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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 703 KB, 800x1069, FananoRedshirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3378912 No.3378912 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope's "Music"...It's not good.

>> No.3378970

If it wasn't good then why did it top the charts?

>> No.3378990
File: 195 KB, 789x1220, beamerboy [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F22wbym.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes the same retard who got mad on twitter because some gook called him out about his bullshit

>> No.3379041

He seems familiar, who is this faggot.

>> No.3379131

This. I also think Old Town Road is the best song of all time.

>> No.3379176

kys tony

>> No.3379213
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>> No.3379216

He looks like a faggot, who is this?

>> No.3379217

I'm wonderin' what kind of rut you need to be stuck in to be recording musicreviewvideos
I'm wonderin' whatkind of rut you need tobe stuck in to be watching music review videos

>> No.3379234
File: 606 KB, 680x680, b60 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's WataMelon

>> No.3379245

music critic youtube channel

>> No.3379269

The God of /mu/

>> No.3379297

Who is this baldy?

>> No.3379306

Not news to a single person on this board with ears

>> No.3379343

has tonaildrop reviewed moririn's latest EP?

>> No.3379374


>> No.3379383

As much as I dislike Calli's character, her music is actually pretty good, except for Red, that was shit

>> No.3379392
File: 201 KB, 330x318, 1613943211252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literal /mu/tant who made a music reviewing channel and now has millions of subs. I wish I would have done it first.

>> No.3379459

I mean, by that logic, there are underage /a/ shitposters that made channels that now have a million+ subs so eh

>> No.3379635

looking at his channel I can tell i've never seen one of his videos, so then why the fuck I can recognize him so easily? Was he a meme at some point?

>> No.3379689

But damn boi he be THICC though

>> No.3379728

>Was he a meme at some point?
To an extent? It's more just that he's generally popular and gets referenced a lot or inserted into images or whatever

>> No.3379744

yeah he's to /mu/ what nyanners or melonpan are to /a/

>> No.3379777

I think so. I never saw any of his vids but I can remember seeing his face somewhere

>> No.3379807

I'm still waiting for this to happen, it's not like this dude's relevant on his own anymore

>> No.3379837

Hololive brand. Look at her roommate's previous releases, it didn't even get in the radar.

>> No.3379847

Shut up melon

>> No.3379863

You might wanna look into the context of that.

Qrd: People don't buy music anymore, is all streaming, so the amount needed to top charts is much much less than it used to be.

>> No.3379974

Watathony Tsunotano

>> No.3380119
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Hi everyone, Gawrthony Guratano here. Best cunny in the game.

>> No.3380163

you make the poster UUOOOOHHHH

>> No.3380194
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>went from hosting a podcast with Sam Hyde and Reviewbrah to becoming a milquetoast keyboard warrior/establishment-sponsored tweeter political activist #9142
why would his opinions matter?

>> No.3380282



>> No.3380309
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Fuck you bald faggot.

>> No.3380337

What does she think of SBTH?

>> No.3380369

Suisei made it to the top of the charts with like 10k in sales.

>> No.3380502

>My eceleb is better than your eceleb

>> No.3380617
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>> No.3380649

There's also a huge amount of different charts, and physical sales are weighed much more prominently than streams, so someone with a medium size fanbase that is however more diehard could easily chart above someone who is known the world over but doesn't neccessarily have diehard fans.
Also, the duration is always a factor. As far as I remember, Cali topped the charts for a day, right?

>> No.3380694
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>> No.3380704
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>SnK and Negative XP in the same post
holy mother of cringe

>> No.3380768

Why did her music get so much worse after joining Hololive? Her music as MelonSpice was actually pretty good, but her current songs are just barely okay.

>> No.3380801

Why do transvestites use "cringe" when they mean to say that they're "seething"?

>> No.3381032

This is a legitimate question but have any of these music reviewers ACTUALLY been critical of her work or is she still her worst anti?

>> No.3381172

Pretty sure no one relevant has even reviewed it to any in depth extent

>> No.3381255

Never seem him or hear of him. So it doesn't matter what he thinks.

>> No.3381325

Neither are your tastes you stupid fucking egg.

>> No.3381388

>what she's going for is interesting. she's unique in her persona for the most part. mostly derivative beats, but despite that has a great sound over all. i had a great time with this one.

>> No.3381390

These music reviewers only cling to pop music because they are leeches. Even if Mori topped every chart in the world, the fact she's a literally who wouldn't allow them to get views and clicks by pasting their name all over the titles of their videos.

You know how Jake Paul shows up in fucking everything? It's the same grift but with music.

>> No.3381449

You bastard, made me look. I don't think he'll ever recognize Mori though, it'll destroy his normie fanbase.

>> No.3381466

Rap is bottom of the barrel music

>> No.3381491

Oh yeah? Well you are a bottom of the barrel poster

>> No.3381626
File: 140 KB, 704x396, todd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, how do you look at this portrait and not immediately tell yourself that this person has zero good ideas of his own?
The only reasonable music reviewer is Todd and that's just because you can't see his face. Only reason he doesn't have a billion subs is because he's generally positive about music and no one wants that when they can be part of a clique.

