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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 408 KB, 1536x2048, airiwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33919591 No.33919591 [Reply] [Original]

Comifuro Special Edition: Airi Cosplay

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to chill and talk in-depth about behind the scenes of Indonesian VTubers in general. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber market, whether it be rumors, numbers, demographics, auditions, debuts, graduations, etc.

Previous thread: >>33885515

>> No.33919638

A shame the previous thread died too soon. So, any more info regarding CF? How's your experience in CF? Did you meet any VTubers there?

>> No.33920523
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This thread is now /airi/.

>> No.33921373
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I am now the Bettadachi OP.

>> No.33921918

Isn't this the 3rd warkop of the day? This board is so fast right now

>> No.33922117

I've lost count. No one's posting too, perhaps the CF visitors are now on their way home/taking a rest.

>> No.33922612

komukkkk kek

>> No.33923974

An anon wanted to shittalk Airi's appearance but realized Airi can read our posts. Or not, she must be very tired right now.

>> No.33924206

Not even worth of shit talk, she's a 2views uninteresting indie, let's us just talk about Holo ID1 trip to Japan

>> No.33924372

Are they still in Japan?

>> No.33925017
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>anonymous board
>Cupang most likely won't know who shit-talked her unless she's a regular lurker
That's why you don't break the containment, Awanama.

>> No.33925396
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>> No.33927258

Also btw, when ICC happens, someone better visit it and maybe do a comparison and see who's better in organising it

>> No.33927309

That's why /warkop/ is nicer than any other place to discuss ID VTubers. There's no attachment to the poster's identity. The only person that stands out is me, le OP (and that is if I posted Miti).
Can't wait for the upcoming Day 2 bullshittery. Someone should make a video a la Internet Historian's Dashcon or Rainfurrest vid, but with CF as the subject.
>Can't meet Miti in ICC

>> No.33928509

>wanted to
lol, lmao even

>> No.33928580

>A VTuber-themed anonymous board where you can throw words like nigger or faggot is far more civilized than random Kikebook groups.
Gatekeeping works, you know.

>someone should make a video
Bro, there are some videos about CF (of course, they're memes) from Kikebook.

>> No.33928645

there are tons of hololive cosplays and booths, mostly ID >EN >JP tho, i tried to get a picture with them but the con is too packed

>> No.33929128

>Gatekeeping works, you know.
The closest thing to gatekeeping /warkop/ ever did is when we told doxfags to fuck off. Well, it worked.
>Bro, there are some videos about CF (of course, they're memes)
I know, I just want to watch a more comprehensive explanation of CF happenings.

>> No.33929254
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About CFs' clusterfuck, I think this explains enough. It's just many weebs who are being gatekeeped from the venue awikwok.

>> No.33929440

I still don't understand why CF decided to use OTS ticketing in an event that big. What were they thinking? And the lack of outdoor staffs is just perfect. Perfectly retarded. Inb4 people fucking off to Clash H tomorrow.

>> No.33931372
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I think they didn't really prepare for massive increase of participant. They're preparing 13k tickets for 20k people at least. Also the merch seems like dominated by genshill and vtube.

>> No.33932702

How's the ticketing for another big event? I want to know about ticketing for the KPOP concert and Comiket, for comparison.

>> No.33932965

Any worthy vtuber doujins? Or is it keychain and stickers fest?

>> No.33933031 [DELETED] 
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Apparently, Mr. El Salvadore Tequila El Kontole visited CF.

>> No.33933155

I think the problem is not on the ots ticketing, it's work for many event. The real problem is they don't expect the amount of the visitor will be this big. For real this is the most crowded wibu event I ever visit, It's like PRJ level of crowd. I hope they ready for day 2, make a super long line for queue and rent some portable toilet.

>> No.33936777

Never ever underestimate the wibus kek

>> No.33940616

ofc it's genshit, why am I not surprised? but really why it's so huge even in ID again?

>> No.33943826

gud point bout BSD, not a gud place for showoffs

>> No.33946135

You mean for exhibitions?
Yea tangsel suburbs in general are too car-based, and the traffic and flooding is always getting worse every year

>> No.33947810

ICE got bad connections too for some providers apparently, can't pamer your shits with that kind of net debuff

Also been hearing opinions to move CF16 to JCC or JIExpo, would that be better for CF awanchamas?

>> No.33949777

JIExpo (which is, more or less, the same thing as what mentioned as PRJ in >>33933155 ) should be better:
- The bus access is better than ICE (chad Transjakarta vs virgin BSDLink)
- the options to go elswhere is better than ICE (ICE can only offer AEONMall as some kind of refuge, if not afterparties)
- maybe a better bandwidth & signal reach for mobile as well because it's still the middle of the city and not some half-done WIP like ICE (in terms of telco, at least)

Oh god, yes, this. how most elite housing clusters (or, in this scale, megacomplex) are made in mind; just assume everyone, has, and will always use, cars.

>> No.33955042

Good morning, /warkop/

>> No.33956741
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>Going to CF from Surabaya just for being cockblocked by security
>/warkop/ and basically every weebs circle talk about how bad the CF experience

Fuck i regret everything

>> No.33961738

My condolences, anon.

