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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 95 KB, 333x325, 1ddfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33732047 No.33732047 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they not watching?

>> No.33732189

I dont understand why didnt Kronii lose all of her viewers and funds. I thought only based unicorn Chads watch her. Why didnt anything change?

>> No.33732221

I'm sure they bought her merch but were busy today

>> No.33732231

If this is the best they can do while riding a full wave of drama... then I fear for HolostarsEN after EN3 debuts and they're not the shiny new toy anymore.

>> No.33732253
File: 463 KB, 1187x674, 1663610624595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33732302

didn't it start 20min ago?

>> No.33732353 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 232x217, Uni-ACKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13k viewers is bad
Holy shit unicorn cope. Why are you incel losers even still here? Do you like being mad? Do you like just swimming in negativity all the time? Get lost.

>> No.33732406

cumsharts are retarded please understand

>> No.33732422
File: 255 KB, 1434x954, 1663611982558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33732509

>unicucks are numberfags
who would've thought

>> No.33732567

I've heard reports that youtube doesn't count views from people who use adblockers, though that may only be for blockers it can detect. So for these numbers threads, there's a distinct possibility that the number we're looking at only includes people too dumb to use an adblocker.

>> No.33732623

>going to leddit to make that image
>complain about ledditors
Fuck you, incel.

>> No.33732757

Beggars don't even watch this bitch lol

>> No.33732873

i don't even watch streams. i watch clips. im watching this stream cause you bums have 10 threads on it.

>> No.33732992

90k people watched her live tho?

>> No.33732997

Her 3d live did get above 60.8K ccv though, significantly above even.

>> No.33733074

Not everyone has time to watch streams live, stupid unicorn. Some people have important jobs to do, duh

>> No.33733204

4 million subs btw

>> No.33733209
File: 213 KB, 818x330, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this is fucking awkward

>> No.33733312
File: 124 KB, 734x440, 1647184850228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's proven that beggars don't watch streams.

>> No.33733360

>only 13k show up to support her
>this is supposed to be a good thing

>> No.33733452

>people coping hard that a stream "nobody" was interested is getting views

>> No.33733625

ohnonono unicorn bros... not like this...

>> No.33733771
File: 69 KB, 870x846, Throwing_away_used_onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both streams get views beyond twitter likes
go back to twitter

>> No.33733809

/Vt/ cares about twitter likes now. Interesting.

>> No.33733911

>13k CCV
Topkek, /vt/ unicorns what a disgrace, all of you is just a miniscule speck even in this board

All that big talk about insult and protest means nothing, your voices is so worthless ahahahahaha

>> No.33733929

Your average krone

>> No.33733948

Because that would be very inconvenient for your argument, eh.

>> No.33733962

>Can you help me graduate?
>I might just walk away
I this her subconscious talking?

>> No.33734030

Show me one livestream announcement that had as many likes as live views.

>> No.33734101

Funny that you pick 2 tweets where the stream it's pertaining to had more live viewers than the number of likes on the tweet. Fucking retard. Cat Shark outfit reveal had 194k and 3D live had 92k.

>> No.33734118

13k with dramaboost

>> No.33734303

I can't wait for that to happen so I can actually enjoy Vesper without the worst hololive members being thrown in nonstop.

>> No.33734309 [DELETED] 

if this isn't proof enough for you unitards, then i sincerely hope you kill yourselves. nobody wants you and you guys are powerless too

>> No.33734315

Sure, but not even 20% of the people who showed support for a statement on twitter show up for a stream? It's just funny how this time in particular it doesn't count.

>> No.33734331

Someone for the love of God just put Finana out of her misery please

>> No.33734391

Even JP 30-40k in collabs and this is just some dramashit, next stream when no one care, boy...

>> No.33734408

Its never counted. Who the fuck cares about twitter likes, I hope your just pretending anon.

>> No.33734428

Is this the Plan B narrative unicorns cooked up? It's truly novel. I've never seen numberfags try to link Twitter likes to CCV. Not sure why it isn't linked to viewcount instead. You know, a static number versus a static number.
Anyway, this is sad. Reaching would be an understatement. Unicorns BTFO.
Or you guys can stop sperging, watch whoever the fuck you want to watch, and stop being annoying.

