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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 448 KB, 1416x2048, pome_charo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34111306 No.34111306 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (Crazy Raccoon, KNR, DTN, 芸人旅団, GETI, etc.) is also on topic.

VSPO! is:

VSPO! previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
point two seconds story
VSPO! Autumn Sudden Test
Game Queen
VSPO! Second Spring Match
VSPO! Mahjong Soul Girls Battle
VSPO! Summer Valorant Battle
VSPO! Quiz Royale ~Aim for Champion~

VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium viewpoints: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
Ideal Christmas Date Show
Remote Hot Spring Trip
Remote Stylist
Quiz Derby
Tachibana Hinano Quiz
KING OF Mouth Corners
Nekota Tsuna in VSPO! Wonderland
VSPO Test of Courage ~Night Ward of Fear~

Ongoing events:

Upcoming events:
Inuyama Tamaki's Dirty Room VTuber Symposium, 9/27 (Tue) 23:00
Gekiro: VSPO Kentei 2022, 9/28 (Wed) 19:00

Previous thread: >>33977968

>> No.34111365

https://youtu.be/9tW3VKYeCi4 Beni
https://youtu.be/eOfVL3E687g Ramune
https://youtu.be/oaPnKBWgf9A Hinano
https://youtu.be/qy6MiJnv77I Gorilla
Valorant AlphaAzur custom

https://youtu.be/tMDjt557Szk Lisa
https://youtu.be/J_ITXzFiwZE Uruha
https://youtu.be/ElbIUVdREOc Met
Splatoon 3

https://youtu.be/Av4QYktMWCQ Sumire
https://youtu.be/XIf7nUjz0yg Tsuna
https://youtu.be/EDedwl-UMvs Reid
Apex rank

https://youtu.be/P6RzeNMwxe4 Noah
Apex rank with Haseshin and Amatsuki

>> No.34111394

thank you vspoanon

>> No.34111442


>> No.34112067

Oh yeah these three are also playing.
https://youtu.be/pbOdHctbAVE Haru
https://youtu.be/nDoCYifhCiQ Uru
With Lelu
Rare lowest Uruca. They just finished the last match with a punchout.

>> No.34112518
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Ema/Sena Ark

>> No.34112639

hskw is going suck kamito dry tomorrow

>> No.34112697

This is definitely because she saw the clip where he talked about her love consultation stream.

>> No.34112850

sasuga insta fuckboi

>> No.34112898

Tsuna finally revealed the ultimate truth they were all afraid of. Platinum is the most fun rank.

>> No.34113233

I was thinking this would be fun but I was so sure he wasn’t gonna do it.
Honestly surprised.

>> No.34113308


>> No.34113367
File: 1.68 MB, 1596x894, will never be a buispo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayame waits for vspo balo to end before starting her own balo stream
I bet Qpi is her oshi

>> No.34113444
File: 166 KB, 320x319, idolfag detected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34113553

>+570 RP
No platinum for you.

>> No.34113665

I don't think vspo hire Vtweeter

>> No.34113687

can't go wrong with ojou valo

>> No.34113827
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, lisa ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She played Splatoon 3 today though.

I see what you did there.

>> No.34114022
File: 83 KB, 497x668, Fdqd2Y8acAABJ6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design on the key case.

>> No.34114039

I still haven't found an accurate japanese assessment on peekers advantage and lag compensation.
This isn't why they're losing to 80ping SEAfags. It's only the defenders ping that matters in an engagement, and defenders have to react (1/2 defender ping)ms faster to shoot first.

To be fair to them I've only ever seen one english video that gets it exactly correct.

>> No.34114048
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>> No.34114300

she's really being passed around the male fps vtuber circle, isn't she? hal, kamito, now who else?

>> No.34114326

sorry I forgot kamito isn't a vtuber

>> No.34114458

I don't mind because she took the effort to improve from being a total fps newbie to being somewhat decent at the game.
Unlike certain people that hopped on the fps bandwagon even though their gameplay is embarrassing to watch.