>> No.33964227

I enjoy the comifuro memes
Your pain is my amusement

>> No.33965642

you only find out today? kek your fault

>> No.33968563

Hey you can still go to clas:h in blok m

>> No.33968886

So how's day 2? Any improvement compared to yesterday? Heard people already queue from 3AM

>> No.33968952

Any news about them? There's surprisingly not much posts about Clas:H (possibly because I don't use Facebook).

>> No.33969484

I heard the queue is moving quicker and people can actually access internet from inside the venue.
Anyways, Simpthia OP here. I actually asked someone to send my regards to Airi. Unfortunately, they failed to meet Airi. They are not going in Day 2, too.

>> No.33969534

Saw some photos yesterday, it's quite packed as well

>> No.33969654

It's like mini ennichisai but still good. If you have a free time and just want to see some cosplayer just visit that place, it's way easier to reach and the live music in the end is really fun

>> No.33972946


>> No.33973725

Comifuro main stage live stream for you who can't go there

>> No.33973740
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LMAO they gonna tried to sue CF, event confirmed to be Indonesian Dashcon.

>> No.33973850


>> No.33975193

>No day 1 Livestream
They don't want to dox Andi

>> No.33975770

Can't blame em, it's a clusterfuck down there

>> No.33977273

The organizers wanted to save the cost by hiring too few volunteers, and now they're going to lose big if this is seriously going into the court. Bet it won't, it will be "diselesaikan secara kekeluargaan" as usual.

Heard that it's better now. They're hiring more volunteers and posts them outside to make the queue more orderly. It's not extended into the basement anymore. At least that was what I heard.

I saw a tweet yesterday comparing this to Comiket. Give it a break, Comiket has been going on for 100th times and almost all happened in the same place. CF just barely started a few years ago and the place keeps changing, also the attendees rapidly increasing too from time to time. Not trying to defend the organizers, but I can sympathize with them because I know being an EO is not easy. Just one or two mistakes is okay, but fuck them if they can't learn from yesterday's mistakes.

>> No.33977413

Airi you looks like Windah.

>> No.33977678

How dare you anon I can't unseen that now kek

>> No.33977899

Stage for day 2 is being streamed, if anyone wants to catch the Vtuber section. Layla and Etna at 14.00, Anya and Kaela at 14.30

>> No.33979288

Is there any examples for case like this in Indonesia where the one who sue is Winning?

>> No.33979432

Like what ? Suing the EO for incompetence?

>> No.33979602

Ew who Is this women

>> No.33979875

Yes, I know there some in the US but I haven't seen one in Indonesia

>> No.33981285

bros how do i access catbox, need vpn? i heard it was banned by gov

>> No.33982124

Isn't the ban comes from catbox themselves since some id anon post CP and Gore stuffs there? I heard you need vpn now to access it

>> No.33982368
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Enter Andi

>> No.33982548
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Andi love!
Comifuro hate!
Please just sing acapella, Andi
These typing noises are louder than his voice T.T

>> No.33982692

Fujoanon, you're there?

>> No.33982719

Nah I'm watching from my laptop
This sucks

>> No.33982747

I'm ready to KyoAni comifuro.

>> No.33982785

>30 minutes of technical issue

>> No.33982823

did Andi just got skipped from the live karaoke due to the technical difficulty?

>> No.33982826

Alia and Nia finally singing

>> No.33982827

smol indie EO, plis andastand

>> No.33982854


>> No.33982898

Enter shitty mic

>> No.33982900

Good choice fujonon. Watching from home better than in that chaos hall

>> No.33982995
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Enter cute Tower
Did the MC said kontolnya jatoh or my ears are so damn thirsty?

>> No.33983022

pentol, anon. he said pentol

>> No.33983097
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>> No.33983118

>Kapitalis 300k

>> No.33983159

I didn't go to comifuro Day 1 either, i hope they treat Andi's roommate well

>> No.33983210

Holo charges 300k for meet&greet

>> No.33983236

Feel bad for Maha5 if their fans act like this

They didn't want to spend for their favorite chuuba

>> No.33983271

This is why Maha5 never grow.
t. Andifag

>> No.33983311

They're supposed to be idols afterall

>> No.33983435

>mahapanca uwu
Stop it get some help

>> No.33983452

true, but what can they get from the MnG anyway? from what i remember, irl idol MnG can give you the idol's sign and maybe some of the group's merch like cd and stuff beside the usual take a photo together. do HoloID MnG at least give the same stuff ?

>> No.33983461

I saw Koboclipper and my selingkuhan in chat

>> No.33983483

what a dumb take, unless maha5 did a free personal meet and greet

>> No.33983504

I don't know. I mean I'm watching from my laptop afterall

>> No.33983566

>Andi sing again
>It's muted again
Comifuro really hates him

>> No.33983590

"Technical Problem"

>> No.33983653
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>Technical problem
I don't believe it but... what happened, happened

>> No.33983721

You get to talk to them "personally" for 2-3 minutes and take a photo and... that's it I think?

>> No.33983939

i guess their brand recognition is strong enough to do that

>> No.33983968

Are you guys still watching? Because I fucked off with disappointment.

