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3338532 No.3338532 [Reply] [Original]

Learn Japanese

>> No.3338593

why would I learn a language that is useless literally everywhere else in the world except Japan

>> No.3338666


>> No.3338686

>why would I learn a language that is useless literally everywhere else in the world except Japan

>> No.3339060

>why would I learn a language that is useless literally everywhere else in the world except Japan

>> No.3339077

Reine focus on your SC reading!

>> No.3339108


>> No.3339121

Dekinai, muri da, yamettehogaii

>> No.3339195

For fun

>> No.3339235

it's not like youre learning anything useful anyway

>> No.3340295

Chances are your Japanese skills wouldn't be useful anyway. Gaijin who speaks Japanese are already oversaturated. Learn emerging market language instead, like Indonesian.

based my bro

>> No.3340774

But then I would have to deal with the Chinese

>> No.3340783

fuck you Risu

>> No.3341257

Actually, yes, learn it. People here undervalue the benefits of learning a language and like to complain about you doing so or make fun of you for not being native but still finding interest.

You're a total piece of shit for telling anyone it's a waste of time or that it's "not useful."

>> No.3341273

Risu your english voice is so fucking scuffed and off sounding but it makes my dick diamonds so never feel bad about it.

>> No.3341335
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>> No.3341415

I saw somebody ask like a week or two ago if they should recommend learning Japanese or Russian and the answers to both of those were either "Do not do Russian" or "Neither"

So I'm convinced at this point that this board doesn't actually consider the potential practical benefits of a second language and instead is probably just lazy

>> No.3341545
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make sure to learn it the correct way

>> No.3342160

it's useful if you consume a lot of jap content. Now you don't have to wait for a fag to get around to translating.

>> No.3342416

Fuck you, bitch.

>> No.3343451
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He paccтpaивaй мeня, aнoн...

>> No.3343479


>> No.3343537

Tel that Moona, treerat

>> No.3343560
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My brain is too broken to learn anything

>> No.3343712

>Now you don't have to wait for a fag to get around to translating.
More importantly, you don't have to read the translation of some mentally ill tranny forcing his mental illness into the translation itself.

>> No.3343798

>read the translation of some mentally ill tranny forcing his mental illness into the translation itself.

I need a sory

>> No.3343839

Because if you're here you probably care about Japanese culture, art, and entertainment. You can read untranslated lit and VN's, for example, and get the authentic undiluted experience of translated stuff you love. And learning new things is fun.

>> No.3343909

can you recommend some good programs blessed tree rat?
if I'm gonna spend money on this shit i at least don't want to buy a lemon.

>> No.3343939

i would like to but its hard and quite useless outside of the weeb entertainment world. japanese is more like a form of art than a language

>> No.3343962

I'd go with a third language if I learn japanese, because I am ESL GOD. But I am yet to see enough WORTH to learn it. Maybe some vocabulary and grammar to understand my oshi a little more. But kanji? jesas no

>> No.3343988


>> No.3344021

the amount of translation complainers i have seen makes me think that its not really possible to learn it correctly

>> No.3344082

>spending money

>> No.3344120


>> No.3344280


Kek. Fucking typo

>> No.3344473

Adam Blade...

>> No.3344539

Translation complaining is 90% mount-stupid weeaboos and 10% legitimately bad translation, and the 10% is mostly explained by factors other than the difficulty of the language.

>> No.3344568

Russian and Japanese are both pretty useless outside their home counties if you want a useful language do Spanish French mandarin or hindi
T. Has studied both Japanese and Russian and can speak both like a retarded child

>> No.3350002

Aruran is that you? Your English reps have gotten you pretty far

>> No.3350732

the shapes of kanji hint nothing at their actual meaning and the wildly varying readings are a fucking pain in the ass

>> No.3350978
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why are the japanese so autistic about japanese? one group will tell you to speak like x, another group will say like y, etc, and they all act like you'll be incomprehensible if you don't speak their pefect little form of japanese.
like in english we don't give a fuck. we're aware this is a living constantly evolving and diverse language. we're aware someone from australia will speak it different than somebody from texas. it matters little to us if we can understand you.

>> No.3351103

thats not completely right. people that are autistic about english do exist but its a very popular language so you might not meet then very often. japanese is a language that is used only in one tiny country so its easier to find someone that is autistic about it

>> No.3351291

it's not even remotely comparable to what i've seen online. there's fucking videos of Japanese people trying to sniff out the foreigner in recorded audio clips -- and they're so fucking confident.
try doing that with a native English speaker. they'd probably take offence with the whole idea.

think about it this way: the two main reasons english dominated was england and usa.
what does the usa have?
49 states spread from one end of a continent to another.
and the most immigrants of any place on earth
an enormous amount of diversity

now you want to see english with ~fifty state accents, with then around 200 sub accents based on ethnic groups? we're talking all the way from chinese new york to indian california, all the way to new hampshire old and new jersey new -- then to philidalphia, to michigan, and hell, socal.
it's not remotely comparable. the Japanese are far less diverse in their language than we are, as english speakers.

