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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33370508 No.33370508 [Reply] [Original]

Dead thread - dreams of OC edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/16:

1: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (embed) (8,279)
2: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (embed) (5,167)
3: https://twitch.tv/LordAethelstan (embed) (2,556)
4: https://twitch.tv/OkCode (embed) (2,351)
5: https://twitch.tv/Ikumi (embed) (2,055)
6: https://twitch.tv/HarukaKaribu (embed) (1,621)
7: https://twitch.tv/LeeandLie (embed) (1,570)


1: https://twitch.tv/gosegugosegu (embed) (7,704) *Korean
2: https://twitch.tv/cotton__123 (embed) (7,520) *Korean
3: https://twitch.tv/viichan6 (embed) (6,877) *Korean

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
For historical reasons, small companies are fine temporarily as long as they have one talent at 500-ish.

>Extension to BLOCK FACECAMMERS Misusing the Vtuber Tag
Blocklist (WIP): https://files.catbox.moe/8z4kv6.json
Note that FrankerFaceZ added a feature to filter out channel names on its latest update, so if you're using it you don't need the extension above, but you will need to manually add each of the channel names to the settings.

>Twitch Clips Guide

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Koikatsu Archive


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)
>Upcoming Birthdays:
September 22nd - Momo
October 18th - SquChan
October 21st - Grape

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread >>33345610

>> No.33370554
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>> No.33370568

filian is based
beautiful OP, thanks

>> No.33370578
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I am going fucking insane thanks to Rael, I just spent 30 minutes mad at her and thinking of what to say to make her feel bad about it because she wrongfully banned me in my dream I just woke up from

>> No.33370596
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>> No.33370631
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i miss her too bro

>> No.33370649

>Saru posting on Twitter at 10:30am
I hope this is because she's fixing her schedule and not because it's fucked beyond all hope now

>> No.33370660

Shes normie now

>> No.33370685
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99% certain she either couldn't fall asleep or woke up after a couple hours and went on Twitter.

>> No.33370714
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There's a distinct lack of Tobs in this thread.

>> No.33370741
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She was liking stuff 3 hours ago on twitter, I just went to check

>> No.33370772
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Probably woke up, then.

>> No.33370796
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>> No.33370893

toma is a monkey? isnt that racist?

>> No.33370950
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alright /lig/gers confession time, who have you jerked it the most too?

>> No.33370952

it is only if you resemble one

>> No.33370977

what the fuck, why does this thread reek of daytime /lig/ so bad. oh, weekend. BARF

>> No.33370984
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Nobody suits my fetishes, so nobody, I'm afraid.

>> No.33370985

In terms of liggers? Rael
In general? Marine

>> No.33371046

miilky for sure

>> No.33371089


>> No.33371106

I’ve never jerked it to an anime character, 2D doesn’t turn me on.

>> No.33371123

robo zen and big titty snuffy

>> No.33371133

Meat is a disney adult

>> No.33371137

What the fuck? Why are you even here then?

>> No.33371196
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Tricky, and it's not even close.
Everything about her is sex.

>> No.33371209

he jerks to anons jerking to anime tits

>> No.33371212

Robot Zen is strong

>> No.33371248
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>> No.33371259

I love vtubers bro. I love /lig/ too.

>> No.33371260

You could have said that he watches Vienna and I would have understood just fine.

>> No.33371283
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>> No.33371332

She’s in the hot hag club with layna

>> No.33371383

I’ve only jerked it to Nina and Veener. I did have a lovely dream I married poya though.
It was sad to wake up from

>> No.33371452

she is one of the few actually thicc chuubas so she wins almost by default

>> No.33371486
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>> No.33371500
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God damn

>> No.33371520
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Thats not lemonade

>> No.33371538

My confession is that I have never jerked off to a vtuber. The art isn't good enough

>> No.33371558


>> No.33371576

>coqui was in a gang as a child

>> No.33371586

I wouldn't have guessed that Chibi was a Bokononist but it kind of fits.

"I wanted all things
To seem to make some sense
So we all could be happy, yes, instead of tense.
And I made up lies
So that they fit nice,
And I made this sad world a par-a-dise."
-Calypso from the Books of Bokonon

>> No.33371591

>puerto rican
sounds about right

>> No.33371662

To that one anon that shills bellesprout once in a blue moon, thanks.
I appreciate the coom free asmr

>> No.33371695

Even better

>> No.33371800
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Rael. It's been 2 months now since I started to monogamously fap to her. I fap daily and I haven't came to anyone but her since then

I do look at other hentai, since it's just drawings, and sometimes edge a little to it before moving on to Rael, but I now make a point of it to never even edge to other vtuber pics, hentai is just some sexual fantasy and she does the same, since I sometimes check out what lewd pics she liked on Twitter, but looking at another vtuber in a sexual way is way to close to cheating for me.

>> No.33371830

for /lig/gers? probably shylily.
I find it a bit awkward to jerk off to streamer that I actually watch.

>> No.33371941


>> No.33372102

Funny how a lot of vtubers have that poorfag mentality and still use android for their personal phones

>> No.33372147

Not everyone has the money to buy 2 $1300 phones every 6 months

>> No.33372187

Is catbox down? I'm getting a bad gateway error

>> No.33372227

Yes, it happens from time to time. Use litterbox, it always works.

