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File: 327 KB, 1899x1528, mythcollabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36898558 No.36898558 [Reply] [Original]

I went ahead and compiled the results from Holodex for the rest of Myth's collabs.

Ame and Kiara did a lot of collabs together after the summer. If you remove those, and big organized events like Among Us (yes I removed them from the whole chart, not just after summer to skew the numbers), the results are staggering.
Myth has had near-zero interactions together since meeting up in person.

>> No.36898781

Are graphs made superficially judging the relationships between friends made by people without friends? That's some data I'd like to see.

>> No.36898824

>Meet fans in person at cons.
>GFE stops.
>Meet each other in person.
>Collabs stop.

>> No.36898855

Women don't like each other, especially when they're competing. Meeting in the real world made their relationships more personal, which only fuelled the angst, jealousy and spite they have.

>> No.36898875

Kiara and Mori have both admitted Myth aren't close friends behind the scenes. Your attempt at derailing the discussion is futile.

>> No.36899050

…you really should take your meds. Not even joking. Maybe take a shower, while you’re at it.

>> No.36899064

I'm sure JPs feel the same about each other, they're just professional enough to still work together and are able to fake high energy friendship for an entire stream. Myth can't be bothered to do either and management doesn't care as long as the cash keeps flowing in.

>> No.36899106

unity in a gen including Mori was always impossible lets be real

>> No.36899191

JP streaming culture and entertainment culture is different from NA streaming and entertainment culture. Difference in management and support simply exacerbate the issue.

>> No.36899207

While I can't speak for other English speaking countries, here in America the concept of profesionalism simply doesn't exist in most fields, and the entertainment industry is especially bad about it. It sucks, but you just kind of come to expect it.

>> No.36899262

What happens if they put a mirror up by their screen while streaming?

>> No.36899605

>Gura refused sex with Ame
>Ina was informed she was dying back then
>Mori "Doxxing central" Calliope
Yeah, no wonder Myth is dead

>> No.36899935

>Mori "Doxxing central" Calliope

>> No.36899945

So how Bae friendship with Miori only got reinforced with the off collab?

>> No.36900005

It's literally part of Japanese culture to have two faces at all times. I'm sure some of them get along just fine, but definitely not all of them.

>> No.36900073

Bae is Australian. They're built different.

>> No.36901002
File: 147 KB, 692x720, 1644152143023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko could barely force herself to collab with Miko for over a year, and even that has been minimal. Same with Suisei and Kanata. Not all of the girls like each other, they just hide it better. However, though obviously the jp culture encourages professionalism, that is not the only reason.
Remember that JP has 4 times the members of EN, meaning that there's more room for stable cliques to form. Those can intersect and intercollab, but they don't have to, and provide enough variety for viewers to be satisfied so the chuubas don't need to seek out other partners they don't get along with that well. Meanwhile in EN, with just 10 people, 2 cliques forming are an obvious sight, as proven by the numerous rrats plaguing this board the past year.
I'm only hoping for EN3 and 4 so that the girls will have more collab partners, which may incentivize them to stream more. I was initially hoping the Myth girls would stay true to their promises and learn nipgo, but I've given up on them.

>> No.36901101

Japanese culture DOES have that concept of private face and public face

>> No.36901188

Mori doxxed her own RL family

>> No.36901216

mori and her sister almost got all of myth doxxed
This eroded the already low trust in her

>> No.36901345

>Lets get a group picture ladies!
>Hey, deadbeats, listen to this funny story! Me and ____'s current location in real life is in the same building as __ ______ [known social media user], isn't that wacky?

>> No.36901388

Every fucking culture has that.

>> No.36901440
File: 99 KB, 850x601, NePoLaBo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure JPs feel the same about each other,

>> No.36901542

>streaming stops
Looks like they've already done that

>> No.36901707

>Ina was informed she was dying back then
can't believe Myth is LITERALLY dying.
that probably means Ame doing off-collab with Ina, she wants to pass more time with her before the falling

>> No.36901733

Are Ame and Kiara really the only genuine friends in Myth?

>> No.36901821

They had sex anon, they slept on the same hotel so that is indeed sex.

>> No.36902014

Right, anon.

>> No.36903699

if Mumei and Fauna aren't friends I will not belleve in anything ever again

>> No.36903819

Council still seem to all still like each other, and they still continued to do stuff together after their off collab.

>> No.36903846

>If you remove their recent interactions, they have near-zero interactions.

>> No.36903895

That's western women for you,

>> No.36904168

Cultural and political differences AND they are all western women, and THEN mention the tempus fags making another crack to their relationship and there's no going back to the lie.

