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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33821461 No.33821461 [Reply] [Original]

And who behind the scenes is the real big bitch?

>> No.33821516

I dunno but everyone talks really highly of Ame behind the scenes like she's some kind of saint curing depression from others

>> No.33821521

First month

>> No.33821662

They're not friends?

>> No.33821665


>> No.33821721

if I make enough of those do I get a free PS5?

>> No.33821736

The sooner I get that giftcard, c'mon, give it. You promised.

>> No.33821798

Hey you promised me that gift card a while ago
the amazon one
I'm from philippines if that matters.

>> No.33821827

When Gura and Ame sang songs together in the off collab karaoke.
When Mori and Kiara sang karaoke and cried together before separating.
When Ame cooked dinner for Gura.
When Ame visited Kiara's place to cuddle and watch Netflix.
When Mori made drinks for everyone.
Ame and Ina built a 3D studio for Kiara from scratch.
Uh oh, not looking too good for your narrative, huh OP?

>> No.33821901

>Put 5 women in a group together
>expect them to become friends
they aren't men. that's not how women work.

>> No.33822122

>fuck off bitch go away go away go away

>> No.33822153

Their friendship is still more genuine than any JP besides Korone Okayu.

>> No.33822180

>he never got mad at a friend while playing a game
Never played Rust? Or maybe you don't have friends...?

>> No.33822225

Question, can I get Amazon gift cards instead of steam cards? thanks

>> No.33822268

Hope you're not the same people saying Gura was in the wrong. It'd be extremely hypocrite

>> No.33822315

When Council debuted.
Gura immediatly stopped talking about Amelia, only collabs with them now.
Ina prefers JP.
Amelia went absolute solo during that time.
Kiara started to only try to be close to Amelia.
Mori is always busy.

>> No.33822319

Ok but where's my gift card?

>> No.33822324

No one was in the wrong there
Ame was streaming for 16 hours non stop when it happened, she was tired and about to end the stream, and was just waiting to take the picture with everyone.

>> No.33822362
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Mori was always a bitch everyone hated to be around.
Kiara was a try hard who pushed everyone to try better, but everyone else just wanted to be lazy and resented her for it. And in turn she resents them for holding her back and ruining her 1 shot at being an idol.
Gura is just lazy but knows how to play the game. She doesn't hate anyone and is on friendly terms with them all but has no real friendships with anyone.
Ina is just using this as a cash grab and is still focused on her other careers. She plays it safe enough nobody hates her but she can't be considered friendly with anyone except Sana.
Ame was hyped at the start and tried really hard to be friends with everyone but after being turned down repeatedly by everyone she slowly became jaded and stopped caring. Now she's just going through the motions and ghosting her way through life.

I have inside information.

>> No.33822383

When they did their first collab

>> No.33822390

>When Mori made drinks for everyone.
Isn't Mori an alcoholic? Making drinks doesn't mean she loves everyone it means she's getting the shakes

>> No.33822394

Okay but what about my amazing gift card?

>> No.33822447

I want the PS5

>> No.33822479
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>> No.33822669

>but after being turned down repeatedly by everyone
But she refuse to collab with Gura just to spite shippers?
Her contrarian personality doesn't help her getting friends I guess

>> No.33822779


>> No.33822782

Think of something like this
>constantly invite gura
>rejected 80% of the time
>see the shipping art
>decide to would be a good thing to play up
>bring it up to gura that you want to do some cute tete
>bluntly refused
>see people continue pushing it
>try to tell them its not going to happen
>they keep pushing harder
>the mere thought of it pisses her off
>have a melt down and completely destroy the ship
>a few months later during on off collab revenge rape gura so hard that her shit turns to liquid

>> No.33822832

Braindead shippers are just as bad as the ones trying to push homo ships wuth the girls. Takamori and Amesame were so over the top anyone would try to break it just for people to shut up about it.

>> No.33822878

Go back to /pw/

>> No.33822953

>And who behind the scenes is the real big bitch?
Ame, spanish attitude + autism = unintentional massive bitch moments while not realizing it.

>> No.33823048

Realistically, in the early days of HoloEN they likely held a strong "all in this together"/"us against the world" attitude due to being the risky launching-off point of this new venture. They had very little support even from Hololive management at first, to the point where they had to organize a lot of their bit projects themselves, each chipping in however they could. They were separated across the world by both distance and pandemic, but felt a strong sense of kinship with the others due to their shared situation. Listen to their early streams, and they'll each espouse each others' talent, work ethic, and dedication, qualities that they each had because they needed them to survive.

But then, well, they made it. They became big, Council arrived, the whole branch got a lot more support, and they were able to meet up with each other. They were no longer in survival mode, and so on the one hand those traits they needed to survive became somewhat less needed, and on the other hand they became less dependent on the others for survival and thus value those traits that they'd once praised in the others a lot less.

Realistically, I doubt any of them outright dislike the others, but without the pressures of survival forcing them to rely on each other, they're no longer as close as they once were. On top of that, now that they're no longer effectively isolated together, they're no longer forced to look only to each other for collaborations, which adds to the impression that they dislike each other compared to the first year when almost all of their collabs were with each other.

