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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33587816 No.33587816 [Reply] [Original]

It's unsettling to see this board's hatred and paranoia of males. Some of you hated males even more than Crystal Cafe.

>> No.33587940

How dare someone not suck these faggots off for one second!!!

>> No.33587941
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>> No.33588070

I don't hate males. I just wish they followed the example of their JP senpais.

>> No.33588230

They can't. They're gay idiots.

>> No.33588571

Hololive created us this way
they said nothing when holo fans were raiding nijis over male collabs
they are frankstein and we are its monster

>> No.33588833

I think it's so impressive that these four can join HoloPro and immediately beeline for collabs with the girls despite knowing the backlash.

The subsequent backlash is so impressive that Ame's mask slips and she acts like an insufferable cunt to her fans, and Kronii is forced to take a two-week hiatus to take the heat off. They sit back and watch the fucking company make a literal public statement that they fully endorse male collabs, enacting the final heat death of what makes the company Hololive.

They sat back and watched it all happen without saying a word, and they are STILL agreeing to collabs with them without even a day or two to let things cool off. Tempus wanted the viewers and money from a fanbase they don't respect or like.

>> No.33588915

It's more like indifference. I'm sure they're fine if you fit into their target demographic. I for one do not.

>> No.33588980
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Nigger, I already watch males. In fact, I've been watching brotubers like SBFP for over 10 years.
I just want to enjoy Hololive for what I've come to expect, CGDCT. It's not that deep, really.

>> No.33589040

no talent nepotism hire,

>> No.33589049

in fairness, they did ruin everything

>> No.33589069
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why would I watch these literal whos over someone like forsen

>> No.33589092

>Idols are meant to be this because it's always been that way!
It's amazing how some of you people sound like grandpa's who hate anything that doesn't follow the tradition of how things used to be and are terrified of change.

>> No.33589124

I like the jp males, and I like vesper, shove the rest up your ass

>> No.33589178

What example do you want them to follow exactly? To be bullied and let themselves be walked over by unicorns who don't even watch them because they see them as a threat?

>> No.33589177

>If males aren’t involved in everything, it’s not complete!
Same type of thought process in needing to stuff women into gaming, a place they really don’t belong in.

>> No.33589195

I'm so sick of you begging homofuckers. Get the fuck off my board. If they were so great they wouldn't need fuckers like you promoting them for free any chance you get.

>> No.33589199

>terrified of change.
I've never seen anybody say this and it not instead be that people don't actually like the change

>> No.33589319

You promote them yourself for letting them live rent free. Look how many times you niggers make threads trying to own them on catalog or when something stupid happens unrelated to Stars, within 5 posts someone spams "homobeggar" like a retard.

>> No.33589475

ok homobeggar

>> No.33589556

Thus far, it’s primarily involved Tempus and their supposed inability to deny collabs. I get that this can be defused by saying how it’s the girls initiating it, but they still could deny them. May they catch all the flak they’ve earned, same with the Holos.

>> No.33589570

Send Cover an invoice. I don't talk about them, I don't care about them, and I come into these threads to tell shills like you to fuck off. Simple as.

>> No.33589667
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You do realize most Tempus fans aren't actually begging for these collabs right? They're mostly drama idiots that bait the EN girls to give them any material they can use to fan these whole male collabs vs Anti-male collabs situation.
Gura is my oshi, but I wouldn't be caught dead asking her to Collab with Tempus because I know how cancerous the chumbuds are and I wouldn't want them anywhere near Tempus.

>> No.33589677

OP doesn't claim that at all. That's the strawman you fags are trying to force because some some shit stirring individuals from a certain region keep bothering kiara. Many of you fags are just antagonistic for the sake of them being male and would be losing your minds if they were push over betas that shied away from invites from the girls.
We don't beg for anything, the stars clawed their way up to 3 views despite pathetic virgins like you harrasing them just for existing. I'm sick of you fuckers acting like you are the OG fanbase when vtubers had nothing to do with Unicorn shit and unicorn shit isn't the man landscape on the JP scene. You're so mentally ill that people talking about them in the positive light is seen as shilling because your aids riddled brain cant comprehend that people can like vtubers without wanting to make themselves mentally ill and gaslight themselves into believing they are in a relationship with the chuuba.

Tempus is great, we don't need you fuckers watching them. I don't want you in the fandom, fuck off and neck yourself unironically.

>> No.33589761

>virgins as an insult
man you newfags really are insufferable cancer

>> No.33589914

Post tits or go back to twitter roastie

>> No.33589933

They only want you to placate, never for themselves to learn the lay of the land. This is made 90x worse by how many outside eyes there are on /vt/.

