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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33179456 No.33179456 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, why the fuck are IRyS's songs not doing well??
Now her songs actually sound good unlike the previous ones. Till the end of me, Berserker, One step at a Time, Gravity, Ai no Jikkai, all these songs were a fucking banger, then why don't her songs get views?
Is this a case of first impression is the last impression??
As a Hooman, I feel so bad for IRyS

>> No.33179573

>Is this a case of first impression is the last impression

>> No.33179587

Because she is shit and doesn't deserve a spot in Hololive

>> No.33179673

> Is this a case of first impression is the last impression??
Maybe. Vtuber covers don’t really show up for me anymore, and when they did, her songs sucked. The covers only show up now after I start listening to vtuber music, and since I’ve mostly been listening to indie covers and a few Niji songs, HoloEN’s stuff doesn’t seem to come up for me.
I literally did not know IRyS’s songs don’t suck anymore until you just posted this. I bet her songs mostly only show up for people who search her music, and a lot of people don’t search her music anymore

>> No.33179685

Please calm down , Enna .

>> No.33179686

I want you to imagine you're a normalfag watching her streams
Now, you're a DEDICATED normalfag, so you're like 1 of 10 normalfags to stay through SC reading and anime tangents
Then her song teasers play at the end
Wow! Quarter Bravery! New songs! Out on July? Hey, it's already out! Great!

Hmm...CD/Vinyl/Cassette Exclusive?

Oh well, guess I can't listen to it online though it sounds like it might be pretty good.
Still I'm sure many people are buying it! Ganbatte, IrySu!
>Waits for next stream

>> No.33179694

>Is this a case of first impression is the last impression
just like with Kiara, yes. You need a massive effort to change first impressions.

>> No.33179795

You can listen them on Spotify dude.

>> No.33179866

youtube fucked with the algorithm again last month.

>> No.33179928

She's boring. People have to care about your personality to click your channel and listen to the music in the first place.

>> No.33179930

It's already hard enough to get random viewers to click on links in a video description. Having them actually have to activate their brain to think 'Hey, they probably did make her songs available somewhere, right? I wonder where...' is an impossible task when they can just let YT autoplay into the next stream.

>> No.33179994

Based Kiara with the Dreamin Chu Chu redemption arc

>> No.33180049

holo brand limiter, i dont even know this bitch

>> No.33180068

>You need a massive effort to change first impressions.
And Kiara's efforts have paid off, for sure. Right?...

>> No.33180094

I basically only listen to music, especially vtuber music, on YouTube. Every hardcore fan of a creator who digs through platforms for their content started out as a casual who only bothered to look at what was easily made available to them first.

>> No.33180157

Kiara’s (relative) unpopularity at this point has nothing to do with first impressions. Her style of content just filters a lot of people, including me.

>> No.33180232

I listened to her first like 4 songs and they were boring shit so no I didn't listen to more boring shit.

>> No.33180442

Ok I see . I usually listen to music on Spotify so I can easily catch up IRyS new released songs . Isn’t Spotify popular in your country?

>> No.33180502 [DELETED] 

How many more threads do you need, kiwitranny cockroach?

>> No.33180529

It's the same situation as Azki.
They have the dedicated VSinger role despite not even being the strongest singers of their respective branches.
Azki's breath control is bad and her voice isn't powerful enough to have the same impact as Suisei.
Irys was unfortunate enough to have to compete with Gura and Mori, who are both iconic in their own right.
Irys would have been better off in a regular position instead of being a VSinger so she wouldn't get so blatantly mogged at her own specialty.
Also her design is a massive debuff, if you want to watch cute 2Ds singing, why even bother with the creatura?
Maybe the expectations for the VSingers are too high, I've heard Irys just sang anime covers before, and Azki was similarly inexperienced. Maybe the management behind holo's VSingers needs to re-evaluate their methodology. As it is it is just sad to watch Irys flounder.

>> No.33180659

yeah, sora and azki being like their flagship singers was always so weird to me because they're not good. I guess that's just kind of the issue when you're a tiny project taking whoever you can get at the start

>> No.33180696


>> No.33180805

didn't she have a song with millions of plays before joining hololive? seen it in a random yt comment

>> No.33180822

>Better singer
Nice bait.

>> No.33180875

I don't know. Her songs are lacking something. Emotions maybe? Something creative?
I'd hear IRyS' song, say it is nice, drop a like and that is it. I wouldn't fanatically listen to her songs on loop like I do with Suisei or Axel

>> No.33180924

first impressions with the scuffed english songs and no hype being generated with the randomness of drops and delays when it comes to the MVs and songs make it a headache to follow even as a fan

>> No.33180987

NTA but Spotify is hampered by ads on the free version.

>> No.33180995

you will never be more than a 2view

>> No.33181002

Sora is fine, SHE IS THE IDOL
azki is in a weird spot

>> No.33181025

Read the post again anon. Reading comprehension is not hard.

>> No.33181033

imagine if the EN singer debuted with actual songs in English that would have been hype and might have had any chance at generating hype in EN instead it was just generic weeb music lmao.

>> No.33181093

yes yes, she's very important because she was first.. just too bad no one actually wants to watch or listen to her because she's boring and her voice sucks.

>> No.33181141

you're retarded, 100k people were watching her 3D live. you wouldnt know because i bet you're a chumshart that knows nothing about JP.

