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3644132 No.3644132 [Reply] [Original]

Rushia didn't even stopped streaming for Mels 3rd year anniversary, that's weird, we might have a case of bad blood here boys cause 3d specials are super important and she didn't give a fuck which is fucked up to beging with

>> No.3644183

who cares about mel

>> No.3644229

and we care about this why, again?

>> No.3644351

>a case of bad blood
That's the last thing a vampire needs.

>> No.3644407

First of all she is her senpai, second they are in the same company and they should be treated as equals

>> No.3644421

Rushia always streams over anniversaries/Birthdays. She needs that paypig dosh

>> No.3644452


I love Rushia but that is a bad look.

>> No.3644458

How come her viewers didn't call her out for that shitty behaviour? that's not cool at all

>> No.3644480
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>> No.3644510

They have before, when HoloEN was debuting IIRC.

>> No.3644525

lol how did she react? her removed members only posts were weird

>> No.3644574

She basically said "I asked management and they said it was okay for me to continue reading superchats"

>> No.3644584

Gotta keep that SC lead while Coco has been away for days I guess. Though, Coco will just catch up anyway with whatever major stream comes up. They'll be in an eternal battle for #1 worldwide superchats like how Kiara and Ina try to overtake each others sub count.

>> No.3644596

Rushia doesn't stop milking her gachi's for anyone. She was asked about stopped during some other big event and her response was "Am I supposed to? My manager didn't say I had to"
She's not clever enough to realize that it's the polite thing to do. Just let her circlejerk with her fandead in peace.

>> No.3644627

>facebook filename
I want SEA to leave.

>> No.3644663

Jesus christ you guys are worse at gossips than twitter

>> No.3644670

>She's not clever enough to realize that it's the polite thing to do.
More like she pretends not to be clever enough to realize it

>> No.3644679

How can you even tell

>> No.3644770

how is this gossip? rushia is a fucking bitch, just dig a little bit and you will find out how much she doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself

>> No.3644812

Yep, that's Rushia alright

>> No.3644953

>just dig a little bit
OK, I just did. Here's Mio tweeting to dramafags to cut it out because noone gives a shit if you stream superchat reading.


>> No.3644976
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Rushia often streams her superchat readings over 3D events and no one ever blames her for it

>> No.3644983

has hololive ever given a fuck about not overlapping streams, as in openly talked about ending early or starting late so people can go watch a big event. They seem to lean more to just not caring if they only have 500 viewers because everyone is watching a new model reveal or something

>> No.3644994

What the fuck are you talking about? It seems like she's addressing one specific stream that she did where she told people it was okay to stream during it, she's not saying "it's okay to stream superchat reading during any other stream"

>> No.3645004
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go back to your shithole

>> No.3645052

Community-wise people clearly care - some streamers take note of when others are streaming big events and some don't. Rushia clearly doesn't.

>> No.3645062

Anon isnt from usa though

>> No.3645280

A lot of them do give a fuck about it and talk/tweet about ending early or starting later. I remember Lamy ending her milestone stream and singing less songs than she planned (even though she sang on public stream like 3 times in total) because of some Fubuki announcement. I also often see tweets about people starting later when there's 3D live or outfit reveal, at least across the JP.

>> No.3646217

That's a good read anon

>> No.3646244

It's called basic courtesy

>> No.3646285

Coco and Watame were streaming during Calli's outfit reveal last week and nobody gave a shit, so why should you care?

>> No.3646370

Starting to realize now why half her collabs aren't even with Holos these days. Pekora doesn't want to collab because it won't help her numbers but Rushia is not inclining lately.

>> No.3646423

what a disgusting whore

>> No.3646513

And a few Holos lack it. The main offenders have always been the ones with rabid fans like Ayame, Riushia, and Mori. Mori recently streamed straight through a Saturday night Coco Reddit Review for no reason despite having to know it directly affects her view count.

