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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33972341 No.33972341 [Reply] [Original]

Mori graduation?

>> No.33972390


>> No.33972625

Gain more weight, wigger land whale.

>> No.33972624

Mori would be the last person to graduate considering her contract with Universal. She'd probably outlive most of the Holos at this rate.

>> No.33972711

Truly the worst timeline

>> No.33972779

I knew it, she is pregnant

>> No.33972811

cheaper to amass calories in burgerland plz undastand

>> No.33972832
File: 179 KB, 500x500, 1659258929625884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish. We'd all be so lucky.

>> No.33973092

Hello discord, are you the nijis earning steam keys or the twitterfags?

>> No.33973215
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1658742658821874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was given steam keys, anon. Could definitely go for a new game to play.

>> No.33973535

Mori will be one of the last to graduate, my dude. The order starting from least likely:

5) Kiara - Because she realizes there's nothing after Hololive for her
4) Mori - Understands Holo gets her exposure but would graduate whenever she feels she can swing it on her own
3) Ame - Seems to genuinely like her job
2) Ina - Hates her fans
1) Gura - Doesn't stream anymore and generally apathetic

Outside of Myth, Kronii will be the next EN to graduate.

>> No.33973661

Yeah. Shw should be happy and leave hololive.

>> No.33973755
File: 2.07 MB, 3000x2160, 1634462426705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gain more weight

>> No.33974094

>Ame - Seems to genuinely like her job

>> No.33974240

drink more lean landwhale wigger

>> No.33974322

You'd think she would since even with the universal deal, she will never be taken seriously as a musician while she's a vtuber

>> No.33974381

I don't think you can make that argument since Hatsune Miku and Gorillaz all exist.
The problem with Mori is that she's just fucking boring and her wigger goth gimmick isn't appealing.

>> No.33974382

Mori acts like such a fucking teenager

>> No.33974419

You need actual talent to be taken seriously as a musician anon. She got brutalized by normies on her Tik Tok account. She can only push her music by having the cult of personality being a Holomember allows.

>> No.33974423

What does "be taken seriously" mean?

How many female rappers are there ahead of her on the totem pole?

>> No.33974496

Miku isn't taken seriously outside of Japan except for by turbo weeaboos who understand there are different producers.

>> No.33974530

Honest question : Why would anyone expect Mori to graduate "soon"? She's been here for 2 years despite all the shenanigans. What would even trigger her to graduate at this point?

>> No.33974608

She is big enough to invalidate the point.

>> No.33974614


>> No.33974627

the truth right here

>> No.33974728

And this is why she is not graduating any time soon

>> No.33974826

Clearly this means she is considering not working so hard, not thinking of graduating. I hate you fucking autists on this board.

>> No.33974911

Anon the first screenshot claimed they were amefags and that it was specifically about shitposting homo collabs, if you're going to use this retarded meme at least use it well or stick with the monkey

>> No.33974937

It's okay, cuckbeat. Let it all out. Hating your own kind is a step in the process of self actualization.

>> No.33975001

Everyone knows you have to be black and a man to be taken seriously. Or at least mumble into a mic and call that a rap like with the Mortal Kombat trailer

>> No.33975050

Miku is an anime woman anons. She's not real

>> No.33975158

False fag thread. She’s one of the least likely members to graduate. She’ll outlive your Oshi

>> No.33975316
File: 39 KB, 828x382, 0C34B9B1-FEED-4AE5-99A6-A0113F1D1AC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She got brutalized by normies on her Tik Tok account.
Oh Nononono Mori

>> No.33975327

winter IS coming, afterall

>> No.33975558

Go to E11 for the damn photo

>> No.33975963

That unironically makes me depressed

>> No.33976032


Which ones are the positive comments?

>> No.33976104

So what's the truth then, anon?

>> No.33976169

Nah, I'm looking forward to her desperate attempts to remain relevant as her ironic weeb fans get increasingly bored and her channel viewership bleeds out.

>> No.33976281

>antis siding with Twitter SJWs and TikTokers to feel validated
I swear, there are no depths they won't sink to stroke their PINK WOMAN BAD hateboner.

>> No.33976363

Any moment now.

>> No.33976452

Normies don't even use tiktok anymore.

>> No.33976520

It hurt itself in its confusion!

>> No.33976627

Ina and Ame are more likely to graduate than Gura, she probably can live with streaming once or twice a week while doing sponsors related activity and seasonal merch

oh wait, is she already doing all of that?

>> No.33976637


>> No.33976667

Pink woman good

>> No.33976750

Wow, they hate her even more than /vt/ does and they barely know her.

>> No.33976857

throwing coins in a well wont get you a giftcard

>> No.33976863

Just wait until they hear "Huge W"
>"wa koko DE-SOO DE-SOO!"

>> No.33976951

They all fucked off after that since all her other tiktoks have mostly positive comments

>> No.33976963

There's no way in hell Gura is the next to graduate. She streams like twice a week and still pulls half-million views on her vods. She's found the perfect job: one she only has to work like 10 hours a week, and yet makes the most money.

I could believe Kronii being the next council to graduate, but I wouldn't expect it to be anytime soon. She just has to make "come hither" looks at Mumei now and then to keep the yurishippers watching and she'll do fine.

>> No.33977002
File: 9 KB, 275x183, dp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hre are some proto vtubers

>> No.33977060

Tick tock, any day now anon! I hope those gift cards are worth it.

