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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3606530 No.3606530 [Reply] [Original]

So why are permissions needed if Capcom's streaming rules are on posted on their website?


>> No.3606548

remember the holocaust

>> No.3606591

I guess because Hololive is a Japanese company and there is probably a different set of rules for Japan. In the West there is fair use and all that so trying to restrict streaming stuff would result in law suits and all that while in Japan you have to do the front flip begging move to be allowed to stream anything if you are going to significantly profit from it.

>> No.3606607

Your gay

>> No.3606630

What is the Holocaust?

>> No.3606659

>Please note this policy is a guideline for using game footage of our titles. It is not
intended to be, nor should be considered as, express permission nor an official license or authorization for you
to create mods or derivative works of Capcom titles or content.
>not intended nor considered as permission

>> No.3606705

the most elaborate jewish trickery

>> No.3607081

Looks pretty straightforward. Why cant she play with the english dub?

>> No.3607411


>> No.3607445

Probably choosing to not do so? Coco plays Rise with the English Dub so it’s probably a preference thing.

Also I imagine the permissions thing is a requirement if they want to be able to monetize the videos and make money via superchats.

>> No.3607467
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Maybe youre a fucking retard??

>> No.3607568

Huh, did not know that was the case for her. I know she played DMCV with the JP subtitles so I assumed it was a similar situation.

>> No.3607659

Maybe it's just a hololive thing. Pikamee was able to play it with EN voice + JP subs just fine.

>> No.3607713

This. Those guidelines don't actually mean anything besides "We might not strike you if you follow these, but still reserve the right to do so." Cover requires express written permission from the rightsholder so that it is legally defined that they won't face repercussion for streaming the content.

The rrat is that it has something to do with the voice actors union.

>> No.3607783

Indies aren't as big of a target as corporations like Hololive or Nijisanji. She probably doesn't have permission and also doesn't give a shit because Capcom most likely wont strike an indie. They sure as fuck would strike Cover though.

>> No.3607887

Now that's just silly.

>> No.3608640

Based memberchad btfo the poorfags nigger

>> No.3608865

>Only 11K

Kek. That's a pretty poor membership number

>> No.3609080

I think streaming games is allowed because game companies allow it in their terms of service. Most of the companies know it brings in more money for them if popular e-celebs stream their games.

But the music industry is different. They won't let streamers, movies or radio stations play their songs without their say so, and they want royalties being paid to them if money is made from playing the song. It's a whole different mode of operation.

That fact that we have these two extremes tells me that it's all up to the owner of the media. Fair use is irrelevant.

>> No.3609282

in the rare case you aren't baiting and are actualy just retarded
Pikamee is not an indie.

>> No.3609874

Oh yeah, two shut-ins and a jazz musician, HUGE company.

>> No.3609999

yes, thus not an indie

>> No.3610114

Hololive streamers are under corporate (Cover), so they have to follow different rules from your typical streamer or YT channel who are usually independent. This is usually because monetization is different. Money goes to Cover through the streamer, rather than to the streamer directly in the case of an individual streaming the game.

Voice permissions are likely a result of the video game voice actor strike around 2017.

>> No.3610153

Paranoia. They can play basically any game made by a Western studio without needing permission, as every other content does, but they still want written permission.

>> No.3610300

Streaming doesn't actually fall unto fair use, its why Nintendo and Atlus are able to DMCA streams and gameplay.

>> No.3610351

how much of the money actually goes to the streamer? feels like people are getting scammed hard

>> No.3610663

>not even proper "permissions"
>unilateral from Capcom, they can change it at any time and fuck you over

>> No.3610794

I don't remember all the details, but YT takes a 30% cut from SCs. The rest I believe gets redistributed through the company to pay for personnel, and the Holomember's salary (because they are salaried apparently).

Holomembers take a larger cut of money through merchandise sales and voice packs. On some occasions they have to pay out of pocket for their own projects (i.e.: Lamy's Sake) but most of the money they make from that goes back to them.

>> No.3610827

English voice behind paywall of US Voice Actor Union.

No pay then no permission to monetized it.

>> No.3611083

They work for a Japanese company that pays them, and Capcom's streaming policy in Japan extrictly prohibits it:

>This does not apply when corporations (including individuals belonging to production) broadcast videos.

