking hilarious. Ofc the other girls will lose interest with retarded decisions like that

I had fun with TTRPG, but letting it die was the best option. Now Mori said no more campaigns because she's traumatized, but maybe one shot episodes with random people who wanna join (TDLR: homos, fubuki, kronii and ID). So, thanks Mori, nice job

>> No.37012006

it's just a rrat.

>> No.37012069

why are we blaming her again?

>> No.37012114 [DELETED] 
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Let me get banned so I can tell people that OP is full of shit and that Mori herself canceled the last stream at the last possible moment so she could do a TTRPG as karen with trash taste instead on the same day. I figured everyone on this board knew this since jannies couldn't ban shitposter posting the truth fast enough the day it happened.

>> No.37012125

Why would you want a collab with Mori in it?

>> No.37012175

Mori killed it when she cancelled the last session so she'd be better prepared for the Other Thing. If fans felt snubbed when she did that then just imagine how the participants felt.

>> No.37012261

>Also killed Rust
Thank you based Gura. That shit was a fucking slog to watch.

>> No.37012471

Nope, i had like the 3rd or 4th on in the background one day and laughed out loud a couple times, went back and watched the rest and was genuinely entertained. Maybe it's ojisan thing...

>> No.37012538

>instead on the same day
I am pretty sure it wasn't at the same day.

>> No.37013099

There's no one to blame but Mori. One, she roped them all into a setting that no one was that enthusiastic about. They made the best of it and I think had fun but some basic bitch D&D or something would have been much lower friction. Two, the scheduling was retarded, you can't expect people to keep up what little enthusiasm they had when they meet every couple of months. And three, I've been in groups that only meet up a couple times of year, it can work. Not when its a super serialized campaign that the DM railroads the fuck out of though, that she also decided to add padding to stretch it out further.

>> No.37013579

Based Gura.
Serves Mori right

>> No.37016505

She has been considering that idea, only hasn't felt confident about it. She is clearly the most qualified in the whole HoloEN.

>> No.37022038

>Anyone who likes what I don't like is baiting!

>> No.37025470

Fpbp. Shit was lame as hell.

>> No.37026178
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God I want this lil nigga to manipulate me and break my mind and will.
I will return the favor by breaking every orifice in her body

>> No.37026903

fpbp. They all hate being around each other anyways.

>> No.37031702

Long running TTRPG were always going to be hard to maintain unless everyone is planning to make it their main priority. It goes for normal TTRPG sessions even for people who get together to play, much less for people doing ir for content.

They should have gone for easy one episode campaigns like Murder Mysteries or Call of Cthulthu like JP does first to see if they can all go on board with the scheduling and preparation needed for a larger story based one.

>> No.37033475

Timestamp? Sounds off character.

>> No.37034217

It was, and she specifically cancelled the Holo one because she was hungover but the TT was sponsored I think so she showed up to that one

>> No.37038847


>> No.37039280

maybe if Mori focus on Hololive for a second, give more than 5%, and stops shilling her RM together with her e-celeb circle of friends, maybe she wouldn't be constantly ghosted

>> No.37039470

>most qualified DM in HoloEN
lol lmao
That’s Vesper
>inb4 muh HoloEN means girls
Cope, Tempus is HoloEN

>> No.37041104

Is there any proof it was the same day? I distinctly remember it was 2-3 days later than the Myth ttrpg.

>> No.37041607

The TTRPG streams were great but damn it shouldn't have been full Myth.

Ame was so fucking retarded it took until like the second session to realise it wasn't dungeons and dragons with her shitty joke character that she legitimately thought was a goblin.

Ina was Ina, but thanks to Mori's GMing her wallflowerness actually improved the group dynamics.

However, Mori made the entire thing way too complex and kept piling on elements rather than letting things breathe. It's a damn shame because Gura, Kiara and Ina were all trying their hardest and were great.

>> No.37043490

Not her fault they refuse to start a new game

>> No.37043722

They're holostarsEN sweaty ;)

>> No.37046820

It couldve improved

>> No.37046962

>it shouldn't have been full Myth.
I just don't think Mori was fully prepared for a full group setting, all the 1on1 introduction streams were great, specifically Kiara's and Gura's.
Full group DMing + 3 other streamers + having to be in streamer mode was probably too much.

>> No.37046993

I can't believe the existence of men killed the sanity of 5 women

>> No.37047080
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and hundreds of thousands of unicorns as well. How will the ecosystem ever recover from this?

>> No.37047276

>Was the one who actually enjoyed the roleplaying during those streams
>Somehow it's her fault
Why are teamates trying so hard to pin this on gura? Everyone hated those streams anyway.

>> No.37051543

based ttrpg was mid

>> No.37051708

what actually happened was she was rushing it out when she wasn't prepped because she didn't want to get shit for doing the TT one over it, realized that was stupid and that she wanted to actually prepare for something she cared about so she cancelled it

>> No.37051766


>> No.37051781

People that posted the truth got banned, check the deleted posts RUMAO.

>> No.37051819

Praise the Shark for sinking Mori's worthless content.

>> No.37051880

Eh fuck it I would rather see her remake Scout inthe Tempus game. It has a better DM and may be the only game ive ever seen where a girl joins the group and everyone else doesnt spill their sphaghetti trying to come onto her

>> No.37051919

Gura was a good roleplayer, even if she did design a character that would be easy for someone from her background to play. It's not her fault.

>> No.37051943

I would kill it to if Mori was in charge of it

>> No.37053173

This is pure homo copium

>> No.37053270

That made me laugh. As of you could kill off unicorns. That's some next level mental illness you have redditard

>> No.37056502

FPBP! I'm totally not the same guy constantly replying to myself, BTW.
