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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33181111 No.33181111 [Reply] [Original]

>Actually funny
>Good at games
>Loves her viewers
>No male collabs
Why aren't you watching Kiki, anon?

>> No.33181151

i don't watch pick mes

>> No.33181161

Not a Holo

>> No.33181170

she is a hag

>> No.33181182

incel enabler, an embarassment for indies

>> No.33181218

pick me

>> No.33181276

she's cool in my book. If she ever needs any real help I'll personally fly to AUS and put some real cash in hands and rape her cunny
with my penis

>> No.33181567

but i am watching her

when she's ready to move out of her parents house i'll give her and her rabbits a humble home

>> No.33181624

Pedo baiter

>> No.33181633

i'm not mentally ill enough

>> No.33181657

She seems like a pick me, so no thanks.

>> No.33181692

She's streaming right now btw

>> No.33182321

It's not sex noise ASMR though, so why would I?

>> No.33182370

shes a pedo baiter, you are one thats why you watch her

>> No.33182841

Doesn't she have a clip of her circulating where she's literally being manhandled by her boyfriend, on stream? Or was that someone else?

>> No.33182935

Nah that definitely ain't Kiki lol

>> No.33183114

stop making these threads you fucking schizo, it brings antis to our threads for weeks on end and is unironically causing her depression

>> No.33183153

You sure?
>boyfriend suddenly comes on stream
>starts manhandling her
>she starts screaming off the top of her lung
I know it was /here/ chuuba for sure but I don't keep a close eye on non-hololive related drama so I genuinely can't remember who it was.

>> No.33183223

Yep, I'm 100% sure that isn't Kiki

>> No.33183281

that's pippa

>> No.33183526

The first 4 are debatable

>> No.33183790

you mean pippa retard

>> No.33184012
File: 637 KB, 1004x748, pyonpyonwhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33186312

She’s a 4chan user.

>> No.33188486


>> No.33188588

embarrassing watching her
She cultivated a genuinely cancerous fanbase

>> No.33188671

Her model keeps getting younger. So obvious kek

>> No.33188888

i love her, she's the best

>> No.33191659

The moment that rabbit crosses into Queensland I'm putting it down.

>> No.33193556

i am tho

>> No.33193810

Hope you enjoy

>> No.33195963

she is the tumor of /vt/ and also a lying whore

>> No.33196064

I don't like /here/tubers.

>> No.33196288

Why does she have thread-only zatsudans and why does she market herself as /vt/'s vtuber?

>> No.33196342

>Why aren't you watching Kiki, anon?
Because she's /here/. I'm not going to watch anyone menhera enough to be /here/.

>> No.33196408

What if I told you the majority of vtubers are /here/?

>> No.33196429

she panders to her target audience

>> No.33196486

Her target audience needs to fuck off back to their containment thread.

>> No.33196658

>Loves her viewers
Anon she loves her viewer's money and attention, not as a person.

>> No.33196742


>> No.33197022

they never fuck off and think they can go around annoying everyone despite being the lowest of the low

>> No.33197132


>> No.33197157


>> No.33197201

i avoid her for the same reason

>> No.33197299

Quints confirm

>> No.33197324

Mention another 2view in their thread and watch them freak out.

>> No.33197382

I'd call you a schizo

>> No.33197387

Stopped watching her after the boyfriend + underage drama and she's going too hard on the GFE for me. Still follow her on Twitter to check on how she's doing tho.

>> No.33197599

This is one of the most mainstream boards on this entire site. Do you really think a fraction of vtubers aren't lurking or posting here?

>> No.33197678

I'll still watch her now and again. Couldn't care less if every zany rrat were true or not, she's okay sometimes.
Her earlier vods were a better watch, she had a more soothing way of speaking and was down to earth,the ass kissing went to her head.

>> No.33197847

Ogey. If you're interested in watching, remember she's streaming right now.

>> No.33197955

She stopped doing gfe months ago you retards

>> No.33198071

>boyfriend + underage drama
Those two rrats were debunked numerous times so need to worry

>> No.33198121

because she is an actual terrible person who only uses a friendly facade
there is nothing worse than a backstabbing girl fishing for pity and attention

>> No.33198151

Are you implying the entirety of /vt/ is monolithic and can be a "target audience"?

