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33694496 No.33694496 [Reply] [Original]

What a lot of people don't understand is that Kronii's situation is not really about males, gachikois, collabs etc. It's about treating well viewers.
Mori, Bae, Ame and others also collab with males but were honest and open about their intentions. Meanwhile Kronii flip-floped with her decision, promised ON MEMBERSHIP STREAM TO HER MEMBERSHIP VIEWERS that she will not change her position and just like that decided to do it anyway while dragging into it management that was just adding fuel to fire.
It's just very disrespectful, even if this would not be about male collabs this would be shitty behavior. You just don't say to your paying viewers one thing and then do different shit like nothing happened.

>> No.33694757

This stuff is always just cope and rationalisation to try and legitimate hate that all boils down to being about unicorns and male collabs. Extremist groups hiding behind slightly more reasonable sounding positions to try and make their position seem more palatable and less like they're a bunch of crazies.

>> No.33694834


>> No.33694864

Like always, only one side is extremist, amirite?

>> No.33694918

retard take
go back to twitter

>> No.33694970

Both sides have their extremists and crazy faggots. But the truth is that Kronii in fact screwed it up and people have right to be upset about it. If she would play open hand and from the start be honest about her position, she would not look like hypocrite hating her viewers. And she would time it right and be just another girl saying that she's joining in, disappointed gachikois would not really care for too long.

>> No.33695033

It's horseshit. You faggots would still all be hating her and calling her a whore who hayes her fans regardless of how she broke the news she would be collabing with males. Pure cope trying to make yourself seem reasonable when you aren't.

>> No.33695079

>Pure cope
That would be you, trying to demonize an entire group of people by pointing at a minority sample.

>> No.33695092

It's horseshit because it's makes your hate and anger unjustified, redditard.
You're just a tourist troll that heard from third hand about something happening and joined in to mob because you have no thought or agency on your own. And you'll leave in week or two as always.

>> No.33695095

Nice generalization, Freud-anon. You really got that incel.
Still, didn’t stop me from dropping Kronii because she is a train wreck that thinks “idol culture is unfortunate”. No worries though, I’ll just catch another Bae stream.

>> No.33695168 [DELETED] 

t. ranny

>> No.33695179

I've observed enough of the behavior of hololive fans on this board to know that any girl who regularly collabs with males will receive hate and slander from them yes. You guys are just coping.

>> No.33695183

What it boils down to is:
>reasonable fan expectation that Hololive is an all-girls group.
>hateful extremists who want male collabs purely to upset those fans.

>> No.33695220 [DELETED] 

Meh, it's about the fandom trying to trigger each other, which I will gladly farm for lulz.

>> No.33695256

You're going to assume which anons are hololive fans on an anonymous board? I can say I'm a Nijisanji fan and you would never know.

>> No.33695280

>hololive girl to afraid of her own schizo fans to come out and tell them straight that she's going to collab with males when it shouldn't be a big deal anyway
>hololive fans justify that kind of behavior by attacking her for the decision and then trying to say it's her fault for being scared of the hateful reaction of schizos like them

>> No.33695315 [DELETED] 

lol go back to discord

>> No.33695372

Yeah, cool.
Why nothing happened to Mori? Bae? Ame?
Sure they got some hate threw towards them, but nothing beyond few schizos crying in supachats and here happened. Why Kronii's case is special?
It's like maybe just maybe LYING TO YOUR MEMBERS is an awful way to deal with it and calling daddy manager for help just made more crazy haters agitated because now they have reaction and audience.

>> No.33695381

>why didn't she just come out and say it straight??
>reaction to her saying it straight has been a days long very public meltdown in her fanbase
Yeah I wonder why she was struggling with the topic.

>> No.33695402

How do you guys type all of these posts with a straight face

>> No.33695405

That's because they know Kronii is more vulnerable while doing it to Bae, Mori or Ame would just get them laughed at

>> No.33695430

how can you see faces if you're in front of a monitor fucktard

>> No.33695490

Or maybe just maybe because Kronii is a liar? I don't think that she's some weak, vulnerable and fragile flower and if she is... well, maybe being part of biggest vtuber corpo is not for her?
She fucked up and got exactly what she cooked.

>> No.33695556

You sure do know us better than we know ourselves. You must be a certified psychologist. Why don’t you take your abundant expertise and fuck off back to where you came from? I am sure that place needs more help than most of us do.

>> No.33695614

You know in some sense I feel like people only care because they make it a big deal themselves. NijiEN just started collabing with the guys like it was any other member and it was completely natural they would all colab. Nobody was giving talks about their stance on it or anything like that. It was just treated like it was normal and natural and therefore nobody complained.

>> No.33695622 [DELETED] 
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I hope that all the morons screeching "GAAACHIKOI BAD! MALE COLLAB GOOD!" will pay out because truth to be spoken, bunch of schizos is currently Kronii's least important problem. But alas, it was never about helping Kronii but about bunch of redditards having outlet for their autistic rage.
Sad, very sad.

>> No.33695625 [DELETED] 

I tip my hat to you, goonsir

>> No.33695686

I'm pretty sure the fans started it, but I have to admit that the way that HoloEN has gone about handling all of this has kinda left me scratching my head. I get the impression that the only winning move with this situation was to calmly announce collabs without any of the "I am going to collab with them and please don't bully me for it" stuff beforehand.

>> No.33695709

She was going to get a bad reaction no matter what. The only question was the size of the reaction. What happened was that because she showed she didn't have the conviction to stand by her decision and take her lumps (which might have indeed been very small), and also showed that she cared a lot about it, she massively amplified that reaction.
No one can help you if you preemptively condemn yourself with repeated backtracking and blow the situation up yourself. If you show that even you doubt your own decisions, how can anyone place any trust in your words? People definitely tried to defend her and clarify what she was saying on her first and then second statements, in an attempt to defuse the situation, and then every time she turned and changed what she was saying she left them looking like fools. Eventually your defenders shut up because they aren't even sure what they're supposed to be pushing and then you leave the dramastirrers to run wild.

>> No.33695721

Amelia is notorious for always shitting on her fans and doing things specifically to piss them off. She will only be nice to them after she cancels one gorillion streams due to her self-inflicted stomach cancer. This is well before the tempus fags showed up, she has always had the loop of snapping at fans, cancelling streams and then trying to be nice to them only to snap again.

Kronii very obviously only cares for the viewers that will always 100% agree with her, just like Ame. They're easier to handle and they will always agree with them and give them money no matter what they do.

>> No.33695978

This board is infested with saviorfags.

>> No.33696000

>Mori, Bae, Ame and others also collab with males but were honest and open about their intentions
Yet all of them were subject to the same schizoids treatment when it happened. >>33694757 is right, it's just attempts at rationalizing something that isn't rational at all.

>> No.33696016

At this point I have a bigger problem with her apparent contempt for her fans than the male collabs themselves. She has to know that a large portion of her audience is in fact maidenless and do not have friends of the opposite sex.

>> No.33696087

What controllable factors exist are massively more important than the question of "who's the most responsible". Assigning blame is a function supposed to stop issues from happening in the first place, it's not an end in itself, and people seem to often lose sight of this. Okay, sure, 95% of the conflagration is started up by falseflaggers on both sides, dramabait clippers, twitter provocateurs, hololive antis, whatever. But all that is just tinder to the flame. Saying 'this wouldn't have happened if people didn't want to fight over it' is like blaming a forest of dead wood for being what it is. It is fundamentally irrelevant because you can't control it anyway.
What is relevant is the actions the talent and management could have taken. And, well, as unjust and unfair as it might seem, one of those easy steps is "Don't collab with holostars". If you do want to collab, then you have to find your own way to get through it without igniting the controversy, and not accidentally striking a spark then sulking over why fire spreads so fast.

>> No.33696108

The people currently sending her hate? The people hoping she fucking kills herself? THAT is Idol Culture. You can cry and say "NUH-UH THAT'S NOT IDOL CULTURE" all you want, but unicorns have been pushing their schizo faggotry as a part of Idol Culture, and now the average person, including Kronii, believes that their bullshit is a part of Idol Culture.

Unfortunate, isn't it?

>> No.33696142

I never had a stake in all of this (didn't care for the male collabs but it didn't trigger me like it did the unicorns) but the wishy-washy way Kronii handled this whole fiasco definitely made me think less of her.

>> No.33696181

This anon gets it. Whatever started this shitshow, Kronii stepped on so many land mines that she ended up pissing off more than just the unicorns.

>> No.33696220

>No one can help you if you preemptively condemn yourself with repeated backtracking and blow the situation up yourself. If you show that even you doubt your own decisions, how can anyone place any trust in your words? People definitely tried to defend her and clarify what she was saying on her first and then second statements, in an attempt to defuse the situation, and then every time she turned and changed what she was saying she left them looking like fools. Eventually your defenders shut up because they aren't even sure what they're supposed to be pushing and then you leave the dramastirrers to run wild.
This. It felt really awkward watching people try to agree with her only for her to constantly backtrack on the stuff she was saying.

