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33718320 No.33718320 [Reply] [Original]

what do ID bros think about ID girls collabing with males

>> No.33718356

I think you’re gay

>> No.33718368

She need some white paint splatter on her.

>> No.33718510

They love it. If it wasn't for pisslam Indonesia would be another ladyboy nation like Thailand.

>> No.33718542

why dont i hear ID bros complain like little girls with their girls collabing with a lot men

>> No.33718627

ID don't care, ID sees all Holo as family. They're interested in watching them stream, and watching Iofi's massive ass.

>> No.33718653

are you saying its normal for them to get cucked or its a cultural thing

>> No.33718752

If you think people playing videogames is cucking, that's more of a you problem

>> No.33718834
File: 242 KB, 1041x406, kobo homobeggar recline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't care!
>Ollie and Reine recline into irrelevant shitters >Kobo in the process of reclining into sub-5k shitter

>> No.33718845

maybe EN and JP fans should start living in indonesia to learn how ID bros do it

>> No.33719012


That's how their views have always been anon. It's ID not JP. Smaller fanbases.

>> No.33719275
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>> No.33719437

but did she care tho? nope, she love it
she finally can filter those retarded kids and unicorn faggots

>> No.33719597

Indogs only want entertainment for laugh and cry, so it'd be cool if the people collabing is compatible

Hope Holostars ID will come soon so I can apply and realised my dream of TowAstel collab from the inside

>> No.33719660

ID and Holostars have been collabing since ID's inception back in early 2020.

>> No.33719704 [DELETED] 

Nikki Genshin in 30 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI-l-H2apSE

>> No.33719732

wrong tab anon

>> No.33722973

HoloID and Stars already got a strong relationship since gen 1. ID bros already get used to it from the get go

>> No.33723264

I don't hate males, but
Kobo reclined and I feel sad about it.

>> No.33723513

I am ID and I would usually not mind unless there is flirting or relationship. I think only very few people in the ID community would care. I do not like to watch men but would just skip because I hate them. But it is not big deal unless you are betrayed by your liver who you thought cared for their fanbase but does not.

>> No.33723701

i hate people telling my chubas what to do, they should be allowed to collab with males if they want to but nobody should force them to collab with one if they don't want to.

>> No.33723928

I think EN are mentally ill kek.

>> No.33723933

It's fine if the talents want to do it and it's fine if the talents don't. I'll still watch them as long as they still care to create solo content and appreciate the fans. Not being a bitch to the fans who do not deserve it. It's okay to scold some fans who behave badly, tho.

>> No.33724020


>> No.33724178
File: 50 KB, 468x571, cam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indokeks are in no position to talk. Promise you won't throw yourself in front of a kereta api when Kobo decides to suck western pig cock now, you hear?

>> No.33724330

Family? That is parasocial anon.....
They're just streamer. You're no different with unicorn

>> No.33725104


>> No.33725213

nice larping nijifaggot

>> No.33725320

The ID girls will open their legs to any guy they come across if it means having to escape their 3rd world country, with the exception of Kaela, because she's a complete NEET autist. Even Risu said during of her streams that her parents would have sent her off to be married to some guy if Hololive didn't work out for her because they were that poor.

>> No.33725619
File: 191 KB, 498x453, 1660287991396295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because ID chads fuck their wives or girlfriends every hour on the hour. They only see hololive as a minuscule part of their day to enjoy online content and not delude themselves by thinking it more than just that.

>> No.33725872

Fuck off. Do not make stupid responses like this to my post.

>> No.33725936

stop LARPing then

>> No.33726005

>ID sees all Holo as family.
Is that why Kobo has been asking each member what family relation they are?

>> No.33726086

Annoying retard. Hang yourself now.

>> No.33727068

IDs collaborate with stars because they were ignored by JPs in the beginning. It was an uncelebrated birth.
lofi sent Marine a direct message on Twitter but was ignored. Moona was literally irrelevant until Pekora and Lapis Lazuli's story began, she couldn’t speak Japanese and had the fewest subs in ID1 at the time.
The only other person these girls talked to was Stars3, since their debut was at the same time as theirs.

>> No.33727345

Only Nijis say liver. Even the old school chuubas of the mid 2010s say vtuber.

>> No.33727442

I do not care about that information.

