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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 139 KB, 1736x860, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33816722 No.33816722 [Reply] [Original]

Even Reddit is against homobeggars now...

>> No.33816764

Would you stop posting this shit. Fuck off dude.

>> No.33816801

Based redditchads
seethe homoshit

>> No.33816862

>Gift card credited to your account.

>> No.33816878

I mean it really is the sensible position. Even Redditards can't stay in a state of cognitive dissonance forever that these twitter troons make up a "majority" of the fanbase and yet HomoEN are dipping into 3 view territory

>> No.33816881

I think this is largely a manufactured problem and not real. no fucking way this shit is a real thing people care about.

>> No.33816902

>Based redditchads
No such thing exists. Leave.

>> No.33816971

One of a streamers main gimmicks is manufactured drama.

>> No.33816974

Kronii killed her channel to appease these twitter fags so it's a big problem. The other side is that a LOT of these homobeggars are just plain Nijifags who want to drag HoloEN into the mud with them and are just seething that Hololives formula is more appealing than vtubers who are crude, vulgar and basically just your average twitch roastie with an anime avatar.

>> No.33816977

First of all:
Go back you fucking faggot

>> No.33817001
File: 822 KB, 700x819, 1649450558711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit screencap thread
This board fucking sucks

>> No.33817024

Go back

>> No.33817030
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>> No.33817031

In the end. Both the anti male faction in Holo EN and pro male faction are incredibly weird.
Look at Gura, she could've in the very least showed support for Tempus. The fact that she ignores anything related to them and Tempus is not even allowed to say her name is incredibly weird.

>> No.33817052

Literally a bogeyman made up by unicorns to seem more sane

>> No.33817086
File: 42 KB, 644x800, 3650772E-4903-41ED-A6AD-49129616DAD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I upvoted and subscribed

>> No.33817089

Homobeggars = tourists
Anti collab = actual fans

>> No.33817118

$0.01 has been deposited into your Nijishill account

>> No.33817197
File: 271 KB, 1125x650, 1663605136280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>76 updoots

>> No.33817200

>anyone below this post=turbo faggots

>> No.33817345

No… 4chan is made for people like us… go take a tour around /b/ and then come back and tell me this isn’t a breeding ground for degenerates

>> No.33817357

Maybe you should read again

>> No.33817422

Anon have you considered the possibility that Gura herself chooses to ignore them. There isn’t some Cover bogeyman who forces the girls into chastity belts. Gura just knows how to manipulate her audience of simps

>> No.33817472
File: 10 KB, 579x201, MLP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pony Fucker
Holy shit if there is a god we can say that he has a very twisted sense of humor

We are really posting reddit screencaps now?

>> No.33817506


All this has shown is that /pol/ is using both sides and making a proxy war out of the situation.

No nijis, no Holos, no Homos are being served here. You are all being pawns of trolls.

>> No.33817526
File: 59 KB, 227x164, Screenshot from 2022-09-21 17-20-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet here you are...

>> No.33817561


>> No.33817578

your mom is a breeding ground

>> No.33817647

Back in my day, being anti-unicorn was being anti-anti. Now, it's just become anti.

>> No.33817720

But he needs his gift card…

>> No.33817777

Don't talk about Marine like that, she's the most popular holoJP member

>> No.33817824

>Back in my day, being anti-unicorn was being anti-anti
You got gaslit by Nijitroons who want to ruin Hololive. Good job. There were never any "unicorn antis" you fucking moron. You're as retarded as all the twitter normies who fell for the narrative that Rushia was getting attacked by her own fans for having a BF when it was Nijiniggers attacking her.

>> No.33817856

Yeah you are fully mistaken chief… we are upset about this… and we’re getting results too, in case you haven’t heard, irys recently joined our side, im pretty sure we have kiara and gura too, there are a few loose ends like Mumei and fauna but we can still win them over, I mean… irys is best friends with bae and calli and she was pretty explicit about not wanting to do male collabs… so I don’t think there’s anyone we can’t convert to our side besides maybe calli

>> No.33817879

Marine has more talent in her little finger than all of EN put together.

>> No.33817934

Jesus christ, things are getting bad when I find myself agreeing with a fucking redditor.

>> No.33817941
File: 469 KB, 585x603, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everyone did before you retards were aware of their existence. The Holostars fanbase has hated beggars since 2020 and still does to this day.

