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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3527581 No.3527581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm LITERALLY at my fucking limit

>> No.3527596

Then kill yourself

>> No.3527614

>has a girlfriend
>has a wife
>is gay
Hope this helps, deadbeat

>> No.3527866

Fuck off

>> No.3527977

The absolute state of deadbraps.

>> No.3528117

>my waifu isn’t allowed to talk to 40% of the human population

>> No.3528136

This is bait

>> No.3528150


>> No.3528161

I shouldn't be surprised that somebody married this loser (since gigguk is married), but I still am.

>> No.3528162

This is a vtuber board.

>> No.3528167

the fact that conner gets to cheat on his wife with a chuuba using his transatlantic cock makes me seethe like no tomorrow

>> No.3528168

ya seethe bitch. stop watching vtubers then

>> No.3528171


>> No.3528205


>> No.3528230

Women are allowed to be friends with men without any sexual activities involved incel

>> No.3528235

Who's the one on the right?

Being married doesn't make him not an obnoxious faggot that badmouths Hololive fans.

>> No.3528251

mori is already getting creampied by these faggot rap crew she hangs out with. lmao what do you think she is doing when a stream has to be rescheduled?

>> No.3528264

stop baiting/being retarded.

>> No.3528271

I hope more holos start collabing with guys just to shake loose the fucking retarded cancerous autists like you who shit up the community.

>> No.3528274

Rikka. He's a Holostar that collabed with other Hololivers (Matsuri being the most frequent for songs covers). He's having a collab stream with Mori in a bit. To my knowledge he's also married IRL.

>> No.3528307

I hope more holos start having sex with guys on stream just to shake loose the fucking retarded cancerous autists like you who shit up the community.

>> No.3528325

Why do people pretend like that stops anyone from fucking? Especially in the entertainment industry.

>> No.3528344

Why do you pretend like they need to be collabing in making content with guys to be fucking them?

>> No.3528361

It's obvious Rikka is an entirely different thing from the rest you fucking faggot. Stop generating controversies that aren't there. I swear every day in /vt/ gets me closer to being a nijinigger.

>> No.3528369


>> No.3528371


>> No.3528383

The Muslims were right all along about this.

>> No.3528408

When you start thinking this way, it should be a sign to realize that you're going full retard and need to either wake up or kill yourself.

>> No.3528442

Why do some people think the 2 people of the opposite sex just interacting automatically means their fucking? At least the other option has stronger legs to stand on since most people aren't that terrible to their significant other.

>> No.3528444

I said it once and I said it again, interacting with real people, no, interacting with other vtubers? Sure it’s fun, I just don’t like vtubers interacting with real people, I watch them because they are fake and adding real people ruins the whole idea

>> No.3528450

What if Mori was talking to men to get a BF so she could settle down and have sex after marriage for the sole purpose of procreation? You retards would still be upset.

>> No.3528464


>> No.3528478

Who the fuck cares then?

Islam is right about women.

>> No.3528487
File: 168 KB, 3041x608, 1614456695429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do some people think the 2 people of the opposite sex just interacting automatically means their fucking?
Insecurity and projecting their incel obsession with sex.

>> No.3528515

People trying to push rrats, Anti-larpers, unicorn-posters, etc.

Basically the people who make these threads to begin with just to rile some people up.

>> No.3528525

he is not married

>> No.3528546

GFE is haram under Sharia law anon, either get a real halal wife or fuck off and die a miserable virgin. Your oshi will be stoned to death for interacting with viewers.

>> No.3528554

I'm not surprised

>> No.3528567

he’s dating sydsnap aka hime hajime

>> No.3528569

he hangs out with a ex pornstar

>> No.3528585

wait giguk is getting cucked

>> No.3528591

I refuse to believe most of the posts in this thread have been written by real people who actually meant what they are writing or were that eager to take the weakest bait since "your oshi doesn't love you".
Your opinion on this cannot possibly exist.
You cannot possibly exist.
I forbid you to exist.

>> No.3528597

Hime Hajime being their mutual friend, along with the ID incident guaranteed that Connor won't be collabing with Mori or any of the ENs soon.

>> No.3528617

How mad do people get over this sort of thing? Because it doesn’t bug me.

>> No.3528629

It’s just a reattempt of that other Mori thread because it didn’t go as he wanted

>> No.3528646


this is anti logic.

>> No.3528650

shes a real braphog....

>> No.3528671

sorry i got them mixed up.

>> No.3528672

Man it's been so long since I've seen someone call them deadbraps, I actually forgot about that meme.

>> No.3528694

Can you also tell that to the shippers who ship actual real people even though they are friends in real life and already married and call them homophobic for not accepting their head cannon even though it comes across and creepy and weird? Friends do exist, no matter how divisive social media makes the world out to be.

>> No.3528695 [DELETED] 

>Rikka cuck thread blew up in his face so he had to add off-topic shit like critikal and faggnor
The absolute fucking state of OP
Please kill yourself, post-haste!

>> No.3528698

If you knew anything about her roommate you would know she is not that kind of woman.

