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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 121 KB, 889x996, airiinajar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33303507 No.33303507 [Reply] [Original]

Airi in a Jar Edition

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to chill and talk in-depth about behind the scenes of Indonesian VTubers in general. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber market, whether it be rumors, numbers, demographics, auditions, debuts, graduations, etc.

>> No.33303910
File: 348 KB, 1800x1800, awardofheretoairi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simpthia OP here, this thread is made so I can have an excuse to talk about Airi here. In this tweet (https://twitter.com/AiriCordelia/status/1570651864387194881)), Airi announced her new label as a hybrid VTuber. She will cosplay as herself in AKA Virtual booth in CF, too. In another thread (https://twitter.com/AiriCordelia/status/1570690724735352832)), Airi cites more content options and her desire to cosplay as her own model behind the label change. What do you think, /warkop/? Would you like to meet Airi in CF?

Personally? I hope Airi can deliver contents previously uncommon or even unexplored by ID VTubers. While some JP VTubers "mesh" IRL videos with their own VTuber models, this style of VTuber content is still rare if not non-existent for ID VTubers.

>> No.33304150

KEK, airi if you read this i don't hate you but you are a hypocrite bitch

>> No.33304837

I don't usually post this here but whatever

>> No.33305138


Also nice to see /warkop/ again since I need updates on Yumekeks. Seems like in the end it never really change shits over there and Sena collabed with Miti as if one of them got implicated in a yab or some shits, is Yume too big to fail as long as the groomed stays there?

>> No.33305396

ID chuuba begs for money because her electricity has been cut https://twitter.com/axtonnie/status/1570188074445074437

>> No.33306033

LuNaRikYo PlateUp! collab:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yXMkOcpxzc (Reza)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK1Oe5oWJZ4 (Hyona)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW2CVVjYuhs (Riksa)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ywv6m7oT94E (Nara)

Hana Splatoon 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJoGGGYbfUo

Layla Splatoon 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOkrcKBr-jY

Xia perfect pitch practice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeki3yhzXNk

Siska Cult of the Lamb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpcp9hR8Krk

Mika Gone Home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2AxRGtIQvA

>> No.33307101
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>> No.33308538

You gonna need more IDcorpos and indies to compare it fairly than those 2 anon

>> No.33308804

can't wait for Hana 3D debut

>> No.33309592
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Moona new OG brought ID mainstream musicians to chuubas, wow.. The influence gap between holos to others are getting larger than ever

>> No.33309859

>some JP VTubers "mesh" IRL videos with their own VTuber models
Do you have any examples for this, OP? Maybe those can give fellow Awanama a "rough sketch" for what's Cupang's content in the future. I though it'll be like Senyut's recent livestream.

Also, if she does this in any Western country, especially in Burgerland, the chance she will get harassment IRL becomes non-zero. That's why you don't break the containment.

>> No.33309943

i mean its ID branch, its now or never

>> No.33310538

Intermezzo, #MoonaHoshinova3D isn't on the "Trend" list on Twitter. Overshadowed by many things such as the announcement of Genshin anime (will be made by ufotable), politics, football, etc.

>> No.33310710
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Moona 3D Showcase is the highest CCV peak for ID Vtuber ever

>> No.33312177

lmao hypocrite/munafik vtuber wkwkwk

>> No.33312225

uwoogghhh lautan fakta

>> No.33312263
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anon what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.33312282
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check your eyes fagg

>> No.33312404
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>> No.33312613
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really anon?

>> No.33312853
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I tried to scroll to the bottom but didn't find it like you guys. Must be something wrong with my Twitter, even though location are still in ID.

>> No.33312894

did you look at the top tags or just your personalized trendbar?

>> No.33312984
File: 15 KB, 601x317, Screenshot 2022-09-16 215126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unchecked the second one

>> No.33313089

Ah, I see. Thanks for the help. Also, nice numbers both of you guys got there lol.

>> No.33314044


>> No.33315079

I don't get where you anons got such impression, but Airi never said that she's against hybrid VTuber. She's only against those who are "lewd" aka. Snowdrop VTubers.

>> No.33315615

>She's only against those who are "lewd" aka. Snowdrop VTubers.
It's not even snowdrop, it's Yami Barbara, snowdrop doesn't have the virality Yami had and that's what pushes cupang to speak up

>> No.33316329

Wait, the original Airi tweet refers to Yami, too? I didn't realize that. But the point still stands; she thinks hybrid VTubers are okay, but draws the line at lewder contents.>>33312984

>> No.33316771

Moona really eclipsed the rest on the list...

>> No.33317199

What you expect from /here/ chubba, she probably doing this on purpose to gain attention

>> No.33317237

wasn't it mine that spoke up about yami? cupang was so pissed about snowdrop iirc

>> No.33317527

I don't know, but definitely not to gain attention from us (we give her attention for free anyway).

>> No.33317668

I think you got it the other way around anon since I swear I remember the part where some snowdropkeks attacked Mine for baitposting

>> No.33317674

no, it's not about yami. it's clear that airi tweeted about the snowdrop, because whom else masturbated on stream if not helix-charlotte?

