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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33623980 No.33623980 [Reply] [Original]

>Suisei, Fubuki, Matsuri, Towa and the whole ID branch collab with males
>No one cares
>Kronii does the same thing
>Everyone loses their mind
I don't understand, why?

>> No.33624031

>he missed the fucking meltdown when the Towa male voice yab happened
Kronii has it fucking easy. Towa's carreer almost ended over that. EOPs are the only reason she still has a career and she's not grateful enough for it.

>> No.33624040

Simple, don't set an expectation for people to latch on and curb it from the start.

>> No.33624043

>Suisei, Fubuki, Matsuri, Towa and the whole ID branch
Well, no one like those whores in the first place.

>> No.33624052

>Suisei, Fubuki
Pillars of greatness
>Matsuri, Towa
Blind affection
>whole ID

And then the new crow came

>> No.33624070

those girls are whores

>> No.33624068

Kronii is the only HoloEN member who does GFE

>> No.33624083

And those are the considered the whores of JP for a reason

>> No.33624089

The cope in this anon

>> No.33624093

Because Kronii *lied* about the collabs and wasn't up front about it
As you know, we are ENTITLED to every thought process of Kronii and to be treated like fucking retarded babies while also demanding professionalism

>> No.33624109

Gura? Kiara? Fauna?

>> No.33624136

Kronii's fans treated her a GFE talent when she never stated she was. And because she doesn't speak japanese she never was in a position to say she would collab with Holostars because english speaking Stars didn't exist. Now that they do and she wanted to play with males, jealousy ensued followed by schizophrenic Anti shenanigans.

>> No.33624138

matsuri is literally the doormat of this fucking company literally no on cares what she does

>> No.33624148

Only thing Kronii got going for her is her parasocial. Pretty shit in all other areas. She didn't cultivate the fanbase she wanted with how she behaved, and now she's surprised with its consequences. Her model is pure waifu material too so that didn't help.

>> No.33624150

t. isn't a member

>> No.33624168

>paying girls money

>> No.33624178

Did any of those talents attack their own fans for not wanting those collabs and tell management to make a post telling them to get cucked in silence? No?

JP talents understand homo collabs are not popular and they don't get upset or angry when people express dissatisfaction

>> No.33624186

Because bitches that don't make up their mind are fucking annoying imagine adding being a dumbass on top of that

>> No.33624203

exactly what else did she have...she doesnt stream consistently period....not gonna change now....she doesnt do karaoke doesnt give a flying fuck about stream quality.

>> No.33624221
File: 616 KB, 1205x669, 1663143520626920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should use this as an image next time anon. Also wear a gas mask, the cope in this thread is reaching dangerous levels.

>> No.33624225

She was grateful until she learned that the saviorfags aren't any better

>> No.33624228

Point proven, you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.33624264

boy she sure feels your support here.

>> No.33624279

cant expect eops to know shit dude...they are clipfaggots and EN simps the only thing they know about jp yabs is when its spoonfed to them.

>> No.33624286

Those collabing with males don't pander to unicorns. Kronii cultivated her fanbase full of gachikois and turned her back on them.

>> No.33624301

Is Kronii actually parasocial with her viewers or this another schizo rrat by people who fell for the vtuber act?

>> No.33624306

EOPs are literally more autistic than even JP idolfags. They mostly just leave their oshi after a period of shitposting but ENs are going at it for a fucking month.just move on already

>> No.33624309

as the days go by kronii just proves she actually is retarded and not in a cute way just actually full retard

>> No.33624342

wow i didnt know you were an expert in japanese and were actively checking the sentiment of the japanese on these situations? face it, youre EOP and you only know about the JP members through clips. just shut the fuck up and never post again PLEASE.

>> No.33624352

Question OP. When Suisei, Fubuki,Matsuri, or Towa collab with males did they also make pointless self serving "dab on the incels" posts on Twitter about it? That kind that Redditors who don't watch Hololive and Discord trannys like to rally under? The kind the contradicts promises made in their members streams to their oldest members? Why do you think Bae gets no backlash? Simple. Because she doesn't act like a retard the way Kronii does.

>> No.33624354

She should just graduate and open up OF account if she really wants male attention that badly.

>> No.33624356
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x1904, 1663570018894230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oppai mousepad
you don't buy this shit if you aren't parasocial

>> No.33624367

filthy tourist....

