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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36578437 No.36578437 [Reply] [Original]

>Do you not have friends of the opposite sex though?

>> No.36578647

stop spamming the catalog nigger

>> No.36578684

A thread died for this

>> No.36578753
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Well /vt/, do you?

>> No.36578835

Good riddance

>> No.36578875
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Of course I do pic related.

>> No.36578880

This was such a stupid question, like who the fuck does she think watches girls pretend to be anime characters? Who the fuck DONATES money to girls pretending to be anime characters? Not normal well adjusted people.

>> No.36579041

I don't have friends of either sex.

>> No.36579046

No I do not, Kronii.

>> No.36579173

No, i don't

>> No.36579227

Weird how much she’s changed from her debut to now

>> No.36579361

She's that lazy. she didn't take any time to understand her audience.

>> No.36579379

I'm normal XD

>> No.36580559

Yes. My friend's wives.

>> No.36580725

>There are people here who must say no to this

>> No.36580804

there is literally no good outcome to asking this question.

when received by people who DO have friends of the opposite sex, how are they supposed to respond to this? hop on the bandwagon to ridicule other fans who may not have friends of the opposite sex?

when received by people who do NOT have friends of the opposite sex, then it just becomes an insult.

so the outcome of asking this question is either:
1- fracturing the fanbase for no good reason
2- hurting people who like you and are supporting you for no good reason

>> No.36580876

it was said in malice obv

>> No.36581025

Nono you dont understand. By randomly lashing out and hurting random fans for no reason she's owning the haters.
This definitely owned the haters and didn't give them ammo to use forever, just like how Mori owned her haters and completely stopped people hating her

>> No.36581064

I'm male. I have female friends. I watch vtubers.

>> No.36581222

Pretty much. It was such a dumb thing to say. Her lack of self-awareness is astounding.

>> No.36581382

I used too, 10 years ago.

>> No.36581434

uhhh sh-shut up incelchudTOUCHGRASS

>> No.36582107
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Look at my perfect clock wife

>> No.36582515

Why the fuck would I be "friends" with a woman? Either she's giving me the succ or she can piss off.

>> No.36582831

this was actually way worse than educate yourself and improve yourself

>> No.36583185

much meaner

>> No.36583264

It had Diablo Immortal Guy energy

>> No.36583808

Nope, I have too much energy and not enough money/outlets to release that energy. I was placed in special ed and social studies as I was extremely erratic as a child. I still am and have only been able to reduce my energy levels by partaking in swimming and treading water.

>> No.36583948


>> No.36584283

It wasn't said with mean intent, she's just clueless

>> No.36584296

bro kronii knows her true fans are into that shit, being insulted and treated like dogs kind of shit

>> No.36584414

Idk man, maybe im just cynical

>> No.36584445

No no you don't understand, I have many female friends. This is why I go around watching women being bad at games. Because of how well adjusted my balance of interaction with women is.

>> No.36584528

I do, but kronii isn't my fucking friend. She's here to entertain us, and I wouldn't ask if she had male friends for the same reason she shouldn't be asking us her question: it's condescending and insulting.

>> No.36584553

I'm picking up on your sarcasm.

>> No.36584709

It's amazing how weak and fragile some of you on here are.

>> No.36584769

great contribution tourist-sama

>> No.36585170

That's a strong argument anon, lots of supporting evidence, convincing rhetoric, and moving statements. Unfortunately I'm gonna refute your stance with a "fuck off" cause I'm not convinced kronii is in the right here.

>> No.36585212

ah, there it is

>> No.36585216

Semitic hands typed this post. You are not welcome here.

>> No.36585271

Don't look at Gura's twitter after she said this, chumbud

>> No.36585459

Glad I stopped watching her even before her weird goddamn male collab spam arc. Boring streamer, wannabe VA that doesn't do any VA stuff as content. Never wanna hear anyone defend the so-called "based Cover talent scouts" that have shit the bed so much.

>> No.36585530

i dont get it

>> No.36585700

>act like a whiney woman
>"wow you guys act like women"

>> No.36585745

ok big man

>> No.36585754


>> No.36585765

exactly, you don't get updates. She avoids males because she wantayour money not because she gives a fuck about you . sAme for all incel panderers

>> No.36585806

what does this have to do with kronii you fucking retard

>> No.36585855

I'm not invested enough in kronii's idol culture to indulge you at length, especially since you're not being sincere, but please consider acknowledging there is a fundamental difference between whining and being condescending.

Kronii is attacking the audience with this kind of dialogue, simple as.

>> No.36585913

go cry into a pillow or something? i dont know man, grow some fucking skin, did you have a crying issue well into your teenage years acting like this? does being called stupid to your face make you wanna kill yourself?

>> No.36585931

I haven't watched her past the first week after Council debuted. It's a decision I've never regretted.

>> No.36585989

Being called stupid makes me reconsider my present company

>> No.36585994

this is how the twitchfag normie responds to being destroyed in an argument, insults/crying

>> No.36586006

Kill myself, wtf? No, it'd make me question why someone called me stupid. Do you have difficulty understanding this?

>> No.36586035

seems being called stupid makes your nerves tingle, unironically seek sunlight

>> No.36586080

Actually i do.
But only because i friendzoned the girl

>> No.36586135

That's fine. It's their job, after all.

>> No.36586154

Honestly, you're the one being a sperg here but anyway here's a (You). Now go back and simp for Kronii.

