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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33589076 No.33589076 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな

Previous: >>33475143

>> No.33589117
File: 230 KB, 1483x600, Fc7OibFaUAEb15d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.33589141

Please try to keep this thread clean, don't bring that shit from the previous thread /here/

>> No.33589217

I LOVE YOU マイクねこ!

>> No.33589233
File: 182 KB, 1000x1105, 4A5967A7-8ED2-4D4F-B70E-B07492B547A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your post is longer than two sentences I will get the spray bottle.

Love wife.

>> No.33589282

Fuck Twitch!

>> No.33589316
File: 264 KB, 1000x743, my naked sexy sexy sexy sexy wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love wife

>> No.33589340

Wife love!

>> No.33589365

Cover is a black company

>> No.33589671
File: 599 KB, 1741x2726, c03f85e5d62a06559f2c9b62b9b3dd71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Please
2. Spray
3. I'm feeling hot.

>> No.33589904

did you retards see what the translation that the anon posted from last thread?
She said she cried when she saw what was posted here. So why the fuck do you think it's a good thing to send her links? Do you want to make her cry again? fucking stop sending her links to this place you fucking retards. I don't want to her to get depression from reading someones bullshit from here.

>> No.33589987
File: 153 KB, 800x1393, Fc23dbLacAA_GL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to spray Nazuna with my love

>> No.33590095

Can you faggots stop shitting up our thread ffs? You don't believe what we say, you don't like us, you don't want anything to do with us. Then what the fuck do you want from /vsj/? Take your fucking meds and stop biting bait.
If it's just shitposting then do better, they're horrible. I liked it much better when it was just cunny spam.

>> No.33590347

what thread are you talking about? this one or the vshojo thread? I don't give a damn about vshojo, I don't even go to that shithole thread. I only care about rushia. fuck off back to your own thread if you aren't here for rushia

>> No.33590350
File: 136 KB, 1364x1170, FctEtrTaMAAdVwg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my beautiful wife so muCH I LVOE HER

>> No.33590600
File: 31 KB, 266x324, 1662999392813272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33590823

There's a pretty big loophole in that statement which I will exploit to deliver a long winded paragraph where I point out that loophole and demonstrate what it is throughly before ending with the factually true and canonically accurate statement of I love my beautiful cat angel necromancer wife.

>> No.33590861

She can type 4channel herself now
Think about your posts

>> No.33591139


rushia is lewd

>> No.33591240

A lot of us don't give a shit about vshojo dude. If you're the few that do stick to that thread and talk your stuff there with the exception of Nazuna.

A schizo from here sent her that link. Where the fuck have you been at? That shit she's referring to is from 4 weeks ago or somethin. Nobody knows what the content of that link was. However, she doesn't know English that well, so nobody knows what she read as it would be next to impossible not to read that genuine fans of hers did post on that thread to read positive stuff. She did mention last stream that the people on this board were not as bad as the japanese boards.

>> No.33591348

I'm obviously talking about the vshojo thread retard.
>I don't give a damn about vshojo, I don't even go to that shithole thread.
Good. We don't want you.
And a word of advice, stop making your shitty edits of the translated subtitles. There's been bait threads with them going around, and I've seen a couple fags saying that they'll DM mike to get herself to an hero on stream. Great job protecting your waifu shitheads.

>> No.33591592 [DELETED] 

>and I've seen a couple fags saying that they'll DM mike to get herself to an hero on stream. Great job protecting your waifu shitheads.



>> No.33591717

So VShojo fans are so deranged they want someone to commit suicide over other people making 4chan posts? What the fuck.

Or maybe that thread is full of children with no ability to follow through.
Go back.

>> No.33591951


>> No.33592105

The translation from last thread is what the official translator translated and that's not false in anyway. I even had the TL thing up as I watched the stream too. This was also when I and other posters were letting people know she was talkin about us while the chat were talkin negative about us as a whole disregarding any notion that her fans were present there too.

>> No.33592499

Stop being a fucking schizo. The translation is done by her official translators. tf is wrong with you. There's no way any animal can insert their own words when it's documented on her channel unarchived on exactly what she said.

>> No.33592620

I hate to be a nigger but remember when anon was screaming at me for being an anti when I said she'll never stream on YouTube?
Still waiting for the YouTube stream...

>> No.33592684

Now's not the time.

>> No.33592688

the early design stuff Kagura Nana showed in her stream was all new, right? don't think I've seen it before

>> No.33592939

You're an absolute fucking tourist if you think any post that is Anti-ing mike is from us and not from the millions of catalog niggers that saw her doing a public meltdown on twitch and screencapped everything and made several dozen bait threads. Go fuck yourself if you're trying to start a war with the wrong people you braindead moron.
As for everyone else shut the fuck up and stop angryposting, the fact of the matter is the anon that sent her the link nearly a month ago has caused nothing but trouble and she has been lurking these threads ever since so can you all cut it with the fucking complaining and angryposting and at least post some god damn positive reinforcement that she can see here?

>> No.33593191

I don't mind if you want to stream Apex a lot
If you're streaming anything, I'll enjoy it
I just like spending time with you

>> No.33593227

You think she is still reading this thread? I love you, Nanana.

>> No.33593236

When is the time? Admit that I was right! That retard spent hours digging up twitch statements and all I was doing was trusting Mike and my past with gunrun the grifting king

>> No.33593293

Next week.

