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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 150 KB, 758x408, AmeWatsonEXP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3617048 No.3617048 [Reply] [Original]

The replies in this thread made me laugh so hard I just had to >>3613772

Ame has a podcast now. Predict quotes?

>> No.3620932

Which Holo would be the best Joe Rogan guest?

>> No.3621166

>Look, Ina, all im saying, as a person with hispanic blood, it's not a.. *hic* as bad if i sat it and yes, that incl...Ina, Ina, Ina sweetie don't shake you 5 head at me, that includes the hard r. Don..don't shake your at head at me Ina. Anyway, what were we talking about before? Oh yeah Melody, yeah fuck that bitch, total *hic* whore. Reminds me of Kiara if, Kiara was a slut, well a total slut.

>> No.3621290 [DELETED] 

Ame, depending on how much she's allowed to say. She has some great life stories and she'd definitely be down to smoke.

>> No.3621334

If she talks about being a druggie the gachikois will jump ship to somewhere else.

>> No.3621426

Ame is going to expose her libertarian side and it's going to be hilarious

>> No.3621470

I would. Getting high is not a hobby. It's an addiction/coping mechanism.

>> No.3621571

This is the part where reality clashes with fantasy and you realize most vtubing girls are way bigger degenerates than the so called normie girls people here bitch about. I can almost promise you each HoloEn girls has done drugs, and one of Callie's roomate older songs has references to cocaine, theres your uwu kawaii waifu anon.

>> No.3621596 [DELETED] 

cant wait for ame to tell us how she evades taxes

>> No.3621725

> he doesn't know

>> No.3621962

Whatever they don't tell us, is not part of their character. When I watch Shakugan no Shana, I'm not constantly trying to remind myself this loli is a much older woman than myself.

>> No.3621996 [DELETED] 

tell us anon

>> No.3622133

>tell us anon
People think Ame is a libertarian because her roomate once years ago made a 5 second joke comment about voting for Gary Johnson. It's stupid.

>> No.3622216
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>you will never snort cocaine with your oshi
Why even live

>> No.3622425 [DELETED] 

yeah. saying you were voting Gary was a meme at the time to get rid of people badgering you. She is a lefty. the only one that is even close to being a centrist is Gura

>> No.3622468

>depending on how much she's allowed to say
Holo EN management will prevent it from being to edgy/funny.

>> No.3622485

I wouldn't mind Mori paying Joe Rogan a visit

>> No.3622500

>Ame is going to expose her libertarian side and it's going to be hilarious
EN management would never allow it.

>> No.3622536

Smoking weed is absolutely normal anon and is proven to be non addictive

>> No.3622560 [DELETED] 

Anons here have some fantasy of EN Holos being anything but progressives when Cali roomate even made a political pro tranny song. The whole things is oure cope, they are all lefty progressives, just accept it and move on.

>> No.3622609
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>What do you think tap water is? It's a gay bomb, HIC. And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings. I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly. I mean, give me a break chat. Do you think I'm like, oh, shocked by it, so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people HIC? I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that turn the freakin' RABBITS gay! Do you understand that? I'm sick of being social engineered, it's not funny chat!

>> No.3622621

I'm going to safely predict that Ame isn't a good podcast host. She shuts down during collabs, she can't keep a conversation going. Even Ina of all people is capable of keeping a running commentary going and she's a quiet asian by nature.

>> No.3622641

I wish the left didn't have a monopoly over vtubers. I'd kill for a vtuber sponsored/managed by The Daily Wire.

>> No.3622648

>I shit you not Gura HIC, WOODEN DOORS.

>> No.3622683 [DELETED] 

I want to see Ame going full conspiracy mode. You just know she believes in some crazy shit.

>> No.3622698

god i wanna mainline hard drugs with my oshi

>> No.3622703

they dont roommate shit isnt even relevant remember literally rule fucking 1 of this board

>> No.3622725 [DELETED] 

now you are jumping to conclusions as well

>> No.3622761

Did you forget to dilate today? Why so mad?