>> No.33984022

I think it's more like jeketi handshake event. They have privilege to talk to them in private with that price

>> No.33984280

maybe i would just watch until the orchestra part and be done with it

>> No.33985030

>Maha5 group live singing with orchestra accompany
Fujoanon, Come back quick

>> No.33985166

>>33985030 (me)
that was quick. at least Andi got to sing once kek

>> No.33986042

Ah I missed it.

>> No.33986218

Hello friends. I'm currently shopping for a new ID speaking oshi. I like clear and calm voice, free talks and story-heavy games. Any suggestions? Thank you

>> No.33986325

sounds like Zea/Layla/Hyona to me

>> No.33986369

naya ishvara digikagi, hyona niji exid

>> No.33986463

>>33986325 (me)
Layla's game taste and talk type have shifted a lot in the past year though, so maybe only her voice fits now

>> No.33986580

come and lets jam bros

>> No.33986908

bau bawang eewwww

>> No.33986979


>> No.33987110
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next to Jokowi

>> No.33987791

Redshift's song list is fire

>> No.33987874

Cho Xo Wi...

>> No.33988763

Kek everyone cheering for the green shirt guy instead

>> No.33989007

Green shirt guy MVP, full of energy from the start

>> No.33990108

well at least day 2 is not as bad as day 1

>> No.33991793

They learned from the first day

>> No.33993756

Btw is there anyone /here/ who got to meet & greet with Holomems at CF before?

>> No.33995831


>> No.33996063

too much english
too much milf

>naya ishvara digikagi
Tried watching but the model filters me

>> No.33997065

cf ? cum on face ? yeah everyday i cum on holomems face

>> No.33997284

You should post your cum tribute next time, anon

>> No.33998135

sorry im not an ewhore

>> No.33999741

Ah fair enough, I guess

>> No.34006048

Madam talks about CF

>> No.34007848

This amogus is torturing me.
It's fun but I wanna sleep

>> No.34011620

Hyona isn't even a milf though
but she'll definitely speak too much english, so nevermind

>> No.34011881

Story games and speaking ID feel kinda anti-correlated
I feel like the more story games they play, the more English they will use on stream

>> No.34013967

it's not fun if you watch kobo pov anon

she's just playing as crewmate when she had impostor role

>> No.34015021
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Holy shit she smoll

>> No.34015561

Story based games not even that important honestly. Not kusogaki, not annoying, good calm voice, not dumb as fuck and feminine. That's most important to me.

>> No.34018871

>tfw you're not short enough to rest your head on cupang's tits

>> No.34020660

Pagi /warkop/!

>> No.34023093

confirmed underage?
those hand is as smoll as kobo's hand

>> No.34024375

Kek they way she held her is kinda funny
Pagi, pagi

>> No.34024672

I watch moona's. I had a laugh everytime she triggers Reine's PTSD

>> No.34024800

I like this pic
Look at the suspicious oji-sans surrounding them

>> No.34024994

I met that kid with gura's hat...she's really underage

>> No.34025023

Too bad Moona was kinda lost about what she had to do as an imposter + Kobo got a blister iirc

>> No.34025122

Don't care. She's the best crewmate and very intelligent

>> No.34026414

Yeah, J can't argue with that since she was so good at deducting who was the impostors and convinced others to vote them but I don't talk about some advance shit or whatever but if she just learned how to use vent on stream and never sabotaging when she became an imposter, I think she should prepare herself a little bit better next time

>> No.34028445

Is this general really dead?

>> No.34029411

>huge marketing range(like shit was everywhere)
>basically f2p version of BoTW(which was paid game and switch exclusive)
>availability on many languanges, such as Indonesian(probably the most reason why its so huge on Indonesian)
>great marketing campaign(using streamer as of advertising media, banner etc)

>> No.34029884

Warkop is reclining

>> No.34029913

>but if she just learned how to use vent on stream and never sabotaging when she became an imposter, I think she should prepare herself a little bit better next time
Don't care. Just enjoy the stream, ok?

>> No.34031826

Just go back to wherever echochamber you come from

>> No.34031883

Why so serious?

>> No.34032014


>> No.34033844

Trying too hard

>> No.34033900

Nobody ever watches them.

>> No.34034386


>> No.34034691


>> No.34034790
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At least she's a middle-schooler, right? RIGHT?

>> No.34036420

She's 15, she must've been a 9th grader right now.

>> No.34036437

Speaking about Among Us.
How's the Christopher Devin x Vtubers collab? Does he find partners yet?
If anons want good gameplays, maybe they should watch males instead of Hololive (this is not a shill, btw). Devin and Jerome are pretty good at it and also entertaining

>> No.34036634

From what I remembered, Devin asked Miti, Mine, Airi, Shafira, and Epel. I'm not sure if the collab will happen; Mine is now in her indefinite hiatus, Miti is busy with event/merch, don't know about the others. I can vouch for Devin, he's an entertaining Among Us YouTuber.

>> No.34036659
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>mfw all of this time you heard a 15-years old girl joking about Nekopoi and other sus jokes
I mean, dirty jokes are (sadly) common among middle school students (at least from my experience), but...

Also, Yumekek employed an underage girl awikwok. I wonder how their parents feel about it, although I guess they already knew based on their collab with their daughter.