>> No.33624371

>t. N5 who THINKS he "knows" Japanese

>> No.33624384

she would be too retarded for that the way she acts she literally is sub 85 iq

>> No.33624422

>EOPs are the only reason she still has a career and she's not grateful enough for it.
Watch streams

>> No.33624448

ppl act like its insane to learn enough Japanese to get the gist of what the girls are saying or their intentions, if you really threw yourself at it 18-24 months you could have a super solid base. its not some ancient language that has disappeared lol

>> No.33624454

are they really bashing the fans who want no males? Isnt it the other way around? the vtubers are respectful, the fans arent? Thats what news and clips is pushing. Shame on them if its the other way around. At the very least, both sides are to blame, since theres so much toxicity here, im sure fans being rude is true, at the very least.

>> No.33624458

You fucking watch streams newfag. There was a time around February 2020 when her chat was almost all English and she had the lowest fucking numbers in HoloJP.

>> No.33624495

bro ignore the twitter tourists their only responses are touch grass watch streams incel owned YASSS QUEEN quote tweets. They offer nothing

>> No.33624524

Saying that she's not grateful for it is simply untrue considering how she is in her notzatsus and member streams.

>> No.33624543

Her chat is 90 percent japanese now you clipwatcher

>> No.33624559

>Suisei, Fubuki, Matsuri, Towa and the whole ID branch collab with males
>No one cares
Because they don't have a cunty YAS QUEEN attitude about it that makes it seem like they're mostly doing it out of spite

>> No.33624562

>Bond level

>> No.33624567

It wasn't until 3rd gen joining and Miko dropping all outside collabs that Hololive went for the cgdct but vtubers thing they have going on now.

>> No.33624569

Yeah, and then as soon as she regained a firm footing again she ditched her EN fans and even mocked them with her apex friends.

Towa is a fucking scum. Fuck her and fuck her idiot fans.

>> No.33624593

Do not equate my oshi with your situation, clock.
Towa just collabs with them, and just wanted to play videogames. She doesn't force you to watch all her stream (she literally states this every time), she sets clear expectations to her fanbase so people know what they are getting into. She even gives the okay if you watch someone else.
You nurture your fanbase, and whip them to shape.
Achieving perfect balance, and the mindset of not pissing off anybody is something a west woman cannot wrap their hand around. To them, a polite, professional way of handling public relations is like rocket science.

That does not mean Towa scots free without unicorn or problems about her collabs. Some of the most insane unicorns (and obsessed as fuck) are in Towa fanbase. And they're also women. And they bitch about some of her collab partners (especially other women vtubers) on the daily, because they themselves root for the chad guy with extremely good FPS skills. Towa also had to address this issue specifically when they shit talk about Met when it comes to FPS collabs.

What I'm saying that, even if you remove the "unicorns", and collab with males, eventually you'll just attract more schizo of shipperfags and the whole problem doesn't magically goes away. You want high quality, interested, invested and will reason with you, if you yourself being frank of your direction. By letting your "fanbase" and the vapid public opinion to do work for you, by dragging the "incels" and the "unicorns" to a public execution event is such a short term solution for your problems.

>> No.33624652

This is what midwits will never be able to grasp, even though Bae is a living example of it. Ame, Mori, and now even Kronii express open hostility to their fanbase whos supported them up until now. Bae is a bigger Homo supporter than any of them but she knows how to keep it separate from her main content.

>> No.33624657

What does her chat being 90% Japanese now have to do with anything I said?
Fact is, after the male yab happened JP fans completely ditched her and EOPs were keeping her afloat for about 8 months. Anyone that denies this is a fucking newfag that wasn't around when it happened.

>> No.33624667

Suisei has said she's only interested in rich men, fubuki friendzones everyone, towa had a whole ass controversy. Matsuri is the only one I can't defend, I hate whenever she does that.

>> No.33624699

Fubuki and Matsuri collab maybe once every four months.

>> No.33624705

> Kobo collab with male fleshtuber and no drama

this is why holoID is 100% better than holoEN

>> No.33624714

Choco was the one who said that, not Suisei.

>> No.33624724

Wha happened, what did I miss?

>> No.33624738

Ironic weebs love that shit. Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.33624757

literally every women wants a rich man lol this isnt unique

>> No.33624762

Kronii spent a whole year building an audience that wouldn't expect or want male collabs, then turned on them very suddenly. The others you mentioned didn't build that kind of audience in the first place.

>> No.33624772

>JPs collab with males once in a blue moon
>ENs collab with males every week at this point
nah I'm sure both are the same

>> No.33624797

be completely honest. this guy has no idea what the japanese think of those collabs, and he only watches clips on youtube like 99% of these reddit-tourists. And yeah, you may be able to learn some basic conversation in that amount of time, but be able to be fluent in the language in 2 years on top of being well versed in japanese culture on top of that? you're a genuine fucking idiot if you believe that.

>> No.33624805

JP girls do it just because they want to have a fun streaming experience with a new person (except Matsuri, she's actually horny)
EN girls do it with malicious intent out of spite for unicorn fans who they deem as "incels"
That's the difference

>> No.33624830

Rushia is just tired, thats all.