>> No.33198273

i'm saying her audience dwells this place and some other boards like pol so she adjusts her personality to be that during this period of her internet life

>> No.33198449

You havent watched her in months have you?

>> No.33198594

And by debunked you mean her fanbase shoving their fingers in their ears and screaming "lalalalala"

>> No.33198848

Nah, rather that's the way antis reacted to the debunks.

>> No.33198980

The only "debunks" i've seen is someone saying that it didn't happen.

>> No.33200135

So newfags? I'm subbed to her because I sub to all vtubers I see but her thumbnails/streams never seemed be enough for me to click them. Not even the Dawn of War ones and I like Dawn of War. Not to mention her chat is weird as fuck based on the last time I decided to check her out. No, I do not care about Doom.

Not to mention these shill threads never manage convince me to watch her either because they keep listening down shit I don't give a fuck about or are so nebulous and non-specific that it literally means nothing.

>> No.33200207


>> No.33200474

I love her and I love her even more because she made some trannies seethe months ago and they are still seething to this day

>> No.33200537
File: 157 KB, 2048x1146, 20220912_180416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't want to watch a chuuba that has been here I'd rather they be ignorant then /here/

>> No.33200638

I feel bad for her. She streams every day, sometimes multiple times, gives it her all too and still no one will watch her

>> No.33200803

Gives it her all? She sits on her ass playing video games for a couple hours a day

>> No.33201324

The hard truth is that nobody wants to be part of "pyon"

>> No.33201436

Play Project Zomboid and I'll watch her. It's also favorable by the algorithm this month so it might give her the numbers boost.

>> No.33201453

Yeah but you forgot she has a vagina, so everything she does is now somehow unique. She also cries at the end of her stream whenever there's an anti. She's doing things in the world.

>> No.33201476
File: 296 KB, 506x625, company.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become part of cunny circle

>> No.33201554

Project Zomboid is on her list of games to play

>> No.33201723

no it isnt

>> No.33201747

yeah it is lol

>> No.33201785

She said she would play it kek

>> No.33201807

she said she won't play it since it's too new

>> No.33201818

Just go to /pyon/. stop talking in a bait thread

>> No.33201896 [DELETED] 

>Actually funny
women can't be funny
>good at games
>loves her viewers
lmao okay retard
>no male collabs
that only matters if we care, which we don't

>Why aren't you watching Kiki, anon?

>> No.33201912

her fans are double niggers

>> No.33201935

I'm awake at this hour everyday so maybe I'll see her streaming when I check for current youtube lives soon.

>> No.33202159

Ogey, really hope you enjoy her streams

>> No.33202198

Kiki is a whore unironically. Don't watch her if you want to watch a streamer who hasn't fucked cock numbers in the double digits.

>> No.33202698


>> No.33203139
File: 15 KB, 526x451, 1650688122051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to sum um for any tourists
she is a cute autistic lilibaba in a literal sense and got some other 2view vtubers mad and insulted trannies
so to this day these "people" will make threads and call her a whore, failure, insult her viewers, etc.
you can safely ignore these posters

>> No.33203530

You forgot that she was an underage /soc/ reject.

>> No.33203563 [DELETED] 


>> No.33203606

these types of posts I am talking about >>33203530

>> No.33203623

If you post about her history you get mass reported, that's why nobody is saying anything specific. But of course you would know that because you're trying to shill her in this thread and report any negative comments.

>> No.33203771

Boring, unoriginal, /here/...

>> No.33203798


>> No.33203833

ror, rumao even >>1 anything related to vtubers real life gets deleted, true or false doesn't matter
maybe if you werent a kiwifarms/twitter tourist you would know

>> No.33203848


>> No.33204040

Year-old debunked rrats

>> No.33204051

>>Why aren't you watching Kiki, anon?

I agree. Let's make her bigger, so everyone can enjoy her Jew jokes.

>> No.33204059

Yes, that's why there was regular bump limit threads about the Pippa doxx or that Discord drama where that vtuber was dating a musician. You're allowed to talk about it as long as you don't link to the main source, unless it's Kiki.

>> No.33204100

ok, now can someone who isn't a pyonnigger reply to me thanks i want to hear from someone else

>> No.33204164

Kiki that's not how you use ogey. It's not just a replacement for "okay".