We have our own Rindo Yuuki, I guess. Except she isn't /here/. Cupang better don't spill this place to her.

>> No.34036711

Looks like everyone's having a rest after ComiFuro. Some from other faraway places are currently on their way home, especially for those who are taking a flight today. Expect later for more news, i guess

I myself even have a work leave on Friday before CF and today (Monday) after CF. I know I'll need it, and I'm right; It's that tiring, man. After roughly 3 years of no con/events in Jakarta, it's a shock to have one like this right away.

>> No.34036809

where kronii cosplay?

>> No.34036936

I think it's Sena's parents who dealt with her contract and earnings. It would be absurd if her parents didn't know Sena is streaming as a VTuber.
Even worse in Day 1, almost no one posted in /warkop/. Well, that's the case everywhere else. Good thing there's more updates on Day 2.

>> No.34037542

he played feign with epel, airi, and shafira already

>> No.34039201

An actual child vtuber, wtf

>> No.34039242

>Hiw their parents
Iirc both of Sena's parents have already appeared on her stream so it's absurd if they don't approve her vtubing activity

>> No.34040680

Shouldn't be that bad tho? Didn't haachama was underaged when she started her holomem life?

>> No.34040839


Even airi uuoohing in her tweet

>> No.34041138






>> No.34041665

And did Shion but iirc both of them were already high schoolers at the time

>> No.34041896

I know that they're already collabed. I wonder how their parents feel when they know a bit more about their daughter's VTuber activities. I think Senyut hides one or two things about it from their parents, assuming she's in the "rebel" phase.

I have a bit of a negative opinion about the underage entertainer. Like, I doubt he/she can handle the entertainment world and all of its' quirks, for better or worse, even when accompanied by his/her parents.

>> No.34043211

Kobo joined fleshtuber circle

>> No.34043334

>Hides one or two things
Well, many things could be worse actually. I still remember how wild female middle schoolers were 15 years ago and I bet it must be worse nowadays
>Entertainment industry
Has vtubing already become that cutthroat now? I think one of the reasons why her parents approve of her activity as a chuuba is because it's still in infancy and not as dark as other entertainment industries yet and I wish it can stay that way
Despite how she looks, she knows how to carry herself well in that regard so far so I'm not that afraid about that and perhaps she can even take care of Senyut

>> No.34043609

You're about 2 weeks late anon, kobo join asylum discord server as 1.5m subs present

>> No.34044923

Will Garit dare to kick her out if she only want to collab with Manca and not with everybody else?

>> No.34045308

Can anyone give me the fat ugly oji san pic (full body) and the screenshot of Kobo's tweet which Remi invited her to Asylum?

>> No.34045326

>she knows how to carry herself
I think this is what people mistaken about Kobo. Kobo acts naturally like a brat, and people just assumes that she is a brat who does as she please.
But no, she knows what she's doing. I've been saying this from her first week, she's going to be big. Not only because of her talents or charm, but she also has the air of a professional.
People in this board likes to call her the ID Gura, but she's more like Pekora, in term of her bratness and her professionality.

>> No.34045743

still need correction tho

>> No.34045845

Oh I also need a smug Garit face

>> No.34046446
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>> No.34046601

She needs to step-up her ruthlessness if she want to be ID Pekora.

>> No.34046920

[20220925] 【Unarchived】 I'm Bored So I Sing 【NIJISANJI _ にじさんじ】 Reza Avanluna 【NIJISANJI / にじさんじ】 (hFNGEwNNLhA)

>> No.34047066
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One small mistake, Garit. Sena has been claimed by Yuta.

>> No.34047168

Pekora is already a veteran in the streaming industry before she becomes a Holo tho. Give Kobo 5-10 years and she might become as ruthless as her tho I hope she doesn't turn like that since what Pekora went through was extremely not pleasant at all

>> No.34047175

Nelson is her new sugardaddy

>> No.34047500

we need to save Sena

>> No.34047725

I hope Cupang or anyone else will never tell her about this website at least until she's not an underageb& anymore

>> No.34047790

>I wanna talk a lot in english today!!!
Why is Kobo keep alienating her fanbase like this?

>> No.34047850

Not enough donations!

>> No.34047858

at least watch the stream first before shitposting

>> No.34047953

>thread shitter
>watch stream
ummm anon...

>> No.34048017
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>> No.34048043

What are you talking about? She's talking in Indonesian now about her CF meet & greet
>Someone asked Kobo to "anjing-anjingin" her
If he didn't cum a bucket after that, he's a fag

>> No.34048098

>JK nip is watching /here/ despite her limited proficiency in Indonesian
Cunny knows no bounds and limitations

>> No.34048129

>>34048098 (me)
*Watching her

>> No.34048296

she wants those sweet red USD akasupas.

>> No.34048527

>kobo remember every moment in mng
yep it's worth it

>> No.34048931

Livium is going all out with their debut MVs
Is this a good strategy to hyp up debuts /warkop/?

