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36693137 No.36693137 [Reply] [Original]

From this to “go away!”, what went wrong?

>> No.36693240


>> No.36693286

Rent free.
Serious answer. Ame called her a bitch because Gura killed her while she was building.

>> No.36693287

>what went wrong

>> No.36693309

Offcollab seemed to be the turning point where Myth’s relationship died.

>> No.36693350

>serious answer
>video game """drama""" during work

>> No.36693380

Mori gave everyone Covid

>> No.36693400

>schizo post that he keeps repeating until it is accepted as the truth.
Like clockwork.

>> No.36693404

That was during Ame improve yourself arc, you got to admit that that affected her somewhat

>> No.36693464

Idk, i just want that to come back, they don't even feel like they're genmates anymore, but i don't blame just one of them, both Ame and Gura keep their distance from one another, Gura specifically from all of Myth

>> No.36693523

Watson's fake smile in that pic, holy shit.

>> No.36693607

>fake smile
It's a fucking drawing.

>> No.36693627

>gura got hard doxxed by mori sister
>ina got assblasted by kiara
Other than these two, nothing else happened in that offcollab that might’ve caused a rift in myth’s relationship

>> No.36693647

Anon.. it’s the photo they took during their offcollab.

>> No.36693704

During the offcollab is when they found out Sana was graduating, they probably ganged up on Ina for wasting a spot for her friend.

>> No.36693748

miko raped pekora during the myth off collab

>> No.36693779

Don’t forget Mori tried to get them druggedz

>> No.36693809

She didn’t want to be an accessory to the shark.

That Rust moment is just Ame Malding after a 12 hour scuff stream.

>> No.36693869

More like what went right. Shipfags eternally BTFO

>> No.36693942

Anon, ame was saying that since year one, but we still got some occasional gurame moment. But after that Rust stream, we got zero. Even just a name mention, none.

>> No.36693958

>holoen has the in person collab
>have been on the down and down since, relationship wise
The mythgirls realized they really do not get along that well and that their dynamic works best in a setting where there is physical distance preventing gura from peeing in amelia's bed while mori gets drunk and kiara bitches at everyone and ina rages silently in the corner.

It's like that book Fahrenheit 451 except the author didn't realize there would come a time when you can just end voice chat and stop talking to your asshole "friend", much like you can close a book.

>> No.36694150

They just found their own cliques.

Mori with chad
Gura with snot
Kiara with reine
Ame with everyone else except myth
Ina with herself

>> No.36694214

The interactions they had in amogus were good. That's the last time though.

>> No.36694230

Its probably what you didn't see. Some big yab doesnt need to happen for 2 people to drift apart. Hell Gura even said Ame would just walk away from her mid conversation when the other people showed up. I think Gura realized Ame wasnt interested in reciprocating the level of friendship Gura was offering. Fast forward a few weeks and the Rust shit just broke the camels back.

>> No.36694307


>Gura cheated on Ame during Mori's "rager party"
>Tells Ame what happened and Ame forgives her
>Ame doesn't really feel comfortable anymore though
>Gura acts as if nothing happened but Ame can't get over it
>Eventually Gura triggers Ame really badly(le Rust episode) not because of her in-game action but because of the built-up stress and disappointment
>They cut ties and ever since then, every interaction between the two has been really awkward

>> No.36694317

I watched that collab, I can’t even remember one gurame moment.

>> No.36694417

>Gura pissed in Ame's bed
>Ame forced Gura to wear diapers and wouldn't cuddle with her
>Gura pissed at Ame for that and for collabing with males so Gura set up a secret rust collab and purposely didn't invite Ame
Actually what happened
>Gura pissed in Ame's bed
>Gura voluntarily bought and wore diapers
>Mumei set up the collab and was just too retarded and autistic to remember to check the discord and if Ame wanted to come and only posted it in the SNOT group chat that exists separate from the main discord because the girls use it to send each other /pol/ memes and don't want cover and discord getting them in trouble for all the racist and antisemetic shit they say
The only real question is if IRyS is part of the SNOT group chat, because IRyS doesn't really interact with Gura, but is also clearly racist like SNOT is
>inb4 they aren't /pol/
Mumei told Fauna the only way to change your gender is to kill yourself and Fauna had to stop Mumei and Gura from making actual holocaust jokes while streaming

>> No.36694426

Amelia's insistence on being an absolute asshole to her fans that don't want to be shilled holostarsEN at random and abrupt points in time that completely stop all good momentum she may have had going and perhaps Gura's disagreement on Ame using said holostars to piss off her fans on purpose when they're the reason she doesn't have to work a shitty 9 to 5. I think Gura does appreciate her fans more even if she vanishes without saying a fucking word. Even if she's fucking married or something she has the decency to just keep everything as private as possible, whereas the other ENs openly want to collab with the men specifically to piss off their fans and make them feel bad. It didn't help Ame said she didn't wanna become a Gura sidekick but had no problems in becoming a tempus collab spammer which is the exact same thing.

I hope Gura keeps to herself as much as she can, everyone else aside from her have too much retard baggage to deal with on a daily basis. Staying by herself with the occasional collab with the ones she does like is the way to go, possibly even taking her JP reps seriously to get more JP collabs and move further away from EN. Her and IRyS should hang out more.

