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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34173152 No.34173152 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she mentally 14, even though she is a cake?
And why does that make her personality so much fucking hotter??
Something's wrong here

>> No.34173265

No, it's makes her cringe and unwatchable.

>> No.34173482

She knows her audience is mostly composed of manchilds and adjusts accordingly, acting and treating you all like teenagers. Same goes for Gura btw, and then you wonder why she always takes breaks despite streaming once a week. If you ever babysit a retard you'll understand how mentally draining it is

>> No.34173568

My dayjob is being a tard wrangler, and frankly it'd be easier to deal with a room of fifty of them, than appeasing a single gachikoi if I was a vthot

>> No.34173606

I really hope she's pretending to be retarded on purpose. It's really not normal to be that ignorant of basic things and be so open and proud about it. Some of the things she's stupid on border on disbelief.

>> No.34173649

LOL so true

>> No.34173673

Wow, another professional tardwrangler. It can be pretty draining, but I think what I find most draining about this job is watching people fall over themselves to tell me that "I'm doing such a great thing" whenever I tell them what I do for a living.

>> No.34173687
File: 65 KB, 523x592, Mayoimocksyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34173729

>Something's wrong here
She is an amourfag

>> No.34173730

ITT people still angry that she turned down that homobeggar.

>> No.34173751

>casually suggested that humans only consume two whole cows in their lifetime
I’m sure this was all part of her master plan.

>> No.34173986

Yeah. I'm lucky since I'm keeping an eye on my brother, working for my parents, and have ridiculously short hours since I live with them so I'm there for emergencies. But people are always borderline apologetic thinking this is super hard. Having spent over half a decade working hard manual labor, having zero energy after the work day, getting taken advantage of by my bosses, etc, I'm perfectly fine with scrubbing the shit off his ass instead of dealing with that kind of work anymore.
I guess to tie it back into the initial topic, dealing with the disabled just aggravates my irritation at the gachikois/unicorns even more, since I've dealt with them before and they're even needier than a literal retard who shits himself if I take my eyes off him too long

>> No.34174935

>She knows her audience is mostly composed of manchilds and adjusts accordingly,
No, she herself is a womanchild.

>> No.34175228

>merely pretending
It's okay, we love women so we can sit through them not being able to do the simplest things in video games.

>> No.34175288

>Why is she mentally 14
Because she's a woman
>why does that make her personality so much fucking hotter
Because she's a woman

>> No.34175484

Are you sure that's not a language barrier? As far as I can tell, she stopped living in an English-speaking society when she was more or less a child. It may be that her English proficiency is that of a native, but a 12 year old native. Maybe she's capable of adult thought in Japanese but she can't easily translate it to English.
Or maybe not, I've only seen her occasionally so I don't know what stupidity you guys are talking about.
Do you have any egregious examples?

>> No.34175711

We're in very similar circumstances. I'm also taking care of my brother and work for my parents, but I don't live with them. I rent a house nearby and take care of him while nobody else is home.
>dealing with the disabled just aggravates my irritation at the gachikois/unicorns even more, since I've dealt with them before and they're even needier than a literal retard who shits himself if I take my eyes off him too long
Very, very well said. This is pretty much the source of my disdain for these people as well. My brother, a nonverbal, developmentally disabled guy with severe epilepsy and no fine motor skills is genuinely less of a helpless piece of shit than these people.

>> No.34175834

You've never dealt with them because you're not an idol, nobody cares about your wagie take.

>> No.34175893

You aren't an idol either, anon.

>> No.34175929
File: 583 KB, 785x541, blindrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She thought Colonel was pronounced coh-low-nel and got stuck in the intro stage of Megaman X4 because she didn't notice the giant fucking door in pic related.

>> No.34175943

you tried

>> No.34175976

People actually being passive-aggressive here, like some women on their menses. All because IRyS wouldn't collab with men. Fucking imagine that.

Your mentality is on the same level as that of the unicorns, despite your claims of moral superiority.

>> No.34175988

But I'm not the one acting like I know what it's like to deal with fans.

>> No.34176007

Indirectly you are, yes.

>> No.34176045

>Implying a severely disabled literal retard is worse than someone who just wants to watch cute girls doing cute things
kek. You're baiting way too hard.

>> No.34176153

You were so mad you didn't even write this post correctly, so I'd say I was baiting just hard enough.

>> No.34176249

>call out someone's retarded エアプ
>that makes me the same
Don't worry your take was shit well before that anyway

>> No.34176378

There are two kinds of people in the world, the lolicons, and the liars.