>> No.33317700

That extra tweet is made after some anon post a difference option on her tweet. in the original first 3 tweet she made, she use kizuna ai etc as example that you should not show your body if you define yourself as vtuber

>> No.33318221

yes there is no rule to become vtuber and you don't need to call yourself a "hybrid" vtuber if you want to show your body. Who made "hybrid vtuber" as a term anyway? No wonder kikebook kids call her as starsyndrom girl. She really self entitled in vtuber community despite being nobody

>> No.33318336

come on anon, star syndrome is nothing more than a buzzword if it's coming from facebook. about being self-entitled, please explain

>> No.33318443

when's next divegrass? tomorrow?

>> No.33318553

but if she's a nobody then why are people talking about her in the first place?

>> No.33318730

she's in an agency now, don't forget that
her genmate Cae also labels herself as hybrid vtuber now, maybe it's required that they specify it so the whole AKA doesn't get lumped into this "hybrid" culture?

>> No.33319045

She tell other vtuber what should and no to do and using kizuna ai as example already a great example that she feeling "paling sepuh"
In a grand scheme of vtuber she's still a nobody compare to real sepuh like epel or other big vtuber who contributed more to this industry like holomem
The problem is she also told other vtuber who's not part of her agency to label themself as "hybrid vtuber"

>> No.33319435

>real sepuh like epel
Can't believe epel is our mbah in ID chuuba scene now yet she still with the same moodboosting stubbornness I'm familiar back when I know chuubas for the first time

>> No.33319447

When she talked about Kizuna Ai, Airi is arguing against viewers who begged VTubers to show their tits. How is this trying to act as a "sepuh"? The tweet is here: https://twitter.com/AiriCordelia/status/1555033684570701827?t=bxjlG-aTQh1JmoxVRrOyzg&s=19

>> No.33319789

if she was acting like "paling sepuh" she would give herself as an example

>> No.33320266

Anon read my post slowly, SHE TELL OTHER VTUBER WHAT SHOULD DO AND NO TO DO, that's the main part of the agrumen, then she TELL OTHER VTUBER TO FOLLOW KIZUNA AS EXAMPLE.
Imagine using your PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT to tell other vtuber content

>> No.33320390

>>33320266 (me)
Telling other vtuber to follow her standard when she being unprofessional already showing just like this anon said >>33304150 airi is a hypocrite bitch

>> No.33320574

Lemme help you with this, anon

Not JP, but Malaysian. Still, it's the idea of meshing like an Augmented Reality that counts https://mobile.twitter.com/MomoiroKohi/media?t=R-qV7JRwKYXaR91EUdjAcA&s=09

>> No.33321563

Yeah tomorrow 2nd match

>> No.33322746

NTA but read the tweet chains slowly, anon. The context was that someone ask Fre to reveal her tits and Airi just remind them (or perhaps she also was half-lashing out there idk) that kind of thing is not a norm in vtubing sphere and they'd ask that from other streamers who do that as their content

>> No.33325577

indosqueezya hehe

>> No.33328832

Sundull gan

>> No.33331159

Wait cupang has an anti now? Didn't think it will be this fasr

>> No.33333472
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Pagi, /warkop/!

>> No.33334147

Since you post Iofi, please don't forget to watch her 3D showcase at 8 PM WIB

>> No.33336372

I swear they were 3views after the merge. Why are they going back to be 2views?
I suspect NijiEN acceleration and disinterested NijiJP box caused this

>> No.33338743


>> No.33343457
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>> No.33344112

its just kikebook people doing gaslighting (especially SGV group)

>> No.33344134

its moon 3d anon..

>> No.33344199 [DELETED] 

>miti merch arrives at home
>i'm out of town

>> No.33344348 [DELETED] 

They are jealous that Airi loves us, compared to them getting assblasted by Mine, kek.

>> No.33347152

as expected, they have nothing better to do
and maybe sgv people is filled with snowdrop enjoyers, stay mad

>> No.33349322
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bout damn time but maybe they better end it when yopi 3d starts

>> No.33349703
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Finally, the last of the 4 in Gen 1 DigiKagi, has recovered and hopefully ready to debut at 19:00 GMT+7

i have a big expectation for this Juri Saijo (shinym@s) clone vtuber. Anticipated her last week but alas, she got ill and had to postpone it to today


>> No.33350288

i think digikagi kept their debuts to one hour so far, so it should end by then

>> No.33357023


basic reading comprehension required to be an anti, anons

>> No.33360256
File: 2.59 MB, 1919x998, mikahouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more niji ID builds on yubicraft, there are only two so far

>> No.33364168

>Assblasted by Mine
She's always like that, tho (there's a reason why she invented Mio-chan). Why don't they know this?

>> No.33365009

>>33364168 (me)
*Invented Mii-chan

>> No.33367108

Then you need to reach your home safely, simpthiaanon. Take care

>> No.33368136

that anon is lashing out against cupang like cupang is lashing out against the nenenbeggar. except anon just blindly bashes on her because he's not taught to read things properly in school or can't admit his desires for lewd stuff and is projecting the blame on someone else

>> No.33368504

Taka-Ejak offcollab

>> No.33371384

why does it looks like a tmii house?

>> No.33372321
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cum to my unity maikura saba play.chubaverse.app:7777

>> No.33373173

The overall energy and humor is soo good but why do i sense some undertones of "wanting to graduate" on some of the songs? Or am i reading the signals wrong?

