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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34010567 No.34010567 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread reached bump limit ( >>33976445 )

Quick run down:
Kronii stores fastfood in her fridge to eat at a later date, and fellow hololivers disgusted:


>you're just an anti
nope, but I'd prefer to have something resembling a standard for the hololivers I enjoy. That just means kronii doesn't meet that standard.
>what's the big deal
Have you ever ordered a meatball sub from subway? Order two of those, eat one and then store the other in your fridge for the next day.

How would you feel if your friends or family did this? It is indefensible, unhealthy, and grotesque behavior which should not be condoned.

Kronii fans should be ashamed. This isn't the first instance of her gross behavior and she doesn't deserve to have a career through cover.

>> No.34011030

>Quick run down:
>Kronii stores fastfood in her fridge to eat at a later date, and fellow hololivers disgusted:
How did that end up in a thread reaching bump limit?

>> No.34011032

psyop thread to distract from her having sex irl within an hour timeslot from going live on stream

>> No.34011133
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>> No.34011166

Holy kek

>> No.34011284


>> No.34011290

This thread is useless.

If the food is unhealthy, you (she) shouldn't be buying it in the first place. If it's ok to buy and eat, then it's ok to stockpile (up to a few days in the fridge, a few months in the freezer)

If it becomes soggy (likely) you can just toast it in a toaster or electric oven.

What is the problem again

>> No.34011381

manufactured outrage to cover up something as this anon said >>34011032

>> No.34011519

Putting bread in the fridge ruins it completely

>> No.34011563

>someone would prod that sow
Also, tell me you don't know how a woman's body works without telling me you don't know how a woman's body works

>> No.34011603
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She learned from the master.

>> No.34011747


>> No.34011829 [DELETED] 

in my country (Italy) white bread is our traditional staple food alongside pasta and I can tell you that it keeps in the fridge for many days and in the freezer for months. you just have to toast it when you take it out.

>> No.34011871

if you wrap a sub properly and put it in your fridge then its fine to eat the following day.
that being said its goyslop and she should avoid fast food altogether

>> No.34012301

It tastes the same, you are dumb, or the bread mutts consume is so shit, and manufactured that they are ruined just by freezing it.

>> No.34012581

She fills the sandwiches with her own cum

>> No.34012649

"Bread" from subway in the US/Canada isn't the same quality used by subway in other countries.

Also, she ordered a meatball marinara. Imagine pasta sauce on bread in a fridge for a day. You ruin it this way, and toasting it won't fix it.

>> No.34012785

No retard, it goes completely soggy from the condensation. This creates a mush in your mouth which you're probably used to since you swallow so much cum, but to normal people it tastes and feels awful in your mouth.

>> No.34012830

how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you use redditor lingo? kroniicucks please dont tell me youre all like this...

>> No.34012923

asians love gooey food and if you did roommate reps you'd know.
case closed.

>> No.34012946

I used to think Kronii was based but now she's kinda cringe ngl

>> No.34013039

Why would I do roommate reps? I'm not a retard.

>> No.34013167

im not saying you should, go on you for not doing so, but if you did, you would not be surprised why she doesnt find gooey soggy bread unappealing.
chinese also dont ever wash their woks, so shes immune to food poisoning.

>> No.34013281

It doesn't go completely soggy. What kind of bread are you putting in a fridge? I can do it just fine with bread bought in the bakeries.

>> No.34013293

I'm by no means a fan, but this doesn't sound that odd to me. Hell, I used to do this all the time back when I was interning during college. I'd grab a 2ft meatball sub from a local place (albeit much nicer than subway) on my way home from work, have half for dinner, and take the other half to work the next day for lunch. Hell, I'd swipe the leftover catering trays of subs after the department meetings when no-one was looking and eat for free for days.

>> No.34013613
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>> No.34013697

I’m assuming most people here are just taking the piss right ? Like if you don’t eat your whole meal what do you do throw it away? I’ve had leftover subway days after I originally bought it. The bread isn’t very good but it’s not like it’s bad. How do you people even live? I’ve eaten pizza that’s been left out over night and it’s still fine. as long as it doesn’t spoil it’s fine to eat

>> No.34013888

>chinese also dont ever wash their woks
Because they're seasoned. It's like washing a cast iron frypan.

>> No.34014536

She wish she could have the same majestic tits

>> No.34014697

>as long as it doesn’t spoil it’s fine to eat
That's the problem here, isn't it? Had to go to the doctor because she ate one that went bad.

>> No.34014874

You missed a lot of context. The problem isn't leftover sandwiches or even the fact that they're Subway sandwiches. It's the fact that it's Subway *and* the fact that she kept it in the fridge for several days and it was obviously bad enough to give her food poisoning.
There are so many bad decisions you had to make along the way (choosing to get Subway, choosing to buy several meals' worth in advance, choosing not to throw it away even after several days when it probably smelled funny) that a lot of people are genuinely in disbelief and want to talk about it.

>> No.34015328

Subway bread isn't the same as pizza crust, and the sandwich she had uses a very wet sauce that ruins the bread.