>> No.33823063

Gura being uncomfortable around her could be a hint

>> No.33823078
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Because Ame is the heart and soul of EN, and carries the whole gen on her shoulders.
>the leader
>the most creative
>the most selfless
>the most entertaining
on top of being the kyutest, there's a reason she's the most well-loved of the group

>> No.33823095

The talents say the opposite though
Kiara, Ina, Gura, Haachama, etc all said she's one of the most kind and caring person they know.

>> No.33823116

I never understood where the conspiracy they were real friends came from. I just assumed it was a joke and not something people genuinely believed.

>> No.33823165

They say a lot of things

>> No.33823166

What the talents say don't matter, you need to beliove my words
I saw it in a dream

>> No.33823237

Feels like your typical coworker praise.

>> No.33823252
File: 202 KB, 1217x1591, file (607).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys might not like it but.
>Ame has had sex with Kiara and Gura
>Gura has had sex with Kiara and Ame
>Mori has fucked 2 members of TT (and countless other randoms)
>Ina has been in a monogamous relationship (with me) for 10 years

>> No.33823325

A kind and caring person can be bad tempered sometimes.

>> No.33823444

I think actions speak by themselves when Ame paid for everyone's models and maps for the 1st anniversary, halloween, xmas, 2nd anniversary
Or when Ame invited Kiara to her house to record her birthday stream even though it had nothing to do with her
Or when Ame kept trying to find Gura during the halloween collab to see if she was feeling okay

>> No.33823689

Is this really all ame antis have to cope with?
lmfao just take the L, ame is the best person in EN in general, not that your oshi is a bitch or anything but she's just not as good a person as ame is. give it up

>> No.33823796

Fanbases really do reflect the streamers kek

>> No.33823872

How so?
Ame is a legit great person, no one can deny that
Her fanbase is insufferable though

>> No.33824094
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This bitch literally said so, the myth offcollab confirmed it, even before Mori came, they left Kiara all alone in another continent, yikes

>> No.33824127

The stopping of TTRPG stream

>> No.33824179

The offcollab didn't bring them closer so yep there are great people but not great enough to be close friends

>> No.33824217

When Mori said she had heard Kiara's King cover. Sad as fuck, I still get weirded out by it

>> No.33824290

>I think actions speak by themselves when Ame paid for everyone's models and maps for the 1st anniversary, halloween, xmas, 2nd anniversary
Which was streamed on Amelias channel, so she didn't do it for free. Not exactly kindness out of her heart.
>Or when Ame invited Kiara to her house to record her birthday stream even though it had nothing to do with her
Until the discord conversation is leaked, I'm going to assume Ame just offered it after hearing how much Kiara was quoted and figured she can get some learning experience out of it. If she went through with her trip to Europe and brought all her equipment instead then that would have been a much better example for you to use. Right now it just falls flat.
>Or when Ame kept trying to find Gura during the halloween collab to see if she was feeling okay
She was in charge of that collab, you have to make sure it goes smoothly. Checking up on the talents is one of those responsibilities.

>> No.33824366

Jesus, do you honestly believe she just can't be a good person and everything needs to have a convoluted interior motive?
What is actually wrong with you?

>> No.33824401

well sure, but by this metric nothing could ever satisfy you that she's a good person. She could rescue Ina from a fire and you'd still say "Well it would be bad for her brand if Ina died, means nothing." if nothing is going to please you, just say that instead of doing a line by line

>> No.33824411
File: 145 KB, 1053x478, VTSISTERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And who behind the scenes is the real big bitch?
Ame, Mori and Kiara

Kiara had a vendetta against Gura for getting a 3D live first, KFP even did a with hunt against Gura when she's not coming to Kiara's totsu
Ame for not caring about Gura and Ina's mental health and having this weird autistic obsession with being contrarian for the sake of attention
Mori for being Mori

Ina at least realized that she needed to be Sana's tard wrangler and correct the wrong action she did

>> No.33824627

Both Ina and Kiara talked about Gura ghosting them or being blunt, so I'll go with Gura as the biggest bitch / diva

>> No.33824684

Care to share timestamp?

>> No.33825014


This sounds like a massive case of projection from someone who knows next to nothing about the talents themselves. Do you genuinely believe no one in EN is just generally just a good person? Is that the hill you want to die on?

>> No.33825033

When did I say she wasn't a good person? I don't know Amelia personally, I don't know what unspoken acts of kindness she does. I just pointed out the flaws in the poorly written argument. All she is to me is a streamer, nothing more.
>by this metric
I don't even know what metric you're referring to, I'm not using any extreme rhetoric. There are better examples to defend Amelias character and the poorest choices were chosen. The charity stream should have been brought up instead of business decisions, though the real star of that event is mysterious takodachi.