>> No.33181148

First impression includes your voice, and for some retarded reasons the chicken can't drop it.

>> No.33181181

I liked her JP songs more than the forced EN songs that came in the 2nd mini album because at least they didnt have awkward sounding lyrics adapted to japanese rhythm.

>> No.33181193

literally no one talks about a breakout song/cover from her giving no attention. literally everyone has heard suisei’s stellar stellar/next color planet, towa’s error, etc.
there isn’t a single sole song to direct people to to take interest in her, just a selection of good songs that are good but don’t stand out

>> No.33181269

He didn’t said Gura and Mori are better singers than IRyS , but they are way more popular than her and it’s the truth.

>> No.33181297

if she was gen 1 or gen 2 she wouldnt even reach 20k. nobody even cares to know anything about her other than "OMG SAYSO DAISEMPAI IDOL". i dont get whats so hard to understand.

>> No.33181333

Enna called Xi and killed IRyS career

>> No.33181337

The entire post is how the label of “vsinger” is a drag on chuubas. Mori isn’t a vsinger. They were implying that Mori doesn’t *have* to sing well to be successful with her music, and that her music would have flopped if she had been marketed as such.
If anything, they’re implying that Mori’s singing sucks.

>> No.33181358

she should do better promoting of her songs. just posting "hey im releasing a song" on twitter does fuck all. of course that's for management to do but they are hopeless. I want irys to do well in music but unless she can promote her music properly, or make a song for a new game or anime, she isn't going to get the views she wants.

>> No.33181391

people tuned in because there was a ton of advertising and it would be dishonourable to skip "oh great daisenpai sora-sama's live!" but they didn't want to is the thing. If anyone actually liked her she wouldn't have shit viewership at literally everything that isn't an event with guests.

well yes all the English in hololive songs was written by JP people that can't speak english and probably just tossed it in DeepL so I wouldn't count any of them as english at all in any way lmao

>> No.33181406

There’s a reason they stopped dubbing the OP and ED even in dubbed anime.

>> No.33181509

retarded cope, yeah they were held at gunpoint to watch the stream!
Maybe focus on your shark declining instead

>> No.33181586

Couldn't tell you cause I stopped watching her after she started that dogshit """chadcast""" with whori and bae
I used to really liked her, but I hate mori more than I like her

>> No.33181589

Too many mediocre songs made people uninterested. She's not even to blame, it's the people in charge of her music production. Her cover of Internet Overdose is completely fine. She needs better songwriters for her original music.

>> No.33181658

i accept your concession.

>> No.33181719

Quarter Bravery is great . You should give it a try.

>> No.33181741

Anon, the lack of communication from her management is so horrible that when she tried to promote "Till the End of Me" barely twelve hours before the song officially dropped, she promoted it as "Till my Heart stops Beating" (because that is literally the direct translation of the Japanese title) and management told her an hour or two after she tweeted that that 'uhh by the way we changed the English name'
Like this is shit your only PR outlet should know weeks beforehand, not hours

>> No.33181749

Akatsuki to Hana MV was supposed to be released in May and there is still nothing. Till the end of me MV was delayed for almost 20 days. One Step at a Time MV was delayed for 2 months. The MV for Gravity is going to "take a while" who knows when it when it will be released. Not a single MV to help promote Quarter Bravery or Journey. Whoever is in charge of Project Hope is a fucking moron

>> No.33181907

and when the MVs do eventually come out its a fucking power point presentation of a couple pictures moving and some effects slapped on in a lazy way. How grim. Meanwhile every one of Mori's MVs are distinct in some way.

>> No.33182256

You can't even read the words in the newest MV because half the time its white text on light coloured background. Everything is always so low effort

>> No.33182380

The MV for One Step at a Time feels like a fucking insult to IRyS and her fans. How can they justify a 2 month delay for 2 pngs and someone shitting paint on a white canvas?

>> No.33182568
File: 250 KB, 1100x854, 1643437798284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura and Mori, who are both iconic in their own right.

>> No.33182720

Anon you should at least show some respect to Mori . She has a music contract.

>> No.33182834

Gura was iconic for her karaokes especially in 2020. Mori is iconic for obvious reasons.

>> No.33182881


>She has a music contract.
Ogey ? You can suck dick for one it's not that hard retard.

>> No.33182950

Who else has music contract in hololive?

>> No.33183016

Because she's a one off in a dying branch that never got much support to begin with. Gura and Mori caught success at EN's peak, and they're the only ones with a chance at this point.

>> No.33183139

Totally agreed. Also the timing of the songs release leaves a lot to be desired too. They released one when everyone was distracted by the Myth offcollab. Just waiting a couple of days would have given it far more exposure.

>> No.33183343

IRyS can still bounce back with her model redesign and 3D, just one orisong 3D live with some JP guests and not looking like Redjuice's half assed scribbles could save her instantly.

>> No.33183516

>IRyS can still bounce back
Anon, she can't... Even with all that stuff mentioned. EN3 is around the corner and every current member will bleed fans and viewers from it.

>> No.33183599


>> No.33183645

Nobody knows she exists because she barely collabs. Leech bitch, leech, you're fluent in two fucking languages you have no excuse. She's also not a very good singer, just born with a natural soprano register so it seems like she's good at hitting high notes. Her personality is also far more timid than long time viewers might think when you put her aside someone like Marine. Hell all ENs are far too reserved in general, at least Council anyway. IRyS should be the EN equivalent of Marine.