>> No.33593334

in game magazines

>> No.33593473

>official translator translated and that's not false in anyway
and I never claimed it was false, what are you on about?

I am a tourist >>33590095 and the translation edits that were used for the bait threads came from your thread

>> No.33593643

Just screenshots

>> No.33593961

I just want another tweet, a stream, a twitcast, something...

>> No.33593963

stop engaging the schizos already

>> No.33594092

Calm down anon, it's been less than a day since her last Twitcast and there was a Typhoon recently, she's also not feeling too good health wise as well, just give it some time.

>> No.33594198

>the bait threads
The ones about Nazuna? Why would you care? You don't watch her

>> No.33594482

>You don't watch her
You know nothing about me

>> No.33594601

Thst typhoon is going to last to the weekend

>> No.33594685

Anon, I can assure you we are very hyper aware anti's lurk here for new information they can bait with. There's a reason why they're only using a couple screenshots, with no archive.

>> No.33594716

I know you're Coverschizo aka Marineschizo

>> No.33594887

Isn't that typhoon nowhere near her?

>> No.33595146


>> No.33595196
File: 59 KB, 720x872, Screenshot_20220919-184818_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's nowhere near her atm it still hit anyways.

>> No.33595699 [DELETED] 

Nah, she lives way up north in hokkaido, perfectly safe bro.

>> No.33595829

>she lives way up north in hokkaido
.....okay touristsan.....

>> No.33595965

its joke...

>> No.33596095

.....to be fair reading anything on 4chan is the biggest game of Poe's law....I can't tell what is a joke from what's not a joke, especially with tourists in the thread...

>> No.33596781
File: 166 KB, 848x1200, My pet wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife I love my wife

>> No.33597576

I didn't accuse you of nothing dude. Chill tf out idiot. I only said what I said. The only way for wild beasts to do their anti shit is take screenshots of what she said, type in some words to create out of context bait threads. They more than likely know the context but purposely still do it and regardless if somebody corrects them they won't admit they were wrong. Arrogant low lives have nothing significant in their existence but threads like that.

>> No.33597752

looks like a sex toy

>> No.33600568

Nazuna chan please eat chocolate!

>> No.33601782


>> No.33602658 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 1107x623, Emilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33603425

does she need to get permissions in vshojo?

>> No.33603545

For what anon?

>> No.33604261


>> No.33604566

Not for Twitch at least

>> No.33604734

Apex is a garbage game. She is totally right about it.

>> No.33604991

cool, is she ok with game suggestions in superchat?

>> No.33605087

The way i get vshojo is that it's more of a cartel/cooperative where the members pool money to get access to better resources than an indie would have by herself. It's not a company hiring and paying idols, so they're not taking a profit from these idols playing games, which means that she shouldn't have issues with perms anywhere??? idk, japan is weird

>> No.33605251

She asks for game suggestions sometimes, you can also send a dono and she might look it up

>> No.33605300

thanks, guys

>> No.33607695

>another tweet
Wish granted.

>> No.33608190

The thing the makes indie streamers different from corporate ones in regards to permissions is where the money goes. Publishers want to prevent other companies from profiting off their games (otherwise you could just put Mario in like a Ford car commercial or something like that), but they don't give a shit if random people stream them on streaming websites and earn viewer donations from it. For that reason they generally give blanket permissions to indie streamers and disallow streaming by corporate entities unless they negotiate privately. VShojo avoids the issue completely because the company does not profit from streams at all. The streamers own their own accounts and all the money gained from streaming games goes straight to their personal bank accounts. So with regards to permissions VShojo streamers are indies.

>> No.33610363
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, 20220920_023619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33610721

I wish Nazuna could take better advantage of this fact. I know she is aware of it but still has limited repertoire + FOTM mentality.

>> No.33611218

rushia said she cried last time she came here after reading some anti's comments. Now she is in a meeting with her lawyer about suing anti's on 5chan. Do you think she wants to try to sue 4chan for the shit people talk about her here? I bet its on her mind now since she cried last time she came here. Maybe it's much worse on 5chan though. According to her it is, and I'm to lazy to turn my vpn and see for myself everyday.
Either way, she can't since this is a foreign website and talking shit online isn't illegal where the website is hosted. Anyways I hope she wins her case and they stop harassing her for good.

>> No.33611571

You can highlight your suggestion too by using up channel points. But you'll probably get more attention if $ is involved or wait till she asks for suggestions.

>> No.33611820


>> No.33612411

Who's the artist? I can't find this one on pixiv.

>> No.33612613

Who is Rushia?

>> No.33612754

That's what writing down those game suggestions a few days ago was all about. Granted, a lot of it was still FOTM shit, and I'm sure she will still mostly play what she's familiar with (not like these are bad games anyway)

>> No.33612996
File: 646 KB, 2048x1448, E0543A81-863C-47BC-8227-B83CD56AC0B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this blonde girl?

>> No.33613075

She would have no jurisdiction since this is not Japan. She does work for VShojo who are US based I believe and they could possibly do an attempt to to protect her from further defamation. But I think it would be very difficult. It is far worse on 5ch. She said it herself that 4chan is not as worse than the Japanese boards.

They're saying some straight up wild shit. Some guy claimed she was going out with someone but it wasn't so. It was to me and confesses it sometime ago on Mikeneko https://files.catbox.moe/4ugw1g.webm
AHHH! HNNG! Where is the sun that brightens up my day! The wings which my heart could fly!