>> No.33817971


>> No.33817984

Yeah but those are the stupid normie tourists… you gotta get into the real meat and potatoes of the community to see how people feel… the top comment on a Reddit post screenshot ring her tweet is gonna inevitably be biased

>> No.33818087

Reddit? You mean 4chan for 4channers when the go public?

>> No.33818145

Their opinion is only unpopular because americans worship celebrities. even e-celebrities or especially e-celebrities is more accurate.

>> No.33818191

Yeah I’m sorry but so many of you guys have wildly misinterpreted this situation… people are not posting these to troll… it would be a pretty stupid way to troll either way… like if you wanted to piss people off there are way easier ways to get way bigger reactions from people who aren’t anonymous…

>> No.33818209

Yeah but from the start you posted cuck art on /jp/ and did nothing to oust them from your community so you reap what you sow.

>> No.33818296

The holostars JP and the holostars EN fanbase are absolutely not the same… there’s really not that much overlap, EN fans of holostars are only just now discovering holostars JP

>> No.33818547

You ever wonder why beggars existed back then? It's always the westoids.
Now StarEN attracts tons of them

>> No.33818665
File: 130 KB, 727x663, 1663845862737409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is indeed manufacutured brother

>> No.33818723

>he thinks I wasnt one of them

>> No.33818998

where's the link?

>> No.33819025
File: 121 KB, 839x594, Fc1VBKRagAIE4e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been in the star's thread since JP not once someone posted cuck fanart so you talk about Holo threads. Unless the art of oga being pegged by fbk and risu counts.
There's still the possibility of them getting corrected throught time and the beggars jumping to another target. but for the moment the JP still are pure from drama.

>> No.33819118

The JP are pure from drama because westoids have no interest watching their streams

>> No.33819313

>redditors with a spine
What fucking timeline is this.

>> No.33819405


>> No.33819800

his cartoon got fucked wit hthe introduction of males, pls andastd

>> No.33819953

Homos should be graduated.

>> No.33820023

Even if they were they would kindly Ignore the beggars.

>> No.33820483

Leddit don't want to kill off tempiss, I still hate them

>> No.33820522

Reddit is not againt the collabs, they are against the constant begging, basically collabs = good, begging for it = bad

>> No.33820580

You will never be a woman

>> No.33820632

Remember who allowed all that shit happen under the excuse of fan demand

>> No.33820748

>denial of everything
Such is a nijinigger thing, street shitter

>> No.33820820

Kys homofaggot

>> No.33820872
File: 411 KB, 1920x1080, FcedFQiagAA-y4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hade Reddit niggers

>> No.33821002

Did she really eat a 9 day old sub?

>> No.33821319

She was retarded enough to feed into some of the dumbest fucking drama imaginable so yes she probably did but mostly because shes to fucking autistic to lie for time away

>> No.33821416

that sub is me btw

>> No.33821691
File: 73 KB, 1294x1226, 1663015785123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33821997

StarsJP are picky when it comes to collabs with girls from the company, which is why pretty much all of their female collabs are with outsiders and it has worked out just fine. Tempus guys seem to not give a fuck about the consequences of them just showing up on a weekly basis and how they encourage people to shit on other holo chats begging for them to collab with them. Tempus is at fault just as much as management is for pushing them so fucking hard to the point where they lift collab bans just so they can have EN girl collabs.

>> No.33822255

>chumbuds in /ggg/ don't bite bait
How do they do it?

>> No.33822308

Where's my Giftcard?

>> No.33822321

Why do you end every sentence with "..."?

>> No.33822560

They do it the atheist way they shove it up their assses then shit it out their mouths

>> No.33822885

/ggg/ has had so such a consistent rotation of schizos and threadshitters that weak bait just doesn't even work anymore

>> No.33823125

Screenshotting your own reddit post and uploading it to 4chan should be an immediate death penalty

>> No.33824004

well if that's true as a matter of fact, it's working

>> No.33824149

Take your stupid gift card and neck yourself

>> No.33824152

how do you know its his? comments highlight like that when you click on them iirc

>> No.33824248
File: 109 KB, 717x401, 1663851931879894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the mods tho!

>> No.33824479

Stay in the small corpo generals where you can keep telling yourself this. It's much less painful.

>> No.33824591

The mods are literally EN management

>> No.33824663

>reposting reddit

>> No.33824827

who the fuck else but the commenter would care enough to post it to 4chan?

>> No.33825372

please, understand! he is misterious and edgy, like Sasuke from Naruto!!