>> No.33183647

Respect her for what? Her talent doesn't justify any respect.

>> No.33183766

IRyS has literally never imitated a collab on her own. There's still myth members she has no 1:1 collab with after all this time

>> No.33183788

All her songs are good but she don't have the reach of clout. If it was Gura's songs they all been in the millions.

>> No.33183903

>they're not good
Anon, your brain functions reps...

>> No.33183931

Because she acts like a nobody.

>errr today I'll be playing yet another survival horror game really badly

Like bruh jump on a FotM or do a two player game with someone or something. Jump in with some ID content or whatever. Hell do some RL content the way Haachama and Polka do. And do it in lacy fucking gloves.

>> No.33183929

>they're not good
just say you don't know what you're talking about lol

>> No.33183990

Do you think you are more professional than Universal Music company ,irystokeks ?

>> No.33184107

For all the rumors that omegagay was forced out of holo EN to manage stars EN instead, I'm honestly not seeing much improvement in EN management
IIRC IRyS wasn't sure when either Gravity or the MV for One Step at a Time were gonna be released
Then there's Gura leaking that there's single guy responsible for game perms and he's taking a vacation

>> No.33184110

All you complain can be applied to every EN member.

>> No.33184201

Sora has. With Victor/JVCKenwood.
Her music is focused in Idol-Anime music. So not being J-pop, rap, rock, or whatever makes it hard to like for generic western audiences.

Calli has it easier for her music and general attitude in general in the west.

AZKi is has years of experience backing her up. She is wherever she wants to be with her own style.

IRyS is in a weird spot. Good all around music but she's lacks a hit that can open a way forward for her.

>> No.33184221

A chunk of it's down to EN being screwed over by timezones. It should've just been HololiveUS. Australia ruined EN.

>> No.33184611

Dude have you seen the reach of her music? Regardless of skill or talent the sheer size of her music audience is unmatched by any other chuuba. That alone is worth some respect.

>> No.33184668

lol is this all it takes to impress a holobrony?

>> No.33184788

There's nothing from Irys that's really memorable visually besides her debut mv and they haven't shown anything else that lives up to that

>> No.33184848

>Could be a bridge between JP and EN viewers the way Coco was

>> No.33185310

Based gatekeeper. Fuck normalfags. Also
>0 mentions of manager-kun
Manager-kun would be disappointed.

>> No.33185373

Western management failing their employees miserably goes without saying desu.

>> No.33185384

Solar System Disco
Alien around 15-16 mins mark
collab with Kohmi Hirose
bonus opera

>> No.33185473

They're not bangers they're mediocre at best. There's nothing interesting in her music

>> No.33185476

A lot of her music honestly sounds like generic anime OPs, so it's not mainstream enough for casual fans and not iconic enough for fans of that genre

>> No.33185514

I like AZKi (and Sora to a lesser extent), but a clip with scuffed phone audio is a horrible example of her singing prowess

>> No.33185697

Terrible music having a humongous reach is not a new phenomenon and is not worthy of even the tiniest amount of respect.

>> No.33185868


Kurenai Chronicle 's music and lyrics are by AZKi herself, by the way


>> No.33186109

I don't use spotify. I installed it briefly to listen to Joe Rogan, but I uninstalled it after I got fed up of his cringe.

>> No.33186148

This. She always seems to just tag along but never actually organizes anything herself.

>> No.33186230

find something else to care about than the # of views your oshi gets on susantube

literally take up recreational masturbation or something it would be more productive

>> No.33186683

It's all about marketing. Just gotta label her redesign as a "Debut" or something and have other Holo and management shill it. But I doubt she would put that much effort into it. Dead in the water.

>> No.33187518
File: 168 KB, 407x462, 1659559351243051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all the people shitting on her new songs, here listen to this
This song hasn't been officially released on Youtube, but just listening to the audio will make you feel that yes, she deserves more.
I can't understand people not liking IRyS. She might not be my oshi, but my god, she is a super sweet lady.
Her last 5 songs has personally made her one of my favourites non Jp singers.
Before Gravity, Berserker was my favourite En song.
Before Berserker, One step at a time was my favourite En song
Before One step at a time, Till the end of me was my favourite En song
Every song has been better than the previous one personally.

>> No.33187588

I think end of a life is better

>> No.33187683

>Songs length - 3 mins 22 seconds
>replies to the post after a minute and a half

>> No.33187763

wtf is with youtube and for some reason making the instruments much louder than vocals it's fucking weird.

>> No.33187788

Yeah her songs are improving. But on the other hand , the MVs of her songs delay longer and longer. Seems pathetic.

>> No.33187825

It released 2 weeks ago some of us have listened to it already

>> No.33187960

Reflect>End of a Life>Gravity>Play dice>>>all other songs

>> No.33187974

Some of the replies remind me why I hate deadbeats . Why can’t you act as humble as your oshi ?

>> No.33188099

You're not fooling anyone, Irystocrat

>> No.33188194

do you want to see my badges sir?
I am only membered to Mumei

>> No.33188330

Then you get too excited about mediocre songs

>> No.33188375

Then why don’t you spend your time listening to her songs instead.