She admits she focuses too much on the bad. The positive stuff gets overshadowed by it. Whatever that schizo linked her to and what thread it was it is almost impossible for her to not have read positive comments as well. Me too I hope not only it goes through court faster but that she wins overall.

>> No.33613591

Looks awfully close to Nene.

>> No.33613865

no way couldn't be

>> No.33614137

Just love wife and you won't be sued. Let's all love wife.

>> No.33615525

I don’t think she’s suing just some random nobody antis.These court cases seem way to intense just for that.

>> No.33615776

I hope she sues me so I can ask her on a date. ( ^v^)

>> No.33615886

Not if she sues me first and I ask for her hand in marriage.

>> No.33615896

I don't think it's some random either anon.

How would that even work when you'd be in poverty unable to take her out. Just because she's eaten at McDonald's doesn't mean she'll want it all the time. lmao.

Plus if you're too tall like me she may reject you anyways T_T

>> No.33616067

>Plus if you're too tall like me she may reject you anyways T_T
There is an easy remedy to this called a saw, stitches and a bottle of whiskey anon.

>> No.33616492

Ahh hell nah. Come gather around tall people and let me fill you in on a possible solution. Work the game on her and change her mindset on that from intimidation to protection. She's messed around calling us onii-chan too. She's got to at least had some thoughts on that aspect with onii-chan hugging her from behind. She's even said what this video says: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDdCYo4eXZY

It isn't too late my brethren!

>> No.33617560


>> No.33618539

Wife stream when?

>> No.33619094

at some point this week

>> No.33620282
File: 219 KB, 1039x1618, 20220914_204939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33620528
File: 190 KB, 1200x780, Cute wife butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you so much. I will be with you forever. I love you so much

>> No.33622027
File: 1.66 MB, 2048x1925, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33622976
File: 157 KB, 1188x858, 20220902_010018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33623955
File: 253 KB, 590x900, 20220915_223921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33624723

Thought, I know the twitch thing prevents her from streaming the same stream on both twitch and YouTube at the same time, but is there anything preventing someone else, like say a YouTube only vtuber, from streaming their point of view at the same time?

>> No.33625636

I don't know if i understand what you are asking but if you are asking if a twitch only streamer and a youtube only streamer can collab and stream at the same time, they can

>> No.33626440
File: 55 KB, 542x662, 20220920_174550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33626976

I love wife so much

>> No.33628362

My love for my wife is stronger than a typhoon

>> No.33630319

*our wife

>> No.33630384

She will be with us forever, not with you.

>> No.33632339

Accept Tob as your savior

>> No.33632615
File: 352 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33635123
File: 3.14 MB, 2480x3508, 1659618223143954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33635945

I'm sorry Mike, just for today I watched another vtubers debut...
But I promise you, you're the only one I will ever love and support from the bottom of my heart...

>> No.33636049

She said she's going to focus of streaming games at Twitch, so that fated collab is more likely to happen now.

>> No.33636236

Delutayabros where somewhat there for us when back during Feb and March anon, it's only fair we support them in their moment....I can't wait for the fated collab.....

>> No.33636339

I didn't watch other girls. That makes me husband number 1
I love you Mikeneko

>> No.33636880

I'm glad things worked out for her, I really am. Even the stormiest days end with a clear sky.
Right, Mike? We'll be fine too.

>> No.33637998

I hope i can hear my wife soon, i feel lonely

>> No.33640120

Does anyone know the source? No results on google/iqdb/etc. If it's pay-walled like fanbox please tell me the artist.

>> No.33642053
File: 81 KB, 1024x672, 1658772512139905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33643949 [DELETED] 

>poal is kill
There go the bunkers

>> No.33645125

here you go anon

>> No.33646242 [SPOILER] 
File: 662 KB, 683x668, 10q777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33648353
File: 164 KB, 900x1200, E9iZsK2UUAkpUmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33648608

Seriously, a NSFW picture for a fee? Fuck...

>> No.33650606

delutaya said she would game on twitch? I was there at delutaya's recent twitcast and she said that twitch was getting popular but I don't remember her saying she would stream there a lot like on youtube. She didn't debut on twitch after all.

>> No.33652825
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>> No.33655523
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, FdGfSQgagAcUYav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33658005
File: 189 KB, 2500x2000, FSUznKyaIAEfxv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33658015


>> No.33658306


>> No.33658649

10 loads of cum to the petan women

>> No.33660565
File: 1.76 MB, 1447x2047, 89570961_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33661531


>> No.33661693 [DELETED] 

>Maybe it's much worse on 5chan though.
You have no idea just how bad 5ちゃチンポ is.
This thread and her 5ch thread are night and day
I feel bad for her JP fans, there is no good place for them to talk anonymously with other fans

>> No.33661766

>Maybe it's much worse on 5chan though.
You have no idea just how bad 5チンポ is.
This thread and her 5ch thread are night and day
I feel bad for her JP fans, there is no good place for them to talk anonymously with other fans

>> No.33661983

if its that much worse then I wonder what caused her to cry when she was reading the thread here. It had to be some shit about you know who I bet

>> No.33662244

I'm in the mikeneko discord and its fucking dead because the retarded mods ban any discussion that isn't about mikeneko, meaning no mentioning of rushia, nazuna, or her sub accounts. THe fucking morons.

