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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33698311 No.33698311 [Reply] [Original]

Is this summary by a JP bro accurate?

>> No.33698429


>> No.33698458


>> No.33698489 [DELETED] 

Ina Ina Ina...takokeks not like this

>> No.33698505
File: 469 KB, 1200x1800, 1200px-AUT_vs._WAL_2016-10-06_(155).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The rat looks different here...

>> No.33698513

The fuck? Someone posted that here in English then some JP anon translated it to Japanese and now you're translating it back to English

>> No.33698514

>EN Fubuki

This wench is not even close to perfection that is Fubuki. Maybe in next life.

>> No.33698536

just something made up to distract the public from PEKORA MONKEY

>> No.33698548

I need rat golf stream now

>> No.33698554

>cronie (male)
What did he mean by this?

>> No.33698555

bae's summary is so funny

>> No.33698562

Yes. What's the context? Are the JP willing to support the true idols of HoloEN or are they only going to mock the western decadence?

>> No.33698573

It is what it is

>> No.33698575

Well she did say she was genderfluid.

>> No.33698582

>Wants to join their TTRPG
Why doesnt that fat slag finish the one with her fucking genmates first?

>> No.33698590

The monkey died, man

>> No.33698625

Her only motivation to stream these days is to push homo collabs and spite what she perceives as her enemies. TTRPG with Myth? Boring because it doesn't annoy incels. TTRPG with the homos? Now we're cooking

>> No.33698746

Anyone who doesn't like her will actively not watch her so I don't see how that's a sound gameplan in the slightest. It just seems like between them and her Shit Taste buddies that she's cruising for cock. She's got yellow fever so are any of the Tempus members asian?

>> No.33698857

This comparison is only drawn to get across the idea that both of them want to be friendly with the Stars.

>> No.33698879

>so are any of the Tempus members asian?
Magni and Altare, but they both hate white people

>> No.33698932

IRyS won't betray

>> No.33698948

This is literally just a /vt/ shitpost translated to Japanese

>> No.33698991

>perfection that is Fubuki
If you can get through the mangled auto-translation, you'll find out that the nips generally aren't really fond of fubuki

>> No.33699034

Why? She seems pretty innocuous and in the West she's really well liked

>> No.33699035

Good to know their catalog is burning over there. Now the rest of you go support your oshi instead of doing stupid shit like this.

>> No.33699038

And for good reasons.

>> No.33699045

The obsession with male collabs happening or not makes me think /vt/ has a cuck/NTR fetish.

>> No.33699057

no fetish just trauma

>> No.33699097

it means he's a cronie jabronie

>> No.33699116

Doubt it. Otherwise it wouldn't be so rent free in their heads.

>> No.33699125

I don't want to go through the headache of auto-translation again, but it generally boils down to fubuki selection of games and some interactions with stars

>> No.33699171

Maybe both.

>> No.33699197

at this point it's impossible for it not to be in my head just because i choose to continue browsing this board.

>> No.33699208

>ruins vtubing by introducing it to the west via meme videos
>doesn't do anything with her new found popularity
>collabs with men on a regular basis
Plenty of reason to dislike her.

>> No.33699207

If Bae has a thing for ojisan i will start watching her.

>> No.33699243

It's like having dogs shitting on public pavements. You don't need to have a defecation fetish to be annoyed with it.

>> No.33699279

at this point EN's bullshit is getting so aggrieved it's hard for me to see this as anything but relatively professional. she already sets boundaries with her audience, right? and she's like a company spokesperson. i think it makes sense for her

>> No.33699296

You're not gonna get much support if you scream and bitch about to every passerby though.

>> No.33699331

>cronie (male)
sometimes hes male

>> No.33699332


>> No.33699345

While on our side it's easy to see that as a positive it always makes her a big focal point for hate because she's becomes the "face" of cover and all their retarded decisions, which since it's cover is a lot of retarded decisions and hypocrisy.

>> No.33699376

which board is this? I haven't had 5ch streaming/youtube board working in a while

>> No.33699383

if you're actively searching for dogs pooping on the sidewalk just to complain about, it is indeed a scat fetish

>> No.33699422

You are right. I'm talking about the cause of the problem, not the solution.

>> No.33699445

when a thread is gone from where it usually is, I just use the external thread content (not title) searcher to see where it migrated to.

>> No.33699477

Mumei collabed with males.
It's true that Kronii hates her audience but she also wants to collab with males anyways so it's not just revenge.

>> No.33699489

If only that was the case. I used to watch HoloEN that was pure like a sky and now it's full of shit.

>> No.33699495
File: 260 KB, 381x381, Bae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baelz: I like old men, I want to date old men
Boys... I'm in.

>> No.33699508

No no, don't drag the other girls into a shitty TTRPG. She can go collab with the Homos all she wants.

>> No.33699514

yeah but you have to share.

>> No.33699527

Thankfully, she will never be a man and is cursed to always be a woman.

>> No.33699555

It does make sense for her and she is well-liked in general. Remember these boards are not really representative of the fanbases at large.

>> No.33699556

>No no, don't drag the other girls into a shitty TTRPG.
She already did and it fizzled out because Mori can only ever halfass things without a manager whipping her enormous ham ass

>> No.33699569

Daph explained herself, she did nothing wrong.

>> No.33699576

>going to

>> No.33699578

>Mumei collabed with males
Only once, and she barely spoke to any of them. Ever since then, she has shown zero interest in doing anything involving males.

>> No.33699593

The way I see, the problem with make collabs is, at least for me, that you're giving the guys an impossible task.
These girls are military grade cockteases, they literally weaponized their cuteness and make a living of it.
You can't expect a male to be interacting with that on the regular and not get swayed by his dick. Heck, I want to fuck most of the girls and I never even spoke directly to them.
Some viewers are afraid that soon or later the hormones will take over and create drama and tension.

>> No.33699603
File: 288 KB, 512x512, 1634573407824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to watch HoloEN that was pure like a sky

>> No.33699605

Bae gets the blame for that.

>> No.33699631

If that's the case. Why did she agree?

>> No.33699635

I don't care if she did nothing or solved the Jewish question, she is a w*man and therefore bad news

>> No.33699664

Fucking kek. Her explanation was pretending that she didn't understand any of the words she and the people in the discussion were using, it was the most ridiculous bs I've ever heard.

