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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3459709 No.3459709 [Reply] [Original]

New Marine Thread! Here you can discuss the best Hololive pirate!

>> No.3459749

Marine's heartbeat is around 120 while resting but slightly excited. One can hope she has no cardiac problems.

>> No.3459867

Imagine the fatty rolls

>> No.3459923

Next level concernfagging

>> No.3459974

This. Imagine having basic human empathy.

>> No.3460046

There are 2 ahoy threads now

>> No.3460063

OP is legally blind and maybe retarded, forgive him

>> No.3460090

I love Marine, she should use a heartbeat monitor while playing scary games that would be fun

>> No.3460188

Sorry anon, this is the only /ahoy/ on the board right now.

>> No.3478384


>> No.3481052

Motherfucker I just did mine and got 62 slightly excited. What the fuck is she a chipmunk?

>> No.3486717

You have the opposite problem, get to a doctor.

>> No.3488998

I wouldn't say putting your heartbeat on blast to potentially 30k people is "slightly excited"

>> No.3489104


>> No.3490514

Isn't it dangerous to be a pirate when you are only 17?

>> No.3490600

I mean, you're a pirate, it's dangerous at any age

>> No.3491668

is it normal for her to take this many breaks? and her heartbeats
spill the rrat

>> No.3491704 [DELETED] 

I can't stop imagining how nice it would be to be marine's boyfriend

>> No.3493612

She just recovered from a really bad cold, cut her some slack.

>> No.3493687
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>> No.3494561

I want to grope Senchou's floaters

>> No.3495155

60 is still average. go take a walk outside once in a while

>> No.3495239

Hasn't she mentioned a couple of times that she wants to lose weight? Surely with her money she can go to the gym and buy vegetables

>> No.3495515
File: 212 KB, 1200x1685, yande.re 721594 cosplay eyepatch hololive houshou_marine katsuragi_misato mikan_(chipstar182) neon_genesis_evangelion uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel talked about how Senchous schedule is always booked full
She simply doesn't have the time

>> No.3495575

She's obviously nervous you tard.

>> No.3495635

>Going to the gym
>In year 2019+2

>> No.3495661

Not if you're excited or nervous.

>> No.3496311
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Do you think Marine is kind of girl who always thought Penis Inspection Days are real, or kind of girl who wants to make them real?

>> No.3500055

My heart, her heart

>> No.3500120

Dude, if you train something you can get your BPM as low as 40, maybe even lower.

>> No.3500443

olympic level endurance athletes get ~40, 20 or lower while sleeping

>> No.3500464

Mine got as low as ~45-50 while sitting, which was funny because on medical checkups i made few nurses worried.

>> No.3500491


>> No.3500605

Isn't Marine's house small? She probably doesn't have space for a home gym.

>> No.3501448
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You haven't been looking at the captain sexually, have you?

>> No.3502151

I'm never not looking at the captain sexually

>> No.3502335
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Of course not. Marine is a christian vtuber.

>> No.3502460

only ever mentioned having separate streaming room, but her utility bills is astronomical so it's hard to say

>> No.3502481


>> No.3502646


>> No.3505754

No no no no. Ima neva in za ecstasy modo!

>> No.3505915

I look at her with the lust of my heart

>> No.3506145

Marine is so weird. By all accounts I shouldn't really like her, but she just feels so honest and earnest. I think she's the most honest Hololive member.

>> No.3506425

She is not fat so if she want to lose some weight, just take a walk 30 mins everyday. Also every holos lost weight when they prepare for big concerts

>> No.3507063

>Marine is not fat
She is fucking obese.

>> No.3507158

>Not fat

>> No.3507214 [DELETED] 

I can't I'm terminally autistic

>> No.3507737

>she is not fat
Anonchama... There is a limit to a wishful thinking...

>> No.3508069

Anon please, my dick can only get so hard

>> No.3508081

Other holos always imply that Marine is ugly and obese

>> No.3508212

You are mentally ill

>> No.3508348 [DELETED] 

here's the problem with /vt/
newfag tourist children don't know who marineschizo is, so they parrot him endlessly and become talking heads for him
yeah guys, marine is fat despite us seeing her real life pictures
fucking retards

>> No.3508383 [DELETED] 

The photos are ancient

>> No.3508432 [DELETED] 

2 years ago isn't ancient and she doesn't even eat that much, which is how she's been able to spend her life with as little movement as possible without ballooning into a whale.
this is why ichimi stay in /jp/, at least there ignorance isn't rampant

>> No.3508465

/jp/ hates marine

>> No.3508477

i'm sure we do schizo kun

>> No.3508575 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 220x157, tenor (8).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me the photos

>> No.3508629 [DELETED] 

If you don't know how to find them you don't deserve to see them

>> No.3508645

Perhaps, but chubby girls are sexy

>> No.3508709 [DELETED] 
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I mean, yeah, was worth a shot though.

