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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33916141 No.33916141 [Reply] [Original]

>promises a couple months ago she'll be more honest with her fans and she'll try not to break promises
>Tempus debuts and she's completely obsessed with Vesper
>collabs with him and the blue homo
>makes a member stream trying to damage control and feeding even more lies to her fanbase
>breaks that promise the very next day by commenting on Vesper's underwear despite the fact that she said she won't even interact with them on Twitter
>goes on a break
>the main narrative is that Kronies are literal schizos endangering her life
>zero proof of this
>come back two weeks later claiming she'll do whatever the fuck she wants while getting backed up by management
>keep collabing with Vesper like she always planned to do
it's not even about being a unicorn or not, she's a pathologic liar and threw her fanbase under the bus because she kept breaking promises and didn't know how to get out scotch free while still thristing nonstop over the vampire boomer.

>> No.33916199

a gift card was deposited to your account unicornfag

>> No.33916251

So Sylvia still handing out giftcard huh.

>> No.33916274

her only mistake was not filtering you guys way earlier
so yeah, she's at fault for fostering a dogshit fanbase

>> No.33916323

this is a literal "no u" response trying to deflect from the fact it was the anti-unicorn people found being paid to antagonizing the board.

anti-homobeggars are in fact acting out of real passion for preserving what made literally all of Hololive what it is.

beggars are destructive and don't even realize they're enabling the undermining of the this thing they heard about and came to watch. or they're just paid shill SEA people, probably literal children, wanting steam gift cards.

>> No.33916377

You only got one phone faggot?

>> No.33916451

Her mistake was not fucking streaming and showing stupid overreactions to her fans even before this, the Minecraft debacle was where she turned the corner downward because she got weird and bitchy about fans being annoyed she was playing a ton offstream and she didn't know how to handle it without annoying them.

This is just a continuation of that really in another form, she is not good at PR at all and happened to be saddled with one of the absolute most forgiving fandoms in EN and STILL finds ways to fuck it up.

>> No.33916458
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>zero fucking arguments
Here you tranny tourists. I'm sure Kronii will appreciate this.

>> No.33916632

sounds like you got magged and are regretting it tbhfam

>> No.33916732

Thanks to kronii now i know how western woman think

>> No.33916736

She's an actual unironic narcissist who only cares about herself, and everyone who just thought she was putting on an act are finding about it now.

>> No.33916789

Kronii sounds like a horrible oshi to have and I‘m a stars fan lol. You guys need to pick better people to support

>> No.33916908
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Never had a problem with her collabing with males. Dropped her because she chose pandering to woke twittards and servile reditors over being a bit more patient with her more schizoid fans.

That's right, I said it. Schizoid fans > woke twittards and servile redditors. If kronii's vile, then the latter two are the most disgusting, subhuman, bottom feeding sludgefucks ever created by God. And she chose to throw her lot in with them.

>> No.33917004 [DELETED] 

schizo headcanon

>> No.33917195

this, it's her attitude about it that's annoying, just like the minecraft shit which in theory should have been really easy to handle but instead she made it not easy to overlook by saying she wasn't streaming MC because she didn't like reading/dealing with chat. which is not exactly a welcoming-sounding message to say to you know, her chat.

here she could have handled this very differently and gone "yeah I've been flopflopping, sorry about that but I'll try to do better and find a compromise that works best for all of us, just bear with me and we'll figure it out" etc and gave a non-answer that wouldn't inherently look like it's picking sides or egging on pro/anti tempus. instead she puts out an extremely "you know what, fuck all of you I'll do whatever I want" feeling message and also has management cover by imply you're a harassing anti if you disagree with how she handled this. which is lame as fuck, she acts like a Karen only she's the manager and we're the customer just trying to get the order we were used to getting and liked having.

>> No.33917273 [DELETED] 

please continue to seethe and cope

>> No.33917311
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>one of the absolute most forgiving fandoms in EN
this is the craziest thing. She lied already a few times in the past which is why she had to make that membership stream saying she'll try to improve after the offcollab fiasco. She's one of the ENs with the shittiest work ethic and least streaming hours.
Despite all this they always supported her. Now she's helping push some narrative about Kronies being evil incel schizos because they dared pointing out this pile of lies.
Come on man you don't have to fuck your fans just show them a little bit of respect and don't fuck them over to save your skin because you can't help but lie.

>> No.33917594

I'm glad anons finally acknowledge your revisionism. Can your discord just disband already? Or are you all groomed by your discord mods?

>> No.33918316

The cucks and trannys don't even try anymore

>> No.33918526
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>> No.33918733

All of Kronii's problems both past and present could have easily been solved just by being more vocal, open, and professional with her viewers. If she had politely asked her viewers months beforehand on what they thought about male collabs and if they would be okay with one, the schizo meltdown would have been minimal. But instead, she started drooling over the males right after their debut like a dog in heat, and made a collab announcement with little time for her viewers to react which brought her to the predicament she's currently in, which was fueled even more due to her being indecisive, telling her viewers to fuck off, and running towards management for protection because she's too much of a coward to handle it on her own.

>> No.33918866
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>> No.33918956

Didn't even read the whole post
It's fucking bait

>> No.33918992

>discordfags are so butthurt about being exposed that they're trying to gaslight the gift card meme into being about unicorns instead of homobeggars (in spite of the literal proof of the opposite), while spamming it as much as the monkey forced meme
There's never a single fucking boring day in this board, it's amazing.

>> No.33919046

Yeah the keyword here is professionalism. Which is something Kronii always missed. Her dogshit streaming schedules and constant breaks prove it.
She might be the Council members with the least total hours since Sana left.

>> No.33919055

The discord raiders were anti-unicorn and you're not going to be able to gaslight people over that, Nijitranny

>> No.33919074

Yeah i fucking hate Kronii. The bitch gets carried by her voice and model.

