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3405573 No.3405573 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck you faggots and what you’ll settle for. Seriously fuck you. You stink.

>> No.3405594 [DELETED] 
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>Fuck you faggots and what you’ll settle for. Seriously fuck you. You stink.

>> No.3405607

It looks fine from a distance, honestly. And Gura's OG rigging is bad already anyways. It's nothing worth melting down for.

>> No.3405618
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>cumbuds will gangstalk a rigger on twitter because the target of their simping didn't get what they think she deserves
do cumbuds really?

>> No.3405675

Don't give a shit. You're most of the time listening to Gura and watching something else. Your obsession with drama is annoying and you should get something better to do. And some psychiatric medication.

>> No.3405699

To be fair, out of all the things to complain about I think this is pretty valid

>> No.3405709 [DELETED] 
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>Don't give a shit. You're most of the time listening to Gura and watching something else. Your obsession with drama is annoying and you should get something better to do. And some psychiatric medication.

>> No.3405734

You settling is exactly why your life ended up this way. Shoot for the stars man

>> No.3405737
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>> No.3405915

You settled for her original look which also had bad rigging so you're being a hypocrite. And also the bad shit doesn't even look noticeable from the usual distance Gura streams her model at. Stop crying over nothing you baby

>> No.3405943

kys wojakposter, but this time be a man and dont quit it midway

>> No.3405951

No one is stalking anyone, nice try barracuda. Legitimate criticism for shoddy work is completley warranted.

>> No.3405970

this is all valid, this rigger has to fucking get their act together or fucking get replaced or else Gura will never ask for her rigging to be fixed. Gura is the type that hates when her fans accept everything she gives just because it's her but she will never speak up or get a new rigger out of her pocket money like Coco did

>> No.3409381

thread no 163 of chumbuds ,so many.just post in existing threads

>> No.3409411

>entire board is shitting on the rigging
If you're going to be a retard, at least do it right

>> No.3409446

She got payed a few grand to rig the model then shat out something twitter commission riggers can do for under $500.
The complaints are valid.

>> No.3409598

Yagoo smeared her in tar or pitch? Damn no wonder the rigging sucks.
