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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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36467972 No.36467972 [Reply] [Original]

Why did unicorns win?

>> No.36468020

back to /#/

>> No.36468068

/#/ also OP is extremely bias and doesn't give all the data.

>> No.36468137

How is that posible? I tought unicors are a loud minority? Homobeggarsniggers care to explain?

>> No.36468248

Because OP is Nick picking.

>> No.36468296

So where is the truth anon? I assume you have the proof of that right? Where is the screenshot?

>> No.36468306

Homobeggars dont watch streams

>> No.36468323

Thats one way to out yourself as an esl seanigger

>> No.36468349

Who the fuck is Nick

>> No.36468422

So fudging the data to push your agenda didnt work too well in /#/ huh.Well pretty sure someone on /vt/ would actually believe you,best of luck with your bait.

>> No.36468455


>> No.36468530

Just post the real screenshot then, why homobeggarsniggers keep saying its fake without posting the proof?

>> No.36468536
File: 20 KB, 532x70, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always ESL that do this? What's wrong with them? I'm ESL too, but I don't feel the need to act like a retard on the internet.

>> No.36468599

It ez, homobeggar don't watch them because people are retarded to think they would care about any chubba, this just the same as any woke that pander to retarded twitterfag that don't even watch them.

Homobeggar is the lite version of them, they use the chubba to self insert themselve and coom. Pretty much all over the catalog.

>> No.36468664

Deez nuts

>> No.36468668

Can anyone post that meme thing and thang for better example for these coomer.

>> No.36468725

It's so fucking obvious just by looking at the image. Hello Critical thinking??? They don't teach those in Western school?

>> No.36468812

The only thing cropped from that pic are the nijimales on 2 and 5 place, get fucked homoniggers

>> No.36469291
File: 668 KB, 884x1200, 1630173031874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the ones who raised this company from the ashes...

>> No.36469569

>Gura ccv median dropped by 30% while others somewhat on their usual ccv.
>Holomen got lesser superchat because they stream less.
>True Adverage doesn't make sense because it's by hour stream so those holomen whom stream more gets higher number.
How's these numbers are link to Unicorn again?

>> No.36469611

oh mai gah

>> No.36469817
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1623017241427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura ccv median dropped by 30%
Yeah because Tempiss destroyed EN, but the unicorn friendly chuubas are staying on top despite Tempiss being a disaster for the entire company.

>> No.36469957

>Tempiss destroyed EN
That's not true because here the actual fact most /#/ refuse to accept. All the world (except China) stop giving a shit about COVID, all the normies have resume to their old daily life instead of staying at home watching streams. Those who's stay are loyal fans and from Gura's ccv it doesn't look good.

>> No.36470057
File: 8 KB, 234x215, 1646952719712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single people still have all the same jobs everyone else does, and nobody else but themselves to spend money on.
How do retards still not pick up on this?

>> No.36470122

>Using a Friend Image
>Friend is in second place SC earnings wise
The irony,you dramaniggers need to do better research.

>> No.36470152

>Nick picking
Its spelled picknicking you absolute faggot ESL

>> No.36470302

>ESL calling another person an ESL.
It's called "nitpicking", I know this is SEA Primetime but holy shit get shit right will ya?

>> No.36471054

One bad month isnt going to hurt anybody

>> No.36471912

It's crazy just how hard Mori's song flopped. But it's also a good thing in a way since it shows that most song views come from people actually enjoying the song and not "muh brand, muh hype". If UMG Mori produces only flops, then that proves OG Mori was actually enjoyed by many people genuinely

>> No.36471966

The funniest thing about this thread is the fact that someone really did get butthurt by OP's post.

>> No.36472373

>500K Apple Music views in JP

Youtube isn't the only metric.

>> No.36472804

>oh no number fag and unicorns le bad
>proceed to cry because op post
it's funny

>> No.36473155

please go back go reddit

>> No.36473244

Please go back to your mother's womb.

>> No.36473670
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Homos mad

>> No.36473721

Cope harder gaslightbeat

>> No.36473728

You know why.

>> No.36473887

Pass me some of that copium, gaslightbeat.

>> No.36474028

You mean again? This is exactly what we said would happen if they did it, we said it had happened before, we've SEEN it happen before to other chuubas who collabed with males, or let slip they had boyfriends, or told their unicorns and gachis to fuck off. You think this is as low as it gets? No, it's going to get lower. So why did unicorns win? Because only unicorns are fucking parasocial enough to spend significant amounts of their time and money on vtubers.

The normalfag sympathy buff is gone like a fart in the wind now, it's all a slow recline from here. Eventually someone is going to realize they seriously fucked up and quit to start fresh, or do hardcore GFE trying to get their gachis back. Neither of these things will work because in the case of the former, doxxniggers will make sure this shit follows them, and in the case of the latter, they'll just come off as whores who only care about your money more than usual I mean. Hope this is a valuable lesson for ENs considering a similar stunt, but shit, no one learned anything the first dozen times this shit happened, so why would this time be different?

>> No.36474029

>Fubuki second place
Just invalidates your whole cherry picked autistic chart. Maybe next time crop her out too.