>> No.36586185

The problem with your reasoning is that it assumes the audience has to watch/like/agree with kronii.

While some do, I don't. I've decided not to watch her, and no one has to if they don't like her. That's not a sign of thin skin, it's a sign of preference.

>> No.36586201

>Still using the word simp unironically in 2022
You're the fish out of water here you lack of self awareness tourist nigger
You donate to your favorite twitch fleshy today?

>> No.36586306
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what was the conversation leading up to her saying this? seems like an odd thing to say to a bunch of anime watching losers

>> No.36586368

something about tempus or some shit

>> No.36586374

maybe thats why im not schizoposting about this anime woman

>> No.36586494

condescending whore, I do, but we dont hang out like bros, you stupid whore.

>> No.36586527

A few people freaking out because she laughs too much in male collabs or replies to a tweet from a male

>> No.36586596
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>> No.36586597

Weak and fragile people indulge in parasocial activities like watching women pretend to be anime girls. They also buy merch.

>> No.36586651

that doesn't answer the question

>> No.36586684

but you're a special snowflake who doesn't do those things right

>> No.36586702

t. vshojobro

>> No.36586749

No I'm saying this hobby is for damaged people, normalfags can get the fuck out.

>> No.36586762

...which keeps the vtuber afloat. Which she repaid with condescending remarks. And lying. You types always seem to ignore this side.

>> No.36586772

The funny thing is femoids are not interested in having male friends. At least in my experience. Whether or not they are interested in fucking you dominates. But hey, let's blame that on men too.

>> No.36586781

sounds like projection

>> No.36587028

your point being?

>> No.36587168

How sensitive do you have to be for that question to offend you?

>> No.36587221
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i don't have friends

>> No.36587352

well what is the point of the question?

>> No.36587375

No, girls are icky.

>> No.36587450

She knew exactly what she was doing when she said that. She doesn't want your kind watching her streams and would rather cull her numbers and cut the poisoned limb off early rather than let it fester all throughout her audience like what happened to Gura's.

>> No.36587452

Not gonna reply to the pro-kronii shill with a (You). The thing is, I'm okay with her collabing with men, but I'm not okay with the response to her responses to the audience. It's foul to consider someone a whore because they stream with men, but it's heinous to make accusations about the broader audience in the way she does.

It's not the only example of her caustic behavior, but it isn't entertaining and it makes me not wanna watch her. I also hate her voice.

>> No.36587458

to make you reflect on how absurd your demands are.
She thought the people that condemned male collabs were being hypocritical.
That the fans condemned her for having male friends even as they hhad friends of the opposite sex.

She never imagined there actually are people with no friends,

>> No.36587500

well fuck off then, she's completely in the right in calling out the toxic fans.I am gald she did it, these people deserve to be shat on.

>> No.36587604

Calm down and drink your Subway, Kronii.

>> No.36587706

>reacting with any criticism to lies and insults is being toxic
Are you jewish or something?

>> No.36587738

>le jewish boogeyman

>> No.36587760

seems like a really bitchy and rude way to try and get her point across

>> No.36587797

work hard to protect your queen

>> No.36587800

>Job is to be an entertainer
>Person does job professionally and without controversy
I'm not seeing the issue here retard. Aren't you also the fuckwits who shriek like deranged banshees over parasocial 'relationships'? Hypocritical as well as retarded I guess, you should be applauding Gura for setting the golden standard, but I guess a woman having actual standards is too much for your kind of people.

>> No.36587815

but sex is a game too

>> No.36587868

I don't have any friends full stop, so that line made me want to stop watching her more than the male collab ever could.

>> No.36587945

This is the wrong response, not unlike how kronii's reaction was wrong.

>> No.36588117

avoiding males is not a standard, it's just retarded

>> No.36588155


>> No.36588207

why would you be a fan of someone who thinks that you're a loser?

>> No.36588270

But you are though

>> No.36588275

when did she call you a loser?

>> No.36588316

i know
its obviously implied, it's called reading between the lines

>> No.36588329

Do you faggots ever get sick of defending a below average entertainer?

>> No.36588378

Why don't I have any friends or why her question made me stop watching her? To the first, I live in a pretty remote location and my job isn't conducive to making friends. To the second, the complete lack of consideration for her fans' circumstances makes her a bitch, especially considering many of her fans opened themselves up to her and admitted they're not the best people, and that Kronii isn't the best person herself by her own admission and acknowledged that she and her audience meshed well because of it. She straight up shit all over the same people who are responsible for making her life better than it was.

>> No.36588397

The only female friends I ever have are the significant others of my male friends, and only because they have to be around every so often when we hang out. Women don't share male interests and aren't any good at male hobbies so they make for pretty poor friends outside of the one you fuck and keep for yourself.

>> No.36588460

I had 2 but I'm shit at maintaining friendships when we're no longer in the same vicinity like work or school so now I have no friends period. But I still remember how it's like to be in co-ed environments and know when everyone is just shooting the shit so male collabs have never bothered me

>> No.36588723

I don't. I fear that I enjoy life more without the company of a female friend, much less a girlfriend or wife. I fear that I'll be single forever and have the dreadful wave of disappointment from my parents who wished for me to have found a woman and give them grandchildren. I fear that I may never know what romance, love, sex or intimacy feels like. To feel, touch, graze over a woman, and be felt the same exact way. Never loved or understood and always feeling like women are so close and also from another planet. I don't have the courage to talk to women. I want to believe I can find a decent one with similar interests and isn't completely rotten inside. God help me. Please.

