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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 170 KB, 647x203, unicorns_won.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36716170 No.36716170 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.36716187
File: 154 KB, 354x347, 1631612836994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns just keep winning.

>> No.36716263

Fauna is beating Mori???
Oh god how far have you fallen Mori

>> No.36716292

Mori doesn't even give a shit if her songs flop now, she gets the UMG money anyway and all she cares about now is her shitty roommate career (that and tweeting about Wan Piss 10 times a day). She doesn't even write the lyrics for her UMG Mori crap anymore, that's how little she invests in them. So much for being a "perfectionist".

>> No.36716305

.... ... .. ..... . .. . ....... .. .......

>> No.36716383

Why even stay in Hololive at this point? She doesn’t deserve these low views considering how hard she’s worked for Hololive and pushed the music side of things. The brand has no pull anymore.

>> No.36716418

oh boy

>> No.36716423

Pretty much. She sold out to UMG like how Kson sold out to Vshojo.
>Both are le freedom and own the haters bitches.
>Both reclined to irrelevance.

>> No.36716432
File: 1.43 MB, 2508x865, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaching levels of cuckbeat cope I didn't even think was possible.
The girls who don't collab with m*les are doing fine.

>> No.36716458

>doing fine

>> No.36716492

>The girls who don't collab with m*les are doing fine.
Nigga, please. Males has nothing to do with Mori's recline. This shit all started back in summer when she went AWOL too many times when she was doing those con guest appearances.

>> No.36716524

It never fails to amuse me just how hard Kronii self-sabotaged her career. She has all the tools to become the flagship of Council and pissed it all away by being simultaneously autistic AND a huge normalfag that hates vtubing.

>> No.36716603

So you going to make this thread how many more times? You can't get more than couple dozen replies before it falls off and I think this is the 4th time you have tried by now.

>> No.36716654

tbf fauna's cover was very cute

>> No.36716881 [DELETED] 

>cuckbeat actually keeps track of how many times someone slighted his fat hambeast oshi
Kinda cringe desu

>> No.36716953

Feeling called out, OP?

>> No.36716983 [DELETED] 

cuckbeats status?

>> No.36717022

Are you going to make this thread every day? Isn’t that kind of pathetic? There’s so many untapped veins of shitposting and yet you repeat the same one over and over.

>> No.36717030

OP status?

>> No.36717056

Hmmmm I wonder what could've caused this?

>> No.36717088

We know our oshi will thrive outside the company so we’ll have years of content. Hololive is dying. What will your ‘pure’ oshis do lmao? They’ll quickly marry and completely forget about your donations, support and entire existence because there’s no way any of them can get a job or do well without the dying brand next to their name.

>> No.36717117
File: 14 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously can't tell anymore if these posts are bait or if cuckbeats truly are this fucking retarded and pathetic.

>> No.36717121
File: 76 KB, 778x1200, 9D7C550F-1241-4A43-A17D-53422602090E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume desperately bumping it from page 10 for the rest of the night and making the exact same thread tomorrow. Art is unrelated I just liked it.

>> No.36717156
File: 116 KB, 850x1202, 864D2DBD-D12D-48B3-AC08-B54614FDBEEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a new IP
>Not a new IP
Stop replying to yourself dude.

>> No.36717195


>> No.36717542

>The brand has no pull anymore.
and whose fault could that be? The alcoholic wigger larping as a revolutionary, maybe? Nah, never?
The brand still has pull. The discerning viewers just chose to watch the ones who respect them and their wishes and ignore the rest.

But yes, Mori and her circus of cakes and manwhores inflected lasting damage on the brand. But the managers are allergic to money and worship the poz, so they hark on the lolidesign, who is piloted by the most popular talent in the brand, instead, for being a remnant of problematic JP culture.

>> No.36717579

u really think UMG pays if the music doesn't sell or gain any traction???
they're in this business for decades, they know what to write in the fine print
at most she'll get they early payout but if she can't deliver they (as in hololive) gotta cough out that fees.
hololive is just burning cash to keep that bitch now. negative returns tenfold

>> No.36717763

>hololive is just burning cash to keep that bitch now
I mean they won't fire her for low views when there are other holos with low views.