>> No.34114539

the door to hell has opened...

>> No.34114559

true, also she's kind enough to reward the people who help her with sex so that's always a plus

>> No.34114892

>she's really being passed around
It's the other way. This is how she gains her powers.
Soon hskw will be posting clips of aces full of insane flicks. She'll be radiant in a few months, and Kamito will be dragging down even Hinano.

>> No.34115147

Half a year old bread in Nose's room...

>> No.34115430

is it based bread?

>> No.34115572

Mimi Ark

And good morning Nazuna. Or evening.

>> No.34115595

hey yo

>> No.34116076

Uruha's bed is apparently very clean because she doesn't take anything into it. Considering how she's talked about how much food mess there is in her room, I'm genuinely surprised.
Qpi's very clean part of her room is her oshi shrine.

>> No.34116221

what a coincidence, I just learned what "G" s are yesterday

>> No.34116412

guess no valorant unless someone invites him to play together

>> No.34117413

Who's her oshi?

>> No.34117689


>> No.34117906

spoke too soon

>> No.34117923

qpiruna cycle in 22 minutes

>> No.34118278

Tsuna... this is getting a little weird...

>> No.34118439

what happened - she couldn't form a team with them when she made diamond?

>> No.34118519

there's a fucking cryptid talking in kamito's VC right now rofl

>> No.34118530

It ended up just being that bug.

>> No.34118791

did bora have a naver page or whatever it's called?

>> No.34119046
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>> No.34119145

Kamito's been spectating this really retarded chamber for the past few rounds

>> No.34119297

jesus christ kamito who fucking cares if they're toxic when they're playing well
same guy that romanticized western VCs btw
as soon as someone trash talks in VC he immediately calls them scary and mutes them

>> No.34119396

he's just protecting kamitosisters' virgin ears

>> No.34119628

noah champ last game of the split. amatsuki just made master from it

>> No.34119641

nah they just sound like tryhard westoid copycats. at least when crylix does it he does it in English or with those NA pros lmao

>> No.34120047
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>> No.34120168

I think Sumire got stream sniped right at the end of their final game.

>> No.34120250

it's actually so weird hearing like cheeky come out randomly with some trash talk in english when playing with jp bros. it;s really jarring hearing even just "easyzzzz". things just hit harder in your native language i guess

>> No.34120593

if any of them use in-game VC they'd have heard way worse

>> No.34121877

I'm just going to assume Shinomiya knows about "Nothin' but a G thang".

>> No.34122042

3 nice mice spotted in kamito's stream

>> No.34123507
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>> No.34124315

There's a lot of character in that couple walking down the street.

>> No.34126944


>> No.34127040



>> No.34128215
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>> No.34128943

oh look, it's me

>> No.34130441


>> No.34132981
File: 286 KB, 1280x1720, MOCHI_tavell-1572250521955897349-FdHBaxaakAEQreN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34133911

https://youtu.be/lEkTzRNjMcI metoon

>> No.34136307
File: 405 KB, 1753x2270, FdqAQv_agAAzrS5 - reityana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34137426

https://youtu.be/ACraOComPxw aizumi semarant

>> No.34137969
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, Aizumi Sema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aizumi sema

>> No.34138593

Yui and Minase valo

Aruse was here a while ago but he left to sleep. Yui called him up knowing full well that he was nearing 24 hours without sleep.

>> No.34140783

These thumbnails are just asking for it.

>> No.34143786

She had a great game just now. She sounds so happy.

>> No.34144170
File: 25 KB, 216x266, runa smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some nice mice.

>> No.34148414


>> No.34149824

Mimi reached that scene in the manga and couldn't help reading the line with Kamito's voice.

>> No.34149841

chii-chan is seriously NGMI with the throwing knife

>> No.34150514

It's so fucking hard to use I don't understand, like everytime I get a kill with it the throw feels lucky

>> No.34152405

try it in the firing range a bunch, it's like arc stars where there is a decent delay in the release, also it curves down and "out" slightly. helps to focus on the center of the screen, not the animation, and be looking right at the enemy just after release

>> No.34153932

More stories about Nazuna and taxis.