>> No.33919146

No you're not
stars fan know not to believe the shit 100% that's coming from a star since stuff can always change last minute

>> No.33919204

Feel sorry for the Kronies. They were right to be annoyed she was playing hours of Minecraft off stream while barely throwing them a bone with watchalongs and collabs for content. They kept supporting her all this time. They forgave her, they stood by her despite the breaks, poor scheduling, because they loved her. And they all get tossed away the moment Kronii finds them marginally inconvenient.

These fans put up with a LOT of bullshit and Kroniis response to them is "Fuck you I do what I want". It's so ungrateful, tactless and scummy and exactly what people feared EN would turn out like when it was first announced. A bunch of useless ungrateful e-thots who take their fans for granted and want to do whatever the fuck they want while barely putting out any decent content at all.

>> No.33919333

This shit again
>Get invited by mori to collab with males, something that mori already does plenty of
>you don't have any real reason to refuse, especially since you get along well with one of these kouhai anyway
>you're nervous but overall have a good time
>your schizo fanbase start complaining infight
>Make a stream asking them wtf is going on
>give your own thoughts and make a compromise to not initiate collabs(you hardly did that at all to begin with)
>allegedly miss the point, but the compromise is accepted
>fuck off for a while to eat subway and get teeth pulled out
>schizos continue to schizo, continuing the infighting and gaslighting
>see all of this during your break
>realize your fanbase is comprised of a lot of controlling unicorns
>realize the whole talk and compromise ultimately wasn't worth it
>fuck it, I'll do what I want
>tell cover, cover agrees
>both of you post official statements on twitter upon your return
>stance has been made clear, won't entertain the topic from now on
>statement met with general approval
>more male collabs happen, you have fun, with at least one more planned
>schizos that shat up your comment sections have their last say before they fuck off or get banned for not taking the hint
>Eat another Subway
that's it. any other detail is just unicornfags pretending to be a victim of cuckoldry or some other delusion. (You) creped her to the point where she won't even acknowledge (You)r input anymore

>> No.33919366


>> No.33919375

i like this idea that her break is completely unrelated to the homo meltdown kek
next level cope, i commend you

>> No.33919383 [SPOILER] 
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Remember who to thank for EN in the first place

>> No.33919454
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Nice cherry-picking, focusing completely on a few nutjobs like gabe while completely ignoring everything else. Here's your gift-card, now go on your merry way.

>> No.33919484
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Why did she release a daki cover? Who is buying that? Who is the intended audience? Why is her lewd ASMR one of her most watched videos? Who are the intended audience for a woman whispering into your ear?


>> No.33919503

Hardly anything in this thread is a unicorn argument against a male collab. Way to be retarded and illiterate. Are you anti-vaxx too?

>> No.33919535

where's the bit where she makes stupid comments like "Do you guys not have female friends" and thereby insults tons of people who werent doing anything?
Inconvenient for your narrative huh?

>> No.33919618

Holy fucking shit this is next level gaslighting and I'm genuinely surprised you'd think anyone would fall for this. If anything it proves just how delusional Twittertrannies are when it comes to this matter.

>> No.33919646

kys discord tranny

>> No.33919789

now say it without crying

>> No.33919831 [DELETED] 

I'd recoil and retreat from the cringe of seeing hundreds of unicorns seething over a simple collab too
there is no "everything else". Even here, the consensus was that she missed the point, thinking that the problem was shipping, but overall just wanted to see her back if she's willing to keep the compromise. I don't no digits/code man, cough it up
for the sad otaku fucks with disposable income(hopefully). Personally I prefer the kronie plush. And how much of a coombrain do you have to be to call that ASMR "lewd"?
unicorns insisting kronii "lied" rather than her simply changing her mind because (You) fucks weren't worth the artificial drama. Stay in /pol/
well? DO (You) have female friends? Were you bothered by the collab? Then go somewhere else
You're free to stay seething. Kronii isn't even my oshi, you're all just being pathetic

>> No.33919852

I'm starting to think Sylvia might be Kronii herself trying to do even more damage control. Makes no sense that they are so obsessed with defending her and will try the most desperate gaslighting methods to do it. No other Holo can get away with so much bullshit, Mori got much worse for less.

>> No.33920271

I guess I have Vesper to thank for showing me what she truly is like. Thank god I dropped her.

>> No.33920289 [DELETED] 

unicorns deserve the rope

>> No.33920338

>it's not even about being a unicorn or not
I guess I found the true pathological liar

>> No.33920389

Just an aside, but do people find her voice hot ,or is it "so bad it's good sovl" like Ame's singing? I always thought her voice sounded awful like industrial whirring so the praise for her voice confuses me

>> No.33920438

>calls her fans maidenless (ie virgins)
Literally no justifying this.

>> No.33920456

Gratitude is fucking dead. Might be a woman thing though. The male streamers I watch never seem to have an issue with this.

>> No.33920518

In short, Kronii is a bitch and the whore of homotempus. And also the Kronies are cucks. I'm not really surprised.

>> No.33920562

I was close to becoming a kronie after debut, thank god I finally made a good decision...

>> No.33920607

The funniest thing about this is how it keeps saying that schizos were harrasing het throughout the break. Motherfucker, i was in /inf/ daily throughout her break waiting to hear a single scrap of news about her return. At no point did I see harassment being discussed. You think the most loyal Kronies would be the first to notice if something like that was happening.

>> No.33920668

>>realize your fanbase is comprised of a lot of controlling unicorns

She created this part herself, she is to blame for this.
Look at her fellow genmate Bae that have 0 of this problems.

>> No.33920746

Holostars are based and the best choice for people who hate women.

>> No.33920821

So far there isn't even proof of actual unicorns going schizo >>33920607
Only heard about infinity resident Gabe going rogue but so far he's still retweeting Kronii art and asking "why" under every Kronii collab.
I'm pretty sure Coco and other girls received much much worse and still didn't resort to shitting on their fans.

>> No.33920868

dont forget this literal GFE video.

>> No.33920889

>celebrity 1%er who is also an attractive woman rags on about the dregs of society

>> No.33921109

this rich woman is oppressed by the much poorer people giving her money because they gave their honest opinion after she asked for their honest opinion

>> No.33921172

She's oppressed by the incels who give their wages to her and who she encourages with merch and ASMR catered to them. Don't you understand her pain.