>> No.36717779

B-but.... Mori said that UMG was was satisfied with I'm Greedy's performance. She said it so it must be true!

>> No.36717838

I mean maybe it is not doing well on youtube but on other places.

>> No.36718944

Do cuckbeats really?

>> No.36719403
File: 1.05 MB, 2632x544, 1639190133774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual best song

>> No.36719445

Supposedly it's doing well on iTunes because that's what Japanese listeners like to use. It is definitely a song aimed at that audience, when to a Western crowd yhe reception has been that its just meh.

>> No.36719607 [DELETED] 

4Blood goes pretty hard tbf

>> No.36719772

Kiara is the only good musician in hololive desu

>> No.36719875

Thought I'd drop a new IP just to call you an absolute faggot and you should probably fuck off back to the next Mori stream Chat and seethe there.

>> No.36719897

getting tired of winning

>> No.36719930

No need to seethe so much, discordbro.

>> No.36720289

Do NOT look at the numbers on the homo collab cover!

>> No.36720823

She'll recover

>> No.36722510


>> No.36727608

holy shit mori what went wrong

>> No.36727786

Who would win:
> A UMG star child with 3m subscribers
> a SOVL singer who doesn't even have 1m subs.
The answer will trigger deadcucks and anger homobeggars and woketards.

>> No.36728188

Maybe try and stop thinking about deadbeats all the time.

>> No.36728205

Yes we know fujos bot songs, they literally make guides on how to do it for their discords. It's a very sad display that this is what homos have to resort to to be relevant. That and leeching.

>> No.36728436

Fauna beating Mori has not been new thing for quite a while now.
Fauna beating Mori IN SINGING is top tier comedy.

>> No.36728486

Mori shouldn't have been Greedy.

>> No.36728490

Honestly under 500k this far along with THAT many of the girls (especially the newly crowned whore queen Ina) in it is pretty disappointing. Management hyped that up as much as they could and its already down to under 10k views a day.

>> No.36728523

He can't. Deadbeats and antis both have skeletons and both are compelled to obsess over Mori.

>> No.36728892

She's too busy spamming her roommate concerts to care
Remember, Hololive is just a side-gig to boost her real career.

>> No.36728907

mori is the only EN with an actual contract with UMG for a reason anon

>> No.36729037

Management did nothing and all of the girls in the cover are by definition tainted homo collabers whom nobody likes anymore so how come the song got so many views?

>> No.36729087

has a lot of free time since gura doesn't stream
you're clearly replying to yourself but it's true that Mori does have a career outside of hololive

>> No.36729222

>k-pop strat
sister please

>> No.36729270

The absolute anal anguish on this board whenever Mori does/doesn't do something. Where any action taken by any other vtuber will be compared to Mori. /vt/ truly is a Deadbeat board.

>> No.36729394 [DELETED] 

I liked the cover, Ike is probably the best metal vtuber, and I'm not a niji fan

>> No.36731020

And that reason is only gonna diminish over time

>> No.36731070

The chicken with the funny voice?

>> No.36731158

Axel/Ina's Bad Ending is mogging all of them. Unitychads, we keep winning

>> No.36731173
File: 427 KB, 2491x2142, october.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the full thing, faggot

>> No.36731295

Fuck yeah brother!

>> No.36731421

You're mentally ill, you aren't winning in anything

>> No.36731467

>leave hololive because you can't leech off of it anymore, Cali!
Holy shit I can believe you're a deadbeat

>> No.36731500

>holoen avg ccv besides gura is under 10k now
What the fuck. I don't watch EN shit, but that's low. Was it always this low? How does Mori even have 2mi subs.