>> No.33590050

>female interacts with male
stop acting like a virgin then

>> No.33590081

I have no problem with the Stars, just retarded fans like you that have the biggest victim complex I've ever seen. If they read your post, they'd personally tell you to fuck off and take your meds. Making retarded baseless claims like that I've personally harassed them when you don't know me from a hole in the ground makes you seem extremely unhinged. I'd recommend some meds and a little less screen time .

>> No.33590165

I watch male streamers I simply have no interest in these boring bishounen vtubers.

>> No.33590167

I'm anti homo, but I don't really give a shit, if you've been here a while then nothing can triger you anymore ,the only thing left is to bait tourists

>> No.33590401

>*metastasized tumor noises*

>> No.33590496

>female interacts with male
>”that’s her choice, but mine is to stop supporting her”
The degree of transparency here is otherworldly.

>> No.33590612

>unicorn shit isn't the man landscape on the JP scene
Even less so collabs with males. You are as much of a cancer as the unicorns you despise.

>> No.33590893

No one said to keep giving her money. Its been the exact opposite since day fucking one of this shitshow. Kronies were told to unmember, stop dropping money, and walk away. They have done the exact opposite and send schizoid supas (paying her) and writing angry blogposts on all her media (giving it attention). So no, Kronies are cucked beyond all measure because they refuse to let go.

>> No.33591016

>Get the fuck off my board
Males made this website.

>> No.33591134

Well, that’s true. I think Kronies are the same caliber of lost as Deadbeats are.

>> No.33591683

>It's unsettling to see this board's hatred and paranoia of males.
Males are perfectly fine. They just need to stay the absolute fuck away from Holo EN.

>Males made this website.

>> No.33592108

Vtubing is pointless as a man unless you're genuinely disfigured unless you're targeting the Fujo market, which is a fine market to target as they do pay up. But then the Fujos arent going to want to watch their BFE streamer laugh and play with a pretty anime girl.
It simply raises the question of what the point of it is. Asmongold is a literal ghoul but hes one of the biggest streamers on the planet. People like his personality and showmanship or they hate it and hate watch him which is still views in his bank account.
If you're a male streamer and vtubing is your gimmick other men arent going to care about your model, they'll care about your showmanship. The model isnt for the men watching it's for the fujos so why do female collabs.
It just begs the question of why. They knew putting hotsauce in the cake mix would meet with mixed results but have done it anyway when they could have left the cake alone.

>> No.33592387

I'm confused. If I don't like mixed gender collabs and I don't watch the Stars am I a virgin incel unicorn who hates all women or self loathing man who hates all males on principle? The homobeggar's narrative on this board is a bit inconsistent so I'm asking for clarification.

>> No.33592463

I like watching cute anime girls doing cute anime girl things.
Tempus members are not girls.
simple as

>> No.33592556
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>> No.33592786

You become anything their mind can concoct to alienate you. The ultimate goal is to destroy what is presently in their way and replace it with the gutted visage, as all corruptors do. “Unicorn” is just a means to an end to them; it has lost it’s original intent.

>> No.33592798

Moot is a male
Him being a homo faggot doesn’t change his gender

>> No.33592925

>He thinks that collabs are promotion

>> No.33592987

>If I don't like mixed gender collabs and I don't watch the Stars am I a virgin incel unicorn who hates all women or self loathing man who hates all males on principle?
Homobeggars on this board:
>Yes, who cares that you watch male streamers, you have to watch anime boys or else you're a virgin unicorn

>> No.33593029

the generalization of your entire statement smells like absolute garbage, I could type out a reason for female streamers being unironically cuter than the anime women.

I can smell projection all the way from my computer screen.

>> No.33593036


>> No.33593265

Too bad our mods don't do their job and instead use their "power" to enforce their shitty opinions

>> No.33593306

If you dont like mixed gender collabs or watch the stars there is nothing wrong with you. Just don't watch it and move on.
There is something wrong with you when you start melting down and say stupid shit online because there is a mixed gender collab or you realized that males exist in the world.
There is something wrong with you if you are obsessed with collaborations.
There is something wrong with you if you think that a man talking to a woman means that they're having crazy rabbit sex behind the scenes.
There is something wrong with you if the only anime you watch are rom coms and cute girls doing cute things and get angry when there are other male characters in anime.

>> No.33594453

And persevere despite that to be battle-hardened veterans with a naturally-grown fanbase completely separate from Hololive, yes. Unironically.

>> No.33594738

why would they be walked all over by unicorns if they aren't collabing with the unicorns' maidens?

>> No.33595189

If you're really asking this and not being ironic, its because schizos don't want them to exist even if they do absolutely nothing.
>Tempus boys minding their own business pre-collab ban being lifted
>"bait thumbnail - why did they flop?"
>hate msgs just for existing on stream and comments

>> No.33595276

And yet you only speak in vague accusations.
If you had anything meaningful to rebut me with you would have done so.

>> No.33595527

weird, that doesn't seem to happen much with the jps

>> No.33595615

but people are posting those things anyway? why does this make sense?