Is there another discord server that isn't ran by such tight asses? I heard some anon mentioning one a while ago but I won't join if its the same one those bunker faggots talked about, all jerking each others dicks off in a circle jerk.

>> No.33662639

There’s always the twunker

>> No.33663206

It’s impossible to join though

>> No.33664858
File: 518 KB, 2320x2417, 20220920_234801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665735

So she really is a 1-2 times a week streamer, huh?

>> No.33666251

Depends on if you count her Twitcasts.

>> No.33667314

I find it funny that she streams so little and still manages to have a meltdown nearly every other week.

>> No.33667364

Oh it's not like she's going through some legal shit off screen atm....

>> No.33667462

Is that supposed to be an excuse? Regardless, if the legal shit is affecting her so much she should just take a break for a while.

>> No.33667625

Have you even… watched her..?

>> No.33667686

>she should just take a break
How new? She can't take a full break from streaming, she's actually incapable of doing that. Furthermore she streams more than twice a week, she just does some of her streams on Twitcast instead, nothing wrong with that since the fans who want to watch her have most likely already paid for the membership or she just does a non member stream. Saying she doesn't stream much is ignoring her roommate.

>> No.33667699

Vshojo was a mistake. She should have stayed an indie.

>> No.33667711

the two times she was linked here I'm aware of the thread was full of shitposters and antis

>> No.33667761

>two times
I think she was only linked once anon.

>> No.33667940

then its probably an anti that linked her here intentionally

>> No.33668221

stream tomorrow

>> No.33668395

That's something she mentioned or just your hopes and dreams?

>> No.33670497
File: 163 KB, 900x900, 20220830_221757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33670613

some idiot dmed her a link to the other thread back in february or march and I'm pretty sure someone mentioned doing it during the totsu dumbassery

>> No.33670706

>some idiot dmed her a link to the other thread back in february or march
pretty sure he said he sent her a link to the poal bunker, and he didn't give proof he actually did it as far as I know

>> No.33670930

He claimed it was the poal bunker and he didn't really provide any proof unlike anon who DMd her the link. Btw poal I'd kill....

>> No.33671557

what is poal?

>> No.33671634

Was the place where the original Bunker was, I think the website is gone now though so no more poal bunker.

>> No.33672291

Jesus Christ I always miss her when she's gone but today I'm just going fucking crazy I miss her so much

>> No.33672600

Me too, i feel a bit lonely. Hope the unsourced anon is right.

>> No.33672665

Hearing her talk like that about wanting to marry us renewed my schizophrenia I just want to be within her
I love her so much I feel like I'm suffocating

>> No.33672786

>I'm in the mikeneko discord and its fucking dead because the retarded mods ban any discussion that isn't about mikeneko, meaning no mentioning of rushia, nazuna, or her sub accounts. THe fucking morons.
Yeah this is extremely fucking annoying and unfortunately it's always been this way.
Back during the Rushia 時代, all of the Rushia Discords had a "No Mikeneko" policy. Which made sense back then.
But it's also why all of her bigger EOP gachikoi accumulated /here/. Because this was the only place where we could discuss both Rushia and Mikeneko.
But now we have the unfortunate caveat of antis watching what we say. It really is extremely irritating. This thread is/was a lifeline to a lot of fans when shit gets bad.

>> No.33672906

>what made her cry
Anon, read the mood of the conversation. Take note of how her sadness was worry over Overseas FANS leaving. Not antis(mostly). Connect dots

>> No.33672960

unsourced anon?

>> No.33673053

It's the fucking cunts that keep posting shit like "I'm glad I stopped supporting, etc"
those little insignificant shitstain comments are enough to make her cry but the fuckers here don't understand and keep posting that shit here.

>> No.33673238

I think they meant >>33668221

>> No.33673302

It looks a bit like Nene, but judging who is in the pic, It very well could be Hitome Chris.

>> No.33673365



>> No.33673537

>be short
>be American
I love Michael Neko

>> No.33674248

I worry more about you wanting to be "within" her

>> No.33674339

she never confirmed what she cried about specifically. That is just a speculation with some evidence to support it, but it can't be definitely concluded that that is what made her cry in that specific instance. It's true that worry about foreign fans leaving her did contribute to her deppression from last stream though, as she pointed out herself.

>> No.33674807

"Now, we are one"

>> No.33674940

It was heartbreaking hearing her say constantly "Come back kaigai" over and over throughout the entire stream. It wasn't just one time, the entire stream was her randomly breaking into her saying that as if she genuinely believed her kaigaifans were disappearing right in front of her

>> No.33675011

>"I'm glad I stopped supporting, etc"
If you compare her current numbers with what she has as Rushia it's pretty obvious that she lost a lot, probably more than half, of her fans, that sort of comment probably makes her remember that fact.

>> No.33675091

Just imagine just how she feels losing like half of her fans because a black company disliked that she tried to defend herself.

>> No.33675219

Tweet, she was at the hospital. I hope she's alright...

>> No.33675804

twitch is not youtube retard, numbers are always lower, mostly because twitch have way less alt accounts, all she have to do is get rid of the "i cant learn english" japanese mentality to put some work and start growing, she can even turn that in to content actually.

>> No.33675822

It seems that she is already able to get up in the mornings, let's see if she is able to keep that schedule

>> No.33676997
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>> No.33677075

She's the only good member in VShitjo

>> No.33677579

>leaking DMs
I may be a wanker who sends her links to poal bunkers, but I won't post screenshots of DMs.