>> No.3351382
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I've hit a wall with japanese I think. I don't know what I'm supposed to do next. I did my Anki reps but Anki doesn't teach you grammar or how to write etc. I can't even figure out the difference between は and が maybe I'm just retarded bros

>> No.3351456

wa marks topic
ga marks subject
i don't know all the specific cases but:
if we're talking about something, like the beetles, it's wa.
if we're mentioning john lennon while talking about the beatles, it's ga.
we need a subject for actions in english, something similiar with japanese. however just because we have a subject in a sentence doesn't mean it's the topic of conversation.

>> No.3351503
File: 7 KB, 286x286, Four Kanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean bro, these lines totally look like a fist so it obviously means four.
Next you'l be telling me that constellations don't look like the things they're supposed to.

>> No.3351509

i wonder who thought that adopting something so complex as your primary communication method was a good idea and why did people just accept it

>> No.3351592
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>however just because we have a subject in a sentence doesn't mean it's the topic of conversation.
This makes me angry

>> No.3351617
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it's not unique to japan

>> No.3351624

do what I'm doing and watch Cure Dolly's grammar lessons on YT

>> No.3351634
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>> No.3351644

Using actual textbooks seems to be frowned upon around here but I personally love them. Genki for beginner and quartet for intermediate level. Anki is a tool for reviews, NOT learning.

Japanese is only complex because it's completely different from western languages. Kanji seem retarded but the way they work, and indeed the language as a whole is extremely logical.

>> No.3351662

i know but communicating with complex drawings just seems like a crazy idea. i doubt that it would be accepted today

>> No.3351695

I loved Lennon. Ringo was alright. You know, their concerts were always so high quality! I remember one time I saw them in California. My lover didn't like them but who cares. The Beetles rocked!

Notice how the topic of conversation is still present while I have different subjects in each sentence? I believe beetles would be marked with は in this instance, and all the subjects marked with が. I can't confirm they would all be marked with ga, but that's the basic understanding I have.
Again, I'm not far along enough to say much about wa vs ga, but I understand the basic concept.

>> No.3351702

i don't think so. writing our letters on a paper takes seconds but drawing the japanese symbols is going to take minutes because they are all very complex and of what i have seen you need to draw just as many of them as i have to type these letters to make a sentence

>> No.3351746

Writing kanji takes seconds too if you're used to.
I'm not though, I can read thousands but I can't be arsed to write any.

>> No.3351794

>was second largest economy for years
>will be again when China collapses under its own weight

>> No.3351809

I would love to use a textbook as long as it's not garbage. I just never knew which are actually worth it

>> No.3351836

how do you make 100 tiny and complex drawings that quickly? remember that some of them are also basically identical and have different meanings so you have to be very careful

>> No.3351837

I looked at a study that showed learning just about any language boosted your earning potential. Except Spanish. This is 70 IQ beaner pulpil, hide and move on lads

>> No.3351901

it alone wont do anything. there are plenty of local failures that know the language but lack the skill that could get them a job and you would be competing with them if you only know the language

>> No.3351941

the more complex kanji are probably absurd but the simple kanji aren't that bad
about a year ago i showed my mom some kanji because she was interested. a week later i saw it on a television broadcast, paused it, and asked her if she knew what that was. she swore she had no clue but i forced her to guess and she said woman.
i still can't write most kanji from my head, but i can tell what most mean very quickly if you show me some simple ones.
i don't think kanji are as bad as they are made out to be once you have some time to really relax and not be overwhelmed with other studies and life.

>> No.3351943

Your oshi will learn english

>> No.3352177

i dont have a 100000 key keyboard so no thanks

>> No.3352228

use windows ime

>> No.3352319
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You're obviously not supposed to use anki alone, you need other sources as well. But if you couldn't come to this conclusion on your own you should just stop, you're clearly retarded.

>> No.3352369

katakana is more absurd than hirigana desu

>> No.3352495

Just read, nigger
Get a kindle, a dictionary (https://github.com/jrfonseca/jmdict-kindle)) and get to reading. If you can't read a word, look it up. Looking it up is easy but it also takes more time than just reading so with practice you'll start to remember the words so you save time.

>> No.3352928
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hehe no

>> No.3353178
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daga kotowaru