>> No.33699683

I dont blame the men.
Any man would agree to a woman asking him out.
It's the woman's fault for being a slut and not keeping her boundaries up.

>> No.33699756

How would I know? You should ask her. My guess is that Bae asked her to, and she accepted because she got something in return.

>> No.33699874

I went out to touch grass for a couple of days. Suddenly I don't care anymore. Its a fucking miracle.

>> No.33699956

Mori should stay the fuck out of any Tempus ttrpg.
Fuck off.
The boys will run a consistent and actually FUN campaign and don't need her, especially her, or any other dead weight unfunny vaginas dragging it down because that's what they do.
Girls cannot into this stuff, no matter what the troons at wizards of the coast or whoever the fuck they are these days says or dictates.

>> No.33699967

she likes bae
she likes drawing
she wanted to collab with anyone from JP or other branches at the time but she was too shy to ask

>> No.33699984

But they won't.
And just like every campaign ever, the moment a girl gets involved it WILL go to shit.

>> No.33700003

If by nips you mean 10 schizos on a message board, yeah

>> No.33700039

>Daph explained herself, she did nothing wrong.
Go back to her discord you cocksucking whiteknight.
She didn't answer for shit and just passed responsibility off like every other woman when caught red handed.

>> No.33700040 [DELETED] 

>virgin kissless chink doesn't understand EN but needs to talk about it anyway

>> No.33700080

Anything you see that supposedly came from 2ch always came from here first.

>> No.33700121

Fubuki'a JP numbers are dropping. She's only being saved because of SEA/EN

>> No.33700157
File: 154 KB, 354x347, based_peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't need her, especially her, or any other dead weight unfunny vaginas dragging it down
Holy based

>> No.33700161

Can she just not be shit for 5seconds?
>I am mori
>therefore I must ruin not only holoEN's but ALSO starsEN's fun.
I want to watch 4 guys geeking out in a campaign without having to hold back because some stupid bitch is playing along with them.
Think guys ruin girls' dynamics?
The same happens in the converse: add girls to a group of guys and it all becomes SHIT.

>> No.33700168

>literally copied from the # numbers thread /here/
like a mirror.

>> No.33700253
File: 59 KB, 687x515, 0CED6CDC-F7EA-4871-A6EA-69FF4F2E00FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pure imaginary waifus have been sullied by the English language
Christ you people need to get a fucking grip. You sound like a 40 year old warhammer player when a girl walks in to the game store.

>> No.33700294

So why aren't you shwoing the homobeggars the door like the gfe-enjoyers do?
Tempus has been losing steam ever since the collab ban dropped (but probably also before it)
No sane fan wants the cringe reaper shitting up their entertainment.
Just keep the boys and the girls seperate. Nothing, NOTHING of value is lost that way and good things are preserved.

>> No.33700296
File: 116 KB, 1140x874, E40B80FE-AE22-4E76-BB0B-D13228E9DA6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruin fun
In what way?

>> No.33700300

why would you say you people when half the thread talks about how they like her...

>> No.33700311

Unicorns are scrapping the bottom of the barrel now. Message was originally written here in English then translated into japanese to bait them then translated back to english from a broken translation and spreading this as any type of recent news KEK.

>> No.33700346

JP stars also have weak numbers in comparison to the JP girls.

>> No.33700361

In mixed collabs no one wins.

>> No.33700404

You get what you fucking deserve homobeggers.

>> No.33700417

The same language is used regardless of who it is
>this girl made tubing popular so she should get the rope for ruining it

>> No.33700426

>So why aren't you shwoing the homobeggars the door like the gfe-enjoyers do?
The posters in /mans/ and basically all their viewers that aren't leddit clipwatchers or twitter troonery that doesn't even watch clips would prefer the guys to be separate, and if they don't they'll soon find out why it's better.
Guys cannot go all out if there's a stupid hole tagging along with them.
No exceptions.

>> No.33700458

>hate the boys
>hate women
Anon I'm starting to wonder if you like anything

>> No.33700491

Don't confuse actual Stars-enjoyers with westoid twitter and reddit faggotry that don't even watch streams.

>> No.33700493

>This is the "hi, we are 4chan" part of the story.
KEK history is repeating.

>> No.33700541

I like the boys, at least 2 of them.
I like the girls, if only a few of the EN ones.
I do not like them being mashed together because the quality of the the entertainment diminishes on both sides.

>> No.33700560

True. Somebody was discussing in /hlgg/ the other day, Ollie was actually kind of cute and entertaining in Gura's collab. Then in her Tempus collabs, she says fucking uncouth shit and tries to act like a horny guy. It's fucking weird and just makes me wish those collabs had her replaced with a man.

Kobo is kind of whatever since she acts like a child, but Mori is also a entertainment vacuum. The worms collab was fine though, at least the first round was.

>> No.33700606

>hate the boys
>hate women
he hates kronii then

>> No.33700614

Yeah I mean... the reason male collabs kind of suck to watch is because it's like being forced to watch a mixer or a frat party as a fly on the wall. Except it's even worse because the girls are somehow all thirstier and more desperate than the guys, so you can just watch pretty average charisma dudes mop up and have them laughing hysterically

>> No.33700632

Why the japs be writing like a summary for a light novel lmao

>> No.33700635

That doesn't make her a male. She's still female, whatever she thinks of herself as.

>> No.33700645

To add a little to this, the girls then also make complete fools of themselves and act so thirsty and wet it ruins any impression you had of them

>> No.33700744

>Then in her Tempus collabs, she says fucking uncouth shit and tries to act like a horny guy.
And guess what? The guys, who are all too aware of their situation, then have to tiptoe over eggshells thus hampering their output.
Nobody wins in these collabs.
No one.

>> No.33700762
File: 249 KB, 635x600, fubuki yearbook quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite ironically, this just goes to show that Ame is indeed EN Fubuki. The Nips love Ame, along with most of the vtuber community, all while schizos on 4chan hate her. In the same way Fubuki is generally well beloved both in Japan and abroad, except for Nip schizos on 2/5ch who hate her. Both carry their respective gens on their backs.