>> No.33624850

Kronii sucks at games, zatsudan, and doesn't sing. All she had left was GFE so the only people watching her were in it for the parasocial.

>> No.33624862

Proof of the mocking shit?

>> No.33624863

nobody here can't speak Japanese proficient enough to make argument with real jap, this is English board as much you hate it

>> No.33624869

but keep in mind that the way the japanese go about it is wildly different to how Mori,Kronii and Watson go about it. the whores in EN do it to 'tear down idol culture' in an idol company and attack their members, while the JP girls do it with the blessing of their members and limit the frequency of the collabs

>> No.33624908

I was stationed in lived in multiple places in Japan for 6 years...Modern JP culture isnt that hard to grasp its just not...You can observe and pick up the customs in a few months also if you actually throw yourself into the language and get high quality practice not duolingo garbage you will pick up far more then "basic conversations" in 2 years unless you are drooling retard. Thanks for exposing yourself as a weeb whos never stepped foot in japan though its cute

>> No.33624912

Suisei said the same

>> No.33624924

It's fucking hilarious how she doesn't realize that all she has going for her is autistic girl GFE and her model. She's a gachikoi magnet.
Nobody is going to tune in to watch a girl with crippling mental issues play video games badly and barely talk while doing it.

>> No.33624941

She regularly cancels her solo streams and has a discord server with all her male collab partners. Viewers who want interaction with a streamer don't watch Towa.

>> No.33625021

who gives a fuck if you were stationed in a few places in japan. you will NEVER be japanese and just because you lived there doesn't mean you understand the ins and outs of japanese culture and its language. your posts are embarrassing and you should probably delete them. stop acting like you know what the japanese think when you arent one yourself.

>> No.33625041

The true answer

>> No.33625082

What the fuck is GFE? First day here.

>> No.33625149

omg its hilarious that weebs use this defense....This is literally all you have YWNBJ like no one is trying to be you fucking nigger....You know how you earn the respect of Japanese people? You respect their customs which again isnt hard you fucking idiot they arent aliens they are humans, 3 months tops, and then learn as much as the language as possible. This will obviously vary on how much you give a shit. Nothing more insufferable then weebs who never stepped foot in the country trying to tell ppl whove actually lived there they are wrong its hilarious. Stay mad though eop faggot

>> No.33625166

>Kronii spent a whole year building an audience that wouldn't expect or want male collabs, then turned on them very suddenly
The whole of HoloEN pulled that shit and I blame both the girls who did it and the management. The whole rotten branch needs to be burned down.

>> No.33625210

you're a fucking retard in the military who thinks that just because he got a japanese base, he's an expert. you're completely tone deaf and the fact that you're only replying to ME and not reading any other posts in the thread shows me that i've got you mindfucked.

>> No.33625254

Well definitely never the only and not anymore

>> No.33625262

She was just agreeing with Choco so it's not awkward.
Also literally no one wants poor partner

>> No.33625284

again cant refute any of the points bc youve never lived there...and mindfucked???lol no its just fun to play with weebs bc they get so mad that "military retards" like me have more experience the country they so desperately want to be a part of then they ever will. Stay mad faggot

>> No.33625300

GFE =/= idol culture you dumb coombrain

>> No.33625302

When JPs do it, they're either explicitly not GFE or they keep the male collabs strictly professional and distant, avoiding them when possible. JPs have professionalism.

>> No.33625342

>only interested in rich men
Anon that's basically every single woman that have ever existed.

>> No.33625360

you have no idea what you're talking about and i suggest you do some research before being stupid on 4chan.
continue dancing on my strings like a ballerina. i've got you mindfucked.

>> No.33625405

you literally havent refuted one point and just come with personal attacks. lol every response you have in this thread to anyone is literally just YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT DUUUUUR DUUUUUR MEEE WEEB MEEE KNOW EVERYTHING DUUUR

>> No.33625435

Fubuki barely collabs with males anyway

>> No.33625462

I made my point in my very first post. I understand you're stupid, since you're in the military, but i'm done trying to dumb things down for you. Give up and stop pretending to be intelligent.

>> No.33625480

the rest didn't go full retard when called out on it

>> No.33625486

>Crying onstream

>> No.33625535

u didnt refute anything u said you cant learn anything past basic conversations in 2 years which is just flat out wrong....also acted like modern JP custom and tradition are inconceivable to grasp which again is a ridiculous claim that only someone whos never lived here can make. Id gladly have a dialog with you if you have anything to add past YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

>> No.33625569

Post a link or a timestamp where she "attacked" her fans

>> No.33625579

you're dancing so hard that now you're doing the salsa. You know i'm right and that's why you're so butthurt. I have you completely and utterly mindfucked.