>> No.33680041

>she might be reading this thread right now

>> No.33681504

Well, her viewer count is 3000~4000. She has less engagement in metrics compared to before, doesn't even have the number of kaigai fans she used to as Rushia despite now being in an American company, probably feels less love nowadays, and her most recent memory of her interaction with her kaigai fans is the ones that were upset at her in her DMs. Of course she'd feel this way.

>> No.33681917
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This is just a weird post

>> No.33682284

Anon....for about 6-7 months now her viewer count was about 4-5 thousand....furthermore if we are talking only about Nazuna then yes it's hard to interact with fans to a very large scale on Twitvh due to how the bit system is designed but she does interact with fans and Kaigais on her roommates,the only thing that makes sense in the post is her still having the totsu/DM's incident still in her mind and the people who have left because of it.

>> No.33682443

Re-watch it and the several minutes of surrounding context, it's quite clear
You people need to start getting used to her tone, it's almost always a dead giveaway because ahe uses very specific tones for a few extremely specific circumstances
How do you even survive the vagueposting like this

>> No.33683123
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I smell weakness

>> No.33683679

>I want to be a fish
that means she wants to be my semen, since they look like fish. so she wants our cum

>> No.33683796

>she wants our cum
I think that's been obvious for about 2 years now but okay.

>> No.33683892

the move to vshojo is pretty decisively a failure. retire and go back to michael cat, imo

>> No.33684368

shut the fuck up

>> No.33684461

Someone translate it, tried using an OCR and only got gibberish

>> No.33685282

Do it yourself.

ちょっと諦めてください。 先輩







>> No.33685975

What Mikeneko discord are you in that bans discussing subs? Both the servers of any note have a channel for it

>> No.33686093

Play AMOGUS Please!
>sadly theres no matsuri skin RN

>> No.33686162

>for about 6-7 months now her viewer count was about 4-5 thousand....
Factually incorrect

>> No.33686221

you know i'm right. rushia had it all, michael cat was just as popular. nazuna is just not the move. she will retire soon and you can thank me later

>> No.33686393

Im mainly talking about Twitcast anon, I'm not sure what her YT numbers would be if she would have consistently streamed and settled as Mikenyan. Though I wished she just stuck to Youtube as Nazuna instead of going to Twitch.

>> No.33686820

MFS - mikeneko fan server. what are the other discords? I don't know about them

>> No.33686916

on youtube she didn't stream often but she consistently got around 7-8k viewers on non-membership only streams if I remember correctly. Thats double the views she gets on twitch and is big reason why she wants to go back to youtube.

>> No.33687051

Fair on that point for her, she'll also be in an environment she understands if she chooses to go back to YT, as well as being able to do things she could have done before, like Supa readings.

>> No.33687055

Keep in mind people know more of Mikes past life than Nazuna. I still see comments on Nazunas clips of people saying "wait she's back"

>> No.33687073

Technically there’s nothing stopping her from doing that, right?

>> No.33687470

I want to see her do react content like watching youtube videos. She did a little of that in recent twitch streams, though not for long, but youtube doesn't allow that. This is an advantage that twitch has over youtube, they aren't so damn strict. This is why I prefer that she uses both platforms, youtube and twitch, switching between the two depending on what kind of content she wants to do for a stream. Limiting her to just one platform restricts what she can do in a stream. Even then, just twitch and youtube are restrictive as a whole because they are western websites. I want to see her try streaming on japanese websites too like niconico too to do things that she can't do on western sites if she wants to.

I mean on mikeneko she already uses multiple platforms: fanbox, twitcast, youtube. I think she would benefit from doing the same thing with streaming on multiple platforms too. It probably wont happen but its nice to think about..

>> No.33687755

Yeah you lost me there bud, that site is filled with her antis so it's probably not a wise idea to touch there anytime soon. It's also just a dogshit site in general.

>> No.33688356

An indie chooba I watch uses niconico (well the url is actualy nicochannel, idk if its different or not) to show content that she would be banned on youtube for showing. its hidden behind a paywall too, 500 yen a month. Though like most shitty Japanese website, they don't take international credit cards so its hard for foreigners to sign up. Especially with a 500 yen paywall, its doubtful that anti's would attack her. Though this is just a pipe dream anyway, she'll probably never use multiple platforms like that, it's easier to just stick to one.

>> No.33688425

>she'll probably never use multiple platforms like that
Yea Mike would never do that.

>> No.33688523

There's another server that's a bit more active, I asked one of the MFS admins and he said he might be able to give somebody an invite there if they open a ticket with proof of subscribing to her Twitcast. Both servers sometimes allow Rushia and Nazuna discussion depending on context, it's pretty open in the subaccount channel of MFS at least. There's also a Nazuna server.

>> No.33691568
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>> No.33691598

Despite being shadowbanned, she gets doubled the views on YouTube
Her utawaku stream back in July hit 20k.

>> No.33691919

She doesn't love me

>> No.33691923

Even if she quits VShojo, she still gets to keep Nazuna

>> No.33692407


>> No.33693634

dumb take

>> No.33693862

She doesn't love (me)

>> No.33694007

How do we get her her numbers back

>> No.33694264

by getting her to stream consistently

>> No.33695449

dumb take

>> No.33695615

Right now the biggest obstacle is her fragile mental state
Also, I wonder how far her "can't stream on Youtube" clause goes. Can she at least make a frame on Youtube that appears in sub boxes to give YT users a convenient reminder? (with a link to twitch in the frame bio)

>> No.33696239

She can post a community post on her YouTube channel saying that she is streaming on Twitch and with the link

>> No.33696272

member Twitcast

>> No.33696503

Another members twitcast

>> No.33696536

Two in one day. We’re so lucky.