>> No.33372314

nice bait

>> No.33372388 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.00 MB, 1447x2047, FcJDdFvaUAAXzsK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL watch Milky's Two-Year Anniversary Stream and you WILL say nice things about the cow!


>> No.33372419

Cum on the cow Do it now!

>> No.33372439

>can't spare 3k for half an entire year
What kind of shithole do you live in?

>> No.33372441

Dya spent the entire day in VR yesterday

>> No.33372494

i'll bite your bait

>> No.33372513

America. I can hardly afford rent and insurance.

>> No.33372554

jokes on you, I'm already watching

>> No.33372557
File: 255 KB, 2396x2040, apple shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfags have been bragging about not being able to afford apple tier products for years, it's truly laughable

>> No.33372706

Not asking for dox but any idea if she's at all that big in real life? There are real Women built that way.

>> No.33372720

Dya discovoering VRchat autogynephilia

>> No.33372775

I want to cum all over Grape's armpit pussy, that is all.

>> No.33372963

I will watch the stream and while I won't say nice things, I will have a wank.

>> No.33372984

She does say she has big booba but I don't know how big.
She does regularly complain about back pain so take that as you will

>> No.33373030
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>> No.33373050

>She does regularly complain about back pain so take that as you will
She sounds lazy. Back pain in easily solved by working out a bit.

>> No.33373227

Shonzo working on a Rainwhore VRC model.
Another one to be banned on twitch and abandoning a 1k VR Kit within a week...


>> No.33373295

That and someone who will heft them for her when they feel too heavy.

>> No.33373373
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, sigriddatenight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're rolling in sub money, 1K doesn't matter much.

If you're looking for chuubas that care about their VR equipment then Sigrid's your girl

>> No.33373379

I thought Rain practically lived in VRC off-stream, or has she gotten over that now?

>> No.33373412

So pocket change for them

>> No.33373443

they can write it off as a business expense too, worth to remember

>> No.33373455

Wild how much of a 5head anime girls need to have

>> No.33373585

such a third worlder thing to say.

>> No.33373601

Is that the same guy who made Lily's nude model for like ~2k?

>> No.33373752

looking at her twitter, she made Harukas 3D

>> No.33373856

she? like Lily?

>> No.33373881

he's dumb

>> No.33373991

I was to quick and didnt look very hard on their model, the pink femboy tricked me.

>> No.33374051

Hope her hand's feeling better

>> No.33374436

I love this fat bitch

>> No.33374640

I think her hand is fine now. She was playing VTOL VR on stream today. It seemed like she was having a blast with it.

>> No.33374690

I've seen buzz about that lately, might end up being the 4th good VR game.

>> No.33374742

toma cant swim. isnt this racist?

>> No.33374991

only to water

>> No.33375368

is marimari indonesian?

>> No.33375468

I thought she was the whitest of white trash, but maybe her pa' got a mail order bride

>> No.33375501

hi bat, let us know when you're about to die.

>> No.33375557


>> No.33375660

He did, from Germany

>> No.33375714

there are indonesians in Germany?

>> No.33375812

I mean they hate Jews about the same amount

>> No.33375849


>> No.33375921

Not many, poles however...
Which are like European seanigs anyway.

>> No.33376435

I wonder how the menhera sheep would feel about growing to a gigantic size. I feel like she could get into the kaiju mindset pretty well

>> No.33376472

greedy little crybabys that always blame others for their problems while they keep stealing your stuff. so basically european 2nd world asians

>> No.33376614

what can i do to help my vtuber grow?

>> No.33376707

Make her say nigger on stream, has worked 100% of the time

>> No.33376715

Have sex with them.

>> No.33376731

have sex with me

>> No.33377189

Talk in chat so she has something to bounce off, but don’t be overly familiar in stream chat

>> No.33377420

it depends what kind of audience you wanna build. Since you are asking on /lig/, people here like /here/ chuuba, so have them say some nice things and you are golden... or just do as >>33376707 said...

>> No.33377463

thanks spergboi
good idea, but theres an ocean inbetween
if your going to bottom im willing
thanks, i do this. it seems like it would be very difficult to be stremer and keep talking for hours on end. she does great tho and i try to keep her talking about fun and happy stuff without prying into her irl.

>> No.33377693

honestly shes not big enough to be /here/ yet, which is why im asking here. she talks about growing but i dont know how to help other than chatting and gifting.