>> No.33700813

Truly, civil war is upon us.

>> No.33700815

> Except it's even worse because the girls are somehow all thirstier and more desperate than the guys
And the guys have to hold back, they'll do it subconsciously, and have to be careful about what they say where the girls mouth off any shit that comes to their thirst-giddy minds at the time.
I've seen this shit too much on screen and irl to know what happens: it all becomes shit.

>> No.33700861

The worms collab was inoffensive - boring even, aside from the sports commentary. It's not that they're inherently bad collabs, but I think vs. collabs or something with a good concept would be preferable over plonking down a man or woman into a group for a game and throwing off the group dynamic.

>> No.33700956

oh look, its the schitzo who posted his anti male vt bullshit here in english, used google translate to turn it into japanese, posted it on 2ch and 5ch himself, got little to no traction, used google translate to translate it back into english to give it that "authentic" look then posted it here again and said "look what the jp said!"

NO ONE CARES, all of 50 people have even posted in this thread. give it up.

>> No.33700970

Every time I've looked at /mans/ they all say they don't care about collabs with the EN girls at all. I've never seen any sentiment that indicates they're against collabs, on the contrary they always seem very happy they're shitting up Hololive for the people who enjoy it.

>> No.33701009

this is called negative bias confirmation

>> No.33701035


>> No.33701133

I'm telling you my experience

>> No.33701237

>on the contrary they always seem very happy they're shitting up Hololive for the people who enjoy it.
The only posts I've seen doing that are tourists shitting up the thread like they shit up the board in general.

>> No.33701272

there's already been 10 threads on this fag
go back

>> No.33701341

I think there's very few people with that mindset, because aside from the few collabs with Vesper, most of the coed collabs have been either awkward or not as entertaining overall.

>> No.33701357

>Ame wants to be EN Fubuki


>> No.33701400

They were never against collabs but haven't voiced any opinion on pro/Anti-Collab. Their sole purpose is to see them grow and enjoy their streams. Only ones stirring up shit are actual homobeggars and """"""unicorns"""""" trying to drag the general into their feud.

>> No.33701499
File: 357 KB, 1455x1653, FA8axABWQAAQrd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally for same reason as Ame, lol. People will try to argue differently, but Ame and Fubuki really does have a lot in common. I remember they were getting compared a lot even before StarsEN debuted, so it goes beyond just being Stars friendly.

>> No.33701504

people saying nips are right when fbk actually supports her friends while ame said fuck you to her most popular ship

>> No.33701560

you know nips make stupid rrats about fubuki hating matsuri because they don't collab as often anymore that get blown the fuck out whenever they do stream together, right?

>> No.33701589

No, the JP anon is right, she try to be EN FBK, but unlike FBK she doesn't have the position to pull people in, Ame isn't anywhere as significant as you make her out to be.

>> No.33701601

>you'll find out that the nips generally aren't really fond of fubuki
>Her huge audience is literally only JOP
>EOP nigga as always with the most retarded takes
>Thinking the couple of people on an internet forum is the voice of the people
Every time.

>> No.33701625

JP schizos think Fubuki hates her own gen, anon.

>> No.33701631


As you can see here, someone posted a summary someone made here originally over there and OP decided to TL and screenshot it and frame it as something THEY made up

Extreme desperation basically

>> No.33701675

The post you quoted literally says he got it from 5ch...

>> No.33701679
File: 241 KB, 533x384, 1660328129549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're informing the jps of the current situation in EN?
Based honestly

>> No.33701695

anon, i don't think you understand just how respected Ame is in other Hololive EN circles. it isn't just /vt/ that calls her the leader of EN.

>> No.33701698

You could say the same for Ame desu. A couple of schizos on 4chan is not representative to the english speaking community as a whole.

>> No.33701785

This dates even further back and was changed up a bit as you can see

>> No.33701826

Maybe. But I was mostly talking about how their respective fans and antis treat them, which is remarkably the same but flipped in nationality. Ame is still frightfully popular in Japan; she has her fair share of goslings over there too, they just don't post here.

>> No.33702013
File: 78 KB, 703x450, 1661223699264183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You underestimate just how much pull Ame have in the EN circle. Ame always helping everyone behind the scene which in return build up a lot of good will from everyone.

>> No.33702127

fuck you
you get sheriff mori voice role playing as adam sandler

>> No.33702177

just gonna take a moment to say TTRPGs are absolute shit and cancer.

>> No.33702296

Wasn't always the case. But now that /tg/ stands for /tranniesgeneral/ rather than /traditionalgames/, yes I agree with you.

>> No.33702308

can someone explain to me why TTRPGs became so explosively popular with the woke crowd all of a sudden?

>> No.33702326
File: 991 KB, 887x834, sleep easy detective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the Myth girls are proactive leader types, except maybe Kiara on her best day, and even then she's still an annoying social climbing strumpet.
Ame falls into the leadership role by default for being the only non-fanstastical member of gen (pre-time travel which was always shoehorned in), hosting most of their most significant collabs (Debut, 3D Gen Anniversaries, the first EN off-collab), and being the technical backbone of the team since day one.
If you're not already kneeling to the queen of EN, do so immediately.

>> No.33702365

ame is about as much of a leader as the articles of confederation was the basis for a country

>> No.33702407

Ame has pull with the talents, she has barely any pull with the fans anymore

>> No.33702410

Marketing. Also TTRPGs have always been popular with degenerates and outcasts, but it's DnD specifically that recently figured out how to pander really hard to alphabet people.

>> No.33702444

i wish ame was more like fubes

>> No.33702453

It's not about respect but how many people will deal with your crap, FBK still get tens of thousands people check in when she actually do something interesting, meanwhile Ame channel is already a debuff in itself.
Ame antis want her fans to get help, FBK antis are disappointed she's not trying to be as popular as Pecora, Ame fans will eat shit and claim it's delicacy, FBK fans will openly voice their displeasure, in what world these two are the same?

>> No.33702471

>stranger thangs
It's been happening for a while.
The company that owns DnD has been pushing massively woke bs into the game for a while because of who they were hiring to manage the project.
Ever seen those woke of the rings maymays floating around on say /tv/ where you've got a fake news article saying how gondor should invite the orcs into minas tirith because of racism against harmless immigrants?
It's that. Unironically. Plus actual tranny orcs and shit.
Horrid stuff.