>> No.33734583

The fuck?, I thought Finana graduated or something but damn those numbers...

>> No.33734642

>n-no shut up it doesn't count that doesn't have anything to do with this ree
I rest my case.

>> No.33734657


stupid nigger simulator?

>> No.33734669

Here's to hoping, Regis+Kobo streams are usually quite low for both of them and you dont see 10 threads every day about those two.

>> No.33734796

>no source to back anything up and moves the goalpost
Sick own bro you really got me. We both wish you were interesting.

>> No.33734806

There's no simulation going on here brother

>> No.33734831
File: 840 KB, 1187x1123, youaskedforit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your wish has been granted

>> No.33734966

That isn't a livestream announcement dumbass

>> No.33735021

I never thought I'd see the day where I'd hate anyone more than numberfags, but unicorns have really turned it up a notch. Do you think shitting and pissing on the dining table is attractive?

>> No.33735095

its a gross drama stream. Shame on her.

>> No.33735130

Virtue signalers don't even watch clips anon. They're too busy trying to make "a fair world"!!

>> No.33735133

I know it's you faggot

>> No.33735230
File: 33 KB, 604x230, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not accuse me of editing or whatever your going too do and get it over with. Christ you guys are never right.

>> No.33735233

hey dumbfuck, not everyone is like you
get that through your thick skull before you radicalize more people

>> No.33735397

Telling unicorns they got BTFO is radicalizing them?

>> No.33735735

Finana is currently doing a superchat reading of people sending pickup lines and if they're good enough then she'll let her groomers do a valorant stream on her channel. I'm not even joking.

>> No.33736327

Brigading a community that's able to share their personal opinions and trying to shut them down for it will. The ultimate purpose is open, sensible discussion, yes there are "downsides" to "free speech" (schizos etc), but the ideal still exists. Unlike the subr*ddit which has been completely overtaken by the mob, and thus appears to no longer be an environment where you can post dissenting opinion. Do you really want this place (or a movement to another place) to be forced to completely take the opposite side, as the alternative to brigaders overrunning it? The whole point of this site is that people are free to post their opinion freely and as a result have open discussion. Yes there's board culture, and sure hivemind and all that shit exists, but at least at its core the makings are there for people to be able to say what they think. You can't just shut out opinions, people are going to have them regardless of whether you overtly silence them.

>> No.33736424
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>> No.33736939

Finana is Kronii's future

>> No.33737448

Don't worry, the novelty will wear off soon. A lot of those viewers just want to stick it to unicorns. Those numbers will go way down when they get bored of it.

>> No.33737555

Vesper buffs the numbers to be honest. I watched but it was for Vesper, not Kronii.

>> No.33737557
File: 26 KB, 400x359, FZWv-aeXkAMwer7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The copium on these schizos holy shit

>> No.33737684

t. fag that thought Iluna was gonna mog Hololive just because of twitter likes

>> No.33737736

see the following

>> No.33738223

the goalpost moving. if she gets low views then they were right, if she gets high views then they're still right because those are obviously just tourists/bots meant to make them look bad.

>> No.33738279

Relax chud I'm checking the VOD now.

>> No.33738388

if VOD views beat this number does that make you retarded?

>> No.33738689

Finana fucked up in very special way. I can't imagine even most retarded holo being able to get into similar situation, especially after the whole Rushia fiasco.

>> No.33738897

Finana got involved in twitter warrior culture wars and insulted her fans
guess what Kronii did?

>> No.33739397

VOD views will easily exceed 70k, retardchama. Your statement is garbage and you should feel bad.

>> No.33739474

Finana created inner circle of random people using her public personality, let herself be groomed and started leaking confidential stuff. Her Twitter posts might have turned off few unicorns, but the rest is sure way to turn away any remaing viewers.

>> No.33739677

To be fair, you need to consider a few other factors. finana was never that big, and she cultivated a fanbase of consists solely of degenerates. Of course they'd get triggered by her trying to "regulate" and/or moralize over certain words.

kronii cultivated cucks and simps. Some clearly got mad over this whole fiasco, but enough battered wives will remain that she won't go the finana route.