>> No.33377704

>but don’t be overly familiar in stream chat
what does it mean

>> No.33377850
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realize that youre not irl friends, realize that they arent your significant other, dont bring up old shit. dont one guy them constantly

>> No.33377876

a rando isn't going to want to talk in your 2view's chat if it feels less like a twitch chat and more like discord dms

>> No.33378058

OC art helps, quantity over quality at first, a couple quality artworks when she's around partner tier

>> No.33378169

yeah if you have the money get some art commissions or Skebs

>> No.33378230

i dont have the skills to do art, but i have donated so she can get some new ones going, thanks anons

>> No.33378330

Rainhoe is live https://twitch.tv/Rainhoe

>> No.33378334

you are welcome

>> No.33378499

Exactly this >>33377876. Even if you’re actually friends with them off stream, chat shouldn’t feel like a conversation between an established group. Bat had that problem a lot when I first started watching her. It felt like she was streaming just for existing friends and it was intimidating to start chatting.
This answer is probably a chuuba >>33377850 venting about their audience

>> No.33378689

that sounds stupid
i keep bringing up old stuff when talking to my 2view in her chat and she's grown from average 10 viewers to 80 in the past 4 months

>> No.33378823

That’s why I said it’s probably a streamer. Viewers tend to not mind referencing past streams and running jokes, embracing them as part of the channels culture. Streamers on the other hand get pissed at hearing the same things over and over.

>> No.33378996

again, i keep bringing old shit not only in 2view chat but one of the liggers and she responds to me just fine

>> No.33378997

start clipping and spreading her stuff on the regular social media platforms

>> No.33379047

Lumi is on her grass touching stream, hunting for mushrooms.

>> No.33379355

imagine if somebody somehow managed to streamsnipe her in the forrest

>> No.33379368

>This answer is probably a chuuba venting about their audience
no, im just and oldfag who doesnt enjoy it when retards rub a streamers nose in some dumb shit that happened one time months ago and then its awkward for everybody for a few minutes

>> No.33379433
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>in a Finnish forest

>> No.33379899

As soon as I turn on the stream, the stream dies.

>> No.33379978

bepsi bucket stream

>> No.33380082
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gangster tob is still going

>> No.33380118

I hate myself. I'm never streaming again.

>> No.33380120

cutest dancer
cutest dance

>> No.33380168

it'll be ok
you can do it
if you want

>> No.33380189

my finnish wolf wife!!

>> No.33380240
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What a coincidence. I hate myself and I've never streamed.

>> No.33380280

We'll be here whenever you're ready, Rael.

>> No.33380392
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Ninas sabaton day! She posted a schedule

>> No.33380817

Is it 2 hours from now? I hate EU hours

>> No.33380931

Why can't people just post their times in GMT, cause surely everyone knows their own timezone in relation to that.

>> No.33381500

sometimes I think the daily tributes I offer my oshi are not actually making her more powerful.

>> No.33381657

For Ninas subathon are we making /nina/ or are we speeding up /lig/

>> No.33381784

Saru and Shondo couldn't speed it up, Nina won't even make a dent

>> No.33381828

>saru and shondo couldnt speed it up
objectively false

>> No.33381840

I guess most of the other subathons have just stayed here and it has been fine. Few schizos might appear out of thin air, but that is this board as usual.

>> No.33381874
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there's no question

>> No.33381877

Both, as usual?

>> No.33381948

i had sex with her in my dream again

>> No.33381958
File: 693 KB, 3200x3000, 1657271359464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfi live with her birthday 12 hours mini-subathon

>> No.33382022

lumis thicc thighs

>> No.33382114

I had another dream, but this time about my ex-oshi. I still miss her sometimes but I sometimes get scared that the same will happen to Rael. I'm depresso now, but I try realy hard to trust Rael! It's probably just because I haven't seen her in so long that I'm thinking like this

>> No.33382184


>> No.33382273

i hope i reincarnate as a finnish sugar glider, so i can poop on lumis head as she enters the forest

>> No.33382361

This was before I even knew of Rael, and she left me in the end.

>> No.33382380
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>> No.33382417

based mangaka anon

>> No.33382493

No such beasts in binland. I had to google what you even meant.

>> No.33382560
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>> No.33382565

Anon is very stupid and meant the Siberian flying squirrel.

>> No.33382793
File: 99 KB, 592x581, meetngreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to make /nina/ threads every day, but feel free to stay here

>> No.33382826

I'm posting in both, as per usual

>> No.33382944
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>beasts in binland

>> No.33382989

I am going to require some sauce

>> No.33383072

just checked, it's in her lewd tag #ninintai.

>> No.33383090
File: 2.90 MB, 2500x2500, 1653306970183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi found a four leaf clover like immediately while looking for one

>> No.33383301
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Spent the last 2 hours trying to make Stable Diffusion inpaint pregnant bellies into anime drawings automatically, does not work. Maybe I'm using the wrong keywords idk, but I tried the waifu diffusion pack and it helps but not a whole lot.

>> No.33383431
File: 499 KB, 521x615, 1644941414270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birthday girls has a ribbon today

>> No.33383429

Fapping to anime models is cringe and your oshis think so too.

>> No.33383537
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x2896, FPTwPIvaIAMoSBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikamee returns today dayo! Please welcome her back!

>> No.33383560

my oshi's fat, I don't care what she thinks about fapping

>> No.33383735

>He didn't do his due diligence and add her birthday to the calendar
I am disappoint

>> No.33383772
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>> No.33383829

seems like she is taking her gf out for a walk while getting paid by horny simps... what a strange world we live in...

