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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34297127 No.34297127 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>34289259

>> No.34297139


>> No.34297155
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.34297179

Botted post

>> No.34297181
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>> No.34297194
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I mean if they do they're retarded, there's not that many streams scheduled. Might be missing a few members streams like the one Mumei mentioned and I think a few of the girls didn't have the weekend listed.

>> No.34297195

Your mom.

>> No.34297238
File: 67 KB, 945x1309, 1637596716348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours after premiere
>Full EN cover on Moris channel barely above 50k views
Nice one ENfags. More homo collabs! Accelerate!

>> No.34297244

boy school reopening really killed us stone dead huh?

>> No.34297270

Anchor for /news/.
Last thread : >>34290346

>> No.34297278

what did anon mean by this?

>> No.34297290

Oh, btw Oct 1st is China's National day
Let's see if NijiEN can come up with anything interesting

>> No.34297303
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>> No.34297309

nigger you know full well youtube verification is fucked during the first few hours, and with the thread going so slow I'm not even sure who you're trying to bait with this

>> No.34297331

Nah they'll find a way to quadraple overlap each other with guerillas like they did the other day

>> No.34297367

i'll never understand how the middle one is even remotely popular, literally has a manface

>> No.34297387

nijigold party at https://www.twitch.tv/mogra

>> No.34297388

This thread is basically what happens when a lake gets overfished and everyone sensible leaves for greener pastures, leaving only the stubborn and retarded endlessly casting baits into the water hoping to get bites

>> No.34297417


>> No.34297427

So, in the past like 24 hours, Kobo's Valo addiction has made her
>Crash a Zeta-Bae Valo full collab
>Invite herself to a Holo Tempus Valo session
>Literally stream Valo on Moona's channel
She played for at least 7 hours on other people's streams, none on her own channel.

>> No.34297433

How long have you been cooped up in your parent's basement that you forgot how women look?

>> No.34297448

Nah # is just culled

>> No.34297469

Kobo is going insane, menhera arc incomming

>> No.34297475

Might add a Chinese flag next to the B2 icon on their server.

>> No.34297485

imagine if even a single EN was this motivated

>> No.34297501

Thread is so dead rn, so
New outfit for Belmond, not sure if anyone remembered to pick it up, remember to count it for this month

(And no, don't ask why I put it on this late, I don't even watch Niji, but one of my friend picked it up)

>> No.34297506

it still went through, but it had to be delayed by many days because haachama failed to meet the deadline.

>> No.34297516

Botted Minds

>> No.34297541

Nah, even the baiters left for greener pastures. Already a Myth song bait thread on the catalog.

>> No.34297563

I'd rather not have a Matsuri/Ollie 2.0 where that's all they play and turn menhara

>> No.34297564

Still better than holoEN

>> No.34297577

that literally happens for every single myth song though, there was one trying to call Q a falure the minute it dropped

>> No.34297581

Anon, this is genuine NijiEN behavior.

>> No.34297606

>no streams on their own channel
Let's be real, you would all call her a lazy whore w who doesn't stream anyway because she doesn't have anything on her channel. It's what happens to all EN girls here who don't stream their perspective in collabs.

>> No.34297612

We need to recline, we've been moving too fast for so long that the thread is just a morass of newfaggotry and bait-biting day and and day out.

>> No.34297615

meidos are retards that should be made fun off every day
the fucked up thing is that the holos kept the original timeslot free for her so we ended up with 1 hour of nothing on top of disappointment

>> No.34297631
File: 136 KB, 463x453, kawaisoupeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, that entire thread is basically a mirror of /#/ when Nijisanji gets hit with karma.

> サロメ様素晴らしいわ
> Salome-sama's great!
> それはそれとてぺこらに散々胡散臭いだのカルト教だの大騒ぎした化け物にじ豚どうすんのこれ?
> Putting that aside, all of you you niji pigs who said "It's shady" and "It's a cult" when Pekora did it, what're you gonna do about this?
> 同じ事言うんだよな?
> Not gonna say the same here?

> 素敵な事だから真似しましたって言ってるやん. すぐに行動に移せるのは良いことやと思うよ
> It's a good thing which is why it's being imitated. It's good that they took action immediately.
> そうだな. でも散々にじ豚が胡散臭いだの騙されてるだの言ってたからサロメ様も気をつけないとな
> That's true. But nijipigs were saying "it's shady", "She's(Pekora) being fooled" and stuff, so Salome-sama should be careful as well.

> にじ信は売名とか胡散臭いとかステマとかいってたからサロメはそうなんだろうな。俺は立派だと思うけどね
> Nijifans said "it's for publicity", "it's stealth marketing", "it's shady" and all when Pekora did it, so Salome must be like that too huh. I think she's a good person though.
> にじさんじはクリーンだからセーフ. ホロライブはアウト
> Nijisanji is clean and safe. Hololive bad

> 女Vtuberってみんなぺこらの後追いばっかりだよな
> Female VTubers are all chasing after Pekora huh.

> サロメの方が有名だし効果もあるだろ
> Salome is more famous and it'll be more effective.

> てかハッシュタグつけ忘れてるみたいやね これそのままだと有効にならんのでは?
> Wait she didn't add the campaign hashtag... isn't it invalid without that?
> そこなw 時間までに気付くかしら・・・
> lol true. I wonder if she'll realize before the time is up. Well, in any case leaving aside copying or rubbing elbows whatever, but it's nice to contribute to society regardless of boundaries.

> そもそもぺこらが他のインフルエンサーの後追いなんだよな. サロメは遅すぎ
> Pekora is just following other influencers, Salome is super late to the trend
> ぺこらが他のインフルエンサーの後追い? まじで言ってんの?
> paraphrasing : "really nigga?"
> deleteC運動は数年前からやってて、某YoutuberやらSNSの有名インフルエンサーやらがけっこう前から取り上げたりしてたぞ. Vtuberばっかり追いかけてないでもっと世の中を知れ
> The deleteC movement has been around for a few years. Youtubers and famous SNS influencers have been promoting it for quite some time. Don't just stick to Vtubers, expand your general knowledge.
> それで17000件しかないんかよ。インフルエンサーとは・・・
> Is that why the campaign only had 17000 entries before this? "Influencers" lol.

> "This NPO suddenly became shady"
> これただの利権団体だろ. 金に糸目つけすぎ
> "It's just an interest group. Too much emphasis on money"
> 募金とか全部着服してるタイプの団体じゃね
> "It's the type of group that donates money and embezzles everything."
> こいつら詐欺グループじゃね
> "These guys are a scam group."
> 慈善事業しようって奴らがエサ垂らされただけで確認もせずに即反応するかね
> Did you idiots really think she would just take up a campaign immediately without even checking, just because she was getting baited with "You should do charity work" comments?
> にじ信がハゲのダブスタ野郎じゃないなら同じ様なコメントが並ぶはずだよね?
> If Nijifags weren't bald bastards with double standards, there would be similar comments here as well, right?

> にじはファンが厄介すぎるんだよな.
> Nijifans are way too annoying.
> まさかこんなキャンペーンにまでいちゃもん言うとはね. 表では捨て垢でアンチ迷惑行為だし厄介すぎるわ
> Yeah, didn't think they would go so far to harass a campaign like this. Putting throwaways in front and doing antiposts, way too annoying.

> にじ信ボコボコで草. 嫌がらせにイチャモンつけてたのにまさかライバーに後ろから刺されるなんてwとんだピエロやな
> Nijifags getting btfo lol. Even though they were harassing and slandering that much, they got stabbed in the back by their own liver lmao. Fucking clowns.

>> No.34297645

Lol ID pekora they said, more like ID matsuri

>> No.34297657

Like a mirror...

>> No.34297659

Q was one of the fastest songs EVER to 1 million. Only behind reflect. This shit will be lucky to hit 1 million after a month.

Of course Moris music has been reclining for ages now and we've seen a ton of copes about it the real canary in the coalmine here is that Gura is involved and it's still getting shit numbers

>> No.34297710

she made up for it by having a totsumachi stream in place of the postponed live.

>> No.34297712

I don't think Kobo is Ollie 2.0 because I can at least respect her for not streaming her recent Valo addiction on her channel (and when she does, she always make it unarchived nowdays) . She'll come to these people just for the sake of valorant regardless of genders, crazy little shiteater

>> No.34297742

Kobo isn't Ollie 2.0 because she panders more to ID than EN

>> No.34297743

That's an insult to Matsuri, she at least joins and won a tourney. This is Ollie addiction to Apex without the skill

>> No.34297750
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Nigger in the time between >>34297238 and now it gained 20k views, anyone who tries to say any video has "shit numbers" before the day is even out is a nigger who is just looking to bash on someone using shit metrics as an excuse

>> No.34297798

Thanks for the tip, Nijifag.

>> No.34297803

EN vtubers in general have been reclining lately. Lockdown is over and the novelty has worn off.

>> No.34297807

Until she shows face pics and shows she's actually pretty stacked irl she doesn't get to copy Matsuri

>> No.34297825

But Kobo is decent though, also good at making gimmicks on stream

>> No.34297829

Did no one write anything?
Other than Okayu Sololive, Nijigest, Pmaru bday and PBoT reuniting for Gundam even with Towa on vacation, we also had
Rine's first ever singing stream for her 4 year anniversary
Salome on the News?
There's a song cover too.

>> No.34297832

I hate the MV, it reminds me of idle Gacha waifubait with characters doing weird back and forth movements of their 2d art. I just listen to it and don't look at it

>> No.34297845

>EN vtubers in general have been reclining lately.
Most of them are whoretubers and HoloEN is showing their true colors now in wanting to go that same direction.

>> No.34297853

The point being that the actual performance of the song doesn't matter, niggers are going to call it a flop anyway, the same way that retard is trying to call it a flop when the numbers are still verifying

>> No.34297865

You actually think Chumbuds know about it? Not like she tweeted the song.

>> No.34297866

Go to sleep indog monkey

>> No.34297868


>> No.34297870

The point is they're similar in being addicted to trashy FPS. Valo is slightly better though

>> No.34297899

>so we ended up with 1 hour of nothing on top of disappointment

>> No.34297906

Just found about today's gaijin numbers. Man, this is depressing. I legitimately wonder where EN is headed to. When will Vox and Gura stream again so we can regain some sense of normalcy?

>> No.34297913

anon she a child
don't rape a child

>> No.34297942

The name comes from Anykara being a lgbt rainbow and how they compare it to the landwhale mutts who wave them around

>> No.34297960 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 800x570, 1658890779232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I legitimately wonder where EN is headed to

>> No.34297986

Why do these monkeys so obsessed with rm shit

>> No.34297993

Fun fact, I replied to myself three times in a row there, can you kids figure out which posts they are?

>> No.34298003

Gura is Aqua now and Vox is a vtweeter

>> No.34298013
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>> No.34298019

What if Isegye idol decide to stream on YT

>> No.34298030


>> No.34298051

Same numbers as The Box Taiwanese vtubers

>> No.34298097
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Resurgence in December, calling it here

>> No.34298100

Watch pomucraft

>> No.34298120

fuck off nijibeggar

>> No.34298124

Don't let chumbuds see these videos!!!

>> No.34298125
File: 55 KB, 826x470, 1661346260904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong with Gura and Ina?

>> No.34298130

Won't watch that lifeless creative mode shit

>> No.34298134

It's even funnier with context lmao

>> No.34298145

souless server

>> No.34298155

NovelAI is a thing too.
Soon, you'll get a fully automated chuuba company.

>> No.34298158

has an actual job

>> No.34298160

we don't watch nijishit here

>> No.34298176

>My comfort game is block game
Why can't holoEN be like her....

>> No.34298187

>make a looping animation (sometimes just one or four static images)
>put the camera at different angles and apply effects at every transition
>add lyrics text over it
that's every jap MV in a nutshell. even the greatest vtuber song of all time Reflect is guilty of this.

>> No.34298188

Ina took June off didn't she?

>> No.34298192

kek remember this when they say it is only NijiEN fans that are that bad

>> No.34298205

if she post nudes on b again maybe ill give her a view

>> No.34298209

Stop anon, it isn't healthy.

>> No.34298218

Is she going to cry again?

>> No.34298219

literally nobody says that, nijiniggers are known to be nijiniggers wherever they are from the moment that term was brought into common parlance

>> No.34298240

Ina is probably busy with artist work. Gura is working on "projects" or so they say, but my personal rrat is that she's discouraged to stream again because of the current direction of EN.

>> No.34298247

I know that but this is more distracting, same with the texts

>> No.34298253

>21 hours ago
Did Lily make the EN tally?

>> No.34298255
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everything that involves kobo in it
it's going to be on trending

>> No.34298259

Stream less = more ccv

>> No.34298260

sometimes i wonder why Anykara isn't calling out toxic fan behaviour like this on their official notices. it feels like they're enabling them.

>> No.34298268

I thought it is just a straight-up direct insult.

>> No.34298289


>> No.34298288

they didn't turn menhera, they always were menhera.
apex/valorant addict, collabing with males, attentionwhoring on roommate account, thirsting for cock = menhera
this applies to JP too, laplus, aqua, matsuri, etc.

>> No.34298300

Nah she peaked like mid 3k

>> No.34298302

there's some etymology behind it but yeah it basically is a direct insult
It's not what that guy is saying though

>> No.34298325

>Carried hard by women
Wouldn't be me

>> No.34298342

For Ina, a combination of Moving + Rm stuff has sapped a lot of her time in the past few months.
For Gura, some of it was having to deal with management about her 3d Live and daki.
Some of it is IRL shit, of which we have no further details.
The rest, is ???, that we again, have no idea what she's working on explicitly, since she's afraid that if she talks about it and it gets cancelled or postponed, it'll look extra bad, so better to appear EXTREMELY lazy.
And of course, the rest of it is being naturally lazy.

>> No.34298347

With 6k likes i assume?

>> No.34298348

Honestly, I wish they just used static images with some visual effects instead of the weird 2D manipulations, such as in Shion's orisong or Goodbye Sengen. Music videos don't need to be flashy.

>> No.34298351

tell that to your mom

>> No.34298357

3,587 peak according to playboard. So no.

>> No.34298361

Gura is doing the ayame strat

>> No.34298417

>but my personal rrat is that she's discouraged to stream again because of the current direction of EN.
Grab those meds, pal.

>> No.34298425

>Playground insult

>> No.34298438
File: 14 KB, 563x81, 1634798589655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey look in the 15 minutes between my post and this post it's gained another 25k views, but don't let taht stop you from going "Not even 50k lol, ENwhores btfo"

>> No.34298442

>it's going to be on trending
in Indonesia.
Kobo is just good at starting funny scenes. And Ragus also knows how to follow-up.

>> No.34298509

>Ragus also knows how to follow-up.
He's boring. The moment Kobo showed up, she stole the show. Oh also Axel too

>> No.34298512

>3.5k peak
>3.5 hours
ID stream behavior

>> No.34298531

Viewer churn is brutal especially since the youtube viewers are filtered by her 2nd stream being a superchat reading and TTS galore once again expecting it to be like the clips she has on YouTube

>> No.34298533

That's actually pretty good wtf
Too bad the song is shit

>> No.34298556
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>> No.34298571

tallyanon doko?

>> No.34298584

>Only 95k
It's over..
just graduate everyone in myth right now starting with the laziest

>> No.34298586

rescue rooter-chama...

>> No.34298596

He's hunting down /become/ posters

>> No.34298597
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Councilrys + Kaela for comparison

>> No.34298606

>Tune into stream
>Give a like
>Can’t use Pepe emotes or omegalul
>Go back to twitch

>> No.34298611

As well as a spike in vod views. See the malay chuuba she collabed with and compare her vod numbers on her collab with kobo and her usual vod numbers. Even kobo's own vod, most of it still doesn't fail to reach 100k+

>> No.34298616
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>> No.34298638
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>> No.34298639

What the fuck is EN even doing?

>> No.34298643

>1 hour, 47 minutes, 19 seconds
Is this evwn a "clip" anymore?
That's longer than Mumei's stream.