>> No.33697127

I don't think the issue is that the Japanese don't know she's on Twitch
It's that they're not bothered using a "new" platform. Casual fans can just watch any of the other dozens of YouTube vtubers

>> No.33697637

What's the most socially acceptable way for me to let her know how outrageously horny I am for her

>> No.33697690
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It was good to hear her voice

>> No.33698000

I used to send her dms on instagram but stopped because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to send more yet

>> No.33698054

Hello key/mikefrens, did you take your meds today?

>> No.33698102

She just did a mem twitcast so.....yes.

>> No.33698365


>> No.33698584

Wait, about being horny?

>> No.33698931

No way she likes me, if she somehow does it would be because I'm just another fan, she can't have both noticed me and like me

>> No.33699135

I remember thinking this way until I got proven wrong

>> No.33699446

And how am I going to be proven right or wrong? Do I have to do something unforgivable and see if she forgives me anyway? I'd rather not

>> No.33699468

Is she ok guys? I was sleeping

>> No.33699566

The cast was good and she's a lot better but acm most of her troubles have to do with just a busy day and medical problems, can disclose more because mem and sab.

>> No.33699868

Even if I could have a twitcast membership I still wouldn't understand most of what age says so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.33699906

*she says

>> No.33700986

Another Twitcast, public

>> No.33701110

public cast, so it's okay to talk about it here.

>> No.33701179

just don't assume the worst when you have no reason to retard

>> No.33701340

Please someone update on what she said after this public one, i can't listen today, i assume it will be pretty chill but atill if you have time post a summary or something

>> No.33701686

For some reason she decided to push her youtube channel and worries about being shadowbanned there.

>> No.33702546

Alien wife

>> No.33702736

She wrote thank you as tenq.
Still a long way on her english language journey.

>> No.33702942

was the joke anon....
you're not wrong in general though

>> No.33703084

Get ready for a youtube stream soon

>> No.33703932

I wonder if the revenue split news was part of what was worrying her last stream. She makes quite a bit on twitch but i doubt she gets to 100k that easily.

>> No.33703952
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Member and Public twitcast a same day, very nice

>> No.33704054

Fuck i just woke up, anons is she doing better?

>> No.33705284

Mike, i would reply offering you to take all my blood if you actually opened replies. Come ooon, let me in.
It seems so. A bit over the place but that's just twitcasts.

>> No.33705349

she's smaller than me so my vampiric wife can take all she needs

>> No.33705589

Did she say this on the cast?

>> No.33705852

She can take all my blood as long as she's using her mouth to do it

>> No.33706068

I don't need blood anyway

>> No.33708133
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>> No.33708175
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>> No.33709297


>> No.33710415

Can someone give me a quick summary of the public cast, please and thankyou

>> No.33711051

Vshojo doesn't owns the Nazuna model. Vshojo doesn't owns the Nazuna model. Vshojo doesn't owns the Nazuna model.
If she leaves VSJ she can still be Nazuna.
I just hope she gets more JP colleagues to stream and collab with and that she gets better and happier and stays as cute as ever.
Wife love.

>> No.33711165

>wife leaves VShojo
>screws over Kson and ruins their relationship
>becomes more reliant on us as a result
sounds good to me

>> No.33711790

where did you learn that vshojo doesn't own nazuna's model?

>> No.33712214

From kson, mouse, nyanners, melody, zen, silver, froot, hime, vei and the vshojo site

>> No.33712245

When Kson was explaining VShojo to the JP side, she said all of the vtubers own their own model
No reason to assume Nazuna is different

>> No.33712514

Vshojo fag here, all the other Vshojo girls own their model I don't see why Nazuna doesn't own hers

>> No.33713875

Anyone know if she brought up YT?
I've been going menhera since she became partner and was worried she can no longer stream as Mike on yt

>> No.33714000
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This is from the faq from vshojo site, they keep their IP

>> No.33714047

Partners can stream on Youtube

>> No.33714099

you idiots really wanna kill your oshi, but for real this time.

>> No.33714501

Fuck I just want to keep being menhera because I can't get these thoughts out but if there's a 1% chance she reads it and misunderstands

>> No.33714949

She brought up Youtube as Mikeneko a few times this last twitcast. It's likely she will stream there soon

>> No.33715118

Why does she act so distraught about Nazuna stuff when she is actively hampering her growth by streaming in so many different places?

>> No.33715264

She's probably streaming on YouTube because she's distraught
Remember when they couldn't get a Nazuna TL, so she cancelled the stream and streamed on Mike YouTube an hour and a half later?

>> No.33715377

I meant why does she act shocked about overseas viewers not tuning in everytime when she streams in 4 different places all barely announced

>> No.33715743

Besides Twitch, doing that has never stopped the Japanese.
The most you'll get is half a day in advance announcement because her mental and physical health are both too poor to plan out a full week of streams like other streamers. If she did, she'd end up cancelling a bunch of streams and feel awful about it.

>> No.33717323

Still doesn’t answer the question. She complained about overseas fan retention.

