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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33445350 No.33445350 [Reply] [Original]

>we work really hard
>we leave things until the last minute
so which is it?

>> No.33445407


>> No.33445413

Never seen a gen with less friendship than this one

>> No.33445468


>> No.33445485

It's only Gura anon.

>> No.33445500

never been to college? that's literally how a college students operates constantly.

>> No.33445554

Kiara tried to warn them, but they didn't listen

>> No.33445564

Now that gura got her concert do you think she will graudate? Was pretty obvious she hated hololive during anni stream

>> No.33445733

way to out yourself as an EOP

>> No.33445795

Ame's 3D and Gura's 3D are soulless
They simply don't know what their fans want and trying too hard to be "idol"
And I don't think JOP will buy it because YWNBJ

>> No.33445822

Gen 2?

>> No.33445879

HoloX . . . .

>> No.33445889

anon i think you have hearing comprehension disability, it's terminal too. I'm so sorry.

>> No.33445938

This. Have to work hard when you're trying to do shit last minute constantly.

>> No.33445940

2 years and they still couldn't get ready on time.
They sure did work on the last minute

>> No.33445973

>trying too hard to be "idol"
Are you out of the loop? that's what the fans wanted. Them being an idol despite them being degenerates comedians. That's how idol culture work in japan seeing your idol go from small to doing big concerts like this

>> No.33446069

those aren't mutually exclusive
its not "only Gura". The issue is that they all have different flavors of autism. Ame and Ina want to be left the fuck alone, Gura wants someone who is a turbo zoomer like her and Mori and Kiara are off putting. There is a reason why Kiara said she only ever had like one friend in school and why Mori only ever had one friend in school and then admitted she was being a shitty friend to Kiara. CoPE clearly has better chemistry because they have a real hag, Fauna, and because Kronii and Fauna are good at tard wrangling, Bae wants to be liked by the older girls and Gura, Mumei and IRyS all have similar flavors of autism

>> No.33446415

They can definitely do something match Gura's theme
Jazz concert, 3D ukulele, city pop (they are Japanese songs so there's no permission problem)
The cute and funny shark in the live is just not Gura when she stream and we all know about it
>That's what the fans wanted
That's what the majority JOP tourist wanted who don't know a single English word that Gura says

>> No.33446751

Kiara? You mean the one who finished her 3D Live video minutes before the premiere time and had to delay because youtube was taking too long processing it?

>> No.33447222

no see she's actually based because she called her genmates lazy on their anniversary

>> No.33447655

Can you give me timestamps

>> No.33448180


>> No.33448338

I'm not even being an anti for Kiara. I prefer her to mori and ame and the girls try to include her in stuff because she tries to be friendly, but she legit has some form of autism that makes her annoying

>> No.33448840

no I just read catalog rrats and then just made them even more hyperbolic, sorry

>> No.33452151

just like school

>> No.33452266
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>Kiara calls them out
>Mori and Gura immediately start protesting
>Entire conversation started because Mori proudly proclaimed she hadn't recorded her shit yet for their new unit song
It's very obvious who is telling the truth.

>> No.33452331

Yes she will graduate from EN and join Hololive JP Production

>> No.33452361

SNOT is the best grouping among the ENs, they're all so genuinely happy when they collab

>> No.33452425

STFU she clearly included herself when she talked about waiting for the last minute to finish things

>> No.33452500

Neat group because all of them are introverts, there is no attention whore, and no Adam Sandler joke.

>> No.33453697

>there is no attention whore

>> No.33453813

Kiara saying something like "we need to improve ourselves before we tell our fans to improve themselves" was absolutely fucking based. I bet it stung Ame especially hard since she's the one that loves to piss off her audience on purpose and to tell them to be better when she's just a little shit herself. The others are the same but to a lesser degree, maybe not Ina since she seems to be extremely mellow nowadays since her move. I hope Kiara keeps being blunt about it and calling them out. There's being catty and then there's being brutally honest. She's the latter and I appreciate her a lot for it.

>> No.33453847

Why did she say this into a hot mic? It's so unprofessional and makes everyone look bad. No wonder they hate her

>> No.33453935

he's talking about SNOT, not myth

>> No.33453986

but he was crying about adam sandler because mori scares him

>> No.33454001

and then in 3 months Kiara will wonder why Ame doesn't want to hang out with her. It's cool if Kiara wants to grovel to /vt/, but she should stop leeching off her betters if she's going to shit talk them.

>> No.33454014

Say the person who forced Ina and Ame to do slave labor for her birthday concert and called out Ina for being temperament
Not to mention infected both Ame and Fauna with her C-virus

>> No.33454123

It's okay. Kiara has a real friend in Reine now.