>> No.3508713

She may be a bag of lard but I didn't see ugly

>> No.3508724 [DELETED] 

why do you want to see them anon? You will never meet her, how she looks like in person is irrelevant.

>> No.3508746

>Flare 41 times
>Noel 45 times
>Marine 23 times
Also look how slowly she moves. Marine is fucking fat.

>> No.3508847 [DELETED] 

fat =! unhealthy (power lifters are fat and healthy)
unhealthy =! fat (skinny fucks who eat mcdonalds all the time get heart attacks at 110 lbs and 30)
this is where this conversation ends, goodbye

>> No.3508958
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23 times what? She wasn't even doing the same thing because she didn't understand it
Also from the same stream, not that you ever saw it.

>> No.3508974

Other holos call her ugly and gross

>> No.3509018

Even if she's fat, I still love her

>> No.3509021

You are aware that the models don't perfectly line up perfectly with their real proportions?
Also flexibility is meaningless measurement of fitness.

>> No.3509028

Bet the fatfucks claiming she is fat cant do the same thing lmao

>> No.3509067

>moving the goalposts
Anon just stop posting. This isnt reddit, nobody knows but you that you got btfo

>> No.3509068 [DELETED] 

Well, I think most people have pretty much accepted that Marine is definitely 27+ years old. But I dunno, is there a possibility she's a younger person who pretends to be older person who insists on being younger just as sort of several layers of jokes and irony? Just a little schizo idea I keep pondering inside of my head.

>> No.3509150 [DELETED] 

Just pondering a dumb schizo idea, like, what if Marine isn't 27+, what if her character is playing an older character who insists she's younger.

>> No.3509152

Go watch that stream. Marine is constantly on the floor out of breath.

>> No.3509183

As is Luna on her 3D streams.

>> No.3509203


>> No.3509239 [DELETED] 

Lurk more.

>> No.3509254 [DELETED] 

I will, it's just you who is useless.

>> No.3509273

Why are you bringing up Luna again? We have been through this, Luna is a skelly, if Marine is a skelly then she can't have a fat ass. Which is it, Marine is fat or Marine is a skelly with no ass?

>> No.3509288

>doesnt know acting when he sees it
I wish smoothbrains couldnt post.

>> No.3509293

Luna has a fat ass too.

>> No.3509305 [DELETED] 

Useless how? You're begging for information you can easily find yourself.

>> No.3509343 [DELETED] 

Wait, I am checking if I am banned, my internet fucked me again.

>> No.3509344

do we really need to discuss whether marine is fat or not in every fucking thread? Will the schizo-kun go away if we agreed with him?

>> No.3509350

>Marine is only pretending to be fat

>> No.3509367

I don't listen to women's opinion on other women's beauty

>> No.3509384

No, fuck him. No matter the outcome, schizo-kun is wrong.

>> No.3509399

Lamy was repulsed by Marine.

>> No.3509409

The fat thing is just one of many things he spams. Other talking points involve Noel but he's currently pretending to not hate her.

>> No.3509424

She's pretending to be out of shape you fucking retard, how dense can you be

>> No.3509522

so like, why is saying marine is not fat by bringing up proof "real life stuff" but this guy can just spam "marine is FAT" endlessly and spam reports when he gets met with a challenge? wtf is this moderation.

>> No.3509549

Marine is going to have a heart attack on stream and you guys would have enabled it by not pressuring her to work out.
Is she also only pretending to be unable to jump during dances? Porka is the only other Holo who can't do that...

>> No.3509565

Yeah, this is both discussion of IRL and ironic shitposting at this point.

>> No.3509567

lol of course the schizo is a bloomlet

>> No.3509588

I am not breaking any rules, you broke rule 2 of this board.

>> No.3509595

Everyone avoids off collabs with marine because she's very ugly

>> No.3509626

Anon I only know that Porka can't jump because of BLOOM.