>> No.33717515

You seem a bit weirdly prickly about this.
What are your suggestions on how to retain overseas fans? And are these suggestions applicable to her?
Or what exactly are you getting mad about?

>> No.33717991

most of her overseas fans were virtue signallers from twitter that only came temporarily to be savior fags after the shit storm happened. They were never going to stick around, and once they saw what her actual content was they would've said the same bullshit most EN fans always say about "idol culture" and leave her (ironically the average vshojo fan too, which is why it known as vwhorejo). The foreign fans that stay are those that have been with her since rushia days. Sometimes we may get a curious wanderer from the larger vshojo fanbase in general, but they share the same characteristics as the vshojo saviourfag and so their support will always be withering and temporary. This is why its best for her to focus on her japanese fans and accept that while she does have loyal foreign fans, most of them are just shallow virtue signalers from twitter that shame her actual fans for having a 2d waifu. She doesn't realize it because she doesn't understand english and can't see how toxic and anti-waifu most western fans are like, but it is for the better that her foreign fans are dwindeling unless you want to accept more and more of these kinds of people into the community. They will be the first people to encourage male collabs, shaming gachikoi, saying we are mentally ill incels for having a virtual waifu which we are devoted to.

>> No.33718371

>The foreign fans that stay are those that have been with her since rushia days.
Not true. I've seen many here entering after the incident, including myself. I don't even remember if she had a consistent general in this board as Rushia.
I'm not replying to the rest, it's just weird timelooping of something that hasn't happened in months and random attacks on fans that you confuse with normies as part of an schizo attack.
If you want to keep Nazuna to yourself just say it.
She's fine, she doesn't want to change what she does, you can calm down.

>> No.33718748

>I don't even remember if she had a consistent general in this board as Rushia.
Uh, she did? She was popular enough to have a solo general too, whereas quite a few other Holos needed to share a general with another talent
The main issue I personally have with her trying to focus on overseas fans is that the ways of doing it are either impossible for her (can't schedule due to bipolar, can't speak English, collabing with EN vtubers very hard due to the language barrier) or would actually be counterproductive (streaming at overseas friendly times, but bad for JP).
If she can get on YouTube and stream closer to how she did as Rushia (superchat readings, more JP fans), she'll have a better time of growing. But her chances for success are being hampered if she really is stuck on Twitch as Nazuna.

>> No.33719786

Im a vsjfag, i started following mike and nazuna after the kson announcement, i love her streams and i watch every nazuna stream and every public mike stream, i admit im not a big donator but i sub and give some bits, i dont care if she collab with males but i never encouraged male collabs, i dont think im in love with har as much as some of you here but it makes me happy and brighten my day when she say i love you or calls her my wife, a lot of people left but that was obviously going to happen, however i assure you theres quite a few people that stuck around, i recognize chatters and donors from other vsj communities quite often

>> No.33719790

Her being stuck on twitch and Nazuna seems to be beyond her control.

>> No.33719864

Thanks vsjfren

>> No.33719890

I really just want to know exactly what is preventing it.
I wouldn't care as much if it wasn't clearly bothering her so much.

>> No.33720632

Did they use an special name or tag. I can only find a slow general (6 days long) they did for like 2-3 months period, and this one is definitely faster (though not a lot) and has been maintained for longer.

>> No.33721083

It was just
潤羽るしあ / Uruha Rushia
That general died on 24th February (wonder why?), although it was basically unusuable after "that" yab. Someone here might know the exact date it was first set up, but I've seen screenshots of posts from it dating back to April 2021, so it was around for quite a while
Once Mikeneko debuted her live2d and we became "on topic", we made a joint Rushia and Mikeneko general. And just before Nazuna's debut, that transformed into the current thread.
This board wasn't always as fast as it is now, so older generals could last for weeks. Now, a general needs to be bumped every 40 minutes at peak posting times.

>> No.33721121
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>> No.33721542

That's what i thought. I originally searched for both her japanese and english name in OP post and it definitely dissapeared and appeared every now and then.

>> No.33721611

I’ve been trying to figure it out with no success

>> No.33721856
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Since I been missing quite a number of her twitcast has anybody even posed the question to her during the live if she can even stream on youtube as Mikeneko? If we can get this out of the way first.

Two year overseas fandead and I never was coming to this website for vtubers discussion until this past Jan around when she had her 3D concert. I can't remember the reason but I think she was on break and I didn't know why as I had missed some streams or I was looking for information on her not sure but somehow ended up coming here to /vt/ from another website. I do know she had some threads talking about her but no recollection if it was a specific thread as this one. I was more active the following month when that went down been here since.

I would come here for /a/ to talk about anime and some /m something about anime mecha's when helping subtitle ID-0 so I ain't no "tourist".

Yeah I can't even recall.

>> No.33722085

She talked about streaming on YouTube today

>> No.33722186

>I ain't no "tourist"
>reddit spacing

>> No.33722453
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>> No.33722878

Boobs too big

>> No.33723578
File: 312 KB, 1290x2048, 1661089522156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, Rushia. Come back. Come back to your real fans, ditch these fucking eceleb men loving vshojo discord shitters.

>> No.33723705


>> No.33723793

If you went to school and not the barn yard with other rednecks you'd at least know about spacing retard. Trash like this bitch about spacing then whine about grammar, ESL, wall of text and other dumb bs. Make up your minds losers.