>> No.33204208

Sorry your doxx attempts get taken down anon

>> No.33204323

Keep on moving the goalposts

>> No.33204357

and those get deleted/banned when meidos wake up or stop dilating
why would you want an outsiders opinion?
>hey can you give me meds for my headache
>yes, we have iboprofen and..
>no I don't want to hear your opinion, I'll ask my plumber

>> No.33204662

forgive her, she's a newfag tourist

>> No.33204717

>Why aren't you watching Kiki, anon?
Because of you.

>> No.33204825

her antis are quite funny
>she has posted on /soc/ and /r9k/ for years
>she is a newfag tourist
>she is underage
>she is a hag
>she is a whore
>she will never find anyone to love
>she only says she loves you for your money
>she created a cult for her viewers

>> No.33204840

To sum it up for any tourist, just go to the archives and make your own opinion instead of listening to acreepy champyon trying to sell you something

>> No.33204905

>She did 9/11

>> No.33204913

People that watch Kiki are just hipster that think Gura is too mainstream.
It's also why /pyon/ was a lot quieter when /rindo/ was happening, they found some "better" and we're preparing to jump ship.

>> No.33204923

To sum it up for any tourist, just go watch her vods and make your own opinion instead of listening to adilating seething tranny trying to sell you something

>> No.33204974

basically she is not what she claims and has a dark history

>> No.33205118

litterbox pastebin me amigo

>> No.33205146

I recommend watching her early stuff that hasn't been taken down by susan, you'll understand why her fanbase is so interesting.

>> No.33205240

I literally do not give a shit if she sucks 50 cocks every day and you faggots are presumptuous that any tourist would give a shit. Just give me a reason to watch her outside of /vt/ buzzwords like cute/funny, loves XZY or whatever. Those are are not selling point. What's the content?

No, I will not watch the VODs until you give me a reason to.

>> No.33205411

she plays retro games, is a comfy streamer
good and calm voice, does zatsus and singing streams often

>> No.33205560

Sorry, that's all there is.

>> No.33205605

>Why aren't you watching Kiki, anon?
I gave it a shot, but I didn't like her toddler act. I prefer streamers that act smart and mean. Baby voice and playing dumb just makes me feel awkward.

>> No.33205711

kill yourself triptranny

>> No.33205748

wtf i love Kiki now

>> No.33205761

Tripfag, opinion discaded

>> No.33205888

I have seen the dark history but I don't care. I don't enjoy her mannerisms or vocal quirks. The intermittent vocal tic sounds like autistic stimming. Her demeanour reminds me of my cousins when I used to babysit them. She acts like a literal child: annoying and high maintenance

>> No.33205957

She is autustic
I quite like it, but each to their own

>> No.33205972

Pretty much this >>33205411
She might not fit your tastes, but that's understandable.
Her main problem is just her fanbase, she's toned it back with how much she panders to "them", but it she can still be occasionally weird.

>> No.33206043

Gaming streams, zatsudans, karaokes, etc. She has a few educational streams relating to mycology as well

>> No.33206044

Kiki tried to branch out but no one will watch her so she went back

>> No.33206171

I get the feeling she's putting on too much of a sweet act, and that she'd be actually kinda toxic without it.

(Kiki if you read this, I'm sorry, this doesn't come from you but rather my own poor experiences in the past. You could be very chill irl I'm sure.)

>> No.33206272

I feel like I actually relate to her. She's a fucking weirdo just like me. I don't want to watch some normalfag woman who i have nothing in common with.

>> No.33206479

I think she really just wants to be liked

>> No.33206486

it's bad because it's an act and not how she behaves, if it were it would be less annoying

>> No.33206587

Yeah you know her irl

>> No.33206697

Because I am convinced she and her 20 consistent champyons have a codependent relationship. The biggest hurdle for me as a viewer when watching some 2view especially if they've been 2view for a while is that a small group cultivates a community that feels exclusive. There's a balance to be made for 2views to keep their current loyal viewers but also making the stream primarily about the streamer so you don't get the feeling that the chat is also someone you need to "be into".

>> No.33206923

If she had more fans she'd definitely improve but she probably wont and its like watching a losing battle

>> No.33206947

lurk for a while and then join in, it's common curtesy

>> No.33206966

Male 2views and their chat are very welcoming, maybe Kiki should take notes on how to handle it like they do and I'm sure girls can do it too.

>> No.33207080

Her 20 champyons aren't doing anything to help her case, as you can see throughout the board.