>> No.34298669

>b-but the chat is part of the streamer experience, I won't watch it

>> No.34298681

making you seethe evidently

>> No.34298687

>literally zero hours
just graduate her already

>> No.34298707
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>> No.34298728

Truly the only thing America ever did wrong was not letting macarthur off the leash in korea

>> No.34298739

I love that one guy who subs and edits entire events.

>> No.34298747

>He's boring.
Except when he follows-up what Kobo started.
If Regis shut her up instead of following-up, Kobo would just be an annoying brat.

>> No.34298749

Great reply, retard. Have a (You) and neck yourself with it.

>> No.34298751

>Opens MV
>Grossly overanimated Live2D
>First line from Gura sounds ESL
>Close MV
How does this keep happening?

>> No.34298794

Isn't Kobo a legal adult by international standards? Pretty sure you have to be 18+ to join Hololive. So if we assume that everyone here isn't some ojisan having a midlife crisis, She'd be within the strike zone for at least 50% of the board.

>> No.34298796

now say that without crying

>> No.34298841

They only call out toxic fans when their own livers get harassed - and even then, only when it's done to the point of them not being able to work. Until then they treat it like "not my problem, we can't control what fans do".
See -
> Lulu
> Roa
> Axia
Also see : Chigusa (one time thing with no lasting damage), Chihiro, the female livers involved in the Dodgeball incident, Kuzuha fans harassing other livers during Ark, VALZ fans harassing Nagao over bantz, Vox fans harassing Reimu etc.
They won't do shit about "harassment" as long as the liver is still able to stream and make them money.

>> No.34298842

>uploading Myth's shitty original on Mori's channel for more numbers
just put it in Gura's you idiots

>> No.34298877

Kaela is a massive outlier, EN is fine on stream time

>> No.34298883

Not much! Maybe they'll realize they should be doing their jobs at some point or Cover will pull the trigger on EN3.

>> No.34298894

>Iroha is the top stream right now

>> No.34298912

>written by Mori
>It was Mori's idea
So yeah, also I wouldn't want this on Gura's channel anyway

>> No.34298918
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>> No.34298920

bros, can one become colorblind over time?
I only see 3 different colors here

>> No.34298933

Shouldn't take more than 4 other people added together to match her. The gulf is too wide.

>> No.34298950

>Is this evwn a "clip" anymore?
I read the title. It says "Full Game".
There is no way a "Full Game" is as short as a clip.

>> No.34298962

145 posts 48 ips and no lewdposting, don't you guys get tired of the same old timeloops?

>> No.34298969

isn't he the faggot that retreated to the US
leaving behind thousands of US troops after japs invaded flipland lmao

>> No.34298972

I respect Kaela's grind and I will get shit on for this but holy hell is she a boring streamer

>> No.34298982

There's a reason the dude was killed, and why his plan was impractical, even ignoring civilian casualties.
he found out that "atomic bombs" don't exist.

>> No.34299007

No tallyanon yet newfag

>> No.34299008

Do you need a Kobo for your stream to be entertaining?
Then that's boring. He's not a good solo streamer, that's my point.
>he follows-up what Kobo started.
See the Brat is always leading. It's your own stream blue homo, for fucks sake

>> No.34299021
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Here it goes

>9/30 Daily Tally
7,040: Mysta (Nijisanji)
6,078: Baelz (Hololive)
5,566: Regis (Hololive)

1. Gura (Hololive) - 15,128 (RUST)
2. Yugo (Nijisanji) - 21,274 (English Telephone Game)
3. Noir (Hololive) - 14,791 (Boomer vs. Zoomer game w/Baelz)
4. Gura (Hololive) - 30,762 (Gura's Big Brain Games w/Ollie, Kronii, Ina, IRyS, Mumei, and Baelz)
5. Vox (Nijisanji) – 25,137 (Unarchived Karaoke)
6. Baelz (Hololive) - 11,711 (Plants vs. Zombies)
7. Kiara (Hololive) - 21,528 (Holocure: Save the Fans)
8. Baelz (Hololive) - 13,218 (Unarchived Karaoke)
9. Ina (Hololive) - 12,053 (RUST)
10. Gura (Hololive) - 22,264 (Holocure: Save the Fans)
11. Gura (Hololive) - 32,232 (Gura's Big Brain Games w/Ollie, Kronii, Ina, IRyS, Mumei, and Baelz)
12. IRyS (Hololive) - 12,560 (Holocure: Save the Fans)
13. Amelia (Hololive) - 32,545 (Myth 2nd Year Anniversary)
14. Gura (Hololive) - 23,667 (2 year anniversary)
15. Gura (Hololive) - 38,413 (Unarchived Karaoke + Announcements)
16. IRyS (Hololive) - 9,687 (Holocure: Save the Fans)
17. Amelia (Hololive) - 16,478 (Worms Tournament w/Mori, Reine, Regis, Axel, Magni, and Noir)
18. Gura (Hololive) - 92,297 (Gura 3D Live)
19. Amelia (Hololive) - 10,983 (RUST)
20. Gura (Hololive) - 16,738 (Just Chatting)
21. Amelia (Hololive) - 14,488 (Hololive/Among Us collab reveal)
22. Kronii (Hololive) - 16,409 (Psychiatric Help w/Noir)
23. Luca (Nijisanji) - 9,926 (Grand Theft Changan)
24. Magni (Hololive) - 15,890 (Worms Tournament w/Baelz, Kronii, Amelia, Mori, Zeta, Moona, and Noir)
25. Amelia (Hololive) - 27,948 (Pico Park w/Gura, Mori, Kiara, IRyS, Baelz, Kronii, and Fauna)
26. Gura (Hololive) - 19,575 (Among Us w/Kiara, Amelia, Mumei, Mori, Kobo, Zeta, Moona, Anya, Reine, and Ollie)
27. Mumei (Hololive) - 15,581 (Unarchived Karaoke)
28. Ina (Hololive) - 7,945 (Splatoon 3)
29. Yugo (Nijisanji) - 20,913 (Chinese Telephone Game 二 : The Mandate of Heaven)
30. Mysta (Nijisanji) - 7,040 (Minecraft: Building the Bilibili logo)

Hololive - 25
Nijisanji - 5
Others - 0

9x: Gura
5x: Amelia
2x: Baelz, IRyS, Ina, Yugo
1x: Noir, Vox, Kiara, Kronii, Luca, Magni, Mumei, Mysta

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
45p: Gura
37p: Amelia
22p: Baelz
18p: Ina
17p: Mysta
16p: Mumei
15p: Luca, IRyS
13p: Fauna
11p: Yugo
9p: Magni
7p: Vox
6p: Shu, Mori, Kronii
5p: Noir, Kiara
4p: Enna, Regis
3p: Alban, Petra
1p: Rosemi, Maria, Millie

That puts a capper on September. An absolute dominant month for Hololive as they take it 25-5. Gura wins the most gold medals with 9 and Gura also takes home the points total with 45 points. I will be back with the more detailed points and medal breakdown later today.

>> No.34299026

Maybe she'll stream again someday, chumbud.

>> No.34299042

based ninja

>> No.34299046

Damn that's a cute Chloe.

>> No.34299056

not new, and not commenting on the lack of lewds, just the lack of anything of worth

>> No.34299057

Tallyanon is dead.
Tallyanon remains dead, and we have killed him.

>> No.34299066

I think being boring has become part of her appeal.

>> No.34299076


>> No.34299089

the thread is fucking dead anon, take a wild guess

>> No.34299095


>> No.34299098

Fair. Well here's the EN tally at least but it's fucking Mysta

>> No.34299101

She doesn't talk nearly enough and it's all idle chatter about what is happening in game.

>> No.34299110
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It's already a massive gap when the next holo is
>#2 Koyori - 141.7 hr
>#3 Kiara - 92.1 hr
(Sept 1-25)

>> No.34299126

I just learned that Nabi has a cover with Mel.

>> No.34299129

does he at least have good genderbent mating press art?

>> No.34299139

>Vesper zatsu
>viewers just interacts with Vesper through SCs
No wonder Vesper is the most SC'd Tempiss

>> No.34299145

Yep that's the guy.

>> No.34299163

It has been said plenty but I'll restate it: fucking grim. What the hell happened yesterday

>> No.34299172

To his credit, Kuzuha has, and does, call out shitheads like that in his fanbase. I dunno about the company and most of the livers though.

>> No.34299175

literally male Kronii

>> No.34299194

she's boring but comfy, which is kinda like what anons here say about Ina

sometimes I just want to listen to a chill chuuba doing low energy things on stream while working, and kaela fits the job perfectly

>> No.34299207

Just post the girl who pussywhipped him, Mika

>> No.34299221

You forgot to update the 29th.

>> No.34299240

Holy shit Koyori is a monster

>> No.34299282
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kaela = boring but streams most of the hours she's awake
EN = boring and no streams

>> No.34299294

That's exactly my point, stupid kobokek. He is boring without Kobo's intervention. Good thing he knows how to play Kobo's game.

>> No.34299296

Axia too

>> No.34299307

>Gura wins the most gold medals with 9 and Gura also takes home the points total with 45 points
Gura streamed 9 times this month
Got gold every time
Please stream more, shork

>> No.34299310

>he just mentioned that he sucks at this and needs a system for it
nowa oji....i kneel....

>> No.34299325

>IRyS and Kronii going the opposite direction starting in June
Why the fuck didn’t they give kronii Model to IRyS damn it. That April fools stream fucking hurts even more know IRyS would probably already have her 3d by now with it…

>> No.34299335

But you could say the same thing for other holos added up not being able to match Gura

>> No.34299337

What's sad is Marine would have pretty high hours if she wasn't a cripple, she loves streaming.

>> No.34299347


>> No.34299363

Today was surprisingly good till 0 JST hit.

>> No.34299382

Why can't another EN superstar emerge
I love Gura, she's my oshi, but she isn't the only entertaining weeb girl on the entire fucking planet... is she?

>> No.34299395

NTA, but I just listen to Watame. Comfy, but actually has good conversations skills.

>> No.34299447
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Twitter Trending

#5 Okayu Sololive
#7 Nijifantasia

>> No.34299486

vocaloid nerd, she didn't want to become anime (she hasn't watched 10) she wanted to become Miku

>> No.34299493


>> No.34299494
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and another 30k in 20 minutes
this might actually hit a million within 3 days

>> No.34299521

>Gura streams = Gura wins
Her 2 lowest streams were a just chatting and a huge overlap with JP stream at fucking 3-6 am USA time

>> No.34299522

just wait for tomorrow

>> No.34299524

Is it because of her throat?

>> No.34299531

Yeah I get that, wrong term, whatever, you get my point.

>> No.34299535

Niji mogged by a fatcat lmao

>> No.34299542

Bets on the #? Will this finally be the first time Homos get the cripple gold without EN? (But with shoto)

>> No.34299546


>> No.34299553

The conversation is about streaming hours, anon.

>> No.34299562

>He is boring without Kobo's intervention.
Kek. Regis Altare is boring. Glad that we agreed on this one
>Good thing he knows how to play Kobo's game.
Everyone she collab with can do this. How's that special for him?
Not smart enough to take the lead and retake his ownership of his own stream. Why is he the leader again?

>> No.34299571

Fuck you tally anon. Give us the tally right now

>> No.34299591

>Only 128k in 4hrs
It's over... how do we save myth?

>> No.34299594

Jesus Christ, even with a topic the whole company got destroyed by a fat cat

>> No.34299601

700k tops in a week

>> No.34299603

Well technically I guess so, though I think holding it in until you explode and put yourself on indefinite hiatus because you hate your fanbase so much is a bit different lol

>> No.34299609

Contrary to popular belief, Gura actually watches anime but she can’t make a list to submit to CR because it would all be cunny

>> No.34299610

Yes what about it?

>> No.34299621

It's October somewhere in the world, CCV table anon where have you been all month aaaiiieeeee

>> No.34299629

They probably will get cripple gold for this because nobody in EN will stream any buff content and Gura won't collect her default gold

>> No.34299645

Depends if Shoto's fans actually watch it. If yes, then easily assuming Gura doesn't become alive again.

>> No.34299675


World Trend ? anon…if you don’t know nijisanji is more popular in Japan than hololive.

>> No.34299730

yeah, 2 years ago maybe

>> No.34299736

Stop baiting for replies, retard.

>> No.34299759
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>World Trend ? anon…if you don’t know nijisanji is more popular in Japan than hololive.

>> No.34299765

>Everyone she collab with can do this.
I did not see that when she crashed on Zeta's stream. She got outdone by her idol on her own channel.
>Not smart enough to take the lead and retake his ownership of his own stream.
Kek. I won't argue with you, because whatever I say to you, you will just make up reasons to defend Kobo, blind Kobokek.

>> No.34299775
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>> No.34299778

Can you feel it? EN3 will be upon us any day now...

>> No.34299781

wtf are you talking about

>> No.34299787

Except when he just dicks around and does nothing but talk, he's interesting, and it's possible to enjoy his zatsus without wanting to fuck him.
The man made HERMAN MELVILLE funny. That requires talent.

>> No.34299793

I hope to see some nice yorumi lewds when I wake up, she's the hottest girl in today's gold

>> No.34299800

trust the plan, 2 more weeks

>> No.34299815
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>I know

>> No.34299821

Despite how the word is usually used, weeb, short for weaboo, is actually a word that is used for anyone who obsess with any part of Japanese culture, not just anime and manga.

>> No.34299828

Frankly, I hope this is true, because that was just painful to see.

>> No.34299829

Nijifes is a fucking let down. I was expecting the whole board to be overrun by 500 Discord Nijinigs. But i got the normal shitty catalog bait instead. Also why is Moona blue and cunny and streaming Valo at this time?

>> No.34299831

with each day, the Homo's floor get's lower

>> No.34299837
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>> No.34299885

it's actually at 142k now

>> No.34299893


>> No.34299894


It’s over nijibros ….

>> No.34299907

brain tumor anon...
>While most color blindness is inherited at birth, you can actually become color blind later in life. This is called acquired color blindness and it affects men and women equally. Acquired color blindness is often the result of diseases, so it’s important that you talk to your color if your vision changes.

>> No.34299909


>> No.34299910

Nijisisters, don't look... NijiFes is super duper duper popular, I promise... We're winning...

>> No.34299917


>> No.34299916
File: 1.06 MB, 579x976, 1637529282953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura has the lowest streamed hours in her branch, not only for this month. She's actually lowest since the beginning of the year, only infront of Ina and sana

>> No.34299924

Millie's an idiot, that Geoguesser stream should be fun.

>> No.34299957

anon he has had 3.3k zatsus before at this time slot, if anything he's slightly inclined a bit

>> No.34299960

>you will just make up reasons to defend Kobo
Is this how you see me?
I'm just saying Regis is boring and you are deflecting to Kobo.
Regissisters can't accept the truth, huh?

>> No.34299959


>> No.34299965

>conversation is about hours
>retard brings up Gura who has the second lowest hours in EN this year
Wow I wonder.

>> No.34299990



>> No.34299989

>already 3700 and still inclining

>> No.34300004

Nijifest losing in mogushares

>> No.34300011

/#/ is reclining...

>> No.34300013


>> No.34300038

Enna 5k streamer now

>> No.34300066

Factorio streams soon

>> No.34300070

October 2023

>> No.34300069

They should have covered mogu mogu yummy

>> No.34300071

Why did Cover viciously counterprogram Nijifes with a paywalled Okayu concert? A very cruel kneecapping. Obviously an event with the entire Nijisanji company couldn't compete with one very soft and plump cat singing songs.

>> No.34300073
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>> No.34300090

Millie's done geoguesser before, it's a fun stream. IDK who that other shitter with her is tho. Would be better with like Enna or Pomu.

>> No.34300096

Enna is not doing buff handcam content and she can't reach 5k anymore, who would have guessed

>> No.34300101

I said that Gura beats out several holos combined like ayame, aqua, shion, la+ adding up some of them gura beats them in hours watched even in the last few months

>> No.34300110

oh no no no nijikeks???