>> No.33702520

>FBK antis are disappointed she's not trying to be as popular as Pecora
>FBK fans will openly voice their displeasure
Jesus just say you're an EOP next time and be done with it.

>> No.33702533

IRyS is too Nephilim (and too Pon, and too female) to stick with any one side for too long.

>> No.33702606
File: 26 KB, 220x239, fbk melon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow nigga. You just cherrypicked the worst of Ame's antis and the best of FBK's antis.

>> No.33702619

well, i hated DND long before any of this started but that hatred has only gotten fiercer and burned brighter. i was thinking about how much i hate wil wheaton today. god i hate that little bitch

>> No.33702639

I'm talking about FBK specific antis, people who shit on everything hololive aren't relevant to this because they will always find something to bitch about.

>> No.33702678

Why are you SEAtards posting shit over there and pretending you're JP?

>> No.33702702

If that's all you think FBK specific antis have to bitch about, I invite you to learn Japanese and hop on 5ch.

>> No.33702769

She's female and a weak one too, both physically and mentally. She will cave to peer pressure. Like the nips say, because she's with the chadcast contingent, aka the mori group she'll cave eventually.

>> No.33702785
File: 534 KB, 1198x390, 1653177969840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33702791

Doesn't she drop by Astel's karaoke streams?

>> No.33702805

you fucking fags don't know shit about her. She's been one of the staunchest in going out of her way not to mention them. IRyS won't cave.

>> No.33702837
File: 49 KB, 513x449, 1648387026824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better summary.
You're all faggots

>> No.33702898

It's funny because Ame has antis in /#/ that are exactly like the FBK antis he describes. He just keeps digging the hole!

>> No.33702930

she has yet to follow them on twitter and as far as I know she has no real direct interaction with them so far

>> No.33702981
File: 609 KB, 2480x3580, 1663647538071229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE this fucking owl so god damn much it's unreal bros.

>> No.33703040

i honestly spend almost as much time in /who/ as i do /hirys/ just because hoomans are the best EN fanbase by a longshot. i wish we could all be like the hoomans.

>> No.33703081

>in /#/
post disregarded

>> No.33703104

the Ironmouse collab will be any day now, just you wait

>> No.33703105
File: 477 KB, 1080x2341, Screenshot_20220921-214818_EDIT_1663764505988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33703140

lol, but 5ch is a reputable source?

>> No.33703145

i swear to god one of you faggots is feeding the JPs with lies that IRyS is a traitor

>> No.33703199

It's unbeliavable how all sides would rather listen to trannoids on twitter that don't watch streams over their actual audience and members

>> No.33703220

lmao, you know FBK has the exact same kind of antis that Ame currently does, right? People who think she's a spiteful cunt because she snapped at her fans and trolls them and collabs with Homos?

>> No.33703247

Females are inherently boring. They aren't funny. They aren't entertaining. You like them because they look cute to (You) and they "spend" time with you. If given the chance for only 1 entertainer for your whole life, you would pick the male.

>> No.33703399

It's not that extreme but there's some truth to it, which is why it's legitimately stupid for the girls to collab with the guys; they shouldn't want their viewers to start noticing shit like that.

>> No.33703467

And a ching chong to you too.

>> No.33703548 [DELETED] 

Why is FBK stream full of NIGGERS!?

>> No.33703551 [DELETED] 

>~90k two days in a row
>30k on JP buff game
What the fuck happened?????

>> No.33703688

>It's unbeliavable how all sides would rather listen to trannoids on twitter that don't watch streams over their actual audience and members
Cover management does it, at least the cancerous EN management does.

>> No.33703840

I laughed

>> No.33703927

sometimes, when she feels like it

>> No.33704214

let me correct you
spiteful cunt who can only think "how do i own the haters today"
spiteful autist who needs the tempus boys so badly, to create the new EN dynamics and stay relevant because she has no talent, also wants to own the hates just like Mori
she's a brainless, spoiled, ungrateful cunt but i don't think she's spiteful like the two bitches above
the only real whore here since she literally lusts after their dick

>> No.33704339

Surprisingly yes, fully accurate

>> No.33704478

a brainless, spoiled, ungrateful spiteful autist cunt who has no talent who can only think "how do i own the whores today" while lusting after pussy he will never get

>> No.33704521

You're the one who shoved your shitty males into Hololive now you get to deal with Mori.

>> No.33704676

at least Bae is honest. i respect honesty that much

>> No.33704695

saviorfag, simple enough
eternal teenager compelled to demonstrate to the nearest available male peer group that she's totally cool and like one of the guys
>Ame, Kronii
Resent their fans trying to control them and are collabing out of spite

>> No.33704768

Yeah at least she is honest, you knew what to expect from her since day one, way better than getting a members stream to reach some conclusion and then change her mind completely after a two weeks break

>> No.33704789

or maybe ame is just a saviorfag like she has always been, and kronii just wants to collab with whoever she wants. not everything is about spite, bro.

>> No.33704788

Only sane post

>> No.33704964

i still laughed at Roberu vegemite stream, there's just something about the collab that felt "right". unlike any of the Mori males collabs

>> No.33705046

Which is as much of a real thing as non-binary is, and I say that as someone that at least tried to make sense of all that shit.

>> No.33705061

Makes you wonder how often japs come here and post machine-translated (indistinguishable from SEA English) shit they made up about jp chuubas

>> No.33705129

Anons here still think Ame is relevant. That being seen as the ''leader'' is everything. Most respected? debatable... Ame is their tech guy and the VR go-to guy, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. She's being seen as the leader because she is the only one in Myth who got nothing going on bts, Mori music, Ina art, Gura and Kiara idol stuffs. This is also why Myth group collabs are mostly happening in her channel, because that's the majority of her job, organizing Myth collabs. Most respected? Really? If she's that respected, anons, the whole EN would've flocked whatever tf she was doing at the last day of Rust S2 in which she spent like 6hrs or something, but no... It got ignored completely and everybody flocked on Pekora's war and Mori's gambling shit.