>> No.34015603

Kek. There's a similar thread on >>>/ck/

>> No.34015771

Jfc does that anon even know how to cook? You can wash seasoned cookware like woks and cast iron pans, you just can’t use soap and you have to wipe it dry completely to avoid rust.

>> No.34015953

Id give them 3-4 days before I'd start questioning it, unless the bread is really soggy. Dunno I never had subs for more than 2.

Also people forget when vtubers stream that certain things like eating and sleeping usually get pushed to the side, perhaps through no fault of their own. I think it's ok to sympathize but don't bring it up unless they mention it. Otherwise it's like your saying their incapable of being responsible for themselves and it's rude.

>> No.34016259

>Also people forget when vtubers stream that certain things like eating and sleeping usually get pushed to the side, perhaps through no fault of their own
>no fault of their own
This is the life they choose.

>> No.34016512

Had to close that vid as soon as Mori started talking, god she's annoying

>> No.34016588

Subway is not that bad retards. Why are ameriniggers like this

>> No.34016682

Once again a Holo EN member eats something that’s going to give her diarrhea. Do you think most Holo EN members lurked in the ringo threads?

>> No.34016686
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Vesper was right kronii is a disgusting animal making your own sandwiches is infinitely better and easier than stockpiling shitty subway subs like a demented squirrel

>> No.34016737

That was one of the worst streams they have ever done. Boring and annoying. Mori is very unfunny.

>> No.34016784

>tiktok lingo

>> No.34016978

Quality varies by country. You better believe they drench the cardboard tier bread with meatball sauce in Canadian subway restaurants.

>> No.34017138

Every American fast food chain tastes better outside of America. KFC is utter trash in the states but actually tastes edible in Asia, for example. Even bugmen know that, and their taste buds are completely ruined by…bugman things.

>> No.34017195

I don’t believe in shipping Kronii with any males…because I don’t want to subject anyone in Tempus to that kind of hell

>> No.34017261

>Unicorns claim they are just fans who dont want to watch male collabs. They deny trying to control vtubers.
>Unicorns try to police what vtubers eat.
We have reached parasocial levels we did not think were possible.

>> No.34017329

Go eat a day old footlong meatball sub, cuck

>> No.34017452

I'm sure you'd defend nikocado on the same premise, too... Right?

>> No.34017856

it's a fucking meatball marinara

>> No.34017901

you have to be 18 to post here anon

>> No.34017951

Vesper had it rough here.
I feel so sorry for him.

>> No.34018071

I guess I gotta watch that stream

>> No.34018085

I had a subway sandwich today and I regret eating it. I didn’t even buy it and I wanted to get a refund on the person’s behalf.

>> No.34018566

What was it?

>> No.34018625

A subway sandwich, he said it right there.

>> No.34018825

This thread is so stupid my god...

>> No.34018981

The previous thread was mostly people clowning on her and making fun of her. The quality of this thread is nowhere near as high

>> No.34019159

What was the build of the sandwich you dodo.

>> No.34019343

Sugar on the inside, sugar on the outside

>> No.34019527

pure DEX

>> No.34019651

How have you not realised she's just riding the meme for clicks at this point? She's obviously exaggerating the extent to which she does this.

>> No.34020145

>not VIT with some STR
Imagine eating a sandwich that disappears from a single bite.

>> No.34020702

If this is true, then she is either sponsored by subway, or infringing on their copyright

>> No.34020839

I'm surprised management hasn't bonked her yet

>> No.34021178

>infringing on their copyright
Literally how?

>> No.34022504
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>> No.34022598

Company/product name is possibly an intangible asset. If she's using it to market herself through PR, that's a potential lawsuit.

>> No.34022651

My fucking god I thought this was a one time thing but this is actually a Kronii Subway general.

>> No.34022800

Lets bet on if she ate a 2 day old tuna sandwich today or if it evolved into 3 day old sub.

>> No.34022839

She bought two footlongs. I'm guessing the next one is at least 4 days old.

>> No.34022901

>Pour 1/2 jar of marinara sauce in a saucepan
>Add frozen meatballs
>Heat for 15 minutes on low-medium
>Scoop into a loaf of bread

Kronii can save so much time and money instead of going to Subway for this shit

>> No.34023322
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>> No.34023500

I have a fast food burger from Friday in my fridge right now for the same reason that I'm going to eat tomorrow, but I can't get past the fact that she chose meatball marinara as her day later sub.

>> No.34023612

Of course bogan gas drinkers would consider Subway high class grub.

>> No.34023780

Fucking niji twat.

>> No.34024043

Jesus fucking christ you guys have too much free time lmao.

>> No.34024362

>defending some anonymous lardo because her digital escort service gives you dopamine

>> No.34024370

She's taking footlongs in her hole, you should be happy.

>> No.34024471

does anyone else think the sweet onion chicken teriyaki is worth the coin toss food poisoning or is it just me?
why is there always a homeless outside subway, wouldn't it be optimal to beg outside a five guys where people are throwing around 20 dollars a meal?