>> No.34300113

you know you've made it when you have retards celebrating every decline of 100 viewers

>> No.34300117


>> No.34300123


>> No.34300146

Time for feetcam?

>> No.34300148

>Luna 9k at this hour

>> No.34300162

A question what happen to Subaru's 3D live that she postponed has she mention what date is going to happen

>> No.34300169

hours streamed*

>> No.34300178

>9k is good now
Hololive owakon

>> No.34300189

Graduate everyone below 8k average

>> No.34300188

Holy hell
How can he ever recover ...

>> No.34300192

oh shit

>> No.34300194
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>> No.34300212

Speaking of, anyone still have the link to that lactating vtuber that did feet cam from a few threads ago?

>> No.34300221

It's a Tagalog stream. Her collab partner is a Flip.

>> No.34300236
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>> No.34300240


>> No.34300247

>people asking genuinely good questions about good topic about HoloPro that will incline his numbers
>he focuses on stupid ass questions about fauna, survivor, and fishing
This is boring as fuck

>> No.34300250

Nobody is going to defend those 4, but the JP branch also has over 30 people. EN has 10 and ends up with a lot of dead hours or days where only 1 or 2 people stream.

>> No.34300283

>Gozaru 9k at this hour...

>> No.34300287

Maybe, but I literally watched my first Tempus stream this week, and that shit might not show in the thread until later

>> No.34300290


>> No.34300299


>> No.34300300

So what's up with Kobo and collab autism anyway? I remember seeing her collab with Ame and Iroha and saw a bright future for HoloID, Like dang! This kid handled 2 autists like handling 2 babies and make a normally awkward stream be entertaining... but then the Among Us collab happened. Has she always been this shy?

>> No.34300301

I don't recall her saying a date

>> No.34300304

Just graduate everyone below washed up dog.
Falling below her is mark of true failure.

>> No.34300309

>9k better than all but like..3 Nijis average ccv

>> No.34300331

Well would be great to have more members to fill in the gaps

>> No.34300347

Like what? Did you ask something you thought was clever and get ignored?

>> No.34300357

Yeah but he came back eventually

>> No.34300362

Kobo can't speak English so she's shy from communicating with others

>> No.34300373


>> No.34300374

Do you really think Shoto isn't going to stream his POV and that his fans aren't going to watch him instead?

>> No.34300407

I asked him about cyberpunk and he ignored me fucking asshole who doesn't read scs it was yellow too

>> No.34300411

>Will you collab with Gura in the future ? We would like to see some grandpa granddaughter dynamic in Holopro

>> No.34300416

Kiara's DO U MV seems to be pretty stable in terms of view gain even in the second week after it's release.
From 700k to 800k took approximately 3 days
From 600k to 700k took about the same
Can we actually expect it to hit 1m in another week?

>> No.34300417

She doesn't do well in large collabs since she can't keep up with the English conversation.

>> No.34300422

Literally what the fuck is wrong with Tempus? Why the fuck are they doing a full gen collab behind a paywall? I thought Holo was smart enough not to allow this shit? I thought the talents were smart enough not to do this shit?
>B-but Mori
Mori's mom isn't another streamer or Holo talent.

>> No.34300424

A lot of streamers do not like being the impostor in Amogus. Nina from Niji EN won't even play it, even though collabing is basically her meta, she hates it that much. Some people just aren't good under pressure or aren't good at lying or find it distasteful even in a game.

>> No.34300448

It's fucking Mario Party

>> No.34300459

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.34300464

Well matsuri got carried hard by pro yukio, he's so good in apex people literally call him cheater

>> No.34300468
File: 2 KB, 327x46, graduate - the thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just graduate ______
Is this the meta when someone gets disappointing numbers?

>> No.34300478

Like the anime or the game? Wait until he does SC reading I guess.

>> No.34300487


>> No.34300489


>> No.34300499

Anon, Kanata started a trend of doing members streams of rust which killed the hype on top of Pekora not streaming it anymore

>> No.34300502

Shitposting has taken a dip along with half the thread vanishing

>> No.34300511

It's a Monty Python watchalong. So expect a lots of dick jokes. Maybe that's why they make it a member stream ?

>> No.34300517
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>> No.34300524

>Why the fuck are they doing a full gen collab behind a paywall?
Why not? They collab all the time.

>> No.34300530

It's definitely a Nijisanji-style move
Not something I'd be thrilled to see if my oshi ever did it

>> No.34300531


>> No.34300532

>make a normally awkward stream be entertaining
That's her strength, yes
>but then the Among Us collab happened. Has she always been this shy?
English big collab debuff

>> No.34300549


Literally Nijinigger behavior.

>> No.34300555
File: 35 KB, 500x499, EC871elWkAAp5Sm (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>movie watch along

>> No.34300569

It's a shitposting meme that predates this thread.

>> No.34300581

>multiple >10k golds
it's wide open right now for someone or something to steal the EN market
EN3 needs to come fast

>> No.34300584

no, nijisanji style move is to have a membership that's titled like it's a solo stream, and then halfway through the stream half of luxiem crash the stream and make themselves at home

>> No.34300585

Doing member's content as collabs with other talents is not typical in HoloPro, at least not in the English branch. Actually, has it ever happened in HoloEN's history?

>> No.34300595

We are talking about the LEECH KING here, his shamelessness knows no bounds.

>> No.34300597

Good bait anon

>> No.34300607

Nijinigger behavior only if them shilling this watchalong everywhere and drag Mori + Kronii on VC to join them

>> No.34300615

I didn't bother checking what you responded to and initially thought you two were talking about nijiEN.

>> No.34300619

Nigger it's a watch along. Pay the 3 million pesos if you really give a shit. If it was public it would be like a 3k stream tops.

>> No.34300622

Couldn't keep up with the English and simply hate being impostor for 4 times out of 6 games. The time with Ame and Iroha was because, in my guess, that she controlled more of the flow so she could directed it the way she wanted, same with Stars collab when they just succumbed to her bratness.

>> No.34300624

>Has she always been this shy?
She frequently gets the impostor role, and it seems that it made her too nervous. As you can see from her stream, her heartbeat even went over 150.

>> No.34300628

>tempiss in recommends
close tab, dislike, do not recommend, clear cookies

>> No.34300645

I hate to defend Enna, but she's actively doing debuff content now. Cult of the bore part 2, soma x 3. Like holy shit you're killing your momentum playing this shit.

>> No.34300658


>> No.34300660

Or you could just use brave instead of chrome

>> No.34300667

>movie watching collab is Niji behavior now
Why are you guys so fucking retarded when it comes to Tempus? HoloEN has done collab movie watches multiple fucking times.

>> No.34300668
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, 1650769931212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, nijinigger behavior is if the thumbnail looks like this, but then you actually open the stream and realize it's a four man collab with Vox mystia and Uki

>> No.34300672

I don't know if it's a debuff but I do know it's a fucking fantastic game, I love Soma

>> No.34300690

Yes, and it's always been watchalongs as far as I can remember. Even in Niji EN they really don't paywall proper collabs but they do have joint watchalongs for members. Can't remember 4 people in one but it may have happened.

>> No.34300692

>member baiting

>> No.34300714

Yeah and it's still a fucking member's stream.
Even NijiEN, when Fulgur decided to do that faggy chink movie watchalong, decided the people involved would at least stream their perspective so they wouldn't have to fucking member to him.

>> No.34300716

split pov?

>> No.34300726

It's shitposters, anon. Ignore them.

>> No.34300738

I know, and she's still doing decently. It's just that there was that period where she was only doing collabs and handcam/crafting streams and the schizo really thought she became a "5k streamer"

>> No.34300739

Didn't Mori have a matrix watchalong with Gura awhile back?

>> No.34300745

Tempus is just Nijisanji lite
thank god most people wisened up and are dodging like the plague

>> No.34300749

>Baiting members with monty Python instead of dick sucking asmr rp

>> No.34300751

You can think of examples where there's been member's only watchalongs in EN? There have been plenty of collab watchalongs but they're always public.

>> No.34300765
File: 1.11 MB, 1852x3339, 2022-09-30 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>82,558: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)
>34,817: Pekora (Hololive)
>29,231: Botan (Hololive)
>26,940: Okayu (Hololive)
>26,480: Miko (Hololive)
>24,683: Hal (Neo Porte)
>22,358: Korone (Hololive)
>22,046: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>21,009: Met (774 Inc.)
>20,588: Miko (Hololive)
>18,516: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)
>15,497: Koyori (Hololive)
>14,453: Subaru (Hololive)
>14,155: Tamaki (NoriPro)
>13,694: Hal (Neo Porte)
>12,918: Koyori (Hololive)
>12,357: Salome (Nijisanji)
>10,781: Chloe (Hololive)

A predictable victory by the Nijisanji main channel on this last day of September.

>> No.34300766

No it hasn't you fucking liar. HoloEN has NEVER done a collab behind members.

Public, retard

>> No.34300767

she always silent during big collab when a lot of people talking
it's not only EN, but also during ID offcollab

>> No.34300771

You mean it's her playing the game with 3 people in VC like when Mori plays Jump King? Totally a Niji thing btw.

>> No.34300773
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>>34300595 (me)
Just in case you doubt me.

>> No.34300782

that was over a year ago

>> No.34300785

Nowa oji 4k ah ah ah

>> No.34300791
File: 389 KB, 779x1200, 101565366_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just post fat cat lewds tally anon is not coming

>> No.34300793

They'll do that with Shoto 5hrs from now. Nowa is not to be lewded

>> No.34300792

it's public

>> No.34300798

Tempiss is fucking garbage lmaoooooooo

>> No.34300799

>Member's content
Those were public watchalongs
I feel like some of the people I'm talking to in this thread are so new that they don't even understand what people mean when they talk about member's content, because HoloEN has done so little of it the past few months and all of you started posting here when Tempus debuted

>> No.34300841
File: 1.15 MB, 544x960, 1664452421421800.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botted Streams

>> No.34300858

Are we being raided?

>> No.34300862
File: 212 KB, 1379x971, Fd4gFOeaAAId0GK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Pekora (Hololive) - 54,023 - Rust
2) Ayame (Hololive) - 47,845 - Return stream
3) Ayame (Hololive) - 118,899 - 4th anniversary 3D live
4) Fuwa (Nijisanji) - 87,145 - New outfit reveal
5) Pekora (Hololive) - 36,743 - Dragon Quest Monsters
6) Marine (Hololive) - 45,140 - Super Smash Bros.
7) Sora (Hololive) - 84,063 - 5th anniversary 3D live
8) Botan (Hololive) - 88,981* - 3D birthday stream w/NePoLaBo
9) Miko (Hololive) - 39,905 - HoloCure new update
10) Marine (Hololive) - 50,041 - HoloCure new update
11) Subaru (Hololive) - 41,806* - Persona 4 Golden
12) Tsukasa (Indie) - 56,583 - Streamer league mahjong
13) Pekora (Hololive) - 43,118 - Rust
14) Miko (Hololive) - 34,041 - Rust
15) Suisei (Hololive) - 59,604 - Karaoke + announcement
16) Moona (Hololive) - 87,402 - 3D showcase
17) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 81,240 - Kuzuha Cup PUBG
18) Gura (Hololive) - 92,264 - 3D live
19) Pekora (Hololive) - 96,590 - Fate/Grand Order
20) Pekora (Hololive) - 89,156 - Fate/Grand Order
21) Fubuki (Hololive) - 52,693 - Fate/Grand Order
22) Naruse (Nijisanji) - 34,966 - 3D debut
23) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 67,731 - The Strange Tales of Nijisanji
24) Mito (Nijisanji) - 51,019 - Birthday gyakutotsu
25) Subaru (Hololive) - 52,721 - Persona 4 Golden
26) Aqua (Hololive) - 29,303 - New hairstyle reveal
27) Subaru (Hololive) - 34,357 - Hololive otaku activities
28) Pekora (Hololive) - 37,573 - Super Smash Bros.
29) Pekora (Hololive) - 34,654 - Syobon no Rukimin
30) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 82,558 - Nijisanji 4th anniversary live day 1 free part

23x: Hololive
6x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

7x: Pekora
3x: Nijisanji, Subaru
2x: Ayame, Marine, Miko
1x: Aqua, Botan, Fubuki, Fuwa, Gura, Mito, Moona, Naruse, Sora, Suisei, Tsukasa

>2022 GOLDS
173x: Hololive
89x: Nijisanji
6x: Neo Porte
4x: Indie
1x: Kizuna AI Inc.

36x: Pekora
17x: Aqua
16x: Kuzuha, Miko, Salome
12x: Nijisanji, Subaru
8x: Marine
6x: Hal, Hololive
5x: Gura, Kanata, Mio, Suisei, Toya
4x: Flare, Fuwa, Noel, Okayu, Towa
3x: Ayame, Chloe, Choco, Mayuzumi, Polka
2x: Ange, Botan, Ibrahim, Korone, Koyori, Lui, Maimoto, Mel, Mito, Mori, Mysta, Shion, Sora, Tsukasa
1x: AI, Aki, Axia, AZKi, Chima, Chronoir, Debi, Fubuki, Gwelu, Haachama, Hayase, Hoshikawa, Iroha, Kaida, Lain, Laplus, Leos, Luna, Masaru, Melissa, Mikeneko, Moona, Nagao, Naruse, Natsume, Nene, Ren, Roboco, Rushia, Sana, Sango, Selen, Shiina, Sukoya, Ui, Vox, Watame, Yashiro, Yorumi, Zeta

>> No.34300869

oh look he showed up

>> No.34300876

it slowed down a bit, went from 50k daily to 40k to 35k
still, it has impressive legs, kinda like Sparks
1M before the month is over for sure

>> No.34300880

>people unironically defending Tempus doing this shit

>> No.34300887
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1636139976563.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34300885

When aren't we?

>> No.34300916

>people unironically shitting on Tempus for shit HoloEN has already done

>> No.34300918

beg more

>> No.34300921

I don't think even HoloJP has ever done a collab behind members. Well suck to be their fan or that the kind of audience that they want to have, even i don't want my 2 oshi to be in each others member stream.

>> No.34300929

also goddamnit tallyanon i was about to post it myself, this happens every time you're late i swear

>> No.34300937

tempus defense squad from /mans/ who don't even understand what the fuck we're talking about

>> No.34300941

Post proof you retarded nigger. Because guess what, HoloEN has literally never done it. But you keep insisting on it anyway for some fucking reason

>> No.34300942

even the shitposts are reclining...

>> No.34300952
File: 74 KB, 850x514, __ange_katrina_rindou_mikoto_gundou_mirei_and_suzuka_utako_nijisanji_drawn_by_sanuki_kyoudashya__sample-ba84f8fa4f147f91f30d9d8630c359c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34300969

bro please tab back into Vespers stream, you are not counted as viewer right now

>> No.34300975
File: 2.04 MB, 4237x1963, nijien groupcollabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally Nijinigger behavior
I don't see them doing shit like this though

>> No.34300977

Wow Holo only need about 11 gold left to win the year

>> No.34300987

nijiniggers are defending tempiss like crazy all over YT and reddit
nijis and tempiss are interacting daily on twitter
tempiss are getting contacts with notorious Niji adjacent people
nijiniggers are using them as a weapon to shit all over Hololive

you're retarded to think niji and tempiss aren't of the same breed

>> No.34300992

>member watchalong
oh, that's fine
>member watchalong... with friends

>> No.34301003 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 850x618, __ange_katrina_rindou_mikoto_gundou_mirei_and_suzuka_utako_nijisanji_drawn_by_sanuki_kyoudashya__sample-80ec3da22a8ce0e46b225fe46b4bf05c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34301022

A tourist from mans or two and Nijifag larpers. It's mostly larpers. They're getting shat on after August and all they have is trying to twist Holo pro against each other.

>> No.34301026
File: 837 KB, 1080x1272, Screenshot_20220930_104942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys are wondering if we're being raided. Niji's actual star who used to get 12k easy only gets half of that and old man talking about random shit beat a NijiEN male collab. They're chimping out per usual.