>> No.33454185

Pfft, Reine would choose Ame rather than Kiara, easy option.

>> No.33454203

t. never watched Reine

>> No.33454210
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>he doesn't know

>> No.33454252

>Reine would choose Ame over Kiara
You are a fucking retard

>> No.33454293

Kiara can't sustain friendships though

>> No.33454344

>Austian airport would let Kiara fly to USA, if she still had C-virus
Why are Kiara antis this fucking retarded?

>> No.33454652

>Everyone gets sick after meeting Mori
>It's somehow Kiara's fault

>> No.33454698

kiara seems to be the only one that actually still gives a shit. and doesn't despise her own fans

>> No.33454858

Fauna didn't meet Mori anon

>> No.33454862

>leeching off her betters
Dunno what's funnier about that statement. Calling anyone in Myth her better when she's the only one of the branch with her life in order or calling her a leech when she's almost completely dropped Myth and only did the anniversary collab because it was contractually required.

>> No.33454979

that's the problem, she only can give shit
ame never mentioned any of her projects but she delivered them, and never bitching other people

>> No.33455067

Only way to hold slackers like Mori and Gura accountable is public shaming.

>> No.33457268

She's still has the worst CCV in Myth, cope.
>She's the only one of the branch with her life in order

>> No.33457641

Ina was incredibly cute in that. When she hugged the camera my heart literally skipped a beat.

>> No.33457712

Getting a million subs in >2 months is not "going from small to big"

>> No.33457713

>Oya oya
desu the ones i followed in that 360 stream is Ina, Gura and Ame

>> No.33457764

Homobeggars getting uppity tonight. I wonder why

>> No.33457880

lmao, what a loathsome cunt. Very understandable why she is where she is.

>> No.33458036

working frantically for 5 hours to try and accomplish 30 hours of work and say you do a shit job so you rush all over and do a shit job of what you would have otherwise covered in 10 hours of normal work is not working hard. It's working retardedly and in a stressful fashion so you feel like you're working harder because you're stressed from shit planning. holoEN has to be the absolute worst at managing shit I've ever seen and it all comes top down since their management is also shit lmao.

>> No.33458068

>using noombers to cope
by your metric, the MCU is peak cinema.

>> No.33458178

holllly fuck I'm surprised this wasn't bigger or else I just haven't paid attention because this is like.. crazy and they all drag management and kiara drags them all and also drags ame for her improve yourself shit like this seems more like a drunk rant and not something you'd get into at an anniversary celebration live on camera lmao. wild.
based even if her screeching makes my ears bleed.

>> No.33458189

B-Based?! Shion will be happy

>> No.33459010

> by your metric, the MCU is peak cinema
It is.

>> No.33460668

they work really hard because they leave things until the last second

>> No.33460833

> I bet it stung Ame especially hard since she's the one that loves to piss off her audience on purpose and to tell them to be better when she's just a little shit herself
You don't even know Ame you ungrateful little shit. She works really hard for other people and you call her a shit? Fucking asshole, why don't you go tell that to Kiara and see what she says about it you piece of turd? You won't you fuckinh coward.

>> No.33462417

One does not exclude the other.

>> No.33462986

It's the truth buddy. She doesn't have crippling social phobias nor is addicted to life shortening substances. Compared to the shockingly low standards of the rest of myth kiara is the only one who can say they're an even remotely adjusted and functioning adult.
sounds like you're the one desperately trying to cope if you have to bring numbers into a discussion that doesn't involve them

>> No.33463269

Maybe she should've improved herself and moved her lazy ass to get a studio for her birthday instead of letting her genmates work for her. Maybe she should've improved herself before forcing ships onto her genmates. Maybe if every person who spends enough time around you comes to dislike you, you should start improving yourself.

>> No.33463327

Oh yeah, definitely graduation soon.

>> No.33463391

weirdly enough everything you listed isn't an improvement problem. Kiara's unlikeable and grating, not a lot she can do about that. I have some pity for her, as she clearly does try very hard but has real limits personality-wise that she's not gonna overcome

>> No.33463427

it's neither. the later is an excuse for the lack of the former.

>> No.33465538

>>we leave things until the last minute
the EN classic

>> No.33466565

June Avg. CCV
Gura: 32901
Ina: 20589
Ame: 9580
If you're gonna numberfag then at least do it right

>> No.33466606

ogey tourist, gen2 and gen4 exist

>> No.33467980


>> No.33469651


>> No.33475024

Gen 2? Gen 4?