>> No.33595630

It did a lot in the first year of their inception my dear new anon.
They got flak just for their existence for a long while.

>> No.33595705

nigga do whatever you want, just stop chinking out

>> No.33595750

>they must needlessly suffer just like their predecessors who were sent death threats for just crime of existing and working in the same company as the female talents
Even Miyabi has wished that future stars would never have to go through what he did and was partly why he didn’t want new stars to join so they wouldn’t suffer.
Tempus still work their balls off to prove they deserve the success they have garnered compared to the lazy fuck women who have their fame handed to them for free and they squander it (Sana, Kronii). They still deal with antis but they actually have a backbone and to stand up to their haters, which should’ve been apparent during their debut with they endured all the insults and ridicule of their models and the insane amount of doomposting which continues to this day, but the difference is they aren’t letting it get them.

>> No.33595756

>weird, that doesn't seem to happen much with the jps

Miyabi would beg to differ


>> No.33595763

its not their fault that your oshi would prefer sucking their dick rather than entertaining (you).
its not their fault that your oshi would rather pander to these fucking homobeggar rather than (you).
if your oshi just ignoring tempus like kiara or gura did, non of this bullshit ever happen, tempus would rather stomach the awkwardness of starsjp collab than the number your oshi give because, contrary to /vt cuck fantasy narrative, tempus didnt have the balls to be the bringer of final yab, fuck, they didnt even have the balls to refuse the collab offer.

>> No.33595768

Yes, it would have happened regardless of whether or not they collabed or not. That's my whole point.
Some people wish the very worst for them and want them gone, regardless of whether or not they did anything just by virtue of existing.

>> No.33595865

Daisenpai (male) mind

>> No.33595926

so your point is that they should go ahead and make things worse? taking zero cues from their jp counterparts?

>> No.33596023

>they should go ahead and make things worse?
The problem is unironically (You)

>> No.33596043

just because jp bends the knee to incel losers doesn't mean en has to

>> No.33596063

You are like the yuriposters from /a/, I've known your ilk. You overblown anything with any males slapped on it. You people were always the most psychotic obnoxious group in any media you've flocked to.

>> No.33596115

I mean, if I'm gonna get shit no matter what I do, might as well do whatever the fuck I want no?

>> No.33596128

don't negotiate with terrorists

>> No.33596185

If that's what you interpret from my post then sure I guess? The JP boys already told the EN boys what to expect and to be ready to stand against the antis and haters.

>> No.33596261

Nobody hates them because they’re males, I for one hate them because 3 of the 4 are dogshit streamers who produce boring garbage content. Force graduate all of them but vesper and we are golden.

>> No.33596277

I was there for that, it seemed to be implied it would be more than the obvious and guaranteed temporary spam

as it stands, and as opposed to jp, they haven't stood on their own and will be seen poorly

>> No.33596361

that is where a competent manager would come in

>> No.33596375

Being spineless?

>> No.33596401

what insecurity does to faggots

>> No.33596488

And then you have the audacity to complain about the flak you get.

>> No.33596493

>they haven't stood on their own and will be seen poorly

>> No.33596564

But I do have crazy rabbit sex with every woman I talk to.

>> No.33596578

Have you been watching their streams? (probably not) A lot of them have already gotten anti posts and they've handled it a lot better than their jp senpai did, especially because their jp senpai told them about it and prepped them to be ready for the hate.
Just look at this clip for example, Axel literally just talks to the guy telling them to chill and stop wasting energy on hating. https://youtu.be/PAk1SLf_PHQ

>> No.33596598

I don't hate males, i don't want to watch em collab every week with my waifu that's all.

>> No.33596623

a handful of schizos on /vt/ being extremely loud and autistic is all it takes
you've seen people samefag 30 posts in a thread, why do you think this is any different?

>> No.33596707

>Doing their own thing
Where are you niggers coming from?

>> No.33596710

collectively they, more aptly the manager
>the problem is you
no, you're welcome to see it that way but my oshi won't collab with them anyway, this is bad for hololive generally

>> No.33596738

According to many people on the internet. I must be a fine male specimen if i could pull in so much tail just with normal conversation.

>> No.33596886

its more that they were thrust into the collabs too fast and created this shitshow, I misspoke and don't really blame them themselves, though I don't like anybody but vesper

>> No.33596982

>their own thing

>> No.33597008

>and created this shitshow
unironically blame Mori, not even Bae went on to grab a collab slot with each one of them as soon as possible except when it made sense (and we got a genuinely entertaining stream out of it)

>> No.33597108

>Do own thing
>Gets bullied
>Cries about it instead of ignoring it like a real man
Tell me how this isn’t the very definition of spineless. Or are you somehow a bigger faggot than Magni?

>> No.33597125

>thrust into the collabs
By whom? Are they both super durable, titanium enrobed demigods and also somehow unable to deny Mori?