>> No.36474414

because homobeggars are even smaller minority + they don't even watch streams.

>> No.36474521

They are a minority, but they’re nested within a larger group of gachis that don’t like male collabs and have the money to make the girls feel the pinch.

>> No.36476358

>Le fubuki cope

>> No.36480015

nta but i'm already in his mother's womb

>> No.36482094

stop using /#/'s faggot, we only use and celebrate numbers when the boys win, delete your entire thread now

>> No.36483775
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>> No.36488021

I don't understand, how could our pure girls have a sharper decline than the whores? You promised me the whores' refugees would flock to our pure maidens

>> No.36491904

Doesn't look like it worked

>> No.36492263
File: 333 KB, 1000x675, narratives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the shitpost thread where we cherry pick certain numbers and deny all other numbers?
Here I can do it too.
Do I fit in yet?

>> No.36492517

I was going to dunk on you but I just realised femcels are probably in a worse position than incels. My condolences.

>> No.36492523

Even Tempus are dying so maybe you're right kek

>> No.36492823

Won't happen anon. Hololive is a safety net where even if they reach 3views they will still get sponsorships and collabs. The entire brand will keep them afloat.

>> No.36493201

It feels like normalfags have a version of the bystander effect, where they simply assume that once the 'overly attached' portion of the fanbase is gone, some other well-adjusted people just like them will step up to fill the financial hole. So there's no loss and the creepy people are gone!
But they've never stopped to really think about why a 'normal' person would pay 30 bucks for a mug or 80 bucks for a jacket of a streamer you can't talk about with most people, plus inflated shipping. They just assume someone just like them would. Not them, personally, though. But oh yeah, definitely feel like supporting the streamer. So someone just like them, but with a bit more spending cash who doesn't have a weakness for that steak dinner, you know? Gotta be hundreds like that. Probably.
Seriously, like try to fit the idea of SCing, membering or buying merch into Joe Average's personality. At least on Twitch you can reuse the emotes on other channels, so you can fool yourself into thinking you're membering for personal interest, to stand out in other people's chats. Youtube doesn't have that.

>> No.36493903

Winning by every concievable metric

>> No.36494295

Why do people say this? They knew who their viewers were, and that they would lose viewers, but decided it was worth it anyway. They are financially secure enough that they don't have to pander to those groups anymore. Disappointed unicorns can always move to smaller streamers that might be finanacially dependent on their money, so it sounds like a win for everyone involved, rather than the ones that rejected the unicorns losing.

>> No.36494338

Why did unicorns win?
Because they are the only ones who actually care about their oshi.
It's really that simple

>> No.36496577

>Disappointed unicorns can always move to smaller streamers that might be finanacially dependent on their money,
Truly the best vtubers are the ones who are big enough to not really need the money, but love their unicorns and gachikoi anyways out of a genuine romantic fondness for their fanbases.

>> No.36501029

new coke strategy

>> No.36501401
File: 502 KB, 1120x850, 1655787100410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone in severe decline
>Gura's supas got beat out by a niji 3 view
Congrats on being kings of the world's biggest pile of rubble.

>> No.36501437

Lol, that would be none of them. None of those girls have "genuine romantic fondness" for unicorns. They're just more willing to hide their revulsion and play along for the $$.

>> No.36502224

But I thought unicorns were irrelevant in terms of moneymaking. The anti-unicorn narrative is kinda confusing to follow.

>> No.36503359

Unicorns are both dangerous and harmless/rich and poor at the same time for those people.

>> No.36504110

This is literally it. And it's why unapologetic communities like the furries keep going strong even after decades of being attacked: they know they'll never fit in with the normies and don't even try, and likewise they don't let normies in.

>> No.36504233

Anti-unicorns are full of contradictions!

>> No.36504418

Casuals don't have the attachment to dump money every stream, and filtering a portion of your hardcore base without any compliance plan to offset the lost will reflect declining trajectories.

>> No.36505048

This is why people in /#/ for me is the most retarded people in the entire internet, let me show you an example
>Vtuber X has in total 250 hours of stream a month but earns only 10K USD per month
>Vtuber Y has in total 100 hours of stream a month but she does only 4K USD per month
>Mean average of $$$ per hours of both is 40 USD/hour

The amount of time you have to spend in order to get into that mean show how so far from reality /#/ really are. Same with average CCV, the important analysis in all the data is the variance and the normal distribution. In this case, did Calli actually streamed for what? 90 hours to do 14K USD? How is that bad? How is related to tempuss? did you created a correlation or you're just picking random numbers into a narrative thinking you're smart? In fact, this post >>36469957 is the why the low numbers, and even worse, if Gura is "winning" because she's, there is still a huge abysmal average and variance she can't win, the amount of subscribers should be directly proportional of the amount of money she farms, which is why, for Kiara even having the lowest Myth number, she farms even more than Gura not every month but more consistently.

Learn how to do data analysis, making an excel doesn't make you an expert you stupid /#/ niggers.
t. Engineer.

>> No.36507597

numbers are meaningless