>> No.33373226

>Why don't they know this?
Is it fair to say that they don't watch non-HoloID Indo VTubers? And out of all places to gossip VTubers, they used Facebook and proudly used their real names. Deserved, I guess.
Thankfully, I arrived at home. Will show some pics of the merch soon.

>> No.33373995

Niji ex-ID in KZHCUP in PUBG:
Bonnivier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIUIuCQnH2A
Azura: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN5XJrqGYuk

>> No.33375794

i want to see Moona-Miti yuri sex

>> No.33375855

Nah, probably just played for laughs

>> No.33375957

i wonder if that will ever be allowed after miti leeched moona by doing villain cover, banned "moona" word from her channel and got caught using hololive metatags

>> No.33375994
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>> No.33376753

>Moona leech Miti
>Miti Leech Moona
Perfect yuri couple

>> No.33377914


Any minute now...

Dobure model hu ha hu ha UWOOOOOGH

>> No.33378783
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>> No.33378805


Ooooooo 4chan gods, i pray to thou. Please let this thread be free from any schizos.


>> No.33378881

Dammit warkop, i'm late for my ritual and thread immediately gets spicy.
also i just realized that i forgot to post it too last thread kek. no wonder it got really bad

>> No.33380406

Huhahuha Erofi 3d wangy2 ikz!!

>> No.33380502


>> No.33380526

Knowing how ex-ID behaves, we can expect mass graduations if that ever happens. Hence why they keep hinting that 'nothing is eternal'

>> No.33382663
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>> No.33382776

ngl dobu could be a gud mama imo with this chara, he got potentials for sure

>> No.33384836
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>> No.33384904

stop dude they already dead

>> No.33385238


>> No.33385366

Now I unironically wants chuubas as tv sign lang TLer

>> No.33386376

At least this wasn't a total massacre like yesterday...

>> No.33386459

Is it? is it really?

>> No.33388469

Mine's last stream before going indefinite hiatus
never thought watching this basic wagie again will make me miss her this much kek

>> No.33388567
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we have knockouts to settle with /tsunX/ in around 2 hours from now but before that there's a Kaela watchalong so hop in


>> No.33388830

Why are they watching Kaela together out of all Holo who live right now?

>> No.33388942

Hey Mine, if you somehow read this you can have 1 last stream watching warkop too, just saying

>> No.33389824

Kek is it tho? I don't know if there's a HoloID-exclusive viewer who cares about any vtuber besides Holo from other branches since their box-pushing strategy really makes them stay quite insular most of the time. i agree their lack of opsec while posting something like that only shows how retarded they are and anything they really deserve that kek

>> No.33390555

they need someone who can stay long enough till midnight and you can say through her track record, ela is very qualified for that

>> No.33392881

fresh microdrama

>> No.33392941

Ah that makes sense and since she usually ends her ngeeeng stream at 1 AM WIB it becomes the perfect stream to watch before the first kick-off

>> No.33392983

One solid reason I think they're sticking is that Ejak and Taka are planning a new TRPG campaign with the usual players (and possibly some EN?)

>> No.33393219

please draw them sucking each other

>> No.33393230

Well, she said this gonna be the last racing, so I don't think the stream gonna last into 1AM WIB

>> No.33393353

>>33393230 (me)
lemao, just after I wrote that, she finished the last racing

>> No.33393418

>ID purple love's NSFW fanart
That's a great idea ngl
I thought she will get distracted again today... welp at least she will stream again in the morning later

>> No.33393505

>she will get distracted again
Yap, just now she got distracted again about getting lost

>> No.33393723

Yeah, I'm watching her rambling about that right now and I really love her for this and getting lost become a mere experience for her. Sometimes I wonder how can she get such an ubermensch-esque mindset like this

>> No.33393809

>You might have been meet me IRL

Welp Ela, really wanna talking about that? yabe

>> No.33393836

sweet NTR drama huh, neat

>> No.33393920

Bored on a weekend? Nobar bola yuk
we're in the match right after this one

>> No.33394131

>Get accepted by Yagoo because she met him when she lost
Kek that'd be extremely funny if that's real

>> No.33394359

>extremely funny if that's real
Might be "lost" in another way, but this would trigger her RM stories then

>> No.33394421

>>33394359 (me)
Oopsie, PL I mean

>> No.33394530

Gameburikbros... not like this...

>> No.33394659


>> No.33394667
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One thing I noticed from Iofi's 3D showcase was that, her voice is somewhat in a lower tone from her usual stream, maybe it's just her mic all this time huh? Especially in collabs, I could hear her voice louder and much more high pitched from her collab mates. Well, good for her!

>> No.33394844


>> No.33395122
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>> No.33395136

Warkop is coming on!!! GET IN!

>> No.33395276

lesgo lesgo futsal

>> No.33395351

Fuck yeah i'm red

>> No.33395792


>> No.33396051

>om-om post ronda can't held the ball
Get /fit/ and stop begadang goddamn

>> No.33396062

is it just me or loli miti always can't really defend her ball

>> No.33396174

kino chant

>> No.33396239

>ksatria batang hitam

>> No.33396307

>trusting the defense to literal faggots

>> No.33396487

The curse is real...