>> No.33625599

lol like I said nothing to add. good day weeb.

>> No.33625626

>and even mocked them with her apex friends.

>> No.33625654

Garu furendo exuperiancu ne

>> No.33625674

I don't watch Suisei, Fubuki, Matsuri, Towa, or anybody from the ID branch (unless they collab with somebody I like)
I won't watch Kronii (unless she collabs with somebody I like)


>> No.33625678

Do a search you lazy piece of shit

>> No.33625713

>accept my rrat, I will not show proofs

>> No.33625894

leddit soi seethe
go back

>> No.33626023

It happened only 3 weeks ago and the catalog was FILLED with nothing but AME seethe for over a week you nog. Go back cunt.

>> No.33626050

im disappointed that there are no Joker responses to OPs questions.

>> No.33626124

Sorry I don't waste my life on this cesspool of a board consuming every bit of holo drama

>> No.33626292

don't ask to be spoonfed faggot

>> No.33626335

The easy to understand reason.
JP still keeps in character, EN are just glorified ethots. Every time sui/fubi does a stream there's still a barrier and things feel very professional.

Towa being an exception here because she had her unicorn fuck up on day 1 of her career and just became a glorified brotuber.
Matsuri gets excused because she's a massive whore and nobody expects anything of her anymore.

>> No.33626503

Suisei, Fubuki, Matsuri, Towa respect their fanbases and dont bitch about it

>> No.33626658

intent doesn't matter when the end result is the same
whether you get cucked for a good reason or bad reason the point is you still got cucked

>> No.33626691

Fucking newfag retard. The main problem with Towa was that she lied about the voice being a manager, not MUH MALES. JPs have forgiven her for that lie ages ago. She regularly collabs with males to this day and is completely fine, all EOPs fucked off as soon as covid was over or even earlier, just like they fucked off from Aki, Korone, Polka and other EOP FOTMs because EOPs are incapable of commitment. Towa's birthday live had over 100k CCV for fuck's sake.
Ditching EN fans is based. EN fans aren't good for a chuuba no matter what. You have the majority of useless normalfag clipwatchers who contribute nothing but forcing their retarded memes for months and spamming stupid shit in chat, then you have the minority of schizos /here/ who are hundred times more obnoxius and loud than any JP unicorns. If you go to Fubuki, Matsuri or Suisei male collabs comments you'll have to dig for hours before you find any anti comments, they at least know good enough not to break containment. Meanwhile local retards are screaming and shitting themselves literally everywhere.
Everyone and their grandmother has a fucking daki and oppai mousepads these days.

>> No.33626746

name one idol group that forbids interacting with males, not a love ban, but straight up talk with anyone of the opposite sex.

>> No.33626753

>They're mad because she lied not because men!
And why did she have to lie about it?

>> No.33626807

90% of this board are EOPs, of curse they wouldn't care

>> No.33626824

Gutteral farting experience

>> No.33626896

Yes, who put the gun to her head and made her lie like that?

>> No.33626954

I wish we have a /vt/ shared channel where all of these kind of clips can be stored.

>> No.33627003

This board is 90% newfags

>> No.33627056

I don't watch her and her main content isn't male collabs anyway its singing from my understanding or playing into the whole sociopath gimmick
She is literally gonna be the first 2 view JP holo her live view counts lately barely pull 9k and that's usually at the end of the stream
Yeah she totally never got any back lash
Yeah because she was 100% a pure virginal idol from the very start.
>All of ID
lol lmao nothing happened when zombie got finger blasted live in 1080p they are literally the side branch that no one cares about once EOP faggots finally fuck off and die EN will turn into ID 2 electric boogaloo

>> No.33627096

Imagine you're in her position. Secure career with only one thing that can crush it instantly. What would you do if your career is threatened? Try your best to control the damage of course. Even if that means you have to ditch your fanbase and lie. Kind of like Laplus' case, except Towa is kind enough to admit she's wrong.

>> No.33627101

Because shes trying to maintain distance between her real life and her NOT REAL anime persona

>> No.33627164

Because the one that you listed don't publicly denounced part of her fanbase and they don't cultivate those type of audiences anyway

>> No.33627181

Isnt Towa Laplus's oshi? Shouldn't she have you know learned from that or is she literally that retarded

>> No.33627183

And why would having males on stream ruin her career?