>> No.33188587

I do, but there are only so many songs that Mumei has released/covered. And I feel Mumei is a better entertainer than IRyS but lately, IRyS has released better songs than her

>> No.33188713
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>> No.33188767

>She's boring. People have to care about your personality to click your channel and listen to the music in the first place
Hmmmm... would explain why Morii doesn't get the views anymore

>> No.33188865

there are like 5 good original songs from whole of hololive, you need to lower your expectations

>> No.33188878


>> No.33188942
File: 115 KB, 1280x1095, 1662860990329773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very nice post Anon, I'm glad you like her songs :)
In my opinion,she's definitely victim of sub-par management but in the end I think IRyS is doing her best with what she's being given and with her current improvement I'm sure the wind will blow her way anytime soon and her songs are going to get the recognition they deserve :)

>> No.33188970

It's the curse of Gura Killer, vt killed her before she even debuted

>> No.33189112

>Mogu Mogu
What's the 5th?

>> No.33189439

(one song per Vtuber)
Fake Fake Fake
Tiil the end of me

>> No.33189471

ahoy over unison
5th is next color planet

>> No.33189477

Her memorable songs in Karaoke are all Disney princess or musical numbers, or songs like One Last Kiss. Belle and Dear Perfect Husband come to mind.
Meanwhile Cover is trying to get her to sing lore related generic jpop, and the non generic songs are all rock adjacent. Even if she gets some songs that fit her stylistically like Till The End of Me, it takes a massive effort to shift impression.

>> No.33189758

She's better at covers than orisongs. There's no reason to listen to her originals over her covers or karaoke

>> No.33190075 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 245x255, 1641346906596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll listen to IRyS when she can rival the likes of this:

Spoiler image is my reaction to your bait replies in advance, so don't bother trying.

>> No.33190138
File: 865 KB, 743x1200, 1662401382244606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes not bad but shes no sheep or suisei either and she has no real base either

>> No.33190289
File: 629 KB, 3840x2160, 1662952871115728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love kiara but her singing hurts me
this, gura cant even sing either
stella stella!

>> No.33190386


Hey, it's me again.
From the previous Kurenai Chronicle post.

Did you know that "The Last Frontier" has it's music and lyrics written by AZKi herself?
Now you know

>> No.33190429
File: 198 KB, 501x485, 1663147251582539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos that with suisex? shes in the holocure game too but i don't think ive ever seen her
miko skin?

>> No.33190621

"and Azki was similarly inexperienced"
She has celebrated her 15th anniversary as utaite this year.
Her style is intentional and was well know when she was hired.

>> No.33190699
File: 336 KB, 648x1026, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a designated Holo EN Vsinger was a terrible idea and IRyS has been absolutely fucking cursed by it. The music Cover makes her sing is shitty and killing her voice. She doesn't get to have nice things because she isn't a member of Myth or Council. The woman is doomed to anxiety, suffering, and being left out in the cold. IRyS is basically Holo EN's Charlie Brown.

>> No.33190842

Hoshiyomis are fucking delusional
Here's your (You)

>> No.33190869

She gets more things by being a standalone debut. She already has more merch than most other ENs

>> No.33190886


>> No.33190893

Because the algo hates her for the previous songs

>> No.33190976

>She gets more things by being a standalone debut
You just broke my cope meter

>> No.33191116

Irys is clearly trained and they make her sing difficult songs which she can clearly do but that doesn't translate to memorable music. Just make less songs but better songs. Irys deserves better

>> No.33191119

Suisei has a fantastic voice at first.
But the more you listen, it sound same-ish in all of her music.
She's praised as having a lot of range but I guess it means in the highs and lows, not so much in her performance and emotion.

>> No.33191294

her internet overdose cover is pretty good
i think part of the problem with her albums is that it's too focused on her kayfabe and you don't get any sense of personality from it
i'm not saying she has to be as dramatic, but if irys came out with something with half as much personality as a rina sawayama album she'd explode... maybe instead of just a singer she should be a singer-songwriter too and while i'd support her efforts... perhaps its too much for irys-chan

>> No.33191317

IRyStocrat here who literally drove home listening to IRyS songs and Suisei songs yesterday. Gonna use reddit spacing for clarity. IRyS has good songs but the songs themselves aren't as good as the best holomems' songs partially because they're a little incoherent. A lot of people dock her for chuuni lyrics that don't sound correct in English, but frankly the lyrics just aren't put together very well. I'm going to sound autistic here, but this kind of stuff really counts for listener experience. Let's use Gravity as an example.

>How to stay afloat in this world and all of its gravity
>When every day the pull is grabbing me
>And it's easy thinking nobody here's understanding me
>Maybe I'm not alone, maybe I'm not alone

The first two lines here are actually good bordering on great. Gravity <-> grabbing me doesn't seem like it'd be a good rhyme, but in the song it sounds really good. This is important because it's the chorus and it SHOULD have a really good hook. The last two lines literally directly contradict each other though. Is that me being too autistic? I don't think so. It's not as if a listener is going to actively notice and dislike it, but it's going to prevent there being any strong accumulating effect or crescendo happening.

>Those nights when your energy is nowhere to be
>Nowhere to be found
>Do you see the light or does it feel like abyss?
>Oh, it's bottomless (oh, it's bottomless)

These are just nothing lyrics. You can call them too chuuni, but in my opinion they're just weak in general. "Nowhere to be, nowhere to be found" is one of the most noticeably weak repetitions I've ever heard in a song and actually actively takes me out of the song. It doesn't help that the verse melody for Gravity is kind of weak, and the song is held up entirely by having a great chorus.