>> No.3381648

NTA. Of course your comeback is "no u". Just like your taste in music, your intelligence is bottome of the barrel.

>> No.3381663

Yeah but you better believe that if he ever asked Mori to be on his show, she'd do it in a second.

>> No.3381723

You don't actually watch or read any music reviews, do you? Just like in movie reviewing circles, there's a huge circlejerk about authenticity and how "deep" your music tastes are and how you know everything about every underground or even slightly un-mainstream genre.

>> No.3381734

So uh, Calliope, what do you think about Black Lives Matter™ and Trans Rights™?

>> No.3381739

>Only reason he doesn't have a billion subs is because he's generally positive about music
Did I miss something? Last I remember, he was pretty cynical about modern pop music in general. The only times he said good things were during his One Hit Wonderland reviews.

>> No.3381774

He wouldn't give it less than a 5 because he is absolutely terrified of giant and loud fanbases that could get him canceled. He never gives BTS albums less than a 5 for this reason.

>> No.3381810

>You don't actually watch or read any music reviews, do you?
Too many.
>Just like in movie reviewing circles, there's a huge circlejerk about authenticity and how "deep" your music tastes are and how you know everything about every underground or even slightly un-mainstream genre.
And just like movie reviewing circles, and the reviewing circles from times of old, it's filled to the brim with people who form shallow opinions on this to prove they are authentic while also clinging to every stupid fucking trend coming out for the purposes of getting those clicks. Hateclicks > authenticity when it comes to popularity.
This is true from movie reviewers to game reviewers to even art critics.

>> No.3381823

Stop posting from Lindsey's basement todd.

>> No.3381958

sounds like an Ame review

>> No.3381973

His job is to stay ahead of trends, and he can probably see that vtubers are a quickly evolving trend.

>> No.3382024

She at least has the benefit of the doubt that she's doing it ironically.

>> No.3382138

That fucker rated one of my favorite albums a 4/10

>> No.3382197

what album was it?

>> No.3382274
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>> No.3382275

You and about everyone else has had a run in with Shit Taste Egg at some point. The objective is for you to give him clicks.

>> No.3382312

If he's saying it's bad then it definitely means it's good.
Breadtubes' music review channel on youtube. At some point along the line he flipped from being edgy to being woke and having a saviour complex. Now he breaks down music based on how problematic the lyrics, or artist are to his audience of trannies.

>> No.3382600

The fuck? He gave Language a 4/10?

>> No.3382714
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>> No.3382841

>Shingeki No Kidde
>Negative XO
>Mori fan
How can one make have such shit taste?

>> No.3383153

"l-l-like those are totally based and poggers my guy!"

>> No.3383369

>t. btfo roasties

>> No.3383380

fuck it

>> No.3383474

Did he really go hard on that stuff? I know he got a real big backlash and cancel culture threat by talking about memes on an alt channel, but I haven't actually watched any of his reviews in a while.

>> No.3383557

didn't this guy get outed for being a sex pest

>> No.3383569

he was generous, this is dogshit

>> No.3383652

I mean he was pretty straightforward about it. "I don't think these two styles of music did anything good for the genre of metal and this band twisted both into one. Didn't like it."

>> No.3383657

literally everyone male on the left gets outed at some point or another for sex-related hubris

yet for some reason retards keep lining up to drink the kool-aid

to keep this on-topic, this guy is a literal who with no power over sales who wishes he could contribute to the music industry like mori has the potential to
t. someone who can't stand mori

>> No.3383689

I'm actually surprised he hasn't made any reviews of her music yet, since he likes trying to promote girl rappers. He's familiar with hololive too, he responded to a Gura tweet once.

>> No.3383699

Did some janny or mod create this fucking thread? shit would have gotten a 404 not found since they are fast on these threads deleting wojaks and supposed real life images of V-tubers.

>> No.3383761

He should listen to
Reaper ka rapper
dotchi demo i yo

>> No.3383796

Probably because he wouldn't review it positively. Mori's rapping is very Hopsin-esque and he finds that style of rap very played out.

>> No.3383874

Popularity ≠ Good
By that logic, WAP is the best song

>> No.3383954

I really think it's the Japanese part of it that keeps him away. It's a turnoff for a lot of fans and keeps him locked out just by language barrier. He's done a few things on J-genre here and there, but it's very sparse to begin with, so I'm not surprised someone who isn't releasing an actual album (although I guess she kinda did with her birthday) wouldn't go on his radar.

>> No.3384126

It really is though. The only reason Mori's music is relevant is because it comes from a vtuber who can rap competently.

>> No.3384423

Literally who?

>> No.3384629

Damn bois. How's that rock you been living under?

>> No.3384641

I'm in zero gravity
Nobody harrasin' me
Nothing inside is my preference actually

I think he'll like some of semenrice's songs but mori's stuff is very vtuber-specific for most normies.

>> No.3384988

This is one of the most toothless metal album of all time

>> No.3385008

> calling rap music

>> No.3385012

He's basically a full-on SJW after that backlash he got for his meme channel, you won't be able to think of a popular lefty talking point that he doesn't agree with.