>> No.36694444

I mean... actually https://streamable.com/6lsb9s

>> No.36694525

It's logic. Why else haven't they talked? I'm not making a fanfiction about it because that's exactly what happened in Rust.
Not the truth but not a lie either.
I don't know if it did. I just use what happened. Seems perfectly fine to me.

>> No.36694598

All of them are seceretly having sex with irys in private dms in an atempt to ntr bae even bae. Some like kronii are doing it more publicly. Everyone loves sexyoubus

>> No.36694767

Keep downplaying it you socially retarded mongoloids. Amelia was holding back tears and had vitriol in her voice. Do you know what hurts more than being called a fucking bitch with no jest? Being told to GO AWAY. And thats exactly what Gura did from that moment on. All because Ame couldnt drive a car over a fucking ramp. What a fucking loser.

>> No.36694780

I just watched the VOD recently (because I was watching the JPchads' POVs at the time) and I found it funny that Ame was so upset at Gura messing with her when the whole car jumping over the cliff didn't even look cool.

>> No.36694861

It was right at the beginning of the first game. They talked a little about practicing before the stream and messing around in the kitchen.

>> No.36694863

>Gura is a massively popular member, far and away more popular than her genmates
>Takamori takes off, viewers desperate for another ship
>Ame and Gura are somewhat similar, Amesame forced into existence
>Ame feels she's constantly playing second fiddle to Gura, like she's Gura's sidekick
>gradually distances herself from Gura
>off-collab happens
>Mori fucks up and everyone is forced to crash at Ame's place
>the girls realize they don't actually have all that much in common
>Gura goes and hangs out with Fauna instead, has a great time
>Tempiss debuts
>Ame goes full unity and Holo*pro* EN, hates the parasocial fans
>Gura wants to continue the idol path instead
>Rust S2 wipe day happens
>Gura has fun with the JPs, Ame and Mori spend wipe day sperging out
>everything becomes awkward, and the girls just separate to their respective cliques rather than patch things up

>> No.36694928

are you tempiss?

>> No.36695015

Gura doesn't collab with anyone. She hasn't done a one-on-one collab with anyone on her channel for ages.

>> No.36695118

Those anons are also downplaying gura’s autism. She’s a melodramatic fool who cries singing sad songs and even broke down during one karaoke and had to stop mid song. Imagine saying go away over and over to that person

>> No.36695166


>> No.36695195

Ame is menhera, Gura is autistic. It was never going to work.

>> No.36695199
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Sauce plz?

>> No.36695283

No proof, but it’s Mori The Okinawa Drugger so it’s a given

>> No.36695483

Sauce is "I made it the fuck up"

Applies to the rest of this thread too, and half of the vt board.

>> No.36695683

Obviously a joke but you should be able to guess the result when you mix Gura's paranoia and social anxiety with Mori's retarded sister bringing in a dozen of basically strangers with drugs in their bnb

>> No.36695885

They mentioned discussing the inner workings of Hololive at the off-collabs and I think they didn't see eye-to-eye on a number of issues, including Tempus.

>> No.36696017
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>Mori the Okinawa Drugger

>> No.36696102
File: 586 KB, 585x765, babycheck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>36693240

dicks ruins friendship between women

just like vagina ruins friendships between men

>> No.36696136


>> No.36696153

Thank you for your words of wisdom, Fubuking,

>> No.36696160

not even once

>> No.36696182

Who do you think gave Kiara Covid in the first place? She gave the gift on her trip to Austria, then in incubated in Kiara who then spread it to the others

>> No.36696270

Mori and Ame apparently had a million guests that included family, management, and randoms off the streets. Anyone would get a bit stressed out with things that hectic.

>> No.36696529

Buddy. It was over since last year.
"Go away" means nothing

>> No.36697009

Really because it seemed like they mostly hated each other after the off-collab where Kiara just bitched at everyone the whole time

>> No.36697670

for me, it's how she spawned like a few meters from where she died

>> No.36697756

Give me a quick rundown, I haven't watched Myth in months.

>> No.36697867

Bitched about what?

>> No.36697936

re-writing history again, faggot?

>> No.36698023

There isn't a single genuine friendship in the whole of Holo EN. That's about it, turns out women can't into long distance friendships.

In that sense Holo EN failed where JP and ID succeeded.

>> No.36698331

Not what people are saying.
>Rust free for all happens
>Amelia was streaming for 14+ hours
>War is over
>Gura kills her while she was building
>Amelia cries and yell fuck you go away in annoyance.
>They both go do their own thing after.

People act like this is kind of a death to Amesame but it's not.
Amesame was dead since last year, here's the reasons.
>Gura marries Shion arc, Amelia gets cucked.
>Council debuts, new people to talk to.
>Amelia and Kiara get super close.
>Gura gets super close to Fauna, Kronii and Mumei. Starts to only stream with them.
>Ametori goes full popular and yuri bait.
Gura and Ame just got tired of each other.

>> No.36698370

Debuff detective has always been a cunt, she just stopped bothering to hide it towards gura
Rust was the perfect example of that

She was telling her chat off from very early on and surprise, most of them left

>> No.36698610

>turns out women can't into long distance friendships.
JPs could easily meet each other though.

>> No.36698612

Women are unstable.