I could do this one by one for all her songs, and they all generally suffer from this: really weak lyrics combined with slightly overbusy songs. But another aspect is that as a total vsinger, they keep sticking to her "concept" but in the most baffling ways. A good example is Here Comes Hope. I'm not going to post the lyrics here, but you can listen to it yourself. The song is nominally about hope but it literally has nothing to do with her singer concept. In fact, it would've made more fucking sense if the song was called Somethingsomething Despair. The song doesn't SOUND like a hopeful song, and then the lyrics do nothing to play with that apparent subversive/deconstructive aspect of it.
On that note, Caesura of Despair is actually good, matches her concept well, isn't overbusy, and the lyrics are probably the best of the IRyS songs even though there are a few weak lines. That's why the song has endured pretty well, besides being her flagship song.
tl;dr: IRyS suffers from bad usage of her concept, bad lyricists, and overbusy songs that lead to a muddled effect that make it hard for casual listeners to glom onto.

>> No.33191363

Because her voice is fucking bland. Sounds like she is struggling when she sings and it's very nasally.

>> No.33191427

I'm also going to admit to this as an IRyStocrat. It's strange because if you listen to her karaoke she actually has a strong voice, but for some reason the way they mix/direct her in her studio songs it's almost like they specifically ask her to have a soft sounding voice. I really don't get it.

>> No.33191548

Even in karaokes she sucks at nailing the important moments of a song. She would need someone to tell her how to fix that but she has no one like that in her life. You can compare how she sings the climax of Ghost compared to Suisei and it makes it easy to see why Suisei's singing is better received.

>> No.33191581

Ok bro listen to anyone else try to sing Caesura of Despair and tell me they sound anywhere near as good as her

>> No.33191674

Irys is a good singer but her songs just blend in together for me except for Here Comes Hope. I'm trying to recall some of her newer songs since they're better than her older ones (more emotive, more palatable to my occidental acliminated ears, etc) but I'm still failing so maybe that's an indicator that her songs should be more iconic. Irys' is much better as a cover singer anyway because unlike "her" orisongs, she actually gets autonomy on what to sing.

>> No.33191697

ouch the last one is painful, her sound setup is not doing her any favors at all

>> No.33191707

No one's gonna practice that song enough to give it a fair try

>> No.33191721

??? no one praises suisei for her range, in fact i would say it's one of her weaknesses
most of her covers are in a lower key than the original

>> No.33191799

Only acceptable post in this entire thread

>> No.33191873

Enna pls stop posting /here/

>> No.33191987

I agree that Gravity is carried by the really good hook. It should've been more dark.
I still think the English lyrics are getting better, but there's always some weird shit.

>> No.33192001

Because her original song lyrics are awkward almost-engrish

>> No.33192429

it feels kinda embarrassing when niji has good output overall, even EN has some good stuff from at least a production standpoint like how tsunami is a killer with great lyrics and ren's song is catchy enough

>> No.33192568

she's plain

>> No.33193189

you either don't listen to music or you have shit taste hth

>> No.33193276

I will check them out because of you anon.

>> No.33193421

Play Dice!

>> No.33195432

Cope overdrive

>> No.33195739

Joy with you actually has a good match between lyrics and song, while also having both a good verse and chorus. It really only suffers from being over busy and the English/jap mixed lyrics debuff.

>> No.33196009

I like how OP needs to falseflag just to get a genuine response from this board.

>> No.33196242

Sorry but the Joy With You lyrics are not good at all

>> No.33196393

I like her music but I hate her vtuber model and I avoid her streams, so yt algorithm stops recommending me her songs

>> No.33196664

Nah. It's the same thing with karaokes. That's what I was basing my opinion on.

>> No.33196821

>first impression is last impression
honestly yeah, idk what they were thinking having the EN vsinger's first songs be 90% japanese
they've gotten better with time but i remember loving here comes hope but hating that there was just random japanese in the chorus
by comparison i really like see the world because the chorus is fully english but most people who dropped her after her first songs won't come back to hear that

>> No.33196968

The music industry is controlled by digital marketing. Cover doesn't have that.

>> No.33197090

there are plenty of technically good singers that have no popularity because they have no sovl

>> No.33197355

Bad faith lying faggot is all I can say
Joy With You has good lyrics. It has a bit if ESLism to it but
>Something I wanted to know;
>Why were they smiling so?
>It’s so easy to see now that I found the key

The first two lines here actually come off pretty natural in the song. I don't know why. The first line seems like it would be clunky, and on paper it is, but it comes off well rhythmically.
The third line admittedly is a total nothing line and just adds in a new metaphor for no reason at all.
>They might clap their hands, sing a song, dancing to express the way they feel
>And I feel something start to come over me…

These two lines build up well into the chorus, and they match her concept well: she's a nephilim watching over humanity trying to understand them. Besides CoD this is like the only IRyS song that conveys this well.