>> No.33727562

Collab with males is ok
ID's won't mind it much
>Bb-but Kobo, Ollie, Reine reclining
Kobo is fine even her viewer will vomit when she try act cute (I think only EN degraded viewer who leave)
Ollie might because menhera side of her
Reine her Indonesian is harsh and mostly speak English ( EN fag case again )
Iofi desu she more fun to watch while collabing with kira family cause she can banter naturally with them

Ofc there got some Unicorns fag in IDs but I can assure you EN unicorns and JP unicorns is way more bigger And worse to the point they might harm the talent mentality.

>> No.33727706

You are retarded, SEA unicorns watch holo EN and JP. that's why not even them watch ID

>> No.33727817

>every bait thread is male/female shit now
What a boring arc

>> No.33728026
File: 401 KB, 507x515, Winking Astel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they were numberfags then yes this would be bad. Thats why Kiara is never gonna collab with a male, she's prime numberfag.

>> No.33728076

Because when you live in the third world the last thing you have to worry about is the png talking to a male.

>> No.33728215

>Under 5k shitter
Can holo faggots stop being this deluded?
A youtuber with 2M subs who's not limited byt the weeb audience pulls 2k viewers on a yt stream.

>> No.33728700

Do your reading comprehension faggot.
I talk about IDs viewer. Not SEA or EN or JP viewer.

If you're an unicorns indogs then feel free to not watch ID girls.

>> No.33728899

By your retard logic Kaela will shoot up to 3mil tomorrow then, OH WAIT

>> No.33729046

>I do not care about that information.
You might want to so you don't look like a complete retard and get btfo next time then.

>> No.33729390

Because they always close to Holostars from the very beginning. I still remember how devastated they're when Kaoru graduated, yes even Moona

>> No.33731741

It's based and I want fuck loafy

>> No.33734819

most of id girls are trying to avoid such a collabs, unless with stars, jp stars knew their boundaries, they respect the culture and will not forcing the collabs if they knew if it would bleed their viewers, the only one who are safe for male collabs outside of holobox are only kobofags rn, as most of her viewers are had that brother-sister complex, ollie seems tamed a bit, but as you may noticed, kobo begin to recline, so who knew

>> No.33742185

>IDs collaborate with stars because they were ignored by JPs
that's never been the case. you know iofi has been a saviorfag for the males. i mean, she a fujo after all.

>> No.33742395

It’s OK if it’s Oga

>> No.33744726

When they did, their fanbase blasted them and they became resident of /vt/ since then.

>> No.33751011

I don't think

>> No.33752168

Risu's 3D live views not budging even after Oga appears on the stream shows that ID chads don't care about male presence and only ENcucks cry about it.

>> No.33752503


>> No.33752578

The ID girls unironically purge all the ones that care

>> No.33752618

Real answer - Every ID girl that does male collabs, did it as soon as possible after their month collab was up. Even during the ban, they would actively communicate with stars on twitter and talk about how much they love cock live on stream. They gave themselves no time to build any sort of unicorn fanbase, much like Bae did.
In contrast to Kronii, who tried to play both sides until she decided to choose the woke twittercrowd over fans that actually gave a shit about her.

>> No.33752631

Yet seanigs shit up the board all day about homo collabs. Curious.

>> No.33752920

>Nijifags shit up the board about homo collabs by falseflagging as unicorns
Seeing a connection here.

>> No.33753005

I like the oga risu segment but now you're just lying you dumb indog. The viewers dropped 5-6k when he appeared. Also Risu was treading on a thin ice with some jp crowds when her song kept yammering about okakoro this okakoro that while having a duet with a male.

>> No.33753824

>5-6k of 66k people who watch the 3d showcase
and those who leaves are random tourists who prob never watch her stream

>> No.33754407

>>33753824 (me)
nvm you're a fucking liar, she only lose 700-1k people when Oga enters, and weirdly enough her numbers incline when she's singing with Oga.

>> No.33754862

>now you're just lying
>believes a lie

>> No.33754996

IDbros are fine with it unless its Connor

>> No.33755072

You weren't here for the Connor saga newfag

>> No.33755285

Thats because liver is for streamers and back then streaming wasn't the main thing for vtubers. We were still in the edited video making era of content.