>> No.33597175

>jp and id collab with males all the time
>nothing happens
>no one cares
>en collab with tempus
>nothing happens
>absolutely deranged meltdown
I refuse to believe this is a reaction by real, honest fans

>> No.33597199

>trust into collabs too fast
No one gives a shit about collabs other than the schizos that think two people of the opposite sex talking to eachother in a professional manner translate into hardcore womb inflating, anal prolapsing, ass to mouth, and 50 used condom wrappers of sweaty cum crusted sex.

>> No.33597242

I've seen that same "vtuber cringe" spammer on girls stream too. That's not a unicorn, just some faggot who hates vtubers in general.

>> No.33597322

look I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here, it's really irrelevant how it happened, it shouldn't have happened

>> No.33597372

Dunno how the girls handled it but Axel talked to the dude and managed to make him stay the entire stream and enjoy it by the end.

>> No.33597389

>like a real man
Exposing yourself, femcel

>> No.33597392

>too fast
Wow a week earlier than usual.
So fast.

>> No.33597405

>genuinely entertaining stream
This is the worst part about the average tempus poster or fucking homobeggar, they never can admit when a stream fucking sucked. The mori vesper collab was shit and I would have happily taken more of his solo content over that unfunny, awkward garbage any day.

>> No.33597419

Just let her collab with who she wants, please, this harassment is going to ruin hololive.

>> No.33597470

I was referring to the Boomer vs Zoomer stream you fucking idiot. The mori collab was absolute dogshit.

>> No.33597501

>nobody cares
seems self evident that people do in fact care both ways, but keep pushing your one sided faggotry

>> No.33597503

Girls just ignore it, which is probably the best thing to do.

>> No.33597529

>harassment is going to ruin hololive.
Chinks tried that and failed. Don't expect virgins to do it either.

>> No.33597634

>Absolutely no counter argument
Now continue to cry like the worthless faggot that you are while doing nothing to make the situation better

>> No.33597748

Chinks aren’t fans, this different and more grassroots.

>> No.33597815

I mean, I concur, and splitting hairs won’t unmake what has been, but my curiosity has become palpable in response to this shitstorm.

>> No.33597902

>I piss and shit everywhere the moment anything I don't like happens
>Yeah I'm a fan
grow the fuck up

>> No.33597941

Fuck both of them, still shit compared to his solo content and even he acknowledged that collabs arent shit for channel growth. the sooner they fuck off and let him fly solo the better.

>> No.33597970

They aren't fans either so what's your point?

>> No.33598072

Feel free to call them both shit but to imply they're on the same level of entertaining is delusional, though that's not exclusive to this case; Mori's collabs in general are fucking terrible.

>> No.33598094
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Any man listening to a woman talk about how to "be a man" is doomed from the start. You're a woman, I don't think you grasp how little anything you say on the subject matters to anyone but other harpy women. The number one thing for any man to do when a woman starts bitching about how they should act is tell her to shut up and sit down, and then watch as she throws a meaningless fit.

>> No.33598150

Vesper doesn't collab for growth. He does it for fun and to learn.
He's going to do whatever he wants. Cope harder.

>> No.33598180

those faggots are gay and i will never watch them. grifting retards showing up late to the party and demanding praise.

>> No.33598262

People don’t want the culture to change. Even in JP, the girls that collab with guys do so infrequently and certainly not every week.
It’s easy to ignore if it’s a once in a blue moon thing like they were before tempus but there’s been at least one a week.
When was the last time some of these girls had a small group or one on one collab with the other members of EN?
You can’t say that they’re a female only group when their activity involves guys so often.
This was what a lot of people feared would happen when they were announced. That they would rather be Hololive than Stars.

>> No.33598287

>See Altare and Kobo do a collab
>”meh it’s just gonna be two siblings doing their thing”
>See Magni and Mori do furry art collab
>”Mori please don’t talk about shrek or Adam Sandler”
>See Vesper and Kronii do a collab
>”god damnit Kronies are gonna get mad again aren’t they”
This is the amount of care given by Tempus watchers. And yes, /mans/ reaction to the Kronii collab wasn’t met with fuck yeas but rather oh fucks.

>> No.33598292

What does he learn from being in a similar space as Mori? How to sip gin in the suburbs and call it the ghetto?

>> No.33598417

Learning how someone else does their craft, even if you don’t agree with it, always has its benefits.

>> No.33598514

>I can’t wait to learn from this lean drinking wigger and retarded bug zoomer

>> No.33598657

There is something deeper at play here.
Who is restricting them?
Is it cover for just not getting permissions for various things they could do?
Their own imagination? The Schedule to properly keep singing voice healthy?
Or, worst case scenerio, the big voices in their / other members' fanbases?