>> No.33921332

Honestly, wouldn't be surprised if kronii's remaining fanbase are literal cuckolds at this point who like being treated like trash and a third wheel. I suppose somebody gotta corner that particular market at some point. Not my cup of tea, but if somebody's the type who buys a daki for somebody else to sleep with, I guess here's your chuuba

>> No.33921335

Stop writting bibles, the only answer is that she's a woman

>> No.33921337

Nearly everything you said isn't even true.

>> No.33921404

Exactly. People aren't that complicated, yet vtuber fans want to complicate things.
There's countless threads full of essays based on a single word said or an action taken. It's Truman-show levels of insane.

>> No.33921432

All her fans were getting upset that she was talking to a male college? You mean called like 20 dudes that, not "her fans".

>> No.33921441

That one doujin was right. You can't beat the cock. Especially the ojisan cock.

>> No.33921478

Either that or casuals who got gaslighted by trannies into believing the most retarded rrats about Kronii being the victim of a tireless harassment campaign endangering her life.

>> No.33921578

She didn't do anything to "make a unicorn fanbase", nor was her fan base ever filled with unicorns, not that the retards getting mad about her talking with guys she works with are unicorns to begin with.

>> No.33921589

calling them virgins implies she thinks it's something to be embarrassed about, which tells you all you need to know about her

>> No.33921601

And somewhat in a company full of women she managed to be the absolute worst one. She's like a double woman.

>> No.33921700

I'm going to be honest with you virgin is legit just todays faggot. It's telling a person to stop being a retard. Oh and once again, she was calling her fans anything, she was calling out the few people getting upset.

>> No.33921818

If I had a penny for every time some troon said the evil chuds were "harassing" someone and it turned out to be some mild criticism or a bit of banter laughing at them being retarded I'd be a rich man.

>> No.33921830

calling them virgins tells you more than enough about her character in the same way her calling them niggers would do the same

>> No.33921836


>Being somewhat GFE
>Big lesbo / anti-male vibe
>0 interest in males for 1y+ , streamers especially

I wonder why part of her fanbase was shocked over this sudden change in direction...

>> No.33921891

It's like 80% stuff you can find on stream and 20% speculation. Way better than the leddit narrative claiming she's been harassed nonstop with no proof while completely skipping her lies.

>> No.33921909

The kronii/irys thing was one of the only cute bright spots in Council for a little while, now that just feels all hollow and crappy.

>> No.33921948

ok go on reddit and post "Fucking faggots should fuck off and stop harassing Kronii" and make the argument you were only targeting the people upset at Kronii, see how it goes

>> No.33922060

You made a laundry list of things you don't like then said said things were promised not to happen.
QRD on the giftcard meme? I've been busy trying to pass exams this week and couldn't follow stuff too closely this week and it seems to have kinda popped up out of the blue.

>> No.33922062

>Fuck you I do what I want
Then she should go to Vshojo then

>> No.33922086

bait or not, sounds like you're bitching... just change your oshi

>> No.33922111

unsourced but probably true discord screenshot saying " 'sylvie' will give you your gift cards if you rile holo fans up, but stay out of /ggg/ because they're too retarded to get riled up."

>> No.33922114

I feel sorry for people that stuck with this whore for this long. I followed the council from the start because I was curious to see how the talents will turn out, and not even 2 months in, Kronii proved to be one of those "yeah I'm just mailing it in" types.
So its not even about the collabs or promises in the end. She is just a hilariously shitty streamer, that BARELY streams. Her schedule is always filled with breaks. Then she comes back and streams for a while and Kronies point out that she streamed "FIVE TIMES THIS WEEK!" meanwhile one of those streams will be a collab on another channel and the other will be some shitty watchalong. Literally joined the biggest Vtuber company to NOT STREAM and get a nice little credit for her future voice acting gigs, while harvesting a shit ton of money from imbeciles.

>> No.33922295

This honestly. If THIS is what makes you drop her you deserve to be shat on. Girl overtly coasts on the brand and the fact the fans of said brand are as loyal as they are.
Stop whining about being at the receiving end of a culture you helped build.
Huh. Was there context for that? Or just a random trollcord?

>> No.33922399


>makes a member stream trying to damage control and feeding even more lies to her fanbase
>breaks that promise the very next day by commenting on Vesper's underwear despite the fact that she said she won't even interact with them on Twitter

The source for this was literally spammed for 24h+ on this board, if you missed it blame yourself copium homo

>> No.33922490
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>They hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.33922766

Yeah that was absolutely the last straw. As other pointed out Kronies were always there to forgive her for this bullshit. The moment she starts turning her back on them just to chase some Tempus fag that barely debuted you truly understand she never gave a shit. The least she can do is show some little respect for her fanbase.

>> No.33922973
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>> No.33922976

If they didn't declare on their debut that they're not unicorn friendly, it's their fault if unicorns flock to them.

>> No.33923024

Yes, or atleast very early on.
If you are open about it you will dodge sooo many problems later on

>> No.33923085
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I am out of the loop, what's up with the Steam gift card meme?

Also when are new girls for Hololive and VShojo being announced?

>> No.33923107

She didn’t say she’d stop interacting on Twitter though just that she’d do less of it

>> No.33923215

Again this shouldn't have been the last straw.

>> No.33923258
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>> No.33923277

based and makes the astroturfers and the unicorns seethe

>> No.33923323

cute ai chan come back....

>> No.33923328

I Think you're letting /vt/ mind control you a bit too much there friend.

>> No.33923538

You should have known that Kronii was a liar a long time ago. She's a feminist and part of the alphabet people. Of course she would lie and be generally unhappy.

>> No.33923625

She literally said she won't interact with them on twitter.

>> No.33923647

Have sex with grass.