>> No.33825202

>I'm not using any extreme rhetoric.
don't know what to tell you, several IPs are telling you that you are using extreme rhetoric. if multiple people on a mongolian fishing forum have to tell you that you're being an extreme shitflinger then you probably just don't have the self-awareness to realize it

>> No.33825239

Your whole point of your argument was to somehow unravel that she has some kind of second agenda for everything she does. Why else would you word it like that?

>> No.33825376

>Do you genuinely believe no one in EN is just generally just a good person? Is that the hill you want to die on?
I mean, Ame obviously is, but literally all of the others throw up consistent red flags.
I know it kind of goes against the whole appeal of vtubers with the illusion that they all are, but them's the breaks.

>> No.33825778

>are telling you that you are using extreme rhetoric
None of you even brought the term up before I did just now. It is not my fault you idiots decided to make a bait thread in an attempt to praise Ame and failed at it.
But it wasn't, it started out with me speculating she has bitch moments and you South Americans went off about me thinking she has ulterior motives when I quite literally just gave an explanation for acts that people like you keep treating as acts of kindness.

>> No.33825929

You can't beat this logic
>Ame is being kind to Gura in off collab
>Gura doesn't mention Ame much after that
>"It's because Gura is a bitch"

>> No.33826055

teamates being the most deluded fanbase exhibit# 2000

>> No.33826957

>At what point did you realize that they were not friends?
When mori told Kiara to "shut the fuck up" and "no one cares" in the middle of their first minecraft collab and no one even so much as raised a concerned tone over it

>> No.33827162

Why are kfp like this?

>> No.33827176

NTA but there used to be some half-decent rrat with even more half-decent "proof", that Gura was less than friendly behind the scenes
I wouldn't put it past her, knowing who she was and who she is now, she would at least be more reserved than in the past

>> No.33827210

Almost too sane. Maybe post on Reddit instead

>> No.33827308

KFP? The same people that try to memory hold Kiara talking to Huke-papa on stream and inviting him to the minecraft server to get hacked items? The same KFP that downplay the entire "Shadowverse" arc with Garnt and Connor? The same KFP that pretend none of that happened and Kiara "cares about her idol image" suddenly?
That KFP?

>> No.33827790

yes that same KFP, the same KFP that pretend that Kiara didn't ghosted her genmates early to try to leech from JP, The same kfp that now pretend that Kiara actually cared about their genmates

>> No.33827912
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>I have inside information

>> No.33828306

Gura has not mentioned Ame since last year. Has nothing to do with the off collab.

>> No.33828598

If it's true that they aren't actually friends, this (or something like it) is almost certainly the answer. I think they are though.

>> No.33828997

Ame for forcing Gura to wear a diaper after Gura peed in her bed

>> No.33829062

You mean the "hacked item" generated by 1.14 bug?

>> No.33830141

>didn't ghosted her
selamat pagi

>> No.33830847

Now that is absolutely beyond retarded. Hololive is full of genuine friendships, the illusion they are ALL friends is a lie but that same lie is the basis of thinking ALL Myth are friends or ALL EN are friends. A business friendship like Micomet is more genuine than any in Myth. Council also blows Myth out of the water on friendship.

>> No.33831074

This. I remember that one time someone in her chat mentioned ame and she actually sighed out of frustration. Gura wants to leave the amesame shit behind her but people keep pestering her and Amelia’ back and forth is confusing as hell. I think she’s just tired of Amelia being a friend then suddenly a bitch for no reason constantly.

>> No.33831186

the same "bug" that kfp constantly talk about kiara's channel? the same bug that makes her actual sub count not show?
you guys are fucking delusional

>> No.33831264
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Good work friends! Here's your payment :)

>> No.33831401

Am I retarded or just misremembering? I thought Ame never came to Europe, wasn't there an issue with her getting her passport?

>> No.33831404

We saw Susan cull a bunch of views from fever night. Yt not being good isn't a conspiracy theory

>> No.33831458

She talked about it, but then cancelled because they had a falling out over males in the great HoloEN civil war .

>> No.33831511

FUCK! tha bug its actually real! it was confirmed by Tenchou already FUCK YOU! her actual viewer count and sub count are constantly being display as half what it actually Is FUCK YOU!

>> No.33831597

since the start, only holounicorns are the ones stupid enough to actually believe they are friends.

>> No.33831622

I don't forget it happened. I also don't forget that it was both sponsored AND Mori pushed because Grant was there. Still had fun watching her beat him, laugh in his face, then go be cute with Momjelly.

>> No.33832453

no you dont. Mori, the one who makes the most songs in all of holo live... lazy? Its just guesswork.

>> No.33832905

Kiara did a poll with 9k responses and yt was only displaying like half the viewers. You are being ridiculous and are sucking alphabet Inc's boots

>> No.33833805

Its been stated multiple times by Kiara that her youtube channel hasa bug that doesn't display her viewer nor her sub counts, her actual sub count might be even bigger than Mori at this point, so seethe more and do your reps

>> No.33834345

"Spanish attitude"? Please explain.
As an spaniard myself I'm interested in outside views of our country and culture.

>> No.33834355

Yes i remember that too.

>> No.33834577

Ayo, back up. When was this?