>> No.36699430

as they finally get their shit together and start doing real 3D lives there is a division between the actual idols and those that simply dont have it in them

>> No.36701369

one chose the idol life the other chose to go back to the twitch whore life. Ame got what she deserved gura doesn't need ame like ame needs gura simple as that.

>> No.36703098

They are in an abusive domestic relationship. The next collab will be all lovey dovey again

>> No.36703184

I'm gonna need the QRD on that second half.

>> No.36703221

fpfp fuck tempiss they have to graduate

>> No.36703272


>> No.36703280


>> No.36703394
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on god?

>> No.36703672

As always, as always.

>> No.36703809

ame is declining. god knows from what, pick your poison: youth brain trauma, emotional issues, mental health, gluten-shredded intestines failing to absorb nutrients.
ame said it herself: lately she feels like she has trouble communicating even with her family.
i admire her past projects but imagine having someone this vindictive and irritable as your oshi. she has the emotional control of toddler

>> No.36703990

They both need some serious mental health counselling.

>> No.36704049

It's burn out with emotional manipulation of her audience to keep her interested.

>> No.36704067

All 1 minute apart. Same guy. The absolute state of unikeks

>> No.36704135

the more you say this, the more i believe it's true

>> No.36704209


>> No.36704337


>> No.36704661

burnout from fucking what? Thats such a cop out for EN members

>> No.36704698

Why do people keep bringing up the "fucking bitch" Rust moment, when Gura was part of the Pico Park collab that happened later on and organized by Ame.

I hardly doubt there was a huge falling out moment. They just drifted apart after the offcollab as there was nowhere to go in their kayfabe relationship, meeting up was the finale.

>> No.36704770

Ina and Kiara got over that tho

>> No.36704790

Did watson bring it up later and say it was worked out between them and she overreacted and it was nothing to worry about?

>> No.36704890

Still find it funny Ame decided to play Rust with the intention of building during the all out War day.

>> No.36704930

>Still thinking the Korean girl had enough sway in a Japanese company to get a nepotism hire of an Aussie.
You are the most retarded person on this board.

>> No.36704940

She's autistic please understand

>> No.36704976
File: 5 KB, 444x127, retard-alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost as if there are several other people out there who share the same opinion. Nah, couldn't be. They all MUST be the same person.

>> No.36705079

Kiara also expressed genuine surprise that Reine didn't hate her after meeting her IRL, suggesting that most/all of Myth did.

>> No.36705105

Also she's retarded enough to think that cramming 10 hours of streams in one day will avoid burnout. She's already flaking on watson wednesdays.

>> No.36705124

sasuga migo

>> No.36705274

she was actually sad about how lame it looked
she also said calling her a bitch didn't mean anything (but Gura hasn't spoken to her since, so...)

>> No.36705473
File: 32 KB, 958x266, 0853a1f5a4e70df98aa8d16c0cf013cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JK all me lol

>> No.36705611

Oh shit, I was you all along, FUCK.

>> No.36705640

I swear when someone actually takes the effort to take a screenshot of their post when someone says they're samefagging it just makes it seem more obvious.

>> No.36705651

Everyone on this board is you, and me. We are all in the mind of one schizo.

>> No.36705652

>In that sense Holo EN failed where JP and ID succeeded.
the two branch with people that live in walking distance have better bonds, you are a fucking genius

>> No.36705712

>tfw Kobo will never walk to and break into your house at 4 AM

>> No.36705754

Is this the start of the forced Holo Compound?

>> No.36705907

4chanX lets you take ownership of posts, you don't even have to inspect element anymore.

Screenshots are worthless.

>> No.36705947

My unsubstantiated guesses:
>Gura has massive popularity and Cover wants to capitalize on it
>Mori busy moving back to America and prepping for music releases
>Ina on sabbatical for health reasons
>Ame taking up more of a producer role behind the scenes
>Kiara still doing her own thing

And that's why nothing feels the same anymore.

>> No.36705986

>"Males ruin vtubers!"
Anon says, using a picture of someone who has collabed with males.

>> No.36706028

That's entirely on ame and it says a lot about her if she can't take a week off and decide that it was all just a game. Like jesus, everyone here in his own life has been called upon to forgive.

>> No.36706042

You’re the only one that fell for his bait, so you’re the biggest retard of them all.

>> No.36706101

Males don't ruin vtubers.
The way western audiences and talent argue about males ruins vtubers.

>> No.36706116

Gura's the one that didn't want to be in the Halloween collab so.

>> No.36706171


>> No.36706975

Ame has always resented being in Gura's shadow.
When they started it was clear they wanted to work together but Ame stepped away due to not wanting to be Gura's sidekick.
Gura however still wanted to be friends and hang out.
By now I think they both understand that Ame has no interest in being a sidekick and so does not really interact with her anymore at least on stream to avoid that.
Basically Amesame would keep Ame trapped in a popular position but one she doesn't want. And if there is anything to say on Ame its that she will do what she wants.

>> No.36706996

>She was telling her chat off from very early on
I remember chat told her about gwent in the witcher and she screamed at them to shut up and stop backseating and then never played the game again

>> No.36707225

nta but do you know that japan is much smaller than america?

>> No.36707237

Proof next thread?

>> No.36707294

Is that why she is currently pushing for a stronger ship with herself and Mel then?

>> No.36707321

>From this to “go away!”, what went wrong?
Modern women.

>> No.36707356

Yes, she wants to be the more relevant partner.