>> No.33923708

be nice guys she might be reading this

>> No.33923910

I laughed at the clucks who feel like they've been cucked.
But her screwing over her members like that?
Her getting her opinions on the company she works for from twitter troons?
She doesn't deserve fans, nor should she be in Hololive. Say what you will about mori, but she's actually making an effort. She backslides immediately after almost every time, but she tries.
Wtf does kronii do?
Shit at least sana didn't do anything detrimental in her "doing fucking nothing" role. The wrong council member graduated.

>> No.33924013

I unnironacly think she feels like a male and thats why she wants to be with them now

>> No.33924020

Normally I'd feel pretty bad about it but at this point I really doubt she gives a fuck. She seemed pretty fine during her recent collabs and as we've seen she has no problem lying to cover her ass.

>> No.33924159

koreans eat dogs, not fuck them

>> No.33924174
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She is the smartest woman in EN and so she realizes males inherently are superior and more funny.

>> No.33924528

The fun thing is that a lot of drama would've been avoided is she just resisted the impulse to comment on chinman's dirty underwear just after saying she won't interract with them on Twitter.
The fact that she couldn't even do that is baffling.

>> No.33924547

>The wrong council member graduated.
I was with you until this. Sana was somehow even less respectful towards the opportunity given.

>> No.33924556

copium ran out huh

>> No.33924667

Based /ggg/. Too focused on the cunny to let anything distract them.

>> No.33924708

>the main narrative
>zero proof of this
no shit sherlock

>> No.33924884

Her words are hollow and hold no weight.
She dislikes her viewers and her personality has been changing quite rapidly. Latest members stream was very evident.
She is just very dark spirited inside, I hate that I tried to force myself to ignore it.

>> No.33925100

Reminder that the fanbase reflects the streamer. She suddenly switching to this type of content and her fans being upset makes sense.

>> No.33925128

>I hate that I tried to force myself to ignore it.
it just means that you really liked her. it's okay, learn from this mistake and move on, though you can keep shitposting.

>> No.33925297

The way Kronii went about things was really shitty.
After a fucking year of cultivating GFE, she had a members stream where she stated point blank.

>I probably won't interact with them on twitter
>Collabs will be infrequent
>I will only collab if asked, I won't initiate
>They won't be on my channel
>I will not stream my POV
Then she tweeted Vespers boxers, fucked off for two weeks and then came back and said the exact opposite.
>I will collab whenever I want to, I will initiate it and I will stream my POV on my channel.

>> No.33925393

The Kronies that remain don't deserve any of your pity, they're bending over backwards to please her and they don't care. Anyone who hasn't left at this point has no self worth and will be treated exactly the way they deserve.

>> No.33925462

That may be, but she kept her shit to herself.
Put it this way, I'd rather an ayame than a mori all things considered.
Disrespect through neglect is better then outright insults from a position of twitter troon fed ignorance.
My oshi are actual Idols.
Fuck this stupid bitch.

>> No.33925488

the boxers thing proves she had already betrayed the fans and her promise right away
anyone claiming she changed her mind over the break because of how people were behaving is full of shit
she was always going to do it

>> No.33925574

She's a korean woman, which explains everything. I'm sure Ina would be like this too if she wasnt busy drawing most of the time

>> No.33925900

It's not quite that.
But it's like cute and funny posting is shill kryptonite. Seen this on /biz/, /pol/ and /tv/. It's a funny phenomenon.
Tourist shills who just do not belong here can't handle it because like ledditors they can't block shit out unlike anons that have been desensitized through the /b/ process.
It's used in one of the last "decent" /pol/ generals, if there is such a thing, to keep shills and thread sliders out.
Chumpedos have shill repellent and they probably don't even know it lol

>> No.33926130

twitter troons are worried it'll alert the feds to their actual cheese pizza

>> No.33926201

The grass is not gonna fuck itself.

>> No.33926245

Clip both of these side by side and post it on Twitter. What a bitch move.

>> No.33926439

This has nothing to do with wokeness and you should be put to the wall for saying it is. As someone who didn’t want Kronii to collab with males, it is clear by now that she obviously didn’t get anything that was going on. And why should she? What other community has this rabid, anti-male attitude? I’d say the woke but you would probably scree at me about how your anti-male position is righteous and “different.” Bottom line is, she didn’t understand why everyone was mad at her because no normal person would have such a problem.

>> No.33926534

Yeah thats what makes it completely indefensible.

>> No.33926738

More than likely.
Too many instances to count of this happening.

>> No.33926755


>> No.33926821

And youll keep watching her, every stream and just like she said to vesper you faggots will continuously be angry and make out with each other like the losers she knows you are.

>> No.33926890

She quite obviously suffers from various mental, emotional, and personality disorders. Let me ask you guys this: Would you abandon a friend that was engaging in either the same or similar behaviour as Kronii?

>> No.33926989

>basically makes an implicit promise to members
>breaks it 12 hrs later
>releases impersonal twitter proclamation whilst needing to hide behind management rather than dealing with the consequences head on in a a member's stream
replace the "anti male" part with anything else and you'd still have people mad at this sequence of events and choices by her.
She is woke though, and her image of Hololive comes not from her actually being employed by it but rather from twitter cancer of which she has been a part.

>> No.33927154

She doesn't suffer from shit. She's just an unpleasant person.

>> No.33927188

This is another completely retarded argument.
She's working for a company where 99% of the streams are girls doing things with other girls while roleplaying as an anime character. Even if she did zero fucking reps and completely ignored stuff like the Rushia shitshow (unfortunately idol culture is a thing lmao) or she never asked herself or her genmates once, in an entire year, who the fuck is the audience of this thing and why there are basically only girls there is no way she didn't know about stuff like not talking about boyfriends or shit like that.
I think that her trying to send a message and wanting to suddenly go against the main culture because of some retarded agenda makes wat more sense.
It's not like I can help her anyway and ironically this kind of behaviour is the parasocial shit she seems to hate. If she wants to just be an entertainer and get rid of the saviorfags then she won't be able to just pitybait her wait out of a bad situation.
Besides Kronii is retarded but not that much compared to most other Holo girls.

>> No.33927209

Waaahhhh the anime woman on the computer made fun of me.