Simply put, myth girls never had a thing in common besides being the first EN holos.

>> No.36904218

>If you remove their recent interactions, they have near-zero interactions.
Full gen collabs were removed across the board and still show a significative trend.
Ametori was removed to show that besides that, there's nothing left in Myth.
Both facts.

>> No.36904317

modern western culture likes to pretend it doesnt but we are worse than the fucking japs about it
t. autist who used to take everyone at their word

>> No.36904450

I'm a westerner who has never been to Japan and they seem to be way more into that shit than we are.

>> No.36904800

2020/ early 2021 was peak myth kino, it's all gone to shit now.

>> No.36904857

Why Mori CALLIOPE exists then?

>> No.36905174

But something like authenticity and honesty is much more valuable in western culture while eastern culture values harmony and compliance

>> No.36905244


>> No.36905265

Ame, Kiara, and Ina are the only real friends in Myth. Ina hasn't collabed directly with Kiara in a while but they're comfortable enough with each other to call during one of Ina's member streams.

>> No.36905268

>something like authenticity and honesty is much more valuable in western culture
lol no, both western and eastern cultures value bootlicking. The difference is who you're not allowed to defy.
t. Asian living in Europe

>> No.36905535


>> No.36905732

Holos for this feel?

>> No.36905745

It's more of an instinct that can't be expressed in words, but if you asked me to describe it, it would be that in the west you can't say the wrong thing while in Asia you can't fuck with the wrong person.
Obviously there's not a clear east/west divide, E. Asia and Europe are both very diverse places. But specifically here I'm talking about the Anglo-American world.

>> No.36905830

>judging the relationships between friends
We arent talking about personal friendships you weirdo; we're talking about how they do their jobs.

>> No.36905998

>they're just professional enough to still work together and are able to fake high energy friendship for an entire stream
Gen 1....
Gen 2....

>> No.36906250

HoloEN3 and NijiEN7 can’t come soon enough so you fags can actually talk about something new for once

>> No.36906357

>People say it's because they are westerners
>Councilrys actually get along and don't clearly hate one another
It's a myth problem.

>> No.36906576

I wonder why.
t. deadbeat

>> No.36906595

If we get a gaggle of hags for EN3 maybe they can tard wrangle the rest of them.

>> No.36906943

Hags are Japanese. 30+ western women are not hag material and are worse than younger western women.

>> No.36907118

I'd believe it from them. They're the most open and honest about the goings-on in EN. Calli more in the "who cares" camp, Kiara more in the "I'm going to express how I feel right now and staff can suck it" camp.
Now, I felt that the off-collab felt very weird. It was obvious who the theater kids were and weren't. Usually at least one of the other girls would be totally checked out at a time. I feel Calli in particular was cringing her way through half of it. They ended up saying Kiara smelled bad. I just got an awkward feeling from the whole deal.

>> No.36907193


>> No.36907201

The stupid broad literally doxxed herself in the first week.

>> No.36907251

Quick question, did you bother to look at Rust interactions like for instance the RainForest Peace Party when you made this or was that too much effort?

>> No.36907605

Removing full-gen is acceptable, removing Ametori is actually retarded and is only done to skew results more.

>> No.36907635

At least put a previous thread for the newfags.

>> No.36907725

You severely underestimate the perpetuated damage of an older western woman. This is a straight up bad idea.

>> No.36908006

Was it Kiara? I thought we never found out who smelt bad.No idea what you mean about theater kids.

I feel bad for Baelz, iirc she was told to dress up and then she arrived and just sat there quietly while people were casually dressed and kinda ignoring her. It just seemed petty and dickish, mainly the part about her being dressed up since it must feel awkward as fuck when you're the only one like that, like it was some kind of joke at your expense.

>> No.36908658

That'd only work if you get actual proper hags and not just old roasties, which is infinitely more difficult in the western world. Imagine an even more jaded, bitter, lazy, openly hostile cat lady Mori who complains because men "can't handle her".

>> No.36908737

JPs just better. As always.

>> No.36912033

I don't believe

>> No.36913949

>Are Ame and Kiara really the only genuine friends in Myth?
So long as Ame keeps playing tech support

>> No.36914063

>30+ western women are not hag material and are worse than younger western women.
see: Kiara.

>> No.36916234

she also probably invited some non-hololive Vtubers to their offcollab, Ame alluded to this at least calling it a "dream".

>> No.36916356

Rust was fun for collabs both spontaneous and not but it was hardly a festival of Myth unity outised of Ame x Kiara collabs perhaps. If anything Gura was openly cringing at Calli every time they interacted.

>> No.36917181

>he doesn't know about kiaras deleted tweets

>> No.36917305