>> No.33396665

Don't badmouth my homie Adudu like that

>> No.33396713

I mean /u/chuubas awikwok

>> No.33397613

yep you were right

>> No.33397822

She keeps running to the corner and suddenly realizing she's being guarded and can't pass

>> No.33397872

What do you expect from loli awikwok

>> No.33398099

I wanna talk bout this, do you think Windah is our underwhelming player in our team? I swear we hyped him lot for nearly nothing imo

>> No.33398415

Him and loli miti aren't performing.

GG, thank you caretaker, it was a good run. Lets try again in the next tourney

>> No.33398907

Didn't saw much of him, but I'm not paying attention and was just shouting because this is fun

>> No.33400825

that's why we're here, >fun comes first here and I'm glad you're having it

>> No.33401613

we even removed his chant kek

>> No.33403466

>we removed it only to be cursed by a different chant
help us out ffs

>> No.33404754

R & L ??? who ???

>> No.33404961

Did Kobo just say "Christian", "Muslim", and "tolerasi"?

>> No.33407061

and one of them is from an agency too, fascinating

>> No.33408112

I can spoonfeed you, but I think it's more fun to watch it unfold.
Spilling too early will ruin the current story's flow.
There's some public info on Facebook under a throwaway account named Miekoo Sanzenin, might wanna go there and watch the comments.

>> No.33410441




I hope it is, a new TTRPG campaign

>> No.33413206

So basically it's about R who won't pay back his loan to his friends that used for his ani-ani and then one of his friends' friend feel a need for him to spoil R's debauchery and infidelity, right?

>> No.33415411
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what a bunch of fucking hypocrite bitches LOL
imagine if someone reports these bitches to the authors/publisher

>> No.33416302

Wait why does she privated the stream? Thankfully I still able to hear her mini acoustic session but what happened? And also
>Ramdhani got doxxed by SC
I don't know about Airi or Charlotte but I'm still around when Mine did that for the first time and if the format is still the same then she didn't even read the content out loud and just reacted to it tho the act in itself can be counted as illegal since she read it at an illegal website but technically she didn't share that on stream

>> No.33418139

They literally ask their viewers blatantly to share any link of illegal content thru tweet, livechat, gform, and donation for the sake of content on monetized public livestream.

>> No.33418815
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so what's wrong with kobo?
why she became like this?

>> No.33420917

Eh did they really ask for the direct link? Iirc Mine only used to ask for the code and not the direct link and going by the same assumption of how it's still how they ask for it, I think they have plausible deniability since they technically just ask for a series of 6 numbers and don't show, read it out loud, put it he direct link or any other way of directly sharing it on their monetize live stream whether it's public or not
It's a guerilla stream at 3 am, anon. What do you expect?

>> No.33426469

>It's a guerilla stream at 3 am
that's the problem anon

>> No.33431889

kek menhera arc

>> No.33435419

I think you miss the point here. Whether it's a direct link or not, doesn't matter. Almost everybody knows all of those codes are specifically only can be used on NH. Also if you analyze the VOD and the code you can confirm the context of their content. Remember Lauren Iroas's blunder? Yeah, he did not show the direct link to any certain illegal website, only the legit code for a certain product, but everyone knows he is pirating the product.

The fact that these girls as content creator/streamer blatantly pirate another person's work and monetize it but still have the audacity to forbid their paid content from being pirated it's what makes them a hypocrite.

>> No.33436746

they're not forbidding their content from being pirated they're forbidding people from posting OTHERS paid content
so technically you could pirate their content as well lol

>> No.33437805

>someone told Miti that people called her Indo's Ayame

>> No.33438462

i think their agencies did forbid it (except Minerva ofc) LOL

>> No.33439159

>Nipple torture yab
Anon... He literally showed the folder of the jav he pirated on stream what are you talking about?

>> No.33440405

So does Airi (Shia), she literally shows her browser history screenshot herself and even shows a direct link to NH. kek

>> No.33441227

Well, that's a different story altogether tho and it might as well turn into a yab if our culture worship companies like nips do.
Back to the topic, I think you also miss the fact doujin is literally fanarts in a form of manga and they sell it either online or at conventions so there's really no higher ground here, unlike vtubing model which they own their own IP. Then again to say they're unethical might be true after I give it some thought if you strictly look at it from a pure idea and technical perspective

>> No.33444818

I think NH is not limited only to doujinshi/fanart tho, a lot of original works & licensed works by big companies/publishers/magazine are also pirated there. That's also the reason why any pirated website usually got DMCA strikes or gets sued by some companies or other publishers.

>> No.33446508
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why did she flop?

>> No.33446813

weak bait bule

>> No.33447636

my dicks' flopping inside her

>> No.33447856

I'm not a Nijinig, but I think Bobon will incline once NijiEN gamer debut.
Screencap this, he will be our first 1k median male chuuba.
I might be a Holofag but I want our local males inclining too

>> No.33448049

>nijiEN gamer
Is it confirmed? Riku really love pumping new gen every 6 months

>> No.33449347

You mean every 2 or 3 Months
16 May LazuLight
8 October Ethyria
20 December Luxiem
27 February Noctyx
4 July ILUNA (half of them becoming 3view rn)

>> No.33449579

Bonbon already hanging out with EN boys and Selen but still not that much inclined, not sure if the gamer wave will do some changes

>> No.33449656


>> No.33450128

Nah it's definitely something more into the direction of Urban Fantasy since it's Kamigakari

They already did the whole "undoing the end of the world (through time travel)" (high?) fantasy stuff in their last D&D campaign, it's too similar.