>> No.33927307

Waaahhh the evil incel on the internet made fun of me better go on a two weeks break and ask management to cover my ass.

>> No.33927351

Yeah, fuck those neckbeard greasy fucks

>> No.33927400

Damn the trannies really got assblasted by this one huh, not a single reply

>> No.33927676

>she is woke though
This is how I know you do not watch streams nor know hidden information. Your entire argument has been invalidated by that one statement.

>> No.33927755

How many of the people making these stupid threads actually watch or ever watched Kronii? Raise of hands? Anyone? Nobody? Nobody.

>> No.33927885

Used to. Don't anymore. Going
>Hey I won't do this thing
>Get caught doing thing
>Actually I'll do that thing and fuck you
Would give anyone who isn't a complete cuck a bad taste in their mouth.

>> No.33927965

But it's true?

>> No.33928016

Opinions regarding Erina of Phase Connect?

>> No.33928202

Okay. What happened to Kronii that she brought up in her philosophy stream?

>> No.33929447

streamers arent your friends

>> No.33929579

Miles better than Kronii. Flirty, loves to tease chat but isn't a cunt about it, Best of all no menhera.

>> No.33929739

who fucking cares lmao

>> No.33929973

I watched her since debut, and dropped after male collabs

>> No.33929975

You forgot the part about kronii fucking dogs

>> No.33930020

You do since you replied, giving the thread a bump :)

>> No.33930106

>She is the smartest woman in EN

>> No.33930210

>failed va
>college dropout
>neet korean
>attractive woman
Look anon the troon is a lazy cunt but lets keep it realistic

>> No.33930296

there was no counter to it, they know it's obviously true and they're full of shit

>> No.33930461

Thats literally what they are, you see them whiteknighting in every kronii thread along with the faggot janny who prunes them even though they are on topic. Literal cuck mindsets eternally coping “you aren’t a real kronie”, “shes always treated us like shit”, “well at least im not a incel unicorn/cgdct/gachikoi/gosling” its really pathetic. All the astroturfing pieces of shit from twitter and reddit have somehow convinced them that being an enabling doormatt for roastie streamers online makes them better than unicorns. At least unicorns had a point where they walk away from it.

>> No.33930471

She literally gets hit on by strangers.

>> No.33930608

I love this cope too, you see it with teacucks everytime ame tard rages at her audience. that you are somehow the special ones, “she wasn’t shitting on me, just those incel chuds” she doesn’t differentiate retard, you are basically all the same person to her

>> No.33930655

If being a cuck is when a woman you know interacts with another man in a non-romantic coworking manner, than I suppose billions of people are cucks. Everyone is a cuck but you I guess. Heil Kronii!

>> No.33930734

This guys got it down, im more of a jp kind of guy but fuck if hololive hasn’t cultivated a lot of retard fans who will eat literal shit as long as it has hololive written on it.

>> No.33930786
File: 2.66 MB, 966x4277, 1651773317490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is based, you unicorns are fucking disgusting pile of human garbage

>> No.33930797
File: 532 KB, 700x699, 1644473811959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a cuck if you buy this piece of shit only to have her tell you than you're a disgusting incel for buying it.
>I didn't buy it though
Based. Never support Kronii or two faced women who are happy to sell daki covers and voice packs to get money from lonely men then shame them. Goes for Kronii, goes for Finana.

>> No.33930802

Would this count as playing with her food?

>> No.33930838

You know Muzan is the bad guy right

>> No.33930900

She never called anyone an incel. If you watched streams you would know.

>> No.33930915

There’s nothing more based than profiting from incels then shitting on them aka speaking the truth

>> No.33930939

>Subhuman drops the facade
And there it is.

>> No.33930997

Ah yes, maidenless means something completely different.

>> No.33931010

The only disability she suffers from is being a woman, and yes anon im sorry to say, its terminal

>> No.33931034

Yes feeding this kind behavior will lead to worse situation

>> No.33931061

I must have missed the part where that meme translated to incel. So we were playing a literal incel in Elden Ring?

>> No.33931089

>literally referred to itself as genderfluid
>not woke
You are right retardchama that sounds like the complete opposite of someone who has a progressive mindset

>> No.33931125

I don't know how the fuck you could miss that. Maybe you're retarded.

>> No.33931141
File: 399 KB, 787x389, 1664033355699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch got a billboard on Times Square? I wonder how those donors feel about it now.

>> No.33931158

I watched her until she leaned completely into being an ungrateful lazy cunt lying to her audience and taking breaks constantly. Why would i stay after that?

>> No.33931222

>a man tried to fuck something that is vaguely a woman
Thats not making the point you think it is

>> No.33931236

No, just informed, like a true man of the right-wing.

>> No.33931250
File: 54 KB, 588x504, 1663939430600552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so pathetic in life. That even a fictional 2D imaginary anime avatar you declared as your girlfriend cheats on you.

>> No.33931280

I dunno why folks be so angry all up in here, these recent collabs have been so real good shit. Lost track of how many times Kronii has completely turned off her limiter and let out laughs and screams almost as deafening as Korone's. Homegirl just be having fun, be it either da girls or da boys. Some y'all got no chill on these boards, touch grass.

>> No.33931295

Anybody who gets hit on by strangers is attractive. Stop coping.

>> No.33931313

I love how you folks bring up that one comment from a couple years ago as gospel when we haven’t heard anything else of it ever since.

>> No.33931324

The only good thing she can do at this point is to graduate.

>> No.33931329

1 giftcard has been deposited into your account

>> No.33931336

What a thorough destruction of OPs points!

>> No.33931346

>"I... love it..."
>actually doesn't at all
pretty much sums up her reaction at the time

>> No.33931362

You are a cuck because you have no dignity or self respect, if your idea of entertainment is tuning in to listen to *a literal loser by most metrics flirt with some rando while they shit on you, then yea you are a fucking cuck. Even more so if you financially support that shit. You are no different than the average findom paypig.

>> No.33931380

>faggot doesn't know

>> No.33931410

Kronii never flirted with any of the tempus boys. You are creating scenarios that didn’t happen.