>> No.34301034

Of course it slowed down, that's the nature of MVs.
It's more that the slowdown is significantly slower than most other songs.

>> No.34301054
File: 61 KB, 850x581, __ange_katrina_rindou_mikoto_gundou_mirei_and_suzuka_utako_nijisanji_drawn_by_sanuki_kyoudashya__sample-3ddebeb85b5c1a164e4bd978908ec64a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34301060

From my rough estimate that's about 10k bots

>> No.34301063

Begone, Nijifag. We know how your kind work.

>> No.34301065

you know I get the distinct feeling that these retards don't actually know why we don't like nijiEN and just want us to help them shit on Tempus so they try to link Tempus to NijiEN in the most superficial ways possible, kinda like how the Marineschizo does

>> No.34301066

There's no reason for him not to. He's on a different platform and has almost no overlap with anyone else except maybe a tiny bit with Girl_DM. Really 3 of them should have POVs with Tempus sharing one.

>> No.34301081
File: 158 KB, 850x1200, 1647143716178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, the redhead doesn't have big tits?

>> No.34301086

And they're doing that by larping as /mans/?

>> No.34301096

Xcom stream soon

>> No.34301106

I get the feeling that you're a fucking tourist faggot who doesn't understand that collabs behind memebrs stream is fucking garbage and shouldn't be done and has always been shit on. Go the fuck back to /mans/ retard

>> No.34301112
File: 6 KB, 399x64, members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34301115 [DELETED] 

So what actually sparked the Nijimales decline? I don't think any of the controversy Vox or Mysta keep finding themselves in did anything

>> No.34301126

After his DF stream right?

>> No.34301127

>not even 7k on MC
Holy fuck

>> No.34301136

beg more

>> No.34301147
File: 511 KB, 642x941, 389840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Pekora (Hololive) - 54,023 - Rust
2) Ayame (Hololive) - 47,845 - Return stream
3) Ayame (Hololive) - 118,899 - 4th anniversary 3D live
4) Fuwa (Nijisanji) - 87,145 - New outfit reveal
5) Pekora (Hololive) - 36,743 - Dragon Quest Monsters
6) Marine (Hololive) - 45,140 - Super Smash Bros Ultimate
7) Sora (Hololive) - 84,063 - 5th anniversary 3D live
8) Botan (Hololive) - 81.036 - Birthday 3D stream
9) Miko (Hololive) - 39.905 - Holocure
10) Marine (Hololive) - 50.041 - Holocure
11) Subaru (Hololive) - 36.779 - Persona 4 Golden
12) Miko (Hololive) - 38.453 - Rust
13) Pekora (Hololive) - 43.118 - Rust
14) Miko (Hololive) - 34.041 - Rust
15) Suisei (Hololive) - 59.604 - Karaoke
16) Moona (Hololive) - 87.402 - 3D Showcase
17) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 81.240 - KZHCUP in PUBG Day2
18) Gura (Hololive) - 92.264 - 3D live
19) Pekora (Hololive) - 96.590 - Fate Grand Order
20) Pekora (Hololive) - 89.156 - Fate Grand Order
21) Fubuki (Hololive) - 52.733 - Fate Grand Order
22) Naruse (Nijisanji) - 34.966 - 3D debut
23) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 67.731 - The Strange Tales of Nijisanji
24) Mito (Nijisanji) - 51.019 - Birthday gyakutotsu
25) Subaru (Hololive) - 52.721 - Persona 4 Golden
26) Aqua (Hololive) - 29.303 - New hairstyle reveal
27) Subaru (Hololive) - 34.357 - Otakatsu Exhibition
28) Pekora (Hololive) - 37.573 - Super Smash Bros
29) Pekora (Hololive) - 34.654 - RUKIMIN's Disappointing Adventure!
30) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 82.558 - Nijisanji 4th anniversary live day 1 free part

24x: Hololive
6x Nijisanji

7x: Pekora
3x: Miko, Nijisanji, Subaru
2x: Ayame, Marine
1x: Aqua, Botan, Fubuki, Fuwa, Gura, Mito Moona, Naru, Sora, Suisei

>2022 GOLDS
174x: Hololive
88x: Nijisanji
6x: Neo Porte
3x: Indie
1x: Kizuna AI Inc.

37x: Pekora
17x: Aqua, Miko
16x: Kuzuha, Salome
12x: Nijisanji, Subaru
8x: Marine
6x: Hal, Hololive
5x: Gura, Kanata, Mio, Suisei, Toya
4x: Flare, Noel, Okayu, Towa
3x: Ayame, Chloe, Choco, Fuwa, Mayuzumi, Polka
2x: Ange, Botan, Ibrahim, Korone, Koyori, Lui, Maimoto, Mel, Mito, Mori, Mysta, Shion, Sora
1x: AI, Aki, Axia, AZKi, Chima, Chronoir, Debi, Fubuki, Gwelu, Haachama, Hayase, Hoshikawa, Iroha, Kaida, Lain, Laplus, Leos, Luna, Masaru, Melissa, Mikeneko, Moona, Nagao, Naru, Natsume, Nene, Ren, Roboco, Rushia, Sana, Sango, Selen, Shiina, Sukoya, Tsukasa, Ui, Vox, Watame, Yashiro, Yorumi, Zeta

>> No.34301148

Yes. What else are they going to do? NijiEN is in the hole. iluna is an especially big embarrassment.

>> No.34301161

collabs in mengen have always been shat on
begone larper

>> No.34301168

>movie watching collab
You really think this is the issue and not the idea that you've to member to another member if you don't want to miss some of your oshi content ?

>> No.34301174
File: 239 KB, 708x1468, Screenshot_20220930-221214_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys there's a catalog thread you can use for this. >>34292138
Tempus memberships are basically free anyway. I don't watch them or care about them so they can do whatever the fuck they want if they're just doing stuff either each other. It's not like Vox invading a Reimu member watchalong unannounced.

>> No.34301175

I would believe you if this was 2 months ago. Nowadays /mans/ is barely different from nijinigger. A fucking member collab!

>> No.34301185

>shouldn't be done and has always been shit on

nta, you can't say that something has both rarely been done and has always been shit on. Also you haven't really established why it shouldn't happen. It's a watchalong. who gives a shit?

>> No.34301187

>Collab behind member streams are fucking garbage
Because ?

>> No.34301190

Vesper just said that they are told to not mention any country for safety reasons

>> No.34301193

We already saw where Niji trolls use whatever the current troll topic is, whether Salome, Vox, Vshojo JP, Tempus, whatever to try to get reactions from people. There is no use trying to dissemble.

>> No.34301194

literally nobody gave a shit about collabs in members streams until Regis announced that he's doing it and here you are trying to gaslight the thread into thinking that it's something we hate... because we just do okay, and yeah nice try with the samefagging btw

>> No.34301222

Niji main branch not being as big as Hololive in the outside of japan. Without HoloJP, HoloEN would have been 3 digits.

>> No.34301237

EN vtubing is dying and one of these two major corpos needs to do something
I don't even care which at this point, someone just try to respond to this situation please

>> No.34301249

This but unironically. Who else but nijiniggers are begging nonstop for malexfemale collabs and making fanart of it? Surely not Hololive fans who have watched 99% of cute girls doing cute things for years.

>> No.34301261

Nigger just in this very thread we are trying to figure out if membership collabs are even a thing, you can't say that and also say "It's always been shat on" when the topic has never been brought up in the first place

>> No.34301270

>Tempus memberships are basically free anyway
Every single Holo memberships are basically free if you know how to use VPN (aside from Astel).

>> No.34301287

It actually hit 7k. It actually got the latest cripple gold.

>> No.34301294

That sounds like bullshit

>> No.34301297

>I hate to defend Enna, but she's actively doing debuff content now.
HoloEN does it all the time and still shits on NijiEN.

>> No.34301298

>nobody gave a shit about collabs in members streams
It has never fucking happened, EVER, in HoloEN. And we do shit on it when the NijiENs do it because it's shameless behavior.
You wouldn't know any of this because you are fresh off the fucking boat, why don't you do some archive reps or at least lurk more

>> No.34301304

The fact that both NijiEN and HoloEN have both had anemic numbers recently should tell you it's either seasonal variation from school starting or a market wide recline from unknown causes.

>> No.34301306

no, before, because he already has perms for it and unlike DF he's confident in his Xcom skills

>> No.34301309

>Want to watch your oshi
>have to fucking pay another holo for it
Are you stupid

>He's actually this fucking new
Jesus christ I hate you /mans/ tourists

>> No.34301310

If you want the non-meme answer, they just peaked and people got bored and they didn't pick up enough new people to offset it. Same as Holo EN, only faster because their fanbase was highly concentrated in one fickle and somewhat unnatural demographic. The various yabs with the Chinese fans accelerated this, and of course Vox taking a month off makes it seem even worse.

>> No.34301315

Isn't Fauna playing Civilization 5 today?

>> No.34301328
File: 86 KB, 731x1032, __ange_katrina_nijisanji_drawn_by_nuezou__6eb83a711a82b20042e8e5e960474967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly no it's all Nuezou's art

>> No.34301335

Shoto. That faggot unironically leeched a sizeable chunk of Luxiem's audience away from them. He might be a fag but even I have to commend such a masterclass of leeching.

>> No.34301339

This is the result of cultivating an audience that watches you primarily for your content instead of being a skilled entertainer and developing a personality that your audience will watch unconditionally.

>> No.34301344 [DELETED] 

Members content is usually more intimate where a V-Tuber gets to be more personal with their chat, like with Gura and Polka's membership. Chat is slower, there's no risk of getting the things you say clipped, and you get to bounce off ideas with Chat before publically releasing something. Inviting another member into that more relaxed atmosphere just completely breaks that vibe and makes it a normal stream, so why even paywall it behind membership?

>> No.34301349

Name one holo who did a collab in member, and link the stream or a tweet, go on.

>> No.34301356

>7k cripple gold
Is this the lowest on record? Did we have anything lower that won?

>> No.34301371

Shoto, multiple yabs, they're not actually interesting.

>> No.34301378
File: 843 KB, 1020x753, Floprys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS did it just the other day and shit all over Enna's numbers.

>> No.34301395

>And we do shit on it when the NijiENs do it because it's shameless behavior.
Nigger the reason we shit on it is because of >>34300975, not because membership collabs are inherently bad, this is exactly what I mean by >>34301106 where you niggers think we hate NijiEN because they do X, so you try to convince us that tempus does X too so they are just like nijiniggers, so you should hate them too

>> No.34301396
File: 220 KB, 1080x1104, Screenshot_20220930_105820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposting aside, putting a collab behind paywall is fucked regardless of whether or not it's been done in the past, what the content is, and I don't condone it. Hope Altare changes his mind about it.

>> No.34301400

Yes, but things can change. I'm not going to hold my breath until I see a stream reservation

>> No.34301410

Chinese don't follow the US-based agricultural calendar for schooling as far as I know? I don't think they can hang their hat on that getting them back to their old numbers.

>> No.34301427

you can keep pushing the "Everyone who disagrees is a newfag" angle but that doesn't actually help your case

>> No.34301428

I've been here for months, can't remember ever seeing this thread even talk about member collab streams.


we're talking about a movie watchalong anon, a lot of the stuff you said can still apply. You're just looking for a reason to be upset. Are you even a member or are you just concern trolling?

>> No.34301454



>> No.34301461

>why even paywall it behind membership
Money. Not for more intimate chat, not for gating away children.

>> No.34301466

In China school season start from September

>> No.34301478


>> No.34301476

It's a fucking watch-a-long my dude.

>> No.34301493

Oh so suddenly flopgur did it? Since fucking when?

>> No.34301508

The way to fix it is for all of them to have a POV

>> No.34301518

anon you're going to kill him

>> No.34301527

Member's collabs are bad because:
1. The cultural norm in HoloEN (and therefore in English vtubing in general) is that member's streams are supposed to be more intimate and personal, a 1-1 with their biggest fans and supporters. Tempus has been treating them like this as well (until now)
2. It forces fans of the other boys to member to Altare to see the watchalong, and thus could be interpreted as having crass financial motives when member's stuff is supposed to be a thank you to your fans
I can't believe I have to explain this extremely basic shit to you.

>> No.34301566

regardless whether it's JP or CN, nijiniggers will be nijiniggers.

>> No.34301568

I don't get the delete-c thing, can someone explain? I read through the last thread and I still don't get it. I saw that Salome tweet about it. Did Pekora also tweet about delete-c?

>> No.34301582

yes anon and that has never been anywhere close to "thread consensus", and you screaming that everyone who doesn't follow your exact thought process is "a tourist" is not exactly helping your case

>> No.34301586

>I've been here for months, can't remember ever seeing this thread even talk about member collab streams
Because HoloEN doesn't do them, and we got our fill of making fun of NijiEN for doing it back in 2021.

>> No.34301589

I don't see any issue with it. But then again I dislike watchalongs and barely even consider them content.

>> No.34301593

sounds dumb, who gives a shit really

>> No.34301599


>> No.34301616

nobody would disagree if you just said "hey it's a bit shitty that I have to pay to watch my oshi on another channel". The issue is twisting this into TEMPISSS ARE LITERALLY DESTRYOIGN HOLOLIVE WITH THIS TRULY DESPICABLE UNSEEN NEVER EVEN BELIEVABLE MOVE". If you want to make a minor criticism, use a smaller tone.

>> No.34301619

School, no lockdowns, and competition is my guess.

>> No.34301624


You fucking retard.

>> No.34301628

It's a cancer charity that was incredibly corrupt and bad according to nijiniggers until one of their own also got involved.

>> No.34301633 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1080x378, IMG_20221001_020232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of Gura's membershrimps, and Gura gets a lot more chatty and sensitive in member streams. So of course I'll be upset if one of those times you get to see behind the curtains and have a more relaxed stream with her is ruined. It's not like the stream starts and ends with the watchalong. There's the post-movie discussions and superchat readings, which could then lead to another hour long banter where she talks about fashion or upcoming projects or how her plants are doing.

>> No.34301642

No we didn't, we made fun of NijiEN for doing "Reimu movie watchalong" or whatever, which then turns into "Reimu and Vox cucks their members live"

>> No.34301651

So you are just butthurt that its on Regis channel and not Noir

>> No.34301679

Oh that's weird, figured they would be "year round school." When I was in school they were making a big deal of trying to convert US schools to that because "Asians do it that way and they're good at math". They probably just mean the Japanese.

>> No.34301686

I never said anything like that, so why don't you post this whiny reply to the comment you're actually aiming it at?

>> No.34301692

With how much they pass their fans around I'm more incline to believe that they see them more as numbers than anything else.

>> No.34301709
File: 19 KB, 580x179, Covid fungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.34301711

WTF nijiger explain this

>> No.34301721 [DELETED] 

If that has never been a "thread consensus" then why has member stream collabs been shat on all this time until Tempiss does it all of a sudden? You're probably not even a member

>> No.34301726

thanks. do you know when did pekora tweet about it

>> No.34301730

As if anyone would know or care about anything that dude has done since the discord leak.

>> No.34301731

>pecker did delete-c stuff stream
>nijiniggers called it a scam
>salami tweeted about delete-c stuff
>nijiniggers disappeared
I personally have no idea what the fuck is this delete-c shit about concerning cancer but it's funny.

>> No.34301748

>Fucking fulgur is more reasonable than Tempus
The absolute state.

>> No.34301758
File: 326 KB, 747x1721, fulgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry that I didn't think about making my membership content into a group watch along.
>I've asked Uki, Millie and Enna to stream it for their memberships as well so you can join us without having to join my membership.
>I'm sorry for the trouble!
>I'll plan better next time!

Seems like Fulgur got shit too for the same thing and had to address it publicly

>> No.34301760

This is an anonymous image board. People in the thread were doing that, you can't pretend that your criticism doesn't get lumped in with the shitposters (especially when your criticism was pretty similar in tone 'I can't believe I have to explain this extremely basic shit to you').

