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36410322 No.36410322 [Reply] [Original]

Ironmouse passed Kronii.

>> No.36410417

>whore who streams passes whore who does not

>> No.36410757

kek it's not even ironmouse's main channel

>> No.36410790

how did kronii get hit this hard but the other girls like ame are fine?

>> No.36410795

Real whore passes fake depressed whore

>> No.36410813

whore vs whore

>> No.36410817

>needs new whore design every week, fake illness and to leech every vtuber, corpo and e-celeb in existence

>> No.36410971

male curse

>> No.36410999

ame loves the homos just as much if not more then kronii

>> No.36411025

Trannies keep on losing.

>> No.36411197

Bae made her intentions known from day one
Mori was expected
Ame received the flack already from the improve yourself arc.
Both Ame and Mori are in a recline at the moment though.
Kronii was retarded and ended up surprised by the negative reaction, made a compromise agreement with her members where she would do group collabs only and not interact on Twitter much then immediately broke it, so people who disliked being lied left as well as unicorns, whereas the "owning the haters" tweets did nothing to bring them back so Kronii's recline is the biggest.

>> No.36411316

don't forget the "i'll do as i please" statement backed by management after the break.

>> No.36411634

Basically Kronii acted like a huge asshole about it and continues to do it. Turns out shitting on your fanbase is a really bad strategy for audience retainment

>> No.36411740

Mooms will likely pass her in a few months, and Fauna and Bae have gained a ton of ground on her too. Poor Anya is going to have a new roomie in the basement soon.

>> No.36411761
File: 23 KB, 402x418, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all the tempiss cocksleeves are doing fine

>> No.36411870


>> No.36411910

You made the same kind of thread with Vox and Salome already. I don't think it's funny anymore

>> No.36411941

Doxx faggotry doesn't count...

>> No.36411953

and on the contrary, Gura hasn't followed any Stars member since debut and ate up all the antis from that like a boss. She won't change herself to being a hypocrite anytime soon.

>> No.36412001

kinda gay desu

>> No.36412227


>> No.36412892


>> No.36412924

Good. She deserves it.

>> No.36412983

I hope she graduates soon.

>> No.36413188


>> No.36413212

1.3mil on twitch and 818k on youtube
Fucking based ironmouse

>> No.36413214

Good job Ironlung, proud of you!!

>> No.36413335

Deserved. At least she likes being a vtuber.

>> No.36414198

On top of all of this, Kronii spent a solid year pandering to gachis, especially her most rabid (Gabe) and lovestruck (Rice) ones. Her first lot of merch was specifically aimed at coomers and unicorns, her karaokes almost always had a love song or two, she had a tendency to use her members as an emotional crutch and kept discussing real life problems with them and constantly made and broke her own promises to improve her flaws, even encouraging fans to air their complaints with her because she's "built different" and "thrives in adversity". It didn't help that all of this came right on the heels of the anniversary stream, which is probably the most parasocial she ever got with her fans.

No shit she nosedived.

>> No.36414267

Cope and seethe, Unicorns are winning.

>> No.36414288

If Kronii had just been clear from the start she could have avoided most of it.
Funny thing is that after she returned from her break, she's had a few normal interaction but her twitter interactions are basically retweeting projects she's worked on.
So if she had kept to her "only collab if invited and little interactions" rule she would be doing the same thing she is doing now she stopped spamming collabs with everyone and returned to mostly solo streams.

>> No.36414581
File: 195 KB, 394x388, 1666910220323556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakamata Chloe $47,174
Why are japs so frugal with their money for this whale?
>Usada Pekora $21,842
Why are peko so low compared to how many watch her?

>> No.36414608

Who passed Kronii?

>> No.36414871

Is this a big deal?

>> No.36414997

Good for her, maybe she can give some money to charity since she's hit the big times. Like some orphans, you know kids abandon by their parents kind of shit

>> No.36415141

Lol prove it, kronii bit always like fubuki, kronii love kronii and nobody else.

>> No.36415188

Who? Never heard of kronii

>> No.36415234

Say you're a clipwatcher without saying you're a clipwatcher.

>> No.36415251

The queen of twitch and unity ironmouse
shes been streaming since august2017 and has 1.3mil subs on twitch
She’s collabed eith a ton of hololive

>> No.36415311

she probably spends most of her money on iron lungs and anti-dying medications.