>> No.34024608

I'm sure you could look up an easy recipe for sweet onion sauce, make it yourself, and dump it on things much better than a Subway sandwich.

>> No.34025008

where am I going to get "onion flakes"

>> No.34025047


Took me all of three seconds.

>> No.34025110

These are sold at most grocery stores. Check the spices area

>> No.34025166
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>> No.34025247

Subway is the perfect description of Kronii. There are 41,000~ Subways in the world. You can find Subway in the dirtiest backwater. Subway is known for quantity, not quality. Subway has no standards. It's perfect.

>> No.34025257

I live in a large US city and have never seen them. It still seems easier to go to Subway than make this onion syrup myself.

>> No.34025363

It's quicker maybe, but more money, less quality, and generally not worth it.

>> No.34025383

Just tell kronii in a superchat "vacuum seal your subway, put in freezer". There, spoiling problem gone for longer.

>> No.34025422

Just grind a big batch of onions and roast them with a bit of salt then store it in containers for forever

>> No.34025616
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I only know how to can sauerkraut this still seems like a time investment.

>> No.34025724
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What happens when you vacuum seal a sandwich that has bread with no real structure and literal meatballs with tomato sauce.

You faggots don't seem to get it. Imagine putting picrel in your fridge for a day. What happens to the texture of the sandwich?

She was stuffing a pile of mush into her mouth during that stream. This isn't difficult to interpret.

>> No.34025727

A subway sandwich that's a few days old is a nothingburger. She has a sub that's over 20 years old (me)

>> No.34025795

If I were one of your family or friends, I'll be very concerned by that behaviour and your health. I'm not OP but I get 100% what he's getting at.
Search about freezing food and meat. Don't eat bad anon.

>> No.34025808

It varies by city, honestly.

>> No.34025826

No no, you store the dried onion flakes.
As long as it's sort of airtight then it should last longer than you.

>> No.34025898

Looks like they put together the worst parts of a pizza with the worst parts of a hamburger.

>> No.34026026

She should at least freeze the subs and re-heat them in an aifryer or something. Eating straight from the fridge can't be good.

>> No.34026095

This. I've traveled abroad and I know many countries don't offer meatball sandwiches in their subway restaurants (the quality and options are often different), but this is an actual problem. The thing is (usually) just a wet soggy mess even after creation, but putting it in the fridge just adds more moisture to the bread. It's also generally a bad idea to try and store fast food for more than a few days, so if she's buying multiple footlong sandwiches to have for meals, it's probably a terrible sign.

>> No.34026100

If this bitch can't be assed to go back to Subway and buy a fresh sandwich every day, the hell makes you people think she'd shrink wrap it, or air fry it, or do anything but the barest notion of food preservation?

>> No.34026193

What's worse is that she's saving a tuna sandwich for even later.

>> No.34026216

Your life is your responsibility. No one is going to force feed you healthy, non spoiled food.
The truth is Kronii has a lot of mental issues (at the very least depression, maybe burnout). And she moved to live alone where we don't know how well she eats. She already got food poisoning twice in the same year.
I'd be very concerned for her if I were a kronie.

>> No.34026267

I would have thought "maybe she's just checking out those new sandwiches" because they made a huge effort to redo their lineup, but no, she's actually using the old vintage ones that are famously meh or bad. Two-day old tuna sandwich.. I would reconsider even feeding that to a dog. I guess another thing is that subway is franchised out and the local owners have incentives to cut corners, so there is a huge range in what you get between "pretty good" to "what the fuck this meat tastes horrible and why do the tomatoes taste like onions" etc.

Like, meatball marinara is alright IMO, maybe one of the only tolerable ones there because it's skipping the iffy parts of subway (veggies and deli meats) but dude... why stick with that still? has Kronii tried The Boss? Kronii or management if you are here have she tried The Boss? It's the meatball sandwich only way improved and it is actually legitimately alright even compared to local delis, at least the one near me makes a pretty good one. Gotta be kidding me here how has she not upgraded yet?

>> No.34026306

Only brainless turd watch Kronii and Niji. Go back to catalog, you dumbfuck.

>> No.34026390

>Gotta be kidding me here how has she not upgraded yet?
What kind of effort do you anticipate from someone who hoards sandwiches so she won't have to reorder, much less cook?

>> No.34026427

>trying to fit in because nobody gives a fuck about you

>> No.34026501
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A broken man.

>> No.34026663
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Can a drawfag please make picrel a reality and tweet it at her

>> No.34026718
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Me and my roomates would often take advantage of the absolutely stupid bogo deals subway offered during the lockdowns, and we'd just take that extra sandwich we'd each get and just pop it in the frige for later. Subway still does these just not as frequently so I'm gonna say kronii is just thrifty and very based.

>> No.34026842

but she isnt marketing herself, its you dumb asses that are

>> No.34026892

>evidence that only lazy disgusting motherfuckers hoard sandwiches
thank you for your input, anon

>> No.34027309

She didn't order two of the meatball subs, she got a meatbal and a tuna.