>> No.33755393

Only parasocial westoids seriously care about male collabs. SEAnigs are only in for the shitposting and to trigger as many unicorns as possible, which while toxic and underaged, is still a rung above believing that Ame or whoever is your e-gf.

>> No.33755413

There is nothing wrong with anime women talking to and playing video games with anime men, especially if they work for the same company.
Being a unicorn is retarded, being a unicorn for the ID crew is even more fucking retarded.

>> No.33755705

No matter how much cope you are saying, it doesn't change the fact that only Niji says livers. Never ever Cover referred to their talents as livers you dumb fuck.

>> No.33755787

hating the chuuba because male collab no but spamming male collab to the point blatantly showing her thirst on twitter is disgusting

>> No.33756051

>White men problem

>> No.33756992

that one unicorn who complain was not even indonesian newfag

>> No.33758003

Liver is an NND term and Nijisanji and NND are tight

>> No.33758447

ID guys are totally emasculated.

>> No.33758658

and suddenly, a bunch of african men are watching iofi

>> No.33759060 [DELETED] 

Because indonesian males are beta cucks who would happily let foreign males to take their women and like the overproud dogs they are, they would think that it's a sign that their ratshit country is getting more recognized on the global stage.

>> No.33759082

which is goood, more viewers for her

>> No.33759124

Cuckled is normal in ID

>> No.33759308
File: 64 KB, 672x711, 4567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these angy EOPs
i bet those faggots who keep saying "cuck" are EN fags

>> No.33759350

Gotta do something to feel better about their quality of life while eating pagpag I guess

>> No.33759497

Pleas sir to do the needful and break your phone

>> No.33759619

They've been collabing with males since the ealy days. HoloID1 and TriNero/MaFia are practically the same gen

>> No.33759622

based on your post, you do believe she could pull 70k+ right? but nope she don't, the views are stopped right there, sc's are slowing down to nothing and those increase are oga's and they left after oga done appearing on stream

>> No.33760123

I like ID1 and starsJP collabs, they have genuine connections and grow together under the apathetic views of the JP crowds.
But I sneer on ID2 and ID3 collabs. Ollie is a fucking westaboo slut who collabs with any man she could get to get into their pants and Zeta & Kobo are just your typical indog woman with big thirst for foreigner dicks.

>> No.33760565

lmao this retarded numberfag wannabe threadreader

>> No.33760968

Namanusu is the NND term though liver is the JP fleshtuber term.

>> No.33760989

>she decided to choose the woke twittercrowd over fans that actually gave a shit about her.
You were not there at the member stream. The chat was overwhelmingly *against* making any concessions to the outraged population. Mind you this was her members' chat, not a public one. Unicorns were the absolute minority so making it out to be a real fans vs mob outrage situation is just completely false.

>> No.33762052

its fine

>> No.33762787

indogs have no concept of idol culture or gentleman's game

>> No.33762968

>Kiara is never gonna collab with a male

>> No.33764600

you don't even know what idol culture is

>> No.33764897

I want to collab with Iopi's butt.

>> No.33764993

Because the ID girls didnt pander to lonely males for 1 year but made it clear very early on that they will collab with males just like towa susei fubuki calli and bae. You decide at the start what you want your fanbase to be.

>> No.33765263

sshhhhhh..... we already knew that anon

>> No.33765618
File: 129 KB, 1111x720, FdGh9iBakAEhUbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wouldn't?

>> No.33768466

Probably the most realistic reason

>> No.33769911

"Don't you have opposite-gender colleagues? Do you ship every male and woman that interacts?"

Tbh though, people who seriously care will be purged soon enough. That's it. They're not allowed to root to be like EN or JP.

>> No.33770000

good lord that ass

>> No.33772845

does not caring about the ID girls disqualify me from being an ID bro?

>> No.33773023

ID fans are Muslim, they don't see females as human. They're much more likely to get upset if they break Islamic law or complain about their behaviour.

>> No.33773595

your mom called she's asking you to stop using the computer and start on your homework

>> No.33773639

you might wanna start holding yourself back from replying to bait

>> No.33774869


>> No.33775018

Yes, you need to know where you are in the family hierarchy.

>> No.33775075

Its ID

>> No.33775275

That one guy is british tho?