>> No.36415570


>> No.36415645


>> No.36416270


I know you are just baiting.
But bait can be so much better then what you are doing.

>> No.36416431

It's the same issue with Gura. The more fans you get, the more gachikoi you get, the more sc you have to read. In the end, reading all SC become impossible and she have to skip reading them. Which makes donating SC not worth it.

>> No.36416617

They get more money from merch anyways, Council omocat merch sold for like half a million dollars.

>> No.36417446

which one?

>> No.36418520

whores herself to whales and begs for supas
Has a monke
The answer should be simple anon...

>> No.36418609

>Why are japs so frugal with their money for this whale?
When you put in effort to make your customers happier with your service you make more money
Crazy concept

>> No.36419535

>Who pissed Kronii?
uncle nowa mostly, with some help from the boys; they can just call her whenever they need to fill a slot, she's pretty much up for anything.

>> No.36420335

Remember when Kronii used to get 20k a month before tempiss arrived? Now Kronii she only gets 10k. She only has herself to blame.

>> No.36420464

On good days maybe

>> No.36421163

And also, when I’m watching a stream that’s a 5view, I feel absolutely no urge or desire to “support” the vtuber. My presence is already enough (because of the ad revenue), you’re making plenty enough money from us all being here, and a lot of these people probably buy your merch (if this hypothetical vtuber is Gura or Pekora, then no, I haven’t. But definitely plenty of others have).

>> No.36422415


>> No.36422657

I don't even like Iron Mouse, but the reasoning as to why is obvoius.
Iron Mouse actually gives her fans what they want, while Kronii remains frigid and passive aggressive towards them. Of course she's amassing more fans.

>> No.36422729

What? I would have thought Ironmouse would be way higher than every other English vtuber due to her popularity with normalfags.

>> No.36425105

Surpassed by a glorified clip channel kek. I wonder what could have caused this

>> No.36425184

Kronii is an accessory now, doesnt matter what happens to her, she exists to collab with tempus, thats when she gets high numbers now

>> No.36428518


>> No.36432620


>> No.36432672

Cuck mentality.

>> No.36434122

Because she did it in the worst fucking possible way
>atract unicorns
>start going for GFE
>tiptoe about collabing with males
>do it
>apologize about it
>reach a compromise with the haters
>break it
>"punish" her hole fanbase by going silent
>return with a more defiant attitude than before saying fuck everything that I said before, I do what I want
You either let people know from day one how things are going to be like Bae did by namedroping Roberu on her debut, or you se it in stone that you are going to change your content, with no compromise, like Ame did .

>> No.36436339


>> No.36439870

>be cute
>people give you a lot of money
>have a monkey
>people stop giving you money

>> No.36441920

>passed by a clip channel

>> No.36442154
File: 94 KB, 1240x701, ironmouse cdawgva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon, that's just her clips channel

>> No.36442279

Kronii is fucked. Mumei will eventually pass her as well.

>> No.36442598

the catalogue writes "Ironmouse passed" on a separate line, I found this very funny

>> No.36443685

Unicorns don't want vtubers with boyfriends by definition, that's the whole point of being named after a mythical creature that only likes virgins.

>> No.36445041
File: 603 KB, 1456x1049, Welcome_to_the_NHK_chapter3_moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is mouse popular because of the setsudan
Or the core more principles?

I just realized she lines up too damn well with the more infamous crop from NHK.

>> No.36447674


>> No.36448009

Keke she barely uses YouTube. Her Twitch channel is 1.4 million.

>> No.36453971

VShojo > Council

>> No.36456332

Sorry friend. Women need to understand that their past matters. They don't get to run around like whores, showing their tits and pussies on the internet and then expect everyone to forget it happened

>> No.36456542

I'm tired as fuck and only saw "Ironmouse passed" in the catalog and it woke me up instantly.

>> No.36459205

Well dont forget all the saviorfags mouse has because she's living on death's door
Her medical condition has made her more popular because she's a living success story

>> No.36460305

What does this mean for Kronii?

>> No.36460341

I always thought Vshojo was bigger, being the only large corp to capitalize the Twitch market

>> No.36463867

Good for her

>> No.36464201

>streams on Twitch
>why aren't they bigger on YouTube?
Gee, anon.

>> No.36465041
File: 291 KB, 700x292, 1663652496182451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whore got fucked, by top whore
lesser should stay in their place below top whore

>> No.36465526

a fucking VOD channel, the absolute state of HoloEN