If you love someone, set them free. Of course, deep down in those who want to control their oshi, they don't want to see them do things without their approval.
Of course, no one cares about that shit, and will just try to push blame on factions.
Tempus enjoyers really don't care one way or the other, but don't try to chain up anyone just because they interact with each other. Seems like decency to other human beings are at an all time low.

>> No.33598765

My question is: would you like male if he openly refused to collab with any female? I`m thinking about someone applying for homostar2, but with 100% contempt/hate towards girls. Honestly, I`m not sure if there is a market for this kind of streamers.

>> No.33598839

I suppose, but that also begs to wonder why one cannot learn by observation or off-stream interactions. The necessity of a streamed collab seems to be rather strange.

>> No.33598869

The "culture" is just an excuse for """men""" who are afraid to admit that men exist to piss and shit when something different happens.
The girls never collabing with eachother is on them. From what I've seen, Tempus constantly collabs with each other on top of them doing their solo streams every fucking week.

>> No.33598885

> by Tempus watchers
who said anything about people who actually watch? again, I don't even blame the males

>> No.33599076

I just think its hilarious that Mori and Bae manage to be more awkward than fucking Vesper.

>> No.33599078

Honestly anon, it's a thankless thing really. If you deny it openly, Anons will call you out saying you're being disrespectful. If you accept, you're a leech. All you can do is deny it and never ever mention it. No one will ever know what you did.

>> No.33599952

You do realize that their marketed as an all female idol unit and that they were pretty much that for nearly to years right?
It shouldn’t be such a shock that people were into them for that reason, it’s pretty obvious that it has a massive draw.
When they suddenly break from that and start playing with the guys more than their own branch, they aren’t an all female group anymore.

>> No.33600104

That’s the thing I don’t understand: If neither side ever brought it up, how would anyone know? It’d be exactly akin to the various collab request denials or lapses that exist behind the scenes already.

>> No.33600310

The reason Kronii is getting backlash is because she was caught lying in a members stream. Her members (the ones that pay for her bills, the reason why she exists in the first place) are the ones that are against her.
Now go ahead and write some retarded cope post about how 1 year old members are not honest fans

>> No.33600337

You're expecting far too much of them to understand something like that anon, even if it is painfully simple. Anons have been saying that here for ages and the twitroons and redditors still just drool on themselves chanting "unicorn, gachicoi, parasocial!".

>> No.33600368

I love males, and that's why I have to say Vesper and Dezmond's models look awful. What the hell is wrong with Desmond's eyes? Vesper's yaoi chin is also itai.

Axel and Regis look okay.

>> No.33600470

Don't forget "toxic idol culture!"

>> No.33600549

>Crystal Cafe
Very based community. I will make a post there about how homobeggars and normies want to end this safe space for woman so we can finally terminate the male menace.

>> No.33600595

All those faggots sound like the dipshits who bullied me in the highschool.

>> No.33600692

That’s the exact thing no one seems to get. No one knows how many collabs were already refused or simply declined to how ever many different reasons one would decline a collab/project. We even saw it with the worms tournament from the blatant orange woman being rather cunty about it (she didn’t really need to say what she did, or anything for that matter) or Ame herself saying it was availability issues for why she had trouble getting the wildcard/6th player for each group and ultimately group 1 not having a full set but group 2 does.

But alas, it’s just people still thinking collabs equal fucking to vocal schizos.

>> No.33600700

>When they suddenly break from that and start playing with the guys more than their own branch, they aren’t an all female group anymore
Let me tell you a secret anon. It's not the fault of the guys that the girls barely collab with each other.
Other than that, you're mostly right.

>> No.33600702

Uh, based?

>> No.33600865

>if you are obsessed with collaborations.
Who is the one being obsessed with making people collab with others

>> No.33600991

>collabs equal fucking
nobody thinks that

>> No.33601020

They are still an all female “””idol””” unit. Nothing changed. The collabs don’t change that fact. They are still HololiveEN, Myth, Hope, Council. The boys are still HoloStarsEN, Tempus.
What’s the next goalpost buddy?

>> No.33601132

>nothing changed
their content now includes males, so it has changed

>> No.33601137

>go into a streamers chat
>send a superchat "WHY ARENT YOU COLLABING WITH X????" and start attacking her
I sure wonder who is obsessed with begging for collabs, I wonder if their group of people already has a nickname that has been used for years because of how obnoxious and notorious they are about it...

>> No.33601186

>nobody thinks that
Then why all the accusations of cuckoldry?

>> No.33601425

why are you pretending to be stupid?

>> No.33601519

this but unironically

>> No.33601608

Brother... where the fuck have you been since August?
Here is a good starting point

>> No.33601619

Accusations by whom? Certainly not by the disgruntled kronies themselves.