>> No.3385164

sjw's aren't lefty, most of them don't give any shits about dialectics or materialism they just get in pissing contests with the reactionaries on the right for internet clout.
anyone who pays for music or encourages others to do so through sponsorships is not a lefty.

>> No.3385236

Neo-liberalism is just leftist social theory bastardized by jewish capitalists, they're both based on cringe concepts like tabula rasa and nihilistic individualism.

>> No.3385261
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>listening to a retarded leftie's shit taste
When he makes a chart-topping album I might consider his opinion

>> No.3385312

>le /mu/ e-celeb

>> No.3385325

neo-liberalism is a right-wing capitalist ideology though, what the fuck does it have to do with leftist social theory? at the core it's just an adaptation of capitalism to turn social justice into a commodity to be bought and sold by corporations. at least learn some fundamentals before you go full /pol/.

>> No.3385471

You're not really disagreeing with what i said though, we're in agreement that it's capitalist.
Both communism and neo-liberalism ultimately are kike ideologies though, i've already touched on how their core principles are similar.
Most liberals are just leftists with more cognitive dissonance, hence why it's relatively easy to convert a liberal into a leftist and why they tend to cooperate frequently.

>> No.3385896 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 587x568, smurk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the reason why I want Mori to create an album just so this leftist can make a review on it. Imagine if he gave it a shitty score. His fanbase of zoomers will prolly shit on Mori potentially creating more antis..

>> No.3386248

Leftie politics are shit even sans progressive idpol because socially engineering equality in the face of natural hierarchy, instead of just trying to make sure that hierarchies are as mobile as possible, is a game that only drags people down. It trains people dispositionally into being parasitic.
In contrast, Capitalism is very cute and valid.

>> No.3386582

>literal progshit
I don't like melon that much but it's hard to disagree here

>> No.3387951

Hey, actual music reviewer here. Mori’s music isn’t particularly bad. She obviously has a talent for boom-bap rap and rhythm. There’s a large fan base for this kind of music in anime culture, just look at how the anime community made lofi take off a few years back. An artist topping the charts does not inherently make the song or music good. For example, Lil Pump also topped the charts with “Gucci Gang.” Mori is talented, yes. Mori will never be main stream talented though. That’s not a bad thing. For example, normal Twitter got a hold of a snippet from her songs and unfortunately she was clowned left and right. I don’t even think Mori would do well in a K-pop scenario, where she’d be able to rap with versatility in different settings besides boom-bap. There are other rap vtubers who (imo) have much more versatility, flow and star power.

>> No.3388142
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>neo-liberalism is a right-wing capitalist ideology though
capitalism isnt right wing

>> No.3388159


>> No.3388205

>neo-liberalism is a right-wing
Ah yes, the internationalism anti-nationalist ideology is very right wing.
Cleary we need to destroy borders, become atheists and become global citizens to become conservative in your eyes.
How are there people this stupid on /vt/?

>> No.3389221

>sjw's aren't lefty
tankie pls

>> No.3389290

do you think Ronald Reagan is leftist?

>> No.3389310

People don't want actual criticism from music reaction vids, they want their opinion validated.

>> No.3389445

You have literally never watched Fantano. There are a million criticisms one can legitimately plaster on him, but only reviewing "big names" is absolutely not one of them. Pretty sure the average normie would recognise 1/4th at best of the shit he reviews.

>> No.3389484

>not Nardwuar
zoomer begone

>> No.3389516

>wondering what kind of rut you need to be stuck in to be recording lo-fi incel rock songs taht are all just wavves ripoffs and then upload them to soundcloud. yikes ding ding, lol!

>> No.3389562

I don't like fantano because he hated kero kero bonito. Besides, he only knows how to play the bass, the easiest of all intruments. What does he know about music theory?

>> No.3389582

thanks anon!

>> No.3389585

/mu/ anon that made a music channel on yt, got fairly popular until some site did an article about him being in bed with "alt-right hacker known as 4chan". Wet his pants and became just another virtue signaling breadtuber

>> No.3389607

>actual music reviewer here
What does it take to become one? Being able to play an intrument? Know how to read music? Know music theory?

>> No.3389658
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Why didn't she top the charts before joining Hololive? It's the same voice, the same people making her backing tracks and the same production value all-round, the only difference is that now she has Cover and an avatar?
People listen to her music because it's "Calliope Mori's," they don't care whether it's good or not.

>> No.3389679

Your oshi is a retarded leftie.

>> No.3389719
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>Why didn't she top the charts before joining Hololive? It's the same voice, the same people making her backing tracks and the same production value all-round, the only difference is that now she has Cover and an avatar?
>People listen to her music because it's "Calliope Mori's," they don't care whether it's good or not.

>> No.3389728

It's all about marketing. I actually like her music old and new. Only difference now is that she has a big platform to advertise her music. J rap is a niche enough genre in japan, let alone in the west. I korone but I don't listen to her music even though her avatar is cute.

>> No.3389739


>> No.3389755
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>> No.3389792


>> No.3389826
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I would say it's less about marketing and more about establishing a persona to that makes the product more appealing. It's how all e-celebs move merchandise regardless of actual talent at whatever it is they do.