>> No.33383851
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I saw that canva requires a log in, I'm not making an account glownigger

>> No.33383979
File: 446 KB, 500x707, 1643723112445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this type of Lumi stream. I just wish she'd pan the camera up more so we could actually see the forest instead of just the ground

>> No.33383996

You coulda said something to me so I could put it in, that's how most of the names got on there, but you didn't even do that. Part of me just thinks that you don't really care

>> No.33384029

While I know the whores do it for coomerbait and money, but I still think all chuubas that do IRL walking streams should be banned from /lig/ forever! Else we should allow bunny to be part of it, since she used it every now and then too...

>> No.33384091
File: 45 KB, 320x320, 1646035787343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that sure convinced me, I will stop fapping to anime women now

>> No.33384165

doesnt matter. we dont support war-tourists here unless they stream getting raped or killed at the frontlines. then its comedy and well deserved

>> No.33384280
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Fuck, how pathetic is it to think that and still cater to the audience doing it? Go back to school or something, damn.

>> No.33384306

What if your oshi faps to anime models as well?

>> No.33384377

makes you nervous she would tumble all the time or run against a tree. also she sounds a bit different. does she usually enhance her pitch with a mod?

>> No.33384403

hi saru

>> No.33384410
File: 217 KB, 1350x1600, 1637477351581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they're fun, and I'm a zatsufag (chad), so I like streams like the Giri one yesterday and the Lumi one that just ended because it's them talking and doing something they can readily talk about.
I would much sooner ban chuubas that resort to playing horror kusoge

>> No.33384458

D'aw, low budget 2view lore videos

>> No.33384482

that would make them a virgin as well, so kinda bad if you see your oshi as a sexual object...

>> No.33384539

Hello hello~

>> No.33384544
File: 1.26 MB, 997x1012, 1661702371660333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I already knew that

>> No.33384613

How's your fanfic coming along?

>> No.33384681

Wait did Bao's subathon end?

>> No.33384702

Ima be here when Nina streams. It's one thing to drift between streams but drifting between threads is too much for my little brain to handle.

>> No.33384802

no, just the stream for whatever reason

>> No.33384832
File: 2.14 MB, 1600x900, 1648147067990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounded pretty normal to me, idk. Maybe more chill since she was just walking around a forest instead of at her desk awooing

>> No.33384866

I wonder why she was mainly just filming the ground. I know that you gotta watch your feet when you are walking in terrain like that, but still...

>> No.33384889

did anyone see the schizo meltdown mari is talking about

>> No.33384913
File: 486 KB, 500x376, basingse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no subathons in /lig/.

>> No.33384997

No vods so I can't check what she was saying

>> No.33385036

I wish
at least I'm glad that we're getting closer to October so most of them will be over by then

>> No.33385080

if you don't know what I'm talking about then you didn't see so who asked

>> No.33385118

You asked retard

>> No.33385136

you did retard

>> No.33385153

I see you in /pcg/...

>> No.33385197

didn't ask

>> No.33385202
File: 16 KB, 256x256, 1636017771001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd you know it was me?
I don't actually care about subathons one way or the other

>> No.33385240

isn't it just neener now

>> No.33385296

Bao and Hina

>> No.33385320

Hina doesn't have a sub counter up so she doesn't count

>> No.33385351

wasn't whorca gonna do one?

>> No.33385394
File: 444 KB, 843x806, 1658482492871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My third eye is open.

>> No.33385403
File: 885 KB, 1223x646, 1649046794219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BotW shitting on Rainhoe by giving her an IronMouse-colored horse

>> No.33385424

again? man she is a greedy uberwhore

>> No.33385459

next month

>> No.33385548
File: 660 KB, 828x1024, 1635600017993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33385553
File: 272 KB, 1508x2000, 941FFA4A-F79B-4E69-80FC-0226E0F83357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33385566
File: 51 KB, 112x112, shyyRoll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

womp womp

>> No.33385590


>> No.33385619
File: 554 KB, 480x480, 1634929485594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33385638

New mobile wallpaper for Nina

>> No.33385666
File: 2.04 MB, 1792x1080, 1663424891222258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33385677

>uncovered right leg
one job
Or was it only the left arm?

>> No.33385702

It’s both wrists and neck. Leg’s fine. Artist did a good job.

>> No.33385720

Ironically has more meat on her bones than the actual shondo

>> No.33385960

Is #ninintai empty, or I just don't know how to use twitter tags?

>> No.33386155
File: 151 KB, 1068x1200, 1656992326505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Limes you cute broad, go live for Tokyo Game Show

>> No.33386210

the latter.

>> No.33386231

something happening today there that she has interest in?

>> No.33386291
File: 530 KB, 320x320, 1633040771686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue. I've never even heard of the Tokyo Game Show. I just saw the channel live in my recommended and I like Limes' game conference coverage more than others'

>> No.33386394

God who let the pedophiles in here again? Kindly fuck off, coomers

>> No.33386395

It's still empty. Is it some "you need to follow her" to see it, since even nitter isn't working?

>> No.33386428

works on my machine.

>> No.33386442

think there might be a RE event today but I don't know if that really interests her

>> No.33386464

Empty for me as well, just Nina's tweet explaining what it even is.