>> No.36707361

how new are you?

>> No.36707436

proof or btfo

>> No.36707579

what's this go away thing?

>> No.36707647


>> No.36707658

Watch her Witcher stream, it's literally just one anon.
She was even reading the books and getting pretty into it before that stream, but chat annoyed her out of ever playing it again. It's the most famous EN example of chat ruining a game for one of the girls.

>> No.36707677


>> No.36707808

>Gura and Ame haven't collabed since
>September 1, 2022

Yeah, that about lines up with Cover/HoloCorp deciding to start pushing Gura more internationally. Her 3D Live was only two weeks afterwards, and I'm pretty sure she's been busy with stuff ever since then.

>> No.36707838

HAHAHA you can tell Ame was so mad, she even stood up. Oh shit

>> No.36707917

>fucking bitch
Stay mad RUMAO

>> No.36707963

I had seen this only from Gura's POV, didn't know she had bleeped herself on her stream.

>> No.36707978

I don't remember her doing so, pretty sure the clipper added it

>> No.36708019

She spent 6hrs building whatever the fuck that is on the last day in Rust, only for it to be ignored completely. Everyone would be on the edge for that

>> No.36708109

Ina had awareness to admit she'd been cranky.
Kiara can be difficult, seems unaware of it.
Nothing new.
Facts, not rrat.

As for Ame and Gura, it was in-game.
Everything was to cease to exist in minutes,
and people were killing each other left and right,
so Gura thought nothing of shooting Ame.
Frustrating for the latter, sure... but this is a
really weak rrat.

>> No.36708116

anon if you watched Gura you'd know she just didn't feel like streaming for a while, she even tried to make some dumb water analogy about it
considering how much of a shaky, nervous autist Gura is, she's been feeling like she's on bad terms with Ame ever since that happened, even if Ame didn't give a shit

>> No.36708118

Honestly mori potentially doxxing gura’s location in real time was probably what was the last straw for her. Anyone who watches her knows she’s got genuine severe anxiety about that stuff by how cautious she is, also chumpedos would do the worst so I’m not surprised at her fears.

She trusted her and mori did nothing to fix the situation except lock her in a room at a rager in an Airbnb. shitty friend

>> No.36708315

She did not, I watched from Ame's side. It was not a bit, it was actual rage after being playing shit for over 12 hours.

>> No.36708426

>ina got assblasted by kiara
More like Ina struggled to do toddler-level choreography so hard she assblasted herself

>> No.36708428

don't forget Mori exposing that Gura got on to "shenanigans" while she was there
for someone with such autistic levels of opsec and fear of her fans as Gura, that must've felt weird

>> No.36708564

Are you sisters just completely ignoring the fact that they were playing Among Us together offstream to get their items a few weeks ago?

>> No.36708588

timestamp next thread?

>> No.36708614

Because Ame is garbage, that's why. Teacucks are still doing damage control from that stream.

>> No.36708679


I appreciate the fact that gigafaggots like you can't comprehend that some people actually watch streams on this board

>> No.36708698

GUUUUUUURRLLLLS YOU WON’T BELIEEEEVE WHAT I JUST HEARD! You guys are bigger faggots than Bruce Jenner’s Asshole

>> No.36708727

What the fuck are you talking about? Clip?

>> No.36708843

well, might as well close the thread, this boring asshole brought this "evidence" thing so now we can't just rrat and have fun in peace

>> No.36708880

See >>36707647

>> No.36708883

I can't tell how many of you retards are serious and how many of you are just fucking around, that's how bad the shitposting has gotten.

>> No.36708902

How is it not nepotism? Sana was close to Ina and Ina thought she had a good idea inviting her buddy to join and vouched for her. This is how most hiring works in the real world.

Sana spat on it, was a dumb bitch who apparently never streamed before "to see if she liked it", and ran away as soon as she possibly could. Forever the worst EN member for robbing someone of a spot.

>> No.36709001

damage control, they didn't really play together

>> No.36709062

I’m gonna say it, mori knows how Gura’s fans are and still made that comment, I’d even argue her claims were attempts at sabotaging her own genmate’s career.

Ain’t no way I’d say the shit she said without some motive knowing the type of career they’re in.

>> No.36709096

damage controlling for his rrat falling apart kek anyone can see the video and see them palling around

>> No.36709262

>Gura got on to "shenanigans" while she was there
Wtf are you anons even talking about?

>> No.36709536


>> No.36709628

do you disgusting freaks seriously project onto gura so hard you believe she would hate ame over tempiss shit? what's your explanation for kronii?

>> No.36709708

Sidekick syndrome, Kronii doesn't have it

>> No.36709833
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AmeSame was always fake ass shit.
I'm sure they are (or were) friends, but this was always just corporate pandering.
Compared to her actual friends with chemistry in SNOT the difference is like night and day.

>> No.36709978

>Ina thought she had a good idea inviting her buddy to join and vouched for her.
I'm sure you have a timestamp on hand in which this was explicitly stated. I mean, you wouldn't just be extrapolating intent and events based on the contents of your own ass, right?

>> No.36710465

It's absurd how many people here don't understand business lesbos

>> No.36710510

would you like to drink some? you seem to be thirsty

>> No.36710537

It's just observation. If I were her and a shy artist, I'd try and get my friend into Hololive because I don't click with Myth. The problem is good friends don't necessarily make good coworkers and Sana didn't get in on merit.