>> No.3389894

based flochKING

>> No.3389912

your Oshi has been bullied across the Myers-Briggs test so hard that she left the Country.
One or two more year of High-School bullying and we would have a Marcus calliope in Vshojo by now

>> No.3389920


>> No.3389965

>bullied across the Myers-Briggs test
hm? care to elaborate Anon?

>> No.3390186

This is bad Alcest

>> No.3390387

do you think augusto pinochet was a leftist?

>> No.3390471
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Man, that's cruel!
but so fucking true.

>> No.3390522

No one force you to listen to it. Like I don't get it, why the fuck people listen to stuff they don't enjoy. Fucking retards.

>> No.3390612

how is that different from any other artist?
you think people buy jay-z's music or snoop's music because it's good?
in everything marketing is king and a great product won't sell if marketed poorly while a good product will die on the shelf without good marketing.
however i'd say this is especially important in rap, where the story behind the rapper seems to be way more important then the actual music.
well either that or the rapper making a meme song.
honestly the entire american music and movie system is fucked and needs to be nuked from orbit.

>> No.3390682

I mostly agree with you but ado is an exception to that rule. She's the only up and coming artists right now that I think has been consistently putting out great songs that's also widely popular. She doesn't even have a persona or even showed her face.

>> No.3390689

Yeah but she sings good. Also what has she done that could be considered leftie-like?

>> No.3390871

never heard about ado but sometimes people with actual talent come out of the system but that's by pure coincidence.
people will eat up talentless hacks if they're pushed well and the american music system find people with an interesting story they can push and then just makes bank off them regardless of musical talent.
in that regard i'm glad mori actually makes songs i enjoy and shows talent and willingness to improve, that already makes her head and shoulders better then most manufactured talent.

>> No.3390911

Go back retard

>> No.3390932

Might as well be he facilitated turning California into a Mexican colony

>> No.3390961

Todd will unironically give albums bad reviews if they have the wrong political opinion.

>> No.3390968

You should give her a listen sometime. She shared the same producer as mori's 2nd ep in one of her song. It's amazing how she went from being an utaite breaking into japanese's mainstream music. Mori's improving with each song she released and is getting vocal training so I wouldn't rule out a collaboration between the two of them in the future.

>> No.3391008

Are we not allowed to refer to fiend shagai

>> No.3391029

i'll give it a listen, thanks for the tip.

>> No.3391039

How would he rate mogu2 and flos by okayu? That shithead hated kero kero bonito so I'd assume he'd hate mogu mogu too. Dunno about flos

>> No.3391098

Sunn is good but i like goatsnake
Dont at me

>> No.3391118

>Decides to take an emergency bathroom break and forgets to turn off her mic

>> No.3391168

WAP is good, you're just a bigot.

>> No.3391217
File: 423 KB, 680x680, watano nothing wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sheep

>> No.3391297

fuck WAP
all my homies hate WAP

>> No.3391319

but what if a white dude sang it in a lounge style?

>> No.3391344

No, the system doesn't let your reply be posted if you include the words "Craps Devil."

>> No.3391366

but still shit

>> No.3391404

Well it did got me into her older music if that counts.

>> No.3391476

why does she have a decent voice when singing or rapping but becomes utter shit to listen to when she starts speaking casually

>> No.3391535

Ok. How about this instead?

>> No.3391537

But isn't it good thing that people are finding her old stuff thanks to Hololive? Why does it matter if you people start listening her stuff.

>> No.3391541

They're launched by their music. Elvis didn't sell millions of records because he appeared in a whole lot of movies. An artist's reputation can ensure that they sell records even when their latest release is below their established standard, but unless they're a complete industry plant, and let's face it, they always do worse than anyone with corporate backing AND a modicum of talent, then an artist lives or dies by their music.
"Calli" on the other hand follows the e-celeb "model" of marketing rather than the artist model, where she's launched by activities that aren't directly related to her "product." At lot of rappers are the same, particularly Snoop Dogg, but there are thousands more rappers whose music is the reason they're successful, whether that's at local shows or on international charts. Calli is a streamer first and an artist second, that comes with being part of Hololive.

>> No.3391547

her old channel just wasnt as known as her current if it was it would be popular and recently people have been finding her old channel and the views has been rising her old channel is the definition of underrated

>> No.3391557

>but becomes utter shit to listen to when she starts speaking casually
What do you mean? Her voice is pure sex.

>> No.3391558

>Also what has she done that could be considered leftie-like?
She's a woman.

>> No.3391581

I think she once posted that she didn't like /v/ on her personal twitter once

>> No.3391602

>if it was it would be popular
Doubtful, J-Rap is a hard sell even in the weeb community. Remember all the Deadbeats from threads past that have said that they thought rap was retards attempting poetry before they found their oshi?

>> No.3391613

Alkatraz has 3.5m views...

>> No.3391635

let me guess
you like watching anime dubbed

>> No.3391658

She is right though and it wasn't her particular hating that place and more saying they are retarded.