>> No.34049021

I want to jitak kepalanya

>> No.34049277

definitely on the right path, but they still need a platform to promote them from zero

>> No.34049626

If you want a logical explanation of why they want international audience
here is from Tara arts https://youtu.be/9td6wrhICkw

>> No.34049963
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I mean, Moona has Japanese female fans

>> No.34050404

Niji-exID has a bunch of Japanese fans learning Indonesian and I saw one of them passing UKBI (Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia). It's not that odd.

>> No.34050439

There are foreigners who learn indonesian. Somehow many indonesians deny they even exist, but they absolutely do I assure you.
t. indonesian learning bule who has been called fake or "sok inggris" many times by indonesians online

>> No.34050474

One simple question, why?

>> No.34050601

those tumbnail need improvment

>> No.34050774

With Moona is kinda understandable since she's more like a kpop singer than a generic otaku idol, which is more attractive to girls

>> No.34051113

Rahayubros... will (you) teach Kobo to be able to speak javanese?
Iirc there are about 4 femmoonaitos in /moon/ so yeah it's not that weird for a female to watch a chuub

>> No.34051163

I like language learning but I already knew 3 european languages so wanted to learn a non-european one. Indonesian is supposed to be the easiest non-european to learn and it has 270 million speakers so I just decided why not. That's it.

>> No.34051366

Why as in "why do they call the bule a fake"? Because Indonesia is somewhat an inverted copy of USA (change "Christianity" into "Islam" and so on. Both are their respective majority religion.) but with the racial diversity amount a bit more like Canada;
Some Indonesians think like their country matters like they're the center of the world, bit comparable to how Brazil netizens act (the toxic ones, at least). Heck there's even a study on the netiquette rank where Indonesia is one of the lowest

>> No.34051445

and we talking about kobo here, she has the most female fans compared to any id member. even some of her taiwanese top donators are female like lì tíng cece

>> No.34051645

Women like children, simple as that

>> No.34051829

>lì tíng cece
KEK she's the one who keeps calling kobo kobobaby, i can feel her womb ovulating everytime she tune in kobo stream

>> No.34053238

First Livium debut is now LIV!

>> No.34053580

>Dynamo starter

>> No.34054725


>> No.34055061

doing some background check for this "agency"
>first of all their website is suck in the ass, please fire that moron who made that website, no need for further explanation it's just bad in every aspect
>second, I can find anything regarding their top officer team, it's like they are just some random anon, which is stupid if you want to start a company, really sus, even MLM company can do a better job than them.
>lastly the rest of the team who have internet footprint are a still active students, i start thinking this "agency" is just another weeb discord circle who think they can do business without any past experience

in conclusion, i give them 3 months before this "agency" become irrelevant and their talent are stop streaming because they lost motivation from lack of support from the agency. or at least until they run out daddy money to invest

>> No.34055243

then again even proper newer agencies are struggling to incline on ID, is a tough situation ngl for corpos when the market is all about indies atm

also remember the smol corpo rule in ID, you can survive as long as you have a spearhead to depend on, this next debut was all the hyp on my predebut TL, let's see if she's really it

>> No.34055664

not worth my time because there are almost 0% guarantees that they gonna stay for a good amount of time with this kind of team, i rather watch indies vtuber than shitty corpo one.

>> No.34055764

>Small corpos can exist as long as they have a spearhead
That's not exclusive for ID corpos tho see: Amberglow post-Lumi

>> No.34055811

https://youtu.be/XkUhPl_TMoM Indira Naylarissa tho, I end up comparing her to Amarynn in terms of soft voice

>> No.34056848

I had a feeling that I met an ex-ID in a certain CF booth but I'm not 100% sure

>> No.34057152

Yurucamp ED cover right away by Indira

>> No.34057737

Cae streaming with her face cam, talking about CF. She looked like an actual highschooler.

>> No.34057844

Wait didn't airi said that they will be hybird vtuber that cosplay as themself on camera ? or is it me that misinterpreted what airi said

>> No.34058142

Not necessarily cosplaying themselves, they want to vlog themselves with face cam if needed. In Cae's case here, she's showing the merch she got from CF.

>> No.34058378

Ah so it's like that
It's no different than kson or the likes
I thought they will try something different like only do a facecam when doing cosplay to make the character more real?

>> No.34058438

selia already doing hybrid vtuber too right? i remember shes playing valo while open cam

>> No.34058532

Selia is..... Let's say she's less of a chuuba and more like a regular streamer kinda like Obit

>> No.34058540

She's streaming with her face (no cosplay) on her Twitch. She's a legit mba-mba sales Chindo.

>> No.34058866

she's like crinacle's sister

>> No.34060393

cae and airi are different. cae is combining her rl self with vtubing because she is a dubber irl, but airi still focusing on being airi.
selia is not a vtuber, she always calls herself streamer

>> No.34063362

Who's that?

>> No.34065829


>> No.34069201

Indos up

>> No.34071361

Indos down

>> No.34073236


>> No.34074085
File: 101 KB, 235x333, gambar_2022-09-27_045008720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pagi /warkop/!

>> No.34074515

i won't spill who, but i know who you're talking about and you're exactly right about your hunch.

Tho the number of times they appear on the credit part of songs covered by exID Livers kinda give away which booth was it.