>> No.33207163

How new are you? the fake shilling shit done for not only her but phase connect, other indies too is blatant falseflagging

>> No.33207217

You're probably saying that in jest but it's unironically true. I've followed a fleshtuber who went from 2-3view and getting into his community was easy and simple.

>> No.33207330

Kiki and /pyon/ in general are far more welcoming now compared to a few months ago

>> No.33207381

Fake shilling my ass. It's the same thing I see with the shilling ITT. Whenever someone points it out then "it wasn't a real champyon".

>> No.33207403


>> No.33208390

wtf i love adrian now

>> No.33208729

and it wasn't, if you look at 1st few replies you see the same anti shit being posted as in /pyon/
it's the same person doing it and then relaying that info to /pyon/ to start drama there as well as here

>> No.33212064

With how pathetic this post is portrays champyons I'm convinced you're that aforementioned poster.

>> No.33212149

nah that's (not) Pippa

>> No.33214901

>you aren't a real champyon

>> No.33215133

I like her better than pippa at least.
If you are gonna do something, go all the way or don't do it at all.

>> No.33215320

Look, i was hoping you weren't since it made the fanbase look pathetic.

>> No.33215409

/here/tubers are cringe, especially Kiki and her annoying fans

>> No.33215521

But she's literally toned everything back.
Maybe because she saw Pippa's incline

>> No.33217336

Because she wants me in a gas chamber. Fuck that shit.

>> No.33217509

oy vey
oy gevalt

>> No.33218088


>> No.33218443
File: 148 KB, 460x614, Screenshot 2021-12-20 171658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon dude, you can have a better retort than that, your just assuring me of my gender at this point.

>> No.33218511

You’re probably the dude that made that thread about her tweet. Fan behavior

>> No.33218637


>> No.33221477

Kiki is only in it for the clout, I downloaded a deleted stream where she was complaining she hasn't had any growth yet.

>> No.33221533

post it?

>> No.33221717
File: 694 KB, 676x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good at games

>> No.33221802

>Panders to the worst of /vt/
>gets a reputation for it
>start getting bonked by youtube
>course corrects to keep channel and to be more accessible
>her 20fans going over drive trying to improve her reputation
>people aren't biting
If she's actually complaining about not having any growth that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.33222163

Except for the age issue, there is no contradiction between any of those statements.

>> No.33222393

She harassed Rindo Yuuki because she felt threatened by her using her private twitter account that had tweets of her old model dating way before she debuted. When she was found out she started crying on stream making very obvious lies about it being very dedicated antis who somehow were after her sister but still target her but she can't get into detail because it's conveniently "too doxxy". It literally made no sense, especially why these antis would have concept art of her vtuber model and would keep posting it to riggers asking for a live2d rig. The worst part about all this is that her viewers are so fucking brainwashed, they believed her. I was in that stream and decided that enough was enough. Fuck Kiki and fuck Champyons for buying into her bullshit. Manipulative menhera whore.

>> No.33222504

something happened?
Kiki did it, I just know

>> No.33222778

The dude that even made the rrat went back on it and said it wasn't true. Let go, groomer

>> No.33222924

Imagine being in Kiki's position, trying her hardest to build an audience by pandering to some of the lowest of the low, then some random gets found and everyone starts jumping ship and getting almost triple the numbers she was without doing a thing.
No shit she'd go schizo and try and remove the competition.

>> No.33222956


>> No.33223053


>> No.33223074

give the link then.

>> No.33223133

go into archives and look yourself

>> No.33223158

thought so

>> No.33223185

Cool, so there's none.

>> No.33223222

>Do your research

>> No.33223308

I am not gonna spend effort on someone who already knows what post I am talking about. you are just pretending it doesn't exist

>> No.33223395

He did not. I was there. There's some Champs who keep skinwalking as people who drop shit like this and pretend like they just made it up. But you can't make this shit up, the tweets were archived from way back before she debuted. And Kiki's reaction to it was the final nail in the coffin, it was a reaction of pure panic of being found out.
You are being gaslit so hard and you don't even realise it, it's pathetic.

>> No.33223428

Just leave her alone honestly. Shes trying her best every day.

>> No.33223493

Trying her best at making new chuubas graduate for her own personal gains. She is a terrible person for that alone.