>> No.33627228

Just check her Twitter
I'm not going to spoonfed you

>> No.33627289

>>Suisei, Fubuki
>Pillars of greatness
It’s not 2020 anymore faggot

>> No.33627312

Played into their delusion a little and would frequent fan discords also it wasn't a stream collab male it was a in her home talking to her male spurgs despite being spurgs are capable of understanding the potential difference and escalating their behavior accordingly

>> No.33627313

We just want the EN branch to end. We only like nijiEN and absolutely loath holoEN

>> No.33627351

You sounds new. Get a time machine, and look at how bad it was when the yab happened.
I'm referring to that time where she has to force her lie about not having a boyfriend out of nowhere.

>> No.33627404

But no seriously you are right. I fucking hate HoloEn and I don't give a shit about NijiEn they can do what they want I'm just fucking sick of seeing En whores appearing next to my oshi

>> No.33627409

Fubuki, sure. But Suisei right now is more popular than she was back in 2020.

>> No.33627449

Westerners don't understand idol culture. They're just dumb bitches. Young male Karens is how you can sum it up, the worst kind of fanbase.

>> No.33627455

This. I feel like if she just did it and ignored the vocal minority that were upset then nothing would have happened. But instead, she goes and makes a massive deal out of it for attention and pisses more people off than were pissed in the first place. I hate women

>> No.33627501

Much love to Maldova

>> No.33627536

Towas career nearly ended because of her lieing. Literally everyone involved including tows said it was less the guys voice and mostly just the fact she lied and blamed her manager.

>> No.33627585
File: 482 KB, 636x469, your greed is hurting the economy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male collabs isn't the issue, it's hogging vesper all to herself

>> No.33627655

You are gonna ironically keep shit posting about how good tempiss is till one day you wake up unironically sucking a cock its a slippery slope anon

>> No.33627717

But I like holostars

>> No.33627726

Because like mori she gave them ammunition to go off on
Shitposters go as far as you’re willing to take them

>> No.33627768

I agree to the point that I mute streams with EN in it. Gura as a guest? muted. Umisea? Muted. EN/JP collab? muted.

>> No.33627801

Don't expect everyone to believe your rrat then

>> No.33627850

Why does anyone still watch the massive whore tho? I find it hard to unless she does loli Matsuri

>> No.33627906

Yall just proved his point

>> No.33627966

To be fair she caused most of it herself. People were forgetting it and moving on and she made cover put out a statement. Everyone on twitter not following whatever is going on with her will think she was getting rape threat level harassment when it was a few vague schizo sc and comments at most. So she made it mutate to dramatuber bait/gossip bait.

>> No.33627972

Believe it or not there is a market for whores look at Vshojo

>> No.33628016

laplus? she is legit have girls roomate
even have proof girls roomate tweet (dox site)

>> No.33628057

And? Thats what I was doing kayfabe and maintaining character are what matters if I gave a fuck about fleahtubers and their real life bullshit I would watch them instead of a rabbit girl that says peko you autistic faggot.

>> No.33628103

Nigga u gay

>> No.33628116

Suisei, Fubuki, Matsuri, Towa and the whole ID branch aren't stupid enough to go on self righteous social media rants, they just do it. But then again Kronii is a mentally ill troon so it's no wonder she feels the need to put her foot in her mouth.

>> No.33628149

Right. If she had an asmr collab with Altare, the saplings would tantrum all over the internet.

Glad its not happening... Yet.

>> No.33628166

Idk what you're trying to say but I hope you get medicine for that condition

>> No.33628200

because towa does idol reps and cares about hololive
kronii is a twitch thot who tricked hololive into giving her an audience because its easier than building her own (building her own would be impossible because she has zero talent and isnt interesting)

>> No.33628206

>they just do it. But then again Kronii is a mentally ill troon so it's no wonder she feels the need to put her foot in her mouth
I don't follow any of the girls on Twitter, got a screencap of whatever kronii did?

>> No.33628219

>We just want the EN branch to end
At this point please just do this. Find some JP girls who can speak English and get them to do the English content.

>> No.33628264

She literally said that idol culture is the problem. A girl who signed up to be an idol. Complaining about idol culture. Ain't got shit for tweets because I'm not THAT autistic.

>> No.33628286

And I hope your parents finally come to love you I guess

>> No.33628308
File: 2.59 MB, 4000x1468, all_suisei_streams_one_year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2 year, Suisei had ONE(1) shill stream with a Star, and then some song cover.
In 1 month, Kronii will have 3 group collab + one 1-on-1 collab on HER channel. Don't ever put Suisei in the same category as Kronii.

>> No.33628369

Nene can just do it with her translator shes not the most mentally stable chuuba but getting En numbers might boost her mental or break her completely from the pressure

>> No.33628404

There's nothing on her twitter
Suisei has a pair channel with a man, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnVbtCwr-5LXxUlGxsgD7sQ, nothing Kronii has done is even close to that

>> No.33628454

They lay low. I don't mean take a break, they simply stream normally for few weeks without mentioning the collab. You don't fuel the fire and just silently shadowbanning people and SC.