>> No.3622798

>I'm going to safely predict that Ame isn't a good podcast host. She shuts down during collabs, she can't keep a conversation going. Even Ina of all people is capable of keeping a running commentary going and she's a quiet asian by nature.
That’s mostly accurate; however, even though Ame is more of a loner it could still work. Besides, no one else is willing to do it except for Ame.

>> No.3622822

no im just tired of off topic bullshit from fags who think it matters because it doesn't do you care about the person behind a cartoon or do you care about that cartoon

>> No.3622823

Ame shuts down during collabs either because she can’t communicate comfortably to someone in Japanese or she’s gone full autismo focus on the game and forgot she’s supposed to be entertaining chat.
She finds plenty of ways to fill the time and stay interesting in her non-game streams. She had an entire stream of just asking questions to an online ouija board without any planning and it was kino, she’s probably the best candidate to host a podcast in EN

>> No.3622827
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>All I'm saying Gura is that he had multiple times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. Enough to kill a fucking Gorilla.

>> No.3622863


>> No.3622923

If you make a whole song about how gender doesn't exist and you cheer trannies on, you are at least some kind of progressive.

>> No.3622958

and guess what that doesn't matter because calli the character=/= the person behind character

>> No.3622968

Kiara, even with restrictions she'd spill the tea and her own hardships would make for good stories to share.

>> No.3623015

Everyone has their vices, watching vtubers clearly is one

>> No.3623036


>> No.3623166

She doesn't even like tattoos, what makes you think she's done drugs?

>> No.3623186

Her roomate also doesn't look like a 11/10 faced milk truck anime girl with perfectly done pink hair any day everyday no matter how stressed or sleep depraved. Your point? That I can't have an anime waifu because her VA is a stupid human?

>> No.3623216

Alright anon you're cute, I see you

>> No.3623358

No, I mean, I know, but for some reason in her most recent detective diaries someone asked her how they should get their parents to approve of a tattoo, and she straight up said that she personally doesn't like them. It's conflicting but it's literally something she's said.

>> No.3623403

>She doesn't even like tattoos
Anon-chama i.........

>> No.3623440
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>Her roomate also doesn't look like a 11/10 faced milk truck anime girl

>> No.3623463

If that's true, then that really brings up some rrats.

>> No.3623500

W-well, I'm not saying I wouldn't, but my point is she doesn't have an anime girl's eternal beauty no matter the day.

>> No.3623612

is this amegeddon related?

>> No.3623676

No, her roomate has pretty visible tatoos, so if she regrets it and now doesn't like that whole culture, them it brings up some questions.

>> No.3623734 [DELETED] 

Hololive actually has a surprising amount of political diversity. Most of them are left-wing, but Pekora, Ayame and A-chan are right-wing nationalists. Also Fubuki, Matsuri, Suisei and Flare are confirmed libertarians.

>> No.3623814

>Also Fubuki, Matsuri, Suisei and Flare are confirmed libertarians.
I WOULD like to know more.

>> No.3623815 [DELETED] 

>be dumb teen
>get tattoos
>regret it later
many such cases

>> No.3623856

I bet the same guy shitting up the ame thread a few weeks ago is the one talking about her roommate here

>> No.3623860
File: 449 KB, 1752x1348, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura *hic* so how do you feel about incest?
>Gura: "aww what?"
>So people think I was always this time travli'n girl right? But in reality I had this mentor, real handsome guy, really cool, really dependable too, 4 years in he leaves me saying "I've got it all figured out now", and left me in this weird timeline where I have to train a younger version of himself now right? really fked up
>Gura: "wait where's the incest part?"
>Well turns out the fker was my father, no wonder my daddy issues were heating up every time he teaches me shit, really fked up guy, wished he fked me though wouldn't be the most fked up thing i do from all the fked up timelines i've visited, hell im not even your original Amelia
>Gura: "aahhhhhh..."