> Content may not be used by corporations (including individuals belonging to production) without permission.


>> No.3611113

Because they could take that down the next day

>> No.3611715

japanese must be the most inefficient language in the world

>> No.3611821

For Holo specifically, the usual cut is according to Coco is 30% YT, 35% Cover, 35% Streamer. That 35% is on top of the salary. A few (I think Pekora is one) have supposedly negotiated larger cuts.

>> No.3611905

I don't know why people keep saying this.
Without the hololive branding Gura would be drinking herself to death right now.
That branding is worth way more than the money they're bringing in.

>> No.3611937

Because they can still copyright strike you anyways.

>> No.3612021

its crazy that the streaming platforms keep getting away with so big fees. web hosting is a industry where only 1% of the income goes to operation costs and everything else is profit

>> No.3612062

why? one that is capable of performing in front of such large audiences would be doing well irl too

>> No.3612150

ad revenue from HER is nothing in comparision to the akasupas that Gura is getting. people care about branding and how a product is packaged.

>> No.3612189

>shareholders making money from lets play
go figure, game companies probably don't want to give free money to other companies

it's not rocket science anon

>> No.3612272

nothing new then. apple was a thing way before these but i will never understand how the sheep brain works. a famous brand just does not equal good quality

>> No.3612305

good quality does not equal profitability

>> No.3612383


We still don't know about membership numbers though, but I want to say I heard that cover/youtube take a smaller cut.
If thats the case, then even conservatively speaking in the case of >>3607467 if 70% of all members voted on this (unlikely) Gura is looking around 15,000 members, with a membership cost of $5/mo that's a shit ton of money rolling in.

>> No.3612421

Youtube operates at a loss.

>> No.3612505

now less so thanks to this livestream fad. its the normal free content that is bringing the profitability down

>> No.3612581

OP and half the thread is retarded.

>> No.3612998

Make that 11k+1, because I never bother to like members posts, as I'm sure happens with many other members.

>> No.3613126

what kind of world do we live in if some rando having 11k paying followers is a considered bad?

>> No.3613229

Their website states they are a group of individuals, not a company.

The fact that Gyari only takes a cut of merch sales also probably keeps them off of Capcom's hit list.

>> No.3613378

YouTube also takes 30% from membership. Cover might have a different split for membership revenue or they may just bundle all YouTube revenue into the same 50/50 split, nobody really knows.

>> No.3613503

oh you are right
i wonder how the whole thing is legaly set up then. is it like an individual paying freelancers then? is it considerd a job or would they legaly be neets?

>> No.3613517

sure, but still a loss. Just pointing out that if your complaint about the web hosting industry making bank due to big fees combined with low operating costs is directed at youtube, it is false. They are not making bank on their platform, they're happy to break even.

>> No.3613759

it was about the whole industry. everything is insanely overpriced but they spend almost nothing on the infra. just look at something like the famous american comcast. people pay them over $100 per month for something that they installed many decades ago and the profits that company makes are insane

>> No.3613968

Probably just self employment from Pikamee's end. The contract with Giyari under VOMS is probably closer to a "Terms of Agreement" sort of thing requiring a certain amount of streams in exchange for use of the avatar. (And not breaking whatever rules Monoe managed to break)

>> No.3614253

one of the rumors going around was that Monoe is a goverment employe so she wasnt aloved to have a side job which is why i wonder if it even would legaly count as a side job when they aren't being paid by Giyari

>> No.3614269 [DELETED] 

Minimum $55k a month is amazing, even if she only gets 1/3 of that. Probably makes more in a month than 80% of the global population does in a year.

>> No.3614336

technology turned this world into something that i would rather not know about

>> No.3614412
File: 4 KB, 124x125, pardon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw witnessed this 'fiction' with my own eyes
It still haunts my dreams, bros.

>> No.3614502

you just forgot your schizo pills again

>> No.3614630
File: 278 KB, 426x599, anbribaboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another '/pol/tard calls other schizos' episode.

>> No.3617711
File: 119 KB, 1125x1367, kxj48n2rawf31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger are you fucking 90?

>> No.3619168

An over hyped event