Here's the EN hierarchy without your ''la creatividad'' cope
>Mori, Gura
>Fauna, Mumei, Kronii
>Ame, Kiara, Irys

This is also why when some anons group them into pro and anti-male factions, it's always Mori vs Gura who face each other, not Ame.

>> No.33705159

>because she's becomes the "face" of cover
Wouldn't that be Sora?

>> No.33705175

Anon, they're trying to roleplay as another gender, so TTRPG were almost tailored to them

>> No.33705190

>numbers numbers numbers numbers
yawn, get that boring shit out of here

>> No.33705191
File: 517 KB, 2160x3840, 1663767885574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mumei is anti-ma-

>> No.33705226

anon, if I only accounted numbers, Mori would be at the bottom.

>> No.33705241

This is the dumbest shit I read today

>> No.33705341

WE'RE in

>> No.33705342

anon, this is like saying fubuki doesn't command any respect because people didn't flock to her just gambling away while everyone flocked to pekora's war. ame was alone in her autism tower, no one knew what she was doing and she didn't know what anyone else was doing either.

>> No.33705689
File: 179 KB, 360x360, 1657881114510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is their tech guy and the VR go-to guy, that's it.
She took the initiative in every major collab to lead the girls around their VR worlds in addition to organizing everything. You're acting like she had a backseat role when she was front and center for all of it.

>because that's the majority of her job, organizing Myth collabs
That's a leader right there dipshit.

>If she's that respected, anons, the whole EN would've flocked whatever tf she was doing at the last day of Rust S2 in which she spent like 6hrs or something, but no... It got ignored completely and everybody flocked on Pekora's war and Mori's gambling shit
She was doing her own thing in her tower. It's not like it was an open invite for a massive spontaneous collab when shw was clearly working on her own project.

>> No.33705700

you don't have to write a paragraph anon. It's this simple to indicate their relevancy, at least within myth.
>who's the most popular in EN - Gura, Mori, and Ina
>who's the most popular in JP - Gura and Mori
>EU - Kiara
>in /vt/ and Reddit - Ame

>> No.33705803

>EU - Kiara
Lmfao doubt. Not even the krauts like her.

>> No.33705808

>That's a leader right there dipshit.
I did say she was the lead, and you just proved what I said anon, you think that being seen as the leader = relevancy/popularity

>> No.33705869

Point out to me where exactly I said that being a leader = relevancy/popularity.

>> No.33705887

It's funny that he's using Mori in that post because fuck all showed up to her peace pool party just the day before the season finale. Relevancy/popularity means fuck all if you can't properly communicate things which is where Ame runs into a snag.

>> No.33705975

The Kronii one is wrong. She's doing it because she likes Vesper.

>> No.33706013

This person is coping hard about Kronii. She is absolutely interested in hanging out with Tempus, just only when Vesper is involved.

>> No.33706052

She definitely is simping for Regis and just using Vesper as a screen.

>> No.33706071

Axel is Japanese too, dude.

>> No.33706119

Ame is a blessing, think about it. Everytime her antis start spreading rrats about her, she ends up BTFOing the shit out of them every time.
start spreading rrats about girls who "doesn't like" ame. They end up collabing.

Ame and gura are over! Look guys she didn't call the sharko! She hates her what a bitch! It turns out ame was right next to gura all along Shared beds with gura even made her a nice meal.

And so on, I think at this point they're just masochists that love to be humiliated by her another with a BDSM cuck fetish fantasy.

>> No.33706118

>Baelz wants to date an old man
>I am an old man
Stand aside brats, I'm gonna pump your oshi full of kids.

>> No.33706185

>It's funny that he's using Mori in that post because fuck all showed up to her peace pool party just the day before the season finale.
Because we can't use anything to gauge Ame's. Mori's respected inside and OUTSIDE of Hololive, you know that, I know that. There's a lot I can use to gauge Mori's. What can you use on Ame?

>> No.33706190

ok now this is just depressing that all the chuubas in the anti-male faction are the ones with confirmed families.

>> No.33706386

Gura wins again

>> No.33706495

>in /vt/ and Reddit - Ame
I remember when Teamates were so proud when Ame wins the faceoff here in veetee kek

>> No.33706509

サメちゃん タコ先 ファウファウ アイリス ムメイ

>> No.33706617


>> No.33706727

Well yes at this point, Gura is indeed the safest choice if anything about this topic seriously bothers you

>> No.33706865

Cover needs to get some of the blames. From this point, they only should hire those who knows Hololive's culture and will continue the culture. Never hire those who only sees you as a stepping stone to boost their RM numbers.

>> No.33706894

>She's been one of the staunchest in going out of her way not to mention them. IRyS won't cave.
You realize that she's just waiting for her redesign, right?
As it stands she's too ashamed to try to collab with them because of the fugly model. That's how she's thinking. No girl wants to collab with boys if they don't look their best.
As soon as she gets one that actually looks half decent then she'll do exactly what bae, mori and kronii are doing. Note how irys is in the center of them all.
There's no way she doesn't cave.

>> No.33706927
File: 1.73 MB, 2941x2000, 1661850719332846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that makes me sad is HoloStars JP never pressured any JP talents to collab with them. In fact sometimes they shy away from collabs with female talents because they don't want to cause trouble for them even if it means less views.
But it seems Tempus don't have that mindset. They will cause these problems with the existing fanbase for views and that kind of shows the difference between JP and EN mindsets for Stars talents.
I was hoping the EN management would ingrain this into them when they began but it seems it's not the case.
Quite sad honestly

>> No.33707044

IRyS gives way more of a shit about the JP girls opinions than Mori, Rrat and Kronii's.

>> No.33707063

Did Tempus pressure for collabs? I only watch Vesper, and I can't see him pressuring anyone about anything.

>> No.33707076

Damn, they are shockingly accurate. They usually lie to make EN girls look better.

>> No.33707078

Collab ban ended early because of pressure from them.

>> No.33707118

it's 75 no, 25 yes for me at this point, just by her staying with her CHAD crew scares me. But it's Irys, she's like Gura lite in terms of knowing the culture

>> No.33707165

I'll never understand the contempt people have for Ame and I'm not even a Teamate.
She's a good girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and absolutely tries her best and wants to lift up the people around her. It's not hard to see why she still has goslings.