>> No.3509796

then how can you say marine can't jump? bloomlet relying on clips kek

>> No.3509798 [DELETED] 

Ichimi are still claiming that Marine looks like a gravure idol. Truly the most delusional fanbase.

>> No.3509966

Nobody has made that claim. Have you taken your medication today, anon? The only defense claim being made is that she isnt fat.

>> No.3510083 [DELETED] 

Pekora's roommate is gravure idol tier and ichimi claim that Marine is hotter than her.

>> No.3510117


>> No.3510127

I don't think gravure idols reach a heart rate of 100 just by sitting still and doing nothing.

>> No.3510160

That heart rate monitor was clearly broken.

>> No.3510196

Sounds like cope.

>> No.3510209


>> No.3510251

Marine had a heart rate of 120 when all she was doing was sticking a mic to her chest.

>> No.3510319

And you are pretending to be retarded, see, everything is possible if you try

>> No.3510321

Yeah she was a bit stressed out but that's noot a good heart rate either. This means if Marine is obese then so is Pekora.

>> No.3510483

Pekora's heart rate monitor was broken.
Also Marine streams all the time, she is used to it, I doubt that she was stressed.

>> No.3510552

>Pekora's heart rate monitor was broken.
>Also Marine streams all the time
Pekora is OBESE

>> No.3510634

I love Marin

>> No.3510722

Her heart rate didn't go up when she got scared, clearly broken.
Marine waddles, Pekora walks normally.
Marine is the fat one.

>> No.3510746

Looks like you didn't even watch her stream.

>> No.3510794

I did watch her stream, the monitor was both super delayed and it didn't go up a few times. Definitely broken.

>> No.3510858
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>> No.3510875

You didn't watch Bloom and you didn't watch Pekora's streams.

>> No.3511025

How would I know that Porka can't jump if I didn't watch BLOOM? I don't watch Gokishit streams.
Go watch Pekora's stream, the first time she got scared it took a few seconds for her heart rate to go up. The monitor was clearly broken.

>> No.3511104

You said Marine can't jump, but she did so you didn't watch Bloom.
>it took a few seconds for her heart rate to go up
>Her heart rate didn't go up when she got scared
Which one is it? You seem very broken up with these responses, wise man.

>> No.3511217
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Deliciously thick

>> No.3511354

Marine's jumo barely counts.
It is both, most of the time it was delayed and there were a couple of times where it didn't go up. Clearly broken.

>> No.3511415

She jumped higher than Pekora, so there's one jump that counts even less.

>> No.3511617

Pekora was only pretending.

>> No.3512141

Why does Senchou cause Kiara-on-/vt/ level seething on /jp/? I don't even think she's that controversial on 5ch?

>> No.3512178

Can someone please rangeban the fucking schizo already?

>> No.3512216

Pekora is a rabbit

>> No.3512225

Has anyone ever been rangebanned on this board?

>> No.3512537

hasn't marine done at least three different 3d off collabs (matsuri, okayu, korone)
idk if that's a lot but it isn't a small amount

>> No.3513095

Im 63kg and 175 cm tall and have no stamina, being out of shape isnt just about being fat, living a sedentary life fucks you up in the long term

>> No.3513174


>> No.3513678

Do you waddle when you walk? The evidence for Marine's obesity isn't just in her lack of stamina.

>> No.3513715

No they don't, no Holo has ever called another holo ugly on stream, that'd be mean and cause a PR issue if nothing else
Marine is literally the off collab queen, what are you talking about?

>> No.3514629

anyone got marine's chill ahoy bgm?

>> No.3514830

She never released it. This guy has it but I think he edited it himself.

>> No.3517336


>> No.3517694

This is a bit low quality at times, probably due to being edited from low volume. It shouldn't be hard get your own cut out of a stream with a bathroom break.

>> No.3520749
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>Marine's entire arc and personality spawned from the coco/marine dance collab
>Don't clip this please! - Marine
it's fucking amazing at how a fraction of a moment caused this tremendous chain reaciton

>> No.3522201
File: 441 KB, 629x864, 80239179_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was horny boomer pirate before this though too but you're right it did cement it

>> No.3522242

I don't think she was a boomer before that but my memory gets fuzzy that far back.