>> No.33628462

Nene's translator is literally just google translate in a vibrator. It's not particularly good, nor would it ever make for good content. I mean girls who are actually able to speak English well. IRyS goes without saying, and Bae's JP is good enough plus she's practically JP timezone.

EN is just the worst content platform ever. The girls have zero talent or enthusiasm.

>> No.33628513


>> No.33628643

ehh her translator is def better then google translate...google is literally a caveman translator and is literally dogshit for asian languages it just doesnt work, her translator is at least somewhat usuable when she wants to say something

>> No.33628678

Assuming it's about this?

>> No.33628735

>JPs who can do English
>Picks two ENs one a pesudo-mega slut locked in a cuck shed
>The other the ugliest fucking model in Hololive that just wants to sing
Anon you might be retarded

>> No.33628737

Dunno I ain't watching that gay video. She collab'd with a dude, some of her fans didn't like it, so she went on a social media rant. At one point she was replying to comments in a fucking clipper's video.

>> No.33628808

It's just an example of girls who could be part of JP but still do English content. EN proper just doesn't work. Myth succeeded on novelty value alone.

>> No.33628865

She lost her mind that badly lmao well at least she never went full Mori and started downing cough syrup to cope

>> No.33628945

Not gonna lie, I dream about fucking kronii while she looks at me with disdain and insults me with that alluring voice.

>> No.33628949

EOP are a cancer. Literally that's all.
>he missed the fucking meltdown when the Towa male voice yab happened
This "meltdown" was due to the vagueness and the lie, not that it happened, JP have LONG moved on from it even back then. Stop relying on otakmori clips and realize vtubing existed before you even knew about it.

>> No.33628989

she didn't have to. she had her painkillers from her wisdom teeth removal

>> No.33629052

Damn. Glad I never had any delusions about suisei

>> No.33629081

No he didn't, the 2nd at least.
She was literally trying to keep the fact that she was talking to her friends mid-stream a secret by saying it was a manager.
She was dumb enough to not realize people knew who the fuck she was IRL, like literally all of them.
They seriously need to start telling these people to ASSUME people know who they are before they even debut, never mind when they utter one sentence.
Case in point, Aloe, who was so stupid and naive to think making a new account meant her old accounts ceased to exist. Delta is streaming her new (and only) L2D right now after years of being nearly actually dead on a few occasions.
It has fuck-all to do with males.
Laplus even got in to shit because of her friend who was female that came up.
Kanata would have gotten the same if it wasn't Kson / Coco that had appeared in stream those couple times before, being an ex-talent, if it was some random that wasn't okay'd beforehand, Cover would have went ham on her.

>> No.33629115

Okay so basically EN but you'll call them JPs and that'll some how magically make them better? Despite all the fundamental cultural differences that essentially make an average JP better than an EN also the language barrier isn't a bad thing it filters out lazy retarded fans

>> No.33629145

"no one likes those whores"

>Have hundreds of thousands and millions of subscribers.
>Got a collab with video games several times
>Got original songs
>Received 3D models
>Has the chillest fanbase

>> No.33629350

Wtf my dentist told me to take some ibuprofen and to suck it the fuck up what a god damn rip off

>> No.33629486

Mine gave me a month's worth of Vicodin but I don't know if things have changed in the last 10 years

>> No.33630026
File: 210 KB, 1079x589, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related and what the other anon said as well
She commented on a clip
Yes, not on her own channel but on a clipper's channel
Forgot what exactly her comment was but I remember it clearly there's this sentence
"unfortunately idol culture is a thing"
Jesas she is retarded beyond help

>> No.33630311

>>33629486 >>33629350
Got mine out like 7-8 years ago, they just injected shit to numb the area, yanked em, then I was on my own.

>> No.33630367

>pair channel
Holy fucking nigger
Please commit sudoku
MGO is her music unit with Inotaku Inoue under VIA/TOY'S FACTORY

>> No.33630375

>She didn't cultivate the fanbase she wanted with how she behaved
>Her model is pure waifu material too so that didn't help.
She intentionally covered her model during things like ring fit, she absolutely tried to avoid these kinds of losers and they decided she was their GFE despite her doing things that indicated she was clearly not comfortable with it.

>> No.33630539

You not understanding the issue the one of the issue itself.

Simply put at very basic level, kronii set an expectation for her clocks and broke it. You cant pander to the unikeks one day and denounce them the other.

All the examples you gave pretty much stamp out unikeks from day 1 - most notably fubuki and her "friends"

>> No.33630584
File: 274 KB, 1080x1309, Screenshot_20220920_083327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this. Cover is beyond saving.

