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3507528 No.3507528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Marine should be banned from live events and offcollabs. She is very unhealthy:
>resting heart rate of 120
>poor diet
>constantly going to the hospital
>constantly sick
>body age of 45
If she caught chink flu she would die, it is not worth the risk.

>> No.3507572

Sorry just side affects of me impregnating her

>> No.3507580

Reminds me, wasn't a recently graduated vtuber confirmed to have died of covid?

>> No.3507613


>> No.3507623

>resting heart rate of 120
>poor diet
>constantly going to the hospital
>constantly sick
>body age of 45
That's a description of an average modern woman.

>> No.3507651

Sorry, i fucked her so hard and often that it's breaking her health down. Just can't get enough of the womb.

>> No.3507674

Where the fuck do you live? That is not normal.

>> No.3507683

she's 17, she's invincible

>> No.3507706

america or mexico probably

>> No.3507760

America 100%

>> No.3507774

>resting heart rate of 120
How the fuck do you live like this?

>> No.3507799 [DELETED] 
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>Marine should be banned from live events and offcollabs. She is very unhealthy:
>>resting heart rate of 120
>>poor diet
>>constantly going to the hospital
>>constantly sick
>>body age of 45
>If she caught chink flu she would die, it is not worth the risk.

>> No.3507804

those are above average stats for a burger, minus the going to the hospital part

>> No.3507822

>don't do cardio often
>resting heart rate is 50
A-am I dying?

>> No.3507937

If she truly had a resting heart rate of 120, she should do more live events and offcollabs, things she enjoy, because she's dying soon. I mean, she should be dead right now, so your numbers are questionable.

>> No.3507950


>> No.3507978

Go watch her heartbeat video on her channel and count.

>> No.3508052

livestreaming isn't 'resting'

>> No.3508126

It is though.

>> No.3508172
File: 45 KB, 712x480, 1608821749881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro that's literally me
except the heart rate, jesus christ is she a fucking gerbil?

>> No.3508221

She just got done furiously masturbating.

>> No.3508257

A heartrate of 120 while livestreaming to thousands of people can easily be explained through stress and anxiety. It is a much likelier explanation given that women tend towards neuroticism.

>> No.3508289

I can't believe Marine's only got 38.7 eggs left! We need to get her pregnant ASAP

>> No.3508321

That's actually really good, incredulously so. The lower the resting heart rate, the better, as it means your heart is strong enough to pump enough blood with fewer pumps. Her's has to pump twice a second to keep up, even if she's just sitting still.

>> No.3508426

That's actually how many kids she's carrying right now after I fucked her till my cock fell off

>> No.3508458

There's no way she isn't overweight right? She talked about not wanting to excersize which is odd

>> No.3508487

>says that she hates exercise
>ends up severely unhealthy
if you don't exercise your health will go to shit, it is pretty much guaranteed

>> No.3508503

I'm 110lbs and I hate exercise. It's actually pretty normal if you're a lazy person and all your hobbies involved sitting down at a computer.

>> No.3508563

you're replying to schizo-chama (burger edition)
expect a lot of "MARINE IS FAT"
that's his new arc now, he's differentiating himself from the sea one

>> No.3508604

It goes to her tits and ass, for now

>> No.3508655

well she wakes up -eats - works - eat - reads BL - sleeps in a loop, she mentioned that when she admited that she does not have time for real romance
she also acted insulted when her friends and coworkers said she need to lose weight and wanted shortcuts
so some jp bro need to get her good dick and force her to slim down

>> No.3508665

wait, is marine NOT fat?

>> No.3508725
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Fucking hell, name?

>> No.3508883

she's about as "fat" as the average girl who wants her stomach to be completely flat, and calls herself a fatass for being 120 lbs

>> No.3508925

Amakawa Hano did heartbeat ASMR for an entire hour and her heart rate was never that high and she is a lazy NEET.

>> No.3508948

did Amakawa Hano have her thyroid removed for medical reasons?

>> No.3508963

She fucking waddles, she is fucking fat.

>> No.3508983

you are fucking wrong

>> No.3509029

Most of those heart beat asmrs that go over like 10 minutes are a short clip repeated over several times

>> No.3509092

This was me for a year while I had undiagnosed hyperthyroidism. I lost a ton of weight by doing nothing, but once I started treating it I realized how insane it was making me by having my body trick my brain into flight or fight constantly.

>> No.3509117

Are Japanese wage slaves allowed to be fat and use public transportation?

>> No.3509341
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More cushion for the pushin'

>> No.3509705

She does waddle.

>> No.3509944

remember the clip from the 3d stream where someone touched her ass and it was way off from the 3d model? it's because she's a landwhale

>> No.3510444

If you're not an athlete and you have a resting heart rate under 60, you need to see a doctor.
A healthy adult should be between 60-80 depending on activity levels.

>> No.3510678
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>> No.3510711

business are fined if their workers are fat sometimes

>> No.3510729

When I was living in Japan, practically every salaryman over the age of 35 had some sort of a beer gut or obesity. It's usually the 20-somethings who work their fingers to the bone that stay skinny since they usually don't afford themselves time to eat whereas the senior management usually have a shit ton of functions, meetings, after work 放題 etc. where even all the walking one does via public transportation isn't enough to shake off.

>> No.3510887

I miss Molyneux on twitter. Just imagine him exhorting all the holos to have kids before their excellent idol genes go to waste.

>> No.3510915

Why not ban her from Hololive as a whole?

>> No.3511002

he was such wacky character i miss him

>> No.3511006

who the fuck is this stefan guy lol

>> No.3511085
File: 45 KB, 337x337, IMG_2990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heartrate is around 120...I'm not gonna die right?

>> No.3511100

its true, marine should retire and become my wife

>> No.3511102

an old libertarian wacko, who was nuked from all social media

>> No.3511148

are you sure you're not just dumb and counted or multiplied incorrectly?

>> No.3511149

Is it your resting heat rate? You should probably visit the doctor in that case, if you're not severely obese you might have dangerously high blood pressure caused by something else.

>> No.3511155

I can't wait for him to debut in Holosophy Gen1

>> No.3511180

source on the heart rate? That's really fucking bad.

>> No.3511277
File: 2.74 MB, 444x720, 1611929452149.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fat do you really think she is?

>> No.3511369
File: 2.53 MB, 238x480, 1591718147455.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3511389

Her heartbeat ASMR.

>> No.3511419

fat people can't squat like that btw

>> No.3511433


>> No.3511504

horny thread?

>> No.3511506

Yeah I just found it. I don't know if a heartbeat during something like that can be considered resting. I've always been taught resting heart rate should be right after waking up.

>> No.3511576

No, you're going to live forever

>> No.3511660
File: 96 KB, 800x420, zzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the original tweet, he was obsesed with white woman wombs

>> No.3511867