>> No.36731546

>mori is the only EN with an actual contract with UMG for a reason anon
despite what your mother might have told you giving good blowjobs isn't a valid reason for success

>> No.36731894

she's also the EN with the most total views and you crying won't change that

>> No.36732013

Old views don't mean shit if you can only get a fraction of it nowadays

>> No.36732176

No back in january mori had gura current numbers. Gura was usually 20k and kronii was like 8k to 10k.
While I would i would like to blame it on tempus. Most of the decline was all the yabs and all the girls spending most of this year not streaming to off collab offline or slowly do their projects.

>> No.36732565

you can look on holostats and you'll see that she's the EN with also the most views on the last 7 and 30 days periods. she's also top 5 and top 6 on those categories considering the JPs as well. did I mention that she has an album next month?

>> No.36732964

Should add phase connect as well

>> No.36732977 [DELETED] 

mori also used to be a consist streamer

>> No.36733044

>No back in january mori had gura current numbers
anon everybody knows this is not true

>> No.36733128

Uhh record labels sort of care about the success of their talents… i feel like that should go without saying… if mori isn’t successful then they have no reason to keep her around

>> No.36733304

sir you're not allowed to make sense or point obvious things here

>> No.36733321

yeah, reason being that she put it up as her 'wish' for million subs and cover had to grovel to UMG
I would not be surprised if cover actually loses money on this deal and it's going to lapse after first year.

>> No.36733389

>yeah, reason being that she put it up as her 'wish' for million subs and cover had to grovel to UMG

>> No.36733416

are you actually trying to imply that hololive is paying to have their talent on this contract?

>> No.36733482

Anyone that types like this is normally ignored, but once you sign a CONTRACT you're already getting a guaranteed amount of $x just for the contract alone.

>> No.36733699

Watch streams

>> No.36733870

ok, can you link me the one when that is said?

>> No.36733901

trying to get people to understand that Mori releasing an original song is a way more frequent event then Fauna or even Kiara uploading a cover and that's why viewership like this happens

>> No.36733912

Record labels are more insidious, they have no qualms on staging a drug overdose death just to boost record sales

>> No.36734113

Which you have to pay back to the label before you can claim any royalties that is

>> No.36734168

stop using my oshi for unicuck retardedness

>> No.36734182

I too respond to failures by paying for a second album, 3 animated MVs and looking at doubling capacity for the next concert.

>> No.36734332

What's the actual term for zoomer metal?

>> No.36734512

Yeah and all of that must be paid back to the label so Mori better hope she's not a failure

>> No.36734729

but that's the thing anon. these deals are not paid in advance with goodwill and no research. much like banks no label is going to give any retard an amount of money if they themselves don't expect to get it back

>> No.36734854

If June Lovejoy can thrive in JAV then so can Mori!

>> No.36734924

Yes I know Ina was enough to give your homokek some views
What about axel's cover? The last one I mean

>> No.36736076

UMG doesnt give anyone money, they promote and represent you in exchange for taking most of your money. At best she's getting 25% and more likely she's getting 10% of the revenue
they're doing fuck all to promote her so they probably are happy to just collect free money from her.
It's a trap for insecure newbies who want to feel like a REAL STAR so they give away all their earnings to a big label just so they can feel more legitimate

>> No.36736863
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>> No.36741041

I dont mean her upper end 40k karaoke. But mori was 10k to 13k on a lot of streams before the yabs.

>> No.36742674

4Blood is really good

>> No.36743465

There is also Fubuki’s who is unity prime and her cover is doing great

>> No.36746527

As I said, Mori will eventually become worth more to UMG dead than alive, it's why so many musicians die young, look up the prince effect

>> No.36746578

deadbeats... your reps pls
youre making 2M chuuba look bad

>> No.36747727

Numbers are numbers anon.
I´m fucking seething that Cover hasn´t yoinked a male Chubba that does rock.