>> No.34076445

oh no

>> No.34078249
File: 265 KB, 1080x1426, 1664231922619590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Sub 20 IQ Westernized, pronoun and kpoopfag, Chinese Indonesian kid shared a doxsite on SNS

>> No.34080442

Man this make me miss soeharto

>> No.34080945

>Underageb& cokin
>Is a doxxfag
Kek but this is hardly surprising

>> No.34081211

Pagi, pagi
Who? Qrd?

>> No.34081341
File: 174 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1664237116968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sena posted this on her Facebook.
She's really smol ToT

Anyone who attend CF managed to take a picture with her?

>> No.34084282

The question is who told HIM about the doxsite.

>> No.34085705

I'd believe the rrat that she's 12 instead of the one claiming she's 15 y.o.

>> No.34087748

>just problematic in general
You are problematic in every inch

>> No.34089573

fucking kek, hope niji really sue this cinak

>> No.34089755

Someone who tried to cancel mysta because he is jokingly mispronounce a genshin chara's nane

>> No.34090139

UU ITE time!

>> No.34090461

Just fucking die kek

>> No.34090643

In all seriousness, won't it backfire for niji? Twitter is just recovering from that es teh somasi, proceeding with this could be unironically their PR nightmare

>> No.34090962

Probably not since that kid is retarded enough to share the whole doxsite instead of just sharing mysta's stuff. That kid basically just dox most of the corpo chuuba

>> No.34091007

Well that faggot is also a kpooper and people of his kind are overly obsessed over the private life of their idols so it would be weirder if he didn't know about that website

>> No.34092704

>Can't take a joke
Wow, I'm speechless and iirc this is not the first time for genshinfags to want to cancel someone, right?

>> No.34093859

Why is this site not nuked yet?

>> No.34094078


>> No.34094277


What did Indogs do this time?

>> No.34094387

Is this a clickbait?
There's no vtuber in there

>> No.34094757

they're talking about vtuber
I'm a bit surprised miawaug defending unicornfag kek

>> No.34094788

probably from they met some vtubers at CF and doing some stupid shits

>> No.34095471

Don't know, no one tried to do it i guess.

>> No.34096176

Doesn't work for those who call themself hybrid vtuber tho, they clearly ask for irl attention

>> No.34098841

Is it tho? Weird if true especially since she's the simplest chara outta all exIDs

>> No.34098873

Sorry but this is fucking retarded. If they're a vtuber and they don't want their irl persona to be revealed then they should've stayed anonymous. But if they call themselves a hybrid vtuber then they should expect things like this to happen. Streaming is revolving around the interaction between the streamer and their viewers, of course some people will feel like they have some kind of connection after interacting with the streamer.
Rants won't get them anywhere, you can't change people. The best that they can do is to hire a bodyguard who tells the people who crossed to line to fuck off. They're basically a mini celebrity, and celebrities from Japan to Nigeria knows that it's useless to tell their fans to behave, there will always be someone who don't care or don't want to do like they're told.

>> No.34099124

mine talking about different things dude chills

>> No.34099162

You can't blame VTubers for ranting about weirdos, too. But you are right, some people cannot be helped. The best thing they can do is to minimize interactions and get bodyguards. Not an odd thing, at least some cosplayers have their assistants as pseudo-bodyguards.

>> No.34099224

I think she's talking more about people trying to get close with VTubers, yes?

>> No.34100354

start around 9mins 20secs

>> No.34100465

just an episode of

>> No.34101931

I'm a bit surprised how he can explained half of vtuber community with really low knowledge about it. Also it's really interesting how windah keep steering this conversation in the positive way even though he already have bad experience with vtubing community. Idk maybe he hold back so he didn't get attack again or for some reason he want to make people no to only see the dark side of the simp and vtuber

>> No.34103134

Either they haven't heard or its like some piracy sites, hard to take down.

>> No.34104045

only talking the surface level kek

>> No.34105136

deeper parts should be for another day

or, even better, a dedicated channel, like https://www.youtube.com/c/HaruComrade

>> No.34105594
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, newmiti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VTuber drama be damned, as a Simpthia I will be feasting over all these new stuff from Miti. In 2 days, too!

>> No.34105977

were back at vtuber doxxing other vtuber drama again bois, wow there's so many post-CF drama

>> No.34106046

>no new voice

>> No.34107234

>cm mau bilang, segala aksimu itu ada reaksi dari orang lain. so, mind your path. kamu gabisa nyamain pemikiran org lain dengan pemikiranmu
>keputusanmu, ya keputusanmu. suka suka kamu, ya suka suka kamu. viewermu juga suka suka mereka lah. fair kan? mereka gaada obligasi untuk mengikuti maumu anyway. fokus aja ke org2 yang stuju akan opinimu.
What the fuck, I didn't know my oshi can be this based?

>> No.34107768

is it about the >>34105977 drama? doggo also tweeted similar thing

>> No.34107913

It's about VTubers turning into hybrid VTubers and the backlash and support they got for the change. It also relates with how VTubers should deal with antis and detractors; that is to ignore them if all they spout are hate. Rather, a VTuber should care about their fans first.

>> No.34107938

Seriously I found more Vtubers complaining about this face reveal thingy than the audience actually complaining about them.