>> No.36710569

That is true, it is a problem for Cover in the west.

>> No.36710609

Was Rust a mistake

>> No.36710672

Gura demanded to be the little spoon.

>> No.36710680

>source: it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.36710698

Yeah, a lot of them treated it like minecraft and it made the experience a lot less fun.

>> No.36710738

Now you are just reaching. Mori is just retarded and it ends there.

>> No.36710837

I'm about 99% sure this is a schizo bait rrat, but sauce for the SNOT stuff? I stopped watching EN almost entirely this year but...

>> No.36710945

She mumbles and walks away while she's mid sentence, which is something I'd chalk up to Ame being an unironic socially awkward autist. since I do the same thing unintentionally

>> No.36711137

Axel and vesper are good friends

As are kronii and vesper!

I love you granpire

>> No.36711255

Kiara made Ina perform physical activity while suffering from a heart disease.

>> No.36711309

Myth is ogre guys. That first year can't be replicated. Nobody is mature enough to come together. They're all independent or in faction wars now. We just have to hope for EN3.

>> No.36711319

dude gura was laughing about it because it reminded her of bethesda npcs, how do you rrat that into something that broke their friendship. you people are insane.

>> No.36711322

''so she's sleeping, but I don't know. And she could be up to some other shenanigans, who could say. I don't know, I broke away so I could do this, this stream...''

That's Mori's exact words, just the fact that she said she ''I broke away'', meaning she's trying to imply Gura wasn't really sleeping.

>> No.36711413

Except the fox was completely wrong. Or did you forget that?

Anons tried calling the cops and the place they went to was not where they had been

>> No.36711441
File: 145 KB, 1021x478, VTSISTERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is a massive bitch
>daddy issues
>has messiah complex (gotta save tempus and kiara. give me more praise pls teamate i'm being a contrarian i'm so cool)
>loves lowbrow jokes as she is a lowbrown bitch
>easily becomes petulant due to her chronic diseases (tinitus, lactose intolerance, being a woman, etc.)
>talentless and thus will only drag gura down
>hates idol culture
>brings about so many bad holoEN vibes since she wants to own the haters so much
>is a cover anti. fucking unappreciative bitch even gura's 3d live got cut pretty bad she was still thankful for that.

>> No.36711601

It’s called a reference kiddo. Cover does scout people.

We know this because Astel talked about how he didn’t actually apply for the audition but cover came to him to do it. We also know that Rikka was scouted for gen 1, and it’s why his appearance was so much later then Aruran and Shizzy. Pekora, and I forget if it’s Marine or Noel were also scouted and the reason why they got a big say in the creation of their models. Botan and Polka may have been scouted, considering who they use to be and the fact Roberu is Polkas best friend

It’s not nepotism.

>> No.36711603

this is what mental illness looks like

>> No.36711651


>> No.36711664

Tempus is already around anon

>> No.36711946

so kiara knows she is a bitch in rl?

>> No.36711983

Tempiss will never be Holos, nor are they EN3.

>> No.36712081

>suggesting that most/all of Myth did
Nice try, eggchama. But her relief that Reine didn't hate her was related to things going bad with some unspecified Austrian friend.

>> No.36713672

Clearly this, just rub two braincells together and notice how Gura distanced herself from both Ame and Kronii despite being so chummy before.

>> No.36714317

Its the PekoMigo rift all over again huh

>> No.36714368

> don't want cover and discord getting them in trouble for all the racist and antisemetic shit they say
Do nips even understand what antisemitism is?

>> No.36714868

Funny that everyone blames Amelia and lets Gura go free, so it's not truly Pekomiko.
When Pekomiko is brought up, people shit on both Miko and Pekora from each side.
When Amesame is brought up people only shit on Amelia. Except there's hsrd evidence of Gura being a massive bitch behind the scenes

>> No.36714893

cope, homobeggar

>> No.36715391

>Except there's hard evidence of Gura being a massive bitch behind the scenes
You schizos sure have a lax standard for hard evidence, there is nothing but rrats and insinuation about how ANY of the girls act behind the scenes

>> No.36715733


>> No.36715907

You’re very bad at this. You’re also the vocal minority.

>> No.36715947


>> No.36716265

Ame slapped Gura in front of Yagoos office, they dont talk to each other since then

>> No.36716424

Should we remind them in the last 3 months Ame collab with Homos more than she did with Gura in a year

>> No.36717309
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I know girls that would take the chance to get fucked at a party like that, so I'm pretty firmly in the camp that Gura got clapped at Mori's roommates sisters party
/vt/ acts like girls are volcel like them, but in reality girls like Gura wanna be backed into a corner and manhandled
>tldr theres a real chance Gura had sex at the BnB

>> No.36717441

fuckin bitch

>> No.36717745

Ame values cock over long time personal relationships. Average woman.

>> No.36717747

If there is one thing we actually do know about Gura it is that she is one of the most guarded vtubers when it comes to her private life, rock solid opsec, wouldn't even allow the girls to take her picture in the offcollab.
If you think for one second she actually spent any more time than needed in the absolute nightmare scenario of a party organised by Mori's loudmouth sister (who knows she is a vtuber and may have blabbed about it) with pictures being taken by randoms ect then you are huffing too many shitposts on /vt/.
She went to her room and kept to herself, and probably resolved to never trust Mori to pick a secure location for work stuff ever again.