>> No.33834640

you forgot the part where mori invited a bunch of guys drinking leans & orgies with kiara and ame while Gura hide inside her room. ina probably watched but dare not participate.

>> No.33834668


>> No.33834781

He confused Spanish for Latino, since ame is at the least a 3rd generation hispanic.

>> No.33834841

There's no queen bitch, they just don't have chemistry.

>> No.33834865

Your mom

>> No.33834881

I think this is the moment where both of them realized that Mori's a bad friend.

>> No.33834948

By visiting Kiara's place, he means when she went to Kiara's hotel in the US after they separated and Kiara was surprised.
They slept in the same bed.

>> No.33834994

it's a combo of her being the cutest EN, having the biggest tits, and yet being so gap moe as to never flaunt her body, as well as being very shy.
she's unironically the best hugger, and that one interaction goes a long way for a bunch of introverts

>> No.33835010
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These EN only fags have no fucking idea how disingenuine and manufactured JP has always been

>> No.33835124
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Gura & Ame are literally playing a game together right now off stream.

>> No.33835137

That sparked a fun bunch of fanart.

>> No.33835201

Well do tell anon, how deep does the rabbit hole of fake friendships in JP go?

>> No.33835257

It's not that their not friends, males destroyed unity and now half of them chase dick and don't give a shit about what they used to have. It's like girls joining your guild and ruining everything but in this case it's males.

>> No.33835333

Ironic, when Tempus has a better bond between them than any Holos that I've seen in the past. The only exceptions being Okakoro and ID

>> No.33835347

I don't need all the holos I watch to be best friends, I just want them to do entertaining streams. There are some pairs like Fauna and Mumei who are clearly friends off stream but are insufferable to listen to together on stream.

>> No.33835711

>a game
yeah, me

>> No.33835734

I knew from day 1 they were not really compatible with one another. I thought the experience of being pioneers in building HoloEN would be a mutual thing they could bond over and could bloom into real friendship and it looked to be going that way like with Ina crying at the prospect of meeting them some day in person; and then the offcollab arc happened and she spent it lying on the floor and not talking - the whole thing was fake. At least now they aren't even pretending to have to like each other anymore with Council for the pure ones, and Tempus for the whores.

>> No.33835769

She is a really good image for everyone. Love it when she deepthroats homo cock on stream and tell us to improve ourselves

>> No.33835844

It's their only way to publicly criticize management

>> No.33835890

She told you, especifically
"the people that are bothered with group collabs"

>> No.33835903

>who behind the scenes is the real big bitch?
either Kiara or Gura. Gura is probably nice enough but obviously doesn't promote or help out her genmates or kohai. Kiara does the minimum for most girls and tries to help out whatever girl she's currently infatuated with, but comes off needy and bitchy.

>> No.33835904

You're coping hard anon, kiara herself said that she she wishes EN was close like the ID and JP girls are

>> No.33835999

Not him, but the girls need to improve on solo streaming, tired of nijiEN being both better streamers than them, and better homocollabers
If holoEN doesn't even have being better idols, that have nothing

>> No.33836018

She should hang out with Council, and not just when she's in the mood to force a ship with Kronii.

>> No.33836033

>"the people that are bothered with group collabs"
interesting how that was literally her when people would collab beg prior to tempus

>> No.33836109

You can pull this shit with Kronii, but not with Ame
She's been supportive of holopro / holostars since 2020
Hell, she live tweeted Shien and Roberu's 3D
The only thing preventing her from doing group collabs was the language barrier, and obviously Holostars JP wouldn't approach her like HololiveJP did for a few collabs

>> No.33836191


>> No.33836254

Thats more of a personal taste
I like both Kiara and Ame as solo streamers, but I also watch Selen and Pomu
The only holoEN that I consider ACTUALLY BAD as a solo streamer is Kronii, but she has her niche. The dead air in her solo streams are awful

>> No.33836253

he's a threadreader trying to get some steam codes man, give him a break

>> No.33836258

Someone has been malding pretty hard lately.

>> No.33836315

OP was insisting that they're NOT friends, but no keep moving the goalposts

>> No.33836323

> the nijishill finally exposes his true motive

>> No.33836442

Their lack of friendship predates Tempus. So no, it's not the males

>> No.33836566

Ame is like ID with Holopro talents, she likes and supports all of them, actively refusing to leave anyone out

>> No.33836577

Adding to this ...

After they first met and now!

I would dare to say Gura is the main reason why there's no Tete on stream anymore ..

Cuz when she arrived in Japan Mori was already there ..the rest or some them are going or already there by this point..

My point is when they meet the first time Mori updated everyone in twitter before and after their meeting..and always talked about it on stream before and after they met.. Kiara talked as well and I'm not even gonna start on her IRL friend she met there and God knows what she told her cuz her mouth never stop once it's open..

So most likely Gura put her foot down and 'nobody mention my name" she said .."you bitches has no future with me" is something close to what she said to them

So .. nobody could nor can say shit ..while gura enjoy Japan and then talk about it in stream once she is back to the states..