>> No.34108385

>It also relates with how VTubers should deal with antis and detractors
this is for any public figure, not exclusive for vtuber

>> No.34108981

I'm afraid VTubers are more susceptible to overreacting when dealing with hate comments. It shouldn't be taken lightly, for sure. But, when every VTuber under the sun commented about the hate without the hate being prolific enough to be seen, it's nothing more than screaming to phantoms. Someone should check the Penyefong VTuber group on Facebook, they are essentially the local Banned VTuber Memes. I think I saw a meme clowning Airi there.

>> No.34108985 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 1662057984306537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenapa drama drama seperti ini selalu sering di vtuber2 indie atau agency kecil? Jarang sekali terdengar di agency besar katakanlah Maha5 Nijisanji terlebih lagi HoloID.

>> No.34109597

Wah 3 besar mah jaimnya (jaga imagenya) kenceng, apalagi mereka itu korpo jepang, jadi ya iyalah mereka serius jaga imagenya, bahkan jangan sampe mulai drama, dan kalopun kena ya mereka tahu cara ngadepinnya

(en : The Big 3 agencies do PR [Public Relations] like, very seriously; moreover they are Japanese corpos, so it's a given that they're serious, they even try to avoid unnecessary dramas. And if they got even just a splat of the drama they know how to handle that well)

>> No.34109729

For starters, indies are not bound by anything. Some didn't care if they appear unprofessional, because that's the reason why they become indies in the first place. Don't be surprised if an indie started a drama; they have nothing to lose if they are in the "right" anyway. For small corpos, it depends. Some are essentially Discord circles, some others are actual ventures. I think Digikagi dabbled in cryptos, but this is a topic suitable for the next /warkop/.

>> No.34109753

It's just a good example that ID Vtuber scene adopts the JP-side of Vtuber culture (which is influenced by Idol culture, like, pretty heavily), where the performer should be detachable from their performance

As for me, i like both, and breaking the 4th wall while somehow keeping it intact, is actually an interesting feat

>> No.34109965

pv is circle jerk to doomposting ollie, kobo and miti they dont care other than those 3

but sgv tho, yeah they do shit on airi and this drama a lot kek

>> No.34110456

Miti announcement stream. Come in.

>> No.34110463

Uuuuuhhh bros? https://youtu.be/O7aHN0cBHP8

>> No.34110559

Graduation? HoloID gen4?

>> No.34110760
File: 539 KB, 1920x1080, WHATTHEFUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Miti is going to be a hybrid, and I have no idea how to react.

>> No.34110778


>> No.34111084

This is becoming a new trend, huh?

>> No.34111149

From what I suspect, this is planned way before the current hybrid kerfuffle happened.

>> No.34111203

Who the fuck even started this 'Hybrid Vtuber' term, is it only Indos thing? Not even indie EN Vtubers uses it and face reveal is even more prominent over there.

>> No.34111286

It comes from EN community, I think.
>tfw one of her gachi (Alfa) sent her 4 millions Rupiah

>> No.34111343

You missed my last point that not even any Indie EN uses 'Hybrid' term.

>> No.34111348

Basically telling her story about what she has been through when basically being MIA. She had it rough, had to let go of her job promotion for her own team member/subordinate, had to move places so many times, her dad got sick, and something about her dad's colleagues betraying him (?) so she had to take care of him. She said this is not the end of the journey, she just want to thank her viewers who are always waiting for her even in this trying time.

>TL;DR,sorry for making you wait, life's been tough, thank you and hope to see you again soon

>> No.34111385

I'm not opposed to it desu. I think it's a clever way to separate their content creation type from a 'pure' vtuber

>> No.34111421

bcs they are heavily influenced by nippon corpos vtuber, hybrid is not common in there. if you want more western vtuber , twitch IDvtubers are more western than on youtube

>> No.34111425

Wait, I'm not even sure, actually. Yeah, who started the term? But it's not a bad term.

>> No.34111861

airi is the first one who uses this term i believe, tho the concept is not new but yeah this term is definitely not made by en or jp community

>> No.34111989

It's been used since 2021, it doesn't start from Airi.

>> No.34112084

oh really? then who use it before her?

>> No.34112181

wtf is this hybrid vtuber things? they are turning into cars or something?

>> No.34112189

Small indies. You should try looking for them in YouTube based on the year of upload.

>> No.34112215

Seems like it's the new meta for ID indies and small corpos. Let's see how long it will last

>> No.34112385
File: 277 KB, 601x601, simpthiachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I'm the only Simpthia here)

>> No.34112419

It's not bad but i think hybrid vtuber will be like this >>34058378 like Lumituber on twitch
Here hybird vtuber is just an excuse for doing a face reveal without calling it face reveal

>> No.34112584

you can't seach yt video by year upload anon

>> No.34112699

What next? Flesh-only vtuber? We're going circle

>> No.34112713

i believe the "hybrid vtuber" term start when kson active again on youtube

>> No.34112736

You could, actually, using "before:2022" as an example. However, even I couldn't find the channels.

>> No.34112747

What the difference between ordinary youtuber and "hybird vtuber" then? Or also iirc windah have their own rigging avatar so basically windah is also considered as hybird vtuber?