>> No.33223513

lol, she said she will defend herself this time and can't let it go
but I am arguing with discord trannies so what's the point

>> No.33223524

I just don't like Australians, especially the unfunny ones.

>> No.33223536

groomers are mad lol

>> No.33223573

The whole stream is like an hour and 30 minutes so I can't be fucked skimming it all. Here's a clip of her being jealous of lazy streamers. There's also another bit I saw when I skimmed through of her saying paraphrased "it would be nice if I had more viewers".


>> No.33223646

Shes talking about twitch streamers you took this completely out of context lol

>> No.33223662

>discord tranny
Go on, call me a Dad, call me d4n, call me fatbert, call me mal. Keep going down your list of boogeymen. I used to be like you retards until this whole Rindo business went down, unlike you I'm not dumb enough to believe into Kiki's bullshit though.

>> No.33223681

If you had given a search parameter to use in the archives i wouldn't be instantly on your back about this, but just saying "go through the archives" is a massive cop out and just seems like you don't even know if it exist or not.

>> No.33223705

Look up "pyon cytube ban"

>> No.33223730

rondo threads, pyon cytube

>> No.33223752

Bro I watched the entire stream when she was streaming and it was complaining about not having enough viewers through proxy. I'll upload another clip if I have to.

>> No.33223766

look up "fairysguts" while you're at it

>> No.33223789

I can call you many names, but never a woman

>> No.33223861

Can't wait for the ASIO raid next week, it's gonna be fun.

>> No.33223902

funny how the account went full scorched earth after getting called out

>> No.33223936

Good? Never claimed to be one, kek. Is that all you've got now? No arguments left to defend Kiki's side of the story except calling names?

>> No.33223964

every one of these threads just devolves into stupid rrat posting

>> No.33224100

no defense needed, I am not her knight in shining armour
besides all you have is some schizo fantasies that were denied by the guy who made them, but you chose to ignore it

>> No.33224288

why are you so fixated on the guy who called it out? nothing he says changes the facts he pointed out

>> No.33224343

Kiki bros, we lost...

>> No.33224396

only thing is early thread is people advertising pyon and kiki in early threads, and in later threads telling (champ)pyons to fuck off.
Still looking for this so called "proof"

Legit just chucked it in the search bar and got instant results of kiki's antics, didn't even have to ctr+f in individual threads.

>> No.33224401

She says champy at the end of every sentences to make the streams feel more personal and acts like a brat to bait champs into posting uooh. That's pretty much 80% of her content.
Also she's extremely insecure so she tries too hard to be entertaining and it doesn't feel sincere
She might become a good streamer if she stops being sad, horny and insecure

>> No.33224546

They post >wife wife wife
They post feeding her piss as iv feed
Someone said she peed her chair
I said I want to be the chair
I'm told to stop be a menhera
Kiki is cool, her fans are groomers.

>> No.33224603

Shes trying really hard to get away from them but they ruin literally everything for her

>> No.33224634

you are either really bad at using the search function or you are one of the schizos

>> No.33224730

To answer thread question, I watched her for a couple months. But her consistently failing to start streams on time and constant menhera breakdowns over one chatter saying she's playing bad were enough for me to drop her. Kiki, get your shit together and grow a thicker skin, you have potential to be a solid streamer

>> No.33224798

kek. it's the same guy because he said so obviously. with how much you're pushing his denial, which means literally nothing either way in the face of the evidence, i wouldn't be surprised if it was you who wrote that

>> No.33224808

Oh, THAT was the post you were talking about.
Yeah nah, mate, i thought there was actually a new post with some actual substance behind it, not that guy saying "please believe it was me, i was lying".

>> No.33224834
File: 201 KB, 607x720, 1653889414558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually funny
>good at
don't care
>loves her viewers
lol lmao
She's also a disgusting /here/chuuba with an insufferable fanbase worse than even pippa's, so no, I will not watch your pickme whore, cuckpyon

>> No.33224848

oh thanks for revealing to all that you do not care for answers and are only here to shit on Kiki

>> No.33224866

Shes got a lot better but is not apparently "trying too hard". I hope you can give her a second chance someday anon

>> No.33224874

how are you so sure it's the same guy?

>> No.33224883

You're joking, right?

>> No.33224894

seething roastie

>> No.33224944

Just stop bumping this thread champs you're doing nothing to help her reputation here lol.