>> No.3623956

>He lacks critical information

>> No.3624027
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That would have been another 1M subs if that convo was ever allowed to happen.

>> No.3624065
File: 381 KB, 397x498, korone-pipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone, talking to Joe Rogan in broken english for 3 hours.

>> No.3624099 [DELETED] 

It's a joke about them being loli/shotacons.

>> No.3624113

Isn't political diversity much easier in Japan?

>> No.3624149
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, He-Him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gura: I have my own stories
>Well lay em on the table shark girl
>Gura: As you know my father was the Emperor of Atlantis, and that my mom was human
>Yeah, yeah you told me that story like a million times
>Gura: Nah, nah, this one's different, So my dad got a solari stone from my gramps, it helps him acquire a full human form
>Sound like some Ina shit Gura
>Gura: Yeah yeah, but anyway, so that stone is like a really powerful stone, but from all the use from my father in order to marry my mom, and eventually give me a proper half human form its basically weakened, so its kept in the heart of atlantis
>Why are you telling me this?
>Gura: No, no, let me finish, So this stone lets you alter your form right? and its heavily guarded, you'd think from all the treasures of my dad that's the last thing you want, but there's this tranny who wanted it, so he could be like this girl, fked up tranny i tell you, he broke my kingdom just to steal the stone
>Gura: I think he goes by the name artemis now, fking cunt

>> No.3624242

Too funny to be anything Gura or Ame would say, make it more boring.

>> No.3624611

Nice lore

>> No.3624722
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 124789247924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns out... Little fishy fella... 'Ad a baybeh
Ame is the modern day pic related and says things without even thinking. The podcast could be gold.

>> No.3624787

If fish had eyes, would they be happier?
How do they know they're not dead?
Teamates hunting for food,
But not before they style the *hic* hair on their head
What would last longer in dinosaur times?
A blind man didn't stand a chance. Not with all them rocks about
I'd rather be a blind fish

>> No.3624923

>solari stone
that's some first Edition DND shit you got there, are you implying Artemis stole Gura's mom's form, Solari takes what's given to it, if it gives human form, it technically takes it too, and I can't think any possible people to give that than Gura's mom

>> No.3624989
File: 111 KB, 1200x800, HolyLore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking lore

>> No.3625012

>tranny mom

>> No.3625059

More like
>tranny stole my mom's skin and wears it to feel better about his brain problems
Truly the deepest, darkest part of the HoloLore.

>> No.3625115

>Gura's mother was skinned and now Artemis walks around wearing her skin

This Haachama extended universe lore is something else

>> No.3625455

wtf im a deadbeat now

>> No.3625556
File: 60 KB, 964x912, 52A3D9D8-AF67-4E87-BE5A-F9EFE8487D76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3625621

If Calli referenced drugs it was to sound “hard,” and 100% chance she still sounded like a cute dork.

>> No.3625665
File: 28 KB, 957x573, 1620863109261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want an Amelia and Dad doujin for MUH DICC

>> No.3626481
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>> No.3626638

>Ame desu

>> No.3627047

Not everybody is an irreparable crackhead like you buddy.

>> No.3627122
File: 794 KB, 1280x720, 1614969938956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame: So before we go, I gotta ask, why? Why'd you do it? Did you think it was funny? Was the meece thing that bad?
>Gura: ..w-what do you mean?
>Ame: Jenma pull that shit up.

>> No.3627311

>Jenma or Calli is the Jamie of the HoloCast

>> No.3627384

>The replies in this thread made me laugh so hard I just had to
Then why didn't you just post this in that thread, you dumb fucking redditor? It's not even close to bump limit.

>> No.3627562

It was my thread nigger. I can make a separete one if I want. Stop being a killjoy you faggot.

>> No.3627621
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>> No.3627647

>making two active threads about the same thing because you had a funny meme idea
That's arguably even worse.