P.s I like Gura ..and I know she knows that announcing that she is in Japan and do Japan related streams will add a million or two to her bank .. but she value her privacy above everything.. which I honestly hate as a fan..but I respect as human being..she actually smart and strong lady

>> No.33836765

Jesus christ learn English

>> No.33836794

In-between all the bickering and shitposting, here's a post with some semblance of intelligence and non-bias. Good lad.

>> No.33837120

Are they all best friends? No.
Are they at least (!) colleagues that get along well? Yes.
Now shut up and redeem your gift card, Dickswordfag.

>> No.33837595

So true sis

>> No.33838475

They get along fine as collogues but they aren't friends and that should have been seen far sooner than it was.

To me, the 2021 Minecraft Festival made it clear to me that for most of them they weren't friends. Ame and Gura still presented a united front together. They would crack a little later on. Kiara tried to poke Takamori back into relevance. It would be officially dead after the Bloom After You reading. Ina fucked off out of Myth and spent the festival with Lamy, Polka and Nene.

A major sign they were dead as collaborative partners was after Cope arrived and it was clear these girls had taken the time to get to know each other. For a brief moment IRyS and Ina worked really well together ( and was probably the last time Ina gave a shit about regular streaming) until Bae spoiled that. Gura fucked off with the Council quickly, Mori lost interest which was probably because of her working in the background to secure what she wanted out of Hololive in the first place - The UMG deal. Kiara focused her attentions on Holotori and Ame who was beginning her 3D studio. Ame got real sick and stopped regularly streaming, leaving her left behind for months. This would have had an effect on her relationships with Council if she wasn't fucking autistic to start with.

There was a brief resurgence for them as a united front after their 1st anniversary, but then the dumbfucks started promising the moon with 3D and new outfits that were delayed to the point of no one giving a fuck anymore. By Third Fes and their awkward as fuck no chemistry skit before the concert they were officially dead.

They don't hate each other and individuals inside Myth are friendly with each other. They just aren't comfortable as a group and it shows.

>> No.33838537

Calli, she doesn't even hide it.

>> No.33838765

to add: I don't mean to imply Kiara is using Ame for her studio. Ame and Kiara have an interesting reflection of each other. Kiara admires Ame's technical prowess because she's a smooth brained boomer with tech matters. Ame sees Kiara as the perfect person to fully utilize what she has made. Unlike Ame, Kiara can sing, dance and host, skills Ame lacks. They work well together.

>> No.33838823

She literally cured Magnis depression by merely letting him gaze upon her, if that isn't based idk what is.

>> No.33839374

>And who behind the scenes is the real big bitch?
Tie between Kiara and Calli, since they're the ones that wear their childhood traumas on their sleeves.

>> No.33839523

Yes. Myth definitely aren't close friends nor do they actively try to get closer. But at least they are not enemies.

>> No.33839608

Ina being fake as fuck?
Stop the presses...

>> No.33839803

Unironically her fault.

Ame will saviorfag the whole branch not getting support from cover
Gura is a dork but a lovable one too shy for her own good
Ina literally cried wanting to hug them
Kiara will also saviorfag them all just not in technical stuff.

Mori is just a fat bitch in it to ride her RM to fame.

>> No.33839870

Plot Twist: It's Ina.

>> No.33839892

When they stopped their TTRPG sessions. WHICH WAS 9 FUCKING MONTHS AGO.


>> No.33839897

Lol. After Gura didn't show up to Mori's retarded peace pool party in Rust. Gura literally said she didn't show up because it was stupid. That's when Mori started to turn on Gura. Get your contrarian shit outta here. Kiara is just jealous of Gura and she likes Ame and Mori because they shill her horrible music.

>> No.33840078

so true niji sis (where them steam cards at?)

>> No.33840084
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>I have inside information

>> No.33840244

Everyone is jealous of Gura's numbers
Ame is jealous she can't sing

>> No.33840271

Ame is fine but her contrarian personality is hurting people surrounding her
Gura had enough and stopped asking her for collab

>> No.33840379

EN is close, just not with Kiara. The cliques are real and have a reason to exist.

>> No.33840540

They were never friends, just coworkers. You’re cordial and try to find common ground with coworkers because you know you have to deal with them regularly, especially if the money is good. the only reason they play up the “friends” angle is cause it helps ease parasocial retards into the delusion better. But when they want to draw a line in the sand for those same parasocial retards, they remind them that they are coworkers first and foremost.

>> No.33840640

Yeah, but then Gura met her in real life and then suddenly decided to cancel her plans to move in with her.

>> No.33840670

Since their first collab. 2 years later and still 0 chemistry and their collabs are always awful. Gura likes Kronii and Mumei a lot but they don't seem to like her that much outside of leeching from her bigger audience. Calli is closer with Connor and Ironlung than with anybody from Hololive and Kronii's having a blast with Tempiss, she's a lost cause. No one actually likes Kiara even though she tries the hardest and it makes me sad. Ina's in her own little world and don't give a fuck. Ame's just an angsty friendless bitch. She probably wants to quit but don't want to give up the money.