>> No.33630723

I wish EN newfags would stop using JP as scapegoats because they clearly have no fucking idea of JP lore

>> No.33630947

It's kind of funny and proves a point how the ones who pander the least you niggas have the chillest fanbase.

>> No.33631048

to be fair her EOP fans were hella cringe

>> No.33631167

The entire board knows what that anon's referring to in regards to Amelia. No rrat that "needs believing" as there was nothing else but it in every post after it happened. Go away. Never come back.

>> No.33631305

I'll stay since it seems to make you seethe

>> No.33631353

>we are all here to have fun and make new friends

The fuck?, you bitches are supposed to be entertainers, sure you can have fun and make friends but you aren't there for that, your priority should be giving entertainment to your watchers and growing your channel

Goes to show how fucking clueless western vtubers are

>> No.33631367

Newfags fail to realize that back then Towa streamed at like, 9 AM Japan time. Imagine how fucking bad it would sound for her manager to be at her house at that time for no reason lmao. Of course she got in trouble for that.

>> No.33631465

She doesn’t even show her tits. First indication she was a bitch

>> No.33631524

Saw some guy in leddit admit to not watching streams only watch clips because it's not his thing lmao

>> No.33631592

>she's not grateful enough for it
You shut your whore mouth

>> No.33631688

She outright told you all you’re giving her condom money

>> No.33631700

That should just stand as a testament to how badly Kronii handled the situation.

>> No.33631770

This statement goes both ways retard kun

>> No.33631792

Easy EOPs are newfags who don't know fuck about shit.

>> No.33631835

Just go back in time and see the reaction for when these girls interacted with males for the first time

>> No.33631883

Because JP chuubas in general understand that those lonely pathetic men are the ones who give them their status in the first place.
It's one thing to piss of unicorns, and a different one to tell her fans to get laid.

>> No.33632192

Did you respond to the wrong post?

>> No.33632284

this pointless "argument" will never work, newfaggot reddit nigger

>> No.33632482

They forgot they are working as entertainers
Guess those easy big numbers are making them too entitled

>> No.33632783

no, he means it can be read as telling either unicorns or homobeggars to fuck off

>> No.33632982

Not either, both
>Girls decide for themselves
>Unicorns unhappy with the ones who want to collab with males fuck off
>Beggars unhappy with the ones who don't want to collab fuck off

>> No.33633119

bruh it's a joke lmao don't tell me you unironically like dakimuras and oppai mousepads. You're supposed to buy them as a joke.

>> No.33633154

All who use these girls from JP as proof of anti unicorn sentiments in JP just outs you as EOP niggers

Fubuki-does fanservice for her fans and occasional lovey dove ASMR

Suisei- Also doesn't care and sed she doesn't mind unicorns but wont pander to them alone

Towa-also doesn't care and sed she doesn't mind unicorns but wont pander to just them

Matsuri-still panders hard to her fans with tons of fanservice

AKI-panders hard to unicorns and always has

Take away learn japanese faggot also watch streams

Hololive indonesia

moona-panders to unicorns to this day in fact

kaela-is very cheeky about it but very much so in fact does panders to unicorns

(the rest of ID you have a point about about)

>> No.33633177

gura farts everyday

>> No.33633277

EN fags really believe this shit fucking hell its not a ironic joke you fag.

>> No.33633324

Gura Fucks Everyday (not You)

>> No.33633367

C******r proven right once again.

>> No.33633983
File: 57 KB, 1199x343, 1653478526068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the comment she made, which the clipper immediately closed the comments on the video, as if to do damage control for Kronii

>> No.33634021

>aki, who frequently collabs with Ashino-san for the acoustic sessions
>pandering to unicorns
nice post anon, the reddit spacing is the cherry on top

>> No.33634317

You don't even know what a unicorn is and keep mistaking it for a gachikoi.

>> No.33634638

No i know watch streams fag that or rope your choice.

>> No.33634666

Is it fun pretending to be so retarded?

>> No.33634718

seethe and watch streams nigger

>> No.33634726

She doesn't want to use what she's been given in a misguided attempt to be herself instead of using them for her benefit.
Not streaming, not doing more karaokes, not showing her tits, not using the Hololive name to get VA work, she's wasting her time in HoloEN and Wada's work is going to waste.

>> No.33634922

>the whole ID branch collab with males
>No one cares
Responding to a troll thread I know, but it's clear that /vt/ is so full of eternal newfags that they weren't around for the period of time when Ollie was public enemy #1 and was going to be the force that destroyed vtubing forever because of her manlust.

>> No.33635102


>> No.33635200

keep seething, weeabooscum

>> No.33635320

>whole ID branch collab with males
>No one cares
Nice try.