>> No.36588726

>She straight up shit all over the same people who are responsible for making her life better than it was
Those same "people" did a turn face when the male collab happened, tried to tell her what to do/not do all while trying to hide behind "we just want you to communicate better, bro". How come there was no "communication" concern until after collabing with Tempus? Disingenuous faggots got all uppity just because she laughed a bit too hard for their liking. She owes them nothing

>> No.36588787

People don't like being made to feel like a third wheel, then shit on when they bring up how they felt because they thought she wanted them to do that.

>> No.36588820

>its obviously implied, it's called reading between the lines
This is the long form of saying "I made this shit up"

>> No.36588840

Nope, unless I can count my sister. I get along really well with my friends’ significant others and never have any problems getting along with women in the workplace, though. I already keep a pretty small circle of friends and just find it easier to relate to men lately, I guess. I dated my one female friend for a few years and it went very poorly as time went on, so I’m a little nervous about making new ones, honestly.
I haven’t shitposted about any of the HoloEN girls with regards to this coed collab drama and have been pretty surprised at how retarded some people have gotten about it.

>> No.36588851

Are you so new that you don't even know that she lied about keeping male interactions to a minimum, also on twitter, then completely doing a 180 on her word (beginning with Tempus underwear)?
Or do you know but are conveniently leaving that part out because you're a deceitful faggot?

>> No.36588864

>How come there was no "communication" concern until after collabing with Tempus?
OK think whatever you want about her response to unicorns or whatever but this is def not true lol

>> No.36588901

it was obviously a question meant in malice, do you have autism?

>> No.36588963

I have plenty of "female friends"...
...who I wouldn't mind dating at the drop of a hat.
So yes? no? not sure

>> No.36589021

>Do you guys not have phones meme
This on top of it, it was mockery and she knew it.

>> No.36589046

>People don't like being made to feel like a third wheel
That's their problem. And how does this not apply for female collabs? Idiots
>when they bring up how they felt
context is key here. It's precisely when and why they decided to bring all this bullshit up. When: after the male collab. Why: because they thought they were getting NTR'd. It's absurd

>> No.36589080

>to make you reflect
her audience isn't a homogenous entity
there are people who enjoy male collabs despite having no female friends
there are people who despise male collabs despite having female friends
this question had nothing to do with your opinion on male collabs, and the fact that she thought it did is the biggest insult of them all.

>> No.36589107

exactly, thats what I was trying to say

>> No.36589126

Unicorns creeped her out, realized they weren't the headache and changed her mind. That's all there is to it. Why choose to ignore your kouhai you get along with well enough over idiots that will drop you for doing so?

>> No.36589144

>That's their problem
Which is precisely why they watched a chuuba whom they thought would be friendly to them, as she had been proving right up until that point. This would be like asking Kronii when she's getting married while attending a friend's wedding, while all of her friends were also married, which is something that happened.

>> No.36589203

Because those kronies were being pathetic, getting jealous over a tame collab with coworkers

>> No.36589286

I did but all us of male or female kinda drifted apart after college.

>> No.36589294

do you think people would have been as upset if she wasn't being bitchy and condescending towards her fans?

>> No.36589297

Not anymore. And I couldn't be happier.

>> No.36589305

Why do you keep calling people who have a certain preference idiots? Who the fuck are you to decide what anyone should like or dislike watching? And why couldn't Kronii simply talk with the boys off-stream if she likes them so much?

>> No.36589415

>Which is precisely why they watched a chuuba whom they thought would be friendly to them
Again, that's their problem. Vtubers are entertainers, not friends. Classmates, coworkers, anons you share a board with, none of them are your friends. Only when you hang out and talk personally outside of these environments do you start reaching something that can be called a friend. (You) don't even know her real name. We're fans(at least the ones who are left), we're here to support when we can. That's it

>> No.36589516

Changing your content without prior warning is a disservice to your fans, no matter how you choose to justify it.

>> No.36589547

>vtubers can't be friendly to fans
Thanks for sharing how you define friends, I guess? That's not what the post was about.

>> No.36589598

I'd believe this rrat.
It sound like one of those things you say in frustration, and then immediately regret

>> No.36589632

I call them idiots because they decide to turn against a vtuber simply for interacting with a male on stream, calling it flirting and pretending to be some boyfriend who had to watch his girl getting railed by another guy. Vtubers, or any streamer for that matter, are not some girlfriend/boyfriend substitute. Those that come for that are looking in the wrong industry

>> No.36589677

Show me how small your peepee is.

>> No.36589679

Then leave and be done with it. Why cry about it months later?

>> No.36589709

you are being dense on purpose and taking the most extreme type of fan as if everyone who was upset thinks that

>> No.36589772 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.36589810

Crying? I'm mad about it because faggots like you keep trying to convince me to watch her again.

>> No.36589877

Way to miss the point m8. I didn't say they couldn't be friendly. I said they weren't your friend and I'll throw in counselor/therapist in there too. Watch them for entertainment, not to get some kind of validation. If you're not entertained, go to another channel that gives you what you want

>> No.36589901
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> They can never create anything. They can only steal or destroy what our own.