>> No.33696244

Size matters, faggot.
Yes, they all got flak from their gachikois for lol collabing with males. But in all previous cases it ended in few days if not hours.
Kronii did everything to make this situation exploded and she even made sure to drag management into it so literally entire HoloEN is involved.
Saying "I'll collab with males, deal with it" was enough but instead she played back and forth game like idiot.

>> No.33696273

>Kronii is more vulnerable
Meanwhile Mori had a nervous breakdown over a days old tweet with 6 like so hard she had to release an album about it as her roommate. Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.33696307

You know about Idol culture only from reddot, kotaku and what people that are not into idols said you, so your damn opinion is irrelevant.
Go away.

>> No.33696316

Professional/Corporate streamers should definitely have mandatory courses for crisis management and hospitality. Hopefully there are lessons being learned here about the nature of online wildfires.

>> No.33696399

Must be easy generalizing, conflating, and demonizing like that. A straw man you build up is always an easier target than flesh and blood.
It’s simple really. You want us to be the enemy. You need us to be the enemy. You force that identity on us. Kinda hypocritical, considering what (You) are.

>> No.33696410

>But in all previous cases it ended in few days if not hours.
No it didn't. To this day they are all branded whores that want to destroy hololive and force other holos to collab with male. Why are you niggers so dishonest?
No one says you don't have legit grievances, no one should force you to like male collabs, but if you really think she is a lost cause just drop her and move on. Find another chuuba you like instead of constantly seethe and try to punish a retarded woman and then try to rationalize this behavior.

>> No.33696481

You're literally proving my point. To the average person who doesn't really look into things, and only gets info secondhand, Idol Culture is singing, dancing, and mentally ill schizos.

>> No.33696482

What is a day in the life of the posters itt like

>> No.33696541

Funny how you guys point at each other when the ones laughing at the back doesn't care nor do they give a fuck what company or careers implode, because at the end of the day that is their entertainment, watching monkeys fling shit at each other with and get no blame for it (not me btw)

>> No.33696543

She broke multiple promises so she can collab 1on1 with vesper and clucks enabled this kind of behaviour is the most disgusting thing i've ever seen.

>> No.33696578

They do nothing but shitpost here so you're already seeing their day.

>> No.33696597

It's not like this is different, it's also all for laughs. Whoever has changed their mind after an internet argument?

>> No.33696626

It's a hard, shitty job. That's what it is.
But well-paid job, also high moments of it are memorable. If you would actually be into it you would know that while shitty days happens, there's also a lot of good moments full of emotions. But live in you ignorance and use damn evul IDOL CULTURE as strawman every time something happens. Be like that 80s Christian mom that screeched at DnD and metal music when her children was misbehaving.

>> No.33696692

>It's a hard, shitty job.
I hope you're talking about actual idols and not hololive, because of you are then

>> No.33696701

>Extremist groups hiding behind slightly more reasonable sounding positions to try and make their position seem more palatable and less like they're a bunch of crazies.
Like trannies when they advocated for gay marriage but really wanted to indoctrinate kids to take hormone blockers

>> No.33699218 [DELETED] 

This what chudcel tho project and deflect. What you expect?

>> No.33699255

That's pretty sad. You'd think they'd write better posts!

>> No.33699299
File: 659 KB, 917x896, 1663403588012471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is obligatory. You can't just leave a Kronie alone in a white space and expect it to get ridiculed.

>> No.33699393

Retards that make these threads don't actually give a shit about idol culture, it's always the same impotence and insecurity of "She's interacting with a male!" Because they lack any actual trust or love for their oshi, that's why spergs that dont even watch Kronii will start to have anxiety over this.

>> No.33699424

Did you learn your English from Miko clips, ESL-anon?

>> No.33700386

ame and mori do not treat their fans well either

>> No.33700887
File: 59 KB, 1080x1668, 1647599474435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm no, the nijien gachikoi and unicorns were utterly massacred and humiliated every single second of their existence the moment luxiem debuted.
Even now they anons in that thread are second class citizens to the femanon who were brought there by luxiem and the other males.

>> No.33700993

Miko is based.
When was the last time you touch grassed and talked to women anon, I'm very curious to know.

>> No.33703616

This is true. Kronii promised one thing and then inmediately contradicted what she said. Forget about the schizos, this actually affected those are tolerant of males. If she wants to collab with whoever she wants, she should apologize for having lied to her fans like that and then move forward. If Towa still exists, so she can.

>> No.33703867

>>Why nothing happened to Mori? Bae? Ame?
what the fuck are you talking about? people literally still whine about mori going on TT nearly 2 years ago, ame got tons of abuse. improve yourself is a straight meme on here.

bae only dodged it bc she's been horny for stars since debut.

>> No.33704072

honestly kronii should have followed the advice of the management and kept quiet, that stream that she did for her members is going to bring her more drama, she lost her cool when she was attacked for participating in dbd and she tried to do damage control that went to a worse than the drama that was created

>> No.33704120

TT is hated for other reasons, Mori didn't get shit for collabing with Rikka, same with Ame wanting to promote the JP stars

>> No.33704150

must have struck a nerve with some of the replies here. good thing these people are the ones leaving.

>> No.33704157

Literally antifa faggot logic
>Everyone that doesnt agree with me 100% is a NAZI!!!
Like someone else said, go fucking back tranny.

>> No.33704164

Good summary

>> No.33704366

So, what do you want? A public apology? Or did you just want to vent? She changed her mind and that happens sometimes. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if she had stuck with what she had said during the membership stream and became bitter over it, either.

>> No.33704520

A reason to why she changed her mind would be a start, at least explain that to the members since they're the ones that she tried to compromise with

>> No.33704712

I don't know why not collabing with her coworkers would make her bitter considering she doesn't collab with 80% of them already, and didn't even mention holostars until EN came around, and also has very, very sparse collabs with some EN members already
Like you can get Ame's reasonings, but Kronii is a legit mystery, the only reason you could imagine is that she actually became really good friends with the boys

>> No.33706449

You're right, but Twitter fags will defend her regardless.

>> No.33706544

It's simple, not being able to do things when you want to, even if you rarely want to do it in the first place, because a bunch of retards think they can dictate your behaviour is annoying, to say the least.

>> No.33706683

She took two weeks to think about it, she decided to put herself first and fuck the consequences, but she doesn't sound like she's having fun in the two streams since. We will see what happens after the Vesper collab tonight.

>> No.33706779

>still trying to peddle the rrat that the “not have friends of the opposite sex?” and “don’t act like you’re maidenless” comments were directed at her fanbase as a whole when she was clearly highlighting people sending her inflammatory supas about the situation
If you felt attacked by that, that’s distinctly a you problem.

>> No.33706843

Also, it was normal in all the Niji branches, already.

>> No.33706872

At the very least, Kronii made the attempt to try and understand the viewpoint of the people who were upset about coed collabs and took some time to figure out what her long-term stance was vs. Ame who pulled out the “IMPROVE YOURSELF” card right out of the gate.

>> No.33706903

You mean like how people are just making their opinions known, and if she feels harassed by that, it's distinctly a her problem?

>> No.33706979

She’s been fine the past two nights, you’re just projecting at this point.

>> No.33707015

That's sounds like a job

>> No.33707121

Yes, and they should stay away.

>> No.33707153

She wasn't trying to attack anyone, she legitimately was puzzled if they didn't have female friends, which is a funny thought after selling that dakimakura. She doesn't know her fanbase

>> No.33707166

>make retarded claim
>people tell you to fuck off
>this must mean I'm right!

>> No.33707296

If you haven't noticed that she's been on edge at the beginning of both streams then your blind or deaf, she eventually relaxes when she gets into the game later.

>> No.33707330

The viewers aren't her boss, cover is.

>> No.33707439

To put it into a comparison that merely requires being here for a bit: More like Gura's or Sana's or Ayame's streaming frequency, if she wants or has to ghost you she'll ghost you. And if Coco or Sana decide to graduate, that's not a matter of your opinion.

>> No.33707569

Being tense at the start of a stream for a little bit after coming back from her kind of break and “doesn’t sound like she’s having fun at all the past two streams” are not the same thing, just pointing out how hyperbolic anon was being.

>> No.33707738

The viewers are customers, that's the point

>> No.33707757

I know why she's tense, there's a good reason for it but she's also still not having fun. I just wish she followed the advice of IRyS and the rest of the SNOT girls, but it's her life.