>> No.3522328
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I know man, like tears in rain ;_;
early lockdown was a trip

>> No.3522659

The only EOP meme around her was that she's 40

>> No.3522834

Please post sexy senchou's onegai

>> No.3522932
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>> No.3526669

What would eating Marines ass taste like?

>> No.3526811


>> No.3528446

she does wonderful things to my dick

>> No.3530124

>She will never cut the circulation to your legs as she rides you

>> No.3530177
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>> No.3530410

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivAu2GGbTzs new 2hu at the usual timeslot

>> No.3530417

Oh yes 2hu time

>> No.3530572

>Marine pretending to like 2hu again

>> No.3530638

Do you think Marine has trouble wiping her ass? Does she have to use rag on a stick to wash her massive ass?

>> No.3530663

nah I use my dick to wipe it

>> No.3530692

>1CC hard mode clear

>> No.3530745

>replying to it

>> No.3531998

/jp/ we are coming home.

>> No.3532289
File: 1.43 MB, 1033x581, 1589204254599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the new 2hu

>> No.3532316

I want Marine to sit on my face/10

>> No.3532368
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Another Kappa

>> No.3532422
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2hu hijack lol

>> No.3532526
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How sex out of 10?

>> No.3532718
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>> No.3532797
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Would you fug?

>> No.3532815


>> No.3532909

Marine isn't playing. Watame is. Watame is the 2hufag in Hololive, Marine only pretends to like it.

>> No.3532945

I love Senchou's panicked screams

>> No.3532987
File: 1.38 MB, 1033x581, 1597036705381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in addition to a kappa we've got a new tengu

>> No.3533009

Damn this song is pretty good

>> No.3533043

Senchou is having PTSD from quickman's stage

>> No.3533081


>> No.3533177

Say what's the story behind senchou being traumatized by lasers again?

>> No.3533426

Quick Man's stage

>> No.3533469


>> No.3533776

So 2hu is a roguelike now?

>> No.3533876

Marine is getting laser ptsd again

>> No.3534137
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>> No.3534184

Psychokensis is such a broken item holy shit.

>> No.3534468


>> No.3534805
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Happy Maid day

>> No.3535089
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the strongest!

>> No.3535119


>> No.3535205

She finally made it to stage 6

>> No.3535276
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>> No.3535301

Oh boy

>> No.3535371

It's in the title of the game

>> No.3535510

Ah, so close

>> No.3535522

God I want to bend her over and fuck her very roughly from behind while grabbing her milkers

And also suck on her milkers

>> No.3535686


>> No.3536155
File: 1.53 MB, 1033x581, 1591853667381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no not the lasers

>> No.3536289

Senchou Choke

>> No.3536328


>> No.3536520

i came right at the end goddamnit

>> No.3536569

I can't believe Senchou streamed this game for almost three hours

>> No.3536767

Damn I forgot her new year model has prominent jiggle physics.

>> No.3536843


>> No.3537057

Why does she look like a higher than average rate prostitute now?

>> No.3537062

I love this woman's nasal voice

>> No.3537327

Because that is her dream job, but she is too fat and ugly for that.
Shit taste.

>> No.3537545

Brown sugar with a hint of coconut and shit.

>> No.3537649

when she lets her real voice slip out it's just great

>> No.3538015

>likes country roads and gospel
She's a good Christian girl alright.

>> No.3538104

>burger and negro christianity

>> No.3538213

It says here you're a heretic

>> No.3539298

geisha is the word you're looking for

>> No.3543123
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>> No.3543143

Lets take a look at some of Senchou's older streams

>> No.3543223

I want to fuck senchou so hard wile she moans ahoy over and over

>> No.3543703


>> No.3544671
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Go jack to futa hentai stormweenie

>> No.3547162
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Seeing New Year's Marine again today was nice

>> No.3549427
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>Captain presents her bottom half
>all I can think of is kissing her

>> No.3551253


>> No.3552702

I only masturbate to her friends and her daughteru.

>> No.3552749

>schizo perpetuates lies about Marine as a form of gatekeeping while pretending to be several people
>acts surprised when newfags believe his schizoposting

>> No.3552877

Honestly though I want to take marine to Paris and talk about how dirty it is while we eat overpriced food

>> No.3556983

I feel like Marine would be content just going to a cheap resort town and eating okay food

>> No.3561214
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>> No.3563044
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>> No.3564853
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>> No.3567022

ofc she‘s fat lmao. norio is just making things up

>> No.3568193


>> No.3568426


>> No.3568451

still sick, she didn't sound recovered during her touhou stream...