>> No.33840686

Nice try Chumbud, but your bitch of an oshi is trying to steal away Reine, while ghosting Kiara

>> No.33840842

How the fuck are a bug in Minecraft the same as a bug in YouTube, those are clearly two different bugs

>> No.33841129

All "the males" did was expose the lack of unity and bonds in the EN girls. Tempus were a tight group right out the gate and are constantly showing up for each other's streams in chat (if they don't just impromptu collab), are always replying to each other on twitter and promoting each other's stuff. Myth were never that tight long before Tempus debuted and likely never will be. Women just cannot into comraderie like men can.

>> No.33841245

Amelia showed up to Mori's pool party. The only one who did. So she is definitely a considerate girl, probably too much.

>> No.33841640

Mori would be the biggest bitch behind the scenes if any of them are.
You can see the lack of respect and how little of a shit Mori gives back when Myth still bothered to try and collab with her.
Mori getting them to all stay up for her precious ttrpg finale only to cancel on them at the last minute despite clearly knowing all weekend she'd cancel for roommate crap shows how much of a bitch Mori is to them. It's probably no coincidence that was the last time anybody in Myth seriously tried to incorporate Mori into anything.

>> No.33841673

Helps that they are all Twitch vermin, which fools retards like you to believe that they like each other

>> No.33842070

They're on different continents you retard

>> No.33842261

You tell me when was the last time the girls bothered raiding into each other or did group collabs as a gen every week?

>> No.33842495

Amelia when solo cause her ego couldnt take it when people start along her girl's sidekick.

Also mori is busy with what? Chugging on lean?

Also my gift card pls.

>> No.33842525

Inside information as in..information from the voices inside your head?

>> No.33842613

I'm almost 100% sure the boys have done more collabs as a full group than both Myth and Council in the two months they've existed than both gens entire existence over 1 and 2 years respectively.

>> No.33842887

Reine is pro tempus and she respects Ame more than the pickmeisha orange whore, not surprised she would hate Kiara and cut ties with her while still had a chance

>> No.33843658

They are friends but not BFF's

>> No.33843740

it was the other way arround, ame didn't want gura to move in after she pissed in ame's bed, that's what gura gets for not wearing her diapers

>> No.33843783


>> No.33843844

>males destroyed unity
Myth never had unity to begin with hence why Kiara exposed Takamori and AmeSame as fake as fuck forced intimate ships to appease a portion of their audiences.
Just look at the EN Minecraft server when it first started. Ame and Ina were pretty much the only ones giving a fuck and bothered regularly playing off stream, even though Kiara is the one who convinced them all to start their own separate server, apart from the JPs and IDs.

>> No.33844096

do people just make things up now because ame talked about discussing moving in witb gura a long time before the off collab. what is wrong with catalog niggers.

>> No.33844399

Why? It has no good exclusives and it never will.

>> No.33844426

wow such a lazy op, no gift cards for this one

>> No.33844542


>> No.33845173

This is all surface level inferencing that anyone can make from the five. This was probably the case in the very early months, but this completely changed for the better when their paychecks started rolling in.

>> No.33845287

Based solely on their interactions both on-stream and on Twitter with my oshi, Gura comes off as either the biggest bitch or incredibly retarded at social interactions.

>> No.33845466

This thread really lives up its own arse doesn't it

>> No.33845481

Vsingers can put out new MVs every week working with a small fraction of Moris budget.

>> No.33845519

>doubting Pavonashi
What absolute terrible bait

>> No.33845773
File: 552 KB, 850x1300, 89650121_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In many ways I feel bad for the girls.
I bet some of them like Ina joined hololive because she saw how JP acted and desired that honest and touching friendship they had. She though if she was in an idol group like hololive she'd be forced out of her shell and would be able to make some close and lasting friendships with the other girls.
But in reality, once an introverted loser always an introverted loser. Even being an idol she's unable to make friends. Even being in situations surrounded by hardships and isolated to a small group of likeminded individuals going through the same problems, she's still unable to reach out and form connections.

Her time in hololive just reinforces the fact that it's not other people who are the problem, it's her that's unable to make friendships with others. And she'll never be able to have the real friendships she watched on the JP side because she's just broken inside.

I feel bad for Ina.

>> No.33847999

Do you really think they're enemies behind the scenes?

>> No.33851405


>> No.33852144

There’s currently some twitch drama between a group of “friends” that’s causing them to all back stab each other, and that’s whats probably renewing this discussion

>> No.33852812
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1663603067078284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I realized Tempus collabs far more with each other than they have or do.
Seeing the difference of those boys enjoying each others presence and joking around, being in each others chats often...
And fuck, even 'raiding' into one of the other guys streams when theirs ends. How have I not known YT implemented that like Twitch has? Why did it take until these 4 gaybois debuted for me to see that feature be utilized?
At this point for Myth, it's pretty much only for anniversaries.
I mean goddamn, Gura has more chemistry with Council than her own genmates!