>> No.34301763

because it fucking hasn't, and you saying that it's been shat on all this time doesn't actually mean it's been shat on all this time

>> No.34301771

Why would he, though? It is HIS content. The others just wanted to join. His only fault here is that he allowed them to join in. I bet what you really want is that those three must be kicked out off the stream.

>> No.34301777

Nijiniggers gets exposed again

>> No.34301784

People want to whine about "Tempus isn't Hololive" and then whine when they deviate even slightly from what the girls do.

>> No.34301788

I don't give a fuck if you think the thread is being too critical of your precious boys. Why don't you go back to whichever hugbox you came from

>> No.34301800

Hey fuckface, has the holostarsJP done it before too?

>> No.34301803

Ange has no tits at all. She's flatter than most men.

>> No.34301824

yeah you see this is what I mean. you act retarded in your tone and get angry when people treat you like a retard

>> No.34301829 [DELETED] 

Spoken like someone who's only been on this board for a month. Where were you when the Reimu and Vox member watchalong happened?

>> No.34301840

so you can gaslight the thread? Not a chance, faggyboy, why don't you go to the catalogue where your brand of shit might actually get actual newfags who might actually believe the bullshit you're selling?

>> No.34301845

And that’s why Tempus is successful

>> No.34301848

niji fanbase is full of shitty and toxic people

>> No.34301851

Reminder that /mans/fags do not understand why Fungus made this tweet

>> No.34301858

>you act retarded in your tone
I have no horse in this race but ...
>tone policing 4chan
That's another first

>> No.34301870


>> No.34301876

you can tell it's a really slow day when this is the shit the thread blows up over

>> No.34301897 [DELETED] 

They have lower ccvs than fucking Kiara and haven't even cracked 200k subs. In what metric are they a success?

>> No.34301909

This all out war shit is getting wild lol

>> No.34301915

wtf, who superchatted talking about this collab to Vesper ??

>> No.34301925

and you bringing that up brings me right to the original point I brought up in >>34301065 where you don't actually understand why we shat on Reimu when the vox thing happened and just want to convince the thread to be your personal army against tempus

>> No.34301939

Vesper is addressing the members only thing if you are interested.

>> No.34301949

Have you considered that the way HoloEN does it is wrong and outdated? Shit, if everyone followed HoloEN we'd get no schedules, no streams, no communication with fans ever. No thanks. It's great that people are pushing against that shit.
So tired of everyone trying to copy HoloEN's garbage model of forced exclusivity for intimate moments. If you care about your fans you'd be personal in public, not hidden behind a paywall. That's pretty much telling everyone that you don't care about your grey's. Thats incredibly shitty behavior and it's why everyone shits on the Holo girls for not caring about the majority of their fans. It's why I'll instantly leak and spread any member content I can find because fuck the girls for hiding shit from the rest of us who might be too poor to pay and meanwhile these girls are rolling in money and won't even bother to throw us a bone.

>> No.34301952

Keep up the good work you two, our proud precious Tempus boys need you to defend them from the big mean numbers thread making fun of their paywall collab

>> No.34301954

I'm not tone policing, I'm just telling you a basic fact of communication ; tone carries meaning

>> No.34301956 [DELETED] 

There's fucking nothing going on and this thread is infested with newfags trying to gaslight everyone. What else are you going to talk about?

>> No.34301978

get a thicker skin, faggot
and it's not a minor criticism of an otherwise good gen
Tempus gets shit numbers, they sank HoloEN numbers, they generated more drama than two years of HoloEN combined and for what? generic brotubers behind an anime avatar?
and that's just how they make everything worse passively, now they're starting to actively fuck up with stuff like this, collabing with undesirables and networking with niji

>> No.34301991

Vesper just responded to the members only watch along. He said stop being poor and go kick rocks.

>> No.34302018

>Stop being poor

>> No.34302023

So what i'm seeing here is a clash in culture. Which is fine, this is just what StarEN is going for, lowering the weight of a member. Still normally when a chuuba goes for that, they barely do member stream anyway and it's mostly use for emote, this however just seems like a cash grab for blue boy.

>> No.34302035

OK this I think is just bait, but good job, I almost believed it for second

>> No.34302048

he didn't just say "stop being poor" right?

>> No.34302049

greys btfo

>> No.34302055

That's literally "tone policing".
From what I can see you didn't even disagree with what that anon said, just with his "tone"
>you act retarded in your tone

That's a first, I genuinely wouldn't expect it in this thread, board or site. Usually what's said here stands on the merit of what was said, tone, politeness or any other nicety be damned.

>> No.34302106

>i'm totally not a nijinigger btw, make sure to watch our proud hololive boys hehe

>> No.34302116
File: 148 KB, 524x567, 1663612355483951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be like Pekotyan
Minimal effort for member streams because those don't give the big fat number

>> No.34302125

shut up man, why are you sooo annoying?? Who hurt you? Just don't watch who cares

>> No.34302126

>Usually what's said here stands on the merit of what was said, tone, politeness or any other nicety be damned.
anon literally what website are you browsing? You can take one look at how fast this discussion devolved into ad hominem and "you don't agree with me therefore you're a newfag" to see how that has never happened, especailly here of all places

>> No.34302154

Are saying people on /vt/ are lying? My precious board? No, Nah, Never.
What the fuck do you think.

>> No.34302155

>That's pretty much telling everyone that you don't care about your grey's
>Vesper just responded to the members only watch along. He said stop being poor and go kick rocks.
TOP KEK, the irony

>> No.34302166

If he did that is just tone deaf

>> No.34302179

this is at least more interesting than whining about members

A tone does carry intent anon. When you say in this grand tone about how horrible something is, there is an implication in the tone that the horrible thing is really important. In that way tone carries an implication and substance that you can't just ignore. I also never said he shouldn't act like that, only that nobody is going to take him seriously when he acts like the sky is falling for what is at most a minor faux-passe

>> No.34302188

redditor homofans get easily offended if someone talks mean to them

>> No.34302191

He basically did. He said "not trying to be mean here, not trying to be mean here... but if you have time to watch me every day for hours... doesn't that mean you have 5 dollars to watch a movie with us? Not trying to demean anyone, I know people have their tough times but if you can't afford 5 dollars to watch a movie with us then uh... haha... I think you have bigger fish to fry. No disrespect like at all and I respect your opinion, but yeah..."

>> No.34302212

it was a joke anon...

>> No.34302213

>You can take one look at how fast this discussion devolved into ad hominem
That actually is the usual for this site, anons shitting on each other, baiting and being otherwise shitty
Tone policing OTOH is new

>> No.34302228

You've got to be fucking shitting me.

>> No.34302246

I will now watch Tempus

>> No.34302254 [DELETED] 

Man I'm fucking sick of Tempus, I'm sick of the drama and I'm sick of the way they do their job

>> No.34302256

I only membership to Holos that makes me coom like Lamy and FBK.

>> No.34302259

good if they're learning

>> No.34302268

poorfag seethe

>> No.34302273

Stop being naive

>> No.34302279 [DELETED] 

Because the only other examples of member collabs are from NijiEN. Nobody else does this, not from HoloEN, HoloJP, Holostars, NijiJP or even NijiID. Hell, you probably won't find any examples among fleshtubers or other indie corpos either. Sure, we shat on the Reimu/Vox collab because it happened without warning and the members "allowed it", but does that explain why fucking Fulgur had to apologise for his own member collab watchalong too and made the other collabing members stream their POVs too? It's not about trying to sic the Homos and the Nijiniggers against each other, it's about shitting on stupid fucking ideas and we would've done the same to anyone. Even Pekora or Kuzuha

>> No.34302280

he sounds like the bitch from twitch that was bitching to her fans who didn't have $5 to sub to her kek

>> No.34302288

>if you have time to watch me every day for hours... doesn't that mean you have 5 dollars to watch a movie with us
LMAO, the exact opposite is true, if you have time to watch streams every day for hours, that means you're a loser who isn't doing anything.

>> No.34302289

Sister, i'm just talking about why your precious boys are/might be criticized for their action, not even taking anyone side. I don't watch males chuuba.

>> No.34302298

If real, the bait threads later will be great.

>> No.34302301

The weird part is when he suddenly started shilling some weird crypto, thought that was really out of left field

>> No.34302306

lmao literally twitch thot behavior

>> No.34302312

grey btfo

>> No.34302316

This is giving me flashbacks to a clip that keeps getting recommended to me.

>> No.34302318

so many homobeggars today

>> No.34302325

isn't this just a repurpused twitch thot rant?
are you trying to bait us to watch tempus anon?

>> No.34302348

and the tourist outs himself kek

>> No.34302356
File: 42 KB, 918x341, 1659273469620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this

>> No.34302353

the fire rises

>> No.34302359

I can't tell if you fuckers are actually this stupid or are just on 15 layers of irony

>> No.34302360

And memberships are cancelled. I'm not supporting a fucking liberal who and leeches the poors to get them even poorer while they get richer, disgusting behavior by these leech.

>> No.34302365

>Korone vs greedy homoen retard

>> No.34302372

tempus was a mistake

>> No.34302374

The "No disrespect but I'm going to disrespect you anyway" answer. OK lol

>> No.34302384

best bait of the hour, good job

>> No.34302389

poorfag seethe

>> No.34302390

Pekora did an entire stream about it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QubT5PreIY

>> No.34302404

Go Bae Go!

>> No.34302425
File: 212 KB, 463x453, 1650870738218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh now you care about the homos membership?

>> No.34302460
File: 307 KB, 480x480, c00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this basically confirms nijinigger psyops.
blatant lie --> samefag --> consensus building
Good attempt

>> No.34302465
File: 209 KB, 362x378, 1661293286518117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone is actually falling for the fake bait
/#/ bros, not like this... We going to get laughed at again.

>> No.34302471

thanks, all I did was copy the Twitch girl kek

>> No.34302480

They only care about shitting on Tempus because they hurt their feelings when they started to interact with their oshis.

>> No.34302481

"I don't think about this too deeply, because member's content is extra content. And I do think each member of Tempus should have the ability to like...decide? Yeah... if, if Altare, if Altare, like...if Altare was like, not working as hard as he was, if Altare was like, not grinding like overtime with like two streams a day , like almost two streams a day and then he did like, member's only collab content I'd be like "that's a little weirdchamp" "

He then deflects it to saying "what you think there's not enough tempus content?" and just doesn't fucking seem to understand why the superchatter is upset

>> No.34302488

>It's not about trying to sic the Homos and the Nijiniggers against each other,
sure, you might not be doing that, but I guarantee you >>34302188 >>34301788 >>34300422 >>34300549 definitely came in here expecting the thread to join his circlejerk shitting on tempus, and then immediately started screaming about newfags and /mans/ tourists when it turns out that this thread does not agree with him

>> No.34302489

Damm /mans/ are fucking hilarious. Feel bad to be their fan i guess.

>> No.34302504

holy shit Bae is going to pass Fauna again
this is turning out to be one of the most entertaining snail races

>> No.34302507

When in doubt, think of Gura buffing EN thanks to her animation

>> No.34302512

I mean... It's the exact same speech anon

>> No.34302515

boring cope

>> No.34302524 [DELETED] 

Anon, look back at the very start of this argument. Were people just calling them retarded and greedy, or were they literally screaming and screeching about destroying Hololive culture? You're the only one standing on a soapbox pretending to be above it all, tutting at the ignorant, screaming masses when you're part of the problem. You see any criticism lobbed against your precious boys and immediately villianise the opposition without even attempting to rationalise why they might say that

>> No.34302534

I think he understands but is scared to say anything negative to him

>> No.34302536

Why are we even talking about Tempus? They are irrelevant shitters and their biggest talent can barely break 5k CCV. Might as well talk about indies.

>> No.34302554

Good job sis, everyone totally believes that the entire thread backs your viewpoint instead of two posters spamming wordy defensive posts on cooldown. Pat yourself on the back, job well done

>> No.34302563

gee I wonder why?

>> No.34302564


>> No.34302586

He sounds like he knows it's wrong but wants to defend the dude.

>> No.34302616

Basically, "Not my channel, so not my place to say".
Clearly didn't want to step on anyone's toes, not wanting to put Altare under the bus so he sidestep the issue which is probably the right call.

>> No.34302622

/MANS/ is melting down

>> No.34302623

shots at Guraa

>> No.34302630
File: 295 KB, 828x876, D9298049-D3E8-4BFF-8C19-EA8891472508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY FUCK! That’s the exact reenactment of the famous
>ethot vs. Korone
vídeo, down to the value
>Greedy Streamer vs Korone

This will 100% get clipped and used to shit on Tempus, unforced error right there

>> No.34302633

Nothing else to do so everyone is bored I guess

>> No.34302642

because Tempus schooled iluna so hard it sent nijiniggers into unseen levels of cope, and I think that actually gained them some genuine fans here

>> No.34302645

Irys is lucky she'll get saved by her redesign and not lose the first CouncilRyS to 1M race

>> No.34302671

And the award for lowest quality bait for highest (you) return goes to!

>> No.34302683
File: 2.03 MB, 1081x1527, 1656259049354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon

>> No.34302685

I get it now. The Tempus' philosophy is different from the HoloEN fans (the unicorns, specifically) mindset.
Tempus only thinks of memberships as extra content. HoloEN fans think of memberships as more intimate content.
Bad for poorfag sisters, but that is what it is. They advertised themselves as brotubers, not as yumejo magnets.

>> No.34302705

i have a question. is the membership collab on 1 channel? if it's not then they deserve to get shit on.

>> No.34302707

Well the gifted membership literally destroying any sort of intimacy.

>> No.34302714
File: 80 KB, 950x646, 1637512836801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Gura is doing fine as always but the rest of holoEN looks awful
Still I'm surprised to see Mumei in second place since she's barely streamed this month, but I guess clips do help

>> No.34302723

Speaking of watchalongs magamaga should do another watchalong this weekend, their Tucker and Dale was fun. Please watch it.

>> No.34302724

alright, fess up, how many of you retards actually believe that's what he said

>> No.34302729

Imagine seething this hard about irrelevant shitters doing a members watchalong.
But meanwhile Gura had more member streams than public streams at one point this month and according to chumbuds that was "based" and "fuck greys".
So it's okay when Gura does it?

>> No.34302730

>is the membership collab on 1 channel?

>> No.34302736 [DELETED] 

He's going to at best bring it up to Altare that he got an SC about the watchalong and wipe his hands clean of the whole thing

>> No.34302739

There's several companies with a list of products. If you buy one of those products and post it on social media with the c on it crossed out and using the hashing, the company will donate 190 yen to cancer research.

>> No.34302738

I guess Tempus antis got chased out of /mans/ and decided to camp this thread.
Another day for /#/ I suppose.

>> No.34302745

wrong thread homobeggar

>> No.34302749

NTA. The written form sounds so different kek.

>> No.34302755

Its soo funny to see Nijifags, clipfags, unityfags will latch onto anything even if it clearly is fake just to shit on Tempus.
You are soo retarded you need help

>> No.34302760

This is fine. It's announced before hand so everybody knows what to expect.

The reason why it's so annoying with Niji is that Pomu or somebody will say they are doing a watch along of the movie. Then you go into the stream and she is watching it with 14 other fuckers that you didn't think were going to be there.

>> No.34302802
File: 237 KB, 904x850, sgahsvahsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34302810

The point people are making that they wouldn't like to pay someone like Kiara for a glimpse of Gura.

>> No.34302809 [DELETED] 

Assuming she even gets it before HoloFes

>> No.34302813

I accept your consession

>> No.34302814

That's 2 months ago. Tempus has lost a lot of good will from the board since.

>> No.34302830

Because the quote is fake, taken directly from that twitch thot.

>> No.34302842

Having to pay for another person's membership to watch your oshi is not "fine" and never should be "fine"

>> No.34302852

Magni's first membership only stream was more intimate than any of the girls' ones I've been in except for some Gura ones

>> No.34302860

>forcing your fans to buy your gen mates membership so they can watch you on another stream

>> No.34302863

What's going on? I'm kind of confused with you faggots, here I am enjoying JP girls while this dumpster is on fire with EN shit

>> No.34302865

It's an exact reenactment of the very thing anon copied it from when making it up? You don't say.