>> No.33825556

I bet Mori will pull some shit like doing a chadcast and without telling Irys, she will invite a Homo as a "Guest" and Irys won't be able to do shit or she would be seen as rude

>> No.33828163

>reddit banner is still tempus

>> No.33828188

if you ignore tempus you gain zero fans and lose zero fans
if you vocally support tempus you gain zero fans and lose all of your unicorn superchat money
it's not hard to figure out

>> No.33828351

The amount of "99%, but not 100%" reddit posts that echo 4chan is honestly hilarious. The level of filtering some of you have to go through just to sound like half-decent humans

>> No.33828552


>> No.33829306

It's so weird no one considers the simplest option that Gura of all people doesn't fucking like Tempus and is annoyed at the direction EN is heading. It's almost as if it's clear from every single one of her streams

>> No.33830079

Omega based

>> No.33830582

Sorry sister... the newblood corrupted the brand, same as when ENs did.. same for Niji

>> No.33830906
File: 24 KB, 627x195, 1663464365187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking faggots are from here.

>> No.33831057

>Even Reddit
>Every talking point is from here

>> No.33831335
File: 246 KB, 1129x876, 1659382365568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is unironically better than a place like resetera.
I thought that unicorns were overreacting but these people basically want to force all the girls to collab even if it's not their choice.

>> No.33831827

Do you really believe that?

>> No.33832073
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, 20220515_003212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My owl will not collab with tempiss. I believe in her. She has barely even talked about them or acknowledged them, if at all.

>> No.33832104
File: 165 KB, 1728x972, EB1DAD2F-142D-463E-919F-0E28DC8FEE0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when do we hate Reddit?

>> No.33832124

kek, they stopped deleting the thread after some redditors called out their bias.

>> No.33832134

she already did tho

>> No.33832133

I can actually see this happening lmao

>> No.33832162

about the same time that we hated the Homos and Nijisanji

>> No.33832288

aslong as Mori is in Hololive, no Holo is safe from her bullshitery

>> No.33832305

They should put some of those as jannies here haha, that would be so funny haha

>> No.33832347
File: 121 KB, 856x1200, 20211228_194707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I must have missed it but WHEN did my owl collab with tempiss?

>> No.33832461

They're here already.

>> No.33832485

I hate that i can see this happening...

>> No.33832576

>even reddit
Dont act like most people here also not on reddit, the only difference between this place and hololive reddit is the moderator

>> No.33832602

That was JP, you're right with that retarded larper though

>> No.33832739

>the only difference between this place and hololive reddit is the moderator
>he doesn't know

>> No.33833074

>References /vt/ by name
>Throws memes out from /here/
>Still calls mori, "Calli"
This dude is a fucking 2022 threadwatcher, bet on it

>> No.33833500
File: 126 KB, 1980x1080, 1635633802596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collab beggars are the worst people

>> No.33833511

If you know how the twitter/reddit hivemind works you can see something like this coming from a mile away. This is really all to fit their delusional idea of "making a fair world".

>> No.33833788

Resetera lets them mention Gura by name?

>> No.33833984

Anon, the entire hololive fanbase are female ONLY enjoyers

>> No.33834023

Gura very rarely shows support for anyone really, she barely even supports herself

>> No.33834142

SA banned vtuber discussion entirely because it's "pedophilia". The incidents cited to make this claim were
>Gura and Shion's minecraft wedding
>Sana calling herself a "big baby"
I am not joking.

>> No.33834211

"Something Awful" continues to live up to it's name.

>> No.33834316

Why don't you go back to your homocord tranny?

>> No.33834569

This is so embarrassing. Do people really spend time and give gift cards for discord raids to manufacture drama because they have nothing else?

>> No.33835531

i've always hated reddit and their dragon

>> No.33836614

>irys recently joined our side
Irys is on her own side, ie the "not having insane people screaming at her for weeks on end" side, you fucking delusional idiot. With the way she worded what she said, she placated the pathetic unicorns, left herself enough room to change her mind later if she feels like it, and also told beggars to shut up. She gets to enjoy the best of all worlds. Next to ignoring all this retardation completely, her approach might be a second-best option.

>> No.33837080

It's really funny how incapable redditors are at hiding it

>> No.33837355

Back then in 2006 when I was a kid I did wanted to make money, so I "worked" as a clickfarmer. Clicking endless ads and surveys for 3 hours, just to get 0.05 USD. People will literally do whatever to get scraps.
Though nowdays, these "bot" work is kind of retarded, nowadays you have better options, companies like Lionbridge and Appen they'll pay you like a regular job (500 USD a month) doing bot shit like transcribing audio.