>> No.33707185
File: 145 KB, 1053x478, VTSISTERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame literally hates Gura for being talented and actually improving herself
her allies?
Sana - a gacha-addicted sellout who stopped doing her hololive job as soon as she knew that she couldn't stream chink gacha games in hololive ("got conviced")
Mori - a wigger that even ame herself used to hate
Kronii - a brainless menhera

teamates.. are we the baddies?

>> No.33707257
File: 182 KB, 504x364, moripower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Collab ban ended early because of pressure from them.
Why did those whores pressure Tempus?

>> No.33707317

>The thing that makes me sad is HoloStars JP never pressured any JP talents to collab with them. In fact sometimes they shy away from collabs with female talents because they don't want to cause trouble for them even if it means less views.
Poor Aruran only plays holocure with that newyears mask on because of this.

>> No.33707326

How much is she seething now since the JPs got the greenlight for FGO? haha

>> No.33707390

>Gura (I don’t follow on Twitter and don’t acknowledge its existence)

This guy should look up what the 10th letter of the alphabet is…

>> No.33707523

Yeah I want to give the benefit of the doubt to EN boys when the first few collabs happened since they're the new toys in the box and some of them like Vesper seem like a legit a fan of hololive culture. But hey I suppose it's idiotic for me to hope for any semblance of honor from western men and women.

>> No.33707537

I don't buy any of that. Seems the boys and mori were surprised to hear that not only were they allowed to collab early, but because it was because of "fan demand" ??? the fuck, I didn's see any of that shit as everyone knows about the 1 month custom. Recall that Tempus wanted their first collabs to be with starsJP or Uproar.
This, all of it, has been pushed by the clueless troonery that runs holo EN management from day 1.

>> No.33707579

Nope, fuck you.
Collab spamming goes both ways, asshole.

>> No.33707615

No, I shouldn't say "clueless". This filth knows precisely what it's doing when it worms its way into a position of bureaucratic power.

>> No.33707659

She thinks of herself as a woman, she played the pronoun game for a while because she was in a community where that's what made money. Most biofems who do that shit are only in it for the wokebux and actual bucks that come from pandering to lonely men who want to think they're woke.

>> No.33707720
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>> No.33707727

They're basically 4 Moris. Only applied to boost their roommates

>> No.33707751

It's a seafag tourist recycling their own post from here >>33707076
JPs don't care that much about EN

>> No.33707860 [DELETED] 

Seriously, bask in the sun and you will think that this kind of things are so petty.
Just don't do it while you're thinking about this, touch grass while doing other things like talking to people or attending events.

>> No.33707942

Pekomoon autism garnered more interest from the JP crowds than the entirety of holoEN. That should've showed you how much interest they have on the english branch.

>> No.33708142

the fact that other popular streamers ape what she does

>> No.33708321

looking at gen 6's 'leader' I'm lmao-ing @ you since you can know hololive culture AND try to game it to further your RM gains
but yeah jp antis are relentless for weakness so you'd see either lap+ shaping up or another 4 member gen in the making

>> No.33708795

Goes both ways; the homobeggars and twitter/reddit crowd need to touch grass as well

>> No.33708929

Weeb simp losers with no ounce of human interaction don't deserve to live.

>> No.33708995

you mean FFXIV, jp hates that shit because a lot Vtubers addicted with that game and Fubuki spammed it for entire month. It's the same reason 5ch shitted on Iroha due to her spamming FF10 making them bored to death. Outside of her questionable game choice, Fubuki is pretty much well-liked in jp scene.

>> No.33709501

NTA the difference is only that Ame is more like lite Fubuki, well because Ame is new but essentially they are the same known as BTS supporter type, nothing to do with the fans that's pretty much just popularity thing

>> No.33709637

>I've collabed with old men many times
vestper and..???
how old is ruberu? it's about her PL?

>> No.33709885

Roberu is the same age as his character apparently so probably him

>> No.33710087 [DELETED] 

EN had a good run despite them being Anglo niggers. It was longer than I wouldve imagined .

Anyway they can do western trash but a few EN members with the Japanese standards like Gura, Kiara etc should be saved.

>> No.33710175


>> No.33710559

holoschizo garbage being regurgitated seems like a normal occorence lmao. Literally your own shitty posts being translated into japanese and being posted there and then being translated back into english to be posted here. Improve yourself, get friends, etc

>> No.33711626
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>> No.33712240

Based candy.

>> No.33712498

Botan once got roped into a male fps collab because of towa. Did the exact same thing as mumei and only focused on the gameplay. Now Botan has taken the idol path to keep up with Gen 5

>> No.33712606

With Ina I feel ultimately she doesn’t want to change Hololive. She loved it before she even joined and has stated her oshi would be Lamy if she never joined either. She doesn’t want it to change unlike the pro male faction

>> No.33712829

But is Fubuki la creatividad? Ame traded her singing ability for this advantage.

>> No.33712862

he's not that old but in japan if you're over 25 you're an old man
it's how you can tell this is actually japanese and not just an EN schizo

>> No.33713107

Except Ina is a contrarian cunt and if her chat starts chimping out asking her not to do a thing she'll do the opposite to spite them.

>> No.33713612

>doesn't want to change Hololive
bitch the "pro-male" faction aren't doing anything that JP talents haven't already done

>> No.33713637

>this is actually japanese and not just an EN schizo
except it's literally some EN schizo reposting their own comment on 2ch

>> No.33713683

Are you sure you didn't mean to write ame here

>> No.33714960


>> No.33715337

>Kronii (male)

>> No.33715571

Mostly Ame has too much hate in her heart to ever ever be FBK. I can't imagine her having meltdowns at chat like Ame does.

>> No.33715590

Archive Reps

>> No.33715663

>for being able to run a stream without her computer crashing
Like any 12 year old playing cod or roblox. mucho respecto.

>> No.33715940

Ame's a girl who has had a tough life, and despite that still wants to uplift people's spirits with everything she does, she puts others before herself, and that's why she's so loved by her community.
I'm kind of in the same boat as you, I don't see a valid reason for the hate, and the regular schizo reasons don't cut it, not by a long shot.

>> No.33715953

They're collabing to spite their fans and shit on their vision of "idol culture" as received from twitter troons after having lied to their members?
Who in jp has done this?