>> No.33386494

Turn off your SafeSearch, kids

>> No.33386530

aaaaah loli is not related to pedophilia.

>> No.33386547

Divegrass playoffs start today lads, obviously we didnt make it, but it'll still be a good day for footy.

>> No.33386574

Were there no matches yesterday?

>> No.33386603

No, games are today and tomorrow only

>> No.33386626

Pog, that means I didn't miss any like I thought I did...

>> No.33386679

>milky getting confused by zoomer memes
10/10 immersion

>> No.33386763

Derp. I dont use twitter, had to google to even find where it was.

>> No.33386808

Go turn yourself in loser

>> No.33386853
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>> No.33386959
File: 1.60 MB, 498x225, 1660237181265271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33386960

Did you seriously just say that? Are you stupid?

>> No.33387017

Feed them high calorie foods, especially carbs

>> No.33387136

Not illegal, no actual study shows it's linked to pedophilia. Cope.

>> No.33387160

Bat, second place isn't even close

>> No.33387298
File: 14 KB, 256x256, 1632283244411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger needs a study to know people aroused by childlike features are pedophiles

>> No.33387313
File: 24 KB, 204x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33387348

Why? Nina posts schedules for every day, it will be great.

>> No.33387358
File: 1.54 MB, 1500x1500, 1651691751874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninigs fumbling the ball already. She's live for her subathon

>> No.33387361

What? No it is linked because why do you think you’re attracted to the ideas of lolis to begin with? You are the one coping here, sicko.

>> No.33387390

>how are anime girls, aka fiction, affect real children
>uuuhhhhh because I said so???
It doesn't work like this.

>> No.33387412


>> No.33387423

Is this what you tell yourself to sleep at night? You’re a loser, fuck off

>> No.33387436

Admit you love small children sexually. As long as you don't abuse them IRL but just spend your time watching distasteful entertainment, it's not a big deal

>> No.33387439

>childlike features aren't childlike features if they're drawn
Damn, so I really am not gay for masturbating to bara yaoi after all.

>> No.33387454

Shondo gifting 20 subs for Nina, lets go

>> No.33387466
File: 9 KB, 319x64, 1639909569473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33387486

Just let me know if she sings and I'll tune in. She's no Tob, but she has a great voice

>> No.33387534

Name one case where lolis made someone hurt an actual child. There are, on the other hand actual pedos who've at one point said "loli bad"

>> No.33387550

i knew i'm not a faggot just becasue i watch animated gay porn
it's just fiction, i'm straight as an arrow

>> No.33387560
File: 21 KB, 319x157, 1637343337545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33387623

Shondo is pumping and dumping Nina-coin

>> No.33387664

Holy shit you really want an excuse for your nasty porn habits don’t you?

>> No.33387693

>200+ subs on Nina's subathon
>191 viewers

>> No.33387697

No one said you hurt an actual child though it wouldn't surprise me. You're moving goalposts. I said you are sexually attracted to small children.

>> No.33387737

Don’t worry he probably won’t read that either because it hurts his fee fee’s to think about his own actions

>> No.33387739

Not an argument.
>I said you are sexually attracted to small children.
I'm not though. I like anime FICTION lolis

>> No.33387788


>> No.33387794

Thats between and you and Jesus. You don't need to deny or confirm your love for small children here. We see the facts.

>> No.33387805

Yeah so little kids but then then the plot loophole where they are five hundred year old demons with the body of a toddler. Great logic bro

>> No.33387825
File: 54 KB, 577x532, 1645924252775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33387853

>this thread is now Twitter

>> No.33387870


>> No.33387882

We need someone to draw her pantsless looking at her own butt reflected in the mirror.

>> No.33387888
File: 58 KB, 299x275, 1433015740309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to differentiate between fiction and reality.
Why are you posting real children to own the lolicons? Why do you have an actual kid on your HDD?

>> No.33387907

I wish I knew irl girl with loli proportions

>> No.33387916

See ya later pedo, normal people don’t like hanging out with pervs like you anyhow

>> No.33387926

Skeb is cheap right now

>> No.33387932

That's a good one.
Like the old step-mom routine to get around payment processors who prohibit incest porn
It's always funny when people ask "why is it always step mom and never mom?"
That's why and literally the only reason

>> No.33387957
File: 114 KB, 651x753, 1650827587512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you cunts, Nina's on the telly.

>> No.33387959

this but unironically real children are fucking disgusting just like real guys are gross but anime guys are hot

>> No.33387966



>> No.33387986


>> No.33388003


>> No.33388010

Yes, you love fake small children because it's too risky to jerk it to real small children. I applaud your discretion.

>> No.33388012

Lol yeah i forgot about that

>> No.33388065
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, E8004DEA-15B7-4DF8-9D21-6CE0374799EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate to cater to your degeneracy, you ask, I answer

>> No.33388088
File: 951 KB, 1004x1890, Kitagawa.Marin.full.3554958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year old demons with the body of a toddler
How about actually 15-year-olds who don't look like lolis? Are you okay with them?
No I like them because they're cute as fuck.