>> No.33739809

That's her existing audience though? Not random people seeing one thing and going "yass queen"

>> No.33739882

Timezones, I was asleep during the stream. Will watch now

>> No.33739945

The vod will have way more than 70k

>> No.33739946

Nice Reddit post. You should post there. Not here.

>> No.33740023

>great ccv
>lots of supachas
>a ton of support in chat
>worst schizos permanently banished from the community
Kronii can't stop winning

>> No.33740022

VOD views are meaningless because one person can view the VOD more than once. it becomes more meaningless the longer the video stays up.

>> No.33740167

>gets less money
>treats it as an accomplishment

>> No.33740268

tempiss is already approaching 3view, fucking pink bunny beats their ccvs, it's over for Kronii. just wait for Marvel to make new movies and normies will move on.

>> No.33740271

It literally is though, you're so low value not even your fucking money means anything

>> No.33740277

>1 month down the line

>> No.33740332

>>great ccv
en fans make me laugh

>> No.33740612
File: 24 KB, 1006x158, apex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, approaching 3view status while playing a dog shit stream game like Apex.

>> No.33740655

You go girl! Please keep refusing money from everyone from now on, after all there's no way for you to know if a filthy unicorn touched it.

>> No.33740776

I would rather go back to living in poverty than be forced to even think about you retards

>> No.33740799
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>> No.33740803
File: 67 KB, 232x232, doesn't count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please ignore this

>> No.33740884

Unicorn schizos just got shit on. Kronii's views are completely unaffected, and he will continue collabing with whoever he wants. And unicorns will seethe and continue being irrelevant.

>> No.33740965
File: 35 KB, 386x203, 7015530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no

>> No.33741120

And you will continue to seethe about unicorns and also continue being irrelevant.

You and a unicorn should have angry anal sex with each other.

>> No.33741122

You can tell they're hurting because they've just gone into full schizo meltdown mode

>> No.33741126

Wonder how many people unironically think these aren't huge debuff games

>> No.33741130

Oh no, anyway.

>> No.33741131
File: 19 KB, 193x262, FXeikGDXgAEP52k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather you go back to Twitter, this is an anonymous website. You aren't proving anything by personaling your posts other than your newfaggotry. NWNBAW

>> No.33741215
File: 1.02 MB, 1297x979, 498 dislikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 500 dislikes
Where's the mass outrage? I thought kronies were hopping mad about this?

>> No.33741221

Oh no, are the 4chin police gonna put me in otaku jail for my morality crimes 0_0

>> No.33741234

>liking a tweet means you liked the tweet
>liking a tweet doesn't necessarily mean you're a fan of hers, I like tweets of people I don't follow but I agree or like the tweet
>the tweet is perpetually up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so people can like it at any time at their own convenience.

>> No.33741233

>93k out of the 130k (71%) of the people who liked the tweet watched the concert live
>meanwhile, 13k out of the 70k (18%) of the people who liked Kronii's tweet are watching her live

>> No.33741246

>VR games are a "debuff"
Holy mother of cope

>> No.33741292

Thank you for ignoring those as instructed, they don't count after all.

>> No.33741298
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>> No.33741307

I don't get it.

>> No.33741315
File: 416 KB, 1440x743, NoxDoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kroonies are so stable

>> No.33741371

Oh yeah, ccv doesn't count, but vod views count m i rite or wut?

Seems like shifting the goalposts is a favourite pastime on both sides.

>> No.33741389

Anon this is someone from /vt/ trying to intimidate her you know that right

>> No.33741394


>> No.33741401

totally better fans than those pesky unicorns, bet Kronii already regrets everything reading those

>> No.33741424

The first time you play a VR game, it's a buff. They recline extremely fast. That's his third stream, the first few being more than a few hours. It's a debuff.

>> No.33741470


>> No.33741522

>99.99% of kronii's fans agreed with her
>only 20 people are mad about this
>"only 500 dislikes where is the outrage lololol"

Alrighty then. Just don't let the goal post fall into that ditch over there.

