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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36598148 No.36598148 [Reply] [Original]

HoloEN 2.0 with actual idols in two days

>> No.36598252

>idol corp logo
>holo en

>> No.36598299

That's a man

>> No.36598379

Are they gonna reach atleast 20 viewers on average? gen1 orbits in the 5-10 range.
>be jew company
>cheap out on the shilling

>> No.36598700

is that a male? in my IDOL group?

>> No.36598728

guys, that's towa. please do not bully her.

>> No.36598763

Bruh thats idolEN… not holoEN… literally who cares?

>> No.36598845
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, katta_listen_carefully[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fydorct.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36599677

This half-assed shill attempt is probably the saddest one I've seen on /vt/

>> No.36599733

if they don't succeed we will have our cute girls graduating, please understand desperation

>> No.36599965

>have cute and funny models
>hire weird sounding hags
Bad choice.

>> No.36600491

1 of them is going to have nabi as her mama so I'd say she would be the only 3view in the company

>> No.36600551

Who? Like, genuine who whats this i was on a business trip

>> No.36600599

Are they going to hire someone with experience this time or amateurs again?

>> No.36600614

jewish corpo debuting EN branch in november, tomorrow they gonna release models and accounts of girls in it

>> No.36600638

let them go indie instead of being owned by jews

>> No.36600772

Ill try then why not

>> No.36600830

proof? i have never seen this claim before

>> No.36600887

All of their gen1 have big name mama, and still didn't save Moona and Haachama "sisters" from being low 2views almost 1view bro

>> No.36600917
File: 51 KB, 606x518, nabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36601009

are they hiring american jews now?

>> No.36601059

oh nonononononononono...

>> No.36601318

>Haachama "sisters"
which one?

>> No.36601347

literally scroll up the thread

>> No.36602025


>> No.36602210

Yeah but remember Uto? Teammates are cucked enough to just follow up no question asked anything resembling Ame

>> No.36602268

HE is not EN, its like comparing ID with EN

>> No.36602314

Your company is still a fucking 1view agency and your talents are already speaking english

>> No.36602432
File: 70 KB, 671x1024, 2cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bruh thats idolEN… not holoEN… literally who cares?

>> No.36602686

yeah, i wonder if there is a connection between the two facts

>> No.36603161
File: 588 KB, 400x600, nikki_miss_me_miss_me_now_you_gonna_kiss_me[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fcirdel.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my jewbas the way they are

>> No.36603284


>> No.36603746

I honestly can't find or figure out anything about this. I think I've seen one of their existing tubbers in memes here. But I scrolled on their Twitter for a minute, clicked a link that was just a countdown clock, saw some posts with Phase Connect branding that obviously aren't these people. How are they so bad at marketing themselves? Like this is a company which is barely competing with the people in /asp/. Like I'm a literal 2view and my channel still gets 1/5th of the views on the youtube channel I found for one of these people. I feel bad for those they signed on because they're oddly probably worse off.

>> No.36604215

Aviel hate

>> No.36604945

literally me

>> No.36605238

fr fr no cap

>> No.36605688

Is this the Israel vtuber group?

>> No.36606724

its the Israeli company, but gen from US

>> No.36606821

What idol things have they done with the jew branch? Haven’t watched since their debut.

>> No.36606855

that's it

>> No.36606863

I hope they collab with Tempus

>> No.36606907

they dont collab with homos

>> No.36607021

neo did a few guitar streams

>> No.36607847

HoloEN does, gotta copy them if they want success

>> No.36608371

>watermelon loli graduating
it's a shame, she was cute
what's the reason behind it?

>> No.36608432

we don't know but looks like she was bullied by genmate by looking at she didn't want to talk about her

>> No.36608460

She averages 4 viewers after 6 months of streaming

>> No.36609135
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Please be europeans, i'm fucking tired of aussies and mutts

>> No.36609157

those are americans and canadians

>> No.36610158

stop spreading false rrats, retard

>> No.36610268

for anyone wondering, said genmate is katarina qutie, the russian one

>> No.36610326
File: 22 KB, 576x160, 1653432891699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36611384

then you retards doompost, after spreading false rrats and try to create non-existent drama on other threads. leave that schizo shit to /jidf/

>> No.36613486

>6 months of streaming
you mean three months of streaming, two months of streaming once/twice a week and then a month break