>> No.34027413

how long did you let it sit in the fridge though?
she also likely makes more than anyone in this thread when you factor in dollars per hour so being thrifty to the point of getting food poisoning is retarded.
it also should be mentioned that subway isn't 'cheap' even with bogo deals

>> No.34027500

>I'm gonna say kronii is just thrifty and very based.
... for buying fast food sandwiches? paying over five dollars for a sandwich is thrifty? are you fucking retarded, anon

>> No.34027905

Soooo, are Subway sandwiches good enough to snack on? I could order one right now coz I'm hungry. Your recommended/ favorite subs are appreciated.

>> No.34027941

No, their quality fell off a cliff like a decade ago and never recovered.

>> No.34028050

They can potentially be alright if you customize them, but that involves a fair bit of trial and error finding out what you like from them first. Go-tos IMO would be chicken bacon ranch or as kronii wisely knows, the meatball marinara. As was said a few posts up they tried redoing their lineup with ones that are actually-nice by default instead of needing customizing like the boss. The great garlic is also pretty good imo, but I found their "new" philly and deli sandwiches a lot like their normal stuff.

>> No.34028081
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>> No.34028311
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They are basically the McDonald's of the sub shop world fairly cheap not the best of ingredients and depending on how yours is locally you might get sick off a just order sub. I personally like the Baja steak with extra veggies tho.

>> No.34028522

wait did someone already make it?

>> No.34029359

I'm leaving this tab open for this, onegai

>> No.34029667

Kronii is unironically trying to give herself diarrhea poisoning

>> No.34029670

who cares about this shit, I dont even watch holoEN but vtubers are supposed to be wacky and weird if you want vtubers that have nothing remarkable about them, go watch holoEN

>> No.34029733

brain hort

>> No.34029742

Nah, I just found a pic of her looking backwards and shoved it onto the card, gets the point across

>> No.34029740

save yourself the disappointment and just go find a firehouse subs or a quiznos.

>> No.34029838

>diarrhea poisoning
Poisoning from diarrhea?

>> No.34029869

its when you consume bad food and get diarrhea

>> No.34030043
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>> No.34030136


>> No.34030147

why does she even eat subway in the first place? Subway is fucking disgusting. I've totally done the
>order too much food so you have left overs and eat it later so you dont need to go out with stuff like burger king which is fucking disgusting by the way, but subway is way grosser and she is eating it like 3 days after she ordered it

>> No.34030182

I thought that was just food poisoning

>> No.34030290

its food poisoning if you throw up. its diarrhea poisoning if you shit

>> No.34030312

What if you do both?

>> No.34030327

I lived near Canada in NY and Subway was so popular there were two of them in a 3 mile radius. It could be a far North East North America thing.

>> No.34030442

food poisoning. Its like how in spanish men are latinos women are latinas but a group of 1 man and 99 women is latinos

>> No.34030474

Its tummy big horty

>> No.34030521

isnt kronii west coast? and that isn't a north east thing. the weird way subway does their franchise models they cooperate gets paid more if they cannibalize their own sales

>> No.34030625

I don't know what part of Canada she's in, I'm not a doxtard, I'm just sharing my experience living very close to Canadians.

>> No.34030735


>> No.34030831

The girls fucking put timezones on their schedules and have stream start times based on where they live. Gura always streams at 8 pm est and writes EST on her schedules. Kronii writes PST and starts streams at like 1 am toronto time

>> No.34030923

>isnt kronii west coast? and that isn't a north east thing. the weird way subway does their franchise models they cooperate gets paid more if they cannibalize their own sales
You're retarded. One Google map search over Canada with the word "subway sandwich restaurant" will tell you that it's not a coast thing

>> No.34031047

>getting a tuna sub when it's probably already near expiration
>waiting days before eating said tuna sub
jfc Kronies please save her

>> No.34031202

>eating pizza from the fridge = perfectly OK
>eating a meatball sub from the fridge = cataclysmic, apocalyptic meltdown

They are literally the same thing - dough, sauce and meat, you bow-legged mongoloid.

>> No.34031262

thats what I said, you SEA faggot

>> No.34031343

>Imagine pasta sauce on bread in a fridge for a day

You mean like a pizza? Which billions of people eat every day? Fucking gimp.

>> No.34031379

Why does she eat fucking sandwiches to begin with when she could order actual food? I only eat sandwiches when I cant go home.

>> No.34031397

that isnt the issue. The issue is that kronii is making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and has a decent amount of free time and rather than getting good food, she is getting like 6 fucking subway sandwiches at once and then saving them like some poorfag neet when there is no reason why she can't get higher quality food made for her and why she cant get fresh food daily

>> No.34031409

I'm a dumbass. That reply was meant for >>34030327, not for you

>> No.34031505

I'm just disappointed that it's Subway of all places. She could be eating Jersey Mike's, or Firehouse, or Potbelly, or Wawa, or hell! Even eating at Jimmy John's would be acceptable. But NO, it's fucking SUBWAY. Please, get well soon, Kronii.