>> No.33741567

>The first time you play a VR game, it's a buff. They recline extremely fast. That's his third stream, the first few being more than a few hours. It's a debuff.
>Half-Life is a debuff
only if you are shit tier streamer

>> No.33741644

>it's fair to compare likes for a tweet for concurrent views on a tweet
Also it's not moving the goalposts when I never set the goalposts in the first place.

>> No.33741650

For this timeslot for Kronii this is a very good number. You guys should really do some research before you pretend to be like “offended former Kronii fans” or whatever this sad LARP is. If anything this proved unicorns are useless. 13000 live viewers and $2300 in superchats for an hour long stream in the late afternoon is absolutely better than you guys want it to be for this schtick to work lol.

>> No.33741657

>He doesn't know the dislike browser extension estimates dislikes based off of pre removal data

>> No.33741820

I'm not giving that shit a view just to dislike it.

>> No.33741942

you are not wrong that it is a good number even when factoring in drama tourists. Its disingenuous to infer anything else from it. ou ill need at least another two months to establish a true trend

>> No.33741952

Because it is fresh, a large ccv will come out at first. This is the trap. Kobo's altare collab also had over 10k viewers at first, but now it's only halfway there. And even solo streams lost viewers.
Even at Nijisanji JP, I've seen many female streamers fall into this trap and fall into ruin.

>> No.33742015

I restarted the vod and sat through the ads three times because you wrote this.

>> No.33742171

She has a huge drama buff right now, anon. Check again after this shit calms down, if she allows it to.

>> No.33742180

this was a collab and vesper was streaming with 5k

>> No.33742182

Let's see the numbers on her next 1 on 1 collab with a male then. Or even on her next stream.
>members only
Yeah, that might be good.

>> No.33742195
File: 51 KB, 465x126, 34 viewers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>34 viewers currently
>Highest views VOD on twitch this week had 300 views
>Highest clip this week had 500 views
How is this a buff game past the first stream?
On release, maybe

>> No.33742355

Half-Life: Alyx is a surprisingly good horror VR game.
There comes a section where you have to avoid getting mauled to death by a grotesque monster in a claustrophobic environment.

>> No.33742381

You should keep doing it to show more support

>> No.33742384

I love my shark! She's so cute! Unlike yourvirtue signaling fags, I will still watch ans support gura no matter the kind of shit you say

>> No.33742448

I know it's pretty decent. I'm just saying it has no viewer retention, much like any other VR game. First stream makes numbers, second onward reclines hard

>> No.33742830

Such a light-hearted and encouraging message! I bet this person is here to stay!

>> No.33743038

most of them already jumped onto the next drama, this time with big twitch streamers something about bribing twitch staff and racism

>> No.33743174

what are the odds this is a dude?

>> No.33743236
File: 86 KB, 850x850, ca5a4d59db920155393092d245befa69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck are meidos when you need them. Oh yes I remember, there are either useless or retarded. Just keep deleted post that you do not like and let the schizos makes this board even more of a joke
I was sleeping expecting a stream from Gura.
And get the fucking rope schizobud or go back to our containment threads.

>> No.33743248

I don't like her

>> No.33744088

Why would drama tourists watch streams or give a fuck about Kronii?

>> No.33744287

Because reddit and twitter

>> No.33744316

Transphobes and Homophobes are pushing for these collabs.

>> No.33744408

Lemao, cuckeronii getting triggered

>> No.33744656

to own the chud incel right wing or whatever the fuck they think they're fighting and then they move on to the next outrage

>> No.33744880

I know, which is the whole point. Kronii might win 'internet' points from people who don't give a shit about her or her content, but it's a losing game in the long run. Of course, she chose 'having fun', over the well being of other's (her female co-workers) and her own financial success. So maybe, she'll have fun as she runs as fast as she can towards graduation, but we'll see.

>> No.33744978

I'm too busy owning incels on reddit and twitter. Damn, i feel good about myself.

>> No.33745697

They are on twitter, discussing the next drama

>> No.33745946

>comparing a tweet from over a year ago to one from a couple days ago
Actually retarded poster.

>> No.33746632

Next to none, trannies arent included in that metric though

>> No.33747060

>too busy owning incels on reddit and twitter
so you're voluntarily celibate?

>> No.33747166

Do you think 70k people liked the tweet at the same time? The VOD is already at 80k views.

