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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36698709 No.36698709 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, why won't she just fucking bathe?
I can smell her from here

>> No.36699030
File: 1.14 MB, 1273x716, 1667769316404710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't need to

>> No.36699152
File: 2.07 MB, 390x600, sniff[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fw7eszk.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36699268

That's the appeal.

>> No.36699425

bathing and showering provide 0 health benefits besides she wants a big sister to do it for her

>> No.36700534

she is an orca, so of course she stinks like fish...

>> No.36700694

Do they still shower though? Is bathing a relaxation thing for japs or a hygiene thing?

>> No.36703217

It's a "we do this more than anyone else, and that makes us better" thing.

>> No.36703896
File: 486 KB, 640x639, 1660407510192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she stopped bathing after she saw a ghost in her bath while she was using it. seriously.

>> No.36703985

I'm tired of seeing this joke and I don't even watch her.
I wonder how tired she is of it.

>> No.36704047
File: 710 KB, 654x650, 1655691581584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.36704086

Its not a joke anon. She went on like a 30 min autism rant about how she hates baths and showers and her reasons for disliking both. She really is autistic.

>> No.36706759

Why would she bath or shower if she doesn't leave her house or meet anyone? I don't take a shower either the weekends

>> No.36706806


>> No.36706884

Imagine how bad the room must smell after vtubers do off-collabs.

>> No.36706948
File: 63 KB, 1000x667, japanese-toilet-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, I wouldn't bath that often if my toilet had a bidet
I have to take a shower every day because I don't want to smell like shit
why are these things only popular in japan? I want a Japanese toilet in my house

>> No.36707119

You can buy bidet attachments.
The really good ones can be pricey, but cheaper than buying a whole new toilet.

>> No.36708010

East Asians legitimately don’t have body odor in the same way as other ethnicities. Body odor (aside from very slight pheromones) comes from a protein in sweat that bacteria eat and excrete and very smelly waste products, and East Asians simply don’t produce that protein in their sweat.

Of course, if you live an active lifestyle, you’ll still get nasty, but if you’re sedentary (but not bedsores sedentary), it won’t be much of an issue.

Women have better noses than men anyway. She’d shower if she stank

>> No.36708076

>>36708010 (me)

*excrete as

Captcha: RM840

>> No.36708095

seems like a good investment, you don't waste much toilet paper anymore

>> No.36708159

do you not wipe? or sweat? actually don't answer that, we're on /vt/, I think I know the answer.

>> No.36709400
File: 557 KB, 668x695, sakamatasss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she doesn't need to waste money

>> No.36709619

got a bidet and never look back to the barbarian way again

>> No.36710400

OK anon you have 2 choices
Have ice cold water blast your anus after every shit and spread a thin layer of shitwater all over your ass.
Re-plumb your bathroom to have warm water and/or electricity where your toilet is for some fucking reason.

>> No.36713376

>why won't she just fucking bathe?
there are ghosts in the tub

>> No.36713709

What do you gain from taking a bath
inb4 some made up shit like
>it feels good

>> No.36717873

Some people have a smell fetish

>> No.36719713

>wants something to touch his anus
Closet homo

>> No.36719774

yeah, me

>> No.36719935

This anon doesn't wipe when they poo

>> No.36720150
File: 554 KB, 888x1080, 1666616942971440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can smell her from here
It's for the miasma. It's to better select the good mate, so not you.
It's scares away the unworthy. (or just guys with the same immune system) Only the guys that have a good match with her immune system, will think she still smells nice.

>> No.36720154

During the pandemic I started just squatting in the bathtub after taking a shit and wiping my ass down with a wet washcloth. It gently removes everything without aggravating my hemorrhoids like obsessively wiping with dry toilet paper does, and I can even jam a washcloth-covered knuckle up the asshole to make sure that little area behind the sphincter is clean too.

>> No.36720198

I use my own hands which is not gay since they are made out of the same thing as my ass

>> No.36720245

Isolation and boredom sure does weird shit to people.

>> No.36720279

>During the pandemic I started just squatting in the bathtub
But you'll get sweaty

>> No.36720520

Yeah but, like, it's objectively better than dry toilet paper because now I don't bleed everywhere trying to get clean.

No? How fat are you?

>> No.36720941

She's into her own funk

>> No.36721751

Have you tried wet wipes? You'll be surprised.