>> No.36748646

>Fauna beating Mori IN SINGING is top tier comedy.
kek my sides

>> No.36748797

stop fking advertise moris despair, itll rise them saviorfaggots

>> No.36755024

>The brand has no pull anymore.
Fuck you Sui-chan concert break new record and she build her own reputation from the ground up with the company

>> No.36755661

Can't she make a better thumbnail? Both Fauna and Kiara used artworks while Mori used a.. 3d model screenshot. The "I'm Greedy" logo isn't even good

>> No.36756126

She would never get any contract without holo as middleman. Name in the contract is Mori, which belong to holo, I checked it on their website. Don't overestimate your cringe rap, fatso

>> No.36756173

Her raps flopped hard in tiktok operation lmao. Their comments are gold

>> No.36756261

Let's ignore that her myth collab song was doing well like Kiara's Do U video not that long ago. She's not doing well on every release because she releases too much music each month that the audience has become more selective. That's more Mori's fault by not just releasing bangers when she has a good idea for a song instead of just trying to fill a music quota.

>> No.36757575

i think cover pitched mori as a talent that could sell albums on japan and the west and mg aquired her as an asset after seeing the numbers, sadly or gladly i should say mori's popularity is miniscule and cuckbeats leaving her shit songs on repeat on spotify only gets you so far.

>> No.36758035

Well yeah. When UMJ says "make an album or die", you have to shit out 10 songs in four months. Which is about 2-3x what she's used to doing. Each song ain't lovingly crafted, they're filler garbage to pad out a CD.

Her audience was pulled by those higher quality tracks, so they're understandably not enjoying the new low effort, low quality shit. Not to mention this stuff ain't even 100% Mori no more - UMJ had Wavvy writing the JP lyrics and Mori didn't get them back until Hella late.

And she's gonna have to do it again in Spring, too. I cannot wait for her to renegotiate her contract to something less soul crushing - UMJ feels like they're wringing her dry of any and all creative juice. No wonder she's having fun with angel aces - they're the only person she has any freedom with.

>> No.36758116

Also collabing with homos

>> No.36758355

Wow, StarsEN are mogging most of NijiEN, Impressive, very nice. Good job Vesper and Dez, keep it up. The others need to improve, but room for improvement is always ok.

>> No.36758588


>> No.36758936

>Deadbeats keep flaunting the UMG deal
>Need to have the backup of a major record label to get a concert
>Suzy can get a concert without the backup of a major record label
>Still have freedom
>Also have her side gig as Midnight Grand Orchestra under the Toys Factory label
>Second concert next year at Tokyo Garden, also without the backup of a major record label
So what's really impressive about the UMG deal again?
Sure, the clout from getting associated with UMG is impressive, but in reality does it benefit Mori that much aside from getting to flaunt UMG's name?

>> No.36760299


>> No.36762783

How long will they keep winning?

>> No.36765318

Anon, I am talking about in other streaming platforms.

>> No.36765359

>mori releases one (1) song that doesn't do as well as her other bangers
>this keeps the schizos on /vt/ entertained for weeks
Only one of those people has a UMG deal.

>> No.36765518

She is collabed with homos before. Why would that be a problem now?

>> No.36765540

shit that's kind of low for an original

>> No.36766529

She has being collab with homo for 2 years this isnt the problem

>> No.36767938

Connections in the industry for her RM.

>> No.36768505 [DELETED] 


>> No.36768545

yeah Pekora is one of the least unity holos

>> No.36768611

> he thinks having a label is a "win"
> he doesn't know about Tokino "Victor" Sora

>> No.36768671 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x2402, 162726273716162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the power of the unicorns? Wow kind of pathetic

>> No.36768711

Nta, but Suisei can pull Ayase from Yoasobi and Kagerou Project's music producer for her 2nd album without a label backing her

>> No.36768714
File: 490 KB, 1080x889, 163716261626172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no did we get too much cock unicucks!?

>> No.36770121

Her current songs sucks compare to her older ones

>> No.36770376

If you think niggas don't care about the male collabs you're crazy. Even the JPs who collabed with males, most of them are declining. Save like Fubuki and Towa

>> No.36770412

So why is it a problem now and not year ago?

>> No.36770599

>Reaper vs Sheep (Mori version)
>Scuffed up Age(original)
>The World's Continuation(cover)
>Let's End The World (original 2months+)
>Kamouflage(original 3months+)

The last song that pulled numbers you'd expect from Mori is Mera Mera

>> No.36770907

You should go compare the number of some recent songs of other holos released since july to older ones. Everyone got hit hard by the algorithm change aside a handful of songs.