>> No.34031524

>You mean like a pizza?
>Pizza crust and subway bread are the same.
who's the real gimp? If your answer is (You) then it'd be the first correct thing you've said

>> No.34031530


>> No.34031597

I’ll get a 50 piece chicken nugget bucket at Wendy’s and eat them over the next day sometimes. A wrapped subway sandwich is fine. It’s not that weird.

>> No.34031677

pizza crust and the bread used in subway sandwiches have different properties

>> No.34031767

Ok, but if you put >>34025724 in your fridge for a day, you'll be pulling apart soggy pieces and putting them in your mouth. Chicken nuggets are not subway sandwiches, anon.

>> No.34031795

Yeah, fuck-o. I would argue pizza crust is worse, by a long shot. Between the runny tomato paste sauce, the oil from the melted cheese and the fatty grease from the meat, you can wring a pizza crust over the sink like a wet sponge and watch liquid drip out. Gimp.

>> No.34032405

wherever you're ordering pizza from is trash

>> No.34032564


Fast food isn't meant to be bought days / weeks in advance. It's meant to be fast, that day, and eaten just as quickly.


Tossing it just makes the crust extra dry while the internal bread remains a soggy mess.


You really sitting there acting like all bread is literally the same? Absolutely no one that exists would order a pizza, get their "pizza" on a matzo bread crust and go "Yep, this is totally the same thing."

>> No.34032580

I don’t have any experience with subway, but I’ve gotten meatball subs from Wawa and they’re fine to leave in the fridge. I doubt subway is THAT much worse to the point where putting it in the fridge over night makes it inedible.

>> No.34032640

>Yeah, fuck-o. I would argue pizza crust is worse, by a long shot. Between the runny tomato paste sauce, the oil from the melted cheese and the fatty grease from the meat, you can wring a pizza crust over the sink like a wet sponge and watch liquid drip out. Gimp.
This is a signal to everyone that you're American. Most chain pizza restaurants add some sort of crisco or oil to the dough for the process (to make it crispy without sacrificing flexibility? Idk), but other restaurants that serve actual pizza, and Woodfire pizzarias typically have pizzas that don't have the problems you've outlined. If you're pizza is a sponge, it's not a pizza; it's trash.

>> No.34032771

Wawa has better sandwiches than subway. Also, I miss being able to order a sandwich at midnight. I don't live near a Wawa anymore

>> No.34032848

Not all Americans only have chain pizza. I have my pick of 5 or 6 local pizza places that blow Domino’s the fuck out.

>> No.34032904

For me, it’s a 2 am quesadilla.

>> No.34033043

Maybe, but if the standard he gives pizza is something that you can "wrong out over a sink" then it's as good as a confession that he doesn't set that bar high

>> No.34033099

>How do you people even live?
By cooking meals for myself in portions I can finish in a single sitting, so I don't waste money on fast food crap and it always tastes fresh and enjoyable.

>> No.34033105

>"wrong out over a sink"
*"wring out over a sink"

>> No.34033854

you are not a vtuber who can set her own schedule and is in the top 1% of income earners for her country and you are not eating the nuggs 3-4 days out.
like if some poorfag here said he was doing what kronii does it is whatever, but she makes at least $200k a year, prob a lot more, and even including meetings she is probably working like what 35 hours a week with no commute? she has the time and cash to eat better than fucking 4 day old subway

>> No.34033962

that isn't the problem. the problem is she is making several hundred thousand dollars a year and then going to subway ordering like 6 sandwiches and then eating them over like 4 days like a massive poorfag instead of getting better food or new food each day. its just weird that someone as rich as her is doing weird poorfag shit like this

>> No.34033996

If she even makes half that much your points would still stand

>> No.34034239
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Poor Vesper, he will never collab with Council again after this....

>> No.34034273
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reminder that during the first off collab the girls all got taco bell of all things and at some point in the night Mumei got out of bed with fauna and spent the rest of the night shitting her brains out
reminder, Gura and Ina are both lactose intolerant and Ame is allergic to bred and for some fucking reason they got an ate a pizza and presumably spent the rest of the night with severe diarrhea poisoning

>> No.34034550

It has nothing to do with authenticity, you add olive oil to pizza dough to make it softer. Most Italian pizza styles use pizza dough that has olive oil in it. You’re thinking of Neapolitan pizza, which has a thin, crispy crust. Thin pizzas like that don’t need olive oil, but that’s not the only kind of pizza.
I agree with you on the major chains like Dominos and Pizza Hut though. They add way more oil than necessary and probably some sugar too. It still tastes good, but in a trashy way.

>> No.34034650

It’s her money, she can spend it how she wants. It’s chewing it into the god damn mic on stream that’s the real crime.

>> No.34034707
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Thanks for the clarification, anon. I like learning this kind of stuff.

>> No.34035063


>> No.34035543

>How would you feel if your friends or family did this? It is indefensible, unhealthy, and grotesque behavior which should not be condoned.
>Kronii fans should be ashamed. This isn't the first instance of her gross behavior and she doesn't deserve to have a career through cover.
This thread is an example of why this board is garbage.

>> No.34035936

Because of the mental gymnastics supporting kronii?

>> No.34036324

a board consists of its users, anon.