>> No.33450225

I wouldn't call them hypocrites exactly
More like idiots

>> No.33452553

midday weekend bump

>> No.33452594

which one of you nigger got the XL provider rangebanned /here/? dammit!

>> No.33453844
File: 64 KB, 988x291, gambar_2022-09-18_132845805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GG, thank you caretaker, it was a good run. Lets try again in the next tourney

At least we're the best indoteam this league, that's wayyyyy better than what I'd expect before this league started, also if any of you wanted to take the mantle for timnas vtl4 at around March 2023, you better start learning now at our ruangguru by using the code DVRmnF24Yd at your dicksword server search, would be neat to see an actual ID tactician taking care of our timnas and me with the rest of the league team would be very glad to help you along the way, may we meet again next year, cya!

>> No.33455091
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, warkop group of 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea the outcome of the match is, but I hope it will be good. Yet another /warkop/ divegrass watchalong tonight, at 20:00 WIB!

>> No.33455435

good shit, it start from personal affair, blunder in public, and now its get viral from twitter to kikebook, even luthfi camping in the comment, we definitely gonna get more of this shit right?
is this unironically first pelakor chuuba?

>> No.33456426

Someone actually shared R and L's stream in thread, you just need to search it on YouTube. I'm surprised about L; I thought she's just some cutesy agency VTuber.

>> No.33456499

Not me
t. Tri chad

>> No.33457146

Well, I did watch her stream with Miti about their struggle as VTubers. The amount of copium on that stream is so high that I think Magni already trafficked copium to Indonesia before his debut.

>> No.33457946

I watched the stream, which part did you think is pure copium? I didn't think it's that bad.

>> No.33459081

>not a telkomsel chad

>> No.33460091

Well I mean most H-artists have drawn doujin at least once throughout their career and sold it for profit that's what I mean so they really don't have that much of a moral high ground either way too and most of them understand this. Usually, it's the companies that are so anal about that kind of thing. Then again, that's why I said vtubers that you've mentioned before are also unethical if you you strictly look at it from a pure idea and technical perspective

>> No.33460170

>His dick flopped when he fucks Kobo
Anon... I think you need to do some quick medical check-up or visit Mak Erot for immediate procedure

>> No.33461323

Siska x Kobo
Kobo talking about it
your opinion anon?

>> No.33461649

What did she say?

>> No.33461848 [DELETED] 

someone donate ask her if she will collab with nijisanji then she say want to collab with leontyne
kobo already dm her i think

>> No.33461899

someone donate ask her if she will collab with nijisanji then she say want to collab with leontyne
kobo already dm her i think

>> No.33462183

Has ID3 ever collab with an ID chuuba that's not their branchmate? Would be interesting if it ever happen

>> No.33462445

No, actually. I'm looking forward for a non-Holo collabs for ID3; could be with anyone, really.

>> No.33462492

Oh that's a good thing then since Siska is very chill
person imho
Then again I always have this hunch that Siska is working for Reine I don't know why

>> No.33462660

>Has ID3 ever collab with an ID chuuba that's not their branchmate?
How many times she collabed with her own senpai? I've never seen her collabing with say: Iofi. Is she even inside the Holobox?

>> No.33463097

If I were Siska I wouldn't collab with her right now, wait for at least 2 weeks from now. Kobo seems reclining right now, it would be bad if Kobo's recline is blamed on Siska.

>> No.33463881


>> No.33465349


>> No.33466744

Does she gonna doing standup comedy?

>> No.33466868

Getting myself 2 portions sate for the occasion, hope I can make it to kosan on time. TREERRAT PLEASE DON'T FUCK THIS UP BY FUCKING AROUND I JUST WANNA HEAR YOU SING

>> No.33468086

/warkop/ vs. /tsunX/ watchalong live, now!

>> No.33468173

(Beebs, please don't smite my arse)

>> No.33468646
File: 254 KB, 468x473, 1652176544629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys watch her 3D showcase rn or being contrarian like always?

>> No.33469396

I'm streaming right now, shit.

>> No.33470024

not a contrarian if im not interested to begin with

>> No.33471054

>>33466868 (me)
That wasn't so bad, I guess.

>> No.33472083
File: 228 KB, 1080x1047, miticlipnumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/warkop/ lost
Well, thanks for coming to my watchalong streams, /warkop/, even if you come briefly. I will do more /warkop/ watchalong stream in future /vt/ Leagues if I could, it's been fun doing it.

At least I could work on the Kobo goals compilation. Because why shouldn't I, people actually watched a Miti goal clip I uploaded.

>> No.33472117

sorry, I'm watching the U20s rn

>> No.33473169

why? they are good but its not my cup of tea

>> No.33477200


>> No.33477974

Yeah like trusting a literal faggot on the back is proven to be a mistake

>> No.33479102

They are sending us their regards for gossiping about them.

