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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 91 KB, 828x812, Yogiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3629700 No.3629700 [Reply] [Original]

She did nothing wrong.

>> No.3629749


>> No.3629770

she's a fucking loser who's only good for porn and hentai, fuck yogurt and fuck all of her braindead defenders you're all rotten pieces of shit that deserve to be castrated in public

>> No.3629782

Neither did Tia as proven by the gay copy pasta which shows she did nothing wrong. Doesn't stop the usual anti brigade shitting on Holo CN as a whole though.

>> No.3629789

What did she do in her past life that allah would spawn her in china

>> No.3629794

Take your meds incel

>> No.3629832

Ogey wolf warrior defender.

>> No.3629855

Ogey moral panic over a fucking movie retard.

>> No.3629864

Same for Echo.
Calm down with your Holotard rage.

>> No.3630436

she was born on the wrong part of the globe

>> No.3630523

Echo was a piece of shit

>> No.3630527

I actually agree with this, goddamn it Yoghurt, I never watched any of your content but damn if people loved you.

>> No.3630600

Echo just wanted to escape to America but the CCP got her

>> No.3630619

Incels and gachikois are the people that keep chuubas afloat, normalfag.

>> No.3630636
File: 51 KB, 350x500, 51+TpxOukPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dream is my favrite vtuber

>> No.3630660

Why are you so grumpy Anon?

>> No.3630676

She is likely still fine and even more motivated to GET OUT of Xi's Looney Toons empire but damn if it's gonna get harder for her to do so without much exterior help.

>> No.3630696
File: 163 KB, 292x286, bananer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i m nmot im ont im not grumpy!!!!!!!

>> No.3630729
File: 256 KB, 334x324, apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you terll him!

>> No.3630748

So, did you use the wrong image or does Rango have something to do with this?

>> No.3630773

Doris was also looking to get out if I remember correctly

>> No.3630841

shut the fuck up. you're fucking idiots along with everyone who's still defending this cunt. the only thing she's good for is hentai because of her design. her singing isn't even good, literally subpar at best. she deserved everything that happened to her and hololive is better without her. fuck off and kill yourselves before you regret it.
fuck off. you're not me. stop trying to be me. fuck you. schizo.

>> No.3630901
File: 298 KB, 680x763, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ogrpdkgsa'epro

>> No.3630937
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, 71b7d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ploopyu!!! smellsalopekrt 895

>> No.3631009

Wasn't this the one that said she wouldn't reincarnate for moral reasons. Meaning vtubing as a whole was dead to her because the planet didn't drop to its knees and suck China's cock because they couldn't stand to hear a word?

>> No.3631058


>> No.3631061

imagine being this wrong

>> No.3631070
File: 194 KB, 403x315, cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you when i poop in 895

>> No.3631078

Answer my question Anon. Why are you so grumpy?

>> No.3631096
File: 1013 KB, 1080x1230, gamerMoment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3631111

So that was this girl. Got it.

>> No.3631118

Uh, what?

>> No.3631126
File: 25 KB, 77x111, secondchurchboomer.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3631176

Hm... I wonder if they will make it, if they do, I call based Asian QTs rejecting Xi's delusions of power.

>> No.3631241

None of them did anything wrong. The only person who did anything wrong was Yagoo.

>> No.3631257
File: 9 KB, 333x333, gootecks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop hating on aisan people, they already have enough trouble seeing

>> No.3631284
File: 49 KB, 640x629, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yagoo needs to go to seattle and poop and shit on my face hard

>> No.3631347
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1609262690292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also did nothing wrong, yet here we are

>> No.3631396
File: 266 KB, 661x748, hyeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb picture idio

>> No.3631408

I was courious how often they’re talked here when holo cn still a thing? Like are they have more discussed here compared to ID?

>> No.3631468

I think that is very stupid. Holo is retarted

>> No.3632299


Andy is proven wrong and Tia not firing him from her discord moderator make her accomplice.

>> No.3632566

Sauce for good yogurt porn?

>> No.3632818


>> No.3633533

Nigga's afraid of a movie. Anyway CN did nothing wrong.
True, even though her content sucks she didn't do anything wrong

>> No.3635707

How did Tia do nothing wrong? She talked about Extremist Chinese Nationalism on a stream even though Hololive is supposed to be apolitical. She also organized harassment raids on chinese specific social media on alt accounts. She also broke NDA by trying to strong-arm their designs and properties from cover. The only ones that are confirmed to have done nothing wrong is Yogurt, as OP stated, and Spade Echo. Also since you proposed the idea that Tia did nothing wrong I'm assuming you have evidence write?

>> No.3635769

Rosalyn also did nothing wrong besides complaining about losing her job on an alt, which is unprofessional at worst.

>> No.3635875

No, the only people who were confirmed NOT to have participated in harrassment against Coco, were Chowa and the Phantom Thief. Artia, Civia, Doris, and Rosalyn couldn't keep the politics out of hololive, and proceeded to harass and bully their coworker. I don't know who you get these rrats from, but they are not true.

>> No.3635948

>She also broke NDA by trying to strong-arm their designs and properties from cover.
So she tried but failed to save Yogurt and everyone else from being forcibly graduated? How is this a bad thing from a moral standpoint?
>I'm assuming you have evidence write?
Show evidence for these raids no one has ever actually shown to be true whatsoever. As far as the politics stuff, nobody cares if they think the chuuba is being "based" in what they say. See "Trans rights? What's that?" or Pekora and the rrats around her.

>> No.3635955

I know about all but Rosalyn. Do you have proof of her harassing anyone?

>> No.3636008

It's a sin to be born Chinese

>> No.3636065

I need my chestnut, bros....

>> No.3636201

If you're going to be racist at least be specific.

>> No.3636265
File: 1003 KB, 2000x2000, autist gooorah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might've showed my newfaggotry and made a new thread... oopsie

>> No.3636413

>"Trans rights? What's that?"
Who said this? Pekora? Based.

>> No.3636479
File: 633 KB, 2894x4093, PDCMYMy-TF1dkAHT6CVamC-1jYfNvi7qMx0EJh3iE2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3636509


>> No.3636564

yep, had a really good graduation as well.

>> No.3636611

I don't keep up with everything so much. Makes me like Coco more though.

>> No.3636658

While we're at it, she's live rn: https://live.bilibili.com/22918711

>> No.3636672

that shit was posted often before /vt/ even existed. its ok to be new you fag but at least try lurking

>> No.3637284

where's the /ogg/ ?

>> No.3637529

Artia went on hiatus from Twitch so yogurt bros had to carry the discussions. Echo also went on break around then, but she and Ciyana never had as big of followings here.

>> No.3637563
File: 1.59 MB, 324x324, Yogiri Crying SS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope she is doing alright

>> No.3637584

Nice to see the CCP antis are still here, also fuck off.

>> No.3637586
File: 590 KB, 800x527, Artia Wolf Warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia is busy securing a 2nd source of income after she crashed her own connection with the audience. Stale noodles were just not cutting it anymore.

>> No.3637605

no one talked about them really

>> No.3640686

Get cancer or stroke, I don't care which as long as the result will be your permanent death

>> No.3640721

Nice tits on that chuuba.

>> No.3640737


>> No.3640778

>movies are not trying to tell a message, they're all dumb, meaningless fun. Like watching a toddler play with butter - no meaning at all.

>> No.3640883

>Guy who watches jewwood movies uncritically as either a left or right liberal (same shit) thinks he can spot the sinister propaganda from other societies.
Vtubers might be too much for you to handle as well, they are women trying to take your money through manipulation you know.