>> No.3391685

Are you high? Her other contents other than her music and karaoke are the lowest performing streams and videos. Her music on youtube, without any mv and isn't even linked to her page gained million views within a month. As an older fan of hers I've always enjoyed her music. I would agree with you about her first ep since it was mostly due to debut hype and I also think it's mediocre, but her songs ever since then , especially her 2nd EP have improved a lot. I don't think you're the kind of person into jpop or vocaloid, but she worked with one of the big name producers in that realm for her 2nd ep. The song itself, without her singing it, sounds good to me, makes for a great instrumental

>> No.3391693

Nope. I just like women with deep voices.

>> No.3391701

Why are all the best rappers not black? Eminem, Mike Shinoda, Mori Calliope, Tom McDonald, Post Malone. Isn't rap supposed the one genre they're good at?

>> No.3391703

so's your mom and she's really based.

>> No.3391724

Not him, but which holo has the best talking voice then in your opinion?

>> No.3391740

I would like to see those views before Calli.

>> No.3391785

FT is kinda popular though. It might not be mainstream for quite a while but electroswing + rap is a pretty good combination. She could also still find success in japan after she did more of her jp reps

>> No.3391790

She is hardly SJW though. Otherwise she would not come here to this day and move to country that has shit load of xenophopic people.

>> No.3391807


>> No.3391824

I didn't say that her music is trash, just that she's carried by the Calliope Mori persona and the huge storm of publicity on twitter, reddit and their extension 4chan, youtube and the nebulous "anime community" through stuff like the shit taste podcast and all that.
Take that away and you have the Hazbin Hotel OC with a fraction of the views in more than double the time.

>> No.3391825

bro the fuck are you talking about, almost all of her work is based in music, either in karaoke streams, collabs or making original works.
that's where like 80% of her work goes into and her gaming and zatsudan streams don't get as much effort and views and her musical ones.
elvis was just one of many cases of celebrity culture, girls losing their shit over a man during musical performances to the degree of fainting is an ancient ass phenomena and has less to do with musical quality and more about reputation and looks.
some people use that platform to learn and make great music (the beetles) some stagnate and die of cardiac arrest on their toilet.

>> No.3391828

Pre debut had more than 1M views. Not bad for a channel with less than 100k subs. More than most music indies on youtube.

>> No.3391843

There isn't a scanner that prevents libtards from coming to 4chan buster.

>> No.3391897

That's not bad at all, even if it's obviously below Calli's views.

>> No.3391904

I see him a lot when people are rating anime, for example, if they thing a anime is an 8, they show a picture of him saying light 8 or strong 8.

>> No.3391917

That one electro swing song had around 600k pre debut, the other one more than 1M. I agree than hololive as a platforn helped boost her numbers greatly but you're delusional than her own talent and hardwork had no part in that. Heck, some of her older songs are still better than most of her current songs. Do you also get pissy when and indie signs up with a label and suddenly blow up? J rap is a niche genre already, there's nothing wrong with shining a spotlight on it. Even FT managed to break 10M with their songs in part due to her talent. You're also saying as if being compared to Hazbin Hotel is a bad thing

>> No.3391930

No but she isn't one of those kind of liberals that want to ban everything they don't like. She grew up around here and has that mentality that you can say anything on internet.

>> No.3391944
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>almost all of her work is based in music, either in karaoke streams, collabs or making original works.
Have we gotten to the point where people try to talk about vtubers without even watching their channels? I expect this when we're talking about the JP girls, but you have no excuse.

>> No.3391986

How many times do I have to say that I don't think that she isn't talented? It's just that her talent isn't the main selling point, it's Calliope Mori's "adorkable" antics and gigantic milk tanks. There's a huge difference between signing to a label and becoming an e-celeb.

>> No.3391996

>J rap is a niche genre already
it probably always will be niche t b h.
the biggest audience for rap is american middle class suburban white kids and most of them don't give a fuck about the music, they just care it's considered rebellious and that black culture is considered cool.

>> No.3392000

She's far from an unknown indie. I even managed to find her songs after listening to jpop and utaites which lead me to FT and eventually to her. If you compare her to her current persona then yeah of course but she was already doing better than most utaites before. Making good animation for herself and other people in the scene also helped.

>> No.3392007
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>> No.3392012

how about a collab with xxxtentacion?

>> No.3392020

quantity isn't the same as effort retard.
if you think turning the camera on and talking or making a deck and trying to learn a game is the same degree of effort as producing an original song/album or collabing on one then you legit don't have a brain.

>> No.3392030

If that's the case then you're far from the average listener, so don't try to apply your experience to the people who got her to the top of the charts.

>> No.3392080

Didn't he go to jail for fucking a child?

>> No.3392101

What he meant was that her main draw is her music and drawing. Gaming and other shit were never the main draw in the first place. You could use your argument for something like nyanners releasing a new song. With mori though, her main audience mainly watches her karaokes and listen to her songs. She's trying to change it up lately but you're delusional if you think most of her subscribers are from her gaming streams

>> No.3392110

nah, he got arrested for drug dealing or something but he avoided jail by being a rat.
actual rat, not vt rat.

>> No.3392126

And effort doesn't translate into views, if you need an example go back to square one. All that effort wouldn't give the same results without her chatting and gaming streams. The persona she's created through them is the basis of her music's success.