>I feel I wanna join with you, join with you and share more joy with you, joy with you
>I really want to know my own true happiness

Join with you <-> Joy with you is admittedly not an incredibly satisfying rhyme, but it doesn't really matter. The chorus sounds great, her voice is actually powerful here, and it's evocative of someone pleading to be let in. And notice in my first post I talked about lyrical/music match. Decent lyrics and good music that match well have a synergy more than just the parts alone.
There's a lot of room for improvement with the song, just like the others, maybe even more actually.
>I cannot wait to see the beauty of the world that lies ahead

This is such a weak line to end the chorus on. Doesn't rhyme with shit. The melody fizzles a bit here. Switches from a metaphor of directly observing people to observing "the world" which kinda sucks the energy out of the whole thing.
A lot of people who evaluate lyrics just look at artistry or literariness or something. I don't really get it. If you want an example of really good lyrics that most people would shit on, the chorus of Call Me Maybe is a great case study. It's pretty much a perfect match of song and lyric that's easy to make fun of but incredibly hard to create.

>> No.33197577

seethe world had the same issue of translated english lyrics being forced into a melody timed for the original japanese. It took them until quarter bravery to realize the problem and even then they're not willing to give up the moonspeak, whether it's a refusal to work with western songwriters or just hoping some anime studio throws them a bone is up in the air

>> No.33197695

carly rae jepsen is severely underrated

>> No.33197953

Her early songs were mediocre so people don't click the new ones.

>> No.33198334

imagine listening to the retards in the replies that unironically think gura mori or suisei are good at singing, they are mechanically dogshit. They dont have natural skill either...for how much time suisei claims she practices shes just not gifted. 9/10 vtuber songs are low grade dogshit...once in a while you might get a cover or even more rare an original that is actually passable

>> No.33198439

ywn be a woman

>> No.33198460


Emotion is such a good album

>> No.33198556

she doesn't belong to in HoloEN, she's actually too good for EN and deserves to be a HoloJPer. We don't deserve you Irys.

>> No.33198670

Anon.... you do know that's the algorithm helping her cover? If people were watching her singing and not because youtube is confusing it with the original, she'd have more videos close to what the other girls are hitting. She doesn't even have a song that has crossed 2 million yet, even if you count the topic version of the same song when it was merged to her channel with the music note check mark. Last time I checked, to be even in the top 200 music videos that are the most watched in Hololive, you have to hit 2.3 million and that has probably grown some at this point. I forget how far away we are from getting 50 videos that are over 10 million but I think that will be happening soon like in another year.

>> No.33198720

This is what I consider to be a good music video. From a male vtuber, but very cute.

>> No.33199224

are.... we sure?

>> No.33199500

Mori was smart in the beginning when she was advertising her music. She was holding "concerts" i.e. streams where she sang half her music and half covers to keep the tourists in. Irys needs to copy that idea to get her music out more.

>> No.33199612

Jesus. That's just shameful.

>> No.33199651

Yes, he's definitely a boy. Anyway if Irys was 3D and dancing the videos would have a lot more views. Like for example imagine "One Step at a Time", which I really like, expect with her making shapes for four minutes.

>> No.33199724 [DELETED] 

I fucking miss namirin
Being irYs is such a downgrade
>goblin model
>throat hurt
>can't show her nails
>no Disney Karaoke
>talk about the sound engineer all the time
Glad I found another hafu utaite to groom

>> No.33199781

That music video was the biggest joke I've ever seen. I don't even know why cover released that one

>> No.33199818

Irys should leech off to Mori. Sure she's a better streamer with higher CCV, but it doesn't translate to song views. I just wish she AT LEAST shilled her songs during CHADcast episodes or at least ask Bae and Mori to move the show before her song releases so she can plug them. I'm SURE no one will mind if they youtube direct/raid a Chadcast episode to a premiering song.

I do not give a shit if Irys is a successful streamer. I want her to be a successful singer.

>> No.33200285

She's happy to just focus on streaming. What you want doesn't matter

>> No.33200305

Why do you guys love grooming innocent hafu girls so much?

>> No.33200357


>> No.33200378

not all singers are gifted with lyrics talent.

>> No.33200409

>Is this a case of first impression is the last impression??
She racked up half a million subs in her first week, a record for vtubers at the time. Her first impression was phenomenal. Cover was sitting on a gold mine but failed, and continues to fail, to promote her.

>> No.33200797

first impression was it for me. as soon as the EN Vsinger released a bunch of songs in japanese I lost all interest in her. I honestly didnt even know she had songs out after the Cesura of Despair EP.

If I wanted to listen to songs in japanese I wouldn't be listening to an EN Vsinger

>> No.33201482

t. pretentious nigger

>> No.33206298

A big part of her charm was how she was cut off from western internet for the past 10 years but that's pretty much gone now

>> No.33206799

lol truth hurts i guess... you literally have a chronically ill home ridden vtuber in ironmouse who literally mogs the entirety of hololive combined in both just natural skill and mechanics...face it hololive music is trash and always will be

>> No.33206916

Azki is the most veteran out f them lol. Her breathing style is unique to her. However, I agree she isn't everyone's cup of tea. She is really good at creating lyrics and producing music tho.