>> No.34037627

>so I don't waste money on fast food crap
If your not a dumbass you can have good leftovers with fresh foods by actually thinking head

>> No.34037976

...that means you agree with his statement

>> No.34039454


>> No.34040476

i went to subway to get the sandwich called "the boss" the other day
there was one indian dude working there and he got fucking pissed because he thought I just walked in and wanted to talk to his manager
I'm like "no I just want that sandwich" and he's like "YOU DO NOT EVEN ASK FOR SANDWICH FIRST AND YOU WANT TO SEE BOSS?"

>> No.34041082

how the fuck did they manage to hire so many retards

>> No.34041227

Oh look. The diahrrea poisoning gang is back.

>> No.34041296

I'm pretty sure this was probably some social "I don't wanna feel left out" mentally.

>> No.34041313

that is also a form of retardation

>> No.34041510

tell the girls to stop giving themselves diarrhea poisoning and I'll stop posting it

>> No.34041515

It is, but it's the curable kind. Just gotta have the confidence to turn down that food.

>> No.34042950


>> No.34043104

>Kronii stores fastfood in her fridge to eat at a later date, and fellow hololivers disgusted:
My family was poor growing up and we unironically used to do this because you could buy roast beef sandwiches from arbys in family sized packs really cheap and they made good school lunches.
basically fuck off.

>> No.34043195

Your family was probably poor because they were buying Arby's all the time

>> No.34043231

Arby's was way cheaper than buying the ingredients individually. Even from a local butcher.
Basically fuck off, you don't know shit.

>> No.34043328

sometimes i order a family pizza and it's all i'll eat over the course of 3 days (4 slices per day.) i would hope the hologirls take better care of themselves than i do though.

>> No.34043346

Subway sandwiches save really well if you use cold cuts. Even if you use meatballs: you can re-heat it in an oven and it turns out great.
tl;dr all I'm seeing are sheltered retards in this thread.

>> No.34043371

I know how to feed myself without fast food

>> No.34043428

she stopped gyming / exercising
going full fulbby fatty kronii!!!

>> No.34043439

>Even if you use meatballs: you can re-heat it in an oven and it turns out great.
A meatball sandwich is basically destroyed if it's refrigerated

>> No.34043448

I don't like sub cuz its an information overload

>> No.34043518

You don't know how to feed a family of four when you're poor, clearly.

>> No.34043599

Who's fault is that? Is it something to be proud of to have children when you're not financially prepared? What does this have to do with kronii's disgusting subway sandwich habit?

>> No.34043636
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Kroni sucking down a day old foot long sandwich.

>> No.34043712

>If it's ok to buy and eat, then it's ok to stockpile
Please do not stockpile sushi.

>> No.34043742

>Who's fault is that?
Probably my father. But he managed to do it and is practically ric hnow.
But he has a loving family unlike you, so who are you to judge him?
> What does this have to do with kronii's disgusting subway sandwich habit?
Or Kronii for that matter? If she likes the sandwiches and can keep them for a day or so, let her. It's not like it'll kill her.

>> No.34043790

>a day or so

>> No.34044003

>so, let her
Is someone supposed to stop her?

>> No.34044750

>that YouTube video clip
Did she have to smack her fucking lips into the mic?

>> No.34045396

I didn't notice the first time I played that clip. Wtf

>> No.34045863

*Smack smack smack smack*

>> No.34046455

/architecture/ is happy

>> No.34046491

yeah, me

>> No.34046781


>> No.34046894

regardless of how disgusting the food is, it is indefensible that she would eat during the collab. Could she really not go 2 hours without eating leftovers? its so insane that she thinks thats proper etiquette.

>> No.34047260

She did a private test stream that shouldn't have been able to view, but someone on discord followed a link in her discord profile and recorded it. You can hear a belt buckle jingling, fabric rustling, and a lewd segs sounds. It's all over NGA.

>> No.34047406

What is this acronym?

>> No.34047654

Post link faggot

>> No.34048264
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>Actually considering blending sandwiches
>>If she's not food poisoned herself or some other dumb shit first

>> No.34048911

shit site but from what i cant tell they are not even allowing hololive discussions on NGA right now, so it seems like this is completely made up. its also my guess that this would be false anyway cause if kronii had someone in her life she wouldnt do man collabs.

>> No.34049188


>> No.34050432

great edit

>> No.34050536

Kronii will be at least 200lbs by the end of this year

>> No.34050635

She's really looking to give Mori a waddle for her money

>> No.34050737

How is EN either frail like a stick or straight up fat?

>> No.34050772

All is proceeding within acceptable parameters

>> No.34050833

How would you guys feel if she went the way of Nikocado Avocado and became a mukbang vtuber?

>> No.34050920
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Yes, and?

>> No.34051410
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>> No.34051463

Anon don't believe things without actual evidence

>> No.34051949

>you can wash
>can’t use soap
So you can kind of just put water on it? You know that does nothing and the entire point of washing literally anything is to clean the soap off of it, right? I’d hate to ever shake your hand if you never learned this basic fact.