>> No.34156280
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>> No.34156311
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>> No.34158054

rip nazupi this time next month or so

>> No.34159944

Is this the takopa that Beni she had planned?

>> No.34160412

Giru Ramu Valo coming up.

>> No.34160869

She should carry a knife because if this is her luck with taxis then the next one is gonna rape her.

>> No.34160870
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>> No.34161057

Kawase's new look still annoys me

>> No.34161122

no more sololelu...

>> No.34161269

why couldn't Hinano stay as cute as Ramu...

>> No.34161603

If this is +GETI, where is Noah?

>> No.34161716

Serious question would be where is = 3 =

>> No.34162184

https://twitcasting.tv/runa_shinomiya live

>> No.34162312


>> No.34162405

Ramu and Giru are fucking creepy.
Bitch wants to do kap kitchen already.

>> No.34162800

kap what

>> No.34163272


>> No.34164320
File: 487 KB, 1000x1380, tsuna wonderland en 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some time to kill so I tried to typeset one of Rush's comics.

>> No.34164350
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>> No.34164377

The next Gekiro starts in a few minutes.

>> No.34165050

who is this other cute girl in this ramu furupa?
actual sex voice

>> No.34165160

The second one doing the Nainai-kun voice has to be Ren.

>> No.34165307


>> No.34165464

I aint watching nico. I aint

>> No.34165468

Nachoneko's mom (artist)
Speaking of the furupa, doesn't look like Ramune's having fun right now cause they're losing hard...
And she has to hold it in because there's 3 strangers.

>> No.34165564

she's pretty quiet

>> No.34165648
File: 839 KB, 1080x1852, IMG_20220928_183318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew she saw the clip.

>> No.34165707

>bait thread featuring kamito
vtubing's highest honor

>> No.34165893
File: 418 KB, 1698x955, stream time poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good poll to ask viewers.

>> No.34165956

It's still so weird to see Ishikawa Kaito in something as scuffed as a Gekiro.

>> No.34166102

Is this a good gekiro (I support this romanization) or is this lukewarm like all but 3 of them?

>> No.34166140

The premise is about who knows the company the best, and the current question is a sound test of desk slams. I'd say it's pretty good.

>> No.34166216

>Reid understands Vspo more than his own company

>> No.34166379

Tsuna doesn't even know the answer and it's her pinned Tweet.

>> No.34166559

no 0時+ for europoors... although vspo members 生活リズム is often so fucked that we luck out

>> No.34167012

Whats up with aruse

>> No.34167101
File: 460 KB, 1698x955, last to bungee jump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely surprised Mimi showed up like "Yeah I totally would."

>> No.34167288

vtubing full time now

>> No.34167553

new CR girls (male) just dropped

>> No.34167590

I voted Ren, I'm a sheep...

>> No.34167615


>> No.34167640
File: 452 KB, 1698x955, poll for being turned down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be intrigued with why it's so high, but she's too cool. So I get it.

>> No.34167988

someone tell me how to read this I just tuned in

>> No.34168071


>> No.34168074

Easier than I thought

>> No.34168133

Runa is having discord sex with Qpi. Not once has she ever mentioned doing the same with Noah.

>> No.34168161

cycle sex in 1 hour or so

>> No.34168222

torigomoku hyakuretsuken

>> No.34168299
File: 237 KB, 1664x518, vspo licenses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34168835
File: 107 KB, 863x493, best senpai and kouhai team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimi love.
I scored 210. I blew it on all the polls, but questions about guessing every desk hit and every OMAE prevented complete embarrassment.

>> No.34168908 [DELETED] 

I bet she wanted to end stream before Gekiro to watch it but because Giru's dumbass brought all these people she couldn't.

>> No.34169286

Other stuff
https://youtu.be/Kae8L1NBtbE Tsuna Splatoon

https://youtu.be/jLUiZNv2-og Sumire

>> No.34169868
File: 3.77 MB, 1280x720, Me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting soon!