>> No.34112989

Windah is like pokimane who use vtuber for clout.

>> No.34113012

i cant find anything either even using google videos seach trick, i cant find anything about hybrid vtuber in 2021

airi please dont troll me i know you are here

no kson never use "hybrid vtuber" to term herself

>> No.34113034

Today's Miti stream is very interesting. Miti talked about her trying all kinds of contents (gaming, karaoke, hand cam, etc). She came in conclusion that Indo viewers watched the same thing, lewd and gimmicky streams. It's nice that Miti straight up didn't care about hate comments anymore. She repeatedly said that it's better to care about her fans rather than her haters. No matter how hard Miti tries to be good, people will still think that Miti is a boob streamer. She accepts this and tries to do her best now.

Miti said that VTubers are free to be whatever they want, but they should know that viewers can say whatever they want, too. The internet cannot be controlled, after all. About being a hybrid VTuber, it suits Miti. Her strength is in viewer interaction. She straight up said her running out of content materials behind her decision to be a hybrid VTuber.

I'm optimistic for Miti's future. She's no longer the person she was back in late 2021 and early 2022.

>> No.34113070

The difference is windah actually playing as the character that he created while pokimane is just pokimane but 2D

>> No.34113210

The term "Hybird vtuber" is probably started by aka virtual like this anon said >>34112419 it's just an excuse for doing a face reveal without calling it face reveal

>> No.34113729

IMO the thing about hybrid vtuber is kinda stupid that kill the essence of being virtual. vtuber exist because people want to interact with fictional anime characters. when it comes to vtuber there is always the 2d pesona and irl pesona they work as 2 diffremt entity people who love your 2d pesona doesnt alwasy like your 3d pesona, its like anime chara and seiyu relationship. thats why this hybrid vtuber term is actually doesnt match with the original vtuber becuase they try to merge their 2d and 3d pesona together. you might say "but there's kson" dude do you know even her jp fans always hate when seeing kson streaming without her l2d model.

but i dont know maybe its more suitable to id market by looking at how famous doxxsite, doxxcord and doxxvideo in id community. but yeah if you think about it watching hybrid vtuber is more or less is just like watching regular flesh streamer becuase there no more separation between 2d and 3d pesona, no more fictional characters and seiyuu they completely merge into one person.


>> No.34113730

It's funny because I've seen some youtubers use vtuber avatars as an excuse to not doing makeup

>> No.34113776

Yeah but they don't call themselves as "hybird vtuber"

>> No.34113782

Hana is HALF Right

>> No.34113947

now imagine if some of them make a backslash and they can't run or make new persona like before because they've already seen your face kek

>> No.34113988

The term is not started by AKA Virtual, but it's absurdly hard to search for them before 2022. In the meantime, try to search this on Twitter: "hybrid vtuber" until:2022-01-01since:2021-01-01

>> No.34114132

No, it makes sense IMO. It separates those who are fine with doing facecam and those who are strictly virtual. Right now as it is, both are still categorized as "Vtuber" even when they are doing real face cam content.

>> No.34114133

I actually oppose the existence of hybrid vtubers because it ruins the essence of vtubers, but I agree it's more suitable to ID market. There is no such thing as privacy in Indonesia.

>> No.34114253

You must remember that the networking and circle between chuubas and fleshtubers in ID is interestingly intertwined unlike in EN and especially JP when there's a kind of barrier that makes most of them not interact with each other most of the time.
Then again, I think hybridtubers need their own definition since they're not exactly fit into either side to avoid any bastardization of especially vtubing.

>> No.34114418

anon you actually just made a better term to them, because they not exactly virtual anymore and also not always using fleshform putting v or flesh to their name is a bad idea, but hybridtubers is somehow matched their niche i guess

>> No.34114448

You fucking nailed it. Airi, Cae, read this and use this. I know you guys are here.

>> No.34114989


Hybrid vtubers in Indonesia isn't actually that new; it happened some months ago, around last year

>> No.34115106

*coughrachiecough* kekw

But yeah it's mentioned around here https://youtu.be/qXKsWI0dcss

>> No.34115867

this place full of holobronies anon, im sure most people in here only watch hololive and many discussion about hybrid vtuber already happened since late 2021

>> No.34116213

I forgot we are in /vt/.

>> No.34117208

I mean, you can't blame them. HoloID, NijiID, and MAHA5 are the current thing in VTuber fandom. They essentially decide what it means to become a VTuber through her brand power. Prof. Haru and Airi (and other 2views ID VTuber) who's literal "who???" can't decide like them. That's why their discussion is being buried. Although, I have to agree that Sena started to become a kind of "hybrid." Let's see what kind of impact will Miti make with her decision to become "hybrid."

I think it's kinda funny when you think about hybrid VTubers and doxxfag. "You can't doxx me if I doxx myself first!", something like that.

>> No.34118119

New bread doko?

>> No.34118233

We already kinda discussed this topic /here/ when that /u/ chuubas went viral but since there was no big name who followed their footstep at the time, no one really gives a fuck about hybridtubers. Now that it's starting to become more popular, it's no wonder anons ITT are concerned more about such a trend

>> No.34118378

Will make one tomorrow evening.