>> No.33707819

Look in the mirror the next time you say “homobeggar” you hypocrite

>> No.33707975


>> No.33708004

>laughed her ass off all last night with Mumei
>”guys, she’s totally not having fun”
Unpacking was probably a poor choice for her in hindsight to come back to just because it triggered her OCD tendencies, evidenced by the “I can see why people like these kind of games” line she trots out when she’s done playing a game she didn’t really enjoy.

>> No.33708015

Customers don't get to dictate everything. In fact they don't dictate anything at all most of the time.

>> No.33708090

She's really better off but dragging this discussion out any longer.

>> No.33708191

The stupid menhera bitch will definitely bring this up again sooner or later. She's like one step away from reaching Rushia level of retardation.

>> No.33708245

Yes, don't do Stars collabs.

>> No.33708338

Yes, I am a kromei shipper and i loved that collab. I hope people clipped how much she laughed to kill that shitty alstare rrat once and for all.

>> No.33708405

Do you want working for Hololive to be the same as working a shitty job?

>> No.33708465

This is impossible in this point,she chose this way,I just hope that she has enough mental strength to resist the amount of hate that she will continue to receive, because otherwise she is going to graduate

>> No.33708607

Kronii is vulnerable to persuasion, unlike Bae, Mori and Ame, plus she has other fanbases who are anting her (IRyStocrats, Saplings, Chumbuddies). I don't think Takos or H00mans would care if their oshii did regular make collabs. Also, I think her friendship with Kaela is ruined, but that's a different issue and rrat.

>> No.33708717

My rrat is that's the real reason she chose to take two weeks off. Her doubling down on male collabs means she chose to graduate, which won't likely happen until July.

>> No.33708776

Kaela is too engrossed with her kuso games. I doubt she even notices what's happening to her oshi right now.

>> No.33708796

Nah is about retards that don't even watch her joining both sides of the argument

>> No.33708808

You know tourists will take any little thing from the upcoming collab and try and elevate it as it was some graduation-level event.
>one of them sneezes

>> No.33708949

She's the only ID who hasn't done a male collab, I believe. Also, I don't think they'll finish their "It Takes 2" collab, because Kaela has lost all interest in talking to her.

>> No.33708987

You're really overdramatizing it anon.

>> No.33709118

Sadly i thing the same,Reine's comment to Kronii on her birthday makes me think that Kronii has indeed chosen a final path and the management is trying to do everything possible so that she does not leave before the end of this year, it would be disastrous that two talents in one same generation left in less than six months, maybe I was wrong.

>> No.33709152

Not because she doesn't want male collabs. She's just too autistic to reach out even her fellow ID mems, let alone tempus.

>> No.33709317

>doesn’t want to interact with males
>appreciated getting videos from Holostars like Miyabi and Oga for her birthday stream
Anon you’re coping a touch there

>> No.33709398

>Kaela has lost all interest in talking to her
What's the rrat for this one?

>> No.33709426

It was revealed to him in a dream.

>> No.33709798

Kronii tried really really really hard to laugh around Mumei.
It was getting kind of sad.

>> No.33709832 [DELETED] 

I have a confession to make. It was me. It was all me, all along. For over a year now, I have been manipulating the Holo known as Ouro Kronii, using gaslighting, emotional blackmail, and other terror tactics in order to have her fulfill my insidious needs. You thought Kronii was a grown woman capable of making her own decisions? Wrong! She was actually a mental hostage to me, the final boss of Unicorns, a mere puppet dancing on my strings. Untrained outside observers might have thought that maybe because I watched every stream of hers live, chatted, and commented, I enjoyed her content and wanted to support her. But in reality I was grooming her, using the guise of civility to mask the monster I am beneath. (I'm basically a cross between Gustavo Fring and Todd Alquist from Breaking Bad). My most sinister act? I pretended to be anti-Subway, when I knew Kronii's contrarian nature would have her consume more, and thus the chemicals from Subway sandwiches would weaken her, leaving her psyche spongy and pliable, and more easily molded for my sinister intentions.
But then something I couldn't have foreseen happened. All of you good people saved her. Spurred on by Reddit and Twitter screencaps, you answered the call and in Kronii's greatest hour of need, you appeared, like all the Avengers in Endgame. When things were at their most dire, you were truly "On her left". Your outpouring of dislikes and ratio has revealed all the red flags and broken the sway my carefully cultivated brainwashing used to hold over Kronii. You called me a pathetic incel, a loser, a weirdo, and freed her from the gross creep I always was. Again, the naive and overly tolerant might see this as someone bowing out of the fandom of a content creator he's no longer the audience for to avoid further conflict and harassment. But steel your mind and recognize that this is in fact the desperate flight of a toxic male who felt he was entitled to control Kronii's every decision. (I'm essentially the fusion of Walter White and Lalo Salamanca from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul because I don't respect women and I hide my true nature with charisma).
So farewell Kronii. It was all a ruse, a lie, a "bamboozle" as the Redditors say. I never truly cared for you and only saw you as a tool to be sculpted, not a person. Everything I ever said or did meant nothing except as a way to influence you. A less evil person would tell you we had some great times, but since I'm literally the child of Jack Welker and Thanos, I'll tell you that I've finally grown sick and tired of you and your personality that would not yield to my relentless bullying. I only ever viewed you as a possession and since you are no longer young and beautiful, I have lost interest. There is no part of me that enjoyed watching you. Nor did I hope you would achieve your goals as you set them. No, in the end, I am left only with seething rage that you would not become my girlfriend and mine alone.

>> No.33709940

>she wasn’t “laughing enough”, she hates it
>she was “laughing too much”, she’s faking it now
There is no pleasing idiots like you.

>> No.33709986


>> No.33709999

this but unironically

>> No.33710068

I knew it!

>> No.33710109

The post never implied anything about Kaela not wanting to interact with males you retarded homobeggar.

>> No.33710205

Blame her for even suggesting that some of her laughs are fake.

>> No.33710427

Right now?
I don't know, and I really don't care because I never was Kronii's fan, too cold and depressed for me.
I just note the fact - if she would keep it small, kept low and don't lie to her viewers, this situation would never be a thing. There would be idiots crying about her collab with men, obviously, but it would not be as big as it is.
Right now, is too late for damage control.

>> No.33710501

I was pointing out Kaela probably doesn’t care about the male collab response since she’s not ignoring them outright herself if she’s willing to accept birthday vids from either with that example and isn’t ignoring Kronii over it, but yeah I probably should have made that a bit more obvious.

>> No.33710675

It's perfectly natural for someone to be jealous of their escort getting chummy with and flirting with hot guys.

The core problem is when VTubers don't make it clear what their stance on parasocial behavior is or flip-flop, which is exactly Kronii's fuckup.

It's perfectly fine for a viewer to form a parasocial relationship with a VTuber if that's what the VTuber wants. They get a lot more money out of that, Rushia topped Playboard for a reason.

If you're saying "parasocial relationships with VTubers shouldn't exist", that's the same bullshit as trying to say prostitution shouldn't exist.

>> No.33710735

I want her model to go to someone actually deserving. Council had two huge FGO artists and actual fans of Hololive and we wasted both of their models.

>> No.33710886

when you start demonizing rational criticism as being an extremist you achieve nothing but turning rational people into actual extremists. there would be no legitimate criticism anymore, only one extreme vs another extreme.
its the same mentality as when people criticize BLM activists for legitimate flaws and end up being called racists for it.
you are essentially just as bad as the unicorns, the other side of the exact same coin promoting toxic positivity while blanket covering any criticism as toxic negativity.

>> No.33710939

>The core problem is when VTubers don't make it clear what their stance on parasocial behavior is or flip-flop, which is exactly Kronii's fuckup.
This be it, right here. At least you know what your getting when you watch whores.

>> No.33711221

I really wish Kronii just ignored it and continue on, I was done coping at that moment and will just avoid all her male collabs but she had to give people the finger and get management to back her up too, now I honestly cannot see her the same again, she's a cunt and not even her goofy personality and great voice can help me look past it, this is no different than e-girls/thots now in my opinion, the avatar is just there for easy monedpjgysy.

>> No.33711468

Wouldn’t you say that to any amount of criticism then? What would they have to do in order for you to not pull this blank check on all of their actions? Are you just going to use that for anything? You shouldn’t say that someone making a calm, reasonable critique without being insulting or unfair should be ignored because you think they’re hiding behind a more extreme view. This way you enter filter bubbles and don’t believe that any opinion other than your own can be true and that is truly detrimental for everyone.

>> No.33711568

She let it get to her head. With the amount of experience on the internet you’d think she learned how to not do that. Most of her colleagues do that on the regular.

>> No.33711858

For me, I don't think there's anything she can do get me to get me back as a viewer at this point. Maybe she should've given herself and the fans a chance to follow through with her compromise instead of just ghosting them for two weeks and coming back only to go back on everything she said during that stream. As it stands right now, she just looks like a hypocrite who would burn anyone that supported her the moment she feels like it.