>> No.34170105
File: 169 KB, 1397x2048, nnmrr_o-1574543086684090368-FdnmluQaIAAG6zo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34170146

*Sumire coughs her fucking lungs out*
Chat: tskr

>> No.34170232
File: 1.53 MB, 2896x4096, rakugaki_toka-1575067853287727105-FdvDzbMaEAIUsGK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love CP contents too

>> No.34170274
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>late because he's changing his clothes

>> No.34170353
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>> No.34170532
File: 158 KB, 482x537, Kanikanidowi-1575070908506509313-FdvGn-eUoAAQ3nV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34170848

he's completely hijacked the program lol

>> No.34171373

that acronym is,, uh.. unfortunate

>> No.34172015

Qpi wants the chinese audience...

>> No.34172033

That was the power of gyaru just now.

>> No.34172537

Why didn't he say it?
That was the only situation where he gets to say it with 0 repercussions.

>> No.34172589

they're actually dating and that would give too much away and put all the oreapo fans in retard rage

>> No.34172607

I don't think Splatoon is very healthy for Tsuna. She's been pro wrestling with chat but she's throwing some pretty hard punches.

>> No.34173155

I think she calmed down.
The last joke was about a baby crying in the background and making it to matome.
She's not actually good with children though.

>> No.34173584

Yeah I'm convinced.
Kamito is the cutest girl.

>> No.34173973

Took you long enough

>> No.34174534

hey yo
I've kinda had enough of zatsudans for today so I hope this is a gaming stream.

>> No.34174684
File: 294 KB, 1280x1280, 20220928_231429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who asked for this

>> No.34174738

last fifa event was pretty fun so this one might be too. these group events usually turn out pretty decent regardless

>> No.34174802

They're gonna assault uruca in the locker room...

>> No.34175407

Lauren is going to make a joke about koreans and get cancelled again

>> No.34175447

Someone has to bear that cross.

>> No.34175457

no wonder riot rejected these clowns.

>> No.34175640

I thought he just got done being un-cancelled lmao

>> No.34176147

I can't believe Shinomiya tried to seduce Beni...

>> No.34176194

I can. Shinomiya is a succubus. Beni is her only competition, in terms of sex, within VSpo.

>> No.34176273

nazu twitcast. 寝起き声 >>>>>>>>>>

>> No.34177411

can't tell which one is more sleeper
gundam or fucking football

>> No.34177639

fucking twink

>> No.34177891

Ramune's startled expression is so versatile. It's almost as good as Lisa's ahegao.

>> No.34178374
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I have to know if they knew what they were getting themselves into with this face (approval).

>> No.34179272

Ren joined Meika in Apex just a bit ago.

>> No.34179909

and to think 10 kg of that is just him carrying his dick around...

>> No.34181771

What's the point if he can't manhandle you

>> No.34181893
File: 1.59 MB, 1366x768, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This collab singlehandedly questioned my faith in OreApo.

>> No.34182206

This is a pivotal moment in their story. Hoshikawa just showed the whole world that Kamito is at her beck and call.
What is Hinano gonna do about it? Nothing but play solorant again...

>> No.34182438

this is hilarious. this is just hinano just reliving Noah's pain lmao

>> No.34182899

It feels somewhat disturbing

>> No.34183639

>A wedding ceremony feels like a waste of money
>I'd rather spend that money on a vacation
I'm starting to love her more and more.

>> No.34183703

She just wants to skip to the important part of a wedding, which is the honeymoon.

>> No.34183834

Not on asexual Sumire's watch. We're skipping the honeymoon too.

>> No.34185233

sara's too good. just too fucking good. no ship is safe with her roaming the streets.

>> No.34187585
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, yamaichi_323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34188620

that was nazupi not sumi though
and su comes along on the honeymoon to watch while me and nazu start a family

>> No.34190377
File: 2.23 MB, 2368x3063, FdfhVapaEAAF9ir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

キャットラビング really suits shinomiya

>> No.34193870

hey yo

>> No.34196357
File: 272 KB, 1448x2048, FduTCmEUcAE8AmI - roll__ron (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34198678

I regret skipping my valo reps.
Mafuyu's featuring all these funny 野良 on her vids and I'm not one of them.