>> No.3392161

How do you explain people who listen to her music but don't tune in to her streams? Or how 3 of her songs from her 2nd ep got a lot of views despite not having an mv or even listed in her main channel until recently? How do you explain other vsingers like hachi, mimi and naminin? BGV ? Suisei? Azki? Vtuber is just an evolution of the entertainment media, just like any other, music is a big part of it

>> No.3392175

Having lots free time

>> No.3392189

look at the amount of views on these stream, then look at the amount of views on any of her original songs, or collabs.
i'd say go look at peak viewers during her karaoke streams but sadly they are mostly unarchived so you can't see them.
her music is what she puts most of her work into (which was my original point) and what most of her subscribers are into which is why they get the biggest numbers.
i honestly don't get why you'd think her gaming streams are the big attraction, there's a lot of them but the amount of unique impression can't touch her music videos.

>> No.3392191

>How do you explain people who listen to her music but don't tune in to her streams?
The algorithm, clip watchers who don't actually stick around for the full streams but still "enjoy" Calli's content and assorted fans of the fandom who probably found big boobie girl from twitter and watched the first video of her they found.

>> No.3392193

So you're a nobody unless you're topping charts now? Do you know how many soundcloud musicians never grew out of it? How many genuiny talented musicians on youtube get sub 1k views on their original songs? There are hundreds of thousands of them.

>> No.3392217

Don't bother. He probably doesn't even know that vsingers exists.

>> No.3392227

filthy frank.

>> No.3392263

Shall I spell it out for you?
>assorted streaming content (gaming, chatting, colabs, drawing) creates "Calli"
>Calli creates fans
>fans create views for Calli's music.
Without the streams, which establish Calli as a cute dork and reaper rapper with gigantic gazongas, there wouldn't be as many views for her high-effort music content. Like I've said at least a dozen times, it's the streamer that creates the hype for the music, not the other way around. She wouldn't be a success if she didn't stream as well as creating music, simple as. Arguing otherwise is just you trying to defend your oshi from what you think is criticism. I'm just stating a fact, don't lose your cool.

>> No.3392308

Ah okay, so you're gonna resort to hypotheticals without any proof. Apparently the algorithm can be used nowadays as a convenient "proof" to support any kinds of argument here

>> No.3392410

>hurr durr Michael Jordan would not be famous without the Bulls and the Tarheels

>> No.3392412

No you retard, without her music she wouldn't have any persona to work with. What would she be without her music? Just some random reaper with big titties? Each holos have their own niche. I'm not taking it as criticism either, I just find it weird that you got it the other way around, she's known as the music / rapper holo. She wouldn't have been able to debut then if she didn't have her music. Releasing RIP is what defined her as a holo. I actually wish it was the way you described it because if so she didn't have to work to put out music each month and can just stream whatever but that's not the case. I do hope she grows more into the streamer side though because I actually like it

>> No.3392445

didint he say he would not review scott pilgrim vs the world ruined a whole generation guitar lesson because he thought the song was toxic?

>> No.3392513

This. Without her Music she wouldn't even be a Holo. Her connections, as well as her talent made Cover decide to roll the dice on her.

>> No.3392777

...and? /v/'s a shithole and everyone, including newfag Mori, knows that

>> No.3392804

you're also a newfag if you're not here during 2006 and below.

>> No.3392832

90% of KLK memes.

>> No.3392936

Okay? /v/'s still shit and Mori's still based

>> No.3392988

Just clarifying because It irks me that people throw "newfag" around, when they don't know the context.

>> No.3393048

newfags like saying newfag

>> No.3393154

fuck off anthony nobody cares everyone knows your taste is garbage

a shitposter from /mu/ with a youtube channel

>> No.3393292

Post your list

>> No.3393319

Go back to Megatokyo first, faggot

>> No.3393321

what happened to him anyway?

>> No.3393344

I'm sorry, I grew out of my avant-teen phase

>> No.3393537

>Autism in the Shadows
No thank you

>> No.3393582

>comparing music to sports
Even still
>literally scouted and recruited by professional scouts traveling the country
You're sinking your own fucking point, retard.
Who the hell would give a fuck about any dumb nigger who can dribble when they're littering the streets everyday? Fact is there's probably a dozen "Jordan" level talents at the same time he was playing, but thanks to sheer fuckiny luck, the opportunity with professional teams alongside promotions and eventually branding, he became a superstar.
The sad truth of the world is there will ALWAYS be undiscovered talent that eclipses or even rivals anyone in the business, yet you're realistically never going to find them without proper promotion, which is why Cover is useful.

>> No.3393588

Advertising can get eyes on singles, but without talent there is no way a noname can top charts.

>> No.3393634
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The only way I'll take this faggot's opinions seriously is if hear released music of his own. Anyone got a sample of something he's actually made?

>> No.3393660

Why can't deadbraps take criticism? You guys know it's okay to like garbage right?

>> No.3393769

>get your points called out
>stop responding directly to posts and instead resort to general adhom
Seems like you're the one who can't take criticism here, buddy.

>> No.3393778
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Some songs are good. Guh is really catchy and I'm impressed with her rapping in that. I have no idea why they thought that her Could You Please RIP should be her first single. Because it's very weak and really doesn't show off her skills and really turned me off to her stuff.