>> No.33852944

when Kiara forced her homofaggottry on Mori without even talking about it to her first off-stage. one of the main reasons I think shitting on Kiara is always okay

>> No.33853292

Baffling post

>> No.33853348

Either Gura or Mori

>> No.33853433

Because "raiding" is a twitch feature, and reddit fucking hates that, more than they hate frogs.

>> No.33853533

for you.

>> No.33853570

For anyone that isn't a newfag

>> No.33853799

>what is wrong with catalog niggers.
Most things.

>> No.33853850

>when Kiara forced her homofaggottry on Mori without even talking about it to her first off-stage
Where's your proof?

>> No.33854795

Wow, take your pills

>> No.33854882
File: 546 KB, 1014x1463, 1663867336036267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job everyone in this thread, share this between yourselves

>> No.33855302

The very first time they all collabed and insisted they had been talking for months prior. Zero chemistry.

>> No.33855402

I don't understand this obsession ENOPs have with genmates needing to be close enough to fuck. Outside of Gamers, Gen 3, and HoloX I guess to an extent, almost nobody fucking hangs out with their genmates on a frequent basis anymore.

>> No.33855452

Pretty sure it was just a few weeks

>> No.33855469

in the fucking streams that you never watched, newfaggot

>> No.33855517

Ina specifically asked during her interview if she was expected to be an idol and they said no.

>> No.33855573

They're the ones who said months.

>> No.33855721

why does everyone act like ina is some mega isolated sheltered shut in hermit
she literally traveled around the world for cons and would have journal entries for places she'd go each day. before hololive her roommate was really active.

>> No.33855984

HoloEN being based on the language and not the country was it's biggest detriment.

>> No.33856441

This, Tempus members also go out of their way to spend time with each other. Vesper wouldn't be playing Apex if it wasn't something to do with the boys.

>> No.33856520

>What is NePoLaBo

>> No.33856559

I'm assuming you mean vtuber subreddits when you say that.
As there are plenty of twitch subreddits, like livestreamfail.

>> No.33856595

Even based on the country would have been a lot harder than what the Japs have. Quick research shows 12 hour train ride to get from furthest south to most northern point in Japan by train. FLYING across the US East to West would take 3ish hours, but diesn't include the preboarding and post boarding, so tack on another 2ish hours. On top of that you're looking at $500ish for a cheap plane ticket vs $150ish for the train ticket. So worst case senario for the JP holo is double the time at a third of the cost, but that's worst case.
There are a few Holos in reasonable hang out range of each other, but it'd still probably be a 1-3 hour car ride for anyone stuck in the wewt coast. It's just unreasonable to think they'd be willing to do shit like go out to lunch on a whim or go shopping together for funzies like some of the JP members do.

>> No.33856679
File: 620 KB, 1000x1135, 1661828896627768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't, anon. You made it too difficult for him to move the goalposts.

>> No.33856690

When it took 2 years for the NA girls to off collab

>> No.33856692

It kinda shocked me just how off the cuff they were being together and how stiff the Myth/Counsil collabs seemed in comparison.
>The awkwardness is the best part of the collab!
Yeah, maybe for the first 10 minutes, but it gets really fucking tiring.

>> No.33856796


>> No.33856805

Sana and Ina were the only friends

>> No.33856894

Even if I think they're very bad at playing the super happy friend group, I will say that it was kinda hard for the first year-year and a half just because Covid threw a wrench in travel for 3/5 of them.

>> No.33857047

The off-collab. It was very different from the council off-collab. It's obvious that no one really likes each other at this point. Meeting each other just made it worse. Kiara is the biggest problem, but on some level Ame agrees with a lot of what kiara says even if she doesn't like the drama.

Of all of them though, Ina is the one you least want to piss off.

>> No.33857207

I think Ina and Kronii are close

>> No.33858282

When Calli snapped at Gura for staring at her tits in the first full en collab

>> No.33858285

I like that the current rrat is that Kiara the disconnected nobody whom nobody likes is somehow able to sabotage every friendship.

>> No.33858326

Orange woman... bad?

>> No.33858434

6 weeks in watching them stream. calli and kiara gave it away pretty fast.

>> No.33858846

Kiara is literally fucking insane. A completely fucked up person mentally.
Ina is a stuck up cunt who's full of herself because of her family's wealth and social status.
Gura is a massive cunt behind the scenes, an abusive alcoholic who hates her job.
Mori is a cringe bitch who's obnoxious and degenerate.
Ame is filled with rage and frustration, and hates management.

It's not really "friendship" more like "tolerating each other's presence until the stream gratefully ends".

>> No.33859338

Yeah I guess i forgot that they all probably would fly/can't drive

>> No.33859388

Wat did Kiara do?
Wat does Ame agree with?>>33858846
Why is Kiara insane?(she just seems like a ditz, dealing well with insecure about hips)
Why is Ina status and rich if shes an immigrant? Her parents own Samsung?
Elaborate, you niggers.

>> No.33859567

>I have inside information
and im inside your mom fag

>> No.33861374

Ame sold a fucking monkey to one of the JPs.