>> No.3568518

Get well soon Senchou...

>> No.3573636
File: 284 KB, 1818x2048, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_ebibi_hu2__b9e6a08454a23ac9da1483681a45d973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3573866

Towa's artist called her cute, small and her tits huge.

>> No.3574159

Alright, I'm beating my meat now.

>> No.3575606

Disclaimer: huge is relative

>> No.3577499
File: 1020 KB, 1920x2160, 1593691502854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get well soon senchou

>> No.3577597

>Pekora taking care of anybody
Senchou is going to die, isn't she?

>> No.3577621

I mean, she's not that bad. She could at least take care of a mildly sick person without killing them.

>> No.3578214
File: 3.52 MB, 1448x2048, 1607445527246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to her dusty womb

>> No.3578441

I'll listen to her moist pussy

>> No.3578825

>the sound of wind blowing across a vast expanse of untouched arable land and tumbleweeds rolling about

>> No.3578882 [DELETED] 

Have some old archives to tide you over

>> No.3578943

It´s Marine, she was probably masturbating.

>> No.3582279
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>> No.3582559


>> No.3582596

Hey Granny Marine is sexy, in her own way.

>> No.3582640

>Best hololive pirate
But she's the only hololive pirate...

>> No.3582729

Winning by default is still winning.

>> No.3586406
File: 189 KB, 848x1199, EtEY3tWVEAcw9At.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3587174

F cup is relatively huge.

>> No.3587299

Japanese F cup is a US DD. So not really.

>> No.3587711

What does her butthole smell like after a 3 hour stream lads?I wish my dying breaths be her smell while gasping for air.

>> No.3588248

She is also onahole sized, so they look huge on her.

>> No.3588337

how old is marine

>> No.3588358


>> No.3588686


>> No.3588696

Good game.

>> No.3588765

Smaller girls tend to get higher bpm.

>> No.3588826

Now I'm curious about Aqua's.

>> No.3589207


>> No.3590056

That's a stereotype perpetuated by dudes who know nothing about boobs. Cup fill for bras in US and JP are the same. F cup = F cup. The only difference is in band size due to imperial/metric measurements.

>> No.3590271

I said in the jay and I´m gonna say ir again
fucking cake has better color distribution that her, holy shit

>> No.3593499
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>> No.3596930
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>> No.3598708
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>> No.3598866


>> No.3599144
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This gives me the ultimate heart boner. I want to grow old with Marine.

>> No.3600284

Marine will be appearing on the variety program thing they are hosting on the official channel.

>> No.3600337

Like pheromones and sweat.

>> No.3603133

So, sex
Senchou's butthole smells like sex

>> No.3603554

in like, 20 hours yeah

>> No.3603769

No stream today, do your archive reps.

>> No.3604207
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>> No.3604707
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How come nobody is talking about this? RE Village's devil doll is literally Marine's evil twin

>> No.3604848

Oh, that's why I want to stick my dick in her.

>> No.3604886

I keep seeing people mention this when watching the streams but I just don't hear it

>> No.3605037

>all these cancelled streams
it's over isn't it
collapse is imminent

>> No.3605867

What are you talking about?

>> No.3606624

In the Japanese dub of the game the doll's voice actress sounds really similar to Marine.

There's some clipfag video on Youtube of Pekora's playthrough where you hear a lot of her dialogue.

>> No.3607358

Oh, interesting. I've been avoiding RE8 because I've yet to complete it myself but I'll give it a look once I'm done.

>> No.3608285

>doll's voice actress sounds really similar to Marine.
not really, but I'd say Marine could mimic the voice with little practice

>> No.3609791

I hope she’s resting well and eating chicken noodle soup

>> No.3613339
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It's literally her.

>> No.3615444
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>> No.3615545

Marine is kill, antis WON

>> No.3616150


>> No.3617824

lol its true

>> No.3618565

Is the rrat true? Did marine voice the doll?


>> No.3618626

Back to global

>> No.3618907
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>> No.3618946


>> No.3619188

That stream Made me drop some tears

>> No.3619233

It might sound familiar if you never heard any of the japanese voice actors in the industry.

>> No.3619371

God I wish she'd sit on my lap

>> No.3623578

Of course.