>> No.36589904

Yes, and they're anti-social shut-ins like me. Not hard to find like-minded people on the world wide web

>> No.36589953

Who the fuck is telling you to watch her again? If anything I'm glad sad fucks like you don't bother with her anymore. Go watch someone else and stay there, instead of bitching like a passive aggressive ex girlfriend

>> No.36590003

why did god make holes so fucking stupid?

>> No.36590009

Then what's (You)r deal?

>> No.36590045

I accept your concession

>> No.36590129

Both images are true but 36589901 is using an irrelevant quote. Nothing is being destroyed here

>> No.36590130

I'm sure you accept a lot, anon.

>> No.36590136

I am a new poster itt and you are fat and will die alone.

>> No.36590163

I think it's understandable for people to be upset when someone they consider themselves to be a fan of thinks they are annoying and mocks them on stream for being concerned about a change in content due to the introduction of tempus

>> No.36590375

>due to the introduction of tempus
This is what I'm talking about. (You) only care about this "change" because you think it was brought about by males. Also, what """change""" is there? Kronii's personality or the way she streams is still the same. The only change I see is that she's no longer willing to be as "intimate"(for lack of a more fitting word) with her veiwers and especially her members after she saw how they reacted. As for the shitting on, pff, only if you're convinced she was talking about (You) m8. You don't have to let that get to you

>> No.36590417

You've got it all figured out. That's nice.

>> No.36590421

Intimate is what most of her fans were there for, because that's what she'd been doing for a year. It's all she's good at.

>> No.36590466

>what """change""" is there
well, there are males now. and she prioritized them over her viewers.

>> No.36590479

I just don't agree with your perception of her change in content/personality. But yes people including me should not take her comment personally and accept the changes that have occurred

>> No.36590668

>Kronii's personality or the way she streams is still the same.
ah so you're a threadreader then
carry on

>> No.36590688

I clearly meant the "change" with her channel, her and/or how she streams. Stop pretending like all she does is male collabs. As frequent or infrequent as they are, you will have a problem with them no matter what. That's your problem, not hers

>> No.36590708

>I clearly meant the "change" with her channel, her and/or how she streams
with males, now

>> No.36590718

>i don't have any female friends so nobody who shares my hobbies also must be a worthless loser
/vt/ moment

>> No.36590750

>hop on the bandwagon to ridicule other fans who may not have friends of the opposite sex?

>> No.36590781

>But yes people including me should not take her comment personally and accept the changes that have occurred
What? It's a youtube channel. You are allowed to not like it you deranged psycho white knight.

>> No.36590829

>Stop pretending like all she does is male collabs
I repeat myself for your silly ass

>> No.36590880

its not about kronii, I'm saying that its not mentally healthy to be obsessed with a chuuba so much she upsets you in a personal way because of changes you cant control in the first place.

>> No.36590928

You don't think some of her content changing is a change in her channel, persona, and streams? I don't know what to tell you. Honestly, I think you're arguing in bad faith.

>> No.36590943

All this could have been avoided if she just kept the interactions off-stream kek

>> No.36590947

How did you get the idea that you are in any position to sanctify or judge whether people are allowed to dislike her channel?
Some people don't like male collabs get over it.

>> No.36590989

but why? why do that?
each holomem has a huge fanbase. of course there will be a variety of different people in there, some are lonely men, some aren't. some have experience with women, some don't. some are desperate, some aren't.

as stupid as it is sometimes, the endless "toxic positivity" that hololive upholds in their social media, reddit, official channels, etc, have done a lot of good for a lot of people who are hurting (in one way or another) and just need a place to escape to to just watch dumbass anime girls be funny and silly.

just ignore what kind of audience you have and keep taking their money, while they get the escapism they want or need, it's a win-win for all sides.

what beneficial business reason is there to fracture the fanbase and cause this much infighting among them?

>> No.36591000

Just say "yes" if yes or "no" if no and either keep watching her or drop her and go watch someone else if you didn't like that she asked it in the first place; regardless of the answer.
>No good reason
She was concerned too, about the backlash over what would otherwise be a regular collab. The only difference was there were males involved. People acted like it was some kind of sin and it weirded her out, who wouldn't be?

>> No.36591001

You are absolutely right that this comment was inconsiderate of her or even rude. So you have the right to be upset, anon.

With that being said, if a streamer upsets you, you should unsubscribe, do not recommend channel, maybe dislike video and move one. Making threads and still whining about it months after that happened is not a normal behavior either.

>> No.36591005

Do you not like it when people have different opinions than you, anon?

>> No.36591026

It doesn't take any obsession to be upset about this. And I don't need your blessing to dislike when a youtube channel changes his concept.
You're way in over your head.

>> No.36591053

this is just calling her viewers incels with extra steps

>> No.36591066

it's fine to not like her anymore, I don't watch her channel anymore for a reason, think what you want
obviously wasn't talking about people who were simply upset which is and still is completely understandable

>> No.36591067

Where do you see extra steps?

>> No.36591074

Would anyone be here if they had friends of any kind?

>> No.36591086

how the fuck is she so out of touch with her fanbase even after streaming for a year? Women are delusional

>> No.36591092

And you're insisting that males are now a staple of her channel and ignoring everything that isn't male related. And you're trying to tell me I'm on bad faith? Get real

>> No.36591147

Yes. I unironically watch vtubers with my gf and we adore Korone, Watame, Ollie, and hate Kronii, and Laplus. Holostars is also cool, but sadly my gf likes Regis and I like Axel.

We even throw superchats out sometimes.