>> No.34199567


Oreapo is obsolete time to move on

>> No.34200413

Didn't she sing Turing Love with Kanae? She's taken

>> No.34200716

hskw belongs to everyone

>> No.34200740

Who's joining the vspo trip today?
Other than anon.

>> No.34202931

why are the 2 immortals in the team losing to a retarded one trick?

>> No.34203425

my retard is so cute and strong

>> No.34203544

it's always so obvious whenever he's watching something while fully erect

>> No.34204217
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>> No.34204792

Just watched the gekiro archive.
The seiyuu guests were kinda awkward because of this one's theme.
The entire thing was just a bunch of inside jokes and both just looked like they had to pretend they know what the rest of the members are talking about.
Heck, Ishikawa flat out said something along the lines of "I gotta do my archive reps".

>> No.34207749

It seems the thread has once again witnessed gyaru power.

>> No.34207935
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>> No.34211158

Road trip road trip road trip. Sounds like Qpi, Hinano, Lisa, Beni, Ren, Sumire. Nazuna showed up to their destination early.

If you listen to the last line, you'd know it's telling you do to aim training.

>> No.34211242
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With Sena, that's already half of them.

>> No.34211790

No Ren. It just sounded like her laugh.

>> No.34211964

Just finished watching the gekiro. I think it's one of my favorite. Way more fun than the previous test of courage
Tsuna and Ramune are still missing from the opening...

>> No.34213398

giru's experiencing the early oreapo teasing

>> No.34213565

kamito has achieved brain death after 14 hours of streaming

>> No.34213952

Where's noah?

>> No.34215924
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>> No.34216571

Ramune is a real one for offering almost an entire day of Valorant while all the girls are out.

>> No.34217156

Come on Giru.
You were fast to introduce a bunch of randoms to Ramu but now you're hesitating when it comes to Kamito.

>> No.34218008

probably just waiting for her to finish her current match

>> No.34218516

but she just finished...

>> No.34218665

Yeah they wanted to invite her then heard she's done for today.

>> No.34218757

She might be back fairly soon at least.

>> No.34218891

One of them is definitely on the wheel.

>> No.34219110
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, nejinashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember.

>> No.34219136

Imagine how the inside of that car must smell... All those women crammed into the back seat of...

>> No.34219380

splatoon with shinomiya

>> No.34220129

It really was her

>> No.34220792

>everyone on a trip
>noah wasn't invited

>> No.34220845

Ren with Shinomu

>> No.34221256

KNR GETI race is also on.

>> No.34221484
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>> No.34221491
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>> No.34221531

Even Overwatch is kon that is owa...

>> No.34221635

overwatch is literally over

>> No.34222481

>I will protect you

>> No.34222592
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>> No.34223373

noah come home......

>> No.34223527

Sumire, Nazuna and Lisa will be lucky if there's any water left in the bath after this.

>> No.34224193
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>> No.34224303

https://youtu.be/FZmXW7TuOGY toto

>> No.34224315
File: 374 KB, 1448x2048, mztmtzm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two are way too cute. The way Runa rebounded when they could schedule more time to play together was too cute.

>> No.34224369
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>> No.34225865

Kinako for me

>> No.34226698
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>> No.34226821


>> No.34226855

They're definitely in the lead.

>> No.34227747

The TwitCast is here. Nazuna says they won't do anything interesting though.

>> No.34227820

just the standard orgy, then

>> No.34228060

>Vspo orgy
>Ramune watches Kaguya-sama alone
What did they mean by this?

>> No.34228083

Is Gil a member yet?

>> No.34228164

https://youtu.be/V4jgN0Onx8M ema quest

>> No.34228224

qpi's foot confirmed to feel good

>> No.34228228

Imagine the foot jobs...

