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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 28 KB, 506x368, KFPMem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33532962 No.33532962 [Reply] [Original]

It's almost like they WANT me to

>> No.33533011
File: 613 KB, 1157x856, 1662686218225966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did, fuck tempiss cocksleeves. Vote with your wallet.

>> No.33533064

reply if OP is a Kiarakek falseflagger and will never find love

>> No.33533124

>supporting boring streamers because they're better and pretending they don't fuck

>> No.33533614
File: 17 KB, 314x316, 5e2aa4516d84649fd23c5f7e5e6dc05c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiara will eventually collab with a male. id say cancel your mem right now.

>> No.33533691
File: 39 KB, 500x500, yyzkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically yes

>> No.33533778


>> No.33533914

yes, i like it when they respect their fans

>> No.33533948

A fucking leaf

>> No.33534105


>> No.33534226

Actions speak louder than words.

>> No.33534705

doesnt count

>> No.33535282

You can spot ironic unicorns if they even so much as mention Kiara.

>> No.33535307

You shouldn't be in a relationship with someone just because they're interesting, they have to respect you too

>> No.33535855

Kiara knows her role and knows what job she applied for.

>> No.33535981

I genuinely like Kiara. What now?
She might be annoying to some, obnoxiously needy to others, but she's anything but boring. Her autism complements minem.

>> No.33536038
File: 191 KB, 960x1646, 1409147210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calli brings guys on streams with girls
>calli brings guys on stream with kiara
>"that doesnt count"
all of you are so desperate to delude yourself into thinking some streamers are saints so you can cling to them until this happens again. pathetic.

>> No.33536193

sounds pretty base d e s u

>> No.33536192

I'm more offended about her collabing with nyanners than I'm about her collabing with a renowned producer.
Even you know you are comparing apples to oranges

>> No.33536476

What if this was the plan all along? Kronii prefers having a smaller fanbase, so she's intentionally bleeding gachis to other holos.

>> No.33536538


>> No.33536653

Nigga that nyanners collab was fucking hilarious. Seeing nyanners go completely quiet after Kiara asked her if she had friends during her childhood was peak comedy.
And now they'll never collab ever again because she gave nyanners PTSD.

>> No.33536664

I've been watching Kiara pretty consistently since debut. I like her taste in games and she tells funny stories during superchat readings. She's genuinely entertaining for me, her not collabing with Tempiss is just an added bonus.

>> No.33536702

Honestly Kiara's autism is only really unlikeable in collabs. If you like her solo content, then support her

>> No.33536766

you dumb nigger.

>> No.33536801

>>supporting boring streamers because they have bigger numbers
That's all HoloEN fans are.

>> No.33537743

It was kinda fun how she humiliated her, after the fact. But during it it was clear early sign where the whole branch was heading to. Just another step of the slippery slope.
I'm glad Kiara stopped there. I recently started watching her again. It's an old wound that has healed now.

>> No.33539443

Do it, you won't regret it. Welcome to the family.

>> No.33540744

Not opening the link, bet it's Yagoo interview.

>> No.33540746

I kneel.

>> No.33542143


>> No.33542609

you retards can't read or something?
Supporting BORING streamers. BORING.
Do you know what that term means? fucking esl monkeys i swear...

>> No.33544821

Kiara is pretty entertaining but I'm not a seething tranny so I can't relate with you

>> No.33546311

We're full

>> No.33546401

Imagine not using ARS

>> No.33546868

>changing memberships because your "oshi" betrayed you
>finds out oshi collabed with a man, platonically and professionally
>process repeats
and then what? if kiara collabed with males you're gonna switch oshis again? go on anon... I'm waiting for you to call me "homobeggar" or "kiara won't collab with males"

that's all you'll ever reply and that's all you'll ever do because honestly shit like this is getting old

>> No.33546972
File: 16 KB, 360x400, Fb5cntjXoAEw-_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if kiara collabed with males you're gonna switch oshis again?

>> No.33547133

>I keep saying the same shit and getting the same response
Obviously, fucking retard.

>> No.33547309

Of all the EN idols you chose Kiara. Why not follow a better one like Gura instead? Hell even IRyS is better.

>> No.33547482

He lacks critical information

>> No.33547566

There are 6 good ENs. Any one of them is a valid choice.

>> No.33547579

How is she more pure than someone like Bae or Kronii? My cock is literally a witness.

Choose Ina, IRyS or Gura.

>> No.33547700

Eating out the trash isn't much different than eating from the garbage dumpster

>> No.33547778

7. Gura, Ame, Ina, IRyS, Mumei, Fauna and Bae. If collabing with males bothers you, then I've got some news for you: All of them "collabed with males" before, in one way or another.

>> No.33547846

Kiara actually fucking streams you homobeggar

>> No.33548012

I think Mori and Ina are the biggest snoozefests in Myth.

>> No.33548032

Kiara is the only one that is outright stating she is against male collabs and doesn't like the males being forced into groups because it's making group collabs get cliquey
She also called out the myth girls for telling their audience to improve themselves when the girls(including her) need to improve themselves first

>> No.33548152

I've got news for YOU newfag. Using your logic and metrics, every single fucking JP has "collabed" with males including Rushia before she got fired. In fact EVERY SINGLE REAL IDOL HAS. But their gachikoi aren't losing it.
You're too much of a newfag to understand why.

>> No.33548697

If Kiara collabs, I'm dropping this hobby.

>> No.33548791

>Promoting another one

>> No.33548891

>Resorting to the most boring and pathetic maggot in EN because they won't take the JP pill
The absolute state of ENfags

>> No.33549055

> The girls entertaining thousands and raking in money
> The viewers slaving their life away to send a "look at me" akasupa

Clearly the girls have to improve first

>> No.33549261

At least she had the balls to call them out on this , and shes a woman

>> No.33549471

I'll take rare good streams over Kiara's easily available garbage any day of the week.

>> No.33549474


>> No.33550064
File: 1.51 MB, 795x900, 1660259077483243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not use my oshi wife for your schizophrenic copium overdoses

>> No.33550767
File: 148 KB, 1154x1049, 1654550088304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is a lot of things.
Boring is not one of them

>> No.33551309

Just become a chumbie
Gura doesn't even acknowledge the homos

>> No.33551363
File: 194 KB, 1823x962, 1648315582847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some wawa

>> No.33551390

She also doesn't stream and your community is full of pedos.

>> No.33551424

I'm sorry, i am not a pedophile

>> No.33551463

yes and?

>> No.33551597

Now this is what I call shameless shilling. Bravo Cover.

>> No.33552232

Yeah, in the most inconvenient timezones outside of Rust, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.33552643

Why is it so hard to understand that most Holofags dont really care about the male collab part but more about the Homostars collab?

>> No.33553210

Gura is fine but she's way too lazy. I can't support someone like that

>> No.33554333

Just don't be an amerifat. Simple

>> No.33556225
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, womp womp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his oshi is literally 50% off