>> No.3646573

Both of them plugged and reacted to Calli's reveal during their streams. Apples to oranges.

>> No.3646690

Rushia probably never even talks to her why would she care. Yea it's a real asshole move(especially because big events could pull in potential new viewers) but what can you do about it? Besides crying about it on 4chan

>> No.3646708

Same, she either doesn’t care or it says a lot about her mental state when it comes to streaming, dunno which one is more worrying.

>> No.3646780

>It's a pointless dramafag thread.
Fuck off.

>> No.3646792

That's actually based, Coco can't stop reddit review as long as she keeps pulling huge numbers so Calli did her a favor

>> No.3647034

>They should be treated as equls.
>By giving Mel special treatment for her anniversary.
The fact that Hololive have so many talents now means you can't easily move around streams, especially if they don't communicate their plans with you beforehand. Stop being dramatic over what's basically an inevitability moving forward.

>> No.3647083

Calli didn't pull good numbers because Coco was getting 45K for almost the entire stream.

>> No.3647189

>but what can you do about it?
Rushia can be pushed by Fandead to do just about anything if she thinks it will piss them off and they will unsub/un-member. But her parasocial behavior is very strong so she could twist it as viewers not caring enough about her.

>> No.3647438

It's not her job to check for schedule conflicts, it's her manager's job and s/he has shown to not give a fuck about others and prioritize Rushia as this is not the first time that something simillar happaned.

And you know what? The manager is right.

Holo JP has over 30 members in JP alone plus the other branches. Everyone has an event/milestone/reveal happening every other day. If you keep trying to avoid conflcits you'll severely limit your exposure to your paying fans with fanbases that likely don't overlap.

On top of that, prioritizing one's golden goose instead than the other manager's darling who's at it for longer yet does not have as much popular appeal and pulls less than half of the money your talent does is smart business.

So props to Rushia and her manager.

>> No.3647465

Based and /threadpilled.

>> No.3647500

The manager is making the talent look like a fucking selfish bitch, I hope you realize that

>> No.3647524

if its just reading superchats then its ok in my book, those don't get many viewers anyways. If she was actually playing a game then no excuse.

>> No.3647608

>Everyone has an event/milestone/reveal happening every other day. If you keep trying to avoid conflcits you'll severely limit your exposure to your paying fans with fanbases that likely don't overlap.
And yet somehow other holos don't nearly have the same take as Rushia and her manager does. How strange. If it makes good business sense to not care about reveals, then why aren't they all doing it? Cover does want to make money, no? The fact of the matter is that Rushia, and I couldn't give less of a fuck about the manager because if Rushia respected it then the manager would respect Rushia's wishes. Rushia is the one who clearly doesn't give a fuck. This "well my manager told me it's fine" is just a way for her to deflect what is her own selfish choice.

>> No.3647613

Keep reading superchats instead of letting her viewers enjoy her senpais one hour one in a year 3d special out of common courtesy? yeah, props to her manager

>> No.3647706

Why would fandeads care about other streamers and help them or hurt their own oshi? Most of the people have time for only 1 chuuba to support

>> No.3647763

Only few people think that who has so little real life experience they see bad intentions behind every simple thing

>> No.3647764

IDK. Maybe to be a decent person and not have their oshi get shitted on her being impolite and selfish.

>> No.3647801

Ignoring a live 3d of a coworker is not a "simple thing". You don't know a single fucking thing about my life experience.

>> No.3647901

To whom? A bunch of people who don't even watch her in the first place despite knowing about her? I'd say it's worth it.

Rushia is nowhere near the most subscribed of Holo yet is among their top SC earners, so it seems Manager-san and Rushia are doing just fine.
>I couldn't give less of a fuck about the manager
Good, because neither he nor Rushia give a fuck about som random either.
Their priority is their fans and their earnings, if the fandead were bothered they'd pester her to stop the stream like they've done before.

>> No.3647945

>optics literally don't matter at all lol just make money duuuuuuude
You are a dumb faggot.