>> No.33388122


>> No.33388138

Please stop responding to normalfags, I beg you

>> No.33388168

shondofags are physically incapable of ignoring bait

>> No.33388170
File: 1.26 MB, 735x975, 1654257947456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post preg so we can hit bump limit already

>> No.33388173

based gayfag anon

>> No.33388206

Finally, I got my gift sub to Nina buts it from Batat

>> No.33388208

>a pedo and racist are fighting in a who's chat
Is this what we have been reduced to talking about?

>> No.33388226

anyone not subbed yet?

>> No.33388241

Fuck. Can you cancel gifted subscriptions?

>> No.33388248
File: 33 KB, 633x758, 1409322187510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

400 subs and I somehow dodged them all?

>> No.33388262

Don't tell people what to do. For some of us, baiting and being baited is the only human interaction we have

>> No.33388260

Wait so you have the same taste in women as Jeffery Epstein? Good to know…

>> No.33388289

the contrast between how hag she is and how tiny she is is so incredibly hot

>> No.33388291

What the fuck did Nina literally just had to ask for the subs to get them? Is this it? Are Ninabros actually generous but they think their oshi doesnt need it? Crazy to see.

>> No.33388297
File: 8 KB, 286x103, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33388335

Ackshally he wasn't a pedophile he was more of a ephebophile, mmmmkay?

>> No.33388372


>> No.33388381
File: 1 KB, 112x112, 1633814629068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. Couldn't be me.

>> No.33388407

Shorter than ironmouse, but doesn't have BLTs, has zero LTs at all

>> No.33388410
File: 1.58 MB, 1066x995, 1651396535953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33388424

>350 viewers
>400 gift subs
i didnt get one either

>> No.33388425

you can't leech free gifts forever, eventually twitch will blacklist you.

>> No.33388432

Yes. I did that with Arcadum

>> No.33388473
File: 2.55 MB, 1064x720, Chibi wakeup[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F76od52.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread still alive after 7 hours
>not even at bump limit
dead general

>> No.33388478
File: 13 KB, 319x142, 1663428540462496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33388487

press x to doubt
they dont give a fuck whos paying as long as the money train keeps rolling

>> No.33388492

Are you one of those people who think certain slot machines are "due" to hit a jackpot.
Why can't people statistics?

>> No.33388517

welcome tourist
hope you enjoy your stay

>> No.33388523

Nina is going to win the Shondobowl during their sleepover isn't she?

>> No.33388532

>more subs than active watchers
Totaly not botting subs right now guys

>> No.33388552

idiots, twitch wants to minimize bots being gifted because there's no profit there.

>> No.33388560

>enjoy "YOUR" stay
Who's the tourist?

>> No.33388576


>> No.33388618

The only winner is Nina IF Japan lets her in

>> No.33388624

You don't even know how to greet people properly

>> No.33388627


>> No.33388827
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>> No.33388897

incredibly based

>> No.33388908
File: 493 KB, 3500x2500, 1654595852114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been awhile my friend

>> No.33388940

Dobson please go

>> No.33388971

Ninabros have always had money, they just spend it on her friends and others that Nina supports unless she asks.

>> No.33388988
File: 3.85 MB, 3500x2500, JustinRPG Shylily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on a long subathon with Shylily and we ran out of food. This was a problem because we need to get to the sub goal so Shylily can break a sub record before Veibae could get there. The good news was we did not have a whole lot to go when we ran out of food. The bad news is, we still had a month on the timer and neither Shylily nor I can stream for a month with no food.
However, Shylily had an idea. Only Shylily needed to make it there to the sub goal and I was not required to make it. I was just helping Shylily. Also, her digestive system can handle most things. This includes humans. Shylily informed me that she may need to shrink me so she can eat me just so she can make it to the end of the subathon alive. I told her that I will allow her to do so. Shylily is Oshi so whatever she says goes. If she needs to eat me, I will let her eat me. End of story.
We streamed for a bit before Shylily needed to eat me. She informed me that it is time. She then shrank me and then she swallowed me. I was in Shylily’s stomach and I began to pray to Shylily.
I was not praying to survive the digestion. I was not praying to have a low-pain or pain-free digestion either. My prayer to Shylily was 100% worship. I was giving Shylily all honor, glory, and praise and I prayed to Shylily while in her stomach down to my last breath. I can only survive 15 minutes in Shylily’s stomach due to her being Oshi and having the most efficient digestive system in existence. I was dead in 14 minutes 42 seconds.
Oshi was able to make it to the end of the subathon and she was able to reach the sub goal. She was granted enough clout to make it to where food was. If it were not for Shylily eating me, she would never have made it. However, my life was taken in the process.

>> No.33388992

nta but I want to wife this masochistic little frog. I felt so bad for her last night when she started crying.

>> No.33389017
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>> No.33389035

Anyone have the vod timestamp for that?