>> No.33224947

I'm saying that someone posting "it was me" on an anonymous image board, while further saying they have no way of proving it is the same person is retarded.

>> No.33225003

I don't know why she's so obsessed with becoming the 4chan chuuba if that's the case. What was she expecting?

>> No.33225015

Just imagine the poor naive champyon thinking he's helping his Oshi grow, and in turn all her trash gets pulled out into the street.

>> No.33225045

obviously the op is a falseflagger. this happens every time with her schizoantis

>> No.33225053

trash I made up*

>> No.33225093

Probably was expecting more people to watch her

>> No.33225096

that's what i tell them. they say do your reps to people asking about rrats but the shit they'd dig up by doing that. doesn't seem like the best advice a champyon could give

>> No.33225144

every other split
>do your reps
>for the love of good don't look

>> No.33225146

if anyone believes that, then they don't deserve Kiki

>> No.33225175

Dude im a champyon but please, stop being a fucking retard. go back to pyon. this is an awful look

>> No.33225194

If anyone actually believes that Kiki is perfect for them.

>> No.33225228

Why are you so obsessed? you need to go back too

>> No.33225254

probably his discord friends are not responding

>> No.33225273

some champs arent braindead

>> No.33225293

this is how she grows

>> No.33225331

I'm not a champ and I don't care about any vtuber's menhera shit, if they stream and it's entertaining that's good enough for me. But her "champys" that are constantly gatekeeping is a huge no for me, which I know is exactly what they want. That's fine, they can have her to themselves, I'm sure that's exactly how they like it. In one of her streams months ago something happened on stream and I was pretty quickly able to pinpoint the city she lives in and what general area too within a 10 block radius just by going to google, and if I can do that I know her followers did too. Just feel so bad for her as a person and her future prospects as a vtuber, but I'm not some saviorfag so good luck to her.

>> No.33225351

I don't think that guy is a fan, he's just falseflagging.
t. tourist.

>> No.33225372

they say there are debunkings of rrats to be found somewhere in the archives (no one has ever found them) but what you end up finding is something much darker

>> No.33225393

Shes made her champs so mad by telling them to stop gatekeeping

>> No.33225426

Wasn't it Newcastle ?

>> No.33225461

Its boston, texas

>> No.33225589

Wait, she's on the board of QLD? I was way off.

>> No.33225619

>vtuber held hostage by groomers because they're the supporters
Jesus fucking Christ it's one of those situations? Groomers are shit because they don't even use gatekeeping as a filter, but as a way to isolate the chuuba by shutting the gate entirely. I bet anti threads about her and AND obnoxious shilling are works of those same groomers to keep everyone away from her.

>> No.33225620

i am a fan but i also see through her bs and often call her out on it

>> No.33225637

Yeah thats why shes been so depressed

>> No.33225693

Unfortunately no one can really see it. She loves streaming but shes trying extremely hard to break away from them and make new fans

>> No.33225713
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>"there is proof it's only a rrat in the archives!!!"

>> No.33225719


>> No.33225756


>> No.33225769

>champyons believe this

>> No.33225839

Lmao, and they'll continue to use that post as proof.

>> No.33225861

I've seen it before. Someone I used to watch took a fucking year to tell one of her paypigs to fuck off because she wasn't in the best place financially and couldn't afford losing the occasional donos. Same paypig also made insane posts in attempts to isolate her by shitting on everyone she interacted with her, her other fans and the vtuber in question herself.

>> No.33225906

Its pretty sad and she basically gets all the blame for her fans

>> No.33225941

The antis did it to frame Kiki

>> No.33225955

you love the attention don't you

>> No.33225987

husbands and she loves them

>> No.33226006

that's not going to change as long as she's trying to have a /here/ fanbase
she should learn to stand her ground and stop being a doormat. If she wants change she should say it. I'm sure most champs would support it but they can't know what she wants if she keeps saying nothing is going to change even after the redebut

>> No.33226010

You are the problem

>> No.33226054

She has said it a lot of times. I think shes scared no one will watch or care on her redebut and she'll be stuck in 2view hell forever.