>> No.34302873

I accept your concussion

>> No.34302874

EN3 really needs a breakout star.

>> No.34302890
File: 157 KB, 371x333, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already 200k and it's not even been 24 hours.

>> No.34302898

thread bored

>> No.34302908

Good job.

>> No.34302916
File: 256 KB, 800x800, 1663357339876933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34302917

If he said anything close to “stop being poor” it will be used just the same

>> No.34302936 [DELETED] 

Anon, name me one other Brotuber who actually puts collabs behind a paywall. You don't even have to rely on V-Tubers, pick any Fleshtuber you want. You'll, at worst, find people putting behind the scenes footage, uncut gameplay, and future video discussions in paid content like Memberships, Patreon, even Ko-Fi

>> No.34302949

Tourists trying to camp out in here along with our usual Nijifags.

>> No.34302950

she better be, otherwise the future will look extremely grim

>> No.34302952

if that happens, thats on Gura not on Kiara.

>> No.34302973

He didn't

>> No.34302975

Learn how the numbers work if you're going to post in the numbers thread.

>> No.34302994

NijiEN got tempissed on so the sisters are sperging out

>> No.34302996

Not going to be amazing, but better than the flop with Watame

>> No.34302998 [DELETED] 

Anon... Your reading comprehension reps...

>> No.34303006

You don't have to HAVE watch shit faggot. You aren't entitled to anything. Stop trying to make this a drama. Take your gift card and fuck off.

>> No.34303004

what goodwill ?? shut up unityfag

>> No.34303007

>only 200k for a myth song
just graduate that gen already starting with the laziest of the bunch

>> No.34303009

easy 500k in 24hrs

>> No.34303017

You really think the wage slave vtuber of all people would say that?

>> No.34303021

>HoloJP does members collab content
>Nobody cares
>HoloEN does members collab content
>Nobody cares
>NijiEN does members collab content
>forced to apologize
Anontachi... were we the Nijiniggers all along? This is Nijinigger behavior...

>> No.34303035

>name me one other Brotuber who actually puts collabs behind a paywall.
Name me first a group of brotubers as tight as Tempus.

>> No.34303038

Ehh it's their new culture, all i can say is that it'll look a bit scummy to do that for those who what both Live and Star.

>> No.34303040

How long to 1M

>> No.34303051
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1601480927527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji bros we can win, if we remove 1st army from existence.

1) Rion (Nijisanji) – 36.151 - 3D stream
2) Ayame (Hololive) – 47.845 - Return stream
3) Ayame (Hololive) – 118.899 - 4th anniversary 3D live
4) Fuwa (Nijisanji) – 87.145 - New outfit reveal
5) Kanata (Hololive) – 28.969 - Uma musume
6) Toya (Nijisanji) – 41.504 - RUKIMIN's Disappointing Adventure!
7) Sora (Hololive) – 84.063 - 5th anniversary 3D live
8) Botan (Hololive) - 81.036 - Birthday 3D stream
9) Polka (Hololive) – 24.931 - Rust
10) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) – 42.234 - Splatoon 3
11) Gura (Hololive) – 32.232 - Big brain
12) Koyori (Hololive) 27.525 - Rust
13) Amelia (Hololive) – 32.64 – Myth Anniversary
14) Toya (Nijisanji) – 26.197 - Reigns
15) Gura (Hololive) - 38.413 - Unarchived karaoke
16) Moona (Hololive) - 87.402 - 3D Showcase
17) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 81.240 - KZHCUP in PUBG Day2
18) Gura (Hololive) - 92.264 - 3D live
19) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) – 30.866 - Splatoon 3
20) Hololive Indonesia (Hololive) – 29.076 – Mini 3D live
21) Fubuki (Hololive) - 52.733 - Fate Grand Order
22) Naruse (Nijisanji) - 34.966 - 3D debut
23) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 67.731 - The Strange Tales of Nijisanji
24) Mito (Nijisanji) - 51.019 - Birthday gyakutotsu
25) Fuwa (Nijisanji) – 41.002 - Splatoon 3
26) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 29,180 - Ceansing gel stream
27) Salome (Nijisanji) – 25.110 - Fall Guys
28) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) – 30.370 - Kuzuha day
29) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) – 28.083 - Gundam Evolution
30) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 82,558 - Nijisanji 4th anniversary live day 1 free part

16x: Nijisanji
14x: Hololive

5x: Kuzuha
3X: Nijisanji
2x: Fuwa, Ayame, Gura, Nijisanji, Toya
1x: Rion, Kanata, Sora, Botan, Polka, Koyori. Amelia, Moona, Hololive Indonesia, Fubuki, Naruse, Mito, Salome

Even Salome ojou-sama got ONE GOLD.

>> No.34303069


>> No.34303079

on another note. who's the biggest AVtuber /#/ wise?
also your personal opinion on who's the best AVtuber.

>> No.34303080

already outdated, currently at 230k
Susan finally opened the floodgates as usual

>> No.34303095

The Anime Man since you asked for one.

>> No.34303096

yeah, maybe, but personally as long as they continue to make nijiniggers seethe I'll defend them, especially from retards who think that if the associate them with nijisanji enough they'll get us to hate them too

>> No.34303111
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x1844, 1664562731646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raspberry gold watch alert.

>> No.34303109

Quick! Start a different drama for the 2021 EOPs to latch onto!

>> No.34303112

Both Noel and Flare had POV for this, btw. It wasn't on one channel and it was stated that way since the beginning. But you knew this.

>> No.34303116

Totally sister

>> No.34303132

How could it be anyone other than melody? She seems the most prominent by far

>> No.34303133

Alright let me try to summarize this.
> Tempus blue boy holding a members only watchalong COLLAB involving all 4 of Tempus
> Literally only streaming his POV so anyone who wants to watch has to buy his membership.
> This is obviously quite bad, but shitposters went a little too far, started lying about what Nowa said on stream, started acting like nijiniggers, and so people naturally pushed back.
So let's reset here.
This isn't as bad as NijiEN with their unannounced membership collabs, but this IS quite a difference from the way the rest of Hololive is run.
And quite bad in it's own right, because Tempus collabs will be watched by fans of all 4 of the males, but they won't be membered to all of them.
imo they should stream the watchalong on all 4 of their member POVs so that people who only support say, Nowa, or Axel, can still see the watchalong.

>> No.34303142


>> No.34303172

That new vspo girl doesn't seem to have done so hot

>> No.34303176 [DELETED] 

Just because you don't have to interact with something doesn't make it any less stupid. Nobody watched Morbius but everyone still shat on it for being a stupid idea

>> No.34303183

US primetime is just coming up, so I'm expecting 1M by this time tomorrow.

>> No.34303184

I'm not even sure if the market is that large, on the top of my head wouldn't that just be Melody from EN? I'm not even sure how much the girls who stream on FC2 fare, that camera inside her pussy stream was nice though

>> No.34303196

strictly japanese. maybe i should've been clearer

>> No.34303208

4-10 win for nijisanji, hololive is dead

>> No.34303210

Vox even call Sonny's mom a whore. How much more "bros" can you get ???

>> No.34303213

Call that a cumpscare

>> No.34303242

>3view handcam stream
Is this a new Raspberry record for handcam streams?

>> No.34303281

While you try to shit on Tempus, here is Vespers preference
Big Dumpy
If that is not based I don't know what is

>> No.34303283

Uh yeah. But i will post that there for the nigger that keep saying Holo tradition is not collab behind paywall

>> No.34303312

If he replaced it with short instead I would've called him my brother for life

>> No.34303313

At that point, just set it public so everyone can be happy

>> No.34303314

What did Scarle get for hers?
Also Nina deserves getting shit on for how she acted when Luxiem debut.

>> No.34303318 [DELETED] 

Which one? All I see are uncut/uncensored videos, behind the scenes stuff, and a poll to choose who the worst main character in anime is

>> No.34303414

anon, multiple people already told you, but this isn't /mans/
as long as these are the numbers they get, they'll get shat on

>> No.34303422

This is what happens when we don't get lewdposting jesas

>> No.34303451

Vesper is a Tako?

>> No.34303471

My youtube is down kek

>> No.34303495 [DELETED] 

It's not a tradition and more just a general paid content rule. It's like selling a Spider-Man Blu-ray and saying that there's bonus Black Panther content in it. It's just scummy and greedy

>> No.34303494

I actually prefer tall, relative to typical anime height, so this is within parameters, just not Amazoness / snusnu height

>> No.34303502

>Holo tradition is not collab behind paywall
Anon, the main issue is the same issue for Fulgur here: >>34301758 which even he acknowledged

>> No.34303504

Some tourists, like this guy >>34303004, doesn't quite understand that /#/ has it's own culture that's is separate from the catalogue and just think of this thread as the general of the catalogue, so they come in here with shit they pulled from the catalogue expecting to get a circlejerk going but then lose thier minds when the thread doesn't start jerking them off

>> No.34303508

where's the other lewdposter?
i can't do it, i'm playing vidya

>> No.34303517
File: 657 KB, 750x1062, 87296578_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait did the thread agree to end lewdposting after Peko image spam got too frequent? Or is it just nobody bothering to post Niji lewds?

>> No.34303519

you still don't realize why people dislike that huh
despite people explaining it to you in simple english multiple times in this very thread

>> No.34303557

As long as no one is complaining about it on reddit, management will not care. Omega only reads reddit.

>> No.34303558

He realizes, he just pretends that he doesn't

>> No.34303560

I'm still on timer where my main unit is compadre, accidentally slippy a nippy last lewd posting and there was a faggot among us

>> No.34303569

Your move, holols.

>> No.34303584

I wouldn't really call In a tall.

>> No.34303604

You say that like people here haven't been shitting on vox and co despite them getting big numbers. What gets or doesn't get shat on here has less to do with numbers and more to do with the kind of posters here

>> No.34303636 [DELETED] 

Who even has Niji lewds?

>> No.34303686

You know it's bad when even a nijinigg can understand a fuckup, and yet the sisters from /mans/ here are still trying to defend it. Tempiss was a mistake after all

>> No.34303694

Why the fuck would this artist ruin Ange with oversized breasts? If it's about some alchemy thing it's just boring

>> No.34303700

Wasn't he an actual fag or something? Damn you /mans/ fags just can't stop lying can't you?

>> No.34303712

>peko image spam
you retarded or something?

>> No.34303728

I personally don't see a big problem about the paywalled member collab stream.
If you cannot afford it or if you don't want to pay it, then don't watch it and move on.
>But I want to watch my oshi
Sorry. Your oshi did not offer that stream. Only Regis the psychopath offers that stream. It means that stream is not meant for you. It is only meant for Regis' members.

>> No.34303729

Yes fag, I am so excited to see Pomu and Finana 3D at NijiFes, can you let me know the time ??

>> No.34303753

> What gets or doesn't get shat on here has less to do with numbers and more to do with the kind of posters here
True, with this being 4chan and all, there are no "sacred cows". Everybody is a nigger, a kike, a gypsy, a chink, a faggot and assorted random insults and everybody's oshi and everybody's waifu is shit.

>> No.34303774
File: 176 KB, 1912x781, peko lewds drought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we still try

>> No.34303802

You are correct. That doesn't make it less shitty.

>> No.34303808

>Have a wife and kids
>Actual fag

>> No.34303809

Is there anyone who doesnt get any shit at all from this thread? It's literally just Pekora isn't it?

>> No.34303823

Hey I don't mind it myself since I'm a Pekofag
I just saw a post complaining about the image spam yesterday that got a lot of (you)s that seemed to agree, and it wasn't the first time

>> No.34303832

It's always the blue boy

>> No.34303833
File: 271 KB, 1080x407, Screenshot_20220930_114449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34303851

Every single piece of news I hear from Tempus sees them further and further away from Hololive's original culture...

>> No.34303861

didn't we go through this exact discussion before where nobody can actually provide proof for any claims about Vesper's IRL sutation other than the equilvalent of "My dad works at nintendo"?

>> No.34303862

>It's literally just Pekora isn't it?
You weren't here for the "cold chicken" era of the "pakora schizo".

>> No.34303871

please, tab back into his stream, you are not counted as viewer, he clearly needs it

>> No.34303884

>wife and kids
who knows, we only know about orc and that's it

>> No.34303887
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>> No.34303900

So thats why there is soo much salt here, go on unityfags please explain why are you not supporting your oshi who hates male

>> No.34303903

Apparently the maturity level of those complaining are extermely low, that or they're just negritos complaining

>> No.34303919

anon you should know the complainers are nijiniggers or shitposters that wants to shit up the thread but cant because they get drowned by images its best to ignore these retards

>> No.34303936

>I create a timeloop in this thread
>You somehow got deja vu from it

>> No.34303940

After EN3, they will be forgotten
Trust the plan

>> No.34303949

Yes anon, >>34303833 she is clearly the original culture

>> No.34303951

You must be fucking new

>> No.34304004

Yup. It feels shitty but it is what it is. Regis should not have organized or allowed a collab in the first place..

>> No.34304010

>big number good
>me valid
is he right? is nowa oji /here/?

>> No.34304050 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304064

Why are we seething in the number thread about homo membership content instead of /mans/ ?

>> No.34304099
File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, 1584122870782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't follow these threads at the time so I thought HoloX had stolen all of Peko's viewers back when the numbers were pathetic in December

>> No.34304105

no, he's just a retard who took his streaming meta skit too far

>> No.34304113

I was spamming pakora and cold chicken for months till i got bored
Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.34304114 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304116

He's calling out the vtweeters LMAO

>> No.34304123

because /mans/ - like all splits that involve NijiEN fans - is a hugbox with zero tolerance for criticism.

>> No.34304131 [DELETED] 

you can tell this was made by a seanigger because of the spelling mistake

>> No.34304151

oooo seething

>> No.34304161

Happiness is the only metric that matters to streamers.

>> No.34304166 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304176

Literally when has that been true? You have people sucking the dicks of Enna and Irys despite them getting shit numbers and you also have people shitting all over Vox and Mysta despite them getting great numbers. Numbers has existed for almost 2 years now and has it's own culture of thread faves and dislikes, and hasn't gone with a strict "Big numbers good, small numbers bad" for a very long time, if ever.
At this point anyone who claims that is either an extreme newfag trying to act like an oldfag or a shitposter trying to deflect

>> No.34304180
File: 302 KB, 563x499, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they're trying quite hard to stem the recline.

>> No.34304186

Those numbers are horrendous. Was CCVID still in effect during that stream?

>> No.34304196

Oh no norm people cna't make mistake. It must be a seanigger. Why are you projecting ?

>> No.34304214 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304217

that was in fact one of the first indications that ccvid was a thing

>> No.34304231

Female fans create Hugbox

>> No.34304232 [DELETED] 

why are you hurt are you perhaps a seanigger? kek

>> No.34304239

>Tempus aspiration and point of pride is beating Kiara
>playing fucking Carto

>> No.34304246

Euro hours, please understand

>> No.34304250

Ange my beloved

>> No.34304253

>shits on poors
>shits on /#/s
>shits on tweeters

>> No.34304255

IRyS just didn't get culled like Council, she'd only be like 40k above Bae/Fauna if she had been.

>> No.34304279

Anon people will post just about anything here, but anything you post will ALSO have one or two people saying "this does not belong here".
This is a pretty simple test, to see whether you care about that one guy's opinion about it or not.
If you do, you out yourself as a tourist, and people will have 5 mins of fun shitting on you.
Lurk for at least 2 more weeks and learn how the thread works before posting again.