>> No.36591150

it's not just males, her interactions with fans has changed significantly. whether you think that is correct of her to do is irrelevant

>> No.36591151

you can't even concede that adding males collabs to the roster is a change to her channel. why the fuck would anyone discuss anything like the change in her personality or relationship to chat with you?

>> No.36591163

They have every right to leave if they're so upset about it. They don't have to bitch about it like a woman every other post/thread

>> No.36591223

>we adore Korone, Watame, Ollie, and hate Kronii, and Laplus
One of the most based reply I saw on this board

>> No.36591244

>Let me ignore the reason why she changed how she interacts with her audience because it's inconvenient for my argument
Justified or not, she had her reasons, which you obviously don't care about. Move on

>> No.36591260

kill yourself normalfag

>> No.36591291

ok then admit that there was a change in her content that doesn't have to do with males fucker

>> No.36591326

why are you here on /vt/ an imageboard on 4chan if not for the bitching and shitposting?

>> No.36591345

didnt read incel lol

>> No.36591350

Only if you admit that the way she interacts with her fans was caused by her fans, not males. Because that's what you're getting wrong

>> No.36591377

You have every right to leave if you're so upset about it. You don't have to bitch about it like a woman every other post/thread

>> No.36591407

>ugh people bitching about things they dislike? the worst.

>> No.36591468

>We even throw superchats out sometimes
Who's card pays for it?

>> No.36591471

the reason her fans reacted badly is because she was a condescending bitch towards them

>> No.36591485

The plan is to die at age 88 married to my wife.

Deal with it.

>> No.36591508

I can't conceive of hating Laplus, but otherwise, okay.

>> No.36591521

I usually do, but the wife and I budget ourselves to $20 a week for streamers so it's not a common thing.

>> No.36591533

Plan on that, it might not be everything you want anon.

>> No.36591546

Fucking larper

>> No.36591552

So you refuse so admit the reaction from the collab grossed her out, which was BEFORE she even said those things. How convenient it is for you to forget the order in which these things happened. Sit the fuck down retard

>> No.36591589

Yea you're kinda outing yourself there m8. Unless you have both a wife and gf, you're bullshiting

>> No.36591592

your a stupid fuck who thinks kronii did no wrong, go lick tempus dicks some more you absolute faggot

>> No.36591613


>> No.36591637
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>> No.36591649

I actually have a girlfriend, but please don't tell my wife

>> No.36591662


>> No.36591703


>> No.36591818
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Why do (You) all keep falling for bait theeads?

>> No.36591840
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This thread is so fascinating to me from the outside looking in because the pattern is basically a 1:1 copy of what happened in NijiEN.

>Don't worry, they'll be great talents, the first three waves of girls were really good after all!
>Oh they're obnoxious Twitch niggers, weirdo sex pests, and schizo groomers? Don't worry! They'll totally stay in their lane and you won't even know they're there.
>Oh they're spamming collabs with the girls and siccing their crazy fans on anybody who even implies displeasure? Don't worry, your oshi's regular content is still there, just ignore the collabs.
>Oh the collabs are now 1/3rd of your oshi's regular schedule? Don't worry, the content of her normal streams won't change. Also if you don't support total unity you're a schizo incel!
>Oh, your oshi's content is changing, either because the obnoxious Twitch faggotry is rubbing off on her, or because she feels pressured to treat them with kid gloves due to batshit fans and management favoritism, or because she's god forbid become friends with them? Fuck OFF incel, (pick depending on situation) it's an improvement/the dumb bitch deserves it/she's hanging out with her FRIENDS!
>Oh, you're leaving? Wait a fucking second, don't fucking leave you incel, the boys' fans don't donate to female streamers! You need to keep paying!

At least bronies have the small mercy that Hololive was never a co-ed company so there's more pushback, since the faggots are kicking down the door as opposed to worming their way in. Beyond that though, it's basically the exact same shit being played out with the exact same beats. Eerie.

>> No.36591942

You had me till the last point. Hardly anyone is telling people to come back. There's no shortage of options within hololive, the only problem is most of /vt/ holobronies are EOP and don't even consider HoloJP. Their loss

>> No.36591961

its over bros... the nijification can't be stopped

>> No.36591973

yeah you're right, homobeggars don't care at all about the girls careers. they're just accessories/trophies for their faggots to claim.

>> No.36591979
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I do not. I don't even have friends of the same sex.

>> No.36592002

Aren't some of the Tempus boys long time friends with Nijis? Maybe they really know what they're doing.

>> No.36592019

i'll be your friend anon.
do you like vtubers?

>> No.36592029

Based beyond belief.

We still have kawaii.

>> No.36592048

No, I do not. I'm open to it though

>> No.36592059
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Call me a newfag or whatever but I thought niji was the biggest player in the vtuber space, topping the number charts and such. Is that no longer the case? If not, what caused it? Does that also affect hololive? All I've seen lately is all the supposed drama within niji but hololive keeps their streamers on a least to make sure it never gets that bad

>> No.36592070

Worse. They're part of the same lefty sjw twitch circle.

>> No.36592112

Pls go

>> No.36592122

I will allow a temporary friendship as long as we never speak to each other again outside of this thread.

>> No.36592146

Tell me where on the doll did the homo touch your oshi?