>> No.34176399

> she herself is a womanchild
I'm pretty sure a lot of men with an incel/manchild spectrum disorder can relate to similarly challenged womanchildren and find them relatable, even attractive. (I for one do, that's the main reason I like chuubas)
Not to mention one of the things that we are almost universally traumatized by are a woman's wiles (flirting, ambiguity, trickery, playing with men's emotions, etc) and a womanchild's lack of sophistication and trickery really helps her come across as not intimidating, thus more naturally attractive.
But this is mostly an illusion caused by her acting her part good enough. The illusion is shattered the moment she collabs with men and all her flirting instincts spring out. Hence the collective butt hurting on this board about male collabs.

>> No.34176493

She just like me frfr

>> No.34176518

>Gets to work for your parents, and gets paid for being a good brother
No shit that other work would be harder

>> No.34176561

> She thought Colonel was pronounced coh-low-nel
dude, you do realize she has not been living in an English speaking country since who knows when
> and got stuck in whatever … she didn't notice the giant fucking door
Ok so she's not autistic. That's pretty cool.
Anything else?

>> No.34176598

That fucking stupid bitch, getting stuck for entire minutes during a blind playthrough of a video game I've already played.

>> No.34176717

>Having to deal with your brother is the same as dealing with complete strangers
Imagine writing a huge wall of text and not noticing how retarded you are?

>> No.34176747

>being this mad that your bait isn't working
Calm down

>ask for instances of IRyS being stupid
>point out an instance of IRyS being stupid
What's the matter, Anon? Is it your time of the month?

>> No.34176798

/vt/ sisters are beyond parody.

>> No.34176832

Most women are mentally 14.

ok reddit

>> No.34176944

You can be "cute" while also sticking up for yourself and having strong beliefs and values that you don't back down from. In fact you could argue that having a healthy, balanced mindset is a sign of greater maturity than just being a stuck up bitch. You're oversimplifying what makes someone likable. Having greater awareness and being able to play the game isn't unattractive.

>> No.34176975

What exactly is Irys ignorant about?
I honestly don't know, since I've never really watched her.
Some people easily label others as stupid only for not having knowledge concerning some narrow proficiency, so it's hard to know what's up.

>> No.34177082

Irys… had a hard life

>> No.34177150

>since I've never really watched her.
Then why are you here?

>> No.34177189

She's been in japan since 2019. Stop acting like it's been decades.

>> No.34177265
File: 517 KB, 687x683, 1659990707762219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She thought Colonel was pronounced coh-low-nel

>be retarded anglo
>take a french word
>completely rape the pronounciation
>haha you're retarded if you don't know

>> No.34177582

> having a healthy, balanced mindset is a sign of greater maturity than just being a stuck up bitch
Yes, I would agree.

> You're oversimplifying what makes someone likable.
No, I was exploring what renders an otherwise likable woman very unnerving to a specific subset of people, the more or less disturbed love-shy or incel men.

> Having greater awareness and being able to play the game isn't unattractive.
Of course not. But it scares away people who are/were traumatized by "the game" so much that they end up avoiding any further romantic involvement (out of sheer terror) and seek emotional refuge in child-like hobbies, including building LEGO and watching anime characters that avoid interacting with males.

I'm somewhere in this spectrum myself, so I think I understand what's going on and why a dumb or "childwoman" character like IRyS (how much she's just playing dumb or has an English fluency problem is inconsequential) ends up plucking our affection strings.

>> No.34177610

imagine being dadrys and u have a daughter whos a doctor and then whatever irys is...they prob just happy shes not sucking dick on the big island like most undeseriable daughters do there

>> No.34177648

might be believable if either of these girls interacted with her chat at all

>> No.34177772

Great, then we can distinguish 'incel' from 'unicorn' and move along, unlike the tourists who carelessly equate them. I still don't fully agree with all of your points though, but whatever, I'm not going to act like I understand your perspective.

>> No.34177822

There's no difference here between a daycare teacher or zookeeper or vtuber. All of them are SUPER EASY jobs until you get eaten by lions and unicorns and moms.

Worked in a herp + spider store for a few years in my 20s, easiest job I ever had, just keep your fucking gloves on, keep your arms away from the sides, and never ever rattle the cages.

>> No.34177895

She spent almost her whole life in America.

>> No.34178069

French is also retarded as they have all those pronounciation rules for leaving half the letters in a word silent.

>> No.34178148

We have a lot of that in English as well. We're also less consistent than the French language is when it comes to this.

>> No.34178280

yes we know. your ancestors suck
t. ESL

>> No.34178589

Speaking from your wrangler's experience, huh?

>> No.34179273


>> No.34179754

So what kind of panties does Irys wear?

>> No.34179827

The type school girls wear. She hasn't progressed mentally

>> No.34180036

You’re acting like she has to be like this by cover when in reality it’s exactly how she acted back as senzawa too. This is just how she likes to act like, she didn’t ever change that even though she easily just could’ve when she started new as gura.

>> No.34181163

That’s been obvious since they like to bring up doxxshit when people who don’t like male collabs support Fauna, or Ennaschizo rrats about managers and sound engineers with IRyS.