>> No.34304281 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304287

Nowa caring about numbers so he can't play Dwarf Fortress

>> No.34304294

because they got chased out of /mans/ and thought they could find allies in /#/, see all those posts accusing everyone who doesn't agree with them of being newfags

>> No.34304309

anon yes that is a very proud moment. Its the same as when we were shitting on Luxiem of getting beaten by HoloID

>> No.34304317

after this im going to watch this stream back and if he didnt shit on poor niggers and you faggots are just making it up im gonna be mad

>> No.34304320

Yes I am actually. But it doesn't change the fact that we live rent free in your head

>> No.34304327

anon pls

>> No.34304329
File: 292 KB, 796x982, 1660240726139715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would someone really do this? Just.....go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.34304333

That's why it'd be embarrassing to lose the race to 1M

>> No.34304343


>> No.34304347 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304351

No humility.

>> No.34304370

Kronii, Vox, Ren all in shambles

>> No.34304380

> he actually thought it was real
are you people literal internet babies?

>> No.34304384

Anon it's literally the twitch thot copypasta are you that fucking guillible?

>> No.34304393 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304394

Please anon be my guess. How could I ever lie to you on this holy christian forum

>> No.34304402

If the intention is to shit on Kiara by being beaten by a midget you wuold have a point
>In March 2021?

>> No.34304409 [DELETED] 

that explains why this thread is so shit there's a seamonke amongus

>> No.34304414

he's not the only one, see
And I'm being charitable here and assuming it's not all just one person trying to shitpost

>> No.34304417

>not understanding what vtweeter means

>> No.34304421

That Guras stream was from 10 days ago lol

>> No.34304425

It's around the 1h mark you can't miss it

>> No.34304452

>unironic newfags itt
/#/ is declining

>> No.34304455

anon Vesper literally had an higher average than Kiara in August
this is just a poor deflection attempt

>> No.34304457 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304466

the absolute state of /#/

>> No.34304480

Why are you so new ?

>> No.34304483

What do you guys think about vtubers discussing the vtuber Meta? It seems like some people like it because it's a nice to be candid, but some hate it because of the kayfabe breaking.

>> No.34304490

>mass replying for (you)s begging

>> No.34304506
File: 60 KB, 1008x424, the phase line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NijiEN handcam stream being mogged by Phase Connect handcam stream

>> No.34304511


>> No.34304513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304519
File: 410 KB, 1080x1371, 1645319276254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon /#/ has been newfag central for literally years, why do you think Nijiniggers keep trying to peddle their lies here? And why do you think they keep getting pushback? Because if they don't actual newfags will think what they are saying is real and spread it on discord/facebook/youtube/reddit or wherever

>> No.34304523

Vesper is asexual, he just panders to the people watching him. His PL audience was barafags so he pretended to be into muscular man, now it's hololive fans so he pretends to be into petite girls.

>> No.34304537

I like it to a certain point, but constantly doing just makes the chuuba come across as overly concerned about it.

>> No.34304538
File: 30 KB, 639x418, mysta funnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta funneled. But it still cannot save Nina from being under the 3view hell.

>> No.34304549


>> No.34304561
File: 8 KB, 363x352, Screenshot 2022-09-30 115827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, there are 750+ posts in this thread, but only 137 posters. You do the math. PROTIP: If someone comes into an unrelated thread and starts doing the 'omg /vt/ sisters can you believe ____ said ____?!' routine and it sounds really unbelievable? Please make sure to take these threads with a grain of salt.

>> No.34304562

Is that a hidden cam in the bag or my dick suddenly have eyes ?

>> No.34304566

I mean, someone tried in September's halfway point to call EN tally gold the "did Mysta stream?" tally. If you're losing in golds to a streamer with so-called shit numbers then why even bother gloating about tourists and 1st time buffs?

>> No.34304576
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>> No.34304581 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304588

nijisisters are probably the ones that hate Nina the most

>> No.34304607

It we are talking Vesper, then I appreciate it. He's given us a lot of info on how Cover operates. And he hasn't gotten bonked yet so I guess management is fine with the transparency.

>> No.34304615

>Tenma's a cute little Japanese girl
Who could have guessed?

Also, 1k get

>> No.34304632

nigger did you actually think nijiniggers started pushing that because it's based in any kind of facts?

>> No.34304645 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304661

Vesper blasting Sana with both barrels.

>> No.34304666

bretty good, innit?

>> No.34304697 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304708

I like it. The whole reason I'm in this fucking thread is I like the meta side of vtubing. People like Kiara, Pippa, or Vesper are great.

>> No.34304732


>> No.34304755 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304759

How do they do it?

>> No.34304766

They have a whole pastebin list of Nina's horrid crime on the doxsite

>> No.34304771

I never get tired of those nice smooth Tempus graphs, very rarely any Zs, no weird fluctuations, just steady inclines with the occasional gentle shallow trough

>> No.34304830 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304887 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304922

Anon, the fact that he is maintaining it is more of a proud moment for Vesper than shit on kiara, she always gets these numbers nowadays

>> No.34304932

I love Vesper so much but I feel like this thread will anti him if he gets circlejerked too hard so I have to balance it out with hard-core anti posts.

>> No.34304937

Oh Ayame on holotalk.

>> No.34304945 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34304947
File: 82 KB, 637x724, 1653601684248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do more for the rest of the stats given by @Holo_data
maybe I'll do it while watching chammers later tonight
to reiterate I'm not saying hours watched is the be all end all for the numbers, I just haven't finished the rest yet

>> No.34304967

Ange is not fat

>> No.34304980

By being actually good entertaining solo streamers that stream at a consistent time and don't rely on boosting themselves with gimmicks

>> No.34304994 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305007

>waaaah the tempus homos collab too much!!
>waaaah the tempus homos are locking one (1) collab behind membership!!
Nijiniggers are truly mysterious creatures

>> No.34305009

Oh wow after more than a year I'm finally going to watch Kiara

>> No.34305035

There hasn't been a Holo talk for months, what are you talking about?

>> No.34305056 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305072

You don't need to anti him. Just do the "I like him but <insert bullshit here>". You will then receive some free gift cards.

>> No.34305074

As if they ever argued in good faith

>> No.34305078

>9/2021, 74,449
>9/2022, 521,734
this make me happy

>> No.34305087

>Recently went to gookland
>Rising popularity with Koreans
>Enter ultranationalist oni
Kiara beheading live LETS GOO?

>> No.34305117 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305132 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305169 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305201

I want shoto to go balls deep into tempus.

>> No.34305225

StarsEN 2

>> No.34305229

>Nina sub 1k handcam
Just what's fucking wrong with nijien?

>> No.34305230 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305233

This is cool, easy way to see some kind of reclining or inclining

>> No.34305235
File: 10 KB, 432x89, vox tweet mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does he mean by this?
Nobody was enraged, so I guess he won't be cancelled for this.

>> No.34305241

Post sakura ritsuki lewd please

>> No.34305243

>celebrating 4k CCV
the absolute fucking state man. They barely fucking debuted and EN fans have the attention span of a fly. If they start bleeding fans again it's unironically over and I don't see how they'll manage to generate some hype anyway.

>> No.34305245

Why are you gay?

>> No.34305251

>>waaaah the tempus homos are locking one (1) collab behind membership!!
You can continue to pretend this is a good thing and you will continue to be retarded you retarded Tempusfaggot.

>> No.34305259
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JPs are finally starting to realize Gura's lewd side after this clip went viral (e.g.
It's been 2 fucking years that they've been thinking she's "seiso".

>> No.34305277


>> No.34305292 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305308
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>> No.34305325

>"It'll be cold day in hell before I'll be in CHADcast"
Yeah, lokks like IRyS is firmly in the "no-male" collab camp

>> No.34305326

kys thread shitter seamonke

>> No.34305345

Would be interesting to add an hours streamed column just so you could see how much is due to streaming hour variations vs CCV variatons

>> No.34305347
File: 162 KB, 750x1061, __yorumi_rena_nijisanji_drawn_by_zaxwu__3bd7fe74dad5ea9a2bfd73ee25a46c48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Later than Tally Anon
Sorry, i got bored and left, but i did promise some Yorumi Rena.

>> No.34305361

Occasional insights are fine if they're interesting, but going too deep into it is counterproductive.
Of course that only matters to the run-of-the-mill chuuba, if you're actually entertaining then go wild, you'll still have an audience.

>> No.34305373
File: 130 KB, 727x663, 1663843068319922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm beginning to suspect this is yet another nijinig gift card raid given how they dissappear and reappear at the same time

>> No.34305378

nijien is dying

>> No.34305402

Don't even try this shit.

>> No.34305407 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 1400x788, 3273232132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because you asked

>> No.34305409

Your fragile masculinity is showing anon

>> No.34305414

It got a bigger boost because Miko talked about it on stream.

>> No.34305423

Oh wow took you that long to change ip ?

>> No.34305429

That's what you get when you spam buff contents one after another.

>> No.34305434

The nijinigger shrieks in horror upon being found out

>> No.34305449

Gift card raiders calling people who don't like tempus or nijisanji gift card raiders is a pretty funny new evolution of the tactic

>> No.34305453
File: 9 KB, 434x63, magni suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34305456 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305458
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>> No.34305472

>/mans/ sharts calling anyone a nijileech
welp guess I'll have to dig up some comments, brb

>> No.34305474

I will never understand why /mans/ retards here hard defend every single thing they do and try to gaslight people into thinking they're not completely fucking new.

>> No.34305483

The nijinigger special, find content that's buff, and then spam it until it no longer stays a buff and becomes a straight debuff

>> No.34305487

deleted what?

>> No.34305498 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305513
File: 2.21 MB, 1081x1849, fau women[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqj3280.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34305518
File: 2.27 MB, 1819x3054, 2d532d8de923fb10316c4dbdbcc0db86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34305530

I dunno why people are still thinking anyone is going to change their stance on collabs. Pretty clear that everyone who wants to collab with the homos has already tipped their hand especially with Ame not being able to fill her worms tourney.

>> No.34305540 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305546

I wonder how many people will just believe that image and not actually go to your link

>> No.34305550

They are just stars colored nijiniggers at this point.

>> No.34305553

Where's mine then D:

>> No.34305562
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>> No.34305567

Who said that?

>> No.34305587 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305592

You aren't actually arguing that Tempus still has debut buff right? They have so many events and projects coming up that could incline them. DnD, competitive HoloPro collabs, their podcast, cover songs, la creatividad streams.

>> No.34305598

>monke fee fee hurt
>report the comment
so you reported me huh? kek

>> No.34305610

Have you considered that tempus has genuine fans in /#/ because of the nijiniggers and you attempting to turn the thread into anti-mans isn't actually working with thread culture?

>> No.34305632
File: 393 KB, 848x1200, 46b37a7b5554468a7a3069db04032d0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shizurin 3k at this hour
Seems like a lot for her, are they doing a Minecraft project?

>> No.34305641

> wir müssen den juden ihren platz in der welt beibringen
Jesus Kiara, save it for your German channel...

>> No.34305654

>Projecting yet again
Maybe you should stop spamming bait in the catalog

>> No.34305661

Yeah that's why i'm not worried about homo getting included in seasonal collab. The girls in no males camp will veto it to hell.

>> No.34305665

Irys in my dream

>> No.34305667 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305675

If they're "genuine fans" and not just retarded newfags they should fucking know better than to respond instead of doing these retarded mental gymnastics trying to defend something as shit as gating a full gen collab behind a singular membership

>> No.34305686

You are way too recognizable sis, change up your writing style

>> No.34305687
File: 2.29 MB, 1433x2024, 3e5640ac9b6361ab84b05fa3ece84b5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34305694

>because of the nijiniggers
>numberniggers turning into oboretai to "own" the nijiniggers

>> No.34305703

>wahhhh anons called me out on my bullshit why are they like this
Yeah, anons here kinda have to do it when you have 15 fucking people unironically believing a garbage ass bait about Vesper shitting on poor fags. Don't get asshurt about it.

>> No.34305705

pls understand, micra is debuff game here in nijisanji

>> No.34305704

Me in the middle

>> No.34305726

Nowa he was asked about joining chadcast as guess but he said it never going to happen. The only reason why is fucking irys who can collab with diffrent music producer but not a coworker.

>> No.34305747 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305748
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>> No.34305749
File: 22 KB, 550x624, 1658323098591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the hours watched one but I haven't finished the rest yet

>> No.34305777

I will never understand why niggers keep trying to do the "tempus is just like nijiniggers and you hate nijiniggers, right? So please hate tempus too" to try and gaslight the thread into thinking it's always hated tempus

>> No.34305782

If they haven't collabed with them yet I doubt they'll be so open to changing their minds. The only real question is en3 at this point

>> No.34305799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305811
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>> No.34305812

You know what, based.
I hope the collab beggars start harassing Irys over this, so that we can finally start nuking them off this fandom.

>> No.34305813
File: 376 KB, 1080x1359, Screenshot_20220930_122228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardworking? Thats all of your senpais
My fucking sides are in orbit

>> No.34305814

>Genuine fan

>> No.34305825

I don't do that, but you act exactly the same.

>> No.34305830

From most to least likely:
IRyS- Doesn't follow on twitter, openly stated she wouldn't collab
Gura-Doesn't follow on twitter, completely ignores
Fauna-Follows on twitter, has ignored them
Ina-Follow on twitters, briefly mentioned Regis and has mentioned Holostars JP before
Kiara-Follows on twitter, has collabed with men outside of vtubers, has talked to her audience about whether they'd be ok with such collabs but has declined to so far
Mumei-Follows on twitter, has ignored Tempus since debut but has collabs with JP Stars
Bae/Mori/Ame/Kronii-Already collab

>> No.34305843

The thread is not one person you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.34305853

"genuine fans" will know about the 10 commandments of /mans/ already retard.

>> No.34305876
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>> No.34305874

>Shoto collab
>Twitch dramatuber collabs
>Increasing amounts of gaybaiting
>Full-gen collabs behind membership
>Constant interactions with NijiEN on Twitter and in chat
Yeah where would people be getting this idea that Tempus is more similar to Nijisanji than Hololive

>> No.34305882 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305896

>Quest event starto
>Raid /#/
>Reward: Gift cards

>> No.34305899

Nigger you can see how many people fell for the "vesper said the twitch thot copypasta" post in this thread and know that laying down and letting them spout lies is not a viable strategy

>> No.34305910
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>> No.34305919

nah, the shitty mans thread is irrelevant

>> No.34305934

The beggars never stop.......

>> No.34305937
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>> No.34305940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34305949


>> No.34305974
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>> No.34305978

Noir does seems aware of how lazy HoloEN is by the way he talks about them on his solo streams

>> No.34305987

>you're not in my fan discord?
>I'm sorry bro, but you're a poser

>> No.34306011

September Ends

>> No.34306013

>Maybe you should stop spamming bait in the catalog
holy schizophrenia ! the stats about you fuckers is actually not made up huh?

>> No.34306014 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34306017

>Don't hard defend their shitty practice
>they lie
>you can literally just ignore the lie because there would be no fucking clips since it didn't happen
I'm not sure why you feel the need to actually fucking white knight this.

>> No.34306030
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One of these days Shoto, Selen and the Nijiboys will randomly be playing 4 man Valo and Kobo will just enter the game, then invite herself to the Voice Chat.
And there's nothing management can do about it.

>> No.34306038
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I'm with Riku on this one.
I want them to keep doing it, and keep getting cockblocked by half the talents. I want to see them start sperging out and harassing the talents.

>> No.34306040

Hopefully, none of them will do a collab with males. 4 girls are more than enough.

>> No.34306051

I don't visit mans and my fandom of tempus comes entirely from how they schooled nijiniggers so hard they are literally looking at vespers's ccv with a microscope celebrating every loss of 100 viewers. Not all tempus fans come from mans

>> No.34306063 [SPOILER] 

all homobeggers, tribalniggers and corporate asslickers get the rope

>> No.34306066

Kiara doesn't mind mentioning them but she said she won't collab with them

>> No.34306068 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34306092
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>> No.34306112

Kiara status?

>> No.34306126


>> No.34306144

Wife (mine)

>> No.34306145
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>> No.34306152

beg more

>> No.34306154

>talking shit about Council not being close
Yeah Vesper is gonna get his ass beat for this one. I think sometimes he forgets he's in HoloPro.