>> No.36592147

are you like 4 years in the past or something

>> No.36592200
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I got here a little after gen 4 had already debuted, hence the Luna pic. She's adorable

>> No.36592258

very nice

>> No.36592495

Women have socially interacted with other women since the beginning of time either small gardens, washing clothes by a river, and more recently with book reading clubs. It's normal for women to talk to other women. However women talking to men it rightly seem as courtshipping and so the stigma of women talking or interacting with men is ingrained. Its human behavior and normal to see a man and a woman talking as romantic in nature.

>> No.36592621

Its fine to have said preference and to choose what content to watch, what is not fine is to try and enforce your preferences on the streamer. That is why these people (and seemingly you?) are fucking idiots. Kronii in a way followed Ame's advice and started to improve herself and a portion of her fanbase cried out 'No! You're supposed to remain in the depths with us!'

>> No.36592671

>what is not fine is to try and enforce your preferences on the streamer
>You're supposed to remain in the depths with us!'
What actually is wrong with you reddit psychos? Do you hear the words that come out of your mouth or is it just 100% must defend women?

>> No.36592674

fuck you, shes a traitor just like the rest of them

>> No.36592747

It had negative consequences for her career and she decided to persevere with the homo collabs anyway. To me that's fascinating and it makes me think that it's more important for her to be a dependable colleague and friend than to avoid conflict in order to please the more sensitive portion of her fanbase. Some of the things she has helped Tempus with, like the mixing of their song for Ollie's birthday, has meant a lot to them so it would have been sad if she had been forced to avoid them simply because some of her fans were too controlling

>> No.36592825

Dependable? You got the most severe case of simp brain on this board yet.
He's truely lucky to have such a dependable comrade in the hellhole of playing video games for ten thousands of dollars.
Instead of listening to what the customers want she decided to stick with what she wanted to do and this is how dependable she is.

>> No.36592843

See? More idiots

>> No.36592851

*Some customers

>> No.36592889

Don't call then idiots anon. Remember, they're really sensitive

>> No.36592911

This does nothing to challenge my point.
Please for your own sake realise these people are just using you for money.

>> No.36592918

>Instead of listening to what the customers want
Sometimes anon, sometimes they customer isn't right. Sometimes the customer gets kicked out of the store and sometimes even the customer gets banned for a period of time.

>> No.36592948

I have female friends but I genuinely want to date, if not fuck at least 3/4ths of them.

Despite that, I know what she means and I think people who are genuinely upset and making up these scenarios where they're getting cucked to be genuinely deranged and are more than likely a lost cause. Absentee fathers is more than likely the case.

Still not going to watch her though, besides her model and hot voice, she's not really entertaining or fun to watch.

>> No.36592982

Holy shit an actual reasonable post

>> No.36592984

Sounds like you have a deeper problem with vtubers in general if that's what you think of them

>> No.36593014

You could just watch them without giving them money. Greys are frowned upon but at least they don't really lose anything

>> No.36593033

This thing has been cooking up since before Holostars even got announced when the Niji boys brought in the dough.
It's just cold calculation and you know it.
Ollie featured people like Bonbon before and noone batted an eye.
The EN course is a shift in audience and you're not the bigger man or more mature for swallowing it.

>> No.36593174

Are you a mod gesturing like a petty faggot? Or do you actually think that's a good analogy? Because it's more like a store doing perfectly fine with its customers one day deciding to lose them with non-customers cheering for the store.

>> No.36593250

i love her bros why cant i stop my mind from loving her

>> No.36593269

What is this bigger man bullshit? I just watch streams to be entertained, not to set some arbitrary value of self. Soz that mixed gender streaming isn't your thing pal, but no need to be the equivalent of an online Karen and throw a hissyfit over the choices of the streamers.

>> No.36593300

yes. Kroni still a whore and ruining hololive.

>> No.36593354

The store shifted some products around and some customers were angry about it. Some of decided to steal and vandalize while some tried to complain respectfully to the managers but in the end the store decided to keep its offering and decided to hire some security to handle the troublesome customers. Analogies are pointless

>> No.36593385

>steal and vandalize
calm down buddy

>> No.36593416

Sounds more like a dedicated customer thinking his importance to the store's success gets to his head and makes him believe he can throw his weight around with little to no consequence. Support is appreciated but if a customer acts like a douchebag, them being a regular doesn't get them a free pass. As a former manager, I much preferred the irregulars to the dedicated customer who was an unpleasant faggot.

>> No.36593481

>I just watch streams to be entertained, not to set some arbitrary value of self.
Which makes it tetarded to cry when people don't like male collabs. Did you accidentally defend the wrong position when you joined this discussion or what?

>> No.36593486

This and I fucking hate it, but I won't go down without a fight. Before Tempus this was one of the last few things I genuinely enjoyed and looked forward to. Now it's poisoned by twitter faggots and normies.

>> No.36593492

Tell me, what about the Kronies was so unpleasant before she started interacting with Tempus?

>> No.36593542

>Analogies are pointless
No, it's your analogies that are complete bullshit.

>> No.36593556

My real problem is that I have no friends of my own gender.
I've never had a "girlfriend" but not once in my life have I had a friend that was a man.
For some reason women like me and men cannot stand me.

>> No.36593567

Vtubers or idols weren't your hobby first. You were always the outsider parasite and now that'd you fallen for a glorified anime e-girl you feel victimized.

>> No.36593574

The superchat and comments she got about playing MC off stream were similarly unpleasant, albeit about a less serious topic

>> No.36593607

Check out Gabe's SC history.

