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36731193 No.36731193 [Reply] [Original]

>his chubba isn't redpilled and with a giga high IQ

>> No.36731558
File: 3.12 MB, 3000x3000, 1658641469446605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, yes he is

>> No.36736050

"redpilled" /pol/ types are dumb like a sack of rocks.

They don't believe in the news, they don't believe in science, they instead choose to believe complete garbage like Qanon, flat earth, great replacement, etc.

>> No.36738824

>Pic unrelated

>> No.36739060

>giga high IQ
that's literally zero chubbas

>> No.36739276

>his oshi isn't greenpilled and with tera high IQ

>> No.36739295

Did you really want this (You)? Don't you feel a little dirty for making posts like this?

>> No.36739421

>master race
>about to be genocided by every other race

>> No.36742912

>great replacement theory
>"minorities" that make up the worlds majorities are increasing and whites population decreasing
This fag is baiting hard for someone who claims another group doesnt value the truth and or statistics and uses blanket exception ad hominem arguments to bait yous

>> No.36742986

What's the big deal with that? It's not like minority races are treated poorly, right? Right?

>> No.36743111

The one you can criticize the least has the most power, what's up with that?

>> No.36743346

Science is gay and so are you faggot go cry about rising water levels

>> No.36743417

I grew out of the pill meme years ago. It was cool in 2016 though. Good times.

>> No.36743522

So you're clear pilled?

>> No.36743607

Congratulations, seriously. I think I was even the right age to swallow the pill pill but never did for whatever reason. Maybe because The Matrix is one of my favorite movies.

>> No.36743833

In their places of origin sure they are. Here in the US everyone's got it pretty good.

>> No.36744285

Great replacement theory isn't just "minorities that make up the worlds majorities are increasing and whites population decreasing".
You conveniently left out that the biggest part of this "theory" is that they say it's done on purpose, there is agenda in place by a controlling group of people pushing these populations to where they are at.

Really interesting you left that part about jews just to sound more reasonable you fucking worm

>> No.36745538

>worried about a race GOING EXTINCT
>makes it about MUH RACISM poor minorities
You fucking idiot
You fucking braindead bozo
How do you get this retarded? Dropped on your head as a child?

>> No.36745872
File: 602 KB, 1547x868, replacement theory articles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it is being done on purpose you fucking cretin.
They aren't pushing for more immigration into 3rd world countries
They aren't pushing for more diversity in africa, south america or 99% of asia
They are pushing for MASS IMMIGRATION in the ONLY countries in the world where whites are a majority in OUR OWN COUNTRIES. Where our GLOBAL population IS THE MINORITY.
The UN quite literally has a population decline plan for REPLACEMENT IMMIGRATION in EU (and Japan)
Intellectually dishonest and morally BANKRUPT motherfucker
>government and all media pushes for whites in white countries to stop having babies for muh environment and global warming, ruins the european sexual marketplace with marital, divorce, and anti male policy while allowing zero consequences for women to make poor decisions and sit tight bankrolled by taxpayers by the governments and feminism to destroy the unity of the sexes and turn a symbiotic relationship into a war and competition, which means less babies. Which means decline, oh no population decline, now we need to import millions of brown people.
Motherfucker you probably think the government and big corporations have your best interests at heart

>> No.36745966
File: 49 KB, 1000x661, 1667211071018256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your move, Nousagi.

>> No.36746016

It is nice that real life is nothing like the internet as far as race relations are concerned around here.

>> No.36746191

I prefer watching retards, theyre funnier