>> No.33480902

Kek, also I never knew this when I added piggy bank thief to timnas but turns out it literally has ID roots in celengan, the more you know huh

>> No.33485934

Luckily intercorpo collabs in nijiholo takes a long time to happen so we're looking at the earliest a month for it to happen if they worked on the papers from now

>> No.33488989

Indos up

>> No.33491608


>> No.33491693


>> No.33494887

Up bro

>> No.33498612

yea siska is reine's PSK underling doing sex with me

>> No.33501236

>At least I could work on the Kobo goals compilation. Because why shouldn't I, people actually watched a Miti goal clip I uploaded.
DO IT, since I gonna confirm this later but seems like Kobo won the golden boot

>> No.33502763

Woah never thought it was from Majapahit 2bh. The more you know

>> No.33504945
File: 25 KB, 840x259, gambar_2022-09-19_065445399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33505712

>/HiRyS/ gets the wooden spoon

>> No.33508473


>> No.33512439

not me

>> No.33514878

At least Telkomsel is not shit in my area.

>> No.33514954

Wait, did they wrap-up the finals already? Speaking of Kobo
>3 karaokes on 2 weeks
I hope this brat doesn't destroy her throat again. Her karaoke before this at once a month period is healthy enough and it goes hayway after 1M subs.
My mobile ones get included on ban range, it bothers me so much that I'm buying pass instead. God, crypto sucks.

>> No.33518725


>> No.33523107

why don't you go for Reine instead? Her womb's time is numbered, you know?

>> No.33527039

Sundul gan

>> No.33527939

chupang chhuuuu

>> No.33531845

Abandon ship lads, Kronii will flood the catalog.

>> No.33532120

Wtf that leaf gook did again this time?

>> No.33532571


>> No.33533230

Anonchama... That doesn't answer the question at all

>> No.33533384

KRONII the gosling magnet and MALES
That should do it

>> No.33533642

I just want to toast my afternoon tea (or coffee if you prefer that way) to my fellow IDChads.
Just a decision to collab with males makes the entire community flip their switch, while Risu last night just did a 3D collab showcase with a male, the first in the company's history, and nothing happened.

>> No.33533835
File: 14 KB, 631x170, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID Rabbit hole 1 billion views celebration ?

>> No.33534066

ID1 already etablish their connection with Holostar Trinero long before EN was a thing, just look at Risu twitter banner i don't even know how long she use that banner

>> No.33534270

I think the difference is clear since ID1, especially Risu and Iofi, is always close with stars since the beginning of its existence and never act flirty on stream (more like friendly banter to me) while EN just changes their approach to stars just recently. So I think it's more about how ID1 never give their fans, especially vocal unicorns, any false hope, unlike EN. Makes sense that sudden change caused a lot of ruckuses

>> No.33534477

what MY is lower than VN

>> No.33534908

>A LGBTVHD+ woman
>A gosling magnet
How is that possible? Nonetheless, it's all on them 2bh kek

>> No.33535057


Kronii did tweet this, then that Holopro tweet came 5 minutes later (I checked both of the tweets' times). So, I assume Holopro back up Kronii's stance in her said tweet.

>> No.33535706

That still doesn't explain why Andi used to be the biggest ID vtuber, why ID vtubers fanbase were enjoying his harem arc, why male x female collab between ID vtubers are very common compared to EN and JP market, why some fans are encouraging some vtubers to become a couple just like what we always did in elementary school, and things like that.

ID fanbase are just built different. Unicorns exists, but they're very minor and not as vocal. Compare that to EN unicorns, also small but very vocal, or JP unicorns, silent but huge in numbers.

>> No.33535896

I mean her merch and content is close to GFE it bound to happen at some point

>> No.33536056

You're underestimating VN. They're a nation held back by endless wars, but once the wars ended, they took off. They have no more barrier to progress, unlike us who still be hold back by diversity and geography.
Their internet is very cheap, they only pay 70k for the same package thay we pay 120k. Because their geography is very simple and they're close to China, so the price of their internet infrastructure is very cheap. If vtubers gonna take off in another country in SEA, it won't be in PH or TH or MY, it's gonna be in VN.

>> No.33536610


MY has alot of vtubers, yet minimum viewers + split between YT/Twitch/bilibili platform

PH has almost the same case like MY, but they still growing pretty fast

TH has its own gigantic rabbit hole, even though they dont have any presence in Holo/Niji. one of my explanation is, since the beginning, all of their vtubers stream on youtube and never moves from youtube ever since.

ID ... well largest population, anime culture are the same with Thai (abundant), 4 JP corpo literaly investing hundreds of thousands dollar for their tallent which attract normies on unimaginable scale

VN is ... i still dont have any conclusion for now, but it is similiar to Thai: 90% of their vtubers are on Youtube.

Centralized community = faster growth

Source: My Ass

>> No.33537510

Well I mean they let Festival debuff herself again and again, let Towa collabs with basically anyone she wants, etc. how they still don't know about this stance about male collab is kinda retarded at this point
I'm talking about the comparison between the talent themselves but yeah your analysis also hit the spot
I just remember daki 2bh and both Yopi and Treerrat also got that as their merch. What else are her merchs because if it's just daki O don't think that's that close to GFE, as let says, marriage certificate or wedding ring a la Choco or Rushia

>> No.33537661

JP schizos burning KyoAni office
US schizos probably shooting some shit
Meanwhile, ID schizos only putting QR codes about "Top 10 Ollie's Sin" . Kinda hard to get intimidated by it.