>> No.3647954

Last week was costume reveals.
This week is 3d.
Next week is something else.
Might as well graduate because if you're gonna schedule your life around others you won't get your time in the sun.

Mel's saviorfags are annoying as fuck, maybe instead of fighiting on EOP forums you actually watched and spread the word about her she'd be more popular.

>> No.3647970

If you don't get the difference between a 3D live and an outfit reveal, then I can't help you. You don't have a functioning brain.

>> No.3647971

>She needs to drop everything for another member, because I think that's courteous when in reality it helps no one.
Yeah, props to her manager. If she stopped more than half the stream wouldn't have went over to Mel's anyway, and it only looks bad when you frame it selfishly despite it being a stream based around thanking fans who donated. Deal with it.

>> No.3647976

Again, optics to whom?
No one is bothered by it but maybe two schizos on an English chinese cartoon meme board.

>> No.3648004

If you think that no one is gonna notice after Rushia constantly doing this shit and that it won't impact her growth and potential earnings, you are absolutely bottom of the barrel fucking braindead.

>> No.3648021

Yes, a couple of time actually.
I remember Flare, Fubuki and Noel doing it for someone else stream (I think it was Sora's live when she revealed the new model last year). Also a lot of Holomems delay her streams until the live is fully over, like Marine or Subaru.

Funny enough, I think I remember Rushia streaming Minecraft when Sora did that livestream or maybe I'm mixing but it's not the first time I see Rushia streaming over some Holomem special live. She's basically like Risu

>> No.3648061

Also, I love how you believe the only optics that is being talked about is those of people who don't watch her regularly? You think that shit doesn't impact how other hololive members feel about her? Seriously how fucking dumb are you

>> No.3648101

Everyone already noticed it, you fucking retard.
This is not the first neither the second time it happened, the fans even asked her about it more than once. Guess what? She continues to grow and make more money.

You'd know that if you actually watched Rushia, but you don't.

>> No.3648118

To put it into perspective, HoloEn all debuted in the same day with an hour between each debut. They either had the choice to make one hour streams or stream outside their comfort zone
...And then you have Astel who started singing an hour before the first debut and stopped singing one hour after the last debut

>> No.3648149

It is a simple thing. It'll happen many times. It's only important for Mel's fans that I understood but dont try to stop the rotation of world because your oshi is doing her 3d stream rn and everyone has to watch.
Also no need to answer so aggressively to something I have no clue about unless I was right and touched a nerve

>> No.3648153

Can you prove that her growth hasn't been negatively impacted by her behavior? Also, how has her collabs been going with other hololive members? Please prove to me definitively that her behavior has no impact on her growth and revenue. Otherwise you have no fucking argument at all and you're just a braindead faggot saying
>the only thing that matters is the SC revenue!!! And it will never change because no one cares about her acting like a selfish bitch!
WHO IS FUCKING DONATING TO HER, DUMBFUCK? IT'S JAPANESE. If she gets a bad reputation with japanese people it will spread and it will impact those SC numbers you love so much. Holy fuck you're such a complete retard.

>> No.3648185


>> No.3648197

>no need to answer so aggressively to something I have no clue about
You're right, you have no clue about that, so I'm just assuming you're full of shit from now on. You may fuck off now.

>> No.3648202

Who cares? Do you really think they all love each other? Some roommates actually hate each other as far as NND, they'll still put a happy front and dance together in events because that's what they're paid for.

>> No.3648252

Obviously you don't care, but others clearly do, you're a dumb faggot and there's nothing left to discuss. Your argument just boils down to
>well I don't care about it, therefore no one cares.
Completely, utterly braindead.

>> No.3648262

>Prove a negative
>Literal logical fallacy
I'm done with this, not wasting any single minute extra of my time arguing with an imbecile.