>> No.33712554

She didn't "lie", she just changed her mind.

>> No.33712689

All things considered, it would've been better now if she didn't try at all.

>> No.33712761

>Hey bro I hate that guy, don’t tell him though ok?
>Sure man

>wtf why did you tell him??
>changed my mind bro deal with it

>> No.33712851

Ah yes,
>male collabs are fine if she wants to do them
>even talking to a male on twitter means she's a whore
both sides, equally crazy.

>> No.33713068

Joining Hololive comes with certain expectations in itself. It's reasonable to assume that someone joining an all female idol group will 95%+ of the time be doing things as part of the group.
Why bother joining or having the group be a distinct entity if the plan is just to undermine that by constantly doing things that dilute the female idol group image?

>> No.33713100

I don't mind the collabs, but Kronii seems to be revealing herself to be someone who does things to make a statement.

>> No.33713161

>I won't interact with them on Twitter
>Collabs will not be initiated by me
>They will not be on my channel
>I will not stream my POV

Interacts with them on Twitter, then comes back and says she will initiate collabs, they will be on her channel, and she will stream her POV.

>> No.33713223

>male collabs are fine if she wants to do them
that's not the extremist side retard, thats the normal side
the extremist side would be
>if you dont like a collab for legit reasons you are a unicon just because the collab person happens to be male.

>> No.33713290

She is, the same as Mori, and that is honestly by far the worst thing. It could become a problem for others, too.

>> No.33713301

What you don’t realize is that membership, sc, and merches are fucking donations not a purchase of service. You are not a customer, never will be, they have no obligations to promise you anything or even follow up their promises. If you have issues, stop watching, find someone else than bitching and crying

>> No.33713330


>> No.33713378

So not wanting Kronii to get harassed about who she collabs with for illegitimate reasons is now extremism?

>> No.33713465

if you brand fair criticism as harassment you are the other side of the extreme. people are allowed to not like whoever collabs with their favorite streamer regardless of their gender.

>> No.33713466

>I won't interact with them on Twitter THAT MUCH
>>makes one post on twitter
Unicorns blow up

>Collabs will not be initiated by me
>They will not be on my channel
>I will not stream my POV
>>is in one collab that is planned by Ame and it does not have her POV
Unicorns blow up

It's pretty clear why she decided to stop humoring these schizos who cannot be reasoned with.

>> No.33713525

>You are not a customer
This is incorrect.
What you meant to say is you are not a stakeholder.

>> No.33713531

I always get a kick whenever retards say "Kronii was so wishy-washy" when she already made a solid point and stood by it.

The only reason you faggots are it calling wishy-washy is because it was not the decision you wanted her to make. lol

>> No.33713653

That's why she likes Kronii, they're both shy like that and I think Kaela liked that Kronii has a deep voice like her and could still be popular.

>> No.33713659

>no male collabs because males are icky
>fair criticism
She even tried to hear people out as to why exactly this was an issue and the best she got was "I don't like it".
And from the post-worms fallout it was clear that no amount of compromise will placate the unicorns. Either you capitulate completely or you are their enemy, so she said fuck it.

>> No.33713716

That the "It takes two-collab", will never be finished.

>> No.33713733 [DELETED] 



>> No.33713736

if one side has no intentions to see to the compromise, neither has the one that actually holds the power
she was doing her parasocial fans a favor and they fucked it up isntantly

>> No.33713804

fpbp, everyone else that replied to this with their own shitty take claiming otherwise is needs psychiatric help.

>> No.33713822

She has the biggest gap moe in EN. Her membership content is the exact opposite of cold and depressed.

>> No.33713838

It's pretty hard to admit for these unicucks that they fucked themselves over. Watch as they try to backflip over this fact once again.

>> No.33713869

Going back on your word is doing a favor? How many pounds of copium are you inhaling?

>> No.33713915

I'd go back on my word too if the other party are miserable fucks like (You).

>> No.33713940

>Eslchama doesn’t want to interact with the actual replies to keep living in the bubble where everyone who disagrees with him is a psychopath.

>> No.33713947 [DELETED] 

you bring up gender when it has nothing to do with fair criticism. the males are subjected to the exact same criticism as females the are when it comes to liking content. if ollie collabed with kronii and her fans came out and said they didnt like it would they also be branded as unicorns ? thats just plain stupid.
people are allowed to have preferences for the content they like but they get easily flocked with the extreme side who make it about gender, thats the issue with the other side of the extreme.

>> No.33713994

They are doing it right now
Apparently you can't ever go back on a position you made even if the other side refuses to honor their side.
Of course this is how they deal with relationships in real life too. Force compromises and then keep pushing it until they get exactly what they want. This kind of toxicity is why they are forever alone.

>> No.33714043

How were they doing her wrong then before she collabed? Almost all Kronies were fine with her members statement, then she spat into their face

>> No.33714054

you bring up gender when it has nothing to do with fair criticism. the males are subjected to the exact same criticism as the females are when it comes to collabs and liking content. if ollie collabed with kronii and her fans came out and said they didnt like it would they also be branded as unicorns ? thats just plain stupid.
people are allowed to have preferences for the content they like but they get easily flocked with the extreme side who make it about gender, thats the issue with the other side of the extreme.

>> No.33714081

Kronies like to say that they are maidenless losers that Kronii shouldn't have taken advantage of with regards to their feelings, but also fail to be self-aware of the fact being a maidenless losers also makes you an undesirable little shit. It's a weird little self-contradiction they're trying to make here.

>> No.33714108

Idk, sounds more like how homobeggars think to me

>> No.33714184

If Ollie-anties put up as much of fight as unicorns and their argument was "I don't like Ollie" Kronii would probably double down and have twice as many collabs to spite them.
And she'd be right to.

I don't like Kromei collabs but I don't sperg out and yell at her about it. I just don't watch them if I feel like they won't be fun to watch.

The issue is that even the idea of male collabs existing is too much and Kronii is tainted by it. That sort of position is not valid or legitimate criticism. It's the product of a deranged mind and deserves no consideration.

>> No.33714276

Don't go using "almost all" like a majority of Kronies are seething over this. You are so far up /vt/'s ass you don't even know where else to look. And we're just gonna ignore and forget the Twitter blow-up of her so called "reasonable fans" after she just made one reply to a Tempus guy? lmao

>> No.33714303

Begging for collabs is as bad as sperging out against them.
Nobody collabs that much, and collabing with a specific person is usally a once a month thing if even that often outside of special events.

If you don't want to see a collab don't watch it is an argument that unicorns have no legitimate defense for.

>> No.33714327

Kronii is weird about this, she never did deliberate GFE, didn't understand why some fans were parasocial towards her, but she likes the attention and enjoys making fun of clingyronies. She wants to keep her gachikoi and parasocial fans (so people who keep attacking those fans lay-off). She just thinks, correctly, that her interracting with males isn't her problem, if you don't like it, move-on.

It would probably be better if she did something like Bae, who said any bratz who don't like male collabs can leave, while also continuing to do gfe members content, but Kronii isn't like that.

>> No.33714356

she said she won't initiate collabs, won't have it on her channel and that her interactions are fairly rare (which was a factual statement)
ONE tweet response caused a massive outcry and shitslinging to continue for most of her break, then intensify when she was announced to be in a collab that wasn't initiated by her nor on her channel

at that point she was fucking done, the line was pretty clearly drawn

>> No.33714390

When you don't understand large segments of your audience, or openly despise them, you cannot create a product that will appeal to them. Kronii and a large portion of HoloEN are about to find out that activists like you don't have any money.

Vanderbilt call you back to cancel your appointment yet?

>> No.33714392

Are you autistic? It's not some kind of "bargain", it's an explanation of fact to Kronii. Viewers don't like her interacting with males, it's shit content that will cause them to tune out. There's no compromise that will alter reality so she can have her cake and eat it too.

>> No.33714400

>If you don't want to see a collab don't watch it is an argument that unicorns have no legitimate defense for.
They do, actually. They'll just say they are mentally ill male fans whose feelings should be considered by their oshis. Oh will some please feel sorry for these lonely men!

>> No.33714473

You do realize that Hololive is an all female idol branch right? It's completely fair for fans to have expectations that the vast majority of their content will be with Hololive girls.
The problem isn't one collab, it's the current trend of weekly collabs. If she actually stuck by her statement or did it like the JPs do where they have months between collabs there wouldn't be so many issues.
What's the point of having or joining an all female branch if the plan was never to have it be a distinct entity?