>> No.34052409

Your stand-up tight five needs work.

>> No.34052473

I said ok to eat, so sushi doesn’t apply.

>> No.34054646


>> No.34054802

>Kronii stores fastfood in her fridge to eat at a later date, and fellow hololivers
Subway is super gross here in the states

>> No.34055125

>>Kronii stores fastfood in her fridge to eat at a later date, and fellow hololivers
She's eating other vtubers now?

>> No.34055419

again, I want to dick down whorenii in her asshole so furiously bros.. not enough that she has an anal prolapse but man I just want to ravage her anus, and when im done inside her I need only 15 minutes to do the same to her pussy

>> No.34055803

so tldr she likes the mold in the sandwich?

>> No.34056184

Average men would fuck any woman no matter how ugly or attractive they are just to fulfill their carnal desires. Kroni would have 100 guys lining to fill her cunt every single day, and that's just her city somewhere in Korea.

>> No.34056367
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For the record, you retards are unironically worse than women.

>> No.34056772

For having food health standards ? I don’t think I’m following you there

>> No.34056839


>> No.34057005

Yea she enjoys a nice pomu with pimento or a rushia on rye

>> No.34057039

How many footlongs are in your fridge right now, anon

>> No.34057268

Vore of time

>> No.34057720

I don't know about you, but in my europoor region Subway is just heavily overpriced sandwitch.
For same money you can get equally long kebab full of meat that actually can feed you for 2 days.
Also even my depressed ass can make my own Subway sandwitch. Just buy baguette, cut it in half, fill it with random veggies and microwaveable seasoned meat and put it into oven for 10 minutes.
Bam, you have this hipster upper-middle class shit for less than half of price

>> No.34058100

She's already on that path by eating on stream now isn't she?

>> No.34058171

A lot of people eat/snack on stream, it's not a straight path from that to putting away 9000 calories in under 10 minutes

>> No.34058231

I did this once when I was stuck in england with just like 20 GBPs and in a hotel for a week
I didn't have money to eat out so I would wake up extra early, eat the shitty breakfast, go to bed, and eat the breakfast again at like 10:00, then go out, buy a footlong with crisps and have half of that for dinner, the other half I would store in the minifridge and would eat that for the next day's dinner

It is no way healthy and microwaved subway tastes like shit, so it was easier to just eat it cold

Thank you for reading my shitty blog

>> No.34058248

I'm sure you're a fag

>> No.34058262

Eating a footlong sandwich in the middle of a collab is not exactly what I would say falls under the norm for eating or snacking on stream.

>> No.34058279


>> No.34058359
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>A lot of people eat/snack on stream, it's not a straight path from that to putting away 9000 calories in under 10 minutes
Perhaps not.
This, however...

>> No.34058397

Don't listen to these cookfags. 99% they either have fragile GI tracts or worked some shitty restaurant job for dogshit wages and now are acting like they have some sort of refined palette because of it.

>> No.34058447 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.16 MB, 712x400, BBW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blending sandwiches instead of going to the gym

>> No.34058497

Get a spicy Italian toasted, then customize with whatever veggies you like.

>> No.34058527
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>> No.34058525

Hopefully not. Stop corrupting our pops

>> No.34058649

Man this thread is giving me quite the hankering for a good meatball sub. And it seems like there's nowhere in Europe that actually serves them. What the heck euros, seriously? I gotta go make one myself?

>> No.34058659
File: 39 KB, 512x497, 6C027267-B5B2-4113-BB28-2E232116CCAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same fag from yesterday

>> No.34058685

Sacrificing her dignity to save the collab is outside the norm for kronii though, this new lolcow direction could be good in the long term

>> No.34059276

i gagged while reading this

>> No.34059612

Italy had them banned by the EU parliament, please understand

>> No.34060842

Gross, anon

>> No.34060915

>having standards for for quality makes us worse than women
you put women on a pedestal, anon

>> No.34060988
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So it's okay when Gura does it.

>> No.34061155

>whatabout muh Gura
It is disgusting to eat half a cheeseburger, then the other half later. Good point.

Meanwhile, kronii wants to eat a tuna melt from subway (gross https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111270816/subway-tuna-lawsuit)) and put a soupy fucking meatball sub in her fridge. That's revolting as fuck and you people defending it probably have stuff in your fridge that would give people botulism

>> No.34061413

>gura does this too
prove it

>> No.34061665

>Some say there exists a tape of Donald trunk doing “something” in an elevator, but where the tape is or what that something is no one can say for sure lmao

>> No.34061763

So are subway sandwiches going to be Kronii's equivalent to Mori's adam sandler/shrek/sheriff thing?

>> No.34061927

This is actually physically disgusting, so probably not

>> No.34062035

Its kind of unimaginative that the extent of her reinventing herself after slapping down her unicorns and dropping parasocials is “the same as before, but also sandwiches”

>> No.34062107

Thanks for that, anon. Gonna go throw up now.

>> No.34062122

I think instant noodles and multivitamins would probably have been a better choice.