>> No.33747314

this looks exactly like gabe lol

>> No.33747394

unicorn truly outnumbered by twitter tranny and reddit. sad sights for western vtubing

>> No.33747864

They always get a drama buff. Mori did too and look at her now.

>> No.33748192
File: 108 KB, 1200x1366, casual Kronii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii X You
Only Kronii X TimeMutt now.

>> No.33748589

Average (((American))) mindset
#grind #moneymoves

>> No.33748965

Yes because you need to be a kronii fan to downvote.
I forgot youtube had a fandom verifier....

>> No.33749299

>It's actually only 95%, unicorns win again

>> No.33749533

Nah, the trap thing was was more that it shocked folks that thought she was more freedom leaning based on her heavy gamerisms. Degens that do a basic dig realized ages ago that woman is worse than a professional "waitress" in goldshire on Moonguard (except with catgirls). Which can be a source of entertainment in and of itself.

>> No.33749670

First time on twitter huh?

>> No.33749768

So which is it, then? Low dislikes aren't enough, high dislikes and "durr hurrr no fandom filters". Make up your fucking mind and quit being selective. Also...


>> No.33751495

>Kronii talks about fucking her dog
>clockcucks think this is a win

>> No.33751546


i thought "timesmut" would be like time stop fetish instead of lewding the dog

>> No.33751620

40k couldn't make it to the 3D live because of timezones but I think that's understandable

>> No.33751713

It could have been waved off as that but kronii doubled down and made it weird

>> No.33751787

Come on anon, its clear as day
>dog keeps trying to get away from her
She is fucking that poor dog

>> No.33751877

Ah, so you're one of the trannies then.

>> No.33751965

English. Speak it properly.

>> No.33752127

so kroniies, are we winning this shit or?

>> No.33753376

they're watching clips ofc

>> No.33753701

The most important question no one is asking: does lettuce really taste better after being aged over a few days?

>> No.33753978

As someone that has lived a really disgusting lifestyle in the past, no.

>> No.33754081

From my experience, they seem to...melt away?

Or it could just be the ants got to them and somehow managed to break them down into a basic compound.

>> No.33754519

the dislike extension isn't even remotely accurate

>> No.33754642
File: 337 KB, 480x401, 1663640244698649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco is just getting views because she appeals to EOPs, they won't stay long
>HoloEN appeals to ironic weebs who don't donate, it won't be profitable
>The only reason EN is getting views is because of quarantine buff, they'll leave after it ends
>The Homos are just the new thing, they'll stop pulling in views in no time

>> No.33755022


>> No.33755111

>/vt/ blindly claiming that dislike extensions are inaccurate to counter (accurate) claims that antis on this shithole never reflect the general consensus

>> No.33755120

Literally all of this has already been shown to be true already though. Is that the point? Am I missing something? Kson is a borderline 3view, HoloEN brings in a fraction of what JP doe, EN views have plummeted since the 2020-2021 peaks, and the ENhomos are bleeding viewers and are already in 3view territory

>> No.33755215

They might have got put off by kroni’s dog fucking antics

>> No.33755250
File: 284 KB, 487x487, 1663641403062411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure are struggling to get by.

>> No.33755317
File: 92 KB, 987x767, EoWN3cQVoAATEmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can stop bumping the thread for reactions, now. Most people have come to terms already.

Now we just want kronii x her dog hentai. Or any dog for that matter.

>> No.33755535

why stop at dogs?

>> No.33755628

Things based in reality are always better

>> No.33756248

If that was true OP wouldn't spend his entire day pretending the Homos flopped.

>> No.33756584

>pretending the Homos flopped.
Well one of them is rapidly approaching 3view territory so I think only time will tell on that front

>> No.33756980

Would've been funnier if he had just put condom money for Vesper.

>> No.33757583

She peaked at just over 190K for her first outfit reveal

>> No.33757684

Regis already hit 3view before.

>> No.33757823

It's a slow bleed. If you think management didn't give a fuck before, they're going to complete bail on them once they hit 3view hell.