>> No.33538196

Bahahahahahaha they are too poor to do extreme thing. Looking at kronii situation they are using RED US$ SC for complaining about this thing compare it to ID schizo who use ARS

>> No.33538459

here if you want to read some of it

>> No.33538940

ID schizo saying Ollie is some fat boy from toktok kek

>> No.33539308

The biggest mystery is why don't we have StarsID yet?
Hey we somehow survived the kronii meltdown

>> No.33539781

>2jt sc
Why are you not doing this for HoloID?

>> No.33539911

Our schizos sucked at their job because we don't have an extensive history and culture of trolling and harassing online personalities. The QR code sticker is child's play when compared to what say, 4chan itself or Kiwi Farms have done. Yes, we have a culture of gossiping celebs (we are doing it right now), but doing something to those celebs? Not so much.

Hence you get these uncreative attempts to harass VTubers. KCI sent a superchat (in ARS, 50 ARS to be precise) to Miti, calling her a "VTuber pansos". It's lame as fuck. It only empowers Miti, not weaken her.

>> No.33539936

I doubt it's the same case for Kronii. Festival and Towa got fucked by their own JP audiences with their view about "males with female VTuber". That's why EN fandom seething about past Towa yab. I imagine the Western fanbase is more like NijiEN and VShojo, so I think Kroni most likely will get away with it.

I don't even know the case about violence towards local entertainers by fans in ID. All I see is mostly drugs and adultery.

>> No.33541325

up bro

>> No.33542332

I didn't talk about their fans or the members themselves but I was talking about Cover who still let them do whatever they want regardless of their numbers and males' presence in their stream

>> No.33544024

Doesn't it mean our schizos are not really that schizo in comparison with JP and EN/NA schizos? That's a good thing, isn't it?

>> No.33544520

I think Cover will not give their EN talents the same treatment as JP's talents. You can tell JP talents to think again when you want to collab with males, especially if your content is revolving around borderline romance with the fanbase. But, I can imagine that take will not end well with EN talents. If you're familiar enough with Western culture, you can see why it happens. Being told what to do by a minority of "fans" (real or fake) is a huge insult to Westerner entertainers.

>> No.33545918

Good thing most of our artists yabs are blunders from themselves and not so called fans going rogue

>> No.33545977

Bonnivier birthday call-in stream:

>> No.33547299


Chindo energy so strong in this one

>> No.33548302

seems like a great brotuber

>> No.33549347
File: 1.17 MB, 1052x592, standing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'd never thought it's Xeapher who made this

>> No.33549455
File: 1.19 MB, 1061x594, sitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also with a sitting model. it's rare seeing fullbody alternate pose like Kson's slavsquat here in ID (or maybe i haven't met any so far except for this one)

>> No.33551278

>Western culture
>Hate being told by their fans
There's no correlation with how Cover let their talents to do what they want do. Do you even read >>33532571 ?

>> No.33551323

I remember back then mchan just taunted antis saying the cops gonna get involved and suddenly they gave up rumao, good thing so far we're very tame despite /vt/'s love of calling us SEAschizos

>> No.33551796

I did. It's just naive when you ignore the difference between EN and JP when it comes to how to handle male collabs for female VTubers. Your debuff talk will relevant when you use said context.

>> No.33551822

Quantity over Quality

>> No.33551982

His next is too thin and long

>> No.33552917

Oh, do you mean Cover shouldn't let EN talents to have freedom as much as JP talents have in regards to male collab because they can't handle the criticism, right? Or do you mean something else?

>> No.33552981

Because so far we haven't had any vtuber that market themselves as gfe or even idol. All the precursor chuubas in indo are no different than your average tongkrongan guys and girls. We also never had any exposure to idol culture until jeketi entered. But I feel like things will start to change if there's a future holoID member that embraces idol or gfe path.

>> No.33554642

>holoID member that embraces idol or gfe path
unless they choose jp/en market, there will be no one going idol path

>> No.33555030

Nothing's impossible anon. Before Kober no one would've ever thought that an indonesian vtuber would be one of the fastest growing vtuber in history. There's always gonna be a first for everything.

>> No.33558294

>any exposure to idol culture until jeketi entered
Funnily, we also flipped the definition of idol culture for jeketi to the point that even with our lambe turah, Haruka admitted ID media is much better than JP, AKB now has expanded to so many cities yet jeketi still has one of the most unique definition of idol culture especially compared to other AKB kaigai branches

>> No.33559064

Acculturation is always our strong point since time immemorial

>> No.33561643

Sundul lagi gan

>> No.33562543

https://twitter.com/njid_birthday/status/1571710677173080068 sometimes seeing post like this kinda make me feels bad bout them
>fans selling their own merch
>the corpo neglected them
>using ex- on daily basis
no i'm not a saviorfag, just feels weird seeing that treatment from "big" corpo. i had a hunch that niji actually wanted to disband the branch like india one but some of them still raking a cash so it comes this way

>> No.33563202

Riku would squeeze every single penny they could get from the discarded branches, and wait for a few more months to minimize the damage to his personal image before he would finally drop the guilottine.