>> No.33636071

>create the perfect storm of pandering that explicitly targets the mentally ill
>act shocked, SHOCKED that they are mentally ill
playing stupid games, winning stupid prizes, etc.

>> No.33636383

And with no one you mean just you right?

>> No.33636513

stop shitposting Regus

>> No.33636620

If you think shuuing a scrap eating dog away is "seething" then you're more pathetic than I thought. Here, another (You) for you dog, you can go now

>> No.33637080

That shows lack of effort. That's like saying someone playfully punching you is a sign that they love you. If she wanted them out she should've been way more blunt than just sliding her model out of view. Not to mention that if my memory serves me right, I recall her obviously doing her jiggle physics in the past.

>> No.33637094

The real reason it’s a big deal isn’t because of her having one collab specifically, it’s the trend of constant collabs.
If people actually believed that she or the other ENs would do their collabs like the few JPs do and space them out with months in between there would be far, far less complaining. They’ve shown that doing that isn’t the plan since they’re having at least one collab a week which is far more than they even have with girls in their own branch.
As for the IDs I think that their fan base is too small to make much noise around here and they have had issues in the past like Ollie even Kobo has caught some flack.

>> No.33637478

>create the perfect storm of pandering that explicitly targets the mentally ill
What did she do, exactly? Speak in a mommy voice? She didn't get to choose the coombait model. In fact, she seems like she fucking hates it.

>> No.33637635
File: 1.75 MB, 993x1151, 1633776144317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she acknowledged her low numbers and she didn't care, she cared more about people being sad that their comments aren't being read and ensured them that its not because she is ignoring them. she always expressed being grateful.

t. kenzoku before the yab.

>> No.33637819

Then why the fuck did she join hololive? Failed to read the fine print of her contract or something? Maybe she wanted a fucking burqa over her model, but tough tits, she knew (or should have known) what she signed up for.

Let's just kill this shit here. "She hated her model" is not an excuse for her behaviour.

>> No.33637934
File: 28 KB, 314x466, 1663672577874409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post king keep it up

As for the military cuck, fucking DESTROYED lmao

>> No.33637944

>She didn't cultivate the fanbase she wanted with how she behaved
That's literally all of what happened here, she didn't put much effort on her attitude to control her fanbase or even try to make them more agreeable to other things, she now has to deal with a lot of parasocial retards and the fact that a lot of them are disagreeing with her shows how retarded she is for not trying to understand what people watch her for, she is so obnoxiously unaware of things around her to the point where her trying to "fix things" is just stirring more shit up and causing more controversy, because she is just that dumb and blind.

>> No.33637985
File: 317 KB, 150x150, 1661615535080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa didnt even pander to gfe before the yab happened, but people still got mad. not to mention her voice was filtering A LOT of people. so where did all these haters come from? tourists.

>> No.33638053

>playing into a gimmick
is this what clipwatchers really believe

>> No.33638311

haha suicopath xd

>> No.33639913

>I was stationed in lived in multiple places in Japan for 6 years

Way to out yourself as a slave soldier to the Great Satan, die under an overpass welfare queen

>> No.33640652

>Yeah she totally never got any back lash
she cried a lot back then. sometimes grateful tears and sometimes depressed tears

>> No.33641648
File: 413 KB, 483x769, 1631339855413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never did any sort of GFE. Whenever someone sends her love confession superchat, she shits on him. She is just cute ADHD girl that have best music
Whole china shits on her already. She may aswell saviourfag homos
Newfag. Do your reps
Newfag. Do your reps
>and the whole ID branch collab with males
Moona got shit on newfag. Rest of them (but Reine) is trying to be no more than just a streamers

Go back to r*ddit faggot. I don't give a shit about Kronii, but she deserves all of this after GFE she has done and lies.

>> No.33643370

Are all Irysfags this retarded?

>> No.33643510

>Just like they fucked off from Aki
most of the fans are still from overseas you fucking cunt, Aki has an adult appeal so we are loyal now don't ever dare to speak of her again without knowing shit

>> No.33644245

>I was stationed
>6 years
Incredible how in that time you never catch up the fact your presence there was perceived as nuisance (at best) for the japanese.
> unless you are drooling retard.
You are part of the army, you can't accuse anyone of what you are guilty of.

>> No.33645049

>tell people you are going to do something
>ridicule them when you back out
None of those girls would do that. Even if your pro homo she actually deserves the hate it's not even homo related she's just a cunt. I don't even think mori would do that.

>> No.33646038

Thing, Japan: :0

>> No.33646450

Did Reine or Kaela ever do a homocollab?

>> No.33646798

Because she make this drama herself(like every western women)? She can collab with males and just say nothing but instead she go to twitter and trying to pull a sjw drama card