>> No.33716023

average homobeggar

>> No.33716032

fubuki despite the staff saying holostars needs to grow on their own

>> No.33716059

I love Japanese writing translated to English like this, its cute

>> No.33716106

>and despite that still wants to uplift people's spirits with everything she does, she puts others before herself, and that's why she's so loved by her community.

I havent noticed it atleast

>> No.33716172

I remember a time where Fubuki was playing some game but refused to show gameplay for some reason and that upset a lot of people and the stream was before the dislike button change so you could see an overwhelmingly high amount of dislikes

>> No.33716186

Exactly. /MANS/ is unironically the only place where you can go and say "Hey this collab was fun" and get people who agree.

Really puts things into perspective.

>> No.33716343

Fubuki gets her knowledge about the company she works for from twitter westoid trannies?

>> No.33716849

You have to keep in mind that the people who write and publish RPGs are overwhelmingly humanities majors and that's been Ground Zero for woke brainwashing over the past decade. Twenty years ago knowing some English majors were behind an RPG didn't tell you much except that maybe the writers did pot. In 2022 it's a mark of the beast for a dogmatic belief in all the crazy tranny shit being pushed today.

This coincided with a gigantic marketing blitz and a flood of money coming in from Hasbro trying to regain DnD's stranglehold on the market after 4th edition lagged so badly in sales. So you've got a bunch of woke drones replacing the old guard + a giant flood of corporate money pushing them.

>> No.33716907

He is old news. If you are gonna hint at rl shit at least have the correct info

>> No.33716932

Fubuki hasn't been relevant in forever, male collabs and friend killed it, along with there being too many girls added to hololive to compete with her

>> No.33717050
File: 48 KB, 640x480, real-madrid-gareth-bale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-cheesed to meet you

>> No.33717056

JP fans are ruthless compared to the small bitching on 4chan. EN would have to deal with some mean comments, maybe a death threat or two, stuff that western streamers have been used to for years. JP have to worry about stalkers who literally want to kill them.

>> No.33717078


>> No.33717115

I'm laffing, mori can't help but ruin everything she touches
You /mans/ faggots need to start telling the guys to stop letting mori drag them down, they honestly would have atleast 1000 more ccv each if she wasn't so involved with them every week

>> No.33717293

That's why kiara vented at ame for self-destructing, right?
Kiara rightfully told her off about holoEN becoming cliquey and it's why she directly referenced ame in the 2nd anniversary with "we need to improve ourselves first before we expect others to improve themselves"

>> No.33717362

The black pill is that all the girls that aren't collabing with males is because they have someone living with them that would be upset with shipping drama

>> No.33717375

>Homobeggers want to give Mori back
>Unicorns don't want her back
Kek, I like this development.

>> No.33717415

That person living with them?

>> No.33717453

Anon it's all about spite, it's always been about spite, women have 2 moods, gracious and spiteful

>> No.33717531

Or "this collab wasn't fun and I think x girl was cringe" and have some people also agree, without people going "[fanbase]KEKS DEFLECTING FROM [weekly drama] OH NO NO NO"

>> No.33717588

>Kiara rightfully told her off about holoEN becoming cliquey
Really? I know Kiara doesn't have much of a filter, and she's made a few implied comments about this, but this sounds like too much for her to say explicitly in public.

>> No.33717600 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 597x399, 1623241987474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori suddenly gained a bunch of weight in the last year and started to more aggressively collab with men outside her irl friend group

>> No.33717623

This post?

>> No.33717675

Yet say it she did.

>> No.33717715

If a girl need a boyfriend to keep them from self-destructing because EN management refuses to then so be it

>> No.33717767

She didn't say it in public, kiara talked about it in a superchat reading a couple weeks ago that she had to vent to ame about a lot of uncomfortable things she was feeling and that she couldn't talk about it with chat.
Since right afterwards, ame and the other girls have been nonstop doing group collabs with tempus, kiara has been upset at how they have now had more collabs with tempus in the last month than kiara has had with them in the last 6 months.
It's why kiara publicly said she won't join the worms collab and that she was sad because she was looking forward to playing with the girls

Kiara 1000% told ame she was feeling isolated and uncomfortable and was made to feel forced to collab with men if she wanted to have any group collabs

>> No.33718031
File: 2.31 MB, 2048x1152, magazine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both carry their respective gens on their backs
And, just like with Fubuki, schizos just straight up forget this immediately every time they talk shit about them.

Does anyone really think that Myth, and by extension EN in general, would be anything significant without Ame?

>> No.33718048

JPs don’t give a shit about EN. You posted this there, kill yourself

>> No.33718072 [DELETED] 
File: 958 KB, 833x1200, daisa98765432v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female browsers I‘d like to chat about
weeb and vidya stuff,creative hobbies,lolis, tekken, kemonogirls, vtubers(hololive,nijisanji(only the girls)Voms, indies) laugh at deadbeats & kson fans, rwby,,source film maker animations,pokemon,dead or a live girls and other stuff

>> No.33718116

You're probably thinking about the Sakuna incident
Fubuki wanted to be the first to finish, so she played the game off stream then streamed only the very end of it
The developers of the game made a negative comment about it and some people rode that hate train

>> No.33718235

Fair enough, I believe it. This does mesh with her comments about "collabing with GIRLS another time" and emphasising the point about only IDs signing up to her among us collab at first.

>> No.33718543 [DELETED] 

>Cronie (male)
kek do they know about Kronii's gender fluids?

>> No.33718967

seriously pathetic

>> No.33719142
File: 29 KB, 581x226, innership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone really think that Myth, and by extension EN in general, would be anything significant without Ame?
Teakeks are fucking deluded. There is only one chuuba whose absence would have significantly diminished Myth, and that's Gura. I say this as a day 1 tako (picrel).

>> No.33720525

>Mumei is a male

Uhhhhh Hoomans? Explan yourselves?

>> No.33720763

>Hololive fans don’t want mori, tempus fans don’t want mori, she’s going on a drastic decline in all metrics.

I’ve been saying since the end of year one, she’s a terrible entertainer, a mediocre singer and possibly the most annoying holomem. Keep her out of everything and stream quality skyrockets.