>> No.33758367

Talk about leading from behind
Badum tss

>> No.33758455

>All numbers are in an upward trend
>slow bleed
the only numbers I see being lower is concurrent viewer numbers, and I attribute that more to covid being less severe and less people working at home, as the VOD views are still high so people don't see the stream live but they watch it later

What makes you think any slow bleed is occurring?

>> No.33758479

They're still building their brand and audience, I have faith in my boys. Other Holos have recovered from initial bleed, so I see no reason why they can't. Except for Regis, I don't believe in him.

>> No.33759094

Got up to 15,000 concurrent viewers while I was watching, peak was possibly higher.

>> No.33759673

My opinion
Gura live was good
Psych stream was funny
Numbers deserve the rope

>> No.33760679

can't win lies and deny
typical reddit twitter fag mentality

>> No.33761322

Its about the culture war

>> No.33761802

Ok, Tim Pool.

>> No.33762942

>SCs are down
>Merch sales are down
>VOD views are down
>Music views are down
>Subs growth are crawling
>Watched hours live are down
>Even streaming hours and stream frequency are down
Honestly can't wait until someone caused a yab with the wrong crowd and Cover bails on them like they did with HoloCN. Getting real tired of these reclining whores bringing down the company averages

>> No.33764998
File: 198 KB, 564x556, 1645836727206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its almost like some huge lockdown that was keeping everyone locked inside all day ended and kids started to go back to school


>> No.33765393

I wish the unicornfags in here would stop deluding themselves and coping. It just comes off as sad.
I hate male collabs as much as anyone here but I don't convince myself kronii will end up with no viewers and no supas.
As painful as it is, you have to accept that normies will always outnumber us. That's why they're called normies.

>> No.33768955
File: 273 KB, 1525x780, 1663638732681979_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile almost everyone else but HoloEN (HoloID, HoloJP, NijiJP, NijiEN, etc)
Gets better numbers than they did a year or two ago. Just this past few months HoloJP and NijiJP breaks their own non-graduation stream record and NijiEN inclined so much in viewerships and commercial revenues they convinced Anycolor to focus business marketing relations to them.
Literally everyone else is eating good now but one vtuber branch that somehow has convinced themselves they're in an unavoidable industry recession.
Small reminder that HoloEN are the only ones whose anniversary stream managed to have half the viewers they did a year ago, where everyone else inclines and broke their personal records this year.

>> No.33769208

>total views with 10 channels is lower than when they had only 5
Dear God, what happened???
Covid ended ages ago, even NijiEN inclined almost 10x in the past year!

>> No.33769392

Homobeggars don’t watch Hololive.

>> No.33770279

If you don't like a stream, interacting in any way with it including the "dislike" button helps the stream in the eyes of yt. They don't give a shit whether it's thumbs up or down, clicking either shows engagement, and that's a metric that can be sold to advertisers and that favors the channel.
Bothering to click the dislike now is even stupider as it's not even visible and the only way to see someone's guess work projection of it is some extension nobody knows about.
If the masses disapprove of something you can't really know as normal people cbf clicking the like button (and subscribe button for thst matter) much less the now ineffectual dislike. People will just loose interest and stop visiting a channel. Attention spans are fleeting, and there's a gorillio things on yt or twtich to watch.
The only way to mark true disapproval of any yt'er is looking over time as people drift away.

>> No.33770435

>Comparing outfit reveal and 3D live to a random collab

>> No.33770507

Where do you niggers even come from? You fucking niggers should go back where you came from and stay there.

>> No.33770516

Indolence and, ultimately, contempt for fans.
JP, ID on the whole cherish the fans they have. EN westoid entitlement on the whole means they don't stream at all but expect riches thrown their way regardless.
Viewers need constant engagement as this is an interactive medium. Don't stream? Viewers move to watch someone who does.

>> No.33770604

Let's put thing straight, HoloEN don't stream near enought as a whole. If fauna and Kiara weren't tryharding and some ID member like Kaela filling the gap the number would be far FAR worse. You can't stream less than a post gen4 holoJP with less members than pre gamers holoJP and make thing work, you are skipping step. Same reason why homobeggar are obnoxious for many, and "unicorn" are fighting back so much, is because any change of content will significaly lower the already low amount of content holoEN produce.