>> No.33207089

I'm the guy who ripped this image from Google and posted it here without realizing the white line on the top left and now people have started using it elsewhere and I feel like shit whenever I see it

>> No.33207279

producing and performing are not the same lmao...u can say her breathing style is unique to her...its flat out a lack of mechanics and bad habits...i don't understand how some of these vsingers have such shit breath control...its their career

>> No.33207316

Because Omegay. If A-chan was her producer, I'd check all her songs at least once. Hell, I'll even take Mori. That's how bad he is

>> No.33209035

Vtuber music is trash

>> No.33209305

Easily the worst fanbase for the worst Holo

>> No.33209620

let's be real, every utaite/indie singer that was worth something made it in the end like Nao joining fripside before nanjo, or reol growing really fast circa 2015. azki's rm has been doing this for over a decade and got nowhere close to these two examples and these are just two out of many I could give
ffs, even suisei made it

>> No.33210238

The algorithm hates black people

>> No.33215380

wait, omega is her producer?
lmao no wonder the quality is all over the place

>> No.33216246

Just for the first EP. She hasn't said who is on her music production team since then

>> No.33217692

>Alright, why the fuck are IRyS's songs not doing well??
people dont want jpop from westerners

>> No.33218971

People will continue to say that her design has "soul" or that no one actually minds, but I assure you at least half of the people being turned off from her content and music is because of her atrocious appearance.

>> No.33219106

honestly i like her design, the model is just awful
she looks good in MV art and stuff

>> No.33220288

her music doesn't suck because of a vtuber model lmao that's the biggest cope I've ever seen.

>> No.33220965

don't care

>> No.33221215

Her having less shit is literally HER decision. She nixed the kimono for whatever reason and she can't get any more outfits because SHE decided to push for a redesign. Outside of Cover handling all of her music shit where all she has to do is show up for studio sessions, she gets the exact same amount of support everyone else in EN does (zero).

>> No.33221336

Irys's music seems like it's designed specifically to market her to game and anime companies. Which is fine if that's the kind of music you like but it's not like they're hooking her up with notable pop producers or anything. The endgame is her singing in a game or anime, which is specifically a goal she said at debut.

>> No.33221445

you mean shit calli already did iirc by making music that at least was interesting or appealing to SOMEONE while literally no one in the world cares about irys's incredibly generic horse shit. I don't even like calli's music but at least it has reached people.

>> No.33221510

Irys should lean in to power metal and drag Watame along with her.

>> No.33221540

It's just the same composers that are usually working with the rest of Hololive

>> No.33221596

Had no idea she made music desu. To be fair i listen to mori’s songs, ironmouse’s and some nijisanji so I don’t really see much besides them

>> No.33221637

This is why hiring outside of the company helps avoid incestous creative(ly bankrupt) relationships like these. They don't have to be members of a new gen, they could just be content creators credited on the backgrounds.

>> No.33221664

i'm gonna sound crazy here, but i honestly feel like this relatively sparse support from Cover is actually going to make HoloEN more resilient in the end. making them work to get nice stuff instead of spoonfeeding is going to make people more grateful when nice things actually come like 3D Lives. The Holobrand alone is enough to make EN survive for 3 years. Doling out upgrades and making them work is what's gonna lead to the branch thriving in the future

>> No.33221698

tons of people actually have variety. look at polka / botan / mio all with less songs and more variety than irys lmao.

>> No.33221785

But unlike Council and Myth, Irys doesn't get to make her own thing because Omegay wants his own personal Vocaloid. The only musical autonomy Irys has is her cover songs - songs she was much more willing to shill than whatever Cover makes her sing.

>> No.33222011

Mio has one orisong, she cannot have more variety than IRyS

>> No.33222218

Hoshiyomis are truly the fucking cancer of HoloJP fanbase alongside Nousagis. They shit on every holo singer not named Suisei.

>> No.33222273

I was about to say take your meds and go back to Suisei's general and let's start a TEMPLATE situation there but
Stop dragging Suisei to your stupid shit deadbeat
Technique wise IRyS and Azki are still better, it's just Azki voice can't fit everyone's taste especially for non anime watchers and last time I heard IRyS' songs, she is still kind of lacking in emotion department but it's understandable since the theme of her songs aren't that easy to relate to
It's also not helping that Cover is terrible at marketing their VSingers
Suisei was in a similar situation when she was still in INNK
A lot of casuals don't even know INNk existed
And backstory wise, Suisei's backstory has that rags to riches charm
People are bound to be appealed to that kind of story
There are some hoshiyomis who are delusional and think Suisei is at her current place purely because of her singing, but it's a combination of her singing, marketing and her backstory
And that Omegay need to get his ass fired

>> No.33222388

Isn't 100k views on a song a good thing for a Vtuber? The fuck do you mean "not doing well"? Do you want them to be Hollywood level?

>> No.33222394

>she is still kind of lacking in emotion department but it's understandable since the theme of her songs aren't that easy to relate to
She has the same problem when singing any song in her karaokes too

>> No.33222446

Not for HoloEN

>> No.33222685

For an indie yeah lmao

>> No.33224612

view/sub ratios within specified time frames (48-72 hours) are massive in the youtube space regardless of genre, if you arent hitting 1/8 thats not good especially for a company with the exposure of cover, ive worked and interned at a youtube network for the past 5 years. Its laughable how dogshit cover is ran, its actually a miracle they are as successful as they are if the pandemic doesn't happen they prob dont have 50% of the revenue they have now.