>> No.33226100

She should collab with a male and make all her champs kill themselves, would let her have a fresh slate

>> No.33226171

Pretty sure thats less of a gfe thing and more of her wanting to be "a real idoru"
shes even learning Japanese and doing dance practice for it

>> No.33226491

she was being vague about it, some people didn't get it then she backpedalled when those retards called the people trying to explain it baiters.
she should ask herself why she's a vtuber. does she actually enjoy streaming or does she want money or fame? If she wants money or fame, she should change because it's impossible to grow while having a purely here following. If she doesnt care about that and just wants to stream and play games, then she shouldn't be afraid of losing some viewers, especially if she doesn't like them.

>> No.33226514

But whores can't be idols...

>> No.33226520

Shut up Dan

>> No.33226577

Your mom seemed pretty idol like for me last night

>> No.33226652

I wonder if more of vt likes her or hates her

>> No.33226683

They don't care, they like Gura

>> No.33226723


>> No.33226768

I intended for this thread to die a while ago but antis kept bumping it

>> No.33227023


>> No.33227039


>> No.33227060

Shut up Dan

>> No.33227103

Tranpyons lol

>> No.33227232


>> No.33227423

Kiki would get 80% less hate if it wasn't for her viewers leaving containment, to put it simply.

>> No.33227451

I know where you are Dan

>> No.33227472

That's why her "viewers" do it

>> No.33227586

you mean antis, right

>> No.33227592

She became a vtuber because getting constant love and attention from 30yo lonely men makes her horny. She should just embrace it and masturbate on stream.

>> No.33227625

She should have stuck with her original character

Bunny teacher that loves talking about animals and science. Cute girl teaching topics of value is a million times better than the parasocial cancer she has peddled. I am still mad about what she turned into.

>> No.33227652

ok romeo

>> No.33227707

Her fans?

>> No.33227727

Yeah, imagine if she was a cool biology chuuba instead of whatever she's now.

>> No.33227735

Why does *she* break containment though? It's one of the things that put me off as an outsider.

>> No.33227850

Shes moved away from the parasocial shit and is going to do one educational stream a week after redebut but even if she did you'd continue to complain

>> No.33227916

Because she is not a good entertainer/streamer
On paper she is good, but the dead air and outright laziness kills it

>> No.33227934

Have you ever watched her? if anything she tries too hard

>> No.33228048

>Shes moved away from the parasocial shit
I don't know why you keep saying this. She's clearly trying to stop it but she still does gfe/wife stuff, just not as hard as she used to do
I'm looking forward to the educational streams though

>> No.33228117

You don't watch her, she thinks 10 seconds of dead air ruins a stream so she tries too hard to be entertaining

>> No.33228125

when is the redebut?

>> No.33228132

Shes only doing it to keep her fans happy. Champyons are in the thread right now sperging out at the thought of her wanting to get away from them

>> No.33228180

Shes waiting on assets from her artists.

>> No.33228210

When she accepts Hinduism and reincarnates.

>> No.33228219

Getting views as a vtuber takes more work. She wouldn't expect it to happen magically or through pandering.

>> No.33228244

Most champs are saying silent because the schizo champs call them bait if they state the obvious

>> No.33228250

She streams once a day sometimes twice for over a year, put a lot of effort in. It isn't plain pandering

>> No.33228357

She wants to be 4chan's chuuba

>> No.33228405

How's Kiki's supposed spine fracture from falling off a chair?

>> No.33228412

If she had more fans she could be but no one will watch her.

>> No.33228413

She works hard to make her streams entertaining and she succeeds.

>> No.33228478

Ask her mother, apparently she answered to champyons on behalf of Kiki. Pfft

>> No.33228487

She's doing fine (this is her mum btw)

>> No.33228499

If she succeeds then why does no one watch her?

>> No.33228502

You can't be THE chuuba of different boards with different cultures and interest and different threads with their own subcultures and interests. There is no unifying factor that's common in all boards other than the hatred of moderators.

>> No.33228512

Did this actually happen?

>> No.33228518

This is an incredibly subjective post.

>> No.33228535

Not this fucking timeloop again

>> No.33228606

Give Kiki a chance, save her from her schizo fans anon

>> No.33228623

Yes, this actually happened. I saw it live, I was so confused as I was still a fan at the time

>> No.33228641
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>this entire thread
you are speedrunning every timeloop in a single thread

>> No.33228642

lol yeah of course vivar

>> No.33228661

I remember back when I watched Kiki the champyons figured out my account name and that I watched other chuubas besides just Kiki and they got pissy about it and so I figured if I can either watch any chuuba I want except for Kiki or just watch Kiki and nobody else that I would choose the former and dropped Kiki.