>> No.3528718

I don't though? She could be gobbling up all the homocock at once without ever mentioning them.
A lot of the time it will end up leading to it, obviously not automatic. More like shattered broken legs, with how high infidelity rates are around the world and especially ntrland japan.

>> No.3528726
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>> No.3528729

But was he wrong about the unicorns?

>> No.3528744

Yet most of /vt/ doesn't have any.
Why do you think that is

>> No.3528777

I don't know how it would be with other girls but Mori is pretty much immune. She has already collabed with males before and has completely filtered unicorns from her fanbase, that is if there were even any in the first place. Be careful though, you might get cuckfags projecting their fantasies onto you.

>> No.3528815

deadbeats its over.....

>> No.3528826

>Being married doesn't make him not an obnoxious faggot that badmouths Hololive fans

Hololive fans are objectively shit though.
People who type in chat/people who donate money/redditniggers are all cringe and retarded concernfags who just shit everything up
/vt/ and /jp/ are all autistic incel self inserting maladjusted waterheads who thinks they're above everyone else because muh sekkrit club don't breach containment faggots

Let's not pretend vtubers don't attract the worst people.

>> No.3528828

Anon, Rikka is married man with a kid and Mori's opinion on cheaters is pretty known.
And like in that other thread anon's were explain how Mori is idealistic in romance and has no interest in casual sex.

>> No.3528840
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Isn't Mori the least degenerate, most respectable and most responsible of Hololive? I don't see any problem with it.

I mean, look at her co-ENs for fucks sakes. Calliope is probably the most wife material out of all of them, other than Ina the rest are degenerates in a way, I mean, I'm don't dislike them at all but that's just how it is.

Gura and Ame in particular are almost talentless compared to Mori. They are degenerates compared to boring, independent, responsible, dorky Calliope.

>> No.3528867

I think it’s just an opportunity for people to attack a streamer they hate. In the same way that is done for Kiara, Gura, etc. They jump on whatever they can get. It’s almost all fake.

>> No.3528869


that midget is so unfunny.

>> No.3528871

>Gura and Ame in particular are almost talentless compared to Mori
Well Gura's at least got the best singing voice in hololive and one of the best in the industry, although Callie definitely works three times as hard as she does and has a lot more talents in terms of quantity.

>> No.3528880

>Newfags don't know how much cock Kiara's roommate has taken

>> No.3528893

All mine

>> No.3528913

>Wouldn't fuck her
>Wouldn't fuck him
>Doesn't fuck women

>> No.3528924

ok kiara

>> No.3528929
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>>3527581 (OP)
>Rikka cuck thread blew up in his face so he had to add off-topic shit like critikal and faggnor
The absolute fucking state of OP
Please kill yourself, post-haste!

>> No.3528933

> girlfriend berates him live on stream for his pokemon card addiction

>> No.3528956

Well, I do believe most "antis" are just shitposters fishing for (You)s. Mori's the most profitable target now, so it could be the case here.

>> No.3528964

P-please calm down

>> No.3528963

>Talent =/= Skill
>Mori has more musical skills, Gura has pure Singing Talent.

Add them together and you get a Collb song for the ages.

>It'll happen after EN2 debut.

>> No.3528980


>> No.3528987

>He still believes the shitty translation pushed by lolcow/kiwi from a japanese blog about her fucking someone for $10k

You've done your doxx reps, so now do your japanese reps

>> No.3528998

Sorry, I got carried away in the heat of the moment.

>> No.3529001

Is that Gawain

>> No.3529014

I thought Connor was fucking Ollie?

>> No.3529032

>Mori has more musical skills
Her self-produced tracks are all shit, she doesn't know how to compose
All her best tracks are covers or by someone else

>> No.3529039
File: 286 KB, 417x767, 1611888133655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ello Youchube, my name is Sir Rikka.

I'm a 27 year old Knight Bachelor (a loyalist of our majesty Queen Elizabeth II for you pillocks). I compose troubadour melodies on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my verses and playing superior British sports. (Rugby, cricket, fox hunting)

I train with my longbow every day, this superior weapon can pierce clean clean through steel because it is made from superior yew wood, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my longbow loicense two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak British English fluently, both R.P. and the Cockney dialect , and I write it fluently as well. I know everything about British history and the chivalric code, which I follow 100%.

When I get my UK visa, I am moving to London to attend a prestigious Ancient University to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a broadcaster for the BBC or a Shakespearean actor!

I own several top hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to England, so I can fit in easier. I tip my hat to the ladies and ask them if they fancy a cuppa, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in England!

>> No.3529041

Also The context of Mori hanging out with them is hanging out with Syd and Garnt.

After the ID incident, he won't be touching holos again.

>> No.3529042

She better be an 11/10 with a harem of equally hot friends to justify a round trip flight

>> No.3529045

Homostars aren't actually gay anon...

>> No.3529071

your reps...

>> No.3529103

>everybody hates the manager-sans unless they swoop in and smite the stinky men
You all owe JENMa and ENMa an sumimybad, if it weren't for them Calli's interview woulda brought in trash taste to Gura's door

>> No.3529107

I think Temma and Miyabi are