>> No.33837597

Homobeggar cope

>> No.33837643

kill all the beggars

>> No.33837656

We really are full of fucking Redditors. Nobody cares.

>> No.33837690

I'm amazed that place is still going. The same forum where they complain about character designs in Dead or Alive. The devs listen to them and then it doesn't sell because the fans stop buying it, and the people complaining don't buy it either so they have to backtrack. Sound familiar?

>> No.33839969

no one is going to turn against her for just mentioning them, they're technically co-workers.

>> No.33840037
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1650592695832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a moderate stance on a topic
>reddit downvote bomb the shit out of it
classic reddit

>> No.33840044

Keep begging for gift cards homobeggar

>> No.33840069

Just like me and my company's janitor.

>> No.33840171

If you ignore Tempiss you gain fans actually. Look at Gura

>> No.33840184

Nice post sharydow. Didn't know you like to advertise your stuff on this board too.

>> No.33840260

>Kronii killed her channel

>> No.33840297

>wojak shit
at least work for the gift card or go back to r/4chan

>> No.33841905 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 763x555, 1662825613319909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>wojak shit
>at least work for the gift card or go back to r/4chan

>> No.33842249

Of course. We came for the cute girls, not the males. Gura understood that even before she joined Hololive because she was a fan of Hololive herself. Those who got into HoloEN without understanding the culture are now eroding it from the inside.

>> No.33842353

who was it again that applied to hololive as a joke?

>> No.33842490
File: 187 KB, 680x899, ggg in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ggg/ has more important things to discuss, than worry about schizos

>> No.33842608

either mori or kronii, i don't remember

>> No.33842635

Blame Tempiss for being a group of faggy milquetoasts and Omegatroon for not supporting you subhumans well enough
not Gura, she's busy carrying the trash branch on her small back

>> No.33842719
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>> No.33842827
File: 969 KB, 397x519, 1635610880749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know shit's been getting ridiculous when even the redditors start to notice

>> No.33842908

redditors are part of the problem too buddy.

>> No.33842916

How's the twenty dollars?

>> No.33842957

I would be surprised if less than 90% of /vt/ used Reddit.

>> No.33843017

>hates on homo collabs
>posts homo collaborator supreme

>> No.33843197

Last I remembered the discord Nijifags were pro homo.
Your history revisionism has no power her.

>> No.33843213
File: 38 KB, 578x334, 1650269326282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33843458

>goes completely non-verbal to avoid talking them

As expected of a professional idol

>> No.33843519

People need to realize one, little thing - Gura is not in the same league as rest of EN branch anymore. She's an export product for Japanese viewers, an exotic curiosity, a JP-lite with her gimmick being "western vtuber". What's happening in HoloEN is none of her business, she's above it.

>> No.33843546

The reddit mods have been cancer ever since rushia's graduation, this isn't anything new m8

>> No.33843577

well hey, at least they didn't delete the reddit thread itself

>> No.33843708

they deleted the first one like that

>> No.33843733

EN management wanting to destroy Hololive is confirmed!

>> No.33843747

>EN management literally forcing the girls into political speak
Jesus christ EN is becoming an actual shithole of walking on egg shells and not going against the company mandate, kiara is literally the only EN girl speaking up

>> No.33843754
File: 76 KB, 663x480, 1652774277881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33843881

They are, mods are deleting all the pro-idol threads and are leaving up all the "stop complaining about the girls collabing with men" threads
I told you fags, ever since kronii had to apologize the morning after her anti-shipping rant and talk about how much she loves shipping, this was the company plan, they want to manufacture a bunch of EN Roberu NightMea's

EN management doesn't just want male x female collabs, they wants aggressive shipping communities

>> No.33844036

It's the same person that had their socially awkward and very private coworker greet them early to do a 1 on 1 off collab, only to have doxxed the location of the meetup and have "a rager," forcing their coworker to lock themselves in a room and hide away, so it's plausible agreed so this too. She's probably the type that thinks this kinda crap is doing them a favor too

>> No.33844041


>> No.33844063

It's simple: Collabs with Stars are great, but begging for them is cringe and whining about them is incel shit. Ban chat.

>> No.33844120
File: 155 KB, 1000x823, 1639434966900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting? I said no such thing.

>> No.33844564

> /vt/ is now stooping so low as to kneel to a 78 updoot reddit screencap just to raise their banner