>> No.33723871

if rushia did an ecchi asmr, all the sewers in japan would flood with cum

>> No.33723885

OK, we'll see if she acts on it.

>> No.33723941

It would be extremely odd for her to bring up streaming on YouTube if she wasn't able to.
I have my own theories on her situation, but there's no reason to assume that Mikeneko can't stream on YouTube. After all, she streams on Twitcast.

>> No.33723966

>no ASMR since she left
the biggest crime

>> No.33724170

I remember her teasing us about potentially doing an ecchi asmr in the future and she's been acting more lewdly recently so it might actually happen. If she ever does it then I'm not masturbating for at least 2 weeks before I watch it.

>> No.33724459

Do we know if she's aware about Twitch's exclusive contract no longer being what it was? I know somebody told her I think on the cast but I don't know if she answered it. So the next question to ask her would obvious be is she able to stream youtube as Nazuna on her official channel?

I know she answered it before but without knowing about the Twitch contract.

>> No.33724556

Good things will come to those who wait. Patience is a virtue.
Also she's not doing an ecchi ASMR. I know she's pushing the line more nowadays but she's still far from that.

>> No.33724808

Someone brought it up after the change in a Twitter space. She said that she still wasn't going to stream on Twitch. This was the first week of September.
Realistically speaking, if it was just a misunderstanding, it would have been cleared up before she talked publicly on stream about it.

>> No.33724909

>wasn't going to stream on Twitch
I meant YouTube obviously

>> No.33724914

The possibility of this has already been spoken about several times ever since Kson first bought it up way back, if it hasn't been discussed and cleared up properly by now then someone's not doing their job properly

>> No.33725657

Who is the sexiest in your opinion, Rushia, Mikeneko or Bazuna?

>> No.33726161

I do recall her speaking about that but I don't know if her answer was clear enough on why. Maybe there's misunderstandings or maybe there isn't. Would it be improper to ask kson to clarify to Mike about the Twitch contract? And that she can stream as Nazuna on YouTUbe? Don't want to be a bother to kson about this but it beats just waiting for her. Under depression (and not) she is her own worst enemy.

>> No.33726421

Idk, does this feel sexy to you?

>> No.33726883


>> No.33727416

Don't ask Kson.
Mike hates it when we ask other streamers about her. Remember that time with Korone?
Also, I'd wager this is more complex than a misunderstanding. Again, she has a manager to explain stuff so I feel like she isn't confused here

>> No.33728545

If she brings it up again the question can be asked if her manager has clarified it to her about it. Otherwise it's not making any sense why kson can do it but not her.

>> No.33729057

I will always hate Twitch. Shittier interface than YouTube, harder to watch archived streams, annoying slang and emojis, and now this stupid twitch partner bullshit. I like kson but I'm starting to think Nazuna didn't think things through properly about joining her in vshojo.

>> No.33730728

>shittier interface than youtube
on youtube you can't go full screen like on twitch, you're stuck with all this empty space and an awkward positioning of the chat box. Plus youtube chat has less data, you can't use emotes from other channels, you can't click on a usernname to see their profile like on twitch, no advanced chat options like on twitch.

the rest of your criticisms I agree with except the slang I don't really care about, every community has it you're just being like a normalfaggot but to the twitch community coming in and not liking it. I also don't like how youtube is so quick to ban and restrictive on content you can do. both platforms are shitty in their own ways and have their own strengths.

>> No.33733105

>you can't go full screen
Well this is just wrong
>youtube chat has less data
>you can't use emotes from other channels
True but idc about those
>you can't click on a usernname to see their profile
You can but okay...
>no advanced chat options

>> No.33734699

Last time Kson was asked she incorrectly stated it was to become a twitch partner. Later she corrected herself and said she didn’t know. So I don’t think asking Kson is going to lead to anything.

>> No.33739473
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With a lot of people in the vsj circle saying they want to recreate their network in YouTube, do you think they’ll include Nazuna then? Zentraya said she was considering the same thing too btw.

>> No.33739476

I need her

>> No.33739651

It's impossible to say because we still don't know what's stopping her from streaming on YT

>> No.33740189

With VShojo's ties to Twitch staff, the CEO literally being a part of the founding team? They're probably spitballing without any commitment, I wouldn't be expecting anything.

>> No.33740399

Honestly with Nazunas sentiments on wanting to stream on Youtube and her roommate Twitcast pushing her Youtube channel and future streams if she really can't stream on YouTube ad Nazuna then just expect more Mike streams on YouTube until whatever is keeping her from streaming on YT as Nazuna expires.

>> No.33740711

>posting male
>and its the bastard rpr that likes towa
go back to the vshojo thread, you aren't welcome here.

>> No.33740837

stream tomorrow

>> No.33740908


>> No.33740928

.......I don't trust this, my bot hasn't pinged.

>> No.33742754
File: 184 KB, 1916x1304, 8D753AFA-6CD6-4F82-AF11-3B7CE55CA5A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazstream… pleasu… need it…

>> No.33743796

Page ten. Post happy things and your favorite things about her.

>> No.33744375

She was betrayed

>> No.33744990
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I love my wife

>> No.33745157
File: 214 KB, 850x1166, 20C6EFB0-FE35-4BD3-9096-2D8447BF423A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.33746691

her thighs have remained my favorite body part throughout all her incarnations

>> No.33746737

Literally almost every girl in Vshojo is blatantly moving at least part of their content to youtube. Let's see what happens with Nazuna.