>> No.33601699

They barely lifted a finger and made all the schizos on this thread mad, created a war between them and the homobeggars while they are just doing their own thing and not giving a crap.. is this the actual power of Tempus? if so, that's actually pretty impressive

>> No.33601787

Are you gonna claim that unicorns don't kvetch "cuck" at anyone making fun of them?

>> No.33601907

I gave them a chance, but I'm here because I want to watch Hololive, not Niji.

>> No.33601961

no you're pretending you don't know the difference between people using cuck in any form and thinking literal fucking is happening, it's gay, please stop being gay

>> No.33602040

I hate the blue guy.

>> No.33602083

how new are you, it's straight shitposting retard

>> No.33602204

Enjoy being a joyless husk soon enough.

>> No.33602231

Oh I know, I’m just really disappointed that they won’t even follow the JP’s that collab with males example of how to do it.
Name only doesn’t count for anything. Would an actual female idol unit be considered a female idol unit if half of them started doing a bunch of songs with guys?
The whole group dynamic would be ruined even if you didn’t listen to the male songs. What’s happening in Holo is pretty much that.
More art, discussion, memes etc are going to connect the guys to the girls. These collabs don’t just happen in a vacuum, they live on after the stream.

>> No.33602303

Why are you here if you don't know the difference between shitposting, schizoposting, and actual posting?

>> No.33602719

Ok, let's take a look at the general instead, you know, the place where the actual fans avoid schizos, antis and so on.
https://archive.alice.al/vt/thread/31998518/#q32009602 It's the fucking same.
I refuse to believe all of this is shitposting. Catalog readers and threadreaders, yes I'll give you that, but not in their own generals too.

>> No.33602986

again, not liking the male, not liking the interaction with the male, not liking the reaction to the male, are all far away from thinking they are literally and unironically fucking

how severe is your autism?

>> No.33604053

>creates multiple threads with a false assumption and then blames it on the board

>> No.33604948

Not really. Males have always been part of hololive production.

>> No.33605008

>The classic beggar cope

>> No.33605314

The only one begging here is you.
Speaking of begging, shouldn't you be busy begging for nijisanji collabs?

>> No.33605478
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I hate that EN management handed them collabs with the EN girls to the point where collab bans were lifted. They never did that for the girls so they could collab with JP sooner. It was so they could specifically collab with girls due to """"fan demand"""". I hate that they have no underdog story because EN management and Omega are very clearly pushing for mixed collabs so they have full support for everything. They worked for nothing. They're nothing like JP stars, they didn't go through anything they did, they didn't build character from it that molded them to become better streamers and entertainers. They could refuse all of these collabs but they willingly choose to do them even when they know it will bring problems and arguments within fanbases. They don't seem to give a fuck about JP Stars and the etiquette they built up when it comes to collabs with Hololive members, they just say yes and disregard the fans that may not want to have holostarEN faces shoved into their life on a weekly basis.

But I could forgive all that if they weren't so fucking boring, they don't bring anything interesting aside from the drama of collabing with the girls so fucking much. As far as I'm concerned, they're "holostars" in name alone and they're just an Omega pet project with the purpose of pushing NijiEN-like mixed collabs, they're not true holostars. Same as how some of the EN girls aren't even Hololive material and would be more at home in Nijisanji along with all the bullshit they believe in.

>> No.33605881

Too long, didn't read.
Try harder next time

>> No.33606219

Same, I don't consider them Stars, they don't deserve it. Ignore the illiterate goldfish attention span anon.

>> No.33606642

I wonder if I'm the only one who doesn't hate the males just the collabs?

>> No.33606837

That's why he's a good dingo

>> No.33606845

Ironic, huh

>> No.33607492

Unironically true. I know I, and I can guarantee a good number of other anons, are genuinely spooked about a collab with Gura, or a chuuba with a similar fanbase, happening because of the literal meltdown that'll happen. Like the harassment of the talents involved, let alone the fan fighting, will be AWFUL for everyone involved.

>> No.33607733

I love these guys they're so much fun

>> No.33607768

It's crazy how the western civilization is so far gone that it's unthinkable for so many people that straight men don't like other men lol

if you homobeggars like men so much why don't you all kill yourselves and beg god to make you a woman in your next life lmao

>> No.33607935
File: 311 KB, 1144x621, pinkgal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't hate males but most of the tempus guys just don't do it for me. They're fun in a group and sometimes the Noir zatsudans can be fun but Regis's weird whisper thing makes me wanna kill someone.

But I honestly don't know how I'd feel about Mumei doing a stream with an EN male

>> No.33608306

Yea that shitty forced whisper voice is fucking aids to listen to on stream. If he came off as less fake about everything then he could be more interesting to listen to.

>> No.33608403

It is not that I dislike men. It is that they do not like the imposition of men.
The black Little Mermaid was disliked not because they don't like black men, but because they ruined their image by imposing black men on them.