>> No.33714482

>nothing happened to Mori
lol, lmao even

>> No.33714521

>large segments
And the thing is Kronii did not despise them. She was willing to hear them out and try to compromise.
But then the schizos shizoed out again as schizos do and she realized what we could have told her from the start.
There is no compromising with these people.

>> No.33714564
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she seized upon male collabs as an opportunity to be spiteful toward the people who supported her. she is despicable.

>> No.33714589

How you manage to be this confidently incorrect is baffling to me lol so we're just gonna ignore the existence of Fubuki, Towa, Matsuri, SORA HERSELF etc.? The lengths you "sane" unicorns will go through

>> No.33714617

>extrapolating from two data points
You are a retard
She considers their feelings as far as it wont be disruptive to the content she want to create.
Are her feelings being considered by these "fans"?

>> No.33714659
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And neither is there with trannies from twitter (you). Capitalism will sort this problem out in the end, don't you worry.

>> No.33714672

will you cope with the Live a Live numbers again when whenever she was playing something else or doing a drawing stream, it was back to the usual for her?

>> No.33714712

Kronii does not have to compromise with me.
I'm fine watching whatever content she likes to make.
And if I stop liking it I will leave, plenty of other streamers out there.

>> No.33714718

Are you illiterate? I addressed that point in my statement. Furthermore they make up an extremely small percentage of Holo JP, the vast majority do not acknowledge Stars at all.
40% of Holo EN are frequently involving themselves with Stars, you can't say that they're an all female group when men make up a large portion of their activity.

>> No.33714751

I see the final goalpost is: B-But us unicorns have m-money!

>> No.33714783

It's not just Kronii, it's the overall trend in EN retard.
This has been happening for weeks now.

>> No.33714811
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Wow, such dedication. In the end, it's all about consuming product and getting excited for next product, huh?

>> No.33714837

>Holostars EN debuts
>The trend of collabs with males increases inifintyfold(from 0)
Shocking development.
Why by next second we will surely have nothing but male collabs.

>> No.33714839

fpbp I yearn for the day vtubing moves beyond parasocial milking

>> No.33714849

>If you don't want to see a collab don't watch it is an argument that unicorns have no legitimate defense for.
lol reminds me of when the horse armor DLC came out and gamers lost their minds over it, meanwhile fucktards like you said
>if you dont like it dont buy it
fast forward to today and games are riddled with predatory DLC bullshit gobbled up by normies who dont give a damn if the game you liked dies or not.
obviously you shouldnt attack the talent or game devs or whoever it is but you should never be discouraged to voice your dislike of something.

its a flawed mentality promoted by people who dont give a single damn about the hobby.

>> No.33714870

Hey, not my fault your transition left you broke

>> No.33714939

Anon chuubas are content creators.
Parasocialism is fine as long as you don't delude yourself into thinking it's more than that and she's your girlfriend.
I like to imagine chuubas as my friends and this increases my enjoyment of them.
If you go farther than that you are going to have issues.

>> No.33714993

It wasn't 0 before their debut, both Bae and Mori had multiple Stars collabs. The difference was that they were actually rare. You apparently didn't even know about them.
If they wanted to have one group collab every month or so that's fine. There's been at least one collab with them a week for over a month now, that's a trend.

>> No.33714997 [DELETED] 

Agreed fellow 4chan users. These incels sure are racist too!

>> No.33715003

So, would you spend money on your friends?

>> No.33715005

Sounds like people liked the horse armor dlc
The truth is you've already lost. Gatekeeping hobbies never works anyways. The only way to gatekeep a hobby is to have it suck too much for anyone to join.

>> No.33715077

I would spend money on people who provide me with a service I enjoy.
Chuubas are just an opportunity to have a closer relationship with those content creators, and yes that closer relationship makes me want to support them more because of this thing humans have called empathy.

>> No.33715196

EN can never build any long standing tee tee stuff. Theres literally no good team or partnership in EN while JP has many like Okakoro, Micomet, Kanamari, Furepol etc and a bunch of ironlike collab teams like SMOK, Shiraken, Subachocoluna. EN members cant act in tee tee way the slightest, so they end up starting to turn back into a single normal woman even under their vtuber persona and pushing/revealing their IRL ego.

>> No.33715211

Because stars was JP so of course there would be very limited collabs.
If you are upset that someone out of a group of 4 is collabing with someone out of a group of 11 when there are on average ~60 streams a week between them to much I have some statistics courses that would help you understand this better.

>> No.33715253

She tried that with the compromise and it didn't work. We know she spent two weeks giving this a lot of thought. She talked with the girls who are against the collabs, she talked with the girls and the guys who were in favour of it and she talked with management. In the end she chose her own happiness (collabing and talking with whoever she wants) over her own financial and professional enrichment. Personally, I think that's a mistake since her VA gigs don't bring in enough money, yet. Compared to Ina and Mori who could leave tomorrow and still be fine, financially.

>> No.33715343

She made the classic mistake of of feeding the trolls. A tale as old as time.

>> No.33715346

is it really as you say? From what I see, Kronii said no solo male collab, yes to groups as compromise. Then took the break, then later on, she changed her mind.Then you guys got rude about it and send stuff like, " please graduate" or whatever. You are straight up acting like brainless anti.

If you played it smart, use this whatever reasoning, and went for a slower longer approach ( leave membership, speak about it rationally, let the heat die and people will judge it calmer) instead of forceful emotional way. You might have more leverage. It sure doesnt look like this. Ive seen some news channel report on this, there are comments that straight up admit they are just jealous of males and whatever. Emotional and irrational things.

>> No.33715366

It's not like anyone would ever agree on this imaginary line you have between an "acceptable" amount of male collabs and "too many" male collabs. So what's the point of even having such a line?

>> No.33715403

>stepped on so many land mines
Like? I haven't heard all the points people make but literally what did she even do that warrants any level of outrage.

>> No.33715458

>ESL admits to watching dramanigger vids
Just fucking nuke this board already.

>> No.33715510

Language doesn't have any bearing on frequency of collabs other than making it easier for non speakers to collab.
Just because they share a common language now doesn't mean that they should suddenly destroy Hololive culture.
You're second point is completely ridiculous too it even contains factual inaccuracies. Ignoring that EN is a group of 10 and that all of Tempus is frequently interacting with Hololive, the girls don't come close to streaming that much a week let alone individually.
About 1/3 or more of some of these girl's collabs involve Tempus now. How is that even close to being an all female group?

>> No.33715594

>Language doesn't have any bearing on frequency of collabs
You are demonstrably wrong.
Like not even close.
It's amazing how someone could be so fucking off by magnitudes.

Are you sure you don't want those statistic courses?

>> No.33715604

who cares let her burn
he who betrays he's fans deserve to be condom for all eternity

>> No.33715605 [DELETED] 

>accidentally add a word
>suddenly ESL
>accuses others of living in a bubble when claiming you aren't crazy
Kronies wrote a fanfiction of skinning Kronii alive and wearing the skin like a suit will raping other hologirls. That's not psychopathic?

>> No.33715642

you are wrong on both ends.
people did not like the horse armor dlc, it was shoved down players throat. the only reason dlc evolved into the monstrosity it is today is because people who did not care about the hobby bought into the marketing. why do you think games get replaced and left to die so quickly nowdays ?

about losing, you are also wrong because as long as games that do not have predatory dlc exist i will never feel compelled to drop video games as a hobby, thats why your mentality is flawed and why voicing your opinions on things you dont like is crucial.

>> No.33715655

Kronii ignores things too much, she has the opposite problem. She ignores problems until she's forced to address it. It's still better than Ame's passive-aggressive or troll approach, but it still needs work.

>> No.33715770

>until she's forced to address it
And then flipflops 6 times, yeah that's how you deal with this shit, lmao

>> No.33715807

There needs to be a clear distinction between them and Stars. JP achieves this by having large numbers of people that don't interact and limiting interaction for the ones that do.
Yeah it would be hard to point out a specific of days needed between collabs since there are a lot of other factors in play such as how often they collab with the other girls or stream in general.
I think that it's pretty obvious though that what is happening currently is way too much. Much like 18 is an arbitrary number to distinguish and adult at, surely there's some number of days between collabs that will do for establishing boundaries and keeping both parties distinct and separate entities.

>> No.33715825

So people who did not care about the hobby also played the hobby and then bought all the stuff for the hobby?
Do you listen to yourself?

>> No.33715887

No, these people do not listen to themselves. Although DLC sucks, I will agree with him on that.

>> No.33715928

What rule is there that says that since a language is shared you should collab a bunch?
If language was some magical thing that suddenly made collabs happen then where is the KiaraXPomu collab?
Language makes it easier, it does not make it necessary.

>> No.33716033

come on, are you saying the fans reaction is not controllable? I mean, arent you fans? Dont you want to control it and be a good fan? Its not even Kronii who start the male collab. She just joined in more or less and you guys lashed at her over it. Which you didnt have to do. Dont hide it. You have your reasons, but dont pretend its not bad.