>> No.33389077
File: 53 KB, 665x120, 1655657807716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33389106

These always make me chuckle

>> No.33389115

>I felt so bad for her last night when she started crying
it was drunk crying, it doesn't mean anything.
but it was still c***

>> No.33389123
File: 21 KB, 665x120, putain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33389172
File: 155 KB, 1280x690, Form_of_POWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first week I was fine because I just treated it as neglect play, but now it's realy stating to hurt

>> No.33389222
File: 1.79 MB, 400x400, 1647182616659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for her stream later today

>> No.33389284


>> No.33389374

I over trained this week, every time I start to get lonely I lifted but my body can't keep up with my head, everything hurts, now I'm just chucking milk and whey to try and get the most out of it

>> No.33389408
File: 40 KB, 579x579, 1656982549483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33389413

What’s she doing today?

>> No.33389455

Meat was antagonizing her a bit last night probably due to lack of sleep and Coqui was a bit drunk and couldn’t tell she was joking.

>> No.33389517

I haven't watched her in almost a month and I got hit

>> No.33389535
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 1647088687190.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debuting her mocap suit
technically it was supposed to be her new 3D model debut too but she already used it last week on a regular desktop setup

>> No.33389539

Fuck you.

>> No.33389547

Pretty much all any halfway-popular chuuba has to do to get money is just ask for it. But she's not your typical /lig/ slut so she's still under the delusion that she has to work hard for it.

>> No.33389565
File: 401 KB, 494x467, 1662565984640248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Rael, I'm not saying you have to stream but at least give us something to look forward to. When will you be back? Will we see you soon? Are you doing well? You're coming back right?

>> No.33389567
File: 54 KB, 300x300, 1651781849432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33389601

trash panda eroi...

>> No.33389606

I still remember that she mentioned she takes roughly 40 hours of rehearsal for a monthly karaoke. Thats ON TOP of a 40h 9-5 job AND streaming. It's just insane.

>> No.33389607

Meat was on that stream after the Moka collab? After the Disney stream? Jesus...

>> No.33389642

why are sarufags losing their mind? did she go on vacation or something?

>> No.33389649

spotted the poorfag

>> No.33389664

they're just being attentionwhores like usual

>> No.33389682
File: 59 KB, 990x565, 1641079456618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she left us and she hates us now

>> No.33389681

Come fuck me yourself, fag

>> No.33389687

Silly lady doesn’t know when to stop having fun and sleep.

>> No.33389689 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 332x645, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike Nina's current model because it doesn't do Ninaface anywhere near as much anymore

>> No.33389692

Clearly you didn't see Shondo's subathon, she had about 1k viewers for most of it and ended up with over 14k subs. This is how subathons work.

>> No.33389722

>CCV outside of her regular slot
were people THAT excited for the subathon? damn

>> No.33389731

She doesn't need us anymore and threw us away, but I'm used to it. Every vtuber does this eventually

>> No.33389763

shondo directed all her viewers to nina

>> No.33389769

How could I dodge the sub if there are already more of them than actual viewers? I think you can't get 2 gifts in a row or even at all, so where are ~200 of the remaining? I don't mind not getting it at all, but I'm curious.

>> No.33389782

>more subs than active watchers
welcome to subathons anon

>> No.33389823

recent viewers

>> No.33389850

twitch hasn't confirmed how gift sub distribution works, its all just speculation

>> No.33389896
File: 101 KB, 380x380, 1653680928142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo whens the ace combat 3 tho

>> No.33389907

Actual viewers are not who Twitcvh gives out the subs to.

>> No.33389933
File: 110 KB, 392x382, 1656032433662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she already played AC3 yesterday anon

>> No.33389949

They give it to followers that aren't watching

>> No.33389961

Saru said she'd take next week off, and sarufans assumed week would be wed-to-wed because thats when the subathon ended, but she meant an actual literal next week off.

>> No.33389968

The part where meat was teasing her was just a couple minutes earlier
And it was OBVIOUS that meat was just kidding and playing with her.
We need to analyze coqui because drunkenness lowers one's inhibitions and reveals your true feelings.
Deep inside does coqui believe meat doesn't like her, even when meat doesn't have an angry or mean bone in her body and is coqui's best friend?

>> No.33389999
File: 500 KB, 661x675, nina_smug3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah her new face is a little more generic-looking. Though nothing will match the sheer smugness of classic Nina.

>> No.33390007
File: 154 KB, 767x755, 1650888944110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys fucking suck putain

>> No.33390026

agreed, its such a downgrade

>> No.33390032

you can also get a sub if you arent a follower as long as youve clicked on the stream at some point

>> No.33390089

You guys are sleeping hard on the ShondoxBat war currently going on in Nina's chat. They moved on from competing with gift subs and are now arguing over who would be the better duck. Shondo said Bat is too old and will die soon. Apparently Bat is younger than Nina though? This is news to me.

>> No.33390091

its because she changed her stream title to "see you end of next week" after the sabaton ended

>> No.33390123
File: 208 KB, 700x700, 1663416478510283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it
we're doing a funny

>> No.33390141
File: 567 KB, 608x720, 1613677751009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lily talking about her handles
>comfortable with her weight
>insists she is not fat
>look up images from twitchcon
>she's fucking fat

>> No.33390144
File: 10 KB, 283x82, 1663430562971929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33390160

Lol in that moment when coqui says "meat, I'm not digging holes!" She sounds exactly like bird after sigrid bullies her.
"But sigredd! I didn't shit my pants! No!"