>> No.34062236

Take this as an excuse to learn how to make your own meatballs. Shit's easy. Or you could just phone it in and buy frozen ones.

>> No.34062329

How prescient of you anon

>> No.34062409

it's important to have a gimmick, opening yourself up to be compared to Jared Fogle might not be the best choice but it's something

>> No.34062901

Who the fuck are you kidding?
I can guarantee you eat worse food than she does, along with probably 95% of this thread.

>> No.34062976

>he doesn't know how to cook
Anon, I...

>> No.34063139

She's going to make the chama's cooking look like a fucking joke

>> No.34063561

Not that kronii doesn't already do that with her personality already...

>> No.34064077

The amount of people who don't eat out might actually surprise you. Try giving >>>/ck/ a visit

>> No.34064841

was this part of yagoo's plan?

>> No.34065354

I do cook though. I just made some fried chicken in sweet chilli sauce and definitely not "onions" sauce, a bunch of veg chopped and fried after that. Babycorn, 2 small peppers, some snow peas and the solid stem of 2 spring onions.
Some rice with curry with the leafy stems sliced in to strips and fried until crispy, and sprinkled on top of said rice.
The chicken skin was sliced up in to small square-ish shapes (as possible), fried to a crisp, and sprinkled on crushed poppadoms, with more sweet chilli on that, and the roots of a spring onion chopped finally, just for looks.

But lets face it, we're on here. Have you met the average person here?
Probably live off microwave meals and boiled water meals, and other junk foods, some of the unhealthiest shit the human race has ever invented.

>> No.34065452

Chicken is much easier to cook and prep in the long run. It can also last a bit longer if you do it right

>> No.34065486

Different anon, but chicken is a meat of choice for a lazy cook like myself. I make a lot of chicken salad.

>> No.34065527

Yep, have a bunch stuffed in the freezer for recipes that work best with it, and some fresh chicken every so often for stuff like salads, sandwiches and the like.
All those bones make for some good soup action.

>> No.34065547

No one eats the roots of spring onions, you dingus.

>> No.34065677


>> No.34065707

They aren't all that bad. Better than throwing them in the trash.

>> No.34065730

>goes completely soggy from the condensation
Sorry that you don't know how to operate a fridge properly, anon.

>> No.34065873
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>private stream, somehow still viewable with a link
>discord somehow leaks links to test streams in the streamer's user profile for no reason
>she's even signed into discord in the first place to do a private test stream
>does the seggs while testing a stream setup
>you can totally hear it for yourself all over this website nobody has ever heard of

>> No.34066903

Maybe if his plan involves his talents becoming fat fucks

>> No.34067121

Yagoo actually a secret architect bro the whole time?!?

>> No.34067209

You do realize most of them spend the day not streaming, right?
If there is anyone to worry about, it is the streaming addicts. We've already had a few instances of them falling horribly ill due to it.

>> No.34067248

You're watching Kronii expecting to have a sane and rational person behind the character, possibly for some sort of parasocial bullshit.

I am watching Kronii because she's hilariously broken and it's fun to watch her be a dumbass.

I recommend you kill yourself.

>> No.34067297

>You do realize most of them spend the day not streaming, right?
That doesn't mean they're all living healthy lifestyles off-stream

>> No.34067368

True. A lot of them order junk shit on Uber eats all the time.
Shit like this is going to be the downfall of the Japanese. All the old people ageing / dying, all the younger people dying by the time they are in their 30s-50s... it's not looking good for Japan.

>> No.34068779

Are chubby idols the future?

>> No.34068838

enter: the overseas sexy guy.
I kid, but I had a nice conversation with a woman from Nagoya not too long ago who told me that she actually really hopes more foreigners move to Japan in the future.

>> No.34068930

Yes. The continuing trend of Japanese women getting bigger and softer is still going. And artists are already drawing bigger too.

>> No.34069026

Wasn't kronii supposed to be fit and healthy? Something has to be very wrong with her if she's hoarding and eating only subway sandwiches. That's quite literally a disorder

>> No.34069158
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>> No.34069285


>> No.34069286

>Wasn't kronii supposed to be fit and healthy?
Was there any evidence of this at all beyond her own word?

>> No.34069327

Its cope, the only holo is actually any serious about physical fitness is Mr. Koro. The rest of them do like basic bitch gym shit like 15 min eliptical or 2lb dumbbell curls

>> No.34070053

All those lonely big asses Japanese girls...I can save them...

>> No.34073900

They're literally asking us to, dude.

>> No.34073962
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>> No.34074019

this is like the monkey shitpost but actually merited and horrifying

>> No.34074030
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>> No.34074298

Chunkeronii real

>> No.34074462

>mukbang vtuber
Please tell me someone like that already exists

>> No.34075189



>> No.34081282

who cares

>> No.34081666

I unironically bought a meatball sub and ate it because of this woman today, she must be doing something right.

>> No.34081987

I think this is more of a sign that you're doing something wrong

>> No.34082339

I haven't done a thing right in 20 years anon

>> No.34083383

you're a fucking retard if you believe this to be true

>> No.34084561
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>> No.34084648

this image but with my cock