>> No.36718386

It's also easy to see how hort gura qas from that interaction, she got that "puppy just got kicked after trying to play with you" energy, no idea what she did wrong but it's sad that she did

>> No.36721365

Everything cant be their fault

>> No.36721689

They have met IRL before and knowing how good kiara can be at gay chicken, they probably lezed up "Experimenting" with themselves on that onsen trip, notice how Mori closed the fuck up towards kiara right after it, just like the other myth girls did after the big off collab
Kiara tried to get into everyone's pants and they got freaked out
Reine is gay as fuck, so they went full carpet muncher together in their offline trip

>> No.36721833

Gura is ISFP ame is ENTP
Each has the others polr/trickster function as their own dominant.
In addition, the sf vs the nt, really the way one thinks is completely alien to the other. You wouldn't expect them to get along except in very short stretches of time with long recovery time in between.

>> No.36721862


>> No.36722110
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I hate this kind of confrontation.

>> No.36722192

What hard evidence?

>> No.36722330

Holy fuck, this whole delusional thread.

>> No.36722511

You got any receipts for that claim, chief?

>> No.36722524

The only ones who take this kinda stuff seriously are white women

>> No.36722977

> Mumei told Fauna the only way to change your gender is to kill yourself and Fauna had to stop Mumei and Gura from making actual holocaust jokes while streaming
Based owl, shark, kirin, nephilim and phoenix should just graduate and form their own idol group called Fourth Reich or something.

>> No.36723273


Ok champ, yeah you're obviously an expert, lol

>> No.36723352

nta but you're a bitch, lol

>> No.36723439

>Amelia: is documented to have said she didn't want to become Gura's sidekick. Is also documented calling Gura a fucking bitch
>Gura: is not documented saying anything bad about Ame.

>> No.36723565

>Anons tried calling the cops
Kek eops are a mistake

>> No.36723581

Don't give a shit about whatever retarded drama goes on behind the scenes as long as the porn continues and these two have gotten some great stuff.

>> No.36723657

Aww did your feefees get hort :(

>> No.36723698

you're the one crying, bitchboy

>> No.36723837

Sounds to me like you’re the one butthurt out of nowhere kek

>> No.36723912

>There isn't a single genuine friendship in the whole of Holo EN
In the whole of Myth*, Gura and Fauna genuinely get along and it's obvious. Same goes for Gura and Mumei I think.

>> No.36725123

>There isn't a single genuine friendship in the whole of Holo EN.
SNOT has a separate server just for the four of them, sending shit-tier memes. At the very least, SNOT is genuine

>> No.36725205

Your text2speech is broken, chud

>> No.36725268

You mean Ame called Gura a bitch for being a bitch

>> No.36725414

Ame did not know the rules of a certain game, gura killed her and she had a meltdown over it. The JP girls were all going around shooting each other and none of them cried about it. Yes this was the Rust streams. Ame is a sore loser and a big baby

>> No.36725479

get off 4chan ame

>> No.36725735

she didn't you retard. the clipper bleeper her because he's a massive faggot

>> No.36725997

Poor Ame...

>> No.36726031

>rock solid opsec
lol. lmao

>> No.36727110

Mori confirmed to be a nurglite.

>> No.36727395

Honestly speaking myth never had chemistry. AmeSame was about as forced as TakaMori

>> No.36727610

>Gura is winning by doing literally nothing

>> No.36727773

It is more annoying that Sana lied so much.

>> No.36727840

>I know girls that would take the chance to get fucked at a party like tha
The dumbest sluts, you mean.

>> No.36727873

This is a Gura board anon. Obviously everyone is going to favor her.
There's 100+ active chumbuds on this board Vs. 50 teamates.
Besides Gura playing cards right like ignoring tempiss, clique forming and unicorn mentality helps this board love her while Amelia gets shit on.

>> No.36727986

No, just the ruination of HoloEN. Trade deficits and childhood obesity aren’t their fault.

>> No.36728910

>there's hsrd evidence of Gura being a massive bitch behind the scenes

>> No.36729334

> Why you Kiara force Ina out of her wheelchair?
> Why would Kiara beat up Ina, a disabled North Korean refugee?
> Why would Kiara force Ina to dance, knowing full well that Ina doesn't have legs or arms?

>> No.36730453

it was revealed in anon's dreams

>> No.36730700

Ame is a huge saviour fag and got pissed at Gura for not doing the same.
>”GO AWAY!….. fucking bitch”
The anger of Gura ignoring the homos just got the better of her

>> No.36730853

redpill me on guraxfubuki and guraxhimemori

>> No.36731975

Anon, having a heart disease IS MORE REASON to avoid a sedentary life style

>> No.36732128
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>> No.36732967

Something something she didn’t shill the homos.

>> No.36733785

Not him but kiara literally tells us how she feels and you deny her feelings because it looks bad on the other members
I think you should reflect on how you feel the need to project unity at the expense of the individual girls feelings

>> No.36733808

Gura has never been a bitch, Ame has a history of being a bitch, like ghosting her good friend silvervale

>> No.36734165

Gura : Pekora
Ame : Miko

>> No.36734297

You're literally twisting her words to paint the others (or even her instead) as cunts

>> No.36734436

Okay schizo all I know is that Mori and Ame were anti semite, you have Mumei here as well? Why is mumei an anti semite?