>> No.33608458

The only one I dislike is Regis. Vesper literally odnes't give a fuck about anything, Magni is chill and Alex is just there.

>> No.33608669

Regis and the aussie cunt are snoozefests, they should graduate or drink bleach, dont care which,
magni is funny in collabs, dogshit on his own, while vesper is dogshit in like half his collabs, but amazing on his own.

>> No.33608735

I was hyped for their debut until I realized that the management brought Hololive girls but ignored the OG Holostars boys for tempus debut streams

>> No.33609263

I wouldn't hate them nearly as much if they'd just stay the fuck away from holoEN

>> No.33609497

I don't hate them, in fact I have absolutely idea what they're like since I haven't seen a second of any stream they're in, nor do I plan to. I just want them to know their fucking boundaries like their JP senpai do.

>> No.33609990

only holobronies are like that

>> No.33610274 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33611531

JP guys know the industry and respect the JP girls.

>> No.33611885

Goddamn dude is your dick small or something? Amazing projection there.

>> No.33612114

They're western women. Shit like this isn't out of the realm of possibility.

>> No.33612276


>> No.33612308

>beeline for collabs with the girls
roru, rumao

>> No.33612319

NTA But, this isn't a projection, it's the reality. Stars JP wanted to avoid exactly this situation, so they didn't bother the girls.

EN management didn't learn anything and are trying to blow-up the branch as fast as possible.

>> No.33612678

>they need to learn their boundaries like their JP senpais!
>their JP senpais who were put there because JP schizos hate them for no reason besides existing
>hate them with collabs, hate them without collabs
>Miyabi who needed to literally take meds
>Miyabi who got /vt/-tier hate with schizos containment breaking when he was a literal 1-2 view
>Roberu needed to grind 5-6 streams a day just to make their branch relevant
>how FBK, Matsuri helped them through the storm
Fuck no. They can do whatever they want and collab with anyone they want as long as both parties agree.
(You) made them into the victim, and now the girls are symphatising with them more when they realised they are also great professionals doing their best.
(You) brought this upon yourself.

>> No.33612722

NTA, but it’s not like they denied the collabs for a year before doing them infrequently.

>> No.33612897

>also great professionals
The girls are about as far from "professional" as they come. Laughably so.
Your schizo fanfiction doesn't reflect reality in any respect faggot

>> No.33613072

Rent fucking free

>> No.33613169

There'll be peer pressures for holos that don't want to collab with males now that the management greenlit the dick hungry holos and the boys to organize daily mixed collabs. And they have reddit+twitter to gaslight those who don't want to collab with males.

They will all collab with Tempus.

>> No.33613586

If your idea of professionalism is by not being a woman of course they're all unprofessional, anonchama.

>> No.33613638

>Some of you hated males even more than Crystal Cafe.
4chan nummero uno !!!!

>> No.33613698

This victim complex is disgusting. They knew what they were they were in for when they applied.
They joined a company that has a clearly separate female and male branch and had no intention of actually fitting that image.
Management might not care but there are obviously going to be certain expectations by viewers. If they wanted to be Niji then that’s who they should have applied to.

>> No.33613715

You know maybe you should support them without forcing collabs that they don't want. They don't want to leech off the girls to grow.

The JP girls never had to deal with this bullshit as a result, which I am forever grateful.

>> No.33613803

Don't hate them. Just don't want them making contact with my oshi, and luckily my oshi also wishes for this.

>> No.33613988

>acting like you are the OG fanbase
yes we are, numbers-wise, from the interpretation based on a textbook approach to thinking and the amount of contributions to the community as a whole which is what distinguishes the girls from leeches.

>> No.33614190

Girls dont want unpopular males, they want males with relevance
That is why males always seem to come out after a few the girls done the groundwork in both niji and holo

>> No.33614224 [DELETED] 

The males are the most popular in Niji, though.

>> No.33614450
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Selen Tzu. Progress is satisfactory. Mail the first check, but emphasize this company demands ongoing results.

>> No.33614471

>Tempus is great, we don't need you fuckers watching them.
That's the thing you fucking reptile. None of us want to watch them but they keep fucking forcing these collabs with the girls.
>I don't want you in the fandom, fuck off and neck yourself unironically
I have never watched a single Holostars stream and never will. I watch Hololive. 41% yourself.

>> No.33614522

Who said I was forcing collabs?
(You) made the collabs happen because the girls feel they need to help the guys. After all they went through because of (You) back in 2019 and 2020. It was only FBK and Matsuri with some Chocosen, but now that Stars' history of being fucked because of JP schizos are well known amongst the overseas talents they side with Stars instead.
>but muh separation
They are separate. Their concerts are separate and their big projects are separate.
The girls are saviourfagging a separate branch because they don't like what (You) do.

>> No.33614602

I've been saying for two straight years that there isn't really that much fundamentally different between Hololive and Vshojo and you retards never listened. Enjoy eating shit.