>> No.34228375

sena confirmed to get turned on by blindfolding

>> No.34228425

Will they bring up her love of nakadashi?

>> No.34228441

Poor Asumi is going to get smothered in her sleep.

>> No.34228816

Will they ever get Runa to one of those group orgies?

>> No.34228873

korea is pretty far for a casual get-together

>> No.34228916

I'd happily take a two hour flight if that's all I needed to get in on a Vspo gangbang.

>> No.34229972

https://youtu.be/K2FCEI9UTjQ noah is preggers

>> No.34230080

https://youtu.be/UxMmK6lBR0Y tuna shift

>> No.34230114

>knr hardstuck d4
it's over

>> No.34230176

I'm the father.

>> No.34230442

How do I get donut gf?

>> No.34230961


>> No.34231074

It was a lot weirder than the New Year's one for sure.

>> No.34231109

i'm guessing no one archived that?

>> No.34231879


>> No.34231974

the first few minutes are missing

>> No.34232062

How much for a battle of the bath water?

>> No.34232293

legend. thank you

>> No.34232392

Tsuna bath twitcast when?

>> No.34232470

thank you should have gotten around to recording it

>> No.34235039
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>> No.34235318

honestly, how sure are we that hinano isn't gay? and the reason she's such a bitch is because she's stuck in a hetero ship with kamito

>> No.34235604

she's had at least 2 boyfriends before

>> No.34236301


>> No.34236409

I'm not counting Kamito cause he deserves better.

>> No.34236451

Both me.

>> No.34236495

the idea of hinano as used goods that got tossed aside is incredibly hot

>> No.34236503

Noah getting the mean girls treatment.......it's not fair.

>> No.34236591

wheres the proof
>inb4 its me I am the proof

>> No.34236715

she talked about it on stream

>> No.34236764

and you believed it?

>> No.34236970

kek. I remember her saying once that one guy she liked barely noticed her at first, but she was confident that he knew she liked him, as if that made him an asshole. that doesn't mean he has to like you you bitch lol

>> No.34236984

Ae you implying she's had more?
If you search for ひなの 彼氏 you should be able to find clips of it.

>> No.34237054

てぇてぇwar has begun

>> No.34237087

nose keeps that stuff for the mengens

>> No.34237163

Shinomiya coach!

>> No.34237800

I'm not surprised she could keep a relationship going for 4 years. All the other members talk about her like she's a really caring person.
Gonna give her props for actually talking about it on stream and opening the door for others to talk about theirs, and I'm cringing at Kamito and Reid for being so apprehensive about her telling it (at the beginning).

>> No.34239768

wipe............... out

>> No.34241683

What is the Runa Korea thing about?
Is she half JP half Korean?
Foreign student studying in Korea?

>> No.34241883

It's a joke about her high ping.

>> No.34242027

"High" ping. According to Ramune, that can be like 35.

>> No.34242349
File: 9 KB, 309x117, WIPE OUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34245322
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, ねすぎて頭がぼーーーっとする日-2022-9-29-143613.834-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noah setting up her new place for Kamito to crash at.

>> No.34245328

wipeout is one word

>> No.34245435

her high ping means she either is korean or shes locked in the basement with weak signals and never goes outside.

>> No.34245497


>> No.34246866

https://twitter.com/Syusetu_kohaku/status/1575571336319025152 Come on retard... please respond she woke up for your tweet

>> No.34246982

twitcast to bring it up to 14 hours today

>> No.34248479

I can finally sleep

>> No.34250406
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>> No.34250543


>> No.34251582

I can't see any of shinomiya's live chat comments or video comments at all... what the fuck youtube?

>> No.34252411

official Shinomiya voicepack when??

>> No.34252442

Just on the latest stream? It will take a while for them to all be processed.

>> No.34252625

I mean I can't see her own comments on others streams or vods (e.g. >>34242349 this doesn't show up when I'm logged in)

>> No.34253673

You must have been shadowbanned or something

>> No.34254941

Hal's in the final stretch

>> No.34255695

I just realized they went back to The Cycle because season 2 just started