>> No.33563537

>Riku would squeeze every single penny they could get from the discarded branches
Anon, anycolor don't even act like they'd want cents coming from the IDs, the fact that their fans had to do market research for merch demand just show how much of a fucking dumbass they are in ID

>> No.33564253

It's the classic japanese corpo autism. They wouldn't directly fire you but they would make your life an everliving hell to the point that you would resign by yourself.

>> No.33566093

Well I'm talking about their everything in ID, not just post-merge. Everything there just feels so disconnected with market's demands, and imo it wasn't just ID, IN was disconnected bcuz they couldn't tap in into regional languages, KR was cursed because they picked the worst partner possible, and EN is only this strong cuz their boys got a lot of elub cocksuckers in the far east

>> No.33568287

part of me thinking riku mistook IN for ID because they're called "Indo" and made that blunder kek

>> No.33569713

You reminded me of this legendary moment

>> No.33574665

About VN their top agency, called nijigen works pretty much like MAHA5, JP ownership + local assistance and it proves to be a good combo just like MAHA5

>> No.33578515


>> No.33581297
File: 151 KB, 1000x500, gambar_2022-09-20_044032400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not tragic, it's just tradition

>> No.33584317

So in sort NijiEN is not that connected to EN market as well, right? I really wonder how can this be possible

>> No.33587841


>> No.33591551

>why Andi used to be the biggest ID vtuber
He got a ton of subscribers from his translated cover, it's really popular even used in some television programs. He actually more well-known as singer than a streamer, that's why despite having a lot of subs he rarely touch 1k view even on karaoke stream

>> No.33593004

Indo luxnoct fags wouldn't care about this

>> No.33593185

How successful Andi could be if he branded himself as a vsinger? I for one would shill him in /vsinger/

>> No.33594944

one of the most awkward collab i ever seen

>> No.33599431

Rather than become vsinger, he could be more successful if he brand himself as regular cover youtuber like ranch. I know he used to beb utaite but with limited budget and only focus at j pop. Maybe it will be good for him if he can expand his genre to cover, I quite like his karaoke stream desu

>> No.33601260

CF is held on this weekend right? How many of you guys planning to go there?

>> No.33602373

>as regular cover youtuber like ranch
Dude he's a CORPO VTUBER. he can't do whatever he likes on his channel.
Beside he showed his face multiple times as flesh utaite singing on Ennichisai stage and on the fucking TV. His roommate is doing fine, it's Andi as vtuber that isn't doing so hot except for his subscriber count

>> No.33606992

Sundul terus

>> No.33608960

Unfortunately, I can't go to CF. Any of you planning to meet Airi in CF?

>> No.33611526

I'll just take her picture just becuase FOMO then move on to other stand lol

>> No.33612043

It's honestly jawdropping how bad Enikara's overseas market research is. Even now they pulled from ID market with the worst timing possible: The time where ID vtubing market is inclining and offline events start happening everywhere. If NijiID management is still around, no doubt they will secure a place in CF and bring them massive exposure. But why work that hard when you can get ez money with EN amirite

>> No.33613706

Someone should print out a card of our timnas squad and ask her to sign it for good luck measures, this is also works as a way to check if her OP note back then Israel or not

>> No.33613914

the merge was kinda "wtf" indeed, they also did that with the intention of "simplifying the management so it directly reaches HQ" but in reality they're downsizing.

And then, the ID management (who actually knows the market) moved on and eventually built DigiKagi, as told in some warkop threads ago, with evidence showing ID branch's ex-manager's linkedIn. With knowledge of the market and who to work with (they even got Dobure, the one who made that "niji ID armpit fanbook", of all people, for Valita's model)

Also I have a big hunch that it's the clash of marketing direction & creative direction that split and made Nijisanji (ex)ID where they are now.

>> No.33614762

How's NijiID scouting department? Are they together with Digikagi?

>> No.33615243

>simplifying the management so it directly reaches HQ
You know that's a big lie when exids complained that nijibureaucracy is way more complicated now postmerge, simplification my ass

>> No.33616577
File: 13 KB, 336x189, cupangball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her this image (got this from that Aleph guy) and tell her that the Simpthia OP sends his regards.

>> No.33617959

Wasn't that to make Anikara's portfolio looks better for IPO?

>> No.33619634

Kek, good idea anon, might as well tell her Simpthia OP wants her to commentate divegrass wkwkwk

>> No.33622100

Prob both

>> No.33623079

I swear I feel like the takeaway enikara got from the merge is how it's easier to win ID with elub fuckbois than with local talents which is honestly not wrong

>> No.33623390

They are like indo Tempissfags with Kobo. They only care for their self-inserts (Kobo and Mika), not the branch as a whole (HoloID and NijiID)

>> No.33623740

Honestly that's how things work in our agencies, most would stuck in one spearhead, and the challenge that comes with it, is how you could spread that viewership from your spearhead to other talents

>> No.33625703

absolutely blursed collab

>> No.33626364

We survived the shitstorm, eh? See you next time