>> No.3648296

>Can you prove that her growth hasn't been negatively impacted by her behavior?
Yeah shes's still #1-2 in supacha in youtube
>If she gets a bad reputation with japanese people it will spread and it will impact those SC numbers you love so much.
She's been doing it for more time than you've been here, if they aren't mad by now they will never be mad

>> No.3648334

I, too, like speaking for other Hololive members as if I know how things personally affect them based on assumotion.

>> No.3648337
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>Cover should:
Ensure that every holo through their manager, is aware of, and required to, stop streaming during the 1 or 2 hour blocks for special events.
Have a standing guideline that any Holo debut, 3D debut, new outfit or Birthday stream is a special event.
Ensure that the holo's know that it is their and their managers responsibility to ask for a block out on events outside the above four.
That notice of special events block outs is given at least two weeks in advance, and that each manager checks their holo's schedules to ensure there's no mistakes.

>> No.3648347

You are both (or maybe samefagging idk) fucking retarded if you think that
>everyone already knows she's a selfish bitch and it doesn't impact her SC earnings
No, they didn't. An excuse or bad timing might work a few times, but shit like this will absolutely tarnish her reputation with the people that would potentially donate to her. You are completely delusional if you think it has no impact.

>> No.3648424

It has been happening for more than a year, people don't care as much as you think

>> No.3648430

>literally has no idea what a negative claim is
>you're an imbecile
Sure thing, dumbfuck.

>> No.3648451

Reddit Review isn't a special event, it's a weekly event. Anniversaries/Birthdays/3D Lives are discouraged to stream over, and in particular it only applies to members of the same branch, so HoloEN/ID/Stars can stream over them if they want but usually choose not to out of courtesy.

If Rushia did this to Sora she'd be ostracized but she feels comfortable doing it to Mel because no one in the company cares about Mel unfortunately.

>if the fandead were bothered they'd pester her to stop the stream like they've done before.
Every time they pester her to do that she whips out the crocodile tears and does the GFE "owo I'm so sowwy I guess you all hate me now boohoo" manipulative bullshit so it'll get clipped on reddit and the simps will defend her.

If you really want something to be done about it contact Cover directly and her manager will tell her to cut it out. Talking to the talents or trying to reason with reddit simps is impossible.

>> No.3648457

People aren't as aware of it as much as you think. But they'll become more aware with shit like this. It will impact her SC earnings and her growth. But keep coping.

>> No.3648488

You can bitch all you want about SC, revenue and being selfish is alright, doesn’t change that is extremely rude towards her senior that paved the way so she can read those superchats at all, zero self-awareness.

>> No.3648510

>I'm assuming you're just full of shit from now on
>Living in ignorance

>> No.3648520
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>During Sora's birthday stream, when every other holo from every branch stopped streaming, Shien started a horror game stream where he clipped a peg on his face everytime he got startled, and had to stop the stream because he was in too much pain

>> No.3648555

Absolute madman.

>> No.3648570

>"Living in ignorance"
>Projected that someone doesn't have life experience because they had a different take, rooted in ignorance

>> No.3648572

Sure, it is rude, but it is not a rule so she has no obligation to stop streaming, and her fans don't mind it anymore

>> No.3648587

This. It's common courtesy and professionalism to not step on coworkers' toes.

>> No.3648589

Again, you keep committing this fallacy that everyone who watches her knows how much of a selfish bitch that she is.

>> No.3648599


>> No.3648658

I was just pointing out how Calli streaming during a big EN regular stream is dumb and hurts her growth.
>she whips out the crocodile tears and does the GFE "owo I'm so sowwy I guess you all hate me now boohoo"
I really hate that about Rushia.

>> No.3648688

Bruh, after reading that multiple chains of reply, Idk if I should believe in that, makes me start to lose interest to Rushia, just like that case with Ayame

>> No.3648706

>who cares
>She's been doing it for more time than you've been here, if they aren't mad by now they will never be mad
>people don't care as much as you think

>> No.3648737

You're retarded if you think that kinda thing doesn't have a tendency to spiral out of control and negatively affect the talent and eventually the entire company. She should know better regardless of what her greedy manager says.