>> No.33862015

How is Ina using this as a cash grab when she rarely streams anymore, and when she streams it's like Elden Ring part 15 which she isn't even allowed to monetize?

This is just Ina's side job. Not her main source of income

>> No.33862132

Gura comes off as a massive paranoid diva. Mori and Kiara talking about meeting off-stream is the norm in hololive. Not "nobody mention my name ever"

>> No.33862201

Wonder if Mori will invite herself to the boys TTRPG?

>> No.33862527

East to West is not a 3 hour flight. It's about a 3-4 hour flight from say St. Louis or Dallas to the West. A little shorter to the east. A direct flight from New York to LA is 6 hours. It's an all day thing by the time you tack predboarding and all of that shit.

>> No.33862663

You don’t have any friends do you?

>> No.33862921

Takamori from the beginning of their debut was obvious yuri bait, Kiara tried to implement a Okayu/Korone type relationship but Mori wouldn’t play ball just felt awkward which is why it didn’t last

>> No.33863158

The Don't starve Collab.

>> No.33863764

Why shouldn't she be? Don't even pretend there wouldn't be a firestorm here if any significant details about her came out. Places like /vt/ are the only proof you need that maintaining anonymity is a must, let alone even more degen shit like Twitter and kiwifarms users.

>> No.33864940

Sorry, I'm retarded and google led me astray. I should have realized that was pretty short given I've flown to both sides from the midwest and it took 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Just cements it further though.

>> No.33865060

Peak retard

>> No.33865292

Pekora and Korone still go outside and still meet up with others in Japan. If the psychotic fucks over in Japan haven't done anything to people like them or Rusia, very little will come from the occasional meetup. On top of that, she was fine with the party that happened at their Air B&B so who gives a fuck at this point. She's being overly paranoid.

>> No.33868322

There's ways of managing.
The big issue with spanning globally is that nobody is in the time zone making collabs and just casually chatting much difficult, on the other hand it makes it easier to cover "dead hours"

While hanging out becomes an all weekend activity instead of a casual day trip, having a get together once a quarter wouldn't be ridiculous or hard to manage. Plus I'm sure all American girls would be more than happy to take a weekend vacation to disney world or something together with 2 or 3 collabs thrown in there.

It doesn't make up for the lack of easy access to one another, but it makes for a bigger event and vacation that brings everyone's mood up.

>> No.33868583
File: 58 KB, 500x500, artworks-Y9yMIjNhnov7cbMO-QGTzEQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am someone on the inside.
I won't give the details but I can 100% confirm that the following girls have fucked at least 1 other girl in hololive (at least 2 of them have fucked a JP girl and 1 involved an ID girl)

There's 1 more girl I have suspicions about but can't 100% confirm because she (and the partner) have never spoken about it.

>> No.33872324

Amelia is the real bitch

>> No.33872511

Give me deets on kiara and ame insiderchama

>> No.33872568

Pretty sure she said it was both of them having animals that would make it difficult

>> No.33872631

>gura and kiara in the light
>the rest in the dark
This was the last time they spoke as friends.

>> No.33873515

that's a take i guess, not one i'd agree with

>> No.33874179

No, but they’re definitely not friends. Even after two years most of their conversations are still stiff as fuck

>> No.33876168

Why wouldn't you agree? I'd love to hear how Gura can be so afraid with a fanbase spread around the world with viewcounts (meaning people who would consostantly care enough to keep up with her) at the same level as some of the JP memebers while all of the JP members fans have much easier access to them.

>> No.33876260

don't forget Ina, who got finger fucked by Kronii and Kiara on separate occasions.

>> No.33876572

>No one likes Kiara's bluntness
>Everyone hates how toxic Ame and Gura are
>Mori is cringe and awkward
>Ina is quiet and boring
First month. It was impossible for them to become friends.

>> No.33878700

>Why is Ina status and rich if shes an immigrant? Her parents own Samsung?
futa cock

>> No.33879483

This right here and everything like it is why I hope everything Mori does will come crumbling down and she will end up living in the gutter.

>> No.33879985

The background behind idol groups are 100 times worst. You people are too naive.

>> No.33880071

People who have to go through similar pains develop companionship to get through it.
Every rape just brings them closer.

>> No.33882704

Guys, in general, just have that sense of brotherhood that eventually flourishes when put together as a team, whether it's spontaneous or not. It's just how our brains function. I'm not the slightest bit surprised Tempus have better chemistry than myth desu

>> No.33883092

They were in LA, not Japan, you fucking retard. Though I agree with your general sentiment of sympathizing with Gura over Mori/Kiara. I fucking hate the "look at me all the time" e-celebs who want to be stalked and worshipped everywhere they go and I have far more in common with a "don't notice me when I'm off the clock" like Gura.

>> No.33884510

They're part of an entertainment industry, of course it's fake! The entertainment industry is full of faking and lying, it's common sense! They're just coworkers, and they have always stuck to that!

>> No.33884584

The 2nd anniversary stream that happened recently. It had such a weird awkward vibe to it.