>> No.36593628

It's not a store. It's a hobby that they try to capitalise on by providing a product.
I'm not really passionate about bread I need to eat.
Saying the hobby you like is stupid and we're using our corporate power to change it is not shifting products around.
There is a reason males and females were strictly separated. It was part of the hobby from the very beginning.

>> No.36593653


>> No.36593681

>You were always the outsider parasite and now that'd you fallen for a glorified anime e-girl you feel victimized.
This is me. Do you now understand why I hate the males so much?

>> No.36593716

Did you just erase from your memory what I said a bit ago?
>Which makes it tetarded to cry when people don't like male collabs.
>Its fine to have said preference and to choose what content to watch
>what is not fine is to try and enforce your preferences on the streamer.
I don't care if you don't like the male collabs and don't watch, if anything I encourage you to do that. What I think is horseshit is the faggots choosing to air their grievances directly to the streamer. Regardless of whichever side you are on, anyone spouting horseshit on a bullhorn is a faggot.

>> No.36593755

>There is a reason males and females were strictly separated. It was part of the hobby from the very beginning.
Fubuki and Matsuri collabs with males before Hololive went the Idol route would argue otherwise. It wasn't like this 'from the very beginning'

>> No.36593802

Sure but it was a losing position from the start

>> No.36593820

You don't care if people hate male collabs you're just really angry if they state that opinion?
My man just turn off 4channel and all the meanie complainers will go away.

>> No.36593951
File: 629 KB, 200x145, 4273cd585e3cf593720ac6cd57c1e9eb_w200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me fighting the males two months after their debut

>> No.36594035

This is the part that confuses me really, do people on here not know the early history of vtubing before Covid or do they blissfully choose to ignore it? All those wailing for the loss of 'their hobby' because its making a return to 2018/2019 strikes me as ironic as I'm sure they shed no tears for those who bemoaned the turn the hobby took to cater to idol unicorn fans back in the day.

>> No.36594106

Clearly it was an improvement, with millions of subscribers some of them now have. Why fuck with the successful formula? Why not interact off-stream?

>> No.36594116

How is it ironic? I like this thing and I don't like what it's turning into.
Are you really citing some uhm acshually history as to why we shouldn't like things the way they were? Why would it be all or nothing for you?

>> No.36594148

cry about it

>> No.36594219

I have no friends at fucking all, and when I did they talked mad shit about me without even realizing I was there and heard every damn word. I've always been broken, but that day was like a total shattering of a mirror and grinding all the pieces into a fine powder.

>> No.36594267

jesus dude that's rough. worst i got was a "shhh he's here" and that was enough to make me an insecure shut in for years

>> No.36594269

>I just watch vtubers to be entertained
Then why the fuck are you having trouble understanding that many viewers are doing the same and don't like male collabs because they aren't something entertaining?

>> No.36594302

the day kronii made fun of you or the day you found out you had shitty friends?

>> No.36594304

Discord Raid
Nigger 1: alright senpaitachi, yesterday we spam about shondo's anti male. what now for today?
Nigger 2: which hologirls will not streams today?
Nigger 3: Ame, Gura, Kroni & Mori.
Nigger 1: fucking fuck these lazy whores. I'm boring to spam Myth girls now because they are lazy cunts especially Gura so we go Council today.
Nigger 4: Kroniescucks here we come.
all niggers: ah ah ah ah

>> No.36594331

That's sad anon. Don't know what was going through their heads but I genuinely hope you find friends. There's nothing worse in this world than dying alone, unloved and with no one to remember you by.

I don't want to. I got my fill when I was stationed over there. Just stating facts.

>> No.36594339

Not much, which is why they're the perfect example of a unicorn; loves their oshi till she collabs with a male. They're STILL crying about it

>> No.36594385

You just skip the stream then

>> No.36594390

To the streamer, you imbecile. Who cares what gets posted /here/

>> No.36594416

>She doesn't want your kind watching her streams and would rather cull her numbers
This is bullshit. She might not want people like that watching her, but she obviously also doesn't want to lose numbers.

>> No.36594444

>Do you not want to watch my friends of the opposite sex though?

>> No.36594475

he's a mind reader apparently

>> No.36594487

This is another unicorn cope that makes no sense. Males are the deciding factor but all's good when it's done off stream? You act as if they wouldn't call her a whore anyway if it ever got out

>> No.36594514

Not everyone is a lost cause numberfaggot like (You)

>> No.36594522

Kronii doesn't do things for numbers or she wouldn't play the games she does

>> No.36594534


>> No.36594544

How many people do you see calling fauna a whore any given day?
This is reddit tier >you're probably an incel bullshit to shut down discontent.

>> No.36594552

>No argument

>> No.36594567

NTA, people were digging into Fauna's history and calling her a whore almost every day for months after debut. Same with all the myth girls and the rest of council.

>> No.36594573

do not need to argue with such a stupid comment

>> No.36594577

I don't know which anon you think I am, but I'm not a fucking unicorn. And yes, all this could have been avoided if she interacted off-stream out of respect for her audience. She clearly doesn't give a fuck due to depression or something.

>> No.36594599

You guys are so fucking naive. No one said she's obsessed with numbers. She might have seem pretty blunt, but in fact she tried being pretty careful with her words, otherwise way more people would have left.