>> No.36734459

I agree this
>go away go away go away
does stings my heart a bit

>> No.36735013

tbdesu both her and mori were wrong for trying to do anticontent on a day specially reserved for a big war. I get wanting to subvert expectations but they had to know they had chosen a harder path, right?

>> No.36735208
File: 56 KB, 811x579, fgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao just watched the Rust clip and can't believe you fags have your panties in a twists over that.
Maybe watch some actual friend streamers to learn about bantz and griefing, that shit was baby tier compared to what real people can say and do for the lulz and still be cool after.

>> No.36735319

Gura has had no major interactions with Luna other than killing her in Rust one time

>> No.36735432

>Pico Park collab that happened later on and organized by Ame.
This was so obviously forced by management you have to be a shizo to NOT believe it kek

>> No.36736941

At least she actually streams

>> No.36737060

>Gura do a Stars collab with me
>Fine. Go away. I don't want to play with you anymore.

>> No.36737240

So how does this all tie into the Radioshack narrative?

>> No.36737256

>Maybe watch some actual friend streamers
no thanks

>> No.36737257

Not lately, no.

>> No.36737277

mori had a rager, she said gura is locked up in her room and sleeping because she's tired, or not, maybe she's partying hard and up to some shenanigans. while laughing herself off under her breath while being admittedly highly intoxicated and having no idea where gura is currently. she said this after the party happened, so what she basically said is: ive seen her last 6 hours ago, there was a full rager going on, we've locked her up in her room to get some "rest" while we full on party with hard drugs loud music and a billion unknown people, that make sns post leaking the airbnb location. she hasnt seen her since, and she couldve done anything really, maybe even be apart of the party, or left, oh well who knows idc i just wanna stream right now because you guys are soo soo important to me much wuv

>> No.36737286

I was actually at the party and Gura (or at least who I'm pretty sure was her) seemed to be having a good time. Seriously doubt she's mad about it.

>> No.36737445

"She could be doing anything, she could even be taking drugs with all the drug users and dealers here in this house that she is at!"
Good thing japanese companies are super cool about drug users and would be very laid back and ok with their talents not only taking drugs but openly admitting and talking about it

>> No.36737447

Larp detected.

>> No.36737472

I was literally there and it was nowhere near as wild as you guys keep making it up to be lmao.

>> No.36737490

Oh yea? Well I was at the party aswell and I've had mad sex with Gura. Were you the guy that just stood in the corner not talking to anyone? Sipping on your mountain dew? Yea you kinda stanked up the whole place so we left early into our rooms. No idea who invited you but seriously gave everyone a good laugh!

>> No.36737554

>Rock solid opsec
Lol. Lmao even

>> No.36737565


>> No.36737622

I was also at the party and uhh, bro, that wasn't Gura you had sex with. I guess my cosplay was really convincing. I'll take that as a compliment. You might want to get tested for monkey pox.

>> No.36737655

>hard drugs
It was literally weed and booze. No one gives a shit in Texas.

>> No.36737679

So hard drugs you pothead.

>> No.36737697
File: 160 KB, 954x1024, 86A160A6-BC13-4B0D-92B3-B07723F6DE47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Gura is a GOON

>> No.36737713

I was also there and Gura was gang raped and forced to take drugs

>> No.36737719

Are you 14 or from China by any chance?

>> No.36737732

Tempus bringing people together

>> No.36737757


>> No.36737853


>> No.36737866

Is that verbatim? Link to stream and timestamp or you're bullshitting. I will never trust you niggers not to embellish or have actually watched streams.

>> No.36737961

trust bro, word for word.

>> No.36737999

Link of stream?

>> No.36738041

Truly the pekomiko of EN

>> No.36738046

Ame is a massive cunt

>> No.36738107

Unironically this, every time Ame collabs with Gura she gets the "Gura's (girl)friend" sticker from the audience and I can imagine it's rather frustrating being considered just a side to the main course.

>> No.36738247

Gura had never interacted with Luna once. She just killed her one time in Rust.

>> No.36738323

still kinda weirds me out that ame made fun of gura's pointy knees live in front of everybody
goob is very self-conscious about her appearance and from what i've seen ame has no right criticizing how other people look

>> No.36738383

It really killed HoloEN's growth to a halt, both for viewers and within themselves, really interesting phenomenon

>> No.36738402
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I still think its really weird people bring up this event so many times yet never mention that Guras response to Ame was to openly lie to her

>> No.36738524

up until 13:00, its obviously not verbatim you fucking retard but calli is probably an even less reliable narrator than anyone here

>> No.36738545

Tempus was hardly the cause of any of this anon. That's just what /vt/ tells you. I don't know where that cope came from, but Myth has been a bit shaky behind the scenes for a while now.

>> No.36738578

You're as retarded as her if you think that. It was mutually beneficial. Not only that, huge amounts of top Twitch performers, who she no doubt idolizes, started as "leeches" on big names.

You say that as if teamates didn't like their collabs, which is baffling.

>> No.36738630

>maybe she's partying hard
Cool another embellishment. She didn't say this shit. I don't think she mentioned drinking either.

>> No.36738674

Isn't she a pathological liar?