>> No.33716064

Yes it does suck, and there has been a lot of pushback against it in the industry.
A lot of games have been determined not to have it and I believer the rise of indie games, which completely ignore it, is probably somewhat due to that.

But saying something like the people buying the DLC aren't gamers is just retarded.

>> No.33716114

Anon please stop digging this hole.
I don't want to be down there with you.

>> No.33716161

There still is a clear distinction. None of the girls have to Collab with stars if they don't want to and even tempus is clearly avoiding any of the girls who don't want to Collab with them. Stars isn't ever going to be a part of the Minecraft server, the rust server, or Holofes
> there's some number of days between collabs that will do for establishing boundaries and keeping both parties distinct and separate entities.
There isn't. No one would agree on this "number" and it ultimately wouldn't make anyone happier.

>> No.33716234

Explain your point then, why does sharing a common language necessitate collabs between Hololive and Stars?

>> No.33716241

Anon the problem with this argument is that is a compromise.
And like we all know unicorns can't do that.
It's all or nothing for these people.

>> No.33716307

Sharing a language does not necessitate collabs.
Not sharing one hinders it.
They don't collab because they both speak english but because they are both part of cover.
Meanwhile with JP they are also both part of cover but because of the language barrier collab a lot less.

Why does this need to be explained to you?

>> No.33716500

The girls that collab with the Stars have an effect on the overall image of the group. Would Niji feel like a female only group if you only watch the streams with girls in them or if some of the members don't interact with guys?
It's hard for them to feel like a cohesive female idol unit when nearly half of them are involving men in a significant part of their activity.
There's definitely a limit that would be good enough and it would be better than how things currently are going.

>> No.33716532

No, it was impossible to please all the fans. She doesn't want to lose her gachikois, but she isn't going to let them dictate who she talks to and collabs with. Some talents choose their gachikoi fans (Gura, IRyS) others choose their own interests (Bae, Mori, Ame, Fauna, Mumei), none of these girls are being held hostage by their fans. That narrative on Reddit, Twitter and the Fancords needs to die.

>> No.33716627

youre assuming that the people who played the hobby and bought all the stuff for the hobby also liked what they got.
if you blindly fall into marketing and throw all your money at a game only to find out the game actually sucks so you jump to the next big shiny game leaving the old one to die you are part of the problem, that is the definition of not caring about the hobby.
why would developers put effort into making a good game when retards preorder games and buy all the dlc before reviews are even out ?
are you seriously this dense ?

>> No.33716666

>none of these girls are being held hostage by their fans
I mean not literally but they do get harassed.
They got more than one condom fund supa about it.

>> No.33716676

You remember when she didn't want to stream her pokemon experiences when the other girls did? When she lied about showing her work on twitter with minecraft and just didn't stream it? When she kept saying she would stream more but didn't which led to the hilarious weak where the schedule had 3 days off?
I member.

>> No.33716678

That's obvious, I even said that sharing a language makes it easier. There's nothing in that point that explains why they need to collab every week though.

>> No.33716694

Girls who don't want to do male collabs.
>They're scared of their fans.
Girls who want to do male collabs
>They hate their fans
Both wrong, both crazy.

>> No.33716716

>if you blindly fall into marketing and throw all your money at a game only to find out the game actually sucks so you jump to the next big shiny game leaving the old one to die you are part of the problem
Yes but how does that make them not part of the hobby?
This is just a no true scotsman fallacy

>> No.33716788

>calling everyone who disagrees with you unicorns
"there's just no compromise, it's all or nothing for these people"
Yeah, that's all on you, tranny scum.

>> No.33716878

Nobody harasses girls about not doing collabs with males.
If they do it's much tamer and not an issue, though obviously still wrong.
I haven't seen anyone forced to go and make a statement that they won't be collabing with males because the harassment got too much for them.
Saying both sides are the same is false equivalence and a false dilemma. The majority of fans just want the girls to have fun and don't care how they do it and while "both sides" get in the way of that one is much louder and disruptive.

>> No.33716909

>But saying something like the people buying the DLC aren't gamers is just retarded.
I know; that’s where I agree with you.

>> No.33716921

That's literally the name for the position you retard.
They are unicorns by definition.

>> No.33716939

which models were made by FGO artists ?

>> No.33716989

If Nijisanji gave the males a separately named group, a separate discord, separate game servers, and separated then in corporate events, then yes they would feel separate.
There may be a limit that feels good for you. But that's just your personal feelings. People aren't going to agree on it

>> No.33717000

By your definition, everyone who disagrees with you is a unicorn, gotcha.

>> No.33717063

Just don’t collab with males.
That’s literally it

>> No.33717079

On this specific issue of if having some male collabs is okay yes.

>> No.33717154

Just don't listen to people like this anon.
That's literally it

>> No.33717171
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>> No.33717210

So, then there's no compromise, huh? It's the tranny brigade vs. the unicorns, there can be no middle ground, gotcha. You were the one moaning about there being no compromise, though, axe-wound.

>> No.33717275

please take a fucking shower

>> No.33717291

Of course it's not controllable. I can't imagine how anyone could argue otherwise. Even if you were in boot camp with punishment looking you right in the face 29 people would be on time and one dude would turn up late anyway and get the whole platoon knocked down. It's insane to expect tens of thousands to maintain perfect behavior when all it takes is ten to cause an impact. And it doesn't even have to be fans. It's trivial to falseflag and just do it 'for the lulz'.

>> No.33717335

Just don't shit where you eat, it's as easy as that. But hey, that's a completely alien concept to the western femoid brain, so here we are.

>> No.33717386

The "compromise" you want is to get everything and the other side to get nothing.
So yes, with you there is no compromise, there was never a point.

>> No.33717388

Just imagine you need to tell the management that holobronies are bunch of fucking weirdos that disrespect me and cant handled it herself. You don't need to add more enemies than you have kek.

>> No.33717440

>cause them to tune out
Kronii probably wouldn't have minded if that's all they did, but they don't. They call her a liar, a whore, a tranny, call for her graduation, attack anybody who interacts with her, and push rrats that everybody hates her because of the above. Pretty much the same playbook as the chinks, funnily enough. Kronii is already a depressed fuck at the best of times, she doesn't need you faggots making her life even more miserable.

>> No.33717476 [DELETED] 

Kys roastie

>> No.33717483

This. As a former Pomudachi I understand how it feels when your oshi changes her content and vibe. You really need no validation other than "I no longer enjoy her content".

>> No.33717541
File: 1.84 MB, 320x240, 9RJUhK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you'll join me, sweetcheeks

>> No.33717542

get a grip chudcel

>> No.33717544

but pomu hasn't changed her content

>> No.33717563

As long as you don't turn into an anti, that's fine.

>> No.33717590
File: 162 KB, 1024x923, Distain For The Mentally Retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe this isn't a falseflag, You can't lack self awareness to this extent.
You cannot talk about Antifa mislabelling people in the same fucking sentence that you call them faggots and trannys and tell them to leave your community.

>> No.33717599

But we already had everything, until your side decided to swoop in and make a mess of things, sweetie. YOU are the invaders here.

>> No.33717626

Separate group names mean nothing when it's just a name, it's actions that will actually color perception. A name just gives a description of what to expect such as "Female only".
Separate discord does not matter to the viewer since that's more on the planning and managerial side, the audience doesn't see that and it's also not like there aren't other server that they do interact on so this is a pointless distinction.
Separate game servers only motivate more in group interaction while they are playing the game. It ultimately isn't much different than saying that this collab will only involve females. It really doesn't matter if there are separate servers if they do a bunch of male collabs anyway because it's what their actual content is that will effect their image.
Corporate events are few and far between and if they interact frequently the rest of the time, a separate concert will essentially just be a superficial distinction.
The only way for them to actual feel like a female only group is for them to essentially be a female only group in terms of their activity.
If the vast majority of their activity involves females they will achieve this even if some of them collab with males since it will be an insignificant part of their overall activity.

>> No.33717707

literally Kronii of all people saving vtubing, I'll take it though

>> No.33717730

Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.33717775

>Implying she didn't understand the idol culture before joining hololive
Fuck off retard

>> No.33717830

would you
i mean the fat grease smell you are oozing from your landwhale fats is stinky

>> No.33717850

fpbp, everyone disagreeing is mentally ill

>> No.33717907

All I'm getting from this is that you aren't personally satisfied with the distinction that's made between Hololive and Holostars. You're entitled to that, but there is clearly a distinction.
I'm sorry that Hololive can't pander perfectly to your preferences anon.

>> No.33717910

Understanding it and living it are two different things.

>> No.33717958

You surely must realize with every statement like this, you're pretty much admitting that the harassers are eventually going to 'win', right?