>> No.33614672

You said they should collab with whoever they want, which is what they're already doing.

>> No.33614812


>> No.33614819

>is there a market for a blatantly antisocial vtubber
There isn't, at least not a large enough market that Cover would be interested in attracting. honestly though, you most likely wouldn't get past the interview portions with that sort of angle. There was another anon talking about he wanted to be the "villain" of hololive a while back and he was equally misguided. Hololive is comfy hang-outs, cover songs, concerts tickets and merch sales. Their market is not in WWE drama shit.

>> No.33614973

>without forcing collabs that they don't want.
Most Holostars fans usually dislike hololive (except ID gen1) collab tho

>> No.33615171

Exactly, so stop feeling sorry for the JP branch they're doing the right thing and should be supported.

>> No.33615197

>why would I watch these literal whos over this other literal who?

>> No.33615207

its self hatred

>> No.33615388

Nah I'll never forgive for what they did to Miyabi, dude still traumatized to stream FFXIV to this day.

>> No.33615516

Izuru never collabed with female until recently, and it's because Shin is very persistent. Uyu also hasn't do collab with female yet

>> No.33615828

>muh should be supported
>no one supports them
>the people who says StarsJP is great because boundaries don't watch them

>> No.33616093

His first collab with a female was in a Vsaikyo tourney last year during the after-party.

>> No.33616379


>> No.33616904

And of course the twitter and discord niggers ignore the only post that makes sense and continue to circle jerk.

>> No.33616995

Its not paranoia when we saw what happened to Niji and a good portion dropped them

>> No.33617193

Worst part was, it was eventual with NijiEN, because the Law of Manjisanji is very real. Despite knowing this, there was a lot to enjoy about their pre-Luxiem era. Immediately after Vox erupted in popularity, all hell broke loose; it isn’t farfetched to believe HoloEN may spiral down that nightmarish path.

>> No.33617369

And yet a lot of their girls incline, no?
I'm pretty sure a lot of their members are ex-Myth members too. Numberfagging really doesn't work here.

>> No.33617585

>their girls incline
What reality are you from?

>> No.33617737

I know most of you are just trolling. But there will never be co-existence between people who want female-only streams, and people who want streams with males.
It seems pretty clear that Gura has chosen to target the former camp like many JP girls, while Ame and Kronii are now targeting the latter. I am in the former camp, because I don't find men attractive (amazing isn't it), and I don't want to hear vtubers dictate or lecture to me.
There's one thing people don't say enough about Gura. She often says this phrase: "you are here to have fun", and she just means it. She is there primarily to help *you* have fun. Customers / viewers first mentality. That's more admirable than arguing with your viewers.

>> No.33618353

Their boundaries with the JP girls, that's the only one I care about. I respect men who respect women.

>> No.33618434

>And yet a lot of their girls incline, no?
No, not at all.

>> No.33618571


>> No.33618709


>> No.33618721

The only ones who inclined were Nina and arguably Mika, but they're pretty irrelevant nowadays.

>> No.33618758

>there will never be co-existence between people who want female-only streams, and people who want streams with males.
It's actually true
>I don't find men attractive
Everyone's got their own reason for watching vtubers, I'm only in it for the entertainment factor and so far to me the boys didn't disappoint, not bad switching from watching Hololive EN and HolostarsEN from time to time

>> No.33618842

I also lie out my ass to pretend I give a fuck about JPStars, even though I don't watch them or their EN counterparts' streams and instead shit all this info out of my ass because I really hate male collabs.

By the way did you know that Magni and Rio are having a date in Human Fall Flat? Oh right. You wouldn't know.

>> No.33618851
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You whore asked for this Magcock

>> No.33618974

Roberu can fuck Mea all he want, i wont complain.

>> No.33619508
File: 53 KB, 425x450, 1583098660093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want them to be like danshi koukousei no nichijou, man

>> No.33619560

Their example of being 2views?

>> No.33619570

I feel bad for Vesper, he's a senile old man and knows not what's he's doing. This Canadian harlot is manipulating him.

>> No.33619613

No, their example of respecting the JP girls and not stirring-up drama for the community.

>> No.33619878

would respecting the EN girls be accepting their collab invites or denying them?

>> No.33620123

>not stirring-up drama for the community.
news flash, dramaniggers are doing it. You can blame them all you want but these guys are earning their place their way. They're not gonna be quiet about it.

>> No.33621060

You don't even watch Holostars JP, don't pretend. Nobody does. Not even with all the pity Matsuri and Fubuki collabs.
Only YAGOO cares about them that much.
Who are you kidding newfag? You're the ones that invaded Hololive and sperged out until it changed. I say you, you did nothing, you're worthless. I mean the spergs like you on Japanese sites that jumped wholesale from shitty Idolbu and "idol" pandering media.

>> No.33622455