I don't think that really matters, Mori had decent numbers during meme review since a lot of us don't really care for seeing Coco spend 20 minutes overexplaining reddit memes. Sure it's always a debuff streaming over some other big stream, look at how every single talent's live viewership visibly suffers on days when Pekora plays Minecraft, but I don't think they care since the vod views make up for it.

The issue with Rushia isn't that she's hurting anyone's numbers, just that it's extremely rude and disrespectful.

>> No.3648771

Also I love the retards seriously arguing that a 3D live and a reddit review is the same thing. Very strong arguments going on for the Rushia Defense Force here.

>> No.3648830

Been doing it for more than a year, will continue to do it. Ayame did this kind of shit too a bunch of times and she's still beloved by the community, you have to realize that you're a minority

>> No.3648846

How much facebook and saving images from facebook do you do to recognize a certain pattern of numbers in a filename?

>> No.3648887

>everyone knows everything that every streamer has done always and there is no such thing as a reputation that develops and grows over time

>> No.3648925

I don't even think it's rude, it's going to be the norm as they continue to expand and her manager knows it.

>If Rushia did this to Sora she'd be ostracized but she feels comfortable doing it to Mel because no one in the company cares about Mel unfortunately.
Source: my ass. They all kinda look up to Sora, but that absolutely would not happen. The fact that you think it will concerns me.

>Every time they pester her to do that she whips out the crocodile tears and does the GFE "owo I'm so sowwy I guess you all hate me now boohoo" manipulative bullshit so it'll get clipped on reddit and the simps will defend her.
This has literally never happened in the context of her being told about overlapping streams. You bringing this up is just a bullshit call to action by making things out to be worse than really are.

>> No.3648952

I thought it was obvious she only cares about few members in hololive?

>> No.3648971

This does make sense but
>Cover being competent

>> No.3648972

Holy based

>> No.3648994

A few months ago literally everytime that ayame streamed there was a big event for another member going on, tell me how's her reputation now?

>> No.3649013

Boss is an idiot so him fucking up/doing dumb shit is easily forgivable, just like with Nenechi.

>> No.3649028

>This has literally never happened!
>@50 secs on to skip annoying catboy faggot

>> No.3649044

Their management is retarded then, because it reflects really poorly on them that literally everyone else in the company has the social tact to not overlap with big event streams except those 2 and Aqua the literal drooling retard.

Sure if more talents were doing it and it was seen as an acceptable thing to do then it wouldn't be a big deal. That's part of having social tact, being able to read unwritten rules instead of just citing her manager saying it's OK. Her manager doesn't give a shit about her reputation he just wants his cut from her superchat earnings.

>This has literally never happened in the context of her being told about overlapping streams. You bringing this up is just a bullshit call to action by making things out to be worse than really are.
It happened with the HoloEN debuts where the Japanese fans were scolding her for not ending her stream and she had a breakdown and cried about it. Then it got to the top of /r/Hololive right next to their debut streams and everyone was defending her because she put up the cute innocent act. I don't even care since she's not part of EN but that's her response every time she gets told to act like a normal person instead of a social retard. It's textbook BPD female behavior to fish for sympathy every time they get called out or fuck something up and she'll coast through life exploiting her mental illness, never learning from her mistakes or being held accountable.

>> No.3649057

Name specific instances you turbo faggot.

>> No.3649157
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>> No.3649176

Ah, unlike a lot of posters on here I can admit I was wrong. I still think the seriousness of this situation is being blown way out of proportion, though. It's not a big deal if anyone does it if you ask me.

>> No.3649211

So you've been talking out of your ass this entire time. Cool. You're a faggot.

>> No.3649254

It literally invalidates nothing else I said, and I admitted I when was wrong. Contribute to the conversation or fuck off.