>> No.3393857

I don't know what the fuck you're on about anon. Her songs as Mori is bad. I like DD songs more. Either way, a person gave his opinion and think Calli has horrible music. Just like how SoL and CGDCT is shit, accept it and move on. You have shit taste and that's okay.

>> No.3393901


>> No.3393945
File: 679 KB, 916x1400, 1620210966776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a person gave his opinion on music why is that bothering you so much?
>his sole opinions also happens to be the most important in the entire critical world of music and what I base my own opinions on, therefore what you enjoy is factually unenjoyable, shallow, irredeemable garbage because he said so
>I am smart
No please, continue the double-talk

>> No.3393962

Anon... you do realize this whole thread is a shitpost, right? Fantano didn't actually review Mori's music

>> No.3393985

>santa claus isn't real

>> No.3394085

Oh.. so you were just pretending to be retarded then. Have fun i guess

>> No.3394118

when people call anyone who makes passable music "talented" it just shows that they are clueless retards who never made music. most of humanity could reach the level of Mori (or other commercially successful artists for that matter) if they put in the fucking effort.

>> No.3394254

ogey, retard.

>> No.3394314

So you don't think she is talented?

>> No.3394474

>popularity equals quality
Fucking kill yourself cumstain wanker

>> No.3394535

>unironically looking for "enlightened Music" in a vtuber board.
This is the problem with trying to look like you're unique and smart.

Also, before you go the "I'm the savior of the uneducated masses" tirade, make sure that you're actually competent. This is just shameful.

>> No.3394767

Gucci Gang also topped the charts. Does that means that song is good?

>> No.3394789

Every Influencer tops the streaming charts when they release a new song because they just need their fans to stream it on the same day of release and it gets there. No one uses streaming charts as a metric for success in itself, getting there means you have a large dedicated fanbase, not that your music is good.

>> No.3394824

But Gucci Gang isn't promoting a song under a niche of a niche genre.

>> No.3394959

what the fuck everything's all over the place
this isn't music, it's just a cheap shot at being unique
this is literal noise

>> No.3394964

The 1st EP is meh, you're right. The 2nd EP is leagues better.

>> No.3395435

That's "avant-garde" for you. No wonder he gave Swans and Daughters 10s

>> No.3395493

She probably had to rush it. The time it takes to prepare 4 songs while preparing and practicing to stream, setting up her gears was probably not enough. She had to do all that while being tied up with her irl job and freelance job. I still kinda liked dead beat and live again though. RIP is probably the most "weeb" and normie friendly one and that's why she went with it

>> No.3395659

I don't have a link but it wasn't much, Gura tweeted that she ate a melon and Fantano responded with a crying emoji.

>> No.3395660

We end up agreeing once again you stupid fandango...

>> No.3395666

it is

>> No.3396176

Gucci Gang is pretty good, yes.
It works well for what it is.

>> No.3396369

Don't try to explain this to people here, they won't understand.

>> No.3396466

>The lyrics on tracks like "RIP" are bland and uninspired, there's this annoying electroswing beat throughout the track that Mori never quite catches, all in all this theme repeats its throughout the album, there are a few stand out tracks like the melodic "Live again" I'm feeling a strong 3 to a light 4 tran-sition.

>> No.3396494

This melon has gone fucking crazy in the last 2 years

>> No.3396496
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Yes, we don't understand, now fuck off to wherever /mu/tant hugbox you came from.

>> No.3396687

A podcast I listen to topped 'the charts' for a week with a meme fanmade album. Topping the charts for a few days is fucking nothing. People using that as an argument as to why her music is 'really good' are Mori fans through and through before anything else which persona you're a fan of more is up to you
It's not that her music is bad, but that people would even be dumb enough to insinuate that it's good because of that reason that's making people seethe.

>> No.3396896


>> No.3396940

You don't seriously believe those are really fans of her music right? No way they are falseflaggers larping as a numberfagging idiot right?

>> No.3397073

>Topping the charts for a few days is fucking nothing
Even she acknowledged that multiple times, and I agree with her.
I wonder where these retards come from.

>> No.3397274

Eh, I know there are people on this Earth who are that dumb or that obsessed that it could easily not be a false flag.

>> No.3397744

Shut up Anthony "I pretended Monoliths and Dimensions didn't exist so I could say that the Money Store was my first 10/10" Fantano.

>> No.3398015

People were more willing to give the music a chance because they got to know the personality behind the music. Without the context of the person behind the music, it’s pretty cringe, especially in the context of what most Americans think rap is.

>> No.3398189

This is my biggest problem with Japanese rap. I know that the people behind the production and the frontman/woman are usually not weebs/dorks, but the fact that the only way you're really exposed to it in the west is through weebs makes it feel very wapanese to go out of your way to listen to it. If you don't know the language, how do you know puns, play on words, jokes, and the culture behind the lyrics? With rap being mostly defined by its lyrics and its flow, is it not extremely shallow to say you like something like Japanese rap without all of the problems being EOP brings?

>> No.3399331

Live again is like the only track I can actually listen to. All her actual "Rap" is kind of cringey for lack of a better term. It just doesn't make sense to me to Rap about death and killing people and shit when you're a white girl that lives in Japan.