>> No.33228680

They do this every time. literally every time.

>> No.33228694
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>> No.33228714

Shes said specifically you dont have to do that lol

>> No.33228723

Obviously, she puts out such little content that this all that's worth talking about.

>> No.33228751
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>> No.33228761

Watch her once or atleast look at her channel before you post about her

>> No.33228774

KEK. champyons do not believe this. they can't possibly believe this

>> No.33228792

Kiki was hurt for months because of her back. What a weird rrat

>> No.33228801

I legit watched her from pre/pyon/ up until she started DoW, I really don't understand why I stuck around for so long.

>> No.33228826

She streams every day just about. wdum she puts out no content then

>> No.33228827

They don't watch streams.

>> No.33228844

I didn't want to type in chat knowing that theo ther users would be hostile towards me. I guess I could have just made a new account but I didn't bother and just left. I wasn't terribly attached to Kiki.

>> No.33228859

When will they just leave her alone?

>> No.33228893

sure but the lie that goes with it is the real strange part

>> No.33228894

Who were you?

>> No.33228920


>> No.33228929

>be a champyon leaving my thread to post about kiki in other generals and call people trannys
>ask myself why she has a negative image

>> No.33228931

There was no lie though. You have no idea actually what happened. Thats literally just your own speculation because you dislike her

>> No.33228961

Thats antis literally trying to get people to hate her
are you people retarded?

>> No.33228980

Mainly taking the piss, but I definitely didn't consider her sleep streams content.

>> No.33229009

do you actually believe that was her mom typing?

>> No.33229031

Shes done that maybe 6 or 7 times in her whole streaming time

>> No.33229044

Why is she still doing the only Kiki thing then? I know it's only for the "husbands" but seems like a dumb thing to do if she doesn't actually care. She almost stopped a stream because she got jealous over a game character

>> No.33229056

>he doesn't like Kiki's wake up voice
glad you don't watch her anymore, she doesn't like gays

>> No.33229070

She cares but she doesnt want to push people away

>> No.33229125

oh yeah the store owner in dogz kek. that dude doesn't show up much anymore after the champs harassed him for doing that

>> No.33229145

so she's not only doing it to keep her fans happy?i

>> No.33229186

Shes tried to stop gfe and that stuff lots of times but cant because of her attachment. Its pure autism.

>> No.33229266

Kek, imagine being a pedo bait streamer and then your mum has to explain to your fans you're in the hospital because of self harm.

>> No.33229803

confirmed lying schizo whore who at least until this year was underage
her fanbase is even worse
imagine openly going for the parasocial/gfe audience and then actually having a boyfriend and then use excuses like "kiki's mom here, she broke her spine"

>> No.33229828

just pull a nadeshiko and stop being here Kiki. I know you're addicted to the attention but it really isn't worth it.

>> No.33229830

Nice VPN

>> No.33229879

She broke her spine like a week before that happened, I don't know why you're still pushing your retarded rrat

>> No.33229890
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I smell seething roasties

>> No.33229900

How do you self harm your own spine? Or it was just awkwardly phrased and it was in fact just an accident?

>> No.33230020

her mom is esl preaseundastand
Her spine was already broken, she was going to the toilet and she fell again

>> No.33230044
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cope harder niggers
it's all true

>> No.33230051

this desu
Nade is a 3view now

>> No.33230625

It's sad and frustrating to see her constantly trying to change and fail because her fans are holding her back and most people aren't willing to give her a chance even if she changes

>> No.33230670

Things will work out for her eventually. I have faith

>> No.33230676

she refuses to acknowledge the past and apologize

>> No.33230737

wait, so if she hates her fans so much, why are any of them still supporting her? doesn't she get a shit load of skebs and fan art for a 2view?

>> No.33230812

She probably wont after this thread, talk about biting the hand that feeds you kek

>> No.33230880

I doubt she hates all of them, but some champs are really retarded and delusional. They're also the most dedicated ones, so it's complicated.

>> No.33230969

isn't that just taking advantage of them then? that seems really shitty and manipulative

>> No.33231087

Some of them would actually kill themselves if they knew she doesn't like them so she's forced to keep acting like she does