>> No.33717959

Hey, you're the ones stirring up shit here, now you're acting like we just gotta shut up and take it? That ain't how things work, sugartits. Remember where you are and who you are attacking, you have no bargaining chips here. This ain't your hugbox where we care about your precious feelings.

>> No.33718019

what does that have to do with what i said ? you can be part of the hobby and also not care about it, thats literally what bandwagoning is. those kind of people abuse the exact same flawed mentality as you and make the hobby worse for others by attacking players voicing their dislikes and gobbling up any type of bullshit thrown at them, actively contributing to games being a constant release of replaceable broken shit.

>> No.33718160

Quite a step down from "You are not comprising with us"

>> No.33718182

Yes and they and management dealt with it. I trust these girls to handle any problems thrown their way. Fans need to stop thinking they're helping the girls when the girls never asked for the help.

>> No.33718250

Because all of that is just your opinion.
And like I said you can't have a hobby that's not diluted by casuals unless your hobby sucks.
You can rail against the dying of the light and that's your choice but you will end up in the same place.

>> No.33718321

You don't see collab begging as harassment, even when it's already against the rules to bring up other VTubers in chat or SC.

The people who you don't like are better at behaving and following the community guidelines.

>> No.33718333

The issue with what you're saying is that you're trying to take the position that if a wall is painted 51% blue and 49% red that the wall is distinctly blue.
Most people would consider the wall to be a mix of colors, however if there was a small splash of red on a wall that was 99% blue most people would agree that it is blue.
You're hiding behind subjectivity in order to defend the current state of things but that's dishonest because that could be used to like in my example.

>> No.33718402
File: 401 KB, 784x749, pekored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but please stop pretending like the two reasons everyone's been clinging to haven't been either
>"this is an idol company and collabs with males aren't part of idol culture"
>"I like CGDCT and guys disrupt that"
both have everything to do with gender. it was never about "fair criticism" especially since Tempus have hardly done anything worth the outrage for people to hate the idea of collabing with them, otherwise.

>> No.33718418

false, people not falling to the "if you dont like it dont play it" bullshit mentality is the reason why there are still games nowdays that are not all predatory dlc crap.
if gamers actually followed your flawed mentality then all games would be pay to win lootbox bullshit like how battlefront 2 was on release

>> No.33718468

I know I'm on 4chan, I know I can say whatever the fuck I want on 4chan and no one will stop me, so I would like to say that if you really want to stop male collabs forever you should livestream your suicide and blame your Oshi in the note. At least that way you'll actually be doing something and not just shitposting into the void along with every other person on this site.

>> No.33718517

I said I don't see collab begging, not that it's not harassment.
As far as I can tell the "homobeggars" are just a bogeyman that unicorns created to seem more sane.

>> No.33718534

That was your argument from the start, and here we are. Demanding a compromise will never get you one. Your woke horseshit will never amount to everything, it's time to realize that.

>> No.33718574

I'm not the one blanketly covering a large group as "not gamers". Both people that don't care and buy DLC and those that avoid it exist.
Both are real.

>> No.33718725 [DELETED] 

you are absolutely the one doing that because saying that someone does not care about gaming is not the same as saying they are not gamers.
i explained the difference multiple times now.

>> No.33718740

From my point of view, you're seeing a wall that's 90% blue and arguing that it's not blue enough, because obviously everyone expected it should have been 95% blue.

>> No.33718745

Hey, I'm shitposting with you, aren't I. That's a shame, I was starting to think we had a little connection here, awww...

Oh, and your parents will use your birth name on your gravestone when you commit anhero, freak.

>> No.33718879

Just unsubscribe to her and move on. Bitching about it weeks later makes you look like a clown and you only serve to help a certain discord get off on your tears.

>> No.33719024

Its so telling that the poster crying about muh crazy insane unicorns can't help but bring up how upset he is about age of consent laws. Homobeggars and Twitter tranniggers are groomers.

>> No.33719129
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You honestly think all the drama will go away if we just unsub? Not a chance. The clock messed with the bull (kek) and now she gonna get the horns. The internet doesn't forget.

>> No.33719219

If I hired people to paint a wall blue and only 90% was blue, isn't that a fair complaint?
Hololive markets itself as a female only idol group whether they're considered actual idols or not people still want to support them as if they are.
For fans that valued that idol group image, this is like a slap in the face. Complete whiplash from a handful of male collabs spread out over months to suddenly a bunch of group and 1 on 1 collabs every week.
Maybe a better comparison would be like if you got a blue wall that you liked because it was blue but then someone showed up and painted a big red stripe on it.

>> No.33719344 [DELETED] 

>Just build your own social media
>Just build your own payment processors
>Just build your own banks
>Just homeschool your kids
>Just build your own businesses
>Just build your own country
No I will not run away I will stand and fight against the child molester trannies with male pattern baldness

>> No.33719463

Okay but you're losing.

>> No.33719474

you are absolutely the one doing that. saying that someone does not care about gaming is not the same as saying they are not gamers.
all you do is keep clinging to strawmans since you have no counter to why your mentality that you thought "has no counter" is flawed, you even agreed that dlc sucks and it just proves my point.

>> No.33719513

Of course leaving would be the best solution, but sometime to you just want to look for a reason as to why someone would do this just to give yourself some peace of mind.

>> No.33719590 [DELETED] 

Are you talk to me or to the trannies losing to male pattern hair loss? Or about their general fight against the reality that they will never be a woman?

>> No.33719628

People keep talking about how irrational the 'unicorn' side is. That cuts the other way. They will literally keep going even if it actually ruins their life. The FBK antis have been going for more than a YEAR at this point.
This is partly why people warned against the shitstorm that comes with male collabs. You know that saying, 'war does not determine who is right, only who is left?' The only way to 'win' is to ignore them like everyone has been asking Kronii to from the start, but she did the equivalent of slicing her palm open in shark-infested waters instead. Now she's going to be stuck with the equivalent of hostile PR teams working overtime to twist anything to bring her down.

>> No.33719629

No point fighting, she revealed herself to be trahs, even if she backs down I would never forgive her, I rather hand around with people who lie a lot than people who pretend to be honest and speak from both sides of their mouths.
She will never see me again.

>> No.33719647

Anon you have a lot of pent up anger.
Do you sometimes wonder what life would have been like if you were a woman?
It's okay to have these feelings, it does not mean you are not a man.

>> No.33719710


Losing is fun!
Also you gotta draw a line somewhere or you stand for nothing.

>> No.33719739

FBK anti are literally funded by CCP, it's not comparable.

>> No.33719825

Okay these metaphors are getting pretty nonsensical
The concept of a "girls only idol group" means different things to different people. And I don't really believe it was even ever marketed as such. It's more like a "girl focused idol group". Not a blue wall, anyway
I'd like to point out that when the males joined Nijisanji EN, they were all forced to gather into the same discord server and made to do group collabs with each other. That's the difference between Nijisanji and Hololive. Sorry, of you're not satisfied with that

>> No.33719880

Nah but I bet troons wonder that every day lol

>> No.33719903

Quite a few of them were arrested by the CCP after a few months. They're literally violating their laws and risking arrest now to run wheelbarrows. It might be a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, but the danger they're facing in pursuing their obsession is very real.

>> No.33720170

Yes anon, that's what being trans means.

>> No.33720288

Oh also, I forgot to point out that you were the one arguing on the first place that it's okay for "the wall" to be a little bit "red". As in, the little interaction that JP have with the stars is okay.

>> No.33720385

I don’t think anyone would be confused by what “female only” means, that’s pretty clear. Idol is the only word that would generate different opinions but the details are pretty much irrelevant when people want to support them in a similar way.
Hololive has always been a female only group, the idol part is sometimes there but other times it says entertainment group. The idol imagery has been with them for a long time.
It was completely fair to expect them to be like JP since they had set the tone a long time before EN.

>> No.33720485
File: 419 KB, 900x1164, 2012-02-29-Job-Decryption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this entire situation can be summarized by editing Kronii into this comic

>> No.33720700
File: 1.09 MB, 1500x1146, 1651715885771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shark-infested waters

>> No.33720701 [DELETED] 

demonizing people who simply do not like certain collabs regardless of gender as extremists is how you end up turning reasonable people into actual extremists.
those two reasons you listed are irrelevant because you would be branded as a unicorn even if you didnt like a collab regardless of those reasons. all you do is instantly assume the worst and promote toxic positivity, making people with reasonable concerns either be afraid to share them or take an extreme stance since they'll be branded as extremists anyways.

>> No.33720720

It is fine, the way JPs do it the red would just be a small speck and easily ignored.
It’s a lot harder to ignore a stripe running down the wall.
You’re not going to tell me that EN and JP are similar in their male interactions are you?