>> No.33977084

This is the response when anyone outside of Calli's existing fanbase hears her music. She will never be taken seriously as a real artist because this is the response she gets from anyone who isn't already part of her cult.

>> No.33977163

>streaming twice a week
the delusion is real.

>> No.33977281

the shitposting anons were right when they said kronii would be the council mori

>> No.33977424

A fuckload? There are more mainstream female rappers than there are male ones these days.

>> No.33978085


Extremely based, if wrong opinion.

I agree that Kiara knows there's nothing for her without the Hololive name. She's basically turned her "roommate" into Kiara-lite. She is THE worst performer in Myth overall though and if it hadn't been from all the boosts (First EN Gen, during Covid, and mooching off Mori heavily in the beginning) she'd be THE bottom of the entire EN.

Gura just isn't going to graduate, period. As others have said, she's got it way too easy right now and there's no sense in her trying to start over when there is so little expected of her other than being essentially a glorified mascot.

Ina is just Ina. I don't get why you think she hates her fans, she literally couldn't help but cry because she wrote them a letter. She's content being the "comfy streamer" (Read that however you choose)

Ame goes back and forth so much between seeming like she's having fun, seeming like she just wants to be a behind the scenes person, and seeming like she just wants to drop it all and walk away. She still hasn't delivered on her promises from her charity stream over a year ago and at this point it seems like whenever anyone asks, she just pushes it further and further back.

I truthfully think the only thing keeping Mori in the company is the fact she got a record contract through Cover. She is already THE least active person in terms of actually streaming let alone doing anything besides one or two boring games and just zatsu's. She made it clear from the start she thought it was all a gimmick and it shows. If her "roommate" could get a similar record deal, she'd be out the door in an instant.

Her tweet frankly reinforces how she thinks she's currently overworking herself, even with how little she actually does, and it is pathetically little. Frankly, I do hope she graduates; she's nothing besides a low level rapper whose model draws attention.

>> No.33978182


Not working so hard? She literally does so little as is. There was a post on her no less than a month ago with the amount of streams each talent has done and basically the only person less than her was Ayame who has been on a several month long break for family reasons.

>> No.33978227

Gura commissioned short anime (yeah not that one) which probably takes 8-12 months to finish because the studio is busy

Kiara had achieved her dream and she is the kind of person that doesn't want to be stuck in a company that has a gigantic glass ceiling in her workplace
Mori's music is on the decline, everyone hates her and on the other hand, Mori hates hololive
Ame just realized that she will never be competent with this job (can't do this can't do that) and leeching tempus would only create a strom of controversy

>> No.33978405 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 664x499, mori criticism 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who knows her hates her. Edit: lol my post got deleted and I copped a 10 minute black because the cuckbeat jannie couldn't handle the truth I was speaking.Cuckbeats truly are the most fragile pindick losers on this board.

>> No.33978496

Why Lie?
We can see their stream times. You can literally look and see she is consistently 2nd or 3rd for hours streamed in EN. What a stupid thing to lie about.

>> No.33978521

Oh thank goodness, a thread so I knew Mori tweeted. Never would have seen that otherwise. Letting us know she's on her break and happy, but that's actually BAD and PROVES she HATES Hololive.
Just so all the little tards who don't watch streams can come in and be saltier than the loads their mothers take in their mouths every night. Too bad they weren't one of those loads years ago, then we wouldn't have to deal with them.

>> No.33979255

The poor soul is so overworked, but somehow she magically finds enough time for the collabs with males.

>> No.33979848

a drug overdose making the news.

>> No.33979888

Given that graduating wouldn't let her "own the haters" she'll stay a holo as long as physically possible out of sheer spite.

>> No.33980010

I don't want her to graduate. Like it or not, she makes a lot of money for Cover in the JP market. I want to see her cease streaming activities and move strictly into the music department. Her workload eases, Cover still gets to milk her, UMG gets their recording artist and we don't have to see her shitting up collabs. Everyone wins.

>> No.33980154

She's wasting her voice with the rap shit. She'd do great with some heavy rock songs or something, she has the rasp for it. She's not even the only one I can say that about. The rap stuff was ok for debut but it's tired as fuck at this point.

>> No.33980176

There’s a rock song planned for her December album.

>> No.33980209

She's doing a rock song on the next album, and in general has done a lot different things with her voice as she continues to gain confidence and train it. But rap will always be something dear to her.

>> No.33980363

>3) Ame - Seems to genuinely like her job
Uh mate, you spelled Fauna wrong

>> No.33980365

>Ame - Seems to genuinely like her job
>Gura apathetic

>> No.33980564

Nah she will go early
she's only here till she's got enough to sit back and take it easy

>> No.33980566

Nah she is, money talks, and her size has been taken serious by western companies and audiences too.

>> No.33980607

>Ame - hates streaming 2-3 times a day
>Gura - loves streaming once a week

>> No.33980609

You obviously know nothing of rap

>> No.33980734

Yeah I’d rather take the second one thank you very much.

>> No.33980856

No one is gonna read that. Especially with the reddit spacing.

>> No.33980917

>he thinks it's a meme

>> No.33981136

>Ina - Hates her fans
How can you be so right about the other four, but be so fucking wrong about Ina? Do you not watch any of her content?

>> No.33981252

They think a "Haha take it easy we're just anime girls" joke is an attack on them because they're thinner-skinned than the twitterfags they hate so much.