>> No.34306158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34306162

It's because Kronii's loss to the orcs is still a fresh wound.
Nobody expected HER of all people to flip, considering just how her fans and member streams were like.
So it creates an environment of "anyone can die(in this case, collab with a homo)" for a while until the fanbase recovers.

The same thing happened with "Announcement" posts, the entire community is so traumatized by them that JPs often have to explicitly state that announcements are happy to prevent them from sperging.

>> No.34306203
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>> No.34306210

Cry about it.

>> No.34306218 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34306229

>Call random people schizo
>Let SEA lives rent free in your head

>> No.34306232

> admitting to being a threadreader
really nigga?

>> No.34306239

>Vesper shitting on lazy whores
Holy based.

>> No.34306266
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>> No.34306275 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34306292

Pretend I posted the absolute worst thing Vesper could ever say on stream.

>> No.34306308
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>> No.34306325
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>> No.34306347

Based, graduation speedrun any %

>> No.34306359 [DELETED] 

Honestly pretty based. I didn't realise we both shared a history of burning orphans

>> No.34306368

Anon there wasn't any proof that vesper is gay or has a wife and kids either and it's been basically taken as gospel here, or for an example on the Holo side, look at how many people still believe the shit that orcschizo said about Kiara back in the day despite there being absolutely zero proof for it. A lack of proof has never been any barrier to stuff spouted here being accepted as common fact, and letting them lie without any pushback is exactly how you get newfags taking it as proof and posting it on discord/twitter/reddit what have you

>> No.34306370


>> No.34306380

OK I will now subscribe to Uncle Nowa

>> No.34306381

Please come back :(

>> No.34306388
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>> No.34306413

>Hooman collab beggar in Vespers SCs
It's all so tiresome lads... collab beggars ruined Tempus and HoloEN

>> No.34306421 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34306422

I fucking hate nijisanji

>> No.34306424

>Homoniggers seething about HoloEN being more successful than the boys despite streaming less
They really are just Nijiniggers.

>> No.34306431

/MANS/ is melting down over sc collab begging, kek

>> No.34306450
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>> No.34306454


>> No.34306459

Oh shit, Vesper reveals that Tempus got to talk to Sana. Sana spoke to men. All the cope about her leaving to avoid them, annihilated.

>> No.34306479 [DELETED] 

You think they'd be used to that by now

>> No.34306490

Keep trying sis I'm sure if you do it often enough it'll actually work

>> No.34306491

Based, finally someone in EN that have the balls to say this

>> No.34306514
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This is pain, these lewds do nothing to me because I don't watch mansanji. It feels like looking at generic anime pic #1513

>> No.34306517
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>> No.34306544

Do the Tempus themselves ever tell them to stop or tone it down though
They can't be oblivious to the homobegging at this point

>> No.34306545 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34306550

Did the faggots do any opsec? It reeks of being here. Who does this shit after all the drama and tension we already have?

>> No.34306561

>the homobeggars were really just general holobeggars
who could have saw this coming lmao

>> No.34306563

anon what the fuck does that have to do with retard replying to a post about how collab behind memberships are bad and then trying to act like the thread never ever shit on that before and then pretending that it's a good thing that they're doing it and it's not a problem

>> No.34306593
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every Niji lewds thread there's someone that says something like that
"wait, the nurse was a Niji character?"
"the silver haired wasn't just OC futa?"

>> No.34306612 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34306616

Only the blue homo is aware of the beggars movement unfortunately

>> No.34306618

Vesper sounds like he's pretty close to just telling his fans to stop bringing up the girls so much. That "no more collabs for 80 years" seems like an obvious hint
He seems like a sensitive guy so it probably hasn't been fun to be at the center of a drama shitstorm

>> No.34306620

Regis is the best for this reason. He WILL shit on you if you collab beg

>> No.34306626

Vesper slipped and mentioned Mumei

>> No.34306654

Is there even a cope? Anyone who watch the graduation stream know about this.

>> No.34306657
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>> No.34306658

This was common knowledge if you watched Tempus since the beginning and watched Sana’s graduation but people forget too easily or just thread read

>> No.34306668

because (you) are a schizo faggot why would you assume i was spamming the catalog

>> No.34306683

all are nijiniggers farming gift cards

>> No.34306690 [DELETED] 
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I was mainly just doing this because I refuse to let the tradition die because everyone was too busy arguing over Tempiss again, but some of these girls are pretty cute. I'll jerk one off to them when I'm done

>> No.34306708
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>> No.34306721

Altare is pretty ruthless about tardwrangling his chat and has banned people before for spamming about collabs. Normally he's around to help Vesper and the other boys with chat but he's probably asleep right now because he was playing Valorant late with Axel and Kobo. Vesper is pretty submissive so I don't see him straight up telling chat to stop, the whole 'I'm collab'd out' thing is as close as he's gonna get

>> No.34306732


>> No.34306750

Getting mixed messages from /MANS/sisters, they're coping and shitting on beggars.

>> No.34306786

I probably just forgot about it.

>> No.34306791

Are you that gay to not enjoy random hot anime girls?

>> No.34306802


>> No.34306810
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>> No.34306843

>american SC
>is cringe
why, why do they do this

>> No.34306881

There's negritos among us

>> No.34306885

this is really good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx5bBBznB6I

>> No.34306890

Posted nipples. Jannie didn't like that

>> No.34306894

The amount of SC collab beggars in his chat feels like a coordinated discord attack...

>> No.34306898

cuz beggars aren't tempus fans

mans themself has rules about beggars and off topics

>> No.34306935

I like how the effort put into her massive hair would be enough to build another model

>> No.34306936

that's just normal homobeggar behaviour

>> No.34306941
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Before i started getting into Nijis, i could never jerk it to a vtuber i'd watch, but some Niji models and attitudes were just right.

>> No.34306954

It's just the blood in the water effect, he's humoring them so they're seeing how much they can get out of him.

>> No.34306978

Imagine if bait here drops because all the niji discordniggers are over on a homo stream collab begging in order to inflame

>> No.34306997

Holobeggar behavior*
Turns out most of the girls' viewers are cucks and want to see them interact with the boys. Truly shameless behavior

>> No.34307000

I can respect that at least. I remember blue was quick to shut down viewers going nuts over his sister in one of the earlier collabs when I watched them earlier on. The rest really need to put their foot down though with shit like >>34306810, not even for begging but just for outright mentioning other streamer names when it's already stated in the usual stream rules

>> No.34307005

true kek

>> No.34307006

Nah, Vesper is just a pushover and won't shut them down. He gave them an inch.

>> No.34307042

We have never liked begging and never exactly happy when a mixed collab happens precisely because of dramanigger bullshit. The only one that wasn’t an issue was the Boomer vs Zoomer skit.

>> No.34307049

Okay, Regis needs to wake the fuck up ASAP or Nowa needs to beat down collab beggars himself. This stream absolutely sucks

>> No.34307051
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eh? I saw the Ars image, there were no visible nipples.

>> No.34307054

It's just so fucking annoying. I want to hear Vesper tell stories from his youth, not be forced to sit through an hour of Vesper sucking Council's dick. Seriously, Vesper has spent the last 30 minutes talking about Council. He's gotten 14/22 SCs in the last 30 minutes and they all either mention Kronii, Fauna, Mumei, Sana, or Bae. He's gotten multiple Mumei SCs and he keeps reiterating that he doesn't know her and they just keep coming. It's just cringe as fuck, man.

>> No.34307101
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>> No.34307106
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Anon they don't have the standard Hololive chat rules in their description...
Anything goes when it comes to their chat.

>> No.34307129

I wish pop stand up and tell beggars kiddies STFU, this is getting sad now.

>> No.34307134

Meta # credits to /MANS/ melting down

total amount of mentions in SCs

kronii - 5
bae - 2
mumei - 10
sana - 4
fauna - 2
irys - 1

>> No.34307148

>900+ posts
Slow day on the catalog?

>> No.34307175
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>> No.34307194

I mean the collab begging just shows that their audience for male and female collabs. The fact some girls are weird around tempus is just weird for anyone outside of hololive were it natural to collab with males. Plus they may be one one the way to incline the en market cause the unicorn way has not been working out at all. I'm not seeing gura music plays in store like holo jp members. Or even vtuber merch in gas stations if male and female collab both groups will incline.

>> No.34307197

>mumei - 10

>> No.34307210

why are hoomans like this?
or is it because she's a good shitposting target because of... y'know

>> No.34307214

Make Fauna 3.
Fuck these people.

>> No.34307222

Calm before the storm, the Shoto collab hasn't even happened yet

>> No.34307225

Add another Fauna to the tally

>> No.34307233

That's actually pretty weird, i'm pretty sure the JPhomos have that since it's just part of a copypasta given by management.

>> No.34307234

You fucking wish, that's just how homobeggars are. Look at any of their comments and you'll see they are unironically like this. Their cope for JPs not doing male collabs nonstop is either different management or the girls being shy.

>> No.34307239
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Slow 2nd part of September in general... school started

>> No.34307253

He got banned so everything he posted got deleted

>> No.34307275
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>> No.34307281

Stream is talking about Council and gets superchats about Council. What a shocker

>> No.34307280

jesus christ

>> No.34307287

Vesper fucked up when mentioning Mumei, you can even hear his deafening pause of “aw shit” when he accidentally went ahead and read it. I blame the moment earlier in the stream when he begged clippers not clip something he was gonna answer in more detail and put a bit too much trust in his chat and chat is getting way too carried away with his current state of openness.

>> No.34307297

>Bae - 2
Why the fuck is the best homo collab partner and the most hololive EN pro unity that low??????

>> No.34307304
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>> No.34307318
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My dear sisters, just go to sleep

>> No.34307320


>> No.34307326

Holobeggars*. This stream has proved that most of the begging comes from the girls' side and wanting them the boys to collab with them. Holokeks are truly the most cucked fanbase.

>> No.34307329
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I still find it hard to believe Kanata made Drain
She had to have made it for herself, because she knew it wouldn't do well.

>> No.34307336

Why did no one collab beg haachama when she did her English stream and even mentioned the thr tempiss fags?

>> No.34307337


We won.

>> No.34307351


>> No.34307352

Tempus was a mistake

>> No.34307353

That's the thing, if I didn't know any better I would, but in my mind they're vtubers hence I want to imagine the scenario and I just can't other than a select few.

>> No.34307359

The more homo collabs she does, the less valuable she is. In other words, whore quality

>> No.34307361

>when it's fans of the girls asking Vesper 90% of the time
I think its time we change the term. It used to be that Stars fags would beg the girls to save their numbers, not its unironic cucks wanting Vesper to collab with their oshis so they can self insert.

>> No.34307364

Bae is old news why would they beg about that

>> No.34307366
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>> No.34307382
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This IRyS mention was just some weird ESL Pole that really likes IRyS.

>> No.34307387
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Oh yeah, the Sakura nude.

>> No.34307396


>> No.34307406

I fucking kill Oberetai when that fag got doxx, fuckers enabling this shitshow.

>> No.34307422

Curious they don't even try with Gura

>> No.34307425

Because it wasn’t drama bait potentially. That’s why the Kronii collab is currently the most watched one despite it not being the best

>> No.34307427
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The lewds must flow

>> No.34307432

It's been incredibly eye-opening. I used to think most of the collab begging was from the homo side. Turns out it was the girls' fans all along.

>> No.34307431

Look, those people aren’t even fans
They’re just filthy clip watchers

>> No.34307442

You can keep repeating this it won't make it true

>> No.34307448

Probably no one watched that. Wasn't it at some retarded time?

>> No.34307471

It has more views than the Boomer vs. Zoomer because it's on a better channel

>> No.34307481


>> No.34307485
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>> No.34307490

I don't really get it but that sucks man. I'm enjoying the yorumi spam

>> No.34307496

/mans/ is already using “holobeggars”

>> No.34307505

Nigger it's literally the same people. There is no "Tempus-only" fanbase, at least not yet.

>> No.34307506
File: 1.11 MB, 2067x2923, 5934ba1fc2cc36aad26caa7b4c3f3ec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is Hada even in the Fest?

>> No.34307554
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>> No.34307560

it also generated more clips

>> No.34307570

If Nijifes won the day isn't it ok to post Pomu lewds?

>> No.34307577
File: 1.46 MB, 2231x1992, 9214e5b0ed6e895487e26f09c196e111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34307584

This is Kronii's doing everyone. Clip and twitter niggers in full force, nice job

>> No.34307591

Not drama worthy.

>> No.34307593

Collab beggars don't watch streams but they especially don't watch HoloJP streams

>> No.34307604

Sounds like a holobeggar cope ngl

>> No.34307613

Pomu isn't in nijifes

>> No.34307615
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Even if she wasn't, it's not nice to leave her out of the fun

>> No.34307629

Yeah man, when Magni overlapped the Gura mega collab his CCV was 0 I remember that day it was crazy. Literally 0view it was insane.

>> No.34307632

IRyS doesn't get shit numbers though. Her viewership is super solid and stable and she has also become a bit of a superchat beast.

>> No.34307631

>people were still clipping the Kronii collabing a couple days ago in other language subtitles
I’m angry at how true this is

>> No.34307644
File: 1.72 MB, 2109x2039, 3364795845caf6b2c617065f9393a978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm, there's a duo nude with no nipples, but i'm not risking it

>> No.34307669

So with how badly tempus have tunred out will there be an uptick in deceptive applications applying purely to get close to the girls

>> No.34307680
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>> No.34307701

Yes because when Gura streams everyone else that streams at the same time has 0 CCV.

>> No.34307710
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>> No.34307740


>> No.34307742

Well they know they can get away with it now.

>> No.34307750

>how badly
>doing better than expected
>better than 80% of JP counterpart
If they were bad they would close applications dead stop

>> No.34307749

>Suggesting that it hasn't already happened

>> No.34307757
File: 156 KB, 769x1000, 3273542124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best not to tempt fate

>> No.34307771

I've posted that one before and had no issues but I might have just avoided the meidos

>> No.34307778
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>> No.34307782
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buckets of jizz were spilled on this image

>> No.34307793

Numbers? 7k?

>> No.34307800

Predictions for Fauna's Civ 5?
I say 8k

>> No.34307808

All i know is that the fag lives in East Asia time zone. Might want to ask spread sheet anon for more info.

>> No.34307809
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>> No.34307822

There's going to an uptick in applications regardless now that people see it's financially viable, perhaps moreso than even being in Niji EN. People that just "want to get close to the girls" would have applied for Gen 1, if that was their primary motivation. They'll just reapply for Gen 2.

>> No.34307829
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>> No.34307849


>> No.34307870
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>> No.34307892


>> No.34307895
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>mama approved lewds

>> No.34307906

Bad in the sense that they can get away with having zero respect for Hololive, don't have to give a shit about stars and have easy ins with some of the girls

>> No.34307923

She's had these superchat numbers since her debut. If Playboard and my math is right she only got 15k this month which isn't that high compared to her early months

>> No.34307932
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>> No.34307943

Like 3 or 4 am est or some shit like that so not even good SEAnigger hours, that's good Australian hours though... Decentish more

>> No.34307969
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>> No.34307974
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>> No.34307975

I genuinely expected it to get cancelled.

>> No.34308002
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>> No.34308003

anon sea hours are aussie hours

>> No.34308031

Unicorn sisters?!

>> No.34308040
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>> No.34308042

clean graph, nice

>> No.34308070

kiara gonna get any funnal?

>> No.34308076

I probably wouldn't watch it just like I don't watch Kobo, most people /here/ (even outside of #) just masturbate to her numbers not anything related to the actual content or her presence in hololive.

>> No.34308095
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>no up or down tick
so all the SC-ers are regulars?

>> No.34308116

Kinda weak ngl. I was unironically expecting HoloFes numbers.

>> No.34308132
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Shit stirrers

>> No.34308139

Check her description, Fauna is using JP permissions for this. Did she go around EN management and their shit perms guy?

>> No.34308151
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>> No.34308156

Your service was greatly appreciated