>> No.33720845

demonizing people who simply do not like certain collabs regardless of gender as extremists is how you end up turning normal people into actual extremists.
those two reasons you listed are irrelevant because you would be branded as a unicorn even if you didnt like a collab regardless of those reasons just because someone in the collab happens to have the opposite gender.
all you do is instantly assume the worst and promote toxic positivity, making people with reasonable concerns either be afraid to share them or take an extreme stance since they'll be branded as extremists anyways.

>> No.33720859

Is pretty clear to me that a "female only idol group" is an idol group that is only females. If this group does stuff with males, they're still a group of only females. It didn't do anything to change the group. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt by saying it was interpretable. Because you seem to think that them interacting with males somehow makes their group not female only anymore.

>> No.33720956

The problem here, that I keep bringing up, is that no one is going to agree with you on what constitutes a speck or a line.

>> No.33721100

That wasn't it though, management had to take a side on this especially after they bonked Kronii for a week. The other issue is by management coming out like this, they're making things worse for the other girls who don't want these collabs.

>> No.33721235

I pretty agree that both sides have retards just like this one >>33718517 But how many of these faggots actually watch her? She is by no means the most popular and yet a shitload of people are throwing tantrums about how much the other side is evil. Most of these "people" are just using her to shit on people they don't like.

>> No.33721243

You’re so mad you didn’t even understand my comment, I said almost all were fine with her members statement,

>> No.33721322

But that's Mori and I'm sure someone already made an edit of that.

>> No.33721345

You’re arguing that they were created as a female only idol group, which it true that is what they are marketed as and what people can expect.
At the end of the day that’s just a label, if I created a “female only” sports team and brought some men as guest players and let them play in games do you think people would accept it?
I could argue that most of the players are female and the guys aren’t even technically part of the team and I even registered it as a female team.

>> No.33721357

Are they really separate groups if they are constantly doing shit together and involving each other into their big events though?

>> No.33721465

So does that mean the moment your friends do stuff you don’t like you move on and drop them? Doesn’t seem like much of a solid friendship to me.

>> No.33721469

The magnitude is clearly different though surely you could agree to that?
JP’s impact would be much less on the JP wall than EN’s impact is on the EN wall.

>> No.33721554

Apparently you accepted it when some men were brought in as guest players onto the Japanese "female only sports team*. Maybe you should stop using metaphors that don't even fit your interpretation.

>> No.33721589

It's only different because EN has a smaller wall

>> No.33721673

Yeah and if you’re as pathetic as you make yourself out to be, then go ahead and use that strawman argument as a figurehead against all critics of Kronii, you probably already do

>> No.33721732

I can guarantee you that I have watched more Kronii than that anon you mentioned

>> No.33721840

Faggot and tranny are regular vocabulary here, touristchama. It has absolutely no weight, the argument the anon was making wasn’t about buzzwords, it was about the content of the post he was addressing

>> No.33721963

I don’t think there’s ever going to be a perfect metaphor that fits this exact situation, it the general theme that matters and collabs in JP are insignificant in the grand scheme of things which leads to
Exactly which makes the red mark stand out all the more.

>> No.33722115

I don't care about male collabs, I don't even watch Kronii anyway.
I just think she is fucking stupid for addressing this bullshit this much. I think it is even more stupid that the holopro twitter account chimed in about it.
Twitter-brained dumbasses. Are they born yesterday? It is like they don't know how the internet works.

>> No.33722139

Well, nobody will feel sorry for you certainly if you’re like this in real life

>> No.33722249

Same faggot poster btw

>> No.33722307

And like you say, it doesn't make them any less of a man.

>> No.33722608

You say that a hobby will always be invested by normies, so why is it so hard for you to understand that DLCs are boight by people who don’t really care? That’s the definition of a normie, they’re a casual audience who have games at most as a side thought in their heads. They don’t care, they buy a 60 dollar release, maybe they actually pay 90 with DLCs because of a shiny steelbook cover case or something and then keep this trend alive without having any knowledge or concern about the bigger picture.
Do you understand? When we talk about gamers we don’t just mean anyone who has ever played a videogame, that will be the majority of people in the west at least. No, gamers is usually a term for those actually invested and following gaming culture on top of playing a lot. So when we say these people aren’t gamers, that’s what we mean.
If every gamestudio closed tomorrow they wouldn’t care, they’d just watch Netflix.

>> No.33722677

>>33722608 (me)
Fuck me

>> No.33722718
File: 860 KB, 300x187, maestro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33722864

No one who wants.a blue wall would be satisfied with any amount of red on it. The metaphor does kind of help to emphasize how ridiculous your argument is

>> No.33722934

She will be the next to graduate and it will be because of HolostarsEN.

>> No.33723730

If it's a small insignificant speck, they might not be happy about it but they're not going to raise hell over something almost no one will notice.
What's ridiculous is your refusal to acknowledge something that should be intuitive. Even in subjectivity there are still degrees and shades. The more thing A becomes not thing A, the less people will consider thing A as being thing A.
A hardline no collabs would obviously be ideal but if they're willing to follow JP that is good enough.
JP's way of handling these collabs can be the arbitrary limit that they should follow.

>> No.33724211

I phrased part of this poorly, I should have said that even in subjectivity there are hard cutoffs. Past a certain point thing A will not be seen as thing A at all.

>> No.33724293 [DELETED] 

I feel like she always wanted to collab with males because she's non-binary and sees them as xem bros or something but got scared of the negative reactions because she's also a weak minded sensitive menhera, I would even go further and say she was always AFFRAID of her/hololive fanbase and us 4channers in particular because we vote for Trump and kill trannies or some shit, her irl friends are all NPCs that think freedom of speech leads to genocide. She was never open with us and didn't bother to really get to know her fanbase either, why do you think she barely streams? She's affraid of doing or saying something that might cause backlash and now that she's the center of a little controversy of her own she's scared shittles that's why she begged management for that useless statement. But she's also a Western woman so she can't just back down, her actual irl friends probably told her not to give in to the "incels" so she continues to stir the pot while shitting her diaper, I predict another menhera break in a week from now and then she's on the same way as Sana.

>> No.33724347

Pre and post Luxiem.

>> No.33724543 [SPOILER] 

Anon, if you use 4chan you're a faggot if you're a raider from outside 4chan than you're a tranny. It's old 4chan lingo and accuracy isn't relevant.

>> No.33724881

Kys roastie

>> No.33725222

How? VTubing is doing perfectly fine in JP it's still growing over there.
Kronii's actions have no influence in that market, she's already one the lowest EN's (surprisingly Kiara and IRyS are at the bottom). Also, she isn't interested in culture change like Mori and Ame. Honestly, if it wasn't for Kronii hitting it off with Vesper, I still believe she'd still be in the no boys club with the rest of her friends.

>> No.33726001

So, we have to make the hobby shitty.
Double down on the stuff the normies find repulsive.

>> No.33726425

who branded them whores? a bunch of text on a martian alien taxidermy forum?

>> No.33726446

shipping and commissioning/drawing smut of holoen x tempus will create a very awkward situation for the girls. it wont be that hard.

>> No.33726700
File: 700 KB, 1046x521, I'm sorry, I'll contact the manager. wait, that's me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loyal customers, please, I just work here...

>> No.33726707

Most people didn't have any issues with JP Holostars. ENStars is trying to force NijisanjiEN on us which probably half the girls and half the fans don't want.

>> No.33727054

No, there was a troll account that was made just for sending and asking Kronii to collab with Vesper, the account was deleted after. Kiara and Fauna get at least one collab begging SC every stream now, since they were the two chuubas who came out the strongest against male collabs. People are butthurt that there are girls who are on the side of the parasocial fans. Mumei gets them too, but just ignores them and doesn't address it. I can't speak for the other girls that I rarely watch.

>> No.33727335

If she was like BAE hungry for homo-dick from the start people wouldn't get invested in her as they did, we would shit on her of course because this shit doesn't fit well with hololive at all but it wouldn't be exactly a drama as there was no drama when resident whores collabed.

>> No.33727448

It's ok to be sad as long as they aren't bothering other people it's ok.

>> No.33727773 [DELETED] 

>It's about treating well viewers.
I want seajoggers to go and stay go.

>> No.33728282

No, staying silent makes it worse, otherwise it'd look like they didn't support what Kronii is doing which would look really bad. I just wish they also supported the girls who don't want them.

>> No.33728601

I mean she culled her fanbase of hardcore hololive fans to the point only total yesmen simps remained that care only about her, doxbeats and twitch tourist /morig/ this days reads like /VSH+/ or something with similar retarded tourist takes, Mori killed a lot of her old fanbase with the last menhera attack and pivot towars this cringy roommate shit, she's barely a hololive member at this point.