>> No.36738713

Isn't that a bad thing?

>> No.36738802

To an extent, yeah. But I think she was just trying to cool her down once she realized Amelia was actually angry at her.

>> No.36738884

I'm pretty sure this part is what people refer to

>> No.36738894

tempiss is the cause of it for some people, especially if they are so autistic spergs like myself which I doubt I am the only one out there like this, I stopped watching all holoEN members that collabed with them

>> No.36738915

Ame? Yeah, it's part of her growing up really poor and having to hustle

>> No.36739101

turns out "shenanigans" referred to Gura playing on her fucking phone/Switch
also, said "wild party with hard drugs" that got leaked on SNS?
like 7 white people sitting in a circle and listening to music, one guy getting coaxed to lift his shirt up
scandalous as fuck

>> No.36739107

She literally didn't mention Gura partying hard. What's the intention of adding when quoting Mori? And I watched the timestamp and she didn't mention herself drinking either. Why insert those at all?

>> No.36739146

I meant Gura, but sure add Ame too, i guess.

>> No.36739162

>These anons have never worked a day in their life and don't know what Work References are

>> No.36739177

No, was asking about Gura

>> No.36739199

>Chat ruinning a game
Bro how would some texts in a screen ruin something for you? just stop reading lmao

>> No.36739230

There is no way on God's green earth that that's what shenanigans meant coming out of Mori's mouth. But I won't speculate otherwise

>> No.36739272

Haven't you noticed Gura is moving away from EN and pandering to the JP market now? She's ditching her old friends, she knows where the money is

>> No.36739296

Could also just ban them and say it isnt cool for the future. Ame is hypersensitive though.

>> No.36739328

>calli is probably an even less reliable narrator than anyone here
so why do you assume she undersold it when she has a much more obvious habit of exaggerating everything?

>> No.36739331

You can choose to be objectively wrong anon, that's fine. Just realize nobody's going to take you seriously if that's what you're going with.

>> No.36739347

Do you source for that description of the party that contradicts Mori's first person account, Senator?

>> No.36739363

american women, Am I righ'

>> No.36739368

>There is no way on God's green earth that that's what shenanigans meant coming out of Mori's mouth

>> No.36739438

>Someone who does nigger drugs
I'm sure that when she talks about partying hard she just means drinking Chocomilk and eating popsicles right anon?

>> No.36739499

When did she talk about partying hard? It's not in the timestamp you faggots gave me.

>> No.36739500

ye, but I'm not eating a ban for it. you can try looking up the archive for instagram links around the date all this went down
Mori was a drama queen about it, since she is about everything, but I had wilder stints with my coworkers on friday

>> No.36739605

All context clues. Let's take your theory about a phone game. If Gura were that shy and avoidant as to be absorbed in her phone game, would it not have come up earlier and the game become a point of discussion, especially among women who are "gamer girls" for a living?

>> No.36739612

>Someone who does nigger drugs
why ain't she fired yet?
Japan has one of the strictest drug laws in the world, her bf got an album starring Reol canned over another guest having a tiny bit of weed on them

>> No.36739670

IIRC she mentioned doing weed once(or a few times) and didn't like it and that's the hardest drug she's done.

>> No.36739746
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Bro what the actual fuck is this thread

>> No.36739863

Emblematic of the state of HoloEN currently. Once beloved by fans, now in ruins.

>> No.36739877

And those clues are? You're treating your own speculations as credible proof based on your interpretations. Circular fucking logic only serves to reinforce your already preexisting assumptions. Aka, bullshit.

>> No.36740081
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>> No.36740110

But Ame is more japanese than Gura now

>> No.36740202

Like I said I won't speculate, she has a right to a personal life and I wouldn't hold it against her. The only thing that matters is that lifestyle not intersect with the performance, which is what Mori et al want, and they should follow their leader, Coco.

>> No.36740340

Vshojo is there for you

>> No.36740391

Cool whatever, but what are those clues?

>> No.36740455

Clue the first: your natural attraction to men

>> No.36740507

Look man, projecting your own blatant homolust unto others isn't an argument.

>> No.36740843

So you're saying that Mori lied to make the party sound a lot more degenerate than it actually was, and then implied that Gura was taking part in it. Sounds pretty malicious of her.

>> No.36740896

who are you quoting?
it's neither me, nor her, you just make up entirely new sentences and reply to them

>> No.36741730

That's a very twittertranny logic, bro.

>> No.36741934
File: 3.32 MB, 1004x2369, 1667851986197857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is more japanese than Gura now
what did you say again, teamate?

>> No.36742131

Does Gura have a lot of Japanese fans that actually like her or is this just a case of her lightning in a bottle design being exploited in a culture obsessed with marketable icons?

>> No.36742442

just look at the numbers of her JP clippers, also her JP Duolingo stream which is still being recommended till today. She debatably have the most JP fans out of all the ENs (or maybe second only to Mori)

>> No.36742590

female ego moment

>> No.36742697

Gura is a real cunt. I hope you understand that her on-stream persona isn't her real personality.

>> No.36742730

I hope you understand a vast majority of vtubers aren't anywhere close to the act they put on.

>> No.36742814

You shut your fucking whore mouth.

>> No.36742888

>not participate in sports fest

>> No.36743488

rentfree faggot
samefag seething at unrelated people.