>> No.33721242

Oh please all Amelia ever did was compensate their lack of support with shitty 3DVR that anyone with influence can setup. She’s done nothing ground breaking, only thing is she is a good event planner.

The only EN that ever mattered and got EN this far has always been the shark. Even in her slowest time for streams yet she still retains the largest audience, her merchandise sells like wildfire, the general public worships her as the face of the entire corpo.

Keep coping teacuck.

>> No.33721339

If Sora's the Queen, god bless her soul, Fubuki is like the prime minister

>> No.33721834

does she hate Gura because she can't do what the shark does herself? what's holding her back?

>> No.33721908

that sounds sad... can I ask for a stream title, date, or even timestamp so I can watch it myself?

>> No.33722034

>cronie (male)
But it is an acceptable summary.

>> No.33722524

Poor Kiara. She auditioned for Hololive because she was a fan of HoloJP, and she was lucky, she got in, but her happiness was short-lived. Instead of cherishing the legacy of HoloJP, she is witnessing the downfall of HoloEN from its very center. A lot of fans are depressed about the current situation, but imagine being in Kiara's shoes. Damn.

>> No.33722665

Like the previous replies before me, EN's success is on the back of Gura. however, what Ame actually significantly did is take away a lot of flak towards EN management. Because it's through her that we understand the technical aspects and difficulties of streaming and making hololive content. omegafaggot and all his kronies should kiss her shoe soles everytime he meets her because he probably kept his job because of her communication with us and her helping out using her fanbase's money instead of letting the fans riot against management much more often than they already are today. As an extension of that, because Ame's technical prowess is used to serve the other ENs, then management should obey everything Ame says that gets relayed from other girls. The girls literally can vent about management to Ame, and Ame has a massive leverage over them to make them do stuff or gtfo of the company

>> No.33722818

no, you noticed the opposite and assumed she couldn't do both at the same time because you think everything is black or white

>> No.33723664

how? no one wants to continue playing the soulless geeky campaign whose lore only she knows and is excited about
she should instead try to make one that's based on holo lore. either she make one short form of it or she commissions someone to make it for them

>> No.33723682
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Who would his oshi be

>> No.33723740
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Good post.
For example, Gura complained about having her setlist and guestlist cut in half for her 3d live, but honestly a lot of those cuts are probably her fault for not bringing it to Ame and instead just complaining about management.
Ame and Gura are strong when they're together and mediocre when they're apart.

>> No.33724480
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>> No.33724980 [DELETED] 
File: 958 KB, 833x1200, daisav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female browsers I‘d like to chat about
weeb and vidya stuff,creative hobbies,lolis, kemonogirls, vtubers(hololive,nijisanji(only the girls)Voms,, indies) laugh at deadbeats & kson fans, rwby,source film maker animations,pokemon,dead or a live girls and other stuff

>> No.33726490

It's true, I am Mumei.

>> No.33729148 [DELETED] 
File: 958 KB, 833x1200, daisav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female browsers I‘d like to chat about
weeb and vidya stuff,creative hobbies,lolis, kemonogirls, vtubers(hololive,nijisanji(only the girls)Voms,, indies) laugh at deadbeats & kson fans, rwby,source film maker animations,pokemon,dead or a live girls and other stuff

>> No.33732815

>he (mumei)
Nips really have a problem with knowing pronouns huh

>> No.33732927

Sora most of the time, but often for sponsored things it's Foobz

>> No.33733172

No. It's a schizo post like most posts herem

>> No.33733225

Machine translation defaults to he. Japanese doesn't require pronouns the same way English does

>> No.33733354

Yes, absolutely. Ame is irrelevant in the big picture. It all rises and falls with Gura, EN would’ve been a flop without her.

>> No.33733823

Is old sumatran saying pls andastan

>> No.33734259

>in /vt/ Ame
Are you from 2020?

>> No.33734448

It is imperative to support the only aryan, and on top of that she is becoming more and more likeable over time.

>> No.33734553

Yeah I know, just seems like something quite important. Maybe machine learning could make them understand context better?

>> No.33735710
File: 28 KB, 1042x151, 1660356797503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tries

>> No.33735817

Just the fact that the Chadcast streams have never mentioned the guys, despite their two biggest allies being a part of it, shows that IRyS is absolutely not going anywhere near the guys and has clearly told the other two as much. IRyS would leave Chadcast and end her biggest ship just to avoid collabing with men. She is the safest HoloEN.

>> No.33736188


>> No.33736495

Christian Bales pleases old men

>> No.33736537

I feel ashamed that JP bros must witness this degeneracy. Japanese are exporting their finest culture and the Western world is just defecating all over it.

>> No.33736644

not in my country latam, not sea of india

>> No.33737657

yes, Fubuki is like second in-command tho, Sora is pretty much untouchable

>> No.33737851
File: 467 KB, 1920x2560, gygax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critical Encounter, a semi-scripted streaming show pretending to be a D&D game that pandered to actor wannabes.
Blew up huge among wokies and made the current D&D owners pander to them even more than usual.

That said D&D hasn't really been great since Gygax-era (around 1984 and earlier), haven't put out anything truly notable since WotC took over in in 1997 and WotC were early wokesters behind the scenes. They've publicly gone on spiels about how they seethed that their old management told them to put a white male artwork in their books as early as the 2003.
That's why a significant chunk of their profits was taken over by the OSR aka people who only play old Gygax-era D&D.

>> No.33739438

god i hate when has-been actors make a name for themselves with stupid shit like DND

>> No.33739649

she wants to, none of their schedules line up for it. she's talked about it a fuckload of times.

>> No.33739691
File: 84 KB, 618x621, Fubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like board fags are retarted worldwide! *stays*

>> No.33740041

The biggest matome site in Japan caught wind of the EN civil war and most wondered why they don’t just join niji if they want make collabs. Also lots of joking about how the homos are worthless and nobody watches them.

>> No.33740475

What's up with Mori and Kronii always doing shit for the wrong reasons. I'm generally anti-holostarEN collab but I can at least respect Ame and Bae's motivations behind it.

>> No.33741446

Mori and Kronii both never wanted to join hololive, it was a joke that kept going on and now they are stuck with it as their career and it's just going to keep getting worse