>> No.33931465

I do know, I follow all of her accounts, do you know?

>> No.33931466

>He lets his woman go hang out with other men and giggle with them

>> No.33931468
File: 185 KB, 888x499, 1664033847391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she was more embarrassed about it all when it happened.

>> No.33931498

She’s the schizo, it seems

>> No.33931509
File: 22 KB, 500x500, kronii pov of my cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/∞/, *insert low numbers company* falseflaggers, unicorns and numberfags doom posted before the DBD collab even happened
>spammed the board during collab and after with countless NTR and cuckposts like it was the end of the world. a literal meltdown over a talent having fun in a harmless collab
>starts sharing membership only clips with ill intentions and spite, COVER having to flag most of it
>Forced to take a week break because of the absolute meltdown that spilled over to the vtubing community like a plague
I'm determined to save Kronii from the likes of you all, I've decided on it. I'm going to submit an audition to Stars EN2 and do everything in my power to make it. I will be tact and professional through it, even a 2 view nobody like Vesper could make it so can I as a fluent japanese English teacher back in 2016 but never revealing my true intent to COVER. Once I've made it I will establish contact with Kronii personally, guised as a kohai needing life experience from his senpai. I will cross boundaries and contact Kronii through discord and any other means and work her through her depression, I will tell her that life is beautiful and collabing with males shouldn't be a crime against her person. I will cure her cold steeled heart from the ire and malice /vt/ kroniicorns caused in their absolute diaper shitting meltdown. I will be her rock and collab with kronii every week, make her laugh, make her cry and vent herself as a personal friend. All this to one day meet her irl, it will be beautiful, we will possibly elope and once this is all done I will signal to the rest of you sexless losers through my COVER twitter with a single picture(PIC RELATED) to indicate to you all I've successfully completed my task, the only task I will dedicate my life to just to spite this place. Call me spindleanon.

update: Finished revising the final draft of my audition. Now to wait until submissions are open.

>> No.33931517

I don’t own my woman, she’s her own person

>> No.33931534

like C U C K S

>> No.33931550

Enjoy your suspiciously half black child

>> No.33931551

Imagine being so pathetic in life your only way to get money is leech off people by hiding behind an anime avatar

>> No.33931616

I agree but Calli still holds the crown for worst EN member. At least Kronii used to be pretty good and had a decent fan-chuuba relationship while also respecting her coworkers.

Calli meanwhile...

>> No.33931626

Literal 300lb white woman must be the most attractive thing on earth then with how often they get fucked. Or maybe you are just a absolute retard

>> No.33931679

the more you love her the more she hates you, I'm not even shitposting, she has some weird kind of bipolar thing going on

>> No.33931685

>I love how you folks reference the thing the troon literally said about itself.
Cope harder cuck

>> No.33931704

Godspeed saviorkun, I look forward to your successful Debut o7

>> No.33931714

Keep coping.

>> No.33931743

Wouldn’t be suspicious lol, I’d be more suspicious if it was all white

>> No.33931836

If nothing else, Calli helped Mel and Korone make connections with FAKETYPE. She has done some good

>> No.33931870
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Incel kun don't look

>> No.33931877
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>> No.33931884

You tell me.
>t. billboardfag

>> No.33931990

It really is a shame that a great model was wasted on her
Same thing with Mori

>> No.33932005

Do your reps cuckanon. She is a 5/10 gook. Im still sure some neet retard out there like you would still try to fuck that, but the dog already beat you to it

>> No.33932047
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>> No.33932089

>my woman
Does your wife’s boyfriend know you are referring to her like that?

>> No.33932115

She's conventionally attractive, gets hit on by strangers, and has sex regularly. Keep coping, clockbeat.

>> No.33932119

Almost every single woman gets hit on by strangers
Some niggas will fuck anything

>> No.33932138

>IRL friend twitter space
>birthday collab stream
Incompetent fuck

>> No.33932189

>shitting on a dogfucking troon
>picks both
Not sure if you are esl or just retarded, possibly both

>> No.33932252


>> No.33932346

>She's conventionally attractive
she looks like a teenage goth boy, maybe that's your type but it's not conventionally attractive

>> No.33932347

It's fine, you're only the second biggest cuck. The guy that posted his Rushia ring a while back saved your ass.

>> No.33932375

Most EN chuubas (holomem or not) have zero respect for their audience, nothing new.
Follow the few that actually respect their audience, like Kiara, watch the male streamers who are much more grateful to their audience, or watch a JP. It's so simple. Zero point in following somebody like Mori or Kronii.

>> No.33932404

The cope just keeps increasing in scope.

>> No.33932421

>>starts sharing membership only clips
This is based tho

>> No.33932481

Yea when the piracy really heats up in the vtuber sphere is when it’ll get more entertaining. Seeing all that members only shit free for the masses

>> No.33932569

The fucks who watch Kronii or Mori are retarded

>> No.33932673

projection is all can manage?

>> No.33932953

Pretty sure she liked the cameos and art better

>> No.33932980
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>> No.33933464

got a clip of the promises from her member stream?

>> No.33933465

You can't remove the inherent qualities of being female from the equation, it's also a factor why people are watching them, GFE is just how hard they lean into that strength, and that doesn't even necessarily mean acting cute, just being themselves and appearing to be not taken is enough for someone likes them.

>> No.33933481

every single women gets hit on by strangers, males are always horny for even most ugliest females, they don't approach 8-10/10 females since they know they will get rejected so she may be around 1-7/10

>> No.33934817

source for the picrel?

>> No.33935876

What's this gift cards about? I missed it.

>> No.33936002
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>> No.33936036

I just never understood why he ever had fans to begin with.

>> No.33936065

Nah, Mori's better than her

>> No.33936198

Honestly anon, all of these people suck pretty badly.
Mori, Kronii, Ame, Kiara, Baelz, fucking Sana. These people are just not very good livestreamers. I honestly don't understand the obsession with them.