>> No.3649280

Contribute to the conversation you know absolutely dick all about while claiming you have knowledge of it. Yay, no thanks, I'd rather not waste my fucking time with a dipshit like you.

>> No.3649283

It's this easy to search anon, and yes she has has that reputation in this site, outside of here no one gives a shit

>> No.3649338
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>Casually streams SC reading over your oshi's milestone stream
>Makes twice the amount of money while doing it

>> No.3649356

>thinking that 4chan's opinion is what matters and what we're talking about here

>> No.3649377

Ok, keep running away with that half-assed excuse anon. No skin off my nose.

>> No.3649393

I like that you can't even mention the instances, you just show me the result of a query you did. You don't even fucking know, do you? What did she stream over that was so big?

>> No.3649412

Guys. Rushia is probably well aware of her own actions. Her stream is SC readings at that point which is basically saying "don't watch me anymore" or "Nothing to see here" . It would be a worse offense if she actually started streaming at the same time as Mel. It looks bad and other people have probably pointed it out to her. She mostly doesn't stream anymore alongside any big events any more. Before she did like 1 or 2 but that has changed. I think this one is just a miscalculation on her part.
I also think Rushia is technically inept to know how to save the remaining SCs she has to read somewhere else. She freaking takes a picture of her screen with her phone when she asked Coco for help. Like a grandma.

>> No.3649423

>t. faggot crying about people not wanting to talk with him anymore because he proved himself to be an utter dumbfuck

>> No.3649432

She streamed over Sora's outfit reveal, she got a lot of shit for that.

>> No.3649439

I said the exact opposite, this place doesn't matter, it's a minority, no one outside gets mad at ayame or rushia or at anyone streaming over another event, it gets forgotten the next day and everyone continues as usual
There's examples on the first page retard
>forcing Matsuri to make her L2D update stream only 30mins long because she had a "big" announcement
>didn't send Miko a short video even though she played league all day
>streamed over Suisei's costume reveal
>streamed over Aki's costume reveal

>> No.3649443

Is an outfit reveal equivalent to a 3d live or a debut?

>> No.3649444

>t. still responding to a supposed dumbfuck
Weren't you meant to be going away now? Piss off, then.

>> No.3649464

Yeah, especially when it's Sora who up to that point had no outfits for her current model, so it was kind of a big deal.

>> No.3649470

Dumbfuck, if WE'RE noticing it, the fucking japanese community is also noticing. You're so fucking dumb it hurts.

>> No.3649486

>Piss off, then

>> No.3649529

Anon, why are you still responding? You said you didn't want to talk with me, but you can't seem to help yourself now.

>> No.3649551

Thing is Rushia has developed a cult of fans around herself so her numbers won't be affected, she probably has very little overlap with a lot of other Holos anyway since most of them don't do GFE. Ayame streams so infrequently that it's hard for drama to stick to her, she barely has a presence within Hololive to begin with because her 30 seconds of Hologra per week.

>> No.3649577

OK anon, they noticed it, and what happened? Ayame couldn't be more beloved by the community, she doesn't have any kind of bad reputation over streaming on big events, she's still a top holo and she's loved by other holos as well. So what does streaming over big events cause in the end?

>> No.3649601

Dumb drama threads like this with moralfags in full force.

>> No.3649623

>This has literally never happened
>I'm literally fucking retarded

>> No.3649643

>Ayame couldn't be more beloved by the community
Sounds like a claim you have absolutely no proof for

>> No.3649648

stop pretending to be care anon...
mel's 3d stream was boring af tho

rushia can do anything she want.

>> No.3649689

You only browse this place don't you

>> No.3649766

Samefag. Move on if you have nothing to say.

>> No.3649860

>A hit to someone's reputation doesn't matter
>Even despite the known hits to a person's reputation which has been discussed on chinese basketweaving forums, much less on actual japanese communities, this person couldn't be loved more!
The utter cope.