>> No.3627662


>> No.3628604

I really hope the podcast is successful so we can get to podcast episode 134 where the managers don't even check the audio files anymore and Ame and Gura are full on talking about the most random shit for hours and hours on the most yab tangents

>> No.3629627

Covering a popular song because it's popular doesn't mean she supports all the tranny shit. Retard. Hell, look at Kiara, biggest SJW in Hololive and she still gave Shartemis the cold shoulder because she found out he was a bloke.

>> No.3629682

Yeah and she was chatting pure shit like most women, especially white girl rappers.

>> No.3630617
File: 20 KB, 463x453, 23c4iupj7t461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Holo is gonna be the Sean O’Malley to Joe Rogan?

>> No.3630743

>she still gave Shartemis the cold shoulder because she found out he was a bloke.

>> No.3630949

You mean the ouija board she used to insult chat?

>> No.3631263

Kiara definitely unfollowed Art because of she watched an illegal showing of Bloom and she got called out on twitter. Great rrat though, not the trannie part the why kiara unfollowed.

>> No.3631292

Cumtown, but Amelia

>> No.3634051
File: 1.94 MB, 640x526, korone yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking about Kanata when
>by the way, did you see what those fucking gorillas can do? They can tear your face off, holy shit. Jamie pull that up
>*violent ape screams*
>Waaoooowww! Amazing! Big monkey!

>> No.3634142
File: 9 KB, 152x331, mori1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I am NOT getting oshicucked by Joe Rogan. Don't even entertain the idea.

>> No.3634968

I think you interpreted that wrong. Remind me again what her gimmick is?

>> No.3636137

> please vote for bernie or im going to leave this country

>> No.3637759

Being a rapper? I don't follow.

>> No.3640654
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I read it in their voices fuck

>> No.3641000
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ames podcast but it's just 2000 consecutive episodes of isaac

>> No.3642240

Forget Ame, the whole family is a complete nutjob. Brother Watson is a full-fledged witch doctor.

>> No.3642991

the rack? sure
the face? hell no

>> No.3643132

Can he tell us the magic words on the podcast?

>> No.3643261

>The prettier the face the bigger the bitch

>> No.3643279


>> No.3643300 [DELETED] 

Far more than 2000 if you're talking about eggman

>> No.3644653
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>> No.3644714

>"I might have taken too much DMT Jamie, do you hear this talking dog?"
>"24 24 Netflix waow"

>> No.3644818

political diversity is easy everywhere, get off of /pol/ and twitter

>> No.3644864

That’s career suicide

>> No.3645123

My first thought was some sort of selkie pelt thing, not outright skinning her alive

>> No.3645138

All this roommate shit, don't you guys have shame? Fucking puritans.
The podcast will be great because of the simple fact that Ame actually prepared for it. Just like the outfit debut and recent Karaoke where she blew everyone's expectations, she's been comissioning work and creating stuff for the podcast for while now, one of the reasons it was delayed was to make sure everything is set up properly.
Also Ame cute

>> No.3645900

fuck the both of you

>> No.3652630

anonchama, she was quoting a copypasta when she said that...

>> No.3653113 [DELETED] 

You're saying you WOULDN'T with diet ramona flowers

>> No.3654307

Since this thread I'm getting recommends of MMA on point... Anyone in this thread could be Joe Rogan.

>> No.3654537

>he doesnt know

>> No.3654598


>> No.3654617

>she’s gone full autismo focus on the game and forgot she’s supposed to be entertaining chat.
It’s this one

>> No.3654649

>Karaoke where she blew everyone's expectations
Look I love Ame but that was still shit

>> No.3654687

it all make sense now...