This sort of thing is why I left the Hololive fandom and never looked back. When you're trapped on that plantation you only have 10 or so vtubers to choose from, you end up staking out a defense of someone like Mori, who is goddamn unwatchable cringe.

>> No.33936218


>> No.33936816

>Would you abandon a friend
She is just an entertainer and streamers are not the viewers' friends you parasocial fuck
Touch grass

>> No.33936978
File: 2.21 MB, 1081x1849, fau women[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqj3280.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33937079

For me, the most damning part out of everything was how she hinted in her unarchived members stream that she saw some of the drama coming, but purposely hid involvement from the original collab, hoping it would all just come to pass.

>> No.33937156

Funny you'd post with a chuuba who has a far better handle of her fanbase.

>> No.33937408

This. Should've dropped her right there and then, honestly. She knew a shitshow was most definitely going to happen, but couldn't even be brave enough to face the consequences. Total manipulation.

>> No.33937663

imho doing male collabs is vital for GFE. in order me to imagine being her boyfriend i have to imagine her being okay around men. i could never be Kiara's boyfriend because she hates men

>> No.33937981

we helped her sort her life out and she instantly turned and lashed out at us with seething hatred.
that is the point you cut things off, I was always willing to help her if she wanted help but I'm not going to let the abused become an abuser to me

>> No.33938416

content creators need to stop telling their fans shit like "you guys saved me!". it inflates their ego and makes them liable to be responsible for all of the streamer's problems. If the fans are able to help her "sort her life out" then aren't they able to ruin her life?

>> No.33938435

But why single out Vesper? Is she one of those homewrecker type of women? Thirsty for white cock?

>> No.33938737
File: 213 KB, 423x377, this kills the unicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yea, they're definitely magging off camera.
Her ungratefulness will be corrected

>> No.33939595
File: 1.54 MB, 1299x1006, 1663569943923396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love NTR

>> No.33940033

Do you not have any female friends anon? I can see why Kronii makes fun of you pathetic loser fucks

>> No.33940697

Of course not

>> No.33940849

>wanting to be friends with holes instead of just wanting to fuck them

>> No.33940885

>I can see why Kronii makes fun of you pathetic loser fucks
Hope she sees this bro

>> No.33941057

why are idolkeks so cringe and pathetic?

>> No.33941138

What's the Minecraft debacle? Qrd?

>> No.33941190

I don't have female friends.

>> No.33941207

Complete 180 of Bae, Bae's a whore but she handled hers perfectly

>> No.33941278

>Offcollab fiasco
Qrd on this?

>> No.33941291

>5 kronii drama threads

>> No.33941540

Hes right don’t let the Kronii drama distract you from the fact that KRONII FUCKED TIME MUTT!!!!

>> No.33941587

Who the fuck is Sylvie?
What discord is that?

>> No.33941652

She realized that men make her cum harder than women do.
Thanks for correcting her, Tempus!

>> No.33942041
File: 1.11 MB, 2720x1644, NTRHolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I've been waiting for this edit.

>> No.33942276

I'm amazed that Kronies are still the biggest parasocial retards on this board despite Kronii herself shitting on this kind of behaviour. You didn't learn a fucking thing from this mess mate.

>> No.33942309

Well it was you retards who fell in love with a steamer and then proceeded to pressure her into promising shit because you made her scared for her career. No shit she broke a promise she made to annoying, lonely, pathetic, delusional cunts like you. It's your fault you feel this way.

>> No.33942381

i also love jerking off to my crush getting railed by tyrone and jamal you fucking faggot

>> No.33942545
File: 9 KB, 275x183, steamer.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, steamers are one of the most beautiful things from Mississippi, ESLoid.I just can't help it.

>> No.33942566

This lonely retard is so infatuated by a girl he doesn't know, he's unable to fathom the possibility other people aren't interested in her that way.
You're such a sad fucking cunt. No one likes you.

>> No.33942650

You are working really hard to defend m’ladies honor here, does it bother you that doesn’t make you any less of an embarrassing faggot than any unicorn, gachi or gosling?

>> No.33942731

how much cock did you suck on today you gay fucking tranny? go commit 40% faggot

>> No.33942763

The fact Tempus boys make Kronii the happiest is so funny. Kroniies will have to watch every collab and see the difference in how she acts with the boys compared to the girls and even her fans. Literally NTR

>> No.33942813

Now try typing all that without tipping your fedora.

>> No.33943590

It's not even that it's her weird obsession with Vesper. Kronies can't watch a stream without some sudden mention of him, nonstop collabs and even on Twitter they'll see his cum stained underwear because Kronii had to comment on them. And when she's not thirsting hard over the vampire she's shitting on her fanbase and causing some drama.
For someone who hates her parasocial fans she's the ultimate cheating GFE.

>> No.33943613

I think Kronii likes girls and Vesper is a girl.

>> No.33943631

Someone doing GFE fantasy doesn't condone you getting weirdly parasocial about them.

>> No.33944031

she needs to stop living on twitter and realize their opinion, dont matter.

>> No.33944175

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don't play stupid games, how hard is that?

>> No.33944249
File: 28 KB, 1172x657, yandere4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you fucked around with some mentally ill hobo on the streets and got decked, the hobo should be arrested.

You'd still 100% deserve it, though.

>> No.33944261

fucking kek
suck m'cock

>> No.33944278

Why would anyone be upset about the 30 year old male IT hag with the bogged model? I don't give a shit about hololive streamers but it sounds more like the girl liking you out of nowhere experience, which would be perfect for unicorn types.

>> No.33944636

>suck m'cock
I’d have to find it first amongst all the other lopped off cocks troon, dilate then kys

>> No.33945157

Went on break for at least a week after she just moved, showed up halfway through the offcollab stream with Bae and Mori, ducked out immediately afterwards to hang out with non-Hololive friends. One of the shitheads in /inf/ messaged her roommate account about it, proceeded to do a menhera Twitter space on her HoloEN account. I’m pretty sure I saw someone post a screencap from her freechat going “You want GFE? I’ll show you GFE!” right before the Twitter space.