>> No.3624985

why dont the retards believing the rrat that marine is obese just do their reps instead

>> No.3625119

Prime age

>> No.3625144


>> No.3630974


>> No.3631355
File: 132 KB, 946x946, shuba!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone in gen 3 is fucking bland and boring
lol she has boobs and collabs with the other braindead retards in the same gen aha funny
is annoying
LOOK SHE HAS BOOBS!!!!!!!!!! uhhhh yeah thats it she also tells anticlimactic stories and people talk about them for days on end like the autists that they are also she farted in the middle of an asmr stream or something idk
screams like a fucking child to no end
>the half negro
hololive jp went downhill from gen 3 onwards. coco's plebbit pandering lamy and amane are sort of alright, though i mainly prefer watching shuba and i occasionally check mio and okayu's streams as well. they are far more interesting than anyone who came after hololive gamers, and they are actually entertaining, unlike the ones i selectively shat on above
shuba shuba shuba shuba shuba.

>> No.3631405

Who asked?
Where are the askers?
May I pose an enquiry in regard to the location of the people who asked?

>> No.3631466 [DELETED] 

>Who asked?
>Where are the askers?
>May I pose an enquiry in regard to the location of the people who asked?
10000000000000000000% mad

>> No.3632722
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You shouldnt have asked poor anon, for someone to write this here he's fishing for easy (you)s. Just don't forget to love your Oshi and ignore shillposters.

>> No.3632975

How long since you're off meds?

>> No.3633678

Oh no, Mio's curse

>> No.3633795

idk man it sounds close

>> No.3633929

Your ears must be stuffed with something.

>> No.3634153

I'm not hearing it.

>> No.3636112

Because they want their fetish to be real, even if it's insulting to their oshi. Don't even have to do reps for proof. Mio talked about touching Senchou's belly on their shopping trip and said Marine wasn't as big as Marine thinks she is.

>> No.3636887

not even close.
You might want to consider getting something fancier than 5$ earphones if you plan to listen seiyuus actively, you're missing out

>> No.3639964


>> No.3640058

>Flare Ch. 不知火フレア
>still at 620k subs
What went wrong

>> No.3640422

Stars spin around her butt.

>> No.3640619

Live now

>> No.3640885

The subamarine banter is top tier as ever.

>> No.3641042

So this is a weekly program featuring those three, eh?

>> No.3641542
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>> No.3642488

it's probably subaru + guests

>> No.3642590

It's kinda weak if they're just going to play games, I guess it's kinda hard to do variety shows with 3D limitation.

>> No.3643793

The very title has game showcase in it, what were you expecting?

>> No.3644059

did you see how far the chair was from Marine's ass

>> No.3644117


>> No.3644460 [DELETED] 

Mel moved like a beautiful person during her 3D, Marine moves like a fat ogre during her 3Ds. She is definitely a landwhale.

>> No.3644834

Honestly I expected better, maybe it's felt weak because monhunt isn't exactly a game with much interactivities between players.

>> No.3645587

Eh, given the way it's edited I don't think the game choice is going to matter all that much.

>> No.3647803
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>> No.3648236
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>> No.3650160

God I wish that burger were me.

>> No.3650583

I wish that was my sauce all over her shirt

>> No.3650849

>You will never take well-endowed, middle school Marine to WcDonalds
Why live?

>> No.3651118
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>> No.3652034

I want her to get a OL outfit, complete with pencil skirt and high heels

>> No.3655456

Personally, I don't really believe the rat, but I don't care either way. Regardless if it's true or not I find her appealing, and making her unappealing is the reason behind why the retard keeps spamming that Marine is fat in the threads.

>> No.3658767
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>> No.3659329

What a beautiful person

>> No.3660126

>[SEX SYNDROME] ガチ洗脳ちゃん 歴代No.1長舌タレント級美貌の極上SS級プロコスプレイヤー 日向⊿かとし似 新太陽系最強ののかもも ノノ#02 ベロライブ Verotuber宝まりん[H]

is this the first marine jav? what took so long?

>> No.3660224


>> No.3662027
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Why didn't you impregnate her while there was still time?

>> No.3662554

I'm too scared to confess

>> No.3663200

She's 17 she has plenty of time.

>> No.3664352

I will end her menopause

>> No.3667494

Expecting it to be just as god awful as the Pekora one was