>> No.33390164
File: 1.53 MB, 1276x1080, 1636192214136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scum. Rael is taking time to work on subathon goals and future developments for her streams. Let her get her get her compulsive working habits going and hopefully find SOME time to relax after the subathon. Give her some credit and stop being doomer WHORES!

>> No.33390179

Oh shit, I forgot that's today. That's my evening sorted then

>> No.33390208
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moe is streaming on YouTube:


Stray Part 2 @ Sep 17, 11AM CDT

>> No.33390209

it's been over a 9 days
keep fooling yourself if you want
she lost interest and is not coming back

>> No.33390228
File: 58 KB, 990x565, 1636309056928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's abandoned us.

>> No.33390235

Stfu Saruei wants us to miss her and complain and express our suffering when she's not around, and she would do the same for us. It's called codependency.
If we were cool with her taking a week off, it would shatter her.

>> No.33390236

she isn't coming back frogbro, it's time to move on

>> No.33390252

she HATES us

>> No.33390263

More importantly, when's the Soviet tank stream/lecture?

>> No.33390372
File: 319 KB, 1000x1405, 1645649432648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33390390

Are you the anon with the arms like Shondo?

>> No.33390405

I'm going to sleep. If I wake up and I'm still a nonsub I'm going to commit a hate crime.

>> No.33390406
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x714, 1649200388377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she abandoned us

>> No.33390460
File: 614 KB, 522x778, 1661635680861149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying realy hard to trust her but due to my abandonment issues I still think of her not coming back and hateing me since it's been so long. What if she found something else or someone else to take chats place this past week, the last time she interacted in any way with us was the tweet 11 days ago

>> No.33390520

I forgot how insufferable frogfags were even when she wasn't streaming

>> No.33390528

Sex. With her boyfriend, but still.

>> No.33390537

Saru ntr arc let's go

>> No.33390574
File: 515 KB, 960x576, 1646098494922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your chuuba hated you as well, you'd be despondent too.

>> No.33390595

kill yourself

>> No.33390601
File: 196 KB, 1164x1164, F26823BD-2832-4B60-98F8-73BA64FCD3F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone else to take chat's place

>> No.33390602

thats why told the judge too...

>> No.33390614

shut the fuck up shondonigger

>> No.33390623

>wake up
>Shondo retweeted cunny onto my timeline
Blessed start to my day

>> No.33390641
File: 671 KB, 1440x1080, 1639034580066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have been watching the punishment wheel stream, we got cute passes until Dec

>> No.33390726

Yea, anons, she has been in discord calls 24/7 with Tob and that's why she's not streaming. They even sleep on mic with each other

>> No.33390740

>not living in Japan or USA
I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.33390880
File: 305 KB, 654x638, SARUEI_DESPAIR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense, I saw her discord status was online when she should have been sleeping lately. She probably found someone else to sleep with now. The chances of her sleeping with us again are pretty low now

>> No.33390909

I don't even know who that is

>> No.33390929

I think she has a low self worth. It comes out sometimes like the other day when she said she has been a player two her whole life but instead of realizing she was a player one she thought it was nice that people like Luigi too. Or when she thanks her viewers for not being scared off among other things.

>> No.33390941


>> No.33390974


>> No.33391014

where is live-anon? I wanna see that half of the liggers are only doing scamathons rn

>> No.33391030
File: 110 KB, 1383x1129, 1660797932586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Gosegu still live. I'm gonna fight her in unarmed combat

>> No.33391069

I got one. And I barely watch her, since I dont like her content that much.

>> No.33391170

the fuck did you do to lil fil?

>> No.33391201

Oh no please don't eat me Saru, that would just be the worst

>> No.33391209
File: 1.72 MB, 640x640, gosegupunch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33391282

Lily is showing videos, and one of them showcacses burger education.

>> No.33391342


>> No.33391368

I think Bat is about 24-25 and Nina is in the 26-28 ballpark?

>> No.33391412


>> No.33391410

24-25cm tall maybe

>> No.33392111

>A pedo, a racist and a who walk into a bar
>Barman says "I hate subathons"

>> No.33392473
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, Sarudaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, a fellow workout-chad and a Rael Lover. I'm not alone, we should consider teaming up for any trial-by-combat events in the vtuber fight for your oshi battle royal if things go full-dystopia.

>> No.33392521

kill yourself

>> No.33392682
File: 644 KB, 3000x4000, Sarusmugness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how her expression would change if you grabbed her hand and started sucking on her finger?

>> No.33392839

>everything I dont like is a shondoposter!

>> No.33392991
File: 3.78 MB, 8000x2761, 1652446382790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33393059
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x900, Saruconspiracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Has a bizarre nightmare about a Rabbi menacing her fans with castration.
>>Wakes up screaming "Fucking Jews!"
>>Tob shuts their friendship down.

>> No.33393121
File: 103 KB, 1441x897, 1647926115750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33393352

>>Images you can hear.

Funny, I always found Tricky's screechies to be oddly endearing as opposed to obnoxious or causing ear-bleeds.

>> No.33393812
File: 16 KB, 112x112, 1662963589261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her screes. Don't get what the loudness warning is about.