>> No.3654710 [DELETED] 

>so you do this thing where you're a like virtual streamer, so are you like...like an AI like, like Hat-sue-nay me-koo?
>no no no, korone is doggo
>that's nice, that's nice, jamie pull up viva happy or something. So I was talking to jamie about like, how you never hear about alien sightings in Japan, but that's not the case is it? You guys are just polite or keep it to yourselves? What about "kami", you ever seen a "kami" (those are like ghosts jamie)
>eto...arien rike za mobee? Hahahahaha
I'd pay. I'd kneel. They'd probably get into fitness and boxing talk.
>it's straight up great value at best, diet would be an art hoe that doesn't have piercings, also obligatory https://youtu.be/TSKizLRFbTo

>> No.3654833

I have zero tattoos but I’ve did a fuck ton of drugs in my early 20s.

>> No.3654872

>I’ve did
See, I told you. Drugs are bad.

>> No.3655185

I've done did do it now

>> No.3657636

This, in the fucking pipedream reality where Korone got on JRE they'd discuss Vtubing for like 5 minutes, classic FPS games like DOOM and Quake for 5 minutes, and then they'd go on for a hour and a half about boxing and UFC. She'd have an interpreter with her who'd talk past her sperg moments and translate basically anything tha Korone herself doesn't expressly say out loud in English into the most sterile English translation possible so Joe undrestands it, and the whole thing would be akwardly filmed like the Mori episode of Trash Taste, still, would make for some kino.

>> No.3657755

You lost me.

>> No.3657905

yeah it was still shit but it was a lot better than her usual shit

>> No.3658194
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>So one of the reasons why I was interested in sharks...
>Uh I mean, in atlantis, yeah, we had pet sharks because uhhhh well I'm not a shark-shark, I'm an atlantean
>and uhh, so I really like sharks, because they're actually quite cute and interesting
>I know that sharks get a bad rap from humans, and I just wanted to show that they're living beings too and-

>> No.3658238

the dolphins are sex offenders he surely deserved it

>> No.3658351 [DELETED] 

No interpreter, I want to hear Korone's broken English for the whole podcast.

>> No.3658433
File: 100 KB, 256x256, 1620424090700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat that pussy like a bacon egg sandwich,

>> No.3659616

Cover wouldn't allow it, but it would be entertaining as fuck trying to see Joe wrap his head araound Koronenglish.

>> No.3659656

That's the most "realistic" version of a potential Korone appearence on JRE, the ideal version would be unrestrained doggo ESL babble and Joe showing himself up like the out of touch stoner he is.

>> No.3659706

Why not? Just one more down the pipeline.

>> No.3663169

oh no, is that why Gura hates dolphins?

>> No.3663351


She mentioned smoking cigars and it was very off-putting.

>> No.3663496

I can already her talking in that high pitched gremlin voice she talks in when she gets fake angry

>> No.3663526


>> No.3663898

Calli was a white groupie for rappers. Odds are cocaine is the least of the shit she's done.

>> No.3663963

>Brother Watson is a full-fledged witch doctor
Wait what?

>> No.3664010
File: 22 KB, 480x360, BTFO'd GURA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's actually sad peko

>> No.3664017

No, in most countries you'll get brigaded/flooded in any media by lefties. They go out of their way to control the means of discourse.

>> No.3665367

>the sakura blossom pics...

>> No.3666651

So what's the point of a podcast for a Vtuber? Sounds like she just wants to do Vtubing stuff but without using the character.

>> No.3669531
File: 188 KB, 1125x1297, ghostame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the big red superchat Knee Gah... aw you son of a *hic*

>> No.3669644

Cigars are nice if you only smoke on specific occasions in which she did to relieve stress same with cigarettes

>> No.3672068
File: 92 KB, 714x1030, E0-tMgXVgAEXIiH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon did you know?
Enigma decoded messages to german high command don't contain any casuality listing for gassing, only prisoners shot.
Isn't it funny how there's no ash contamination in soil corresponding to numbers supported by popular history?
So weird, anon

>> No.3677698

Anon you're a genius

>> No.3679275

is he a manlet?
if no then there is nothing to worry about

>> No.3680308

He's 5'7

>> No.3681420

Joe Rogan is a well known manlet - 5'5", below the national average. On the plus side, he's not asian, so Mori will be less interested.