I think Rap music is more reliant on it's lyrics than almost any other genre, and when it's Eazy, DMX, or 50 doing it, it feels authentic because you know they actually came from Compton, have been to prison, or have been shot, etc. I'm sure Mori's had her fair share of gaijin discrimination in Japan but it's not like Cover would ever let her rap about it so it feels kind of vapid and overly edgy to me.

I think Japanese rappers like HMK did a better job of this cause they don't really rap about such dark or controversial topics and it's a lot more upbeat. I think Cover would've liked something like that except it clashes so hard with Mori's image.

>> No.3399392

> is it not extremely shallow to say you like something like Japanese rap without all of the problems being EOP brings?

ESLfag here. People have no trouble across the world listening to music in english without knowing the lyrics or meaning. Even though i'm pretty confident on my english reps i still can't 100% comprehend a song in a first listen, specially if its a good song with a nice rhythm, it overshadows the lyrics and you end up listening mostly to the instrumentals.

>> No.3399474

that song is braindead
i do admit it's catchy for the earworm

>> No.3399536

off with their heads was her best rap

>> No.3399928

what the fuck are you talking about? She's playing a character who's a Grim Reaper. Sure she injects some lyrics about her personality or state of mind but at the end of the day she's still playing the persona of a Shinigami. Rapping about death and killing is perfectly in-line with the character.

>> No.3399994

hey buddy, if you could recommend her music to friends who like Rap without being embarrassed about it, good for you.

>> No.3400002

Except none of her songs are dark? It's more of edgy with her lore and character sprinkled in, just like what other vtuber and idol songs are usually about. All of her songs are thematic, especially her second ep. That's what differs her from western rap, even her older works were uplifting. Which song of hers has a dark theme?

>> No.3400090

This >>3392412
Her character and persona is built on her character. What kind of vtuber would she be without releasing RIP along with her debut and branding herself as an artist as well as releasing her songs? Her songs are what got her into this thing in the first place

>> No.3400187

Not him but what are you on about? You know j rap exists right? Along with all kinds of rap integrated into different cultures. You know basically every country on earth has their own version of rap right? Not everyone has to like the same kind of thing. You think any idol fans or japs are going to enjoy j dilla?

>> No.3400195

Yeah just the other week I was on a road trip with my best friend. Of course I had to give context to who she was (being a vtuber and her past) but he said he really enjoyed the music. Off With Their Heads and Excuse My Rudeness, But Please RIP was their favorite. Honestly, it felt good sharing this stuff with a friend seeing as I don't know anyone else personally who watches vtubers.

>> No.3400423

She can totally do more but being in an idol company had its ups and downs

>> No.3400435

the lead singer of Death Grips

>> No.3400562

patrician taste, friendo

>> No.3400607

>Deadbeats thought rap was retards attempting poetry before they found their oshi

You mean you? lmao

>> No.3400726


>> No.3401603

>t. Mori

>> No.3402247

I still think it's something different since text matters more in rap than in other kinds of music. At the same time, not knowing the language doesn't mean the rhythm, flow and rhyme schemes are completely inaccessible. Of course that's a very general statement, some rap songs are carried by the beat(maker) and some songs put huge emphasis on text and how it sounds.
And then there is what >>3399331 and others mentioned about authenticity.

>> No.3402374

Your brain on /mu/-faggotry.

>> No.3402539

That's fair

>> No.3402565

I get that this is an accessibility issue for some. It depends on what you expect out of it, but at the end of the day you can keep it real or rap as a character (or both). Especially in Germany there are plenty of masked / gimmick / character rappers who charted or do well in the battlerap scene, and my feeling is that it's really not that embarrassing to listen to something like that.
Is it really so different in the US? I was recommended to listen to MF Doom when I was 18. I know some people who listen to Lil Dicky and Tech N9ne, and I don't think they live off their technical skill.

>> No.3402820

song link?

>> No.3403190


>> No.3403210

If you're not hanging around with a dork who has already been exposed to weebshit or J-Genre, you will get either timid 'oh, cool's or just flat out disinterest. Shit is dorky as fuck to anyone who hasn't been subjected to it and even to those who have listened before, it takes a special kind of breed to be good with j-rap.

>> No.3403305

Steve Malkmus is the best rapper

>> No.3403866
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Needs the right color

>> No.3403983
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NTA but i think mori is a hardworking woman whos efforts paid off, talent doesn't exist and prodigies are a spook. If you practice at something you can become good. Break the conditioning, be better than your Oshi

>> No.3404034

here you go m8:

>> No.3404041

Watameny Fantanomaki

>> No.3404184

Man Peeps music was so fucking good i miss that dude, so simple yet had potential extends

Fucking melon faggot actual pseudo with shit taste didnt completly get peeps right angles

>> No.3404242

>music shadman

>> No.3406939

Cringe song.

>> No.3408179

nobody likes /v/

>> No.3409515

Dont you mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfUOQKM7hUo ?

>> No.3410304
File: 443 KB, 722x658, 1620054050531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music reviewers
friendly reminder that nothing at all about music is objective except complexity of composition, and there's no real reason to consider Bach's symphonies actually any better than trout Mask fucking Replica