>> No.36771150

I mean yes, shortly after Mera Mera released Youtube changed something in how songs work.
Which is why we compare current songs, and in the current climate songs perform very differently, see for example Kiara's Fever Night and DO U
Though Fever Night had a lot of fuckery around the release with going over 200k and getting culled to under it like 5 times

>> No.36771215 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 550x146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RUMAO even.

>> No.36771246
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RUMAO even.

>> No.36771428 [SPOILER] 
File: 407 KB, 1080x895, 16864545535666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool what's the most viewed HoloEN song again?

>> No.36771536

This cope doesn't work when you realize that in the meantime, we got Treasure box who absolutely blew up.

>> No.36771612
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RUMAO even.

>> No.36771645

Tempus collabs are absolutely contributing to Mori's decline. Her JP homo collab arc was very brief and caused no real harm to EN because the JP homos respect Hololive. Tempus however is taking a fucking wrecking ball to EN and her collabs with them help enable the destruction. That shit doesn't go unnoticed.

>> No.36771657

>8 talents
>not even 500k

>> No.36771725

Musicians die young because they do drugs, lack self control, and then spiral into egotrip careers where the lack of self control spirals them further out of control.
Some of them do make it to 60 and 70, its just rare when most die of drug overdoses.

>> No.36771804

Old Mori music good(guh, red, bully)
New Mori music bad

>> No.36771844

>24 vs one Mori
Nice looking EN there retard

>> No.36772394

>Can't even beat Kiara anymore

>> No.36772521

I have never listened to any of Mori's songs other than the initial ones from around debut (basically just Please RIP, Deadbeats and Live Again). I thought they were fine but not really my thing. Seeing how schizos react to heir music makes me kinda glad I never got into it in the first place.

>> No.36772868

"Except for a handful". The high budget coomer video that went with it managed to make it go viral, you cant do that with every song. There is always going to be a few that manage to pop out, but a fuckton of other songs came out during that time that are getting less than half the views they normally would get.

>> No.36773089

Out of all ENs mori was the coomer choice early on
>Rap, but with a big tidy anime goth?
>So whacky!

>> No.36773143
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1623017241427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any day now Mori will get mainstream mass radio play and become an instant TikTok meme like treasure box.
Wait I forgot, she already is a TikTok meme, the zoomers clown on her in her comments for being a racist.

>> No.36773150

>Getting yukichi I love cheese
Wtf did you expect. It's not even about the unicorn, that song just sucks

>> No.36773231

She does get radio play in japan, not sure what you are going on with that. Also
>aligning yourself with tiktok zoomer comments
Holy shit you need to remove yourself

>> No.36773268

Get fucked cuckbeat. Your shit oshi unites people from all walks of life into collectively hating her. Racists and non racists alike, that's hos shit she is.
>She does get radio play in japan, not sure what you are going on with that.
>Source: I made it the fuck up.

>> No.36773380

Holy shit you are pathetic. Ignoring reality just because a pink women lives in your mind 24/7 eating away at it until you finally end it.

>> No.36773469

>Getting viral on TikTok

>> No.36773519

>No proof of radio play posted whatsoever
I can go on TikTok right now and see her getting shit on relentlessly, she's also relentlessly shit on by people on this website. Please post proof contradicting my claims, faggot.

>> No.36773545

>Anal devastation after cope

>> No.36773604
File: 171 KB, 758x644, zoomie gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yo this shit is fire on mute
>mfw the only thing thats holding both Mori and DD down to go full on mainstream is a bunch of uneducated teenagers with nests for hair and talks in a backwards vocabulary

>> No.36776650

Is this what happens when yu chase after the normalfag audience?

>> No.36776834

Mori will get Kson'd. Lots of virtual signaling clout as soon as she leaves, but fade into irrelevancy in a few months

>> No.36779879

Go Fauna go

>> No.36782090

when will they learn?

>> No.36785345


>> No.36789541