>> No.36594609

It's blatant hypocrisy, pretending to be ok with it until you become aware of it actually happening

>> No.36594613

So what's the percentage of her audience that finds it disrespectful when she participates in a mixed gender DbD collab?

>> No.36594660


>> No.36594689

Who? Three people trying to start shit and who stopped once it became clear the majority of her fans don't mind as long as it doesn't impact her streams?
I really don't think you thought this argument through.

>> No.36594693

Nowadays? Take the number she lost and divide it by what she had, I guess? My post was about when she began to go back on her word and started interacting more and more.

>> No.36594701

>says something retarded
>gets told hes a dumb fuck
>nice concession lol XD

>> No.36594719

Is there any more proof unicorns are disingenuous faggots? They conveniently forget this happened and have since moved the goalpost to "it happened off stream so it's ok!" like the cucks they try making everyone else out to be

>> No.36594739

>still no argument
anyone else?

>> No.36594744

I am aware of it happening with Fauna's roommate. You're not even engaging with what is that as this completely and entirely refutes your claim. You're just spouting your trained npc talking points because you feel like it should be right.

>> No.36594750

meanwhile you're equating doxxfags with unicorns

>> No.36594760

Ah you're an idiot, I see. You miss the part where kronii's entire attitude changed to 'fuck you losers' after tempus came out.
>but but losers because only incels don't want men on cute girl doing cute things streams!
No, some of us just genuinely dislike the sort of douches that end up in these collabs. Besides kronii is the one who lied to her own members, her closest fans, about her intentions. Then called them losers for being moderately annoyed over being lied to.
This was never about males, it was about respecting the fans. Kronii was a lying arrogant bitch about it so she has backlash while the likes of Bae has none because she was always upfront and honest.

>> No.36594767

you're an autistic low iq faggot who needs to put a bullet in his brain, fuck you and fuck kronii

>> No.36594800

Real life experiance, but then maybe I deserved it.

>> No.36594808

>we only care about the idol not the roommate
>this shows you only care about the idol not the roommate you disingenious faggots
Fucking npcs i swear

>> No.36594829

doxxfags provided the info, unicorns reacted as expected and eventually left. How is that equating the two?

>> No.36594877

Those who left aren't the ones who say it's okay if it happens off stream. I genuinely don't understand how you are too retarded to pierce your own thoughts together. How does shit like this not make you realise you are unwell in the head?

>> No.36594928

>Unicorns: We don't want our idol to collab with males on stream
>doxxfags show her with boyfriend
>Unicorns: THAT WHORE!
but keep using /pol/ buzzwords, really helps your case

>> No.36594986

The post you replied to:
>NTA, people were digging into Fauna's history and calling her a whore almost every day for months after debut.
Your post:
>Is there any more proof unicorns are disingenuous faggots?

Maybe it wasn't your intention to say doxxfags are the same as unicorns, but it seemed that way.
Anyway, what's disingenuous about unicorns being unicorns? It's exactly as you said, doxxfags provided knowledge that unicorns would hate. And they did.

>> No.36595005

>>Unicorns: THAT WHORE
Exceot that is the opposite of what happened which is the whole point fauna got brought up. I'm stopping this here. I know you are biologically unable to critically reflect your position.
All the info has been laid out for anyone lurking.

>> No.36595059

Because they pretend to not care what happens off stream, that's my point

>> No.36595098

Ah yes, let's go back to the time before vtubers were successful.

>> No.36595146

Yes, everyone will see how you're blatantly lying about what happened

>> No.36595153

She was put in a bad position with the controversy and didn't handle it in the best way but she never said "fuck you losers". You want to ascribe malice to her words and actions where there is none

>> No.36595206

I wish she could have just kept her mouth shut about it if she absolutely couldn't stop herself from collabing with males. I would have still watched the other streams that didn't have males, but after she was such a cunt about it I can't look at her without feeling disgusted.

>> No.36595237

you're wrong, but even if you were telling the truth and kronii didn't mean malice, that's how it came across to most people anyway.

>> No.36595260

She was talking to a bunch people who spend their free time watching anime girls play video games, either she's completely delusional about who her audience is or she meant it as an insult.

>> No.36595266

How they interpreted it is their issue

>> No.36595283

ok? her intent still doesn't matter only the outcome does

>> No.36595418

Wrong, if there was no intent then the sperg out that is still ongoing was caused by the fans' own low self esteem. Those ex kronies chose to take what she said in the worse way possible

>> No.36595461

It was meant to be insulting, there is no bullshit you can say to make this not true

>> No.36595499

The entire rant was condescending.
>I have to give you guys a little talk
>Oh you were worried because I'm your oshi right?
>Maaaan come one.

>> No.36595513

>small mercy

I'm not so sure anon. With Niji you had the day 1 legitimate expectation that eventually, males would be involved because that's the sort of group it was. If you ignored that, that was down to your own wilful blindness. With Holo, and with Kronii in particular, the extent of male involvement was a rrat at best before people got their necks snapped suddenly.

>> No.36595781

I do.
I don't recommend it.

>> No.36596137

She was only trying to help anon, why else would she take out a book, suggested to her by a friend, about parasocial relationships and read out a portion of a chapter of it to her viewers and tell them that it is relevant to them and that she hope it helps.

>> No.36597680

No, all my women “friends” are either married or I’m fuckbuddies. I don’t believe single male to female relationships are possible.

>> No.36599576

I do, just talked to one earlier about her sick cat.

>> No.36599615
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