>> No.33225042

IRyS usually makes that ratio though

>> No.33225750

>Hollywood level
Is at least 20M views in 2 weeks
>Isn't 100k views on a song a good thing for a Vtuber
Currently, One Step at a Time has 128K views in 2 weeks
For a Holo, especially someone who focused in music? That's not really good
And Irystocrats aren't really known for doing their reps so I doubt that numbers will incline much in a month

>> No.33225760

i wasnt specifically talking about irys more so the other big "vsingers" or ppl like mori and suisei

>> No.33225966

Mori's case is not really due to no vsinger brand
Her case is exactly like Coco's case
She is the rapper in an "idol" group and that contrast would make her stick out

>> No.33226149

Akatsuki to Hana is a tragedy
A lot of people don't even know she released that

>> No.33226328

Well, why are AZKI's not doing well? I really like some of her song that just got MV and found out that it was released waaaay back then, when she was on her first model

Well, for IRyS, imo she's an anime opening away from being a big hit. Lots of career boomed because they sang anime opening

>> No.33226412

I can't see anyone picking her to sing a popular anime OP

>> No.33226885

>t. schizo

>> No.33227347

I can smell ignorance from this post
I will admit that getting signed to UMJ is an achievement but do you know that record labels take around 80% from the sales? But since she's new and not that much of a big shot in the mainstream circle, there's a probability UMJ is taking higher than 80%
She might be getting the "Whoa Mori is getting signed to UMJ" but not the money

>> No.33229431

>not caring about your oshi's career
I don't know who your oshi is but you're an embarrassment and please stop calling her your oshi

>> No.33229770

She's making half a million dollar a year. Her career is doing fine

>> No.33229823

IRyS is making half a million a year? That seems really optimistic. What are you basing this off of?

>> No.33229910

Superchat + Merch numbers that were available and rough estimates of memberships and youtube revenue. Easily gets 500k with her 3 merch runs

>> No.33229978

based. im glad to hear theyre well into six figures

>> No.33230343

put some respect on wanwan, it's better than anything irys has done.

>> No.33231231

Tamaki is a male but the creator and VA of Tamaki is female
It's something like reverse babiniku

>> No.33231404

I just looked at her music playlist and only saw Howling

>> No.33231805

Last time I saw her she was numberfagging on the official channel with guras subcount completely unprompted while putting everyone else down at the same time. This wasn't even too long ago, bitch is just rotten

>> No.33231898

Thanks for putting the biggest bait bs in the beginning so I can stop reading your garbage two sentences in.

>> No.33232051

Because Mori puts work into them while irys just waits for cover to hand her a sheet that's saying "sing this" and be done with it.

>> No.33233033

irys will never be successful as a vsinger no matter how much omega wants her to
probably because of how much omega wants her to, actually

>> No.33233333

IRyS is such a generic singer. She's an alright streamer but I have no idea how she got hired as a Vsinger. I wasn't expecting a second Suisei when she debuted but I figured we'd at least get a second Azki.

>> No.33233532

>No proof
And even if she did I'm quite sure that's a gross income rather than a net income

No one know how much the talents percentage from merch so wtf are you babbling about
When was her last merch run? Because iirc around March this year (it was before Suzy's anniversary) the merch data can't be exploited anymore due a retarded ledditor

>> No.33233533

Nanawari no Enemy bros...

>> No.33233818

I have to assume you're not including Suisei, she alone has like 10

>> No.33235348


>> No.33236051

susan needs to kill herself

>> No.33236381

A singer's career is not only about money
Singers tend to have goals/dreams about their career
Commonly their goals are recognition from people, to be able to make money from music, perform at somewhere famous, etc
What about IRyS goals as a singer?
And don't be a retard
All Holos even the bottom of the barrel are guaranteed to have above average financial if they have worked for at least a year as long as they don't splurge mindlessly
Do you also think the fanbase of the top dogs in Holo are supporting theur oshis because they are worried about their financial? roru

>> No.33236430

Actually, when I think about it, I'm pretty sure IRyS has never done a karaoke of just her originals. She also doesn't promote them. I've never seen a "pre-release party" stream from her.

>> No.33236806

People usually talk about money in terms of gross income, yes. We have data for her half-anniversary merch and her birthday merch 20 hours after opening as long as you believe the anon that was compiling it.
She never gave the impression of having any goals like that; she never shared any, at least

>> No.33237107

Anon, your bait reps...

>> No.33237842

Look at my cute granny go!

>> No.33238034

Think the only cover of an irys song I've was diorama from azki

>> No.33238515

Her goal is singing on the stage in front of the audience one day .And that’s why she is worried that her original songs are too hard too do live singing .

>> No.33238583

Suisei also sang here comes hope once .

>> No.33239082

Irys is incredibly adorable and hilarious, but I'm not really a fan of her songs.

>> No.33241278

she cute

>> No.33241398

Mumei is the cutest yeah

>> No.33244613

Don't feel bad for her.

>> No.33249193

That's the easier one from her debut EP, both AZKi and Mori have sung it. It's a shame no one covers her more recent songs

>> No.33256774

Her cover of renai circulation has more popularity/views that the original version. Only a brainlet could call her talentless

>> No.33256862

>her model is cursed
>vtubing is slowly losing popularity in the west

>> No.33257178

Only because she got lucky with the algo and the song got popular

>> No.33260860

>Do you also think the fanbase of the top dogs in Holo are supporting theur oshis because they are worried about their financial? roru
They do it because throwing money at them is the closest you can get to giving them an upboat.

>> No.33263430

People who care for singing.... know better singers outside hololive.
People who want cute girls know cuter holos than her alien botched design job.
But we must admit that overall popularity is a fickle thing. It's not necessarily the most skilled or the cutest that win. Charisma? Stream topics? Small talk? So many variables. All vtubers would like to know that secret sauce.

>> No.33268134

doesn't matter how good she is or isn't when all the songs she has suck shit.