>> No.33946620

What Kronii should worry about is that the paypigs typically don't leave right away. They lie to themselves for a while, thinking things aren't as bad as they really are until they finally accept reality and quietly leave. My biggest concern is that she might have dragged the rest of the girls down with her dumb, selfish, lazy ass.

>> No.33946662
File: 50 KB, 602x714, fag5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33946782

Maaaaaan, if that's true, then I'm so glad I unsubbed and cancelled my menba. But her remaining paypigs can pay for her medication, I'm sure.

>> No.33946807

She's a Alphabet whore, of course she's a pathological liar. You should never trust a faggot or a woman and you trusted a faggot woman, this is on you

>> No.33947335

>She is just very dark spirited inside, I hate that I tried to force myself to ignore it.
The Minecraft shit was the only warning flag I needed. No one with any kind of tact, empathy or common sense would say the quiet part loud that early into their Hololive career like she did with that.

>> No.33947430

I thought being parasocial was a bad thing?

>> No.33947968

>The Minecraft shit
What's she do? I've never given gen 2 much attention.

>> No.33948418


>> No.33948826

That's exactly it. She'll quit anything remotely parasocial, paypigs will realize she isn't actually entertaining and she'll probably just spam collabs until graduation.

>> No.33949691

I don't have any female friends, I end up having sex with every woman I'm "friends" with. This is normal, sorry. Women only have male friends when they're herbivores

>> No.33951739

Tranny freaks

>> No.33951892

No sympathy and no respect for Kroniicucks. Pathetic pieces of shit for enabling this dumb whore.

>> No.33952931

>Ever trusting a woman
You reap what you sow

>> No.33953443
File: 14 KB, 227x222, 1616482812213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schizoid fans over woke twittards and servile redditors
Both are vile as fuck, but significant and important difference is that one of them actually watches her and the other virtue signals and once they're done shitting on something and doing irreparable damage, just fucks over to find another thing to get angry about.
Like fuck man, at least watch her stuff after she's done what those faggots asked instead of ruining it for everyone.

>> No.33953684

You retarded nigger. She makes a fortune sitting on her ass playing video games. Her income depends on appealing to a fanbase whose only demand is that she keep it in her pants for the 6 hours a week that she streams. If she can't even handle that then she's worthless.

>> No.33955815

She did it to a friend that offed themself and made it about her.

>> No.33955837

y'all the kind of retards who think the cute cashier is hitting on you when she smiles and asks if you want fries with that

>> No.33956123

>come back two weeks later claiming she'll do whatever the fuck she wants while getting backed up by management
aka "gets management to preemptively call out harassment, implying she thinks her fans would harass her and having a chilling effect on any criticism or reaction to the tweet"

>> No.33957451


>> No.33957578
File: 17 KB, 600x600, 3E3EF236-CBD0-46E8-A54D-1CD1A81F2E25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33959871

It's not about the money/talent/community.
It's about sending a message! Jokerface.webp

>> No.33959972

Bait thread goes up.

>> No.33960035

This piece of human garbage shluld just graduate already

>> No.33960245


Go back to rawdogging your own cousin, you barefooted countrycunt.

>> No.33960276

archive reps. basically her circle of friends knew one of their friends was suicidal. Do nothing about she dies of course.

>> No.33960428
File: 1.49 MB, 1422x1912, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually there's no statistical correlation between rural backgrounds and incest.

>> No.33960452

nothing new, just a matter of time until management steps in and kicks this whore out to the streets, where she belongs.

>> No.33960450

I like him

>> No.33960569

Kek, shit like this is why the whole “harassment” claims and the talk of her dealing with antis is bullshit. If i was an anti I would be making it a point to bring attention to that and rub her face in it as often as possible just to fuck with her. The fact that that isn’t really going on to any noteworthy degree just confirms the lack of any real anti presence

>> No.33960762
File: 1.50 MB, 1516x1096, 1663985109910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright you get the $20 one
$50 for you
And you my friend earned yourself a $100 giftcard. Well-shilled Nijifriends

>> No.33960880

Whats this about a gift card? I can get paid for dunking on unicucks??? How?

>> No.33961023

Her voice is grating and her model was designed by a retard, but BIG TIDDIES and a retarded anatomy did carry her with children

>> No.33961162

You're missing the point anon. She hates streaming and produces drama in order to have a reason to dodge streams. Her month long breaks were probably her breaking her arms to avoid going to work.

>> No.33961232

it's especially shitty when so many chuubas have received real schizo harassment.
she's acting like people cancelling memberships and being mad is on the same level as zhangs trying to sneak tracking devices to find where people live to kill them

>> No.33961300

Nah unicorns and gachis are because they enable and desire stagnation of talents. Interacting with people, different people is how we find new ways to be ourselves.

>> No.33961349

kicker is she stated that said person helped her in her time of need but couldn't do when they needed help

>> No.33961465

>Interacting with people, different people is how we find new ways to be ourselves.
American/Canadian female, please enlighten us with more of your wisdom. Maybe start with the melting pot speech.

>> No.33961511
File: 58 KB, 1637x965, 1663769441301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock, kronies. (pun very much intended)

>> No.33961691
File: 1.49 MB, 600x533, 1612219686648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find new ways to be ourselves
Look at this dude. He needs to be told who he is. Someone please reprogram this NPC. He is literally asking for it.

>> No.33961741

Kek leave it to kronii to fail to deliver

>> No.33961746

Oh knock it off with the new age, motivational guru horseshit. Could you possibly be more pretentious?

>> No.33961893

Go outside.

>> No.33962022
File: 28 KB, 296x328, silvergift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey >>33916141 ,

Heres a steam gift card

>> No.33962823

You watch too much ted talk.

>> No.33964132

From what I've seen the country types don't even type out "y'all" that often at all. It's literally a bunch of liberal city kids trying to seem cool or some shit without ever going outside of their shitty 3ft apartment in the city. Once saw a Quebecian Canadian say it on twitter and it was like I was looking at an elephant in a cat costume.