>> No.3649976

>her 30 seconds of Hologra per week
That'll never fail to impress me. I generally like Ayame, though she sometimes does stuff that's a bit irritating, like how she and Shion acted during the last vtuber tournament, especially since I was really looking forward to seeing Yomi play

>> No.3650007
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Gura was streaming during the sports festival and abruptly stopped her stream.
It was fucking obvious that management basically went "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING RETARD STOP STREAMING RIGHT NOW".

>> No.3650032

Is that when they had that big Apex tournament and both Ayame and Shion didn't take it seriously at all? iirc Ayame didn't even stream her perspective and they both immediately logged off after it was over when the others got together to talk and reflect.

>> No.3650066

No the reason Gura stopped during the sports festival is because Soma killed her computer.

>> No.3650081

That's the one, they didn't show up for most of the scrims and Yomi complained about it on Twitter. She removed her tweet since

>> No.3650136
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>there have been 10+ streams right after
>dramafags would rather post about some pointless drama than the streams

>> No.3650169
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>still beloved be the community
>literally the only holo who has an army of antis both in the west and Japan.

>> No.3650225

Lol you actually believe that

>> No.3650247

I guess all those people calling her a whore aren't real.

>> No.3650269

anon are you retarded?

>> No.3650278

Oh not the 4chan posts calling her a whore. Not like every Holo gets something like that.

>> No.3650291

come on dude. I've keeping an eye on this thread over the alast 40 minutes and I didn't feel like start talking but dude. How can you believe that?

>> No.3650306

He streamed during Sora's third anniversary, AFTER congratulating her on twitter the same day. His chat pointed that out and stopped the stream. Boss is just a clueless moron.

>> No.3650324
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>> No.3650464

>She's not clever enough to realize that it's the polite thing to do.
Or rather, she doesn't care about politeness, and since it doesn't hurt her income, why not keep streaming?

That aside, though, there's enough holos that there'll always be overlap. Honestly, I'm not seeing the problem. Viewers have different favourites in the first place. Let 'em stream and let the superchats sort 'em out.

>> No.3650498

Holos should ostracize her and Ayame and stream over their stuff.

>> No.3650564

>literally the only holo
Anon please, you shouldn't take all the information about holos from this place

>> No.3650664

They don't because Ayame is an alpha female, everyone inmediately kneeled and stopped streaming when ayame had an announcement for something trivial

>> No.3650703

Not like fandead would actually call her out cause they're all mentally ill levels of attached. I hope she has fun watching Mel's vod with her boyfriend later!

>> No.3650838
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remember that /vt/ is a gossip column, anon.
spicy rrats, doomposting, and speculations are juicier by nature than routinely commenting about every new stream.

>> No.3650872

It's bad enough on Japanese comments on jap yt clips that ayame herself complained about it. She wasn't talking about English comments at all.

>> No.3654485

Personally, I like having one or two streams as alternatives, dive not everyone might be interested on the current event happening. That said, spacha reading barely counts as content, so I'd rather have Rushia pausing and reading at a later time.
It would be better if cover had clear guidelines about this, and if it's no big deal to cover, listeners shouldn't bitch about it.

>> No.3654588

Rushia hates Mel confirmed.

>> No.3654661

Those who would want to watch Mel instead of a superchat reading would do so, so blame the viewers and not the streamer.

>> No.3654762
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>> No.3654796

Niggas u sure are fragile as fuck

>> No.3655158
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You guys know you can just watch whatever "big" thing is on, right? Nobody is forcing you to watch Rushia, right?

To me, Rushia and, by extension, Ayame are absolutely BASED, especially because they make you faggots SEETHE and COPE.

>> No.3656598

I always knew Rushia has the worst fanbase. She will never beat Kaichou in SC numbers. While Kaichou shows how she cares about other Hololive members, Rushia just tries to make herself more popular.

>> No.3656980

Yeah, outfit reveals are rarer. 3D lives are a dime a dozen, so who cares if Rushia streams over one?