>> No.36722439

>I can smell her from here
REMOVE ORCA FROM THE PREMISES. migo+pegora+poruka+roboko=kill kloi... you are ppoor stink orca...you live in a hovel hahahahaha, you live in a yurt

>> No.36726178

doing it too often is bad for your skin.

>> No.36730967

Ironic for /vt/ to call out someone for not bathing often

>> No.36731258
File: 446 KB, 459x581, 1648729465672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it, hemorrhoid bro, but having a reusable shit cloth is fucking disgusting not matter how much you wash it. I'll stick with flushable wipes.

>> No.36732348

>thinking wiping shit with a bit of dead tree makes it clean
anal cleanliness is one of two things me and muslims agree with
did you know the koran has a guide to wiping? including a prayer of cleanliness to allah between wipes

>> No.36732394

How did you get the 'rroid, anon?

>> No.36732994

Professional ass-sitting, I'm a software developer.

I dunno, rinse them off in the tub faucet, and toss them in the laundry, I don't think they're any much more dirty than a bad pair of underwear.

>> No.36733205

>unironically thinking using a dry paper on skin is "enough"
this is why burgers always smell like shit. imagine getting shit anywhere in your skin and thinking dry wiping with just tp is enough

>> No.36733324

It goes so much deeper than that. Many Americans are so cripplingly homophobic about touching their asshole that they don't even do due diligence with the TP. Clean your ass, people.

>> No.36733340

People who wipe, which is most of the Western world, do not walk around smelling like shit. This is just a delusion held by third worlders who wash their ass with water every time they shit.

>> No.36733562

>and her reasons for disliking both
and what would it be said reason?

>> No.36733586

>People who wipe, which is most of the Western world, do not walk around smelling like shit.
You do though. Go on holiday to somewhere where they wash their assholes and then return then you'll notice the smell in crowded public places. I know I did.

>> No.36733715

you need soap and water to clean, not just water.

>> No.36733754

>wet washcloth
at least you would bank a lot when you have kids, don't having to waste any penny in diasper will help you

>> No.36733818

I mean unironically that's what people used to do before disposable diapers.

>> No.36733919

The only place I've been that smelled better than Sweden was Korea where the people literally don't sweat and it's impossible to find deodorant because no one needs it. This "westerners stink" stuff is absolute cope from thirdies whose people literally do stink because 75% of the population are uncivilized peasants who don't know what soap is and couldn't afford it if they did.

>> No.36734015

The 'basic' Japanese bidet I have also has a setting for warming the toilet seat and will also warm up the water going into my ass, it's great. Installed it myself, was pretty easy. There's are also more advanced models that can blow dry your ass, I just use a little bit of toilet paper for it.

>> No.36734029

water bill is through the roof. can't afford to shower more than once a week, and it has to be a quick one.

>> No.36734068

You shouldn't even have to wipe after you shit if your diet isn't garbage.

>> No.36734080

>and/or electricity where your toilet is for some fucking reason.
I've taken my washlet with me to three different apartments, and plugging it in was never a challenge. In one location I had to run an outdoor outdoor extension cord under the door to the toilet room. Attached on either end with cable brackets, so that it would stay in place, not get caught, and no one would trip on it.
Extension cord was maybe $15, because I got fancy, and went with the flat plug version. Cable brackets were something like $3 for a bag of 20, and I didn't use half of them.
Problem solved for a few dollars.

>> No.36734112

agreed. all this talk about having shit smeared in assholes is fucking bizarre to me. I don't eat like a yogi but I don't eat trash and I've never in my life needed to wonder about my wipe status. Get some fucking metamucil you freaks.

>> No.36734145

Relaxation - pretty huge in many places of the world and i can only recommend it.

>> No.36734277

Psyllium husks did it for me man.
Used to make a fucking mess and chew through TP now I shit like a king, stealth mode too sometimes.

>> No.36734416
File: 99 KB, 1080x604, FfrEGKCaEAIyNO-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all stink down here

>> No.36734473

>I know I did.
Sounds like a (you) problem

>> No.36734476

Big warning about psyllium, it's almost all contaminated with lead and comes pretty much exclusively from India. Look it up. I recommend wheat dextrose and inulin instead.

>> No.36737223


>> No.36737390

Water does a good job on its own